ALL ROUND PROSPERITY 7th of July, 2006

Halleluiah! 3 John 2 beloved I wished above all things that you mat proper and be in health even as your soul prospers. In every man’s life there is always a turning point, you hear one sermon and it changes your life permanently, you hear one teaching, just one teaching and things are never the same again. You hear one testimony and everything changed completely.  For example, it is one testimony that I heard that changed my life on divine healing. When I got born again, I was rejoicing in the Lord, but I have problem with my health. Malaria was knocking me down every two, two weeks and then the pastors will say “I thank God, I have not taken a tablet and so on and so forth”. I will say this people are looking for those they will kill. Who knows what you do in your bedroom.  I knew him in the church that he was bent double with a walking stick but one day we came to church in the morning and he was walking straight without walking stick.  And they told us that the old man was going to give his testimony in the evening service.  I was the first to get to church that evening and I heard the testimony of the Old man, it changed my life. He told how he went home and as is custom was, he was going from house to house witnessing with his walking stick.  And then the devil spoke to him; if your God is as powerful as you say how come he didn’t heal you? Everything in your life that is challenging your God, the Almighty God will remove it tonight. The devil said to him old man go home, stop deceiving people. The old man said an holy anger welled up inside and he took his walking stick; broke it , stretched up and said to God, if I am going to die, am ready to die but I am not going to walk bend double again. I am not going to allow the devil to laugh at you because of me. You see this old man had contacted one disease when he was young and that deals with his stomach. Anytime he stretches up, the whole stomach will begin to burn like fire that is why he was walking bend double. He rose up and began to walk. I was listening carefully. He said as he got up the fire began and he began to sweat. I said this man is telling the truth.  And then he  began to walk home and he was beginning to feel dizzy, he said to God, please God , if I am going to die, let me get home. Don’t let me die in the street. I said this man is speaking the truth. He said as he continued the journey, the fire continues to burn, but as he stepped on the threshold of his house, the fire disappeared. In the mighty Name of Jesus, whatever is the reproach in your life before you get home today, they will disappear. When I heard that testimony, I told the devil; try what you like from now on Jesus will be my doctor. And I am decree to somebody here today in the name that is above every other name, sickness will leave you alone. I heard only one teach concerning faith that changed my life. Sunday school class! That is why those of you who don’t go to Sunday school, you don’t know what you are missing. My Sunday school teacher at that time was Pastor Aderibigbe, he is sitting down there, he was teaching on faith and he gave one illustration just one that changed my life completely. He said the issue of faith is like that of a boy, standing on the top of a tall building and the father is downstairs and he says to his father, father shall I jump.  If the father says jump, the child will jump; Confident that his father is there to catch him. The child does not even know whether his father is strong enough to catch him but that is my father, he asked me to jump here I come. And he says God is the Almighty, if He ask you to do anything according to His word, do it, He will not let you fall. That is me since then, from that day onward, I have jumped every time God says jump and God has not let me fall.  You need to hear only one sermon and your life will never be the same again. That is why I pity those who come to the Holy Ghost service once in a while. You don’t know which service God had arranged specially for you.

But one day an old man about eighty six years old gave a testimony that changed my life.

January this year, by the grace of God I celebrated more than thirty one years of divine health.

There is somebody here today from this day onward, everything you trust God for, shall be done in Jesus name.

 I have told you the story of my uncle, he use to be  rich and things went bad, terribly bad, to such an extent he was borrowing the wrapper of his wife to sow his own cloth.  So one day he decided that death is better than shame. But he decided that he would die in grand style, he said he is going to attend his own funeral service. He would go to church, he will sing, he would dance and then he would come home and commit suicide and everybody will say ha! We saw him in the church. He came to church and as the preacher was preaching and the preacher said when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said that the God will serve, he will deliver us. They did not know how He will do it. That is all he heard. I don’t know how God can get me out of my present trouble but he got Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego out of their own problem.  He said I won’t die yet. I want to see how He will do my own. The Almighty God, who brought Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego out of the fiery furnace, will bring you out of every problem in your life in Jesus name. And then the tide turn for him, the day he was sharing his testimony, in his place of work, he brought fourteen cars in one day. There is somebody here today, you don’t know how God will do it, but very soon, we will share your testimony here.

So I want you to listen to me very carefully tonight. The God we serve and this God I serve is a good God. Hundred percent good!

James 1v17 it says every good gift and every perfect gift, comes down from the father of light with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, He is a perfectly good God and He wishes you Good. Not bad at all. In Jeremiah 29v11 he said I know the thought that I think towards you. Thoughts of good not of evil, that you may have an expected end.  Meaning what He said I want your tomorrow to be alright. In Psalms 35v27 the bible says God has pleasure in the prosperity of his people. In the text we read today. In 3 John 2, that God says I wished above all things that you will prosper, that you will be healthy, as your soul prospers. The good God, the hundred percent good God says I want round prosperity for you. You’ve probably see the drawing that they have in the poster. You can see a family there; they have a big house. But they have a chapel next to their house; that they built themselves, they have a car for the husband, they have a car for the wife. The two children have bicycles. You can see the family they are sports people. They have just come from exercise and what are they doing, right out there? They are searching the scriptures. Healthy family, wealthy family, studying the word of God. All round prosperity, Wealthy, healthy, close to God that is the plan of God for your life. No sickness, no poverty, no demons in your house that is the wish of your good God.

But then what do we discover? Very people attain to this perfect will of God for their lives very, very, few.


Scientist has told us, nobody ever yet uses more than ten percent of the brain that God has given him/her. Why? As soon as they get to a certain degree, they believe they have arrived. Wealth and some of you who think you are rich, you don’t even know the meaning of wealth, and you don’t even know the meaning! A man was going for a stroll and saw a factory, dirty like every other factory; he said “what factory is that”, they say that is where they make Rolls Royce. He said what! The car I ride comes from that dirty factory? The following day he went to the people, he says I want to buy your factory. They said out factory is not for sale; go home, you cannot afford the money. He said “how much does it cost?  How much is the whole thing you have here; add it together, multiply it by two and come and collect the cheque”.

I can’t allow the factory where my car is made to be this dirty like this. You don’t know what is wealth, But from tonight. Things will change.


There was one man in a town near my village that had a little taste of wealth before he died. He saw a place where he wants to build is house but there is a secondary school there, he said this is where I want to build my house, they say there is plenty of land, he said this is where I want to build my house. He told the school, I will relocate, build you better buildings because this is where I want to build my house. I am not recommending that you spend Gods money that way but a day is coming, when one of you will get up and say I want a church in this location and the people there will say no, no, our houses are not for sale and you will tell them. How much does it cost? Multiply it by ten; I will make you an offer that you cannot refuse.

When I was in Kano state; in 1979, I said I want to begin a television program on Kwara television.

They say they won’t allow you, that was the situation then.

 I said they will allow me, so I went to see the manager, I said I am a lecturer in the University, I want to begin to broadcast in this television station every week. Because I said I came from the university, they know they have to handle me with care. They say that is fine if you know you can pay. And what should cost about N250 naira at that time, they said N1, 750. I said I will pay and I started paying. I gathered some of my friends together; we contributed together and we started paying.   When people began to write them to say thank you for a wonderful program; we have received healing, they reduce the money steadily till it became N 650 naira. If I had no money to start, the program would not have started everything that does not allow you to do what you want to do for God, is poverty and it must be removed tonight in Jesus name.

Some people don’t become what God wants them to become because; they thought they had arrived, when they have not even started.

When we came to this camp ground, I have told you before, the first auditorium, 100 meters by 50 meters. My friends said to me, “let us wall it round”. It is big now. I refused, they said when is this going to be full, it is the biggest auditorium now in the whole of Africa.     I said thank you. And then we began to get some land, by the time the land was about a 100 acres; they say now Daddy let’s build a wall; for security purposes. How can I build a wall we don’t even know where we are going yet? All I know is that God told me is that He is going to build a city, and it is going to be the biggest city in Africa. My friends meant well, it is just that God meant better. I decree today, every wall that has been built round your destiny shall be pull down. I would just show you some example in the scripture, how God meant well for people and they fail to reach the goal, so you can learn from them Take Moses, Exodus 3v 11-12 God said to Moses when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship me on this mountain, but Moses never made it to the promise land. Why? He has one little fault, his temper can be violent, that is the only problem he had. He journeyed for forty years but he never made it to the promise land. That is why when I hear some of you says I am not perfect, I have just one little fault. You better cry to God and become perfect because that small little fault may truncate your destiny.

Did he do it? Joshua13v1 God said Joshua. You are old now and yet there is much land to be possessed. Joshua did not become what God wanted him to become. Why? Because he keep saying there is still time. There is still time! Brethren, there is no time! Every day we are growing old! Before you know it, you are old; it is only like yesterday when we enter year 2006. Six months already gone, gone forever. So those who say, we are taking things easy, we are killing time. Every day that is gone is gone. Once a child is born, the child is already dying. That is why when they ask you about the child, they don’t say how young, they say how old?  Never leave till tomorrow, what you can do today.

What about Joshua? Great Joshua, the God said to Joshua in Joshua1v1-4, God said Joshua, where Moses failed you will succeed. You will be the one who will divide the promise land to my people.

 I will take it easy when I reach my goal. Because as God leaves, this is one man who will reach his goal before he dies and you will reach your Goal too; as a result of tonight. There are some of us who are very, very lazy. There are some of us who are enjoying when they should be working. There are many of us who think you have arrived when we have not even arrived. There is a proverb in Yoruba which says. Muslim cleric in Ibadan, a sweeper in Lagos. In other words you think you are something now, maybe you need to travel and see.

Pastor Adeboye, “why are you always rushing up and down? When are you going to take things easy?

 My first visit to Zambia, God brought me in contact with a man of God; who had four churches in four countries. I think the fifth one was in Zambia. They took me to his church to preach and God spoke to me and said “tell him to join the Redeemed Christian Church of God, I said God, I am a visitor here.  I am visiting for the first time, how can I tell a man who had been doing his own work all this year to come and join me? I said Lord “you know I have never disobeyed you before? But this one Lord, you have to help me! You have to do two things; bring him to me, and then ask him to ask me what your message is for him. Do that for me, I will tell him. And I was getting ready to sleep; 12midnight the man came knocking at the door, I learnt that you are leaving tomorrow, what is Gods message for me.  I said yes sir, thus saith the Lord, surrender your ministry to the Redeemed Christian Church of God. He said is that it? I said yes sir; he said that is a difficult thing to do. I said thank you sir; I said I thought so too. And he got up and left God said to me, this man because of a river has lost an ocean. That man would have been our man in all the nation of East Africa today. Maybe he still has his five churches but now we have hundred. Whatever will not allow you to become what God want you to become God will destroy it tonight.  

The Lord said that is my plan for his life.

What about David? Great king David 2 Sam.71-16. God himself said David I will establish your kingdom forever. It was God that said it, but then David decided to look where he shouldn’t look.

 He took another man’s wife and killed the man, he taught God wasn’t watching. The same God came and said David; the sword shall never depart from your house, Listen to me my brethren, this is not an ordinary Holy Ghost service it is a special one. The reason God has not brought some people to where he wants then to be is because of the lust of the flesh.

 So you are doing it and your wife hasn’t caught you yet, or your husband it yet to discover; you are killing yourself, you are killing your destiny, because God is watching.  He has a plan for your life. A great plan don’t destroy God’s plan for your life.. Do I need to tell you about Samson, that great giant?  He became a prisoner in the hand of the enemy; because he refuse to be the under the authority of his parent. I pray today, that whatever it is, that the enemy is using to slow you down. The Almighty God will destroy in Jesus name.

Now why all these introductions?  It is because I have a deep feeling in my spirit that this particular Holy Ghost service is designed for somebody. For somebody here tonight, whether he has been coming before or he is coming for the first time, the turning point has come in Jesus name.

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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