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THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF PETER 5th of January, 1999THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF PETERAmen! God is going to visit somebody here tonight (Amen!) If you are the one shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Since petrol could not stop you from coming, the One that you have come to visit will visit you tonight (Amen!) I believe there is someone here tonight who will have several testimonies before Lekki. If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Let's go before Him and worship the Almighty. Let's worship the Ancient of Days, the One who reigns forever…..There is none holy as the Lord… Oh! Yes! let's bless His Holy Name! Yes, You are wonderful Lord!! You're holy! You're glorious! You're mighty! You're glorious! You're marvelous! Oh! We bless Your Name Lord! There's none like You Lord! We will continue to bless, we will continue to glorify Your Name! We will continue to lift You up! You are wonderful! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Be Your Holy Name! O King of Glory we thank You! We thank You! We worship You because You are mighty, You are glorious, You are fantastic, You are glorious, You are powerful! Oh! You are loving, You are kind, You are glorious Lord! – we will praise You, we will lift You high! We bless You forever and ever. There is no one like you my Father and my God! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Be Your Holy Name Lord!! Oh, wonderful Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You for helping us! Thank You for your goodness! Thank You for your mercy! Thank You for your support! Thank You for everything! Oh, we bless Your Name Lord!! We give You glory! We give You honour! We give You adoration! We Thank You for what You have already done. We Thank You for what You will yet do tonight. Oh, blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Blessed be Your Name Lord! King of glory! Lord of Hosts! Ancient of Days! The I AM that I AM! Jehovah Rapha! Jehovah Nissi! Blessed be Your Name Lord! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Almighty God! Thank You for breakthroughs! Thank You for putting the devil to shame! Glory be to Your Name Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Glory be to Your Name! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! O Father! We bless your Name because You are wonderful, you are kind, you are glorious, you are powerful, you are mighty, you are Holy, You are dependable! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! You are the everlasting Father! You are the Alpha and Omega! You are the beginning! You are the ending! You are the Ancient of Days! You are the Unchangeable Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Father! Thank You for January Thank You for February. Thank You for March. Thank You for April. Thank You for May. Thank You for June. Thank You for July. Thank You for August. Thank You for September. Thank You for October. Thank You for November. Thank You for December! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Father we Thank You in advance for what You are going to do in Lekki. We know you will surprise the whole world. We know you will visit us! There will be miracles! There will be signs! There will be wonders! There will be salvation! There will be healing! There will be deliverance! There will be victory! There will be promotion! There will be joy! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Father, tonight, prove Yourself! Show us that You are mighty! Show us that there's no one like You! Bless us like never before! At the end of everything, let Your Name be glorified. In Jesus' Mighty Name we have prayed! Thank You Lord! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Shake hands with one or two people and tell them – " You're shaking hands with someone who will see the New Year!" Thank You Jesus! God bless you, you may be seated. I could sense that there already is excitement in the air. I want to assure you that my Father in heaven is ready and He's going to do things in Lekki that the world will forever praise His Name and tonight you are going to have a taste of what's coming. Luke 5 verse 10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. I think that one is a statement to somebody (Amen!) - "Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." (Amen!) There is something in this particular passage that will shake you, apart from the words "Fear not" and that is "From henceforth". Today is going to mark a new beginning for somebody (Amen!) The Almighty God was saying to Peter – years ago – and He's saying to someone tonight, He's saying, "From now on – no more failure for you!" (Amen!) You see, because when this story began it met Peter in a state of total failure – he had failed completely. He had fished all night and had caught nothing and he was completely devastated; he couldn't even go home – no food, no money, no joy! He was a failure. And then the Almighty God came to his boat and performed a miracle – a miracle so big that he was astonished and he didn't even know what to say. Instead of saying, " Thank You for blessing me!" he said, "Go away from me!" The blessing was so much he didn't even know how to handle it. But the Lord! then said, "Fear not, from now on no more failure!" And the Lord is saying that to someone because the reason Jesus could assure Peter that there'd be no more failure for him is because Peter was now hooked on to someone who could never be resisted. Someone who said in Isaiah 43 v13, God said there, "Yea before the day was, I am he and there is none that can deliver out of my hand. I will work and who shall let it?" In other words, God says, Peter, we are now partners and when I say this is the direction I want to walk no-one can resist me. If I say someone is going to succeed, nobody can cause him to fail." So He was saying to Peter, "From now on no more failure!" And I believe God is saying tonight, "Adeboye, no more failure!" (Amen!) So He said, "From henceforth something new is about to begin: no more failure and no more fruitless efforts! (Amen!) Because Peter made several efforts and had failed. He tried again and again to catch fish. He couldn't catch a single one and there are many of us for years we had worked hard, we've worked hard and there's nothing to show for it. I'm particularly happy that God brought you here tonight because beginning from tonight, henceforth no more fruitless efforts! (Amen!) Why? Because according to the Word of God when you are hooked up to Jesus then you will produce abundant fruit. In John 15 v 5 the Lord says, "If you abide in me and my words abide in you – you will bring forth much fruit." I am prophesying to the barren! From now on you will bring forth much fruit! (Amen!) I'm prophesying to those who have been working for years and have no savings. Among you will be those who will sponsor Lekki '99 (Amen!) I'm prophesying to those of you who have been failing all exams. You will study, you will read, you will go to the exam hall and you will fail! But from now on you will surprise the professors! (Amen!) So He was saying, "From henceforth, no more failure! (Amen!) No more fruitless efforts! (Amen!) No more frustrations! (Amen!) This man Peter was a frustrated man because he did everything he could – he tried, he was an expert fisherman. He knew that the best time to fish in that particular lake was at night! You cannot call him a lazy man! He wasn't sleeping when others were sleeping – he was having a night vigil! And yet each time he threw the net, he brought it up and there was nothing. After some time frustration came. I mean, when he saw that from 8pm he was on and on and on and suddenly it was 6am and nothing! Oh, there are some of us like that! We had fasted, we had prayed. Oh, night vigil, we can't count the number – and there was no result! But beginning from tonight, as the Lord! lives, there will be no more frustrations! (Amen!) Why? Because when you read Mark 5 v 25 - 34, you find the story of the woman with the issue of blood. It is the classical example of someone who is frustrated. Oh, the woman tried! She spent all her money! She went from one physician to another. Once they told her – this is a good one – she will go there. And the Bible said she suffered many things of many physicians. Oh, they were using her for food. "Has she come to you? Well, she came to me. I gave her this injection and I collected so much! You better make sure you collect your own!" And instead of getting better, the Bible said, she grew worse! She was frustrated but all she did was touch the Almighty. Now in your own case, you are not going to merely touch the Almighty, you are going to be hooked on to Him. So I know that beginning from tonight – no more frustrations for you. (Amen!) And the Lord was saying to Peter, "From henceforth no more failure, no more fruitless efforts, (Amen!) no more frustrations, (Amen!) no more sorrow. (Amen!) We don't have to be a prophet to know that a man who had worked all night and failed must be a sad man. But all of a sudden as God would have it, he became attached to someone, so that the Bible recorded for us – if you are to really call His Name, His Name is ‘the good tidings of great joy!' In Luke 2 v10-11 – when the angels were announcing the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, it said, "We've brought to you good tidings of great joy". Now the One who is the good tidings, the One who is the good tidings of great joy, is the One that many of us are so hooked on to that nothing can prevent us from coming to Him! That is why I know that there'll be no more sorrow for you! Years ago when we were in the other auditorium, we were having a programme and I said everybody should pray. Usually when I ask everybody to pray, I pray too. Me, I'm not like one of those people who will say, "Go and pray" and then they will open their eyes to see who is praying and who is not praying! Because I know I need prayers, more than you! So as we were praying, I closed my eyes and I was praying. Suddenly, God said, "Open your eyes and look at that lady!" And the lady was weeping. She was drenched in tears. The Lord! said, "Go and tell her: 'Whatever is causing your sorrow is over!' (Amen!)" Then I discovered, later on after the service that the woman was barren and there doesn't seem any hope at all that she will have children because the problem actually was not with her; the problem was with the husband and now she's a Christian - she cannot divorce, she can't go and marry another fellow, she can't go and commit adultery outside and yet she wanted a child so how will God ever do it? When God says, "No more sorrow." It means He has already arranged to remove the cause of sorrow. That lady today has 3 children - 2 boys and 1 girl! (Amen!) So I am believing God that God is saying to someone here tonight, "From henceforth - no more sorrow!" (Amen!) If you believe that say Amen loud and clear! (Amen!) So the Lord! was saying to Peter, "From henceforth, no more failure! (Amen!) From henceforth, no more fruitless efforts! From henceforth, no more frustration! From henceforth, no more sorrow! From henceforth, no more reproach! (Amen!) Automatically, if you look a t a man, a man who had fished all night and caught nothing, people will say to him, "You've gone since yesterday - what have you brought?" They say to people, "You've been gone since last year. Where is the result?" I know by now the enemy must have been saying to some people - "You've been going to Holy Ghost Service for one year! Where is the result?" I'm sure some enemies have nicknamed some of you 'Mummy Holy Ghost'. some of you are 'Daddy Holy Ghost'. God will surprise them! (Amen!) I say God will surprise them! Because from henceforth all those things in your life that are causing people to say, "Where is the God you are serving?" God will remove! (Amen!) You see, because the opposite of 'reproach' is 'glory' and Peter has got himself hooked up to someone that the Bible calls 'the King of Glory'. In Psalm 24 v 7-10 it describes for us who the King of Glory is - It says, 'the Lord!, the Lord!, strong and mighty, the Lord!, mighty in battle.' You know, once in a while, when you see somebody boasting, you wonder, is this fellow as strong as he is or is he just a loud mouth? The angels guarding the everlasting doors said, "Who is the one saying that the gates should be lifted for him?" This is the one place where you see Jesus Christ introduce Himself. I've told you that He loves names - He loves to tell you "This is who I am!" If any man says, "This is who I am." God can say, "Shut up!" and brush him aside. But when Jesus Christ says, "I AM that I AM!" Nobody can say 'shut up!' When He says, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Nobody can say "Shut up!" When He says, "I am the One whose Name is Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!" nobody can say, "Shut up!" And here He said, "I am the Lord! I am the Lord, strong and mighty. I am the Lord, strong and mighty in battle, I am the Lord of Hosts, I am the King of Glory!" Every reproach in your life He will remove today In Jesus' Name! because He has the power to silence any enemy. So He said to Peter, as He's saying to some of you today, "No more failure, no more fruitless efforts, no more frustration, no more sorrow, no more reproach!" (Amen!) And He went on to say - "No more loneliness! (Amen!) You asked me to get away from you, now, I'm not going. I have come into your boat. From now on it is you and I and because it is you and I, you are no longer going to exist for one day without divine backing." Am You see, He said, in Hebrews 13 v 5, He said, "I will never leave you, I will never forsake you." You wonder when you read the Bible and you see the story of Peter and you see the story of Judas Iscariot. You find that the two of them were apostles. Oh, agreed, Judas Iscariot was a thief; he was stealing from the pocket, purse, the bag of money. But Peter made a lot of mistakes. He lied. He said, "I've never, never known Him!" He cursed. He said, "Let the ground open up and swallow me if I've ever known Him!" And yet Peter ended up becoming the leader of the apostles whereas Judas Iscariot ended up hanging. What's the difference between the two? Because God had promised Peter - "From henceforth, it is the two of us together!" And God is saying to someone here tonight - "From henceforth, no more loneliness!" (Amen!) "You won't go alone. It will be you and I." So He's saying, "No more failure, no more reproach, no more loneliness and no more anxieties." "You don't have to worry any more! No, Peter, don't worry, we are together now!" How could somebody say to you that from now on you will never worry again? The one who could say so is the One who controls destinies. Remember He said to Peter, He said, "Peter, Satan planned to have you. You are the one who is supposed to show me to the people, betray me but I have prayed for you. That destiny of evil, I have changed it for you." There might be some people here tonight who are headed for trouble – that trouble is gone In Jesus' Name! The Bible says in Acts 15 verse 18. It said, "Known unto God are all his ways from the beginning of the world." In other words He planned everything, but because He's the Supreme One whatever He has planned He can replan. The Bible says, Our God is in the heavens; he does as he pleases." Oh, some people say, "No! Once He has planned it, He can't change it!" Who told you? If that is the case why is it that Jesus was praying, "Lord take away this cup from me?" Because He knows that the Father can remove the cup! Oh, You will say, "But He didn't remove the cup on that occasion!" Because if He removed that cup Adeboye will never get to heaven! But when you study scriptures very well you will find that there were certain destinies that the Almighty God changed. Take Saul of Tarsus – that boy was heading straight for Hell. He was highly educated and he was going to use his education to destroy the work of the Kingdom. But one day the Lord met him on the way and changed the course. Paul said it himself – he said, "I am the chief enemy of the apostles! It doesn't matter what the enemy had planned for your future. From henceforth your destiny will change for the better. So the Lord said, "From henceforth – no more failure! (Amen!) No more fruitless efforts! (Amen!) No more frustration! (Amen!) No more sorrow! (Amen!) No more anxieties! (Amen!) If that is for you let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) And then, "From henceforth" tells us something again. It tells us that in every man's life there are segments. We have the segment that we call – ‘the past', we have the segment as people say – that we call ‘the present'. And then we have the segment that is called the future. But really – there are two major segments. There is the segment that is called the past; there is the segment that is called the future. The present is merely the boundary between the past and the future. It takes only one person – the Almighty God – to decide when your past is actually past. He's the only one who can say, "All right! Your future now begins." He's the only One who can say, "All right! You've suffered enough!" He's the only One who can say, "All right. From now on let joy begin." And he said in Isaiah 43 verse 18 and 19, He said you won't even need to remember the former things. He said "Behold for you I will do a new thing." He said, "I will produce rivers in the desert." In other words, when the Almighty God decides, remember, He says, "When I make up my mind the way I'm going nobody can stop me." When He says, "Your past is past!" Then it is over! When He says, "Your future begins", then you can be sure, the future has started. It takes the Almighty God to say – like He said through Moses to the children of Israel: "Look at these enemies," He said, "The enemies you see today you will never see them again forever!" That's in Exodus 14 v 13-14. Now, that's not a small statement at all because these are enemies that the children of Israel had seen for more than 400 years and there are many of us – we had been under the yokes of enemies for years. Some of us have been under the yoke of the enemy for generations. One young man came to us and he was terribly frightened – what are you afraid of. You have a good job; everything seems to be going fine. Why are you so frightened? He said, it has just occurred to him that in his family line no man ever exceeded the age of 40 before they die and the oldest member in the family had just died and he was 40 and then he realized that he was 38! You know what that one means. It means 2 years to go. But then I said to him. In the name of the Lord, the enemies you see today you will never see them again! (Amen!) That's about five years ago now. That man is still young and strong and healthy. So the enemies in your family, the enemies that say you will not reach the Promised Land – today is the last day you will ever see them (Amen!) There is someone who can say – "From henceforth…" In other words in a single day He can put an end to the past and put a beginning to the future. For 40 years Moses was running from Pharaoh, but when you read Exodus 3 v 1 - 12, in a single day the one who was a fugitive became a deliverer. God said unto him: "Your days of being a fugitive are over and from now the fellow that you were running away from, you will now become a terror to him (Amen!) I know what it is to be a fugitive, Many-a-time some of us are not running from people who can kill us with cutlass or guns but we run from people who can drain your blood while you are sleeping. Some of us now, we will think twice before we go home for Xmas. Some of us know that if we are going home at all when you get to the nearest town you remove your beautiful clothes and wear some others. And when you arrive there and they look at you they say, "Ah! No. There's no difference, so let him keep on suffering." And they ask you, "When are you going?" You are going very soon. You say, "Ah, ah! I've just arrived! I'm going to spend one week!" But that will change tonight In Jesus' Name! Because those enemies, from henceforth, when they hear you are coming, they will shake! (Amen!) There is only one fellow who can say to the barren – "You will no longer be barren!" (Amen!) For years Hannah suffered – not only because she had no child but because the other woman in the house was giving her horrors. But then, just one day, the Almighty God came and said, "From henceforth your petitions are granted." It wasn't long before she was singing – in 1st Samuel 2 verse 5 it said; "The barren has become the mother of seven." All those who are barren – that will be your song too In Jesus' Name! Amen (Amen!) In one day, just one day, the Almighty God picked up a shepherd boy brought him in, when no one recognized him. He said, "Kneel down boy, we want to change your past – we want to give you a new beginning." And the boy knelt down and they poured oil on him and by the time he got up from his knees everybody was saying, "Your Majesty". When they said, "Go and bring him." They said, "That boy can't be anybody! He's going to die a shepherd boy!" But before that day ended even his father had to say "Your Majesty". I believe there's someone here tonight who's going to be greater than his father. (Amen!) If you are the one shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) There is someone who on one day, just one day, can put a permanent end to years of storm and bring in permanent peace. In one sentence! In Mark 5 verses 11-16 we find the story of a man there who had been in a storm, a very violent storm for years. He wasn't on the sea. It wasn't that he was in a boat. It's that for a reason nobody can explain more than 1,000 demons just decided to enter into him alone! I've always wondered why? What has this man done! Not one! Not two! Not 1,000! A legion of demons! Is he the only man in the town? This man was in a storm! He was living among the dead. When they bind him, he will tear it off and for no reason at all he will take a sharp stone and begin to cut himself. But then one day Jesus came and said "From henceforth peace!" And suddenly peace came. All those forces that have been troubling your mind – they shall leave you alone In Jesus' Name Amen! (Amen!) Not only did He change the storm of that man to peace – in a single day, the mad man became an evangelist. The Bible says in Mark 5 v 18-20 that when the man was now washed, he was now in his right mind, he was clothed, Jesus said, "Well, I'm going to another town to preach…" because the people there say they don't want Him around, So this man said, "Eh eh! I'm going with you Lord!" And the Lord said, "No! Go back to your people and tell them what I've done for you." The Bible said he went everywhere publicizing. You know when we beg people to give testimonies and they feel reluctant its because they have not really seen fire! If you have been in a real storm and the Almighty God came and rescued you, nobody will beg you before you begin to testify! And I know there is someone here today who will have testimonies. (Amen!) There is only one person who in one day, can put an end to darkness and bring in light and make the light permanent. In Mark 10 v 46 - 52 you find the story of blind Bartimeus there. He was born blind. He had never seen light. When you talk about beautiful flowers he didn't know what you are talking about. There is only one color that he knows and that is black – whether it is morning or afternoon or evening or night – the same black! And I know that there's someone here today that since the day you were born the only thing that you have known is sorrow. From henceforth you will know joy! (Amen!) Just one day and suddenly the darkness gave way to light. It is only Jesus who can do it. He's the only one who in one day could gather all your enemies together, not only the enemies but their children, their wives, everybody who can ever become your enemy in the future – gather them together and perish! All of them in one day! Oh, they harassed Daniel. They gave him trouble! There was a time when the king had a dream and forgot the dream and said as a result every wise man must be killed. God rescued Daniel at that time. Oh, there was another time when the king set up an idol. I don't know what happened at that time when they caught Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego – I'm sure they didn't pay attention to Daniel at that time, otherwise they would have caught him too. Because I am sure he didn't bow to that idol and then when that one passed they said lets give him to the lions so God said, "Enough is enough, this is the last time you will harass my son!" And I believe that God is saying to somebody here tonight, "Tonight is the last time the enemy will harass you!" (Amen!) Not only did He bring Daniel out of the lion's den – He brought all those enemies that got him into trouble and said, "Feed them to the lions!" In the olden days people were very wise, if you kill your enemy, don't let the son live because when the son grows up he's going to find out who killed my father? So when God said, "Go and bring those chiefs who said we should throw Daniel into the lion's den…He said, "Bring their wives too, bring their children too…let us uproot their seed from the earth!" Every plant that God did not plant in your life will be uprooted tonight (Amen!) Now when God decides to put an end to your past and begin a future. He can do it in such a way that it will be difficult for you even to remember what had happened in the past. If you tell your children the story of what you had suffered they will look at you and say, "Is that possible? How can you that God has blessed…. Are you sure you are telling us the truth?" You see the Lord promised in Isaiah 54 verse 4, He said, "Thou shalt not remember the shame of thy youth." In other words, "I will so make your future rosy, that your past will become like a dream forgotten!" (Amen!) I've told some of you the story before, when I tell it to my children they find it difficult to believe. I tell them that for the first 18 years of my life I had no pair of shoes and they have been wearing shoes from the day they were born! And when I told them of the story – one beautiful day in 1960, it was Prize Giving Day in our Grammar School and I won a prize and to go forward and collect your prize, you must wear white trousers and white shirt. That's what you must wear and of course shoes too! I had no what is called trouser – whether white or black! So I slept on my bed. I said, "God, why did you allow me to win a prize?" Because if they call your name and you don't run out, you're in trouble – they think that you were absent! I was there thinking, "Oh God what am I going to do?" When one of my classmates called me and said, "Please come! I have six trousers. I don't know which one to wear!" He had six. I had none at all! So I helped him pick one and then I said, "Eh! I have none you know!" He said, "" Ah eh, that is true. I've never seen you in a trouser! Pick one, pick one!" I said, "Thank you, thank you! AS soon as we finish, I will wash it and…" He said, "No. I have six others at home!" And the boy was much bigger than myself – I tried to put the trouser there but then a trouser is a trouser! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) You are going to forget the shame of your youth. (Amen!) So I got trouser – no shoes. So I began to visit my relatives. Many of them had no shoes. Finally I got to one who had two – one fairly good, about 5 years old. He told me not to come near that one at all. Then he had another one that had been reborn with Odutola tyre sole! O Lord! Let's give the Lord a big hand! Thank You Father! Glory be to God! So he said, "All right, return it as soon as you finish. Just make sure you just wear it when you are about to go." I said, "Yes, Sir." So I carried the pair of shoes. As soon as I turned the corner, I put them on! I have to practice! I'm not even sure whether I put the right leg on the left! I know that there are some of you here tonight – that you too have been suffering all these years. I prophesy, in the name of the Almighty God that within the next one year, you will be telling the kind of story I'm telling (Amen!) Why is Jesus able to say, "From henceforth Peter, your past is over, your future begins?" Because in Revelations 1 verse 8, the Bible says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, the One who was and the One who was and the One who is to come. The Controller of the past, the Controller of the present, the Controller of the future. That's why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new." In the life of someone here tonight, everything will become new! (Amen!) That is why if you are here and you're not yet born again, come and hook yourself to Jesus. If you say you are born again and you have not seen any dramatic change in your life you better come again and make sure that you are truly hooked up to Jesus because I trust my God when you become hooked up to Him He will say, "From henceforth all things will become new!" So if you are here and you're not yet born again come now, come and give your life to Jesus. Let this day be a new beginning for you, a new beginning of joy, a new beginning of victory, a new beginning of victory, a new beginning of prosperity, a new beginning of victory! If you are there and you are not yet born again run forward and come and give your life to Jesus Christ! The rest of us, I want us to stand on our feet and cry to the Lord and say, " Father, do a new thing in my life today – let my life become brand new as from today! And let my future begin today!" Those of you who want to give your life to Jesus come now. The Lord is calling you, come now, come and give your life to Him! Come and cry to Him and say, "Lord! Come and save my soul today! O Lord!! Forgive my sins! Save my soul, O Lord! Save my soul! Let me become a new creature in you today O Lord! do a new thing in my life Lord! Give me salvation, true salvation today. Call on Him. The Lord is calling you now…. Father, we Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the power in Your Word Glory be to Your Holy Name! O Lord!. First and foremost, I'm praying for these your children who have come forward to give their lives to You. Every one of them – save their souls! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) Forgive their sins! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) – whatever they've done in the past that is contrary too Your Will, wipe it away with Your Blood! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) Tonight Father, write their names in the Book of Life! (Amen!) As from this moment and henceforth, let them become true children of God! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) In all their lives – everything that is Satanic Father, let them pass away! In Jesus' Name (Amen!). Father, for them, let everything become new! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) Father, for all of us who are here tonight, Lord, do a new thing! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) Every reproach, every shame, every failure, everything in our life that is not of God, Father, remove them! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) Put a new song in our lives! In Jesus' Name (Amen!) From tonight let our joy begin! (Amen!) Let our testimonies begin! (Amen!) Let our victories begin! (Amen!) Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Name! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen Praise the Lord! Alleluia! All right! Those of you who have come forward, tonight is a special night for you! I can assure you that your names and prayer requests will be written down and I promise you I'll be praying for you. So if you will follow these men who are waving a piece of wood they will take you to where some Pastors will minister to you. They will take your names and addresses and prayer requests and they will send a copy to me. So follow them now… Alleluia! Glory be to God! God bless you, you may be seated. Something that we've never done before which we're going to do tonight because this is a new beginning. While I was praying there, the Lord reminded me of an incident that happened while I was in the Grammar School. There was a student there who came from Lagos who was a very tough boy. He killed many of the chickens in the compound. If you don't lock your locker very well whatever you put there is likely to disappear. Then came his last day in the school and he did a very strange thing – he took a cutlass and dug a hole and knelt down and began to speak into the hole –"Stealing, I bury you today! Quarreling, I bury you today! Lying, I bury you today!" and when he had finished he out the soil back again! Even though we almost laughed, but it was not a joking matter because he was very, very serious. Brethren! I want us to do something by an act of faith tonight. I want you - without digging the ground – to speak to the ground, just say the ground should open its mouth and then say, "Sickness, I bury you tonight! Poverty, I bury you tonight! Curses, I bury you tonight! Failure, I bury you tonight! Frustration, I bury you tonight! Barrenness, I bury you tonight! Everything that is not of God I bury you tonight! In the Name of Jesus I bury you tonight! Fruitless efforts, I bury you tonight! Ohhh! sorrow, I bury you tonight! Bad dreams, I bury you tonight! Worries, I bury you tonight! " Come along speak now! Speak into the ground! Say, "Ground open your mouth – every ache, every pain in my body - I bury you tonight! All the sorrows of the past, I bury you tonight! Every bitter thing in my body, I bury you tonight! Every seed of ‘Satan, I bury you tonight! Everything that had been hindering my progress - I bury you tonight! Every yoke of Satan in my family, I bury you tonight! Every yoke of Satan in the lives of my children, I bury you tonight! Every mountain that had been blocking my way forward - I bury you tonight! Every thought that is not according to God Almighty - I bury you tonight! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I bury you tonight! And you will remain buried forever – you will never show up again! Everything that had been draining my success, everything that Had been draining my prosperity, I bury you tonight! Everything that is Satanic in every sphere of my life, I bury you tonight! You will remain forever buried! In that Name that is above every other, everything contrary to the perfect will of God in my life - I bury you tonight! Oh, yes. Every generational curse, I bury you tonight! Every hindrance to the flow of anointing in my life, I bury you tonight! Every doubt, every unbelief, everything that is not 100% divine, I bury you tonight! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I bury you tonight! And you will remain forever buried! O yes, so shall it be! Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! because I know it is done! All enemies of the progress of the work of God, I bury you tonight! And you shall remain buried! So shall it be forever and ever Thank You Father! Glory be to your Holy Name! Oh yes, we praise Your Name Lord! ! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father! Your Word says, ‘Whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven (Amen!) and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. We are all of one accord tonight: that in the life of all of us here and in the lives of all those who are precious to us wherever they may be, failure is buried! (Amen!) fruitless efforts are buried! (Amen!) Sorrow buried! AAM poverty buried! (Amen!) barrenness buried! (Amen!) Sickness buried! (Amen!) Bitterness buried! (Amen!) Curses buried! (Amen!) Everything that is not of God in our lives – buried! (Amen!) and they shall remain buried forever – Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! for we pray! In Jesus' mighty Name! Amen! (Amen!) Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Shake hands with one or two people and say – "I don't know about you but all my problems are buried! All my problems are buried, are buried forever!" Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! Amen. Are you blessed? Come on give the Lord a big hand! Give the Lord a big hand. Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! David said, "I will praise the Lord as long as I have being. As long as I'm breathing, I will praise the Lord." I know there are some people here tonight who are still breathing and the Lord, (Amen!) Glory be to God! and the Lord says, "Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord!." I want you to go ahead and just praise Him! Praise Him from the bottom of your heart! Say, "Thank You that I'm still breathing. Thank You Lord! that I'm alive. In spite of everything that the devil has tried Thank You Lord! that I'm still alive! Thank You that I'm breathing yet! Oh, because I know that my tomorrow will be alright! I thank you that I'm still breathing, left to the devil, I should be dead by now but Lord! you kept me alive, I'm breathing still. I give You glory, I give You honour! I give You adoration Lord!. Thank You that I'm still breathing. I give You all glory! I give You all honour. I give you all adoration. Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! be the name of the Lord. I bless You that I'm still breathing and as long as I have any breathe in me, I will praise You. I will praise You as long as I have my being, as long as I'm breathing I will praise You! Oh yes! As long as I can open my mouth I will praise You. You are worthy to be praised Lord!! You are worthy to be adored! You are worthy to be magnified! O Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! be the Name of the Lord! I give You all glory! I give You all honour! I give You all adoration! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Glory! Glory! Glory! be to Your Holy Name! Thank You that I am alive! Blessed be Your Holy Name! King of Kings! The I Am that I AM! The Ancient of Days! I bless Your Name! Alpha! Omega! The Beginning! The Ending! The One Who is! The One Who was! The One Who is to come! I bless Your Name! I magnify Your Name Lord!! I will forever praise You! I will forever lift You high because there's no one like You. Glory be to God! Glory be to God forever more! As long as I have my being I will praise You! The dead cannot praise You Lord!. Those who have gone into the grave cannot lift you high! Thank You Lord! that I'm breathing! Thank You Lord! that I can speak! Thank You Lord! that I can see, I can walk, I can lift my hands, I can glorify Your Name. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! God Almighty! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Blessed be Your Name Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Glory be to Your Name! Thank You Father! Glory be to God! In Jesus' Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Because only the living can praise the Lord, those of us who want to praise the Lord we have a right to refuse anything that is contrary to life. So you are going to pray now and say, "Everything that is contrary to life, everything that is contrary to life more abundant in my life, I reject In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Because I want to praise God." "Everything that is contrary to life, everything that is contrary to life more abundant in my life, I reject In the Mighty Name of Jesus! because I want to praise God." Everything that is contrary to life I refuse, I disallow, I reject! In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Oh yes! I refuse sickness! I refuse poverty! I refuse every demonic attack! I refuse everything that is contrary to life and joy and victory and prosperity! I refuse everything that is contrary to life and life more abundant! I reject – In the Mighty Name of Jesus!, in that Name that's above every other name – I reject everything contrary to life and life more abundant in my life! O yes! I reject everything that is devilish, I reject everything that is evil, I reject everything contrary to life and life more abundant. Thank You Father! Glory be to God! Alleluia! Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!). The Word of God says, "If two of you shall agree as touching anything you shall ask on earth, it will be done for you by our Father in heaven." We are more than two! I want us to agree that for the rest of this year in all our homes, there'll be no sorrow (Amen!), there'll be no death (Amen!), there'll be no sickness! There'll be no loss! There'll be no defeat! There'll be no room for demons! Go ahead! Let's talk to the Almighty God! "We all agree, we are of one accord that for the rest of this year in all our homes, there'll be no accidents, there'll be no death, there'll be no sickness, there'll be no sorrow, there'll be no loss, there'll be no problems, there'll be no demonic attack, there'll be no failure In the Mighty Name of Jesus! in all our homes – not only for this year but for the rest of our lives! O yes, we are of one accord! That there will be no sickness, there will be no sorrow, there will be no death, no accidents, no evil report, there'll be nothing contrary to joy. There'll be no defeat In the Mighty Name of Jesus! O yes! We are of one accord. Every one of us agrees that for the rest of our lives there will be no more sorrow, no more loss, no more problem, no more evil reports, no more room for demonic attacks, no room for the devil, no room for the enemy in any form whatsoever! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! The Word of God says, "Whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Bible scholars say that that translation could also be written; "Whatsoever you allow shall be allowed, whatsoever you disallow shall be disallowed." Now, brethren, I want us with all our heart to tell the Almighty God that " Lord! In our homes we allow joy, we allow prosperity, we allow progress, we allow promotion, we allow divine health, we allow divine victory! Come on tell the Almighty God, "In our homes, Daddy, we allow joy, we allow victory, we allow prosperity, we allow promotions, we allow divine health, we allow progress, we allow victories, we allow everything that is divine, we allow multiple promotions, we allow multiple miracles, multiple signs, multiple wonders, we allow divine joy, we allow everything that is glorious, we allow everything that is marvellous, we allow everything that is bright and beautiful and glorious, everything that is divine, we allow everything that is good, we allow everything that is beautiful, we allow everything that is powerful, divinely powerful, everything that is anointed we allow In the Mighty Name of Jesus! O Yes Lord! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Alleluia! Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Father! In Jesus' mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Now let us pray for the Holy Ghost Festival, Lekki '98. Thank You Father! Let us call on the Almighty God to rend the heavens and pour in miracles, signs, wonders, salvation, healings, deliverance, victories on every one of us – come on, talk to the Almighty God! Father Rend the heavens! Just open the heavens my Father and my God! Roll away all the windows shutters of heaven and pour in the kind of blessing that the world had never seen before – upon all your children who would be gathering in Lekki on December 18 – salvation like never before, healings like never before, deliverance like never before, victories like never before, prosperity like never before, joy like never before! O my l and my S! Open the windows of heaven! Rain the heavens, Oh! Let Your glory come down and meet the earth! Do marvelous things my f and my God. Shake the earth with Your mighty Presence! Break yokes O Lord!! Show the whole world that You are the Almighty. Let the world know that there's none like You! Rain the heavens O Lord!….come down O Lord! Magnify Thy Power! Exhibit Your Almightiness! Explode on Lekki Lord! with all the power of the Almighty Himself! Yes l Do marvellous things and let the world know that You are the Living God Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! Amen! (Amen!) Let's pray for Nigeria. The transition programme is on. The Lord has brought us out of Egypt! Glory be to God! But we still have a journey before we get to the Promised Land. There will be Red Sea to cross. There might be Amalekites on the way – let's call on the Almighty and say, "Father, the good works you have started in Nigeria, complete it!" let's call on the Almighty God! Father, Thank You for bringing us out of Egypt. But You are the Almighty! The work that You have started in Nigeria, You only can complete it. Come along with us O Lord on our journey to the Promised Land. Remove every Red Sea! Destroy every Amalekite! Pull down every wall of Jericho! Divide every River Jordan into two and let us pass! Father, take control! The good work you have started in Nigeria complete O Lord! That the world may know that we are serving the living God. Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Be Your Holy Name forever Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Father! In Jesus' mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Now pray for yourself and say, "Father! Even before I get to Lekki, let me have multiple testimonies!" Go ahead talk to the Almighty God Even before I get to Lekki , my Lord and my Saviour, let me have multiple testimonies, let me have multiple testimonies, multiple testimonies on a daily basis – of Your goodness, of Your mercy, of Your provision, of Your benevolence, of Your generosity, of Your gentleness, of Your power, of Your support, of Your anointing! O Lord! God Let me have multiple testimonies of Your favour, Your strength, Your love, Your faithfulness, my Lord and my God! Long before we get to Lekki Lord give us multiple testimonies that Your name might be glorified. Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name!" In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! Well you may have your own private request. Even a baby knows that God is present here tonight! Glory be to God! So I want you to go before Him now and tell Him your private requests. Go ahead talk to the Almighty. Tell Him; tell Him what is your private request. Father, we Thank You that we are alive, that we are breathing. We know when there is life there is hope. We know our tomorrow will be alright! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Father, we want to praise You so anything contrary to life, sickness, pain, failure, demons – we disallow In Jesus' Name! - all these things that pertain to life and prosperity and joy and success and progress and promotion and fruitfulness we welcome them In Jesus' Name! Father, Nigeria is in Your hand! The good work You have started in Nigeria, complete In Jesus' Name! and Father, the kind of miracles the world had never seen before, the kind of miracles that people cannot even dream possible perform them in Lekki '98 and Lord those of us who are here tonight even before Lekki '98 let us have multiple testimonies! Every prayer of Your children, every request let them become testimonies Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus' Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) O Thank You Lord Alleluia! Praise Jesus! Alleluia! God bless you; you may be seated. Luke 5 verse 10 Jesus said unto Peter, "Fear not, from henceforth you shall catch men" We want to look again, just a little further at this particular segment….. One thing that strikes me strongly in this statement is the power of the spoken word. Spoken words can be extremely powerful. If a nation wants to go to war with another nation, they declare war by speaking. When the war is over they declare peace by speaking. By speaking, I can make everybody here dance for joy. By speaking, I can drive ala of you away before one o'clock. If I say, "Eh! What are you doing here? Tomorrow is election day – is it prayer that is going to put somebody there? If people don't even have business, you don't have any job to do. Every first Friday – gure gure – going to camp. Go home! Go home!" By the spoken word I can drive you away! And even more important than this, when you study the Bible you'll find that everything that God created except man was created by the spoken word. Somehow, I have a feeling that God is going to speak to someone here tonight (Amen!) One day God just spoke and said, "Let there be light." And suddenly there was light. And to somebody tonight, I'm sure God is going to say, "Let there be light!" The Spoken Word, particularly when it comes from the mouth of God – is extremely powerful. In Psalm 33 verses 8 and 9, the Bible says, "Let all the earth fear Him." Why? Because when He speaks, it is done! The Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 89, it said, "Forever, O Lord Thy Word is settled and God Himself said in Isaiah 55 verses 10 and 11, He said, "Just as the rain that goes into the soil and will not get out of that soil until it has done something to the plants there, He said, so is my word that is gone forth out of my mouth – it will not return to me void." And I am representing my Father, tonight when I say In Jesus' Name! it will be well with you (Amen!) Now this Spoken Word can be used to create, to bless, to destroy, to transform, to do quite a lot. In this case, the case we are studying, the Word was spoken to transform the life of a fisherman to a fisher of men. If we search the Scriptures, we would also see that the Word has been used to create. In Genesis God will simply say, '‘Let the earth be filled with living things!" And when those boys were mocking Elite and he turned and he said, "I rebuke you in the Name of the Lord!" the Word he spoke created two she-bears out of nothing and before you could say, "What's going on." 42 of those children lay dead. The Word spoken by God can be very powerful. When He blesses that blessing is settled. In Numbers 23 verses 19 and 20, a prophet, a false prophet was used of God to bless the children of Israel and after He blessed them the man who hired him to curse them said, "If you are not going to curse them, then don't bless them at all." He said, I'm sorry, I have received commandment to bless. I have blessed. Even I cannot reverse it!" The blessing of God will abide on you forever! (Amen!) When Elijah said to the widow of Zarephath, he said, "Oh, just give me something to eat. That your pot will never be empty, the oil will never dry. As soon as he said that the creative power in the spoken word began to work. The very little dust of flour that remained just began to multiply. The drop of oil that remained in the pot kept multiplying. Brethren! I don't know how God is going to work your miracle but I'm telling you tonight that beginning from this very moment every miracle you need to make your joy full will come your way! (Amen!) Now this Spoken Word can also be very powerful in curses. When God cursed Cain in Genesis 4 v 9-15 and said Cain would be a vagabond – that was what he was till he died. When God said in Hosea 5 v 9 that Ephraim shall be desolate and Ephraim at that time was blossoming, spreading all over the place within a couple of years there was nothing called Ephraim again. Now every sickness in your body, every demonic influence in your house, every mountain blocking your way, I curse them in the Name of the Lord (Amen!) And I decree tonight that all those obstructions to your joy shall be desolate In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Now the Spoken Word can also be very from a man's mouth, Oh, particularly if it is someone who has authority to pronounce the word, I mean, if a judge, trying a case, says, "This is my judgement. Guilty! Death by hanging!" That fellow is dead unless there is a higher power that will say, "No, let him go." But even if you have been kept in detention for years and a judge is visiting your prison and he says, "You – Go home!" From that moment you are free! I don't know how many of you are held in prison by the devil but In the Name of Jesus I am saying, ‘You, you, you, you go! Be free! In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) In Genesis 27 verse 33 when Isaac said he was going to bless Esau and Jacob came and stole the blessing. When Esau arrived and said "Daddy, I am ready, now bless me" The father said, "What? Somebody else has brought me food, I've eaten and I've blessed him and he shall be blessed. Oh, it is true he stole the blessing but I have blessed him and there's no way I can reverse it." In 2 Kings 4 verse 8-17 Elisha said to the Shunamite woman, "Because you have looked after me – that which you want, that your money cannot buy, 9 months from now it will be in your possession!" (Amen!) The woman looked at the man of God and said, "Don't deceive me sir. If you enjoyed the food just say thank you and go" But the man of God had already spoken and the moment he spoke the dead womb had already come to life. Everything necessary to make the miracle happen had started working! And that's why I'm prophesying tonight that all the barren women who are here – 9 months from today – baby boys! (Amen!) baby girls! (Amen!) Sets of twins! (Amen!) to the glory of God (Amen!) Of course in the same manner the Spoken Word from the mouth, particularly of a man of God can be very powerful in curses – In 1 King 17 verse 1, Elijah said, "Ahab, as the Lord God liveth before whom I stand there'll be no rain or dew all these days according to my word." A human being, just an ordinary human being, spoke and all the windows of heaven closed and the windows remained closed for 3 years! And you know very well that when Joshua said, "Stand where you are moon, don't move an inch until I finish my assignment!" The Bible said there was never a day like that before! Well, there's no day like today before and that's why I'm saying even if the sun has to sit still, even if the moon has to remain where it is in order for you to reach your goal so shall it be! In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) And in 2 Kings 5 verses 25 to 27 it was just a spoken sentence from Elisha to Gehazi that changed the life of Gehazi forever. Elisha said, "The leprosy of Namaan shall cleave unto you." That's all he said, and the moment he said that the Word went into River Jordan, picked up the leprosy that Namaan deposited there and carried it all over and brought it to Gehazi and put it in him. And it all happened within seconds. There are some enemies that are pretending to be friends – living in your homes, working in your offices, agents of the devil – in some churches, trying to drag down men of God – everyone of them without a single exception, the leprosy of Namaan shall cleave to them! (Amen!) This is necessary so the Church of God can be purified. Somebody said that God showed him a vision, that we should warn everybody using the altar – that some of them are committing adultery, some of them are fornicating and that God says if they don't repent He will kill them. I said, "Why do we need to warn them?" Let few drop down dead on the altar, then the rest will wake up! Our God is a holy God and we want His Holiness, His Purity so that there'll be power. Anyone hiding, whether in the church, your home, in your office, planted there by the devil, they shall be uprooted In Jesus' Name! Now there are times when you have to war. When I was walking round the camp yesterday praying and I saw 2 snakes…now will you say, you are a man of God, you are praying, let the snake go and you go. Oh, if I were not a Christian oh snake I would have killed you! The snake will go, become bigger and who knows he may come back and attack you or one of your children! Whenever I see a snake, that snake must die! Cancer is a snake, if it is in your body tonight, I curse it In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Barrenness is a snake, it's opening it's mouth and eating the seed of husbands – it shall die In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) And all those that say that the glory of Nigeria shall not return, they shall be uprooted In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Now, many-a-time all we need to do is speak and suddenly miracles will happen and the tide can turn – if you speak. Now the elders have a saying – if you keep quiet, your problem will keep quiet with you! After all silence means consent. If you have sickness and its okay by you to go along with that's fine, sickness will stay! If you have a demon in the form of a house boy or house girl and you are willing to that's fine! Wait till they have poisoned your husband or until they have destroyed your marriage – if that's okay with you, that's fine! But it's not fine with me – no evil shall l remain in my home, in your home, in the Church of God! In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) I remember. Years ago, I think 1981, I was travelling from Ilesha to Ibadan for a programme and my driver was about to enter the junction of a road and he stopped to give room to another vehicle passing. He was clearly far from the road and then there was this driver coming at a horrible speed and for no reason at all it came to meet us where we were, rammed into us! I mean, pushed us almost into the pit but we called the Name of Jesus and it stopped us just at the edge and he came down begging us. By now he had spoilt our vehicle. I said, "Can we still move?" because I was in a hurry for the programme. My driver said, "We better call the police, This fellow may say we're the one who spoilt his car." So we were near Oshu so we called the police – he came, saw what happened, drew all the necessary diagrams and suddenly the driver went close to him and said something…"I'm the driver of chief so so so.." So the policeman turned round: "Oh, you are the people who are wrong – why should you stand there anyway?" Ah ah! That day was not one of the days when I was gentle! It was one of the days when I remembered I'm in the army of the Lord. So I said, "Officer, in every man's life there is a last assignment" – today is the last assignment of demons in your life – "He said, "What did you say?" I said, "Every man has one last assignment; whether it is a policeman or anything, every man has….." And he was a very clever boy, he said, "No sir! No sir!” He said, "This driver, I'm taking you into custody now!" O glory be to God Alleluia! Somebody's going to say no to failure today (Amen!) Someone is going to say NO to poverty today (Amen!) You see because the Spoken Word can be powerful even in your own mouth. Job 22, if you read it from verse 21 v 29 says, if you would do certain things, if you would satisfy certain conditions, then you shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you – in other words, subject to certain conditions – which simply says, "Be holy". Now you will decree a thing and it will be established unto you. I want to spend the next five minutes to tell you how to decree properly. Then we are going to do some decreeing – I believe the devil has lost the battle! Whenever it is time to decree just make sure you link Jesus Christ with your decree. Once you link Him with your decree that decree is established! Remember in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the W was God and we know that that W was Jesus because the Bible says, the W became flesh and dwelt among us and that we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth and there is only One Begotten Son of the Father and His Name is Jesus so whenever you want to decree just link Jesus with the decree. Let me give you some illustrations. In Genesis 22 v 7 - 14 Isaac said to Abraham, "Daddy!" Daddy said, "Yes, I'm here, my son." "I can see the wood, I can see the fire. Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?" What was it that Abraham said? "The Lord shall provide for himself a lamb for the sacrifice." Now he didn't say, "A sacrifice will come," He didn't say. "Don't worry, my son, there will be a sacrifice." He said, "The Lord will provide himself a sacrifice" and because he linked the Almighty God with his decree, by the time he got to the mountain top there was a lamb already waiting! In 1 Samuel 17 v 45-51 David said to Goliath – "You are coming with a spear, a shield, with all other equipments but I come against thee in the name of the Lord, the Lord of Hosts." He said, "He will hand you over to me and I'm going to cut of your head." Now he didn't say, "I will kill you. "He said, "God will hand you over to me." So when it is time to decree over your enemies, don't just say, I'm going to march over you – your going to say, "God will make you a stepping stone for me!" – that will be decreeing properly. In Matthew 8 verses 1-3, a leper came to Jesus Thank You Father! Glory be to God! Let's give the Lord a big hand! Thank You Father! Now, I will be telling you everything later on. Now in Matthew 8 v 1-3 a leper came to Jesus and said, "I know you can make me clean. I'm not sure you are willing but I know you can make me clean." and before he left that day he was clean. In Daniel 3 v16-17 Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego said, "The God whom we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us" Whenever it is time to issue decrees – don't talk as if you are the Almighty. No, no! Hide within him and then use Him to make your decree. When you say God will perform wonders in my life, the One whose name is Wonderful will say, "Amen!" "God will heal me!" The Great Physician will say, "Amen!" "My God shall supply all my needs" Jehovah Jireh shall say, "Amen!" "The Lord will cause the ground to open and swallow all my enemies." The one who did it for Korah, Datah and Abiram will say "Amen!" Are you ready to decree? Ah! I didn't hear your yes (Yes!) You're going to issue two sets of decrees. One will be for blessing; the other will be for curses. You're going to start with those that have to deal with curses. You're going to clear the way of all those things that have been obstructing your way all this time and you will say, you will mention your name, you will say for example – "Adeboye! All the enemies you see today you will not see them again because the Lord will fight for you!" You will continue like that and pick all your problems one by one. You will say that the One who is the Lord of Hosts will deal with you. And you will say, "All you forces that are gathered against me, the God of Shedrach. Meshach and Abednego will roast you all! All you lions in my home, from my father's side, from my mother's side, from the in-laws side, your mouth will be shut today. God will feed all my enemies to these lions like He did for Daniel." That's the first set of decrees. That's how they will go. Then we will come to the second one. Now, let me just add one little point. In case you want to be very gentle tonight. I want you to know that when David knocked Goliath down he could have said, "Eh! I've defeated him! Can't you see – I've knocked him out!" but if the wind had blown on Goliath and that fellow got up, he will not bee bothering about spear or bow or arrow. I am sure he would have come and taken David and probably tear him into two – that's why David said, "You are down, I am not going to stop until your head is off!" God has given us an opportunity to be totally victorious tonight. Don't miss this opportunity. Let's stand on our feet. Now I want you to take your enemies one by one and say – "The Lord rebuke you! The Lord fry you! The Lord will cause the ground to swallow you up!" Decree now in the mighty name of Jesus. Open your mouth and decree………Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! Remember brethren, the Word of God says, "The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent have taken it by force." I want you to go against Satan and command him. Tell him it is written, "No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper" Therefore Satan – you and all your hosts, I command today that you stay far away from me! Far away from my family! Far away from my business! Far away from ministry! Far away from the Church of God! I decree In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Satan stay away! In the Mighty Name of Jesus I decree that the light of God comes and darkness stay away…..Thank You Father! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Lord! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! Now its time to decree blessings on yourself – just go ahead and say, " The Great Physician will make sure that I enjoy divine health! The Great Provider will provide for all my needs! The Great Promoter will make sure that I get multiple promotions! The Almighty God, the God who is More Than Sufficient will ensure that I have more than sufficient from now on! " Go on bless yourself! Bless your family, bless your children, bless everything you touch! Decree! In the name of Jesus………the Great Physician will see to it that no sickness is upon me, no disease will stay on my body! The Great Provider will provide for all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The Ancient of Days, the I AM that I AM will see to it that it is well with me - Oh in all my generations! The Anointed One will see to it that my anointing is forever fresh! Oh it's going to be well with me because I'm serving a God who's a good God. I will go from victory to victory because the Lord of Hosts is on my side. I know it will be well. O Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And now in the name of the Lord I hereby decree that because you are serving a good God it shall be well with you! (Amen!) That good God will see to it that it's well with your children! (Amen!) He will make it well for every member of your generation! (Amen!) The One whose name is "the Way" will make a way for you! (Amen!) The One whose name is "the Life" will make sure you enjoy abundant life! (Amen!) The One whose Name is "the Truth" will make sure that every false friend in your life is exposed! In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) From now on it will be well with you! (Amen!) Your joy will be full! (Amen!) You will go from glory to glory! (Amen!) because you are serving the King of Glory! (Amen!) You will go from victory to victory! (Amen!) because you are serving the Lord of Hosts! (Amen!) You will never fail because Jesus will never fail! (Amen!) So shall it be In Jesus' mighty Name! Thank You Father! That's right now! Go ahead! Give the l a big hand! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Glory be to God! Amen and Amen and Amen! Give the Lord a big hand! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Saviour! Blessed be Thy Holy Name Lord! Thank You Jesus! Amen! Thank You Father! One of the things that the Lord said is that His power is present to heal – physically, (Amen!) financially, (Amen!) maritally, (Amen!) spiritually, (Amen!) academically, (Amen!) The power of God is present to heal tonight Glory be to God! Almighty And then the Lord said, there is someone here, I have brought you this far because you have praised me – if you will praise me more I will take you to a place that you never can dream possible! Now if you are that one, I think you better praise Him! I think you better glorify His Holy Name! You better adore Him! You better exalt Him! You better bless His Name! Tell Him how good He is, tell Him how wonderful He is, tell Him oh, You are a wonderful God! You are a glorious God! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Lord! Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Father! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! Amen! The Lord said something that almost stopped my sermon while I was preaching. He said there was someone here when we were talking about God putting an end to the past and giving us a brand new future and the fellow had been enjoying life; he thought that the past is good enough. The Lord asked me to tell you whoever you are; He's replacing your sugar with honey! Thank You my Father! Glory be to God! Alleluia! Father! Now the Lord says there's someone here tonight, he said you had worked hard for Him. The Lord asked me to tell you – your days of reward have come! (Amen!) Let's give the Lord a big hand! Thank You my Father! Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You Lord! O Lord! O Lord! Thank You Lord! I want to be sure I'm hearing correctly. Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! (Amen!) I rejoice with those of you who are here tonight. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! You see because the Lord has just spoken to me and He said, "Son, tonight, I give you the permission – anything you want to happen to these people just say it!" (Amen!) Thank You Lord! I think you better go on your Knees. Alleluia! Mmm! Father! Thank You! What a day! It is my wish, my Lord, that all those who are here will never know poverty again! (Amen!) It is my wish my Father and my God that all those who are here tonight will never know sorrow again! (Amen!) It is my wish my Father and my God that all those who are here will never know failure again! (Amen!) It is my wish that all those who are here tonight will be heavily anointed In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) O Lord, It is my wish that everything that these people wish themselves be granted them In Jesus' Name! Yes Lord, it is my wish, my Father and my God that from henceforth their joy will be full In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Thank You Lord! and Father! It is my wish that together we will reign with You in Your Kingdom! In Jesus' Name! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! So shall it be In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) So shall it be In Jesus' Name! (Amen!) So shall it be In Jesus' Name! Thank You Father! Go ahead! Bless the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Amen Let somebody shout Alleluia! God bless you, you may be seated now. Thank You Daddy Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! It is well (Amen!) I say it is well! (Amen!) I think may be the best thing is we just go ahead and give our thanksgiving offering. We have a lot of reasons to thank the Lord tonight. Alleluia! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! The Lord said there's someone here tonight, you have now made up your mind totally to follow me. God said that I should tell you "I will show you my glory!" Because You are our light and we know our light can never become darkness! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Father! receive the thanksgiving offering of your children. Bless it Lord! Use it for your glory! In Jesus' mighty Name! Father! Once again I decree that these your children will never know poverty In Jesus' Name! In Jesus' mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Let somebody shout Alleluia! God bless you, you may be seated. We hope you are blessed. Come again next month for another transcribed message.
Pastor E. A. Adeboye