AMEN 5th of August, 2016



5HT AUGUST, 2016.


Let us lift our hands to the Most High God.

Brethren give Him glory; give Him adoration.

Bless the King of kings; bless the Lord of lords.

Go ahead praise Him.

Let Him hear your voice.

Praise Him, praise Him.

Praise the King of kings.

Praise the Lord of lords.

Magnify His holy name.

Praise Him.

Praise Him.

He is the Almighty God.

He is the only One who can do mighty things.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.

Bless His holy name.

Bless His holy name.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Lord.

In Jesus mighty name we worshipped.

Now, lift your voice to Him and say: Father, tonight, settle my case permanently.

Settle my case permanently Lord. This very night, King of glory, settle my case permanently. Thank You Lord. Please settle my case permanently. To the glory of your name settle my case. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

You are the mighty God

The Great I AM




You are the mighty God

The Great I AM




You are the mighty God

The Great I AM




You are the mighty God

The Great I AM




Father Almighty, greater than the greatest, higher than the highest, older than the oldest, wiser than the wisest, stronger than the strongest, glory be to Your holy name; please accept our worship in Jesus' name.

Thank You for all You have done for us thus far; thank You for what You are about to do now; please accept our worship in Jesus' name.

Tonight Father, in the life of every one of us; in the life of all those who are listening to us all over the world, do something special; settle our cases permanently. Heal our land. By the time this service is over; let every one of us sing a new song. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let somebody shout hallelujah.

Shake hands with two or three people and tell them that tonight is my night you know.

And then, you may please be seated.

I will be as brief I can tonight, because we are going to pray.

If God says, every prayer prayed during this convention is going to be answer; we will be foolish not to pray.

And so, we are going to pray intensely. Well, like somebody said, and they would be mathematical prayers - they will be precise; and the Lord is going to surprise somebody here tonight.

What is the meaning of Amen?

It simply means: so let it be.

It means, as far as your prayers are concern, consider it done.

So, tonight, considering all your prayers, in the mighty name of Jesus, consider them done.

Now, what is prayer?

Prayer simply means: a cry for help.

You have a problem; you cannot handle the problem yourself; you know somebody who can help and you cry to him for help.

In Mathew chapter 14 verse 22 to 32, when Peter saw Jesus walking on the sea and he said if it is you call me to come; and Jesus said, come.

And he jumped out of the boat and he took some steps, and then, he saw the wind boisterous, and he began to sink...

Even though he was thought by Jesus Christ how to pray: "our Father which hath in heaven; hallow be thy name; thy kingdom come..."; on that day, he did not remember any of them when he saw himself sinking.

He just made a simple statement: "Lord, help me" - that was all his prayer was.

Do I hear somebody shout to God loud and clear - God help me - that is prayer.

It means you have a problem and you go someone who can help you solve that problem.

Either because the person has the position to help you; in Luke chapter 18 verse 1 to 5 - a woman went to a Judge and said, avenge me of my adversaries; I cannot do it but you have the position to do it, help me.

Or you go to someone who has influence, he has connections and through the connections you know he can help you. In 2Kings chapter 4 verse 18 to 37 - a woman loss her son, but she knew someone who has connection with God, his name is Elisha. She ran to Elisha. At the end of the day, the problem was solved.

Or, you may go to God directly; particularly when Pastors have failed you; Evangelist have failed you; General Overseers have failed you; so, you dodged them all and go straight to God; like in Mathew 15 verse 21 to 28 - when that woman came to Jesus, and said help me my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil.

The Disciples were even telling the Lord, send her away she is too noisy. She said, I did not come to you Disciples, I have come to Jesus; and the Almighty God solved her problem.

I have told you the story before, of a lady who was barren and after something the Pastor said everyone I prayed for had conceived; what about your case?

And told the story that while she was in school, she made a mistake and became pregnant and tried to abort.

In the process, by the time they got her to the hospital, the doctor had to remove her womb for her not to die.

So the Pastor said, you mean you have no womb and you asking me to pray for children.

From that day, the Pastor began to dodge her.

The day she discover the Pastor was dodging her, she transferred her prayer not through the Pastor now but directly to God.

And one night she had a dream; she was standing naked and a huge man was coming towards her with the skin of an animal in his hands. When he got to her, he wrapped the skin round her waist and she woke. And she knew that God have giving her a new womb. That month she became pregnant.

I want you to lift your voice to God, and say: Father, I have not come to see the G.O tonight; I have come to see You, help me. And He will help you in Jesus' name.

Don't worry we will soon begin to pray.

Now, when you go to somebody to help you, and you know the problem is beyond you, then, whatever the person you go to ask you to do, you will do it - even if it sound foolish.

In 2Kings chapter 4 verse 1 to 7 - when that widow who was heavily in debts ran to Elisha for help; Elisha told her what to do.

What Elisha told her did not make sense: go home; borrow empty vessels; borrow not a few; shut the door on yourself and begin to pour the little oil you have; whenever each one is full, set it aside.

She did not ask, how can any pot be full from my little bottle of oil?

No no, she didn't ask.

She went home, she did exactly what she was told and the problem was solved.

There is only one person who can help when everybody else has failed - His name is Jesus.

And He said to you, come to me all ye that labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

But he said, you have to take My yoke upon you - you must come under my own management.

That was while they gave the altar call not long ago; and I thank God for those of you who have surrendered your life.

If there is anyone of you left that you have not surrender your life to Jesus yet; when we are praying, don't waste your prayer; the first thing you should do is: surrender your life to Jesus - you must come under a new management.

Now, I am going to give you a case study. I am going to use an example of someone who needed help and ran to Jesus for help and she got the answer to her prayer.

It is a story you know very well; you will find it in Mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34 - is the story of the woman with issue of blood.

I want you to read it on your own - it is a story you know very well.

She had this problem call the Issue of Blood; she went to Doctors, they kept transferring her from one Doctor to another. She spent all she had and instead of getting better she grew worst.

Finally, she came to Jesus and her problems were solved.

That lady prayed seven major prayers that I am going to encouraged you to pray tonight.

So, any moment from now, I am going to ask you to stand up and pray.

Because of those who might be coming for the first time; when I say stand up to pray, I am only talking to youth not the elders. The elders can seat down and pray.

If you are older than I, seat down and pray.

If you fall asleep while you are praying, it is okay; because the Bible says, the old men shall dream dreams. But if you are younger than I, you are Youth.

When I ask you to stand up to pray, you will pray.

What was the first pray that lady prayed?

She cried to God and said, please, put an end to my physical suffering.

Some of the prayer we about to pray, they are not for everyone.

If you are not suffering physically, when we are praying for an end to physical suffering, don't join us; unless you want to pray for your friends who might be sick.

This lady was saying to God, I have tried every Doctor; I have not received any result.

But it is written, You are the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for you (Jeremiah 32 verse 27); so, I have come to You, the One who can do all thing and You must put an end to my physical suffering.

You remember the testimony of a woman; the Doctors told her she cannot survive but without doubt she will die.

She told her daughters, take me to the church.

They told her, it is not the day of service; she said I am not going to see any Pastor; I am going to see God, take me to the church.

They took her to the church; she said, just stand me near the pillar. She held on to the pillar, and said O God, I know You are here, You don't travel, before I let go of this pillar let me be whole instantly.

The power of God hit her and every trace of sickness disappeared.

If there is anyone here, you have heard the testimonies, it does not matter what the Doctors may call your sickness;

Stand on your feet, cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, every kind of physical suffering in my body, end it right now.

Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

Every form of physical suffering; every ache, every pain, let it disappear right now. I know You are here, I have not come to see any Pastor, I have not come to see the General Overseer, I have come to You and I know You are the Doctor of doctors, any form of physical suffering, that may be in my system, end it tonight, end it tonight, end it tonight, end it tonight. This very moment Lord, every form of sickness, whatever may be the name, it does not matter the report the doctor had given, every form of ache and pain, every form of sickness, every form of disease in my body, let it end tonight, let it end tonight. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. 

So shall it be in Jesus' name.

Please be seated.

She prayed a second prayer because she has lost everything; she has spent all she has; and so, she came to Jesus: please put an end to my material suffering.

Brethren, I have discovered that there is a connection between poverty and sickness.

Proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 says, the destruction of the poor is their poverty. In order words, poverty can destroy.

So, when we are going to pray the next prayer, it does not refer to those of you who are rich; it has to do with those of us who believed that we need help.

In Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52 - when Bartimaeus was crying to Jesus Christ, and Jesus ask him to come; he said to Jesus Christ, all I want you to do for me is to remove this hardship, remove this handicap that is causing me to be a beggar.

I am believing God for some here today, this will be the last day you will ever beg.

I have told you the story before.

A young man came to see us; when you look at him, you will know he has been suffering - he looks much older than his age.

What was his story?

Some of you know it.

He has a P.hD and as hard that he tried he could not get a job.

Hunger as reduced him to something else.

He gave his life to Jesus. We prayed that God will put an end to his sufferings.

Before he got home, he got a phone call that a job is waiting for him.

He got a job; he got married; he began to have children; when you see him his face changed; everything about him became brilliant; ...

Tonight, the material suffering that had reduced you to a beggar is about to end if you can stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, before the end of this month, let my breakthrough come.

Open your mouth and pray.

Before the end of this month, in Your own spectacular way, let my breakthrough come; let my breakthrough come; let my breakthrough come; because I am tired of suffering Lord, I am tired of begging. I am tired of begging. Before the end of this month Lord, let my breakthrough come; let my breakthrough come; let my breakthrough come.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

So shall it be in Jesus' name.

Number three. This lady because she had the issue of blood, was regarded, at least in the olden days, as unclean.

She could not come into the house of God; so, she had spiritual problem.

Thank You Father.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight, the Doctor told you that your lungs are not working properly; the Lord said, He will give you new one tonight.

Well! Daddy asks me to tell you a story. I know some of you don't like stories.

It is the testimony of a man - some of you know.

A Prophet told him that he will die in a particular year, that there is no way he could see the coming year.

He said what have I done?

The prophet said, it is not the matter of what you have done - you are dying.

He said, okay, this year you said?

The prophet said yes.

And said well, can I live till December 31?

The prophet said all I know is that you are dying this year - December 31 is still part of the year.

December 31, very early in the morning, he ran to the church in Ebute-Metta; as soon as he got into the church, he said: haha! the death that will come and kill me here, I will wait and see. For several years, that man is still alive and well.

The Lord asks me to tell someone tonight, the one who told you, you are going to die, is not your God, ignore him. The fellow concerned we know.

Prayer number three. She cried to God, please solve my spiritual problems: If it is a yoke, destroy the yoke.

Isaiah chapter 10:27, says, the anointing we destroy the yoke.

And Jesus is called the Christ, the anointed One. If I can just touch the hem of you garment with all the anointing on you, I know my yoke will be destroy.

If it is a curse, break it. After all, Galatians 3:13 tells us that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.

I have told you before curse can do a terrible thing.

I have told you a man in our village who would have been the first Professor in our village - the most brilliant fellow around at that time - but he was cursed because he built up his mother.

The mother smote her breast, and said unless you do not suck this breast that is when you are going to prosper.

That brilliant fellow ended up a night-guard.

But there is somebody who can destroy every curse.

I am begging you, stand on your foot; cry to the Almighty God: if there is any curse still operating in my life, Father, destroy tonight; destroy tonight.

If there is a curse on my generation, please destroy tonight; destroy it tonight. Whether the curse comes through my Father line or from my mother line, destroy every curse tonight. If there is any curse left at all in my life, please break it tonight. If there is any yoke, destroy it tonight, destroy it tonight, destroy it tonight. Destroy every curse, break every yoke, solve my spiritual problems O Lord. Solve my spiritual problems; solve my spiritual problems tonight. Thank You my Father. Thank You Almighty.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

So shall it be in Jesus' name.

Prayer number four.

This lady knew that certain forces had laid a siege on her life - this force is not allowing the flow to stop - sucking life out of her.

She knew there is a siege on her life.

And a siege is a classical technique of the devil.

John chapter 10 verse 10 says but the thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy.

The devil comes in steadily to reduce to nothing.

You know the story of Naomi in the book of Ruth - Ruth chapter 1 verse 1 to 5. When she left home, she left with her husband and her two sons.

When the devil came - took the husband; then, took the first son; then, took the second son - steadily reducing her to nothing.

That is classical example of way siege works.

But there is a God who can cause a siege to be lifted; and He can do it within twenty four hours.

In 2Kings chapter 7 verse 1 to 11 - it took less than twenty four hours to lift the siege that the king of Syrian as brought against Samarian; and that God is here today.

You heard the testimony  of a young man who said, in his father's family, no small boy every knew his daddy because whenever the wife is pregnant with a boy before the baby boy is born, the father must die - it was a siege on that family.

And he came to a meeting like this and the word of God came that the tragedy in his father's land had come to an end and he grabbed it.

I told you before; when he came forward to give his testimony, he showed us that his wife became pregnant, gave birth to a boy, I am still alive. He gave birth to the second child, he is a boy, I am still alive. Gave birth to a third child, he is a boy; I am still alive.

I want you to stand on your feet.

If there is any siege against my family, Father, let the siege be lifted tonight.

Open your mouth and pray.

There are some families, they never get married there; if they married, the marriage must break up because there is a siege.

There some families just when somebody is about to become somebody important, the fellow will die.

Whatever siege is upon my family O Lord, destroy tonight, destroy tonight. Let every siege in my life be lifted. Let every siege be lifted. Let every siege be lifted. Let every siege be lifted. Every siege, against me; every siege against my family, let it be lifted tonight; let it be lifted tonight. Let it be lifted tonight. Thank You Father.

In Jesus might name we have prayed.

So shall it be in Jesus' name.

Please let us be seated.

Prayer number five.

Because she had the issue of blood, she couldn't get a husband - she was lonely.

Situation is bad enough when somebody is lonely because she has not gotten a husband. But there are some people who are married who are lonely.

She came to the Lord and say: end my loneliness. After all it is written in Psalm 121 verse 5, that we have a friend who is as close to us as our shadow.

It is written in Hebrews 13 verse 5...

Thank You Father. Thank You Lord.

The Lord asks me to announce that He want to give more twins this year and that those who are interested should decide right now how they want them - Boy or Girl; or two Boys or two Girls - Mark my words.

The Lord asks me to tell someone here tonight, for years to come there will be no more condolence visit to your home.

I like this one.

Thank You Father.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said I know where what you are looking for is, He said I will direct you to it.

Daddy asks me to tell someone, He said you will understand, He said I will not let you sink.

Hebrew 13 verse 5, God promised - I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.

I am sure you know the story that a lady came to the church; came to the one of the programs like this and then I said, everybody should ask God for whatever they want.

She said to God, at the time I thought you should give me a husband; You did not do anything about it.

Now I am too old to have one, just do whatever you want to do for me; I have made up my mind that I will serve you anyway.

Some days later, somebody came, he said, thus says the Lord, you are my wife.

She said to him, better go and pray again because I am too old to have a child; and the man said praise God, you must be the one. Because I already have children, is just that my wife died, I need somebody who will help me look after those children.

They got married.

That very month she became pregnant and gave birth to a set of twins - two boys.

I want you to stand on your feet and say: my Father, settle my case tonight. Settle my case tonight.

Talk to the Almighty God

Settle my case tonight. Settle my case tonight. Just settle my case Lord. Settle my case tonight. Almighty God, settle my case tonight. Settle my case tonight. Settle my case tonight. Settle my case tonight. Thank You Father.

In Jesus might name we have prayed.

So shall it be in Jesus' name.

Please be seated.

Prayer number six...

Thank You Father.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said very soon, it will be difficult to believe that you are once poor.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell someone that, long before the end of this year, the evidence that the siege is over would be clear to all.

O Lord, thank You Jesus.

I will ask you to do something funny before; I am going to ask you do something funny now; because the Lord asked me to tell you to laugh.




Because the Lord asked me to tell you: some people are trying to stop your laughter, I will increase your laughter.

Please be seated.

It is a pity that we have to hurry.

Prayer number six - the lady was crying to God...

Oh my God.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said, the situations surround you are saying is too late for you to know joy; the Lord asks me to tell you, your joy begins tonight.


In any case, prayer number six...

Now, I want to say amen to this one before I tell you.

Daddy says there is someone here (and I know that it must be me), He said, mark My word, what took you years to do, I will now help you to do it in weeks.


Anyway, maybe I will just combine the other two prayers.

Her prayer number six is: end my barrenness.

When she said, end my barrenness, she was not just talking about the fact that with the issue of blood that she can never became pregnant; she was actually saying, I am tired of fruitless efforts.

Thank God the theme for next month is: No More Fruitless Efforts.

Maybe at that time we will spend the whole night praying about that.

But she prayed the seventh prayer and that prayer was: you have stopped the flow of blood; you have healed me; but take the thing a step further, make me whole so that afflictions will not occur the second time.

In the book of Nahum chapter 1 verse 9, the Bible says the Lord will make an utter end; affliction shall not rise the second time.

Please stand on your feet, (don't let me tell story); just lift your voice to the Almighty God, from this moment onward, don't let me know affliction again.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

No more affliction: physical, no affliction; material, no affliction; spiritual, no affliction; in any area of my life, let there be no more affliction. Let there be no more affliction. Let there be no more affliction. No more afflictions O Lord for the rest of my life. Let there be no more affliction. No more afflictions Lord. No more afflictions - none physical, none material, none spiritual. No more afflictions Lord. In my family no more afflictions; no more sorrow; no more death; no more tragedies; no more afflictions Lord. Please my Daddy let there be no more afflictions. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want you to pray one more prayer, and this time I want you to join hands with your neighbour..., I remember the law of harvest: whatever you wish me, God is going to return it to you hundred fold.

So pray for your neighbour and say: Father, to every prayer of this my neighbour, please say amen.

Let us go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

To every prayer of this my neighbour, please Lord say amen; say amen O Lord; say amen O Lord. To every prayer of this Your son, please Lord, say amen; say amen; say amen. Thank You Father. Thank You Father. Say amen. Almighty God, to the prayer of this Your son say amen; say amen; say amen Lord.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I am going to pray for you in a moment...

Haa! thank You Father.

Daddy asks me to tell someone, He said there is a major thanksgiving coming and it is because of you.

I will pray for you in a moment

The Lord says, one of you, whoever that fellow is, is planning to do something big for God; the Lord asked me to tell you, go ahead, do what you want to do, and I will show you that I AM the all sufficient God.

We have tried to pray some seven prayers but maybe we have not included your own; I give you two minute to tell God exactly what you want Him to do for you - exactly what you want Him to do for you.

Thank You Father.

Let us begin to bring our prayer to a close.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

That which you have ask God for, before this time tomorrow, you shall have it in Jesus' name. The All Sufficient God shall grant your request in Jesus' name. Every prayer you have prayed here tonight, in the Name of the One who is called Amen, it is done; it is done; it is done. You will testify very very soon.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Let me hear somebody shout a very big hallelujah.


So, get out your handkerchief and lift it to the Most High God.

O thank You my Father.

I am going to pray and I am going to be praying in the Spirit; because it is only the Holy Spirit who knows the way the prayer must go.

I can assure you: that piece of cloth you are lifting to the Almighty God, is not going to be the same when I finish praying.

So, you just keep on saying amen because I will be praying in the Spirit.

In the mighty name of Jesus... SPEAKING IN THE HOLY SPIRIT...

Thank You Father.

And it is done in Jesus' name.

Lay that piece of cloth on your own head and just prophesy to yourself for just a moment - mention your name and say: Adeboye it is going to be well with you. Your case is settled now. No more sorrow. No more suffering. The siege is over. Afflictions will not arise again the second time. God has said amen to your prayers, so it is done, it is done, it is done.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

My Father and my God, I trust You because You are the unchangeable Lord; what You have done in the past, I know You will do it again. You have used our simple faith to anoint handkerchiefs like this and they have taken them all over the world, with testimonies of healings, of raising the dead, of resurrecting businesses, and some wonderful things; Father, do it again; do it again. Prove Your almightiness. Father, do it again.

Bless the offering of Your children; sanctify it; use it for Your glory. And all who have giving you this money don't let them ever beg again; don't let them ever know poverty again; let them have more than sufficient.

And as Your children will be going, go with them. Grant them journey mercies. Clear the road of every obstruction. Multiply Your miracles in their lives. Even before they get home, let miracles be waiting for them. And by the next time they will return here, whether tomorrow or some other time; by the next time they gathered at their viewing centers, let their joy overflow.

Thank You my Father and my God; glory be to Your holy name.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Who got the biggest miracle of tonight?

Let me hear you shout the biggest hallelujah.  

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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