Post your testimony on this wall.

IDONGSITE ETOP Period: June, 2020

I want to thank God for His might healing hands on my brother and my friend. My brother developed serious waist pain, he was in and out of hospital for months, he lost his job because of this. I could reach him cos we were in different states, so I rub the anointing oil that was bless in camp on his picture on my phone. I recieved a call that he woke up one day, the pain was gone, till today and he was healed. My friend too became very sick, and was hospitalized during this lockdown,I had a dream how they brought his dead body home. And again I remember my anointing oil, I rub it on his picture on my phone and pray for him to stand up from that hospital bed. I recieved a call two days after that he was discharged. Pls everybody help me and praise this wonderful God.
Lagos, Nigeria

OLUWASEUN CHUKWUMA Period: August, 2017

During the August Convention (HALLELUJAH CONVENTION) Jesus Christ healed my wife of HIV. It happened that five months after our wedding, my wife was three months pregnant and she dreamt that someone used blade to cut her in the dream. After the dream she was having serious headache and I took her to the hospital to register her for antenatal. My wife was tested positive to HIV, the doctor told my wife that her husband must undergo HIV test. When My wife told me about it, we were just praising God. I went to the hospital the following day and met with the doctor. The doctor said my wife was tested positive to HIV, I told the doctor na lie. I told the doctor that my Father said my wife and I are negative. The doctor said who is my Father, I told the doctor that my Father is the Doctor of all doctors, that all other doctors consult my Father. I told the doctor that I am negative and that my wife is negative too. The doctor insisted I go for the test, I went for the test and it came out negative, I was told to come back after six weeks; throughout the six weeks period i was having sex with my wife without using condom, after six weeks I went for test and it came out also negative. To the glory of Jesus Christ my wife is negative to HIV. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah
Rivers, Nigeria

OLUWASEUN CHUKWUMA Period: August, 2017

Three months after my marriage, my wife was diagnosed of HIV virus but Daddy G. O. said that this convention is for somebody and I tapped into it. I was told to come and undergo HIV test, to the glory of God it came out negative. The doctor said I should come back after six weeks; I was having sex with my wife throughout the six weeks period without using condom. After six weeks I went for the test again and it came out negative. To the glory of God my wife too is negative. Let somebody shout hallelujah!
Rivers, Nigeria

OLORUNFEMI O Period: June, 2020

I praised God for healing me permanently after the holy communion on thursday night.Praise God with me.
Abuja, Nigeria

TOLULOPE OLABISI Period: June, 2020

I want to thank God for healing after listening to a testimony of healing of lump in the breast at the May Holy Ghost service. I have been having a pain in my breast for almost 2 months but I received my healing at the May Holy Ghost Service when Daddy GO preached about the stripes of Jesus. I thank God I went for a breast scan and nothing was foind. Praise God IAM healed
FCT, Nigeria

PASTOR JOHN EDEH Period: June, 2020

I am pastor John Edeh from Edo province 8, Region 13 benin city.I
Thank God for the salvation of my soul and I want to thank God for the divine Operation he performed In my life.
I was diagnosed to have a challenge in my prostrate gland and the operation was to be performed on the 2of April 2020, but I told the doctor that the operation should be postponed to Monday after the Easter Sunday. On Friday during holy ghost night daddy's message emphasized on the elshadai God ,I held fast to the elshadai God during the prayer.I held the television during the prayer but before it was over I discovered that the pains subsided. In that period I used to pass urinate up to 15 times per night and I was asked to bring urine sample for 24 hours and it was about 15 litres , during Sunday service I repeated the act by touching the television before the service was over I discovered that my going out to urinate has reduced to less than 5 litres.
To my suprise when I went back to the hospital fully prepared for the operation after confirming the scan test there was no traces of the defect diagnosed in my body.
Thank you God of daddy Adeboye, the Lord will increase you in Jesus name.
Let everybody join me to shout Hallelujah.
Edo, Nigeria

DANIYAN OLUWASEUN Period: June, 2020

Praise God,I had a growth on my private part last year Nov/Dec. I didn't see it again until last week,then I went to the hospital to see a doctor and I was told it was cervical polyps, and I will have to go through a minor surgery to remove it. My self and my husband prayed together and I anointed it and always place the handkerchief Daddy Adeboye anointed on it. On Sunday May 31st/ monday June 1st I started having bleeding, and I went to the hospital to remove it, but while on admission in the hospital, I was taken to the assessment room to assess it in other to prepare for the surgery, but it pulled off with only a touch on it. So I went back home without undergoing any surgery, what looks like a mountain before me was made flat within a minute. Let someone praise the Lord.
Ondo, Nigeria

MORAYO ELIZABETH Period: June, 2020

I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul and i want to especially thank him in march holyghost service when i was told that i we be admitted in the hospital and we be doing abortion, that night i key with daddy on the tv and i place the handkerchief in my tummy to God be the glory i deliver safely without any operation. Somebody shout halleluyah.
Lagos, Nigeria


Praise God, I had a growth on my private part last year Nov/Dec. And ever since then I did not see it again, but two weeks ago I saw it again and I was scared, I went to the hospital and it was cervical polyps, and I will have to go through a minor surgery to remove it. My self and my husband prayed hard and believed in God and hold onto God's promises. I always place the handkerchief that was anointed by Daddy on it and anointed it too with anointing oil. On monday June 1st I started having bleeding I went to the hospital for d surgery. But we were only in the assessment room to assess the growth and then prepare for the surgery when the growth pulled off with just a little touch on it. So I went home without undergoing any surgery.What looks like a mountain to me was made flat within a minute. Let someone shout halleluyah.
Ondo state, Nigeria


I thank the Lord for the salvation of my soul and for the gift of life. The Lord God Almighty by His Light delivered me from the hands of armed robbers and kidnappers.

During the 6th of March 2020 Holy Ghost Service, our Daddy said that God is light and when God said, ‘Let there be light’, it means ‘Let God arise’. When God shines His Light shines, something happens immediately.

In the early hours of Sunday 24th may 2020, five armed men broke into my home by 12.35 am and carted away some money, phones, ATM cards and finally whisked me in to my car and drove out of my house. I was, thereafter, stripped naked, my hands tied and blindfolded and was led away into the bush. During the entire saga, all I could do was to sing praises unto the Lord. While I was in the bush with my hands and eyes tied, I prayed an important prayer to God saying, ‘…Lord, I want to be in the church premises as the manner has been since the lockdown to prepare the internet for the online ministration of our daddy GO for the few members who do not have access to the internet...’ Not long, I had just finished the prayers, light shone in the thick bush. The light was so powerful that the hoodlums took to their heels and fled. The ropes in my hands were loosed and I pulled off the folds on my eyes and took to my heels as well on the opposite direction out of the bush for safety. Indeed God answers prayers at the nick of time. God is light and the light delivers at all time. May His name be praised now and forever, Amen.

Deacon Damian Nwaneri
Benin City, Nigeria (Region 13; Edo Province 7)
Edo, Nigeria

AMSHE OGUN Period: May, 2020

I thank God for the salvation of my soul. I was suppose to come back to Nigeria to get married in June but because of the Coronavirus, flights were cancelled and plans quickly changed.I had also stopped working because my job was part-time and restricted to the office space. In the midst of all the uncertainty and pain, I told God to give me a miracle that will cancel all the pain i was feeling. In the holy Ghost Service of May 2020, Daddy gave a word that said, "during the darkness of the lockdown, your star will begin to shine bright." I held on to those words and thanked God. A few days later, my supervisor from work called me and she said they have a position that just opened up and the major requirement is that whoever is employed must have a Master's Degree in Public Health(MPH) and since I had just graduated with my MPH in May of 2020, she could not think of a better person to fill the position. The position is a full time position with benefits and health insurance just like i prayed to God for and the position is the same position which my supervisor is working and we are now colleagues in the same team. I just give this Mighty God all the Glory. He alone does what no man can do. Who did it! Jesus Oh my God!!!
Tennesee, United States

MRS. ONYENZE UCHENNA Period: June, 2020

Praise the Lord, I want to thank God for what he have done in my family. In January 2020 I received a call from my son in school that his was having stomach pains. Although he took some drugs but the pains was not going. we took him to hospital where they said that he had malaria and typhoid. He was then admitted and placed on drip for like two days yet no sign of recovery. We decided to change to another hospital and they said that they will run another test on we kept on praying and believing God. When the test result came out,it was discovered that his appendix burst. He was booked for a sugery immediately with three doctors on ground and to the glory of God it was successful and he is back on his feet. Praise the Lord.
Imo, Nigeria

OMOLOLA AJAYI-ODOKO Period: December, 2017

I return all the glory and honour back to GOD breaking the the curse of joblessness in female child over my life. What the enemies thought was not possible the LORD turned it into great testimony. To YOU OH LORD be all the glory, honour, adoration now and forevermore - AMEN
OYO, Nigeria


I thank God for the salvation of my soul. I listened to one of Daddy G.O's message on Dove media in January 2020. Decreed and declared a word of healing that there is somebody here experencing itching inside his stomach. He said the itching stops now. Immediately I received my healing the itching stopped, since then I have not experience such again. Praise the Lord.
Lagos, Nigeria

MRS OLUWADAMILARE Period: March, 2020

I thank God for the salvation of my soul, I connected to dad G.O during the special holy ghost in March and a word of knowledge came and I key into it, which say God said he will perfect all that concern me and give me new beginning which symbolize 78, I have be believing God for surgery since year 2016, I pray a prayer of faith and key in to this word of knowledge, during this lockdown that lord made it possible for me to enter the theatre and it was a successful surgery, let some shout halleluyah.
Lagos, Nigeria
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