Post your testimony on this wall.

SISTER ESEOSA Period: March, 2019

Let someone shout Halleluyah! I want to thank God for healing, during the march special Holy Ghost Service 2019 I came believing God for healing for my sister and then God said there is someone here who just came out of a crisis and Daddy says it will not reoccur and I claimed it, since then till now December 2020 , there has not been hospital admission in our family for anything. Also during the lockdown God showed me how I was backsliding and He showed me mercy, restored me, took me out of the wrong associations and situations and now He is closer to me than ever before. Thirdly, on the 1st of January, 2020 I noticed I was coughing up saliva and blood and also had bloody catarrh, so I prayed, I laid the anointed handkerchiefs on my head and rejected sickness, God healed me and nothing like that happened again. And in every way God has been faithful, He has blessed my family, business and my entire life. LET SOMEONE SHOUT HALLELUYAH!!!
Edo, Nigeria

ADA I. Period: November, 2020

I am sharing this testimony on behalf of my sister.

I promised God that I will come back to the RCCG camp to testify. I am however now resident in Canada. Please kindly read out my testimony to the glory of God because He did it!!! And I have come to pay my vow.

He is a miracle worker....
He is a miracle worker.....
He is miracle worker....
He has done it before and he will do it again.
Praise the Lord.
Want to glorify,exalt and thank God for his healing power, mercy and grace upon my life.
I had struggled with fibroid for over 10years, watched my stomach grow really large and had physical discomforting symptoms. I prayed and prayed, tried all sort of herbal remedies but all to no avail.
I really did not see myself having a myomectomy there was a fear of dying. I decided to discuss with a colleague if she knew any good Gynaecologist and I was referred to one. Unknown to us initially the Doctor was not a Gynaecologist but an Interventionist Radiologist and he spoke to me about a procedure known as UFE. I googled it and prayed and decided to have the procedure. UFE is a minimally invasive procedure that cuts blood supply to the fibroid thereby killing it. The treatment procedure promises atleast a 50% reduction and treatment of all associated symptoms during a period of 3 to 6 months.

The Lord Almighty provided the funds and I had the procedure and I want to thank God that before the 3months elapsed, the fibroid measuring 17cm by 16cm by 15cm shrunk so much that it could come out from by body by medical intervention and I am totally free of fibroid.

Praise praise the Lord.
Ontario, Canada

THANK YOU JESUS! Period: October, 2020

Please praise the LORD with me. GOD is good; GOD is merciful; ever faithful; ever-present.
I have been suffering from breast pain for almost 2 months; I went for all kinds of medical tests; mammograms, blood tests, and used all kinds of deep heat rub, but nothing worked. sometimes it will disguise as chest pain, then back to different sections of the breast. I prayed; had 7 days night vigil, but occasionally was still feeling the pain. I took Holy Communion on October Holy Ghost service and finally on Sunday; a Word came from Daddy- That by His stripes we are healed. And I simply confessed this and that day was the turning point. I did not even realize the pain had gone until a few days later. Glory, Glory be to God. Praise the LORD!!!!

GOD is good! Also, I want to thank the good Lord for delivering my child from an overdose of malaria drugs; on 13h November. He was supposed to take 1 adult tablet as a start dose, but did not listen to instructions and took all 3 tablets at once. It was very late in the night so we could not go to the hospital. I could see dark circles under his eyes. I gave him anointing oil to drink and made him try to throw up and drink some milk and water. Thank God nothing bad happened to him; he is fine to the Glory and praise of the Almighty God. Praise, praise, praise the LORD!!!
Hallelujah. THANK YOU JESUS!
Lagos, Nigeria

MRS VIVIAN BELONWU Period: March, 2018

I thank God for the salvation of my soul and that of my family. I give this testimony to the glory of God, to redeem my vow and to encourage someone. My first child's academics had been very challenging right from childhood. it had been from one extra lesson teacher to another in addition to school classes and the performance had be very very poor! i had been to several special Holy ghost services and congresses, prayed severally at the Open heavens gallery, sowed seeds did all i knew how to do but the performance grew even worse. I stopped being worried and i told God whatever it is pls see to it that he makes his papers in WAEC in one sitting and gains admission into the university without any delay and for me that would be the miracle of the century. I vowed to testify. Our God did it for me, my child credited all his papers in one sitting as i requested from God and gained admission into the university studying Marine Engineering. May the name of the LORD alone be praised. Let someone shout Halleluyah
RIVERS, Nigeria

SIS YINKA Period: October, 2020

I thank God for the salvation of my soul, I made it an habit to connect to Daddy G.O  on Dove TV at 9pm daily. On the 16th Feb 2020, a word of knowledge came and I keyed into it, which say "before the end of this month, the one for me will show up". Indeed, I reconnected with a friend from my past and we are getting married in Dec 2020. We believe that God will also make the wedding ceremony and our home a success in Jesus' name.
I also keyed into the word of divine healing from Daddy G.O. some months ago as we have been believing God for divine healing since last year. After the prayer of faith, God stopped the frequent visit to the hospital and changed the doctor's record to positive. We believe that God will also stop the daily medication. I'm here to thank the Lord for connecting me with my fiance and His divine healing. Brethren join me to shout halleluyah.
Osun, Nigeria

DCN Period: August, 2020

I want to give all the glory to the Almighty God for what He has done for my family during the last RCCG Convention 2020. In March 2019, in which the entire family was involved in a serious motor accident. My first son passed out but God brought him back to life. My self had leg injuries and I couldn't work for some months but God healed me completely. My wife had partial memory loss but God healed her completely. Our baby girl who was five months old had leg injury in which her left leg was growing in the opposite direction and the doctor said that the only remedy is to operate the leg and put some metal to correct it but my wife and I resisted. In this year 2020 convention Daddy spoke about the wonders of creations and we believed in God that He is able to heal the leg of our daughter. Lo and behold, after the convention, we realized that her legs were normal and the whole family was completely made whole. Let somebody shout Halleluyah.
Ekiti, Nigeria

CHUKWUEMEKA NWARIAKU Period: October, 2020

I want to thank God for His mercy upon me. He has healed me of the pain that has afflicted me since April 2020. A few weeks ago I discovered the pain has gone. Praise the Lord!
Lagos, Nigeria

EMMANUEL BOLAJI Period: October, 2020

a process me and my family has been working on hat was delayed by Covid has fast forwarded thanks to almighty God. We are believing he that has made us fast forward thus far would complete the balance even faster than any one on planet earth has ever seen
Lagos, Nigeria

DEBORAH MEDUPIN Period: October, 2020

I want to thank God for his faithfulness and provision for my family. Last month Holy ghost service September. Daddy said that God will opened the womb of our business that it will be moving from Prospering to Flourishing. I key to it and say Amen. since that day my business had been experience unusual demand. customers are coming to buy my goods from all over the state. I see God hands in my business. please help me to praise God. I also want to thank God for granting my sister safely delivery .May the name of the Lord be praise forever
CALIFORNIA, United States

OLUWATOSIN O Period: September, 2020

My name is Dcn. Oluwatosin, from the United-Kingdom. I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul.

During the Just concluded virtual convention tagged ‘’Wonderful’’, I keyed into the word of God from Daddy G.O, as I was believing God for a breakthrough in the area of a job, after series of a job interview with no success.

To the glory of God, the same month of the Convention, I had an interview via Zoom, and the God of wonders demonstrated His Wonderful power and I was offered a lecturing position at a University.

To God be the Glory.
Manchester, United Kingdom

JESSICA DAMIAN Period: March, 2020

Praise the Lord. I thank God for His mercies upon my family since I got married especially during this pandemic.God miraculously provided for us, we never lacked food to eat, we never fell sick throughout the winter period;all I want to say is thank You Lord.
Limpopo, South Africa

ARINZE Period: September, 2020

Glory to God ! I want to thank GOD for the salvation of my soul. For healing and good health, guidance and protection. But especially for the job security.
During this pandemic, my company downsized the workforce and alot of people were affected (laid off from their job). it's a miracle that I am not among those that were picked. Hallelujah!!
Lagos, Nigeria

PASTOR JOHN UDAYA Period: September, 2020

Online Testimony for October 2020

I am Pastor John C. Udaya of RCCG, Songs of Victory Parish, Ikorodu, Lagos. I have been having brain wave and ear problems for some years now. I have been to LUTH for brain scan and ear test for up to 3 times but nothing was found.
During the March Special Holy Ghost Service, at that very night, i continued praying as usual but this time i asked my God to please send my case to Daddy G.O. Let him mention my case. This i was repeating for up to 40 minutes before Daddy G.O arrived.
Brethren, 3 mins as he mounted the podium, he said that there are some people complaining about the size of their heads that God was reshaping them. I said in my mind NO- not my request.
5 minutes later, he said that anointing is dropping in the brain and ear and nose for healing and immediately i claimed it.
Brethren, I was made whole.
To God Be The Glory.

I Pray for Daddy:
Daddy, you will be like Melchizedek and Elijah after your very very old age on earth.
You will never suffer pains of death, so shall it be in Jesus name. AMEN.
Lagos, Nigeria

PASTOR MIKE AGU Period: August, 2020

I was sick unable to speak due to throat issue and during the convention, I decided to leave my house with my family to lodge somewhere in the camp for the program. When I got there I told my PP's wife - LP2 who prayed for me, encouraged me to key into the program and also meet the nationl prayer team for prayers. I did and by the end of the program I came back home and in a week's time the God of wonders healed me and made it possible for me to preach the next Sunday in first and second services. Praise the Lord. Haliluja.
Lagos, Nigeria

EMMANUEL Period: August, 2020

I thank God for the salvation of my soul. God has been faithful to me. There was a lump on the right side of my private part for over 5 years due to MASTURBATION, the pain was excruciating.I'd asked God for forgiveness and stopped the illicit act by His grace but the pain continued.
During the 2020 convention, our daddy prayed on our handkerchiefs. I trusted God, prayed for a miracle and placed the handkerchief in my boxer's short overnight, covering the lump. The lump did not survive that week as it kept reducing until it totally disappeared. Brethren, over 5 years of pain was terminated. Now I feel no pain and no scar.
I really appreciate God for His everlasting mercy. Thank you Jesus! Praise the Lord.
Lagos, Nigeria
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