ITS TIME TO FLY 11th of December, 2020



DECEMBER 11, 2020.



Thank You Father.

Well, let us lift our hands to the most High God and begin to bless His holy name.

Let us give Him glory, let us give Him honour,

It takes the miracle of God for you to be here tonight, for us to be alive and well in spite of everything the devil had tried, it takes the miracle of God.

Go ahead praise Him

Bless His holy name

He is worthy, He is worthy to be praised.

Give Him glory, give Him honour; there is no one like Him; bless the Almighty God; bless the Almighty God

Worship Him, worship Him.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.

Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

He is worthy, He is worthy to be praised; He is worthy to be praised.

Give Him glory

Thank You Father

Thank You Almighty

Be glorified forever O Lord

Thank You Lord

In Jesus mighty name we have worshiped.

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour




We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour




We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour




We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

Ancient of days, we worship You; the Alpha and the Omega, the Unchangeable Changer, we bow before You. Thank You, thank You, thank You, that we can be together again, thank You; thank You, thank You, thank You; thank You for Your faithfulness, thank You for Your love, thank You for Your mercy, thank You, thank You, thank You. O thank You Father.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight listening to us and He wants me to tell you, your own red sea will part before the end of the year.

O thank You Lord.

Just receive all the glory tonight; let all needs be met, all over the world where all Your children are connected to us now, everything they need that we make their joy full, give unto them tonight. At the end of it all, take all the glory, take all the honour, and be glorified forever.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Well, let somebody shout hallelujah.

I just want to you wave to two or three people near you and say from now on you will fly.

And then, you may please be seated.

Tonight is a night none of us we ever forget for the rest of our lives.

Yesterday, when I was talking to you online, I spoke on prayers, and I told you what is called ordinary prayers – usual, casual – you wake up in the morning and say good morning Lord, I am going to work, see You later on.

That kind of prayer, you know the type.

And I talked to you about prayers that can bring angels down.

Then, I talked to you about the kind of prayers that can bring God Himself down, the kind of prayer that will cause earthquake.

But what I want to do now, I want to give you some details on types of prayers because we are going to send majority of the time tonight praying.

When we talk about details or types of prayers, the type number one is what is called Thanksgiving.

Psalm 100 verse 4 talks about entering His gate with thanksgiving in my heart…

And then, that moves us to the second level of prayer which is Praise: I will enter His gate with thanksgiving in my heart and enter into His court with praise.

And then, Psalm 34 verse 1, I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

And then, you go to another level, and that is the level of Worship

Like Psalm 18 verse 1 to 2, the Lord is my strength, the horn of my salvation, my high tower, etcetera etcetera

You know, the Bible says in John chapter 4 from verse 23 to 24, God is a spirit, they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

And then, you go to another kind of prayer, and it is called Supplication.

In 1Kings chapter 8 from verse 46 to 50, He says if Your people offend You O Lord and You punished them and they then repent, and then come to You with supplication, then You forgive them.

Supplication actually is a prayer of begging, particularly by a sinner who is repenting.

And that moves us to the next kind of prayer which is called Intercession.

In Numbers 14 from verse 11 to 21, when the children of Israel offended God and God told Moses, Moses let me wipe them out and begin another nation through you;

Moses said, no God, don’t do it so that people around will not say that You are not able to take them to promise land that is while You kill them.

Intercession – you are begging for forgiveness for someone else.

And then, we move on from there to the kind of prayer called Demand.

In Matthew chapter 6 from verse 9 to 11, when the Lord was teaching the disciples to prayer, when He got to verse 11, He said we go to God and say ‘give us this day our daily bread’.

We are not begging you for it, we are demanding it; it is our daily bread, we want it now, give it to us.

You know when your child comes to you in the morning and say mummy, I want to eat

The child does not come and say mummy I beg you give me food; the food is mine; I want it now.

Take note of that prayer because we are going to be involved in that tonight.

And then, there is a deeper form of prayer, is a Prayer of Command.

I am sure you will say ‘I am not sure we could command God!’

I am not the one who said so, it is God Himself in Isaiah 45 verse 11, God said, the Holy One of Israel said: ask Me of things to come, concerning my sons, and concerning the work of My hand command ye Me.

Who said so?

God; the holy One of Israel.

He said, as far as it has to do with the works of My hands, command you Me.

Take note of that because we are going to be doing some commanding tonight.

And then, the final one, is Decree.

I think I mentioned that one briefly yesterday.

You see, in Job chapter 22 from verse 21 to 28, the Bible made it clear, if you satisfy certain conditions, you will decree a thing and it will establish unto you; you will decree a thing and it shall be established unto you.

I hereby decree straight away that your joy will be full tonight.

And we have examples in the Bible:

1Kings chapter 17 verse 1, Elijah said, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, no rain, no dew until I call for it again.

He did not say I pray; he did not say I beg God; he said I decree.


May I issue another decree?

That kind of sleep that won’t allow you to receive your full blessing tonight, we not come near you at all.

Now, the last three kinds of prayers that I have already mentioned: Demand, Command, and Decree.

At the three, we shall be involved in the next one hour or so.

So, tighten you belt, because I will be calling on you as soon as possible to stand up and pray.

The prayer may sound a bit challenging to your little hearing, that is while I gone through the period of Bible teaching to prepare you.

The matter had been settled between My Daddy and I, we are not coming here to beg tonight, we are here to demand, we are here to command, we are here to decree.

If you are in agreement with me, let me hear you shout hallelujah.

Then, let us start.

When the Almighty God said the theme is It is Time to Fly, a question came to my mind straight away: whose time?

You see, Ecclesiastes chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8, says there is time for everything.

I mean, for example, in Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4, the Bible says when the day of Pentecost was fully come – ‘fully come’.

So, there is a time for everything.

However, in Psalm 102 verse 13, the Bible says thou will arise and have mercy on her, because the time to favour her, yea, the set time has come.

Haa! Okay.

So, whose time?

You see, because there could be a crowd; believe it or not, there is a crowd listening to us tonight, at the camp, there are many many centres set up so that we can comply with self-distancing.

In all the major cities of the world, there are viewing centres and they are watching us right now.

So, when we say it is time, it is possible to be just one fellow in a crowd.

You see, because in John chapter verse from verse 2 to 9, there was crowd by the pool of Bethesda, but only one got a miracle.

He has been there for thirty-eight years, his time came, Jesus got there, healed him, and left; He left the others.

Whose time?

In John chapter 9 from verse 1 to 7, there was a man who was born blind - for forty years he had been blind, and one day the disciples were talking about him, asking questions:

Who sinned – his father or himself?

They were talking about him, but he is the one who got the miracle, the others were talking.

We are many here tonight, some people will be talking; maybe only one fellow will pray

Because we need to find out from the beginning, from the beginning of this night that we will never forget, whose time has come.

I have shared with you before, the first time I went to America to attend Kenneth Hagen camp meeting, and I saw miracles happening, and I made up my mind that I must see this man before I go back to Africa

And they told me it is not possible.

I said, it will be possible.

To cut the long story short, you know the story, I saw him, I got what I wanted, because I believe my time has come.

Whose time?

Stand on your feet, lift you voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, we are many here, but I hereby demand tonight must be my night.

Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

We are many here, I know You say it is time to fly, but I am not talking about anyone else, I am talking about myself now, I demand it must me my night tonight. I demand; I am demanding Lord it must be my time; it must be the time of Enoch Adejare Adeboye, it is my time; it must be my time, that is my demand Lord. I am demanding it Lord, it must be my time, must be my time. It must be my time. O yes Lord, I demand right now, it must be my time to fly; my time, my time, I am just talking about me now, between me and You Daddy; it must be my time, my time to fly. My time Lord. My time to fly Lord. ***speaking in the Holy Ghost***. it must be my time Lord; I am demanding it, I am making a demand now Lord, it is my time, it must be my time to fly, tonight must be my time Lord, must be my time, must be my time. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

May God grant your request.

Please be seated.

Now that we have settled whose time it is, the question then, the next question is, exactly when?

You see, when you study the Bible, you will find that some miracles can take time.

One may take a year, like in Genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14, when God said to Abraham, tell your wife, within a year you will have a son.

So, that miracle is born within a year.

Some miracles may take a week – Joshua chapter 6 from verse 1 to 20, God told Joshua the wall of Jericho will fall but it is going to be seven days’ time.

Go round once a day for six days, and on the seven day go round seven times, and then you can then shout.

Joshua should have said, if he has some revelations we have now, why wait for one week?

I know You Lord, you made the heavens and the earth, the wall is built on Your earth, if You want to pull it down today, You can do it.

Some miracles could take a week.

Some miracles could take twenty-four hours

Like in 2Kings chapter 7 verse 1 to 11, Elisha said, by this time of tomorrow, there will be plenty of food - Twenty-four hours.

But you see, some miracles cannot wait.

I mean, when you read Daniel chapter 3 (you can read the whole chapter), when they were throwing Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace, the fire was so hurt that those who threw them in were killed by the heat of the fire.

If the miracle of deliverance for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not happen immediately, the story will be different.

When you read Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52, has Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by, and he began to cry, and the people around asked him to shut up…

You know the story

If he had said okay, okay, I will keep quiet today, maybe next month He would come again, he would have died a blind man.

If somebody near you says you are shouting too much tonight, ask the fellow to relocate.

You see, because, hey, a day like this comes only once in a lifetime.

Oh, there would be other congresses, there will be other Holy Ghost services, but there would never be another one like this; never.

I will just remind you briefly.

Several years ago, I was invited to come and preached in a Baptist Church; I won’t mention the name of the town; they asked me to come and preach on the basic doctrines of the Bible.

So, I agreed.

I got there, I spoke on salvation; I spoke on sanctification, I spoke on healing, I spoke on deliverance, I spoke on prosperity, I spoke about the second coming of Jesus Christ, and I spoke on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

And I was a very young man then, maybe I should have kept that one to myself, but they asked me to some and talk on the basic doctrines.

When I finished, the member said, if we want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, can it happen today?

I said of course.

You want it, you pray; I join my faith with yours, God will answer you.

The Pastor got angry, he told me to get away from his church.

And so quietly, I picked my Bible and I left.

As I was about to enter my car, the members surrounded the car, and say you are not going anywhere, today, we must be baptized in the Holy Spirit; they blocked my way.

I have never been back to that church, but everyone of them got the baptism that day.

I want you to stand on your feet and lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, I know it is my time, but I am saying, it must be now; I demand attention now.

Go ahead talk to Almighty God.

Now, I must begin to fly now, not tomorrow morning, not in twenty-four hours’ time, not next week, not next month, now, now, now, now O Lord, now; I demand Your attention now. I know it is my time, that is already settled, but I am saying my time now, now, now; even now as I am praying I demand it Lord; I demand divine attention now; now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, I am not talking of next year, I am talking of now; now Lord; I demand Your attention now, now; now. Almighty God, I know You are busy, looking after the whole world, but I am Your son Lord and I am asking for attention now, right now Lord, not tomorrow; not tomorrow. Now, is my time, and it must be now. ***speaking in the Holy Spirit***. Now Lord, now; at this very moment Lord, I must have Your attention, I must have it now. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name w have prayed.

And so shall it be in Jesus name.

Please be seated; you are doing fairly well.

Now, let us go to practical aspect of flying.

Let us talk about Physical.

Thank You Almighty God.

Daddy says someone had been saying again and again recent times: oh God will make a way; God will make a way. He asked me to tell you: yes, I will.

You see, when we are talking about the physical, if ascertain actions are delayed, someone could die.

I mean, if for example somebody had an accident, and he is bleeding, and they are rushing him to the hospital, and there is a traffic gam on the way, a delay of just one hour can cost the life.

For example, in Mark chapter 5 verse 20 to 24, and verse 35, Jairus came to Jesus, he said please Lord, my daughter is sick come and help me to heal her.

Jesus said, okay, I will come along with you; on the way somebody stole a miracle and caused a delayed.

By the time Jesus finished with that fellow, people came from Jairus house, don’t worry the Master anymore, they say the child is already dead, but thank God, God still intervened.

In Mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34, in the case of the woman with the issue of blood, the Doctors have tried and failed,

She did not beg, she forced her way through the crowd, and grabbed her miracle.

In Mark chapter 2 from verse 1 to 12, you will remember the story, Jesus came to a town and four young men can a man who was paralyzed from neck downwards,

They did not beg their way in, they forced their way in.

Jesus never came back to that town; there was no other day like that for that fellow; they broke the roof and got what they wanted for their friend.

You see, the Bible says from the day of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence, the violent take it by force.

I was visiting a Pastor friend of mine several years ago, and we did not know that his wife was a witch, and she was killing as many of the children of the husband as she wanted.

I got to the house, and the wife was carrying a baby on her back, and they said that child will never allow anybody else to carry her.

As soon as I entered, that child practically jumped out of the back of the mother towards me; I had to catch her quickly.

Later on, we are were to learn from the mother that that child was to be killed that day.

The child saw the representative of the Almighty God who can deliver her and forced her way out of death into life.

Stand on your feet, cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, I am flying out of sickness tonight, tonight, not tomorrow.

I am getting heal tonight; that is my demand, not tomorrow; no more pain, no more ache, no more disease in my body now, I demand absolute healing, complete healing today, today. No waiting, I am not waiting, I want my healing now, I am flying out of sickness tonight, tonight; tonight, tonight, everything that is not of God in my body must go out tonight, must go out tonight; they have to go out, they have to go out. I am not begging them to leave, I am commanding them in the mighty name of Jesus they must get out. Tonight, every form of sickness or disease that may be in my body, every ache, every pain, in the might name of Jesus, they must go, they must go tonight! I am not begging them Lord,  I am making a demand on His stripes; You have paid for my healing, You have already paid for my health, I am flying out of sickness, out of disease tonight. O thank You my Father. Glory be to Your holy name my Lord and my Saviour, I am flying out of sickness tonight, we have already settled it, it is my time to fly, my time to fly is now, okay then, I am flying out of sickness tonight. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

And so shall it be in Jesus mighty name.

Please be seated.

Oh thank You Lord.

Do you really believed what you have just prayed?

I want you to prophesy to the fellow next to you: Do you know I am going to wake up tomorrow completely whole?

If you believe that shout a big hallelujah.

Let us discuss Material things.

You know, the elders have proverb, I will try to interpret it as best I can in English.

They said ‘embarrassment can come in one day, but they say the shame can last forever.’

In Yoruba, they said, ‘ojokan la’te, ojojumo loju ti ni.’

I decree for every one of you here, you will never know another form of financial embarrassment.

For example, in John chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11…

Oh thank You my Daddy.

The Lord asked me to tell somebody, He said, you will laugh again.

In John chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11, at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, when they ran out of wine, if God has not intervene that day, the embarrassment would have last forever on the couple.

And you know what?

The interesting thing is that when the mother of Jesus came to Him and said they need help, Jesus Christ said My time has not come - it is not time yet.

Haa! The mother said, not yet will become now.

Whatever blessing God means for you that is hanging somewhere in the future, I decree right now it will come to now.

I mean, consider the story of that widow in 2Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to 7 – you know, the husband died, left her with heavy load of debt, and I am sure like that sister who got a prophesy tonight, must have been saying God will make a way, God will make a way

But when the creditors came and said by tomorrow if you don’t pay, we will sell your boys,

She when to God and said, my time must be now.

Or consider the case of the widow also in 1Kings chapter 17 from verse 8 to 16

When Elijah came to her, she said, I have only one meal left to prepare for me and my son to eat and then die,

I have explained that to you before.

She did not say we will eat and then wait till death will come for us.

She did not say we are going to starve to death.

No, she said we will eat and commit suicide.

If Elijah had not come that day, it would had been too late.

Some of you will remember the story.

During our convention here – first convention at Redemption Camp, I was bold, I asked everybody to come, free feeding.

They came.

I ran out of money.

My wife came to me in the morning: sir, we need five thousand naira.

Naira was powerful then; it will become powerful again.

Those who are deliberately devaluing our naira before tomorrow morning God will intervene.

Anyway, so, my wife said we need five thousand naira.

I asked her, it is today or …?

She said what is the different.

I did not have a kobo.

When do you need the money?

She said today.

You can go.

I cry to God, I need a breakthrough, it cannot be tomorrow, it has to be now.

I have told you the story before.

It was not long after then, one man drove in, he was not a member of the church, flowing gown.

What is going on here?

O we are having a convention.

O this is beautiful.

He said, next year I will be part of it.

Haa! we are talking of today.

And then, he put his hand into his pocket, brought out an envelope, and said in the meantime…

I said, now, you are speaking, and gave me one thousand naira.

I don’t have time to tell you the whole story.

But it was not long that I sent for my wife: how much do you say you need?

Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, I demand, before the new year, I must have a major financial breakthrough, that is my demand Lord.

I demand a major financial breakthrough, major one Lord; major one, and I want it very very soon, very very soon Lord, I don’t want to be put to shame, I want a major financial breakthrough now, a major one Lord, I am demanding it now. Silver is Yours, gold is Yours, and I am Your son, I am Your son Lord, I can’t afford to suffer financial embarrassment I am Your son; don’t let me put to shame Lord, don’t let me be embarrassed; Lord God Almighty, send help now and send it now, send help to me now. Thank You Father. Thank You Saviour.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

So shall it be in Jesus’ name.

And anyone blocking your way to financial breakthrough shall be uprooted.

Please seat down.

O thank You Daddy.

The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said I AM your Advocate, your case is already settled in heaven, it will soon be settled on earth.


O thank You Father.

I know this one is for me specially.

The Lord is saying there is someone listening to me right now, He said, whatever you pursue in the coming year you will capture.

Now, let us go to something Marital; let us look at Marital issues.

When you read Genesis chapter 29 from verse 16 to 30, you will find the story of a girl there called Rachael.

Each time I consider this girl, I marveled at her patient -

A man came and say he is going to marry me, and he said he will first of all work for seven years before coming for me.

Okay; I waited seven years, and then my father played a trick and my elder sister got married.

And they asked me to wait another seven years.

Haa! Rachael must be very patient o! very patient.

But even her patient came to an end one day.

Because after she got married, she could not get a child.

By the time we got to Genesis chapter 30 verse 1, she spoke out; looked at the husband: oga, I have waited for fourteen years patiently; now, I am married to you, and I am waiting again.

She said no more waiting.

Do you know the interesting is?

It was not long after she said no more waiting that God answered her.

Any one of you, who knows any relative, who is still barren, let me hear you shout: no more waiting.

Gentleness at times can kill.

And tonight, things are going to change, things are going to change.

All my daughters who are of marriageable age, no more waiting.

And all you boys, all you boys, who are of marriageable age and you are wasting time, I decree, you will marry next year.

Listening to me my children, I told you at the beginning, this is not a night for joking.

When I was talking to you yesterday, when I was talking about prayers that will cause you to fly, I gave you the example of Jacob who knew that death was coming and then he met an angel who was wrestling with him, and the angel said let me go

He said go where?

You are not going anywhere until settle my case.

Certain miracles should not be delayed.

Stand on your feet, lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, You performed Your first miracle at a wedding, I demand concerning every marital issues in my family, You must intervene tonight.

You must intervene tonight, You must intervene tonight; barrenness must be over now, no more waiting; my daughters must be settled in their homes very soon, my sons must be married very soon, no more waiting, no more waiting; You perform Your first miracle at a wedding, no more waiting Lord; barrenness must stop tonight, tonight in all my families, all this waiting waiting, waiting for the right husband to come, waiting for the right wife to come, no no no, no more waiting Lord; no more waiting, ***speaking in the Holy Spirit***, no more waiting, no more waiting Lord. Thank You, thank You Daddy. No more waiting, no more waiting, no more barrenness, not yet must become now; not yet must become now, now, now, wedding bells must ring, wedding bells must ring all over, all over; no more waiting. Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

And so shall it be in Jesus’ name.

Don’t seat down, down seat down.

***speaking in the Holy Spirit***

Daddy says a healing wave is blowing, blowing.

Just go ahead and receive your own, worship God and receive your own.

***speaking in the Holy Spirit***. Healing wave is blowing right now. ***speaking in the Holy Spirit***. Bless His holy name. Thank You Daddy. Let the wind continue to blow , let the wind continue to blow, let the wind continue to blow, Father let the wind continue to blow, let it remove everything that is not planted by God in our system, let it bring reversal of the irreversible, let the wind begin to blow. ***speaking in the Holy Spirit***. Let the wind continue to blow, let the wind blow now. ***speaking in the Holy Spirit***. Let the wind continue to blow. Thank You Father. Thank You Daddy. Glory to Your name.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Let somebody shout a really big hallelujah.

Please be seated.

O thank You my Lord.

O Lord; thank You Daddy.

Daddy wants me to tell you little story that you have heard before.

I was travelling out of Africa for the first time, I am going to Canada, there is this Conference of Applied Mathematicians all over the world.

The Nigeria Airways of blessed memories took of late, and by the time I got to London, the British Airways that was to take me to Canada had already gone.

So, the British Airways people gave me some tickets and sent me to hotel near the airport so I can sleep, eat, till the following afternoon.

I have never been to Britain before.

I got to the hotel, and it was time to eat dinner; I went down, and I saw two restaurants – one on the right, one on the left.

Well, so, I just to myself when I get to heaven I am going to be on the right side; so, I branched to the right.

And I am telling you, I saw food like I have never seen before; I ate.

The following morning, I came down for breakfast, at the same place.

In the afternoon before I go to join the plane, I went for lunch, I went to the same place.

When I was about to come out that afternoon, they asked for my tickets, the one they gave me for feeding.

So, I showed it to them.

They said haa, you are (what do they call the general class?) economy; your restaurant is on the left!

It was already too late; I have been eating with first class people, three times.

Now, the Lord asked me to tell you that story, He said there is somebody here today, early in the coming year, three major breakthroughs that you do not deserve, is coming your way.

Go ahead, shout a big hallelujah.


Well, if you are the one, take my advice, be grateful when they come.

Now, let us consider something at the level of spiritual.

In Mark chapter 5 from verse 2 to 19, the mad man of Gadarene (you know the story), as mad as he was; so mad, he was living in the tomb; something within told him there is only one chance for restoration of your destiny.

When he saw Jesus Christ coming, something within told him this is your day don’t miss it.

In Matthew 15 from verse 21 to 28, when that woman of Cana came to Jesus, begging Him that her daughter was grievously vex of the devil, and the people said he was too noisy that she should go away

She did not keep quiet; she knew the time has come for her deliverance.

She knew somehow it is either that day or never.

In 2Kings chapter 2 from 9 to 15 (the text that I read to you at the beginning) when Elijah asked Elisha: what do you want before I be taken away from you?

Elisha knew there would never be any other day for him to get what he wants from God.

Elisha knew this is my time to get the double portion of the spirit of Elijah.

Elisha knew this is my now to become what I want to become spiritually.

The word of God says in 1Corinthians chapter 12 verse 31, God say you have my permission to be covetous when it comes to spiritual gifts.

One of my daughters was reminding me one or two days ago, when the family came, I gave somebody else permission, but she came with them.

And I was asking since the whole family is here, what do you want?

One says I want my business to prosper.

One says I want success in my career.

The youngest of them said: Daddy, I heard you say that you want the double portion of some anointed men of God; you know what I want Daddy? I want five times there anointing.

I shook my head.

For somebody the time to fly has come; for someone, by the time they leave here tonight the ability to raise the dead will already be deposited in them.

For someone, just to sing in the choir, and the lame will begin to walk, the blind will begin to see, the deaf will begin to hear, that time has come.

But some people will pray desperate prayer that I used to pray.

And I will remind you of just one, that is if you are interested in things spiritual.

As I was walking about in this camp, in the 1980s - early 1980s,

I have tried everything to make the church grow, to make the ministry prosper, I had done everything I knew I could do,

I have fasted, I have prayed, I have done seminars, I have done everything, and I was not getting the kind of result that I wanted.

I was walking somewhere, not too far from here, and I said to God, I have surrendered all to follow You, to do this work, it is either you give me the power to do it or You take me home.

That night, the camp shook, and the felt the shaking as far as Ijebu Ode.

Check the news of the eighties, pictures that were hung on the wall were falling down.

You are going to talk to God tonight: tonight is not ordinary portion, we want double portion of Your power, of Your anointing, of the ability to do mighty things.

 I cannot ask everybody to pray that prayer, it is only those who are interested in spiritual things.

Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God: my Father, my God, I demand, double portion of Your anointing; power to heal, power to set the captives free, power to raise the dead, power to do mighty things for You, that is what I want.

Tonight, not next year, I demand, double portion of Your anointing, double portion of Your power, double portion of Your ability, double portion of Your wisdom, double portion of Your auction, that is what I want, it is my turn to fly, my time is now, before it is too late, before it is too late; double portion of Your power, double portion of Your anointing, double portion of Your auction, double portion of Your revelation, double portion of Your strength; o Lord God Almighty, double portion of Your anointing, give it to me now because my time has come, my time has come. Thank You Lord. Glory be to God. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Receive it in Jesus mighty name.

Please be seated.

I will soon bring first part of this programme to an end, so we can get ready for the other section.

Now comes a question:

Why do you want to fly?

Why do you want to prosper mightily?

Why do you want to be called one of the richest people in the whole world?

So, you can show off?

Or so you can be popular?

Let me tell you my children, popularities have a lot of disadvantages.

There are things I used to enjoy; they won’t allow me to enjoy them any more now.

I can drive in the street, stop, and buy boli and enjoy myself; if I do that now, we will have a crusade.

Why do you want to fly?

Why do you need a power of God?

Why do you need money to do anything you want to do?

So that you can speedily reach the world before it is too late for the sinners.

So that you can show them signs and wonders because the word of God says without signs and wonder so people will belief.

Why do you want to fly spiritually?

Why do you want the double portion of the anointing of the most High God?

So that when people are in trouble, they can come.

So that wherever you go miracles arrives.

How many of you will love to be a vessel unto honour in the hand of the God?

Let me hear your amen loud and clear.

How do I become a highflyer?

You know when Bishop Oyedepo was preaching yesterday, he said something very interesting.

He said you walk by common sense; you don’t need to go the University to learn how to walk.

He said but he said when it come to flying, you fly by instruction.

And when we are talking about flying an Aeroplan, we are not talking about theory, it has to be by practical; somebody must be there seating by you showing you this is the button to press, this is the button to pull, by practical teaching.

I just want to back that up.

Proverbs chapter 13 verse 20, the Bible says if we walk with wise, you will become wise.

You walk with the wise, you will be wise.

So, in the next few minutes, I want you to consider three people who practically flew:

Elijah, flew to heaven,

the Lord Jesus, flew to heaven,

Philip, from the records we have, when God wanted to transport, the holy spirit will just pick him up and take him somewhere.

I studied the three of them and I found that they have certain things in common.

All three, performed miracles.

And I decree tonight that from today onward you too will be performing miracles.

On what do I base my decree?

It is written John 14 verse 12, Jesus Christ said, the work that I did, you shall do also; and greater works than this shall you do.

Who is He talking to?

I cannot hear you.

The three of them performed miracles.

The three of them were incurable soul winners.

Elijah won a whole nation.

As for the Lord Jesus Christ, within three years of ministry, the Bible says He left behind about five hundred brethren, He left behind five hundred soul,

I calculated that mathematically, that came to a soul every two days,

Philip, he converted a whole city to start with,

They were incurable soul winners.

You wonder why I keep running up and down?

I want to be in their club, club of incurable soul winners.

They are ready to go anywhere for God; will to do anything for God; they obeyed God instantly.

And you know what?

They became unforgettable.

Nobody can forget Elijah; on the mount of transfiguration, he was there.

Of course, nobody can forget the Lord Jesus Christ,

And you know there were seven people they made Deacons the day they made Philip a Deacon, and if I asked you what are their names, you will remember Steven, you will remember Philip, the rest they were forgotten.

You want to join the club of the unforgettable, there is a price to pay for flying, and it is a very simple price – obey instructions; whatever God asked you to do, do it,

Do not listen to those who seat in their armchair giving you theories, win souls, follow them up, build churches, begin with your village.

As soon as I become born-again, the first church I build for God was built in my village; charity begins at home.

The coming year, by the grace of God we are going to build ten thousand churches in Nigeria.

How many of you will join me in building them?

Let me hear shout hallelujah.

When God says pay your tithe, yes Lord.

Don’t listen to those who are not going anywhere.

You want to fly, they are some people who will forever crawl, you are not going to be one of them.

Don’t listen to those who argue, when God say honour Him with your first fruit; honour Him and leave the rest to Him.

If they try to disdain you, tell them nobody is forcing me, I want to fly.

You want to crawl, no problem, in three years’ time come and check where I am.

And these people – Elijah, the Lord Jesus Himself, and Philip – they were fasters, they fasted often; always fasting.

They would tell that there is no more fasting that Jesus has finish all fasting.

Ask Paul, the Apostle of grace, he said, I fast often.

O Daddy, are saying we are going to fast next year?

If I say you are not going to fast won’t you riot?

We will fast, and I will tell you why.

I don’t know all that God want to do next year but my Daddy has told me for His children, next year is going to be the year of restoration and that the restoration will be in three categories:

For some, it will be slow and steady

For some, it will be fast and steady

For some, it will be flying.

And so, there is going to be fasting and you can write that one down: For six-three days in three sections –

Twenty-one days for those who wants slow and steady,

Forty-two days for fast and steady,

Six-three days for those who want to fly.

How many of you are ready to fly?

Let me hear you shout hallelujah.

I wand to continue the Bible study but God told me something just now…

Please stand on your feet

He said the heaven is open over us now, just go ahead ask anything you want; ask anything you want, the heaven is open, ask what you want now.

Thank You Lord. Hallelujah Father. Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

It is done in Jesus’ name.

Your testimony shall be many. For you this is dawn of a new beginning.

So shall it be in Jesus mighty name.

Let somebody shout hallelujah.



Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach