Worship the King of kings, worship  the Lord of lords, give him glory, give him honor adoration, bless his holy name, he is worthy to be praised, he is the Almighty God, with him all things are possible, bless him adore him, lift him high. He is the KWing of kings and Lord of lords, he is the unchangeable changer. He is the one who can reverse the irreversible.

Bless his holy name, give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration today, bless him, tell him you love him, tell him you appreciate him. Give him all glory, give him all honor. Lift your voice to him let him hear you praise him, let him hear you worship him, let his adoration be in your mouth. Bless the ancient of days, bless the rock of ages, magnify his holy name, he is worthy to be praise. Give him all glory, give him all honors, give him all adoration, bless the king of kings, bless the Lord of lords. Thank you father, thank you Lord… in Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

I want you to lift your voice to him loud and clear and say father; you are the Almighty God, prove yourself in my life tonight, go ahead talk to the Almighty God… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

You are the mighty God, the great I am, halleluiah 2ce

You are the king of kings the great I am halleluiah,

You are the mighty God, the great I am, halleluiah 2ce

You are Jehovah shalom, the prince of peace halleluiah 2ce


You are the mighty God, the great I am, halleluiah 2ce

God ask me to tell you, that the testimonies of tonight will be many.

Eternal rock of ages we bless your name, thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, thank you for April, thank you for May, thank you for June, thank you for July, thank you for August, thank you for September, thank you for October, thank you for November, accept our worship in Jesus name.

King of kings and Lord of lords, Higher than the highest, bigger than the biggest, stronger than the strongest, older than oldest, wiser than the wisest. The Almighty, accept our worship in Jesus name. Tonight, do something new; visit all of us, solve all our problems. Do something might; save souls oh Lord, heal oh Lord, deliver oh Lord, let there be breakthroughs tonight, put the enemy to shame tonight and let your name forever be glorified, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Let somebody shout halleluiah!


Luke 1 v 37 for with God nothing shall be impossible.

We can group human needs broadly into three categories: physical, social and then spiritual. Physical in this group you have physical needs like healing and health, material needs like food, clothes, and other financial needs. Mental needs like wisdom. We will group all those together and call them physical needs.

 Now for healing; healing is extremely healing with God Psalm 107 v 20 says that all God needs to do to heal you is to just speak a word; he sent his word and he heal them, it doesn’t even have to move just speak. That’s what the centurion said, he said just speak a word and I know my servant will be made whole, but if he wants he can touch you, and by touching he can cure the incurable. In Matthew 8 v 1 -3 he touched a leper and he was cleanse immediately, as far as God is concerned there is nothing call incurable. To medical science it might be incurable; aids, HIV, whatever might be incurable to man but for God, just a single touch, that is why I am confident, that somebody whose case is consider incurable; you will have a testimony tonight.

When it comes to provision, material provision, with God, that is easy in Matthew 6 v 25- 33 for example he said all those things like what will I eat, what will I wear, what will I drink are mere additions. He said why don’t you just take a look at the lilies on the field, look at ordinary grass and see how beautiful they are, why don’t you consider the birds in the air, how many of them have you seen dying of hunger, if I can take care of all these little, little ones, then you made in my own image why are you worried?

He can take little and turn it to much, he can even produce something out of nothing, he has done it before, and he will do it again. So those of you who may have problems not knowing how some financial needs will be met; in the mighty name of Jesus, you will testify very soon.

When we talk about mental needs, things like I am a student I don’t know how to pass my exam or not, he says in his word James 1 v 5 he said all you need to do is just ask me, he said if anybody lack wisdom let him ask. He made your brain; if the brain is not performing normally he can replace it.

Am sure some of you will remember the testimony of one American young man who have been heavily into drug and when the doctors said that his brain have been fried like an egg so he doesn’t even know what he is doing anymore. When we prayed all we say is if the brain is fried then give him a new one. In less than one hour he became normal. So if you need a new brain tonight, receive one in Jesus name.

Thank you Lord, the Lord said there is a man here, he said your manhood have been getting weaker and weaker, the Lord ask me to tell you he has given you a brand new one.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said it started as a small pain, but it is getting more and more severe. The Lord ask me to tell you, before the sun rises you won’t even notice it anymore.

Now talking about social needs, this one in the group we have things like martially needs, success in the place of work, progress in life, promotion etc.

 All these things are easy with God, Marriage for example is his own idea, he is the one who said it is not good that man should be alone, that is why I know that is you are believing God for a partner, God is not deaf to your cry and he is going to surprise you very soon.

If you are believing God for the fruit of the womb, you need to know that God himself is a family man; when Jesus was teaching his disciple to pray in Matthew 6 v 9  he said in this manner you should pray our father who hart in heaven, he could have said our God who hart in heaven but he said our Father telling us that God himself is a family man, he is a father and you cannot be a father if you don’t have children, those of you who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, just remember that he doesn’t even like bareness in Deuteronomy 7 v 14 he said there will be none barren among you, either male or female not even your cattle. And you believe the bible, the word of God that is forever settle that says in Matthew 3 v 9 that this God can even bring children out of stones and your womb is not a stone, in that name that is above every other name, nine months from now we will gather to rejoice with you.

 Talking about progress in life, he loves to promote in John 12 v 32 he said  I if I  be lifted up will draw all men to myself God loves to draw people upward, it is human being who likes to push you down, when they see you succeeding they want to say something to reduce your success to nothing; what is he doing we know him at the beginning, his he not the son of so, when he first came to Lagos we were the one feeding him, but thank God that level have change. For somebody here tonight, your level will change tonight.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight he said mark my word, you will weep for joy before the end of the year.

Thank you father, the Lord asks somebody to do something, an act of faith, he said I want you to shout halleluiah because your miracle is at hand.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, he said when the story is over, and there will be no sign that you have ever suffered a loss.

I was talking of 1 Samuel 2v 8 he says this God is so powerful that he can pick a beggar from a dunghill and lift him up until he begins to sit among princes.

I have said it before, I am saying it again, I am prophesying to somebody tonight, nobody knows you now but before you die you will be dinning with heads of state, because with God nothing shall be impossible.

Let’s look at spiritual needs  now these includes intangible things like freedom from demonic oppression, peace of mind, joy, anointing, ability to perform miracles etc. These might be spiritual needs; with God they are all easy.

John 8 v 36 says whosoever the son shall set free shall be free indeed. In Isaiah 49 v 24 – 26 he said even if you are a lawful captive that you are the one who worked into the trap with your eyes opened. You knew what a secret society was and you joined willingly, he said I can still get you out. He said if those who capture you won’t let you go easily, he said I make sure they drink their own blood. When we talk about rest or peace of mind, he said come I give you an invitation, Matthew 11 v 28 – 30 he said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest, peace for your soul.

 When we talk about joy in Psalm 16 v 11 the bible says in his presence there is the fullness of joy. So if you need joy turn to him he knows how to make people full of Joy. He had already prophesied to us this evening that some of us will weep for joy, joy so full that you will begin to weep for joy, that is kind of God we are talking about.

You need power, power of God, he said you will receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you; you want the power of God?  all you need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and power comes. You want anointing? He said all you need to do is love what I love and hate what I hat and anointing will come.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight he said one of your adversaries is gone and all others will follow in quick succession.

Thank you Lord, the Lord says there is someone here tonight it looks as if the enemies are turning their attention to your children , the Lord ask me to tell you I will blind fold them

Daddy says there is someone here tonight; he said your testimony shall never be reversed.

In Hebrew 9 v1 he said if you will love righteousness and hate iniquity he said God even your God shall anoint you with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. so when we talk about human needs; mental needs, marital needs, financial needs, emotional needs, any needs you want to talk about, there is no problem with God very , very minor things.

One of the preachers who preached before me said all you need to do is put your needs side by side with Jesus Christ. Then he made a statement he said somebody who can give you an ocean, how will it find it difficult to give you a cup of water? Some very deep things came out tonight. The one who gave you Jesus Christ, his only begotten son, what else do you want that you can’t get from him. Everything that you need that will make your joy full receives it tonight in Jesus name.

 I was going to talk about why God is so able, but my children has already cover the ground, they’ve told you that he is all powerful, he is the God of all flesh there is nothing he cannot do; he can cure the incurable, maybe they didn’t mention the fact that he has unimaginable wealth because he said in Haggai 2v 8 that silver his is, gold is his. Maybe they didn’t mention the fact that his generosity is beyond imagination, that when people in John 2 v 2 v 1 – 11 when they ask for some wine, he gave them about one hundred and two gallon, that is about  some thousands of gallon of wine. David recorded that thou anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over that’s Psalm23 v 5 he can use anyone; he can use a widow to solve the problem of a prophet and use a prophet to solve the problem of a widow. In 1 king 17 v 8 – 16 you know the story when Elijah went to the widow of Zarephath, he used the widow to supply food for the prophet and he used the prophecy of the prophet to supply food for the widow and her son. So when you have a problem and you are thinking how these problems will be solved? Please don’t leave God out of your calculation.

I have told you before; when we were building the first extension to the first auditorium; I needed 17,000 naira to roof the auditorium. Naira was powerful in those days, it will be powerful once again (I didn’t hear your amen) and one of my pastors, an area pastor; whose duty was to build a little dormitory for his people. He needed one thousand naira to build his own dormitory, I had one thousand naira, I needed sixteen more and this pastor came in. I didn’t know he knows I had one thousand naira,.

‘Daddy please give me one thousand naira, I want to roof my dormitory.’ I told him if you don’t get out of here. He saw the way I said it and he ran, and the Lord spoke to me and said ‘give him the one thousand naira’ if I didn’t know God’s voice I will I said get behind me Satan, I needed sixteen more, you ask me to give what I have, but I knew who spoke and I called him back and gave him the one thousand naira and he went galloping away rejoicing. And I remember clearly that it’s not your fault, your problem is solved am back to zero. And God said to me, he said son why are you grumbling, there are two problems I have used you to solve one and it remain one. It wasn’t long after that that a widow collected her rent in Port Harcourt and God told her, ‘don’t touch the money send it to my son in the camp and it was exactly seventeen thousand naira. When you have a problem and you have problem, and you have prayed, stop worrying yourself on how God will solve it, he can use a prophet to solve the problem of a widow and he can use a widow to solve the problem of a prophet. He can use anything, he can use a bird; like he did in 1 king 17 v 2-6  he sent bird to go and feed Elijah. He can even bring water out of the rock he has done it before, he will do it again. Now I don’t want to say too much since my children has done an excellent job.

But there is a big question I want us to answer tonight; if God can do all things, why then are some of my needs not yet met?

I want us to look at that question for a few minute then we will go and pray,

The lord said there is someone here tonight, he said I will take over that project from you and do it myself.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he ask me to tell you, don’t look back you are almost at the finishing line.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said it looks as if the enemy has silence you forever, the Lord ask me to tell you, your voice will be heard again.

 He said there is someone here tonight, he said before the end of this year, expects three dreams like miracles.

Why then is some of my needs not met? Because I know God can do all things, I know he is the Almighty, he is the great physician, he can bring children out of rock, he can produce something out of nothing. All he has to do is speak and it is done, so what is the problem? Deuteronomy 28 v 1 -2 he said if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that he commands you, then blessings will pursue you and over take you.

Problem number one hindering our breakthroughs, physically, mentally, spiritually, materially, etc is that many of us hear but we don’t hearken. It is one thing t hear, it is another thing to hearken. Revelation 2 v 7 he that has ear to hear, let him hear what the spirit is saying. All of us hearing the sound of my voice; if I ask you to do a little experiment, and I ask you to ask the fellow next to you, what was it he has just said? You will be amazed that it is not what you heard that the fellow next to you heard, the fellow next to you may not even hear anything at all. Some hear but they don’t hearken and he said you must hearken diligently.

Then he said you must observe; to observe means to pay attention. Some hear but they don’t observe, they don’t pay attention. If you look at John 11 v 23 – 27 when Lazarus died and the sister came to Jesus, ‘if you had come my brother would not have died, Jesus said your brother will live again, Mary said ‘I know he will live in the resurrection morning. Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. the resurrection that you are waiting for is me standing in front of you now, those who believe in met though they die they will leave, do you believe in me, Mary said yes I believe. But when they got to the tomb some minute later, take away the stone, the sister said by now he will be stinking. Jesus said didn’t I tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God, you told me just now that you believe.

How many of you believe that tonight is when God is going to solve your problem, if you really believe let me hear you shout halleluiah!

There are some people that hear but they don’t do, he said if you will harkens to the voice of the Lord you God to observe and to do, some don’t do, they know what God said they must do but they don’t do it. No, no, they know God said give and it shall be given; but they don’t pay attention to how it must be given. God loves a cheerful giver, so when they say it is offering time, oh God they have come again, they want to take my money, keep your money in your pocket, because if you don’t give cheerfully you won’t get anything in returns. Pay your tithe, we know that, the time came and they pay what they consider their tithe the way they know.  The bible says bring all, if you don’t follow the details you can’t deal with this God, he is a God of details.

Healing you is no problem with him, promoting you is no problem with him, making you fruitful is no problem with him, but you must do it according to how he says. When he says ask and it shall be given, the question is how long should I ask, the bible says knock and it shall be opened, how long must I do the knocking? He said just keep on praying till your joy be full. Let me assure you something brethren, before you come for the congress, you will already be singing all is well. Because tonight you will change your attitude to the way you deal with God.

He is a holy God, he doesn’t give miracle to those who will not leave holy, you want miracles without a life of holiness? no, no, what you need is not miracle, it is magic and there are several prophet of the devil who will give you magic any day, all you need to know is that if you get anything from the devil the devil is coming back to ask fro returns, but my God his blessing maketh rich and add no sorrow, that is why he says if you come unto me, those of you who labor and are heavy laden, he said I will give you rest, but you must take my yoke upon you, you must learn of me, you must do things the way I want it done, any time after that anything you want, you will get.

I will tell you one more stories, you probably hear it before then we will go and pray, just to let you know about this powerful God, so that you need to relate to him the correct way and he will begin to come through for you. I travel to the US for about two weeks, when I returned the temperature was hot here and I asked my daughter who came to collect me at the airport, ‘ what happened didn’t it rain since I left, she said it didn’t rain, I said you didn’t pray, she said ‘I prayed’ but he didn’t rain. So I said alright it will rain. About one hour later it began to rain, so my daughter came to me and said daddy, what did you do that we didn’t do? We prayed for rain for two weeks it didn’t rain, you came and you prayed carelessly that it will rain and it rained.

So I said when you were praying, did you offend your mother, he said ‘no’ she said you know if we do that fire will fall. I said when she ask you to do something did you do it cheerfully or you grumbled a little. She said ‘she will always ask you to go and do something when you are enjoying yourself, so I said so you grumbled? I said that is why you didn’t get answer to your prayer, because God said honor your father and your mother.

If the way is clear between you and God you don’t have to sweat before you get a miracle, he is more than able…. He said the word impossibility is an insult with God that he has zero tolerant for impossibility, so when there is a problem in the children of God, it is more or else pointing a finger in the face of God, saying God where is your power? So he wants to solve your problem so that his name will be glorified.

 The question is what are you doing in secret that is not in accordance with his word, get rid of it tonight and before the sun rises, you will be singing a new song. So if there is anybody here tonight who have not give his life to Jesus, come to Jesus now, you cannot continue in sin and expect his grace to abound, but If you come to Him, his blood will was h you from all sin and when you are clean, miracle will be following so fast that you will be saying God this is too much.

So if you want to give your life to Jesus , before I count ten, come and stand before me now, let’s pray together so that his blood will was h your sins. So if you want to give your life to Jesus begin to come now.

Those of you in the front continue to pray, ask him to be merciful unto you, ask him w to safe your soul, ask him to wash you in his bold, promise him you will serve him, ask him to be your lord and your savior and the rest of us lets stretch our hands towards theses people that the one who save our soul will save their own soul, let’s intercede for them…Thank you father, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed


Savior we bless your holy name we know there is no one you cannot safe, your world says you safe to the outermost anyone who to God through you, thank you for these people who have come, cleanse them today in Jesus name, write their names in the book of life tonight in Jesus name, write their names in the book of life today in Jesus name. And forever oh Lord let them remain close to you in Jesus name; don’t let them go in to the world again in Jesus name.

Have you a burden that you can’t share with any one? Talk to God about it for a minute… Thank you father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

 In Jesus mighty name we have prayed, the burden bearer will help you lift up your burden in Jesus name. The kind of joy that bring tears, God will give you in Jesus name. You will be the next to testify in Jesus name, this month in particular God will surprise you pleasantly, he will bless your offering he will sanctify it and he will use it for his glory and before we meet again your joy will overflow. Even as you go home, miracles will follow you all the way and there will be miracles waiting for you at home also, so shall it be in Jesus might name we have prayed. Let somebody shout halleluiah!


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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