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GLORY AHEAD 3rd of January, 2025
JANUARY HOLY GHOST SERVICE THEME: GLORY AHEAD JANUARY 3RD, 2025. BY: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE ‘Modupe mori anu gba Modupe mori anu gba Tori ki n se gbogbo eniyan lori anu gba’ (E se Baba)
‘Modupe mori anu gba Modupe mori anu gba Tori ki n se gbogbo eniyan lori anu gba’
That song says ‘I am grateful because I have received mercy; is not every who received mercy’. If you received mercy from the Lord so that you are still here today; if you know it is of the mercy of the Lord that you are not consumed, why don’t you go ahead and praise Him; why don’t you magnify His holy name, why don’t you worship Him. He is the One who is rich in mercy, the One whose mercy is renew every day. Oh thank You Father. Thank You for Your mercy, thank You for Your goodness, thank You thank You thank You, may Your name forever be glorified; may Your name forever be glorified. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Lord. ****speaking in the Holy Ghost*** Thank You my Lord; thank You my Saviour; thank You thank You thank You Lord ****speaking in the Holy Ghost*** Thank You Father Thank You Almighty God Thank You thank You thank You Lord; thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour. Hallelujah Father Hallelujah Father In Jesus mighty name we have given thanks. Now, maybe the elders among us can seat down and the younger ones will have to remain on your feet for quiet a while this evening because we want to thank God. Some of you will remember a story of man very wealthy man in Ibadan came here to see us and said, ‘he had not been able to sleep for a long time’ but he was told that if he came here and we pray he will be able to sleep. He said he had fourteen houses in Ibadan, if he can sleep, he will give me all the fourteen. You don’t the blessing of being able to sleep until you hear the testimony of someone tonight. Look at how easy for you to sleep and while don’t you thank God for the ability to sleep, to sleep, to sleep – While don’t you say thank You Lord, I am grateful I can sleep anytime I want to; I can sleep, thank You Saviour, thank You Almighty God, thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Lord; Thank You, blessed be Your holy name; glory be to Your holy name, Thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour, thank You Saviour; Oh blessed be Your holy name, blessed be Your holy name, blessed be Your holy name, blessed be Your holy name; Thank You thank You thank You thank You, thank You Lord, thank You Lord. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. There are certain things we just take for granted until you hear a testimony of a Pastor who just told everybody: oh goodness for you; and the next thing he heard, bad news. You have been hearing of kidnappers but it is the people affected who can tell. Somehow, throughout last year these demons did not come your house; they did not touch your children, they did not touch your relative, haa, praise God; praise Him, Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, bless His holy name, Bless Him, bless Him, bless Him; Thank You Almighty God; glory be to Your holy name, glory be to Your holy name Thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus, thank You Lord. In Jesus mighty name we have given thanks. You have heard the testimonies of people that the Almighty God touched their vocal cords – their voice lost. I have told you before story of one of my daughters who they said have cancer of the voice box, and they took her to UCH and they said the only solution was to cut off the voice box which they did. Then we heard what had happened, and we went there, prayed for her, and then assured her that with God all things are possible. For months, she could only communicate by texting because the voice gone. Then one day I travelled and I came back from the journey, and as I was coming out from the car, I saw somebody on the ground rolling: Who is this? And she looked up and said: Daddy, is me, I can speak again. Your voice is not gone! Use that voice praise Him, praise God; praise God, praise the Almighty God, Praise the King of kings, praise the Lord of lords, praise the Ancient of days, Thank You Lord, I can sing, I can praise You, I can speak, I can talk, thank You God, glory be to Your name, glory be to Your name, glory be to Your name, glory be to Your name, glory be to Your name, Thank You Father, thank You Lord. In Jesus mighty name we have given thanks. Just one more, I have said that a day will come when we will come to Holy Ghost service like this and we will do nothing other than thank God. In the year 2018, I went a-fishing December, and the roads where very very rough and it meant nothing to me, I have been doing it for a long time, But this time the roads were so rough that by the third day my body collapse completely, and I mean so completely I had to spend Christmas in bed. And to come from Ilesha to the camp I was so down that I knew that if were to travel by the road I will die on the road, So, we made arrangement for a Helicopter to come and pick me up and the Helicopter came But because the devil was determined that that year will be my end; arrange a crowd of people round the helicopter, and managed to smuggle me into the helicopter, but the crowd said, you are not going anywhere, They hung unto the helicopter; they were so violent; they tore the window of the helicopter. Somehow, I am still here today. I want you to thank God for me; thank God for me. Say Lord, thank You, thank You. Thank God for your Pastors, thank God for all men of God, thank God. And then, thank God for yourself because you don’t know how many times the devil has tried to kill because the devil knows what is coming ahead for you. Thank God also for yourself that you are still alive today in spite of all the efforts of satan, give God the glory. Give Him all the glory. Thank You Father. Thank You Lord. Amen. We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour Jesus
We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour Jesus
We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour Saviour
We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour
Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the One who was, who is, who is to come, the Almighty God, thank You; thank You for 2024, thank You for 2025, thank You for thus far You have helped us, thank You we know that our tomorrow will be alright, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Tonight, in the lives of everyone of us please do something remarkable. This year in the life of everyone of us do something remarkable; just glorify Your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Let somebody shout hallelujah. Well, there might be one or two people you have not yet see this year; how about shaking hands with five people and say happy new year, And then you may please be seated. Very quickly we will go to the topic before: GLORY AHEAD Isaiah chapter 3 verse 10 While you are opening your Bible let me ceased the opportunity to say thank to all of you who had been a blessing to us one way or the other throughout last year; the Lord will continue to bless you more and more. Isaiah chapter 3 verse 10 10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with you... I want you to prophesy to one or two people and say, it shall be well with you. Some of you are not doing it o, remember the law of harvest. Glory Ahead – what is the meaning? You already know the meaning according to Proverbs 3 verse 35: the wise shall inherit glory, but shall be the promotion of fools. The opposite of wise is fool; the opposite of glory is shame. So, glory ahead is actually saying: no more shame for you. Because in Joel chapter 2 verses 26 and 27, twice the Lord repeated Himself saying: My people shall never be ashamed. Please help me prophesy to somebody, remember my son who spoke told you this is a night of faith. With faith, prophesy to the person next to you: you will never know shame again. And then turn again to the people on the other side and prophesy to yourself and say: I will never know shame again. Now, ‘ahead’ means somewhere in the future. You know, the life of a man is broken into three pieces: the past, the present, and the future - yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And according to Hebrews 13 verse 8 tells us that Jesus Christ is in control of all three – Jesus Christ yesterday, today and forever. So, ahead means somewhere in future – somewhere you are yet to reach. So, glory ahead means something beautiful, something worthwhile in the future. And that’s while Isaiah chapter 3 verse 10 says, say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him. In the hymn that we sang, the special song for tonight, if you look at verse 7 there, it says something; It says, ‘when something is in the hand of the Omega, things can only get better’ Whatever my situation right now, I know my tomorrow will be alright! Because in the hands of the Omega things can only get better. I decree to someone straight away, whether the devil likes it or not, your tomorrow will be alright. The future will be better than the present for several reasons, One, the fact that you are still breathing means there is hope for you Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 made it clear, when there is life there is hope; a living dog is better than a dead lion. You may look at me and consider me a dog, right now but I am not dead yet and my future is not in your hands, my future is in the hand of Omega; my future is the hand of the One who controls tomorrow. You know, that is while in Psalm 150 verse 6, the Bible says everything that has breath should praise the Lord. You may not it, but even right now as you are here help may already be on the way. In 1Kings chapter 17 from verse 8 to 16, the widow of Zarephath and her son had only one meal left, there were just getting ready for their farewell dinner But as the woman was going to fetch wood help was already coming on the other side of the mountain. And I believe that the One sent me to you is asking me to tell someone help is on the way to you. Why am I so sure help is on the way? Because the Bible says there is someone who is monitoring your activities His name is Jesus. According to Hebrews 12 verse 2 says just focus on Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith; just focus on Him. Colossians 1 verse 27 made it clear, Christ in you the hope of glory. I want to assure you, it does not matter how sick you are now, if you are still breathing, you shall be well. How come? Because your healing had been paid for. 1Peter 2 verse 24, before He said by His stripes you were healed; he said, Jesus Christ already bore your sins on the tree; somebody had paid for your healing. So, it does not matter what the devil may be telling you, in the name of Jesus Christ, since you are still breathing you are going to be made whole. You cannot die until Jesus says so! And I can assure you He has no intention of saying so because He needs you here on earth; He already has a mighty choir in heaven; He needs more voices here on earth. They may say you are incurable; that is as far as human beings are concern; the God of all flesh that decides and with Him nothing shall be impossible. I can never forget the story, … And tonight, I might be telling you one or two story – and those of you who may say I have that story before, thank you, hear it again; let those of us who have never heard it, hear it, and it is not just a story, it is a testimony. They overcame by the word of your testimony. 1981, I just came back from Ilorin to Ebute-Metta as General Overseer, it was 1982 I came – that is a year after I came, And so, my wife came to tell me, she is being a teacher all her and she felt well I am a full-timer now with husband and I can at least help children, So, we started with small school at the Headquarter with none fee pay; so there where bringing children member who are going to work at least your children is going to be secure. We are using one little bus to go and bring these children from their home to school. One morning the bus had gone to somewhere (I have forgotten the name of the street now) to bring children; They were returning and they came to Oyingbo, the vehicle was small, the children were increasing in number and so they were not enough seats for the children to seat and so one of them sat on the dashboard facing the driver and there was armed robbery going on at Oyingbo, And one of the robbers fired a shot, went through the wheel screen, went through the back of the boy and came out of his stomach, As the bullet was coming out, it came out with the intestines. And to cut the long story short, the school helpers who went to bring the children and the driver had turned back and ran towards Luth at pick hour – traffic hour. From Ebute-Metta to Luth took them two hours; by the time they got to Luth, the Doctors take a look at the boy, they saw the amount of blood that had been lost, they said there is no need wasting time, no hope for this boy. One hour later, an hour after the baby arrived somebody saod this boy is still breathing let us do something even if all we do is stitch him up. So, they took him to the theatre, removed the bullet, sewed him up, and waited for him to die, He is still alive today! I want you to lift your hands to the most high God and say with all your faith: I refuse to die, I will live and do the work of the Almighty God. So, are you sick? Glory ahead; healing ahead; wholeness ahead. Are you poor? Breakthrough is on the way. How do I know? Your prosperity had been paid for. 2Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9, he says Jesus became poor that you might become rich. Somebody had paid for your financial breakthrough. Whenever you hear me say, for those of you who are poor you are not going to die poor, what I am saying is Biblical. In the Name that is above every other name, you will not die poor. I told you those of you who I visited during the go-a-fishing this year, I am sure you don’t know the story of what happened in 2018 When I finally recovered, my children came to me and said, sir, no more; you are not going-a-fishing any more. You have been going-a-fishing for almost forty years that is enough. I just smiled. I still went to go-a-fishing this last December and I will keep going until the Lord says alright you can stop. One of the things I told you those of you I visited is that many of you came to the ground as tenants, in the Name that is above every other name, you will soon have your own houses. How? According to the word of God, wealth can change hands. Proverbs 13 verse 22, says the riches of the wicked they are laid up for the righteous. Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him. Galatians chapter 6 verse 9 to 10 says keep on sowing you are going to reap. That is what God said. 2Corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 to 7 says you can even hasten the day of your breakthrough by being generous. Thank You Father. My Father asked me to tell someone, He said your miracle will advertise itself. I know that can have several meanings, several interpretations but I believe that might be talking to those who are considered barren. When suddenly your stomach begins to bulge without you talking, somebody will know there is glory ahead. It does not matter how poor you are now, it only takes one breakthrough from God, just one! I have told you the story before of a friend of mine way back in 1950s, When I say my daddy was poor, poor people call him poor, his father was poor than my father, and so we don’t even know what to call that one. At least my father was able to gather enough money to send me to school for the first two years before God send help, And God will send help to somebody. This friend of mine could not go to anything because there was no money. So, when we have gone to school, he will be going around, small boy, going round looking for work, And then someone gave him a work to cut a piece of bush somewhere outside the town, and he was going, and he heard a sound as if something is down there and he checked Some of you know the story, and those of you who don’t know God is talking to you. And he saw a big box full of coins, gold coins; you know in those days many people don’t take their money to the bank. He looked right, he looked left nobody around, he gathered all the coins, and when he took one of the coins to a goldsmith and that one looked at it and said (because the boy did not know he had no idea) I will pay you so much The boy said haa! Because he did not know it was a treasure that he had found. When he said ‘haa’, the goldsmith thought that this boy probably knows the value and he said alright, I will pay you double. And the boy said, haha And the goldsmith kept on bargaining; I think by the time the goldsmith has promised to pay five times the what he offered initially, he could not talk anymore, he simply says, ‘hmm’. And the goldsmith said do you have more? He said I have more. I told you during the cross over night, it takes less than twelve hours for sorrow to become joy. I decree to somebody listening to me today, long before the end of this month, your joy will overflow. It was long after that because my friend became stinkingly rich, it was not long after that he disappeared because I have never seen him since then. He left the club of the poor. In the Name of the One who said silver is Mine, gold is Mine, this year you will leave the company of the poor. Are you in bondage? Glory ahead. Why? Because your freedom is guaranteed. Because the Commander-in-Chief, your Commander-in-Chief, my Commander-in-Chief, is the One called the Lord of host. Psalm 24 verse 7 to 10 tells us that the Lord God Almighty that we serve is the Lord, He is the Lord strong and mighty; the Mighty in battle. Philippians 2 verse 9 to 11 says at the mention of His name alone all knees must bow; whether of things on heaven, things on earth, things underneath the earth. He is also the One called the truth. And according to John 3 verse 32 and 36, the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Why is He going to prosper? Why is it that He is going to set you from forces of darkness? Like I told you during the let-go a fishing, why is it that He is going to destroy the yokes binding your hands which has been allowing to prosper? Yokes binding your feet which has not been allowing you to make progress? I can tell you one thing; it is because He needs divine treasurer here on earth. Because in Luke chapter 8 from verse 1 to 3 the Bible talked of certain women that were ministering to Jesus, they were God’s treasurers, and they were people out of whom He has cast out demons. There was a man everything he was supposed to have a breakthrough something will happen and then he heard one that he could not bear anymore. They told him that he won a very big contract in Abuja, he should come and collect the award letter. He was glad; boarded a plane, got to Abuja, went to the office; Between Lagos and Abuja, the boss had changed his mind and given the contract to somebody else; and then he said no more. He came, he gave his life to Jesus, we prayed a simple pray and everything changed. In the Name that is above every other name, every yoke in your life will be destroy tonight. From now on, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, whatever you touch will prosper. Are you a failure? Glory ahead, because you won’t need to fail anymore. Because according to Philippians 4 verse 13… Oh thank You Father. Listen very carefully, it is a long time I heard this one last. The Lord says before the end of March, somebody is going to have three landmark breakthroughs. You may need to write it down because He asked me to tell you: The first one belongs to Him, the second one belongs to you, the third one would be shared fifty-fifty. He asked me to tell you: Number one, don’t do anything until you got all three. Number two, He says by the time the third one came, you will never need to borrow again. Three landmark breakthroughs before the end of March! Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things… In the song we rendered, it says He has given me power to succeed. Glory ahead you don’t have to fail anymore; the strength to do everything successfully is in you. I can do all things. Go to this new year with that assurance. No more failure. I told you…; again, some of you will say I have heard it before, hear it again; if it is not for you, it is for someone else. I told you about that boy the son of two professors – father professor and mother professor - and yet this boy his brain was just zero; he just kept on failing. If they moved him from a class of thirty pupil to a class of thirty-five pupils, his position will move from thirtieth to thirty-fifth, he just could not help it. His parent got him the best of private tutors he just kept on failing. On day they brought the boy and we prayed a simple prayer, and the next examination he came first. The teacher said he cannot be true because they said this boy was so dull that even if you give him the answer to copy, he will copy it wrong. So, they gave him another exam and he scored higher. He never failed again! In the name that is above every other name, you will never fail again. Are you defeated? I want to give you goodnews, glory ahead. The laughter of those who defeated you will soon be cut off. In Romans chapter 8 verse 31 to 34, the Bible made it clear, if God is for you, who can be against you. Thank You Father. The Lord asked me to tell someone, (and maybe I too can say amen to this one) He said what I started in 2024 I will complete this year. In Romans chapter 8 verse 37 the word of God made it clear; we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. You say sir, you don’t know my situation: I have fought battles from many fronts and I have lost completely, I am defeated. Well, the Bible says in Job chapter 22… Thank You Father. The Lord asks me to tell someone that very soon you will say truly Lord is faithful. Now, this one is my own. Amen. Amen. Amen. The Lord says when your victory comes, you will roll on the ground. You will roll in joy. Job chapter 22 from verse 28 to 29, the Bible tells us that if you meet a certain condition; The condition of course is drawing close to God, you stay away from sin, doing His will, He said He will give you the ability to decree and when you decree it will be established. Then He went further to say, when you see men who are cast down, when you say to them, then, you say to them there is a lifting up, On the basis of that passage of the Bible, all of you who are down long before the end of this month you will be up again. Why? The Almighty God will cause confusion among your enemies. He will create a problem for the enemy they won’t even have time for you anymore. And some of will remember the story of one my daughter who came and said Daddy I cannot fight anymore I have been fully defeated; I did everything I could to keep my husband, But a strange woman had come and taken away my husband, and my husband had packed out of the house now and to go and leave with this strange woman. I said, well, we cry to go: your husband will come and beg you. Haa! Daddy, I will beg him, let him come back home. And I said God will start a quarrel between the strange woman and your husband, a quarrel nobody can settle. That is a decree to somebody here tonight. It was not long after that that there was a quarrel between the husband and the strange woman, The strange woman said to this man: don’t you know that your head is not correct! If your head is correct, you left your wife with four children to come and live with woman with five children and none of them is yours – your head is not correct. And the man said, that is true o! And he packed his load, came, knocked at the door; my daughter opened the door; he prostrated; don’t say anything, just come in. In the Name of the One who sent me, the defeat will become triumph. Are you sad? Glory ahead. Because like we shared on crossover night, Psalm 30 verse 5 says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Jesus Christ said in John 15 verse 24, He said the faulty is yours (that is my own translation), He said you have not asked me for anything. All those things you have been asking are small small things - ask till your joy be full. You are going to go God in faith tonight, you are going to ask Him for remarkable things. I just had that prophesy that when your joy comes you will be rolling on the ground for joy, that is going to happen to me. He is going to happen to somebody. Let me close because you are going to pray and after you have prayed the men of God are going to lay on everybody and that is likely to be happening in every Holy Ghost service. Because the word of God says if two of you shall agree together as concerning anything that you ask on earth it will be done for you by our Father in heaven. These men of God will join their faith to yours and every prayer you will receive an answer from God. Conclusion for tonight, we will continue from there next month. There is a link between glory and holiness. Exodus 15 verse 11, Okay! Please listen to this one very carefully. The Lord says there is someone here you have been doing evil and you have been escaping judgement; He asked me to tell you, if you dare do the next one, you will pay for all you have done before and you will bite your finger and say I was warned. I hope the fellow concern is hearing me? You have been doing evil, getting away with it; maybe you are already planning the next one, God out his love for you asked me to tell you: you try it, you will be caught, you will pay for all the ones you have done before; and you will bite your finger and say I was warned. There is a link between glory and holiness. Exodus 15 verse 11, when he was describing God, he said He is glorious in holiness. You are looking forward to glory ahead! 1Peter 1 verse 14 to 16 God said, the reason I want you to be holy is because I AM holy. You want glory? Stay away from sin, say bye-bye to sin. Matthew chapter 7 verse 25 to 27, says be wise, glory belong to the wise, and the wise is the one who hears the word of God and will do them. This is a year different from other years. One of the prophecies for this year, and you will hear a bit more later, is that the wind that started blowing last year is going to continue to blow more vigorously. The sins that were hid last year will be exposed this year. So, I appeal to you, say bye-bye to sin. And if you are still leaving in sin up till this moment and you want the blood Jesus Christ to wipe away your sins, you want Him to save your soul, you want Him to come and leave in you; you want old things to pass away, all things to become new, I am going to count from one to twelve, and before I say twelve make sure you are already standing before the altar so we can pray for your salvation and everything will become new for you. I am counting now One, two, three, four, You don’t have to wait for anybody, you may be the only one; today can be your day of salvation Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, Alright, those of you on the way keep coming keep coming and pray as you come; and those of you at the front cry to Jesus Christ and pray, Lord, I want everything to become new for me, please save my soul, forgive all my sins, write my name in the book of life, come and be my Lord, come and be my Saviour, I want You to come and dwell in me so that I also can say Christ in me the hope of glory. Go ahead cry to Jesus Christ; ask Him to save your soul, ask Him to forgive your sins, ask Him to become Your Lord and Saviour, promise Him that you will serve Him for the rest of your life. Those of you on the way keep coming; and the rest of us please let us stretch our hands to these our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them. Pray that the one who saved our souls will save their own souls also. Intercede for them that God will give them genuine salvation so that old things had passed away and all things have become new. Those of you on the way you have to hurry up now we have only one minute to go to pray for salvation. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen My Father and my God we want to thank You for Your word, we want to give You glory and honour for all these people who have come forward to surrender their lives to You, please Lord have mercy on them, receive them, let Your blood wash away their sins, save their souls Lord, receive them into the family of God, write their names in the book of life, and from now on let them serve You. And if they ever cry unto You for anything please answer them by fire; and don’t let them backslide. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Now, those of you who have come forward congratulations, I want to promise you that from now on I will be praying for you. The Counselors will collect certain information from you – your name, your address, and your prayer request; and I promise you that from now on I will be praying for you. God bless you. And then we will wait for you until the Counselors have finish with you before we proceed further. God bless you. Congratulations. Thank you. You may want to write down your prayer points. Number one of course is you want to thank the Almighty God for His goodness, for His mercy, for Him faithfulness, for His support, and because He holds your future. Praise Him. And then, number two, you will say Father, please glorify Your name by making me completely whole. Number three, be careful before you pray this one. You say Father, I will be Your treasurer, please give me more that I can ever need. Number four, Father, give me the kind of joy that will make me roll on the ground – give me that kind of joy, I will have to experience it. Number five, Father, please give me remarkable pleasant surprises throughout this year. Number six, Father, please perfect that which concerns me this year. Number seven, Father, please pour fresh oil on the G.O and all the Pastors. Number eight, Father, please all that I need to serve You more than ever before give unto me – good health, plenty of strength, anointing. And then number nine will be your own special requests. The altar is open you come and cry to the Almighty God. You start by praising Him. Giving Him all glory, all adoration, and then proceed. Thank You Father. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. The Almighty God will grant all your request. He will glorify His name by making you whole. He will give you more than you can ever need. Everything you need to serve Him, physically, spiritually, materially, He will give you abundantly. Everything that the enemy could have used to hinder your progress will be destroyed tonight. That kind of joy that will make someone roll on the ground, you will experience it soon. This year God will give you pleasant surprises. It shall be well with you. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Pastor E. A. Adeboye