Post your testimony on this wall.


I give God all the glory for the salvation of my soul and my household for the healing and mercy upon us. After the special Holy Ghost night I went back home to rejoice on the 10th of March,l woke up only to discover that the language of my Body system suddenly changed I have to pray and still believe that God will take control of the 12th of March I went to the hospital and the Doctor said that I should go for scan the results shows that I have Right Polycystic kin
Dney, Gastritis, Right Scrotal hydrocele I rejected the result I went back home and took the Mantle blessed by my father in the Lord which I called (oke gbekan mi) I went straight for another scan the results showed again Left Illiac Fossa thickened Bowel Loops? Colitis, Excessive Bowel Gas? Dyspepsia I came back again still taking the Mantle to pray again and I went straight to the hospital where the Doctor said they needed to operate on me Every necessary thing had been set I entered the operation room and asked the Doctor to give me 5 minutes to use Restroom I went and I blast in Tongue and I went back to the operation room and lay down on the couch after the line have set on the two hand injection had ministered on me, what I discover that the two Doctor began to whisper to one another and said no more operation congratulations sir, I what? The doctor repeats itself with no more operations. what would you like to eat am confused, I said nothing I was just saying God of my Father Adeboye thank you thank you. That is how the Doctor asks one of the nurses to go and arrange a plate of Rice and a plate of Fresh pepper soups for me that is how I operate on the dish. Who did it Jesus oh my God wow.
Abia Province One Aba 1 Region 15 Aba, Nigeria


I praise Jehovah-the covenant keeping God!
In January year 2023,the Lord gave my husband international breakthrough that we had been praying for.In one of the Holy Ghost Services that same year, the Lord spoke through daddy that he would do the second phase of what he has started. I received it,and in September I and our baby joined my husband. Towards the end of the year 2023, the Lord said again through daddy that"I will complete the work I have started" This month of March,year 2024,the Lord brought our daughters. Who did it?
London, United Kingdom


I thank God for the Salvation of my Soul and of my household. On the 10th of March 2024, after a special Holy Ghost Service. when I got to my station, I woke up only to discover that the language of my Body system suddenly changed I had to rush to the hospital after using Anoithing oil to pray, The Doctor asked me to rush to the Laboratory to do a scan the scan results showed that the Devil who is the father of fake results came late, I told myself Timothy Gbadebo that is not God results I was diagnosed of this infections.1. Right Polycystic Kidney 2. Pelvic Ulcer 3.Right crotal hydrocele 4. Prostate,5.lerge of intestines, etc I was booked for operations and I was taken to the theater and the two lines had been set on me the operation was about to start, Then I asked the Doctor to please give me 5 minutes to use the resting room which I went in to prayed with the Anointing Archerchife which our Father in the Lord bless for us and I went back to the operation room to lay on Couch to start the operation I saw the Two Doctor whispered to each other and they said stand up I Stood up they examine me, again and again, they could not find any problem on me. Both of them say Congratulations sir no more operations, The Doctor asked the nurse to get me a Plate of Rice and a plate of Fresh Fish peppers soup for me and I did an operation on them. Who did it Jesus oh my God wow.thank you Jesus for the healing.
Abia Province One Aba 1 Region 15 Aba, Nigeria


I want to thank our lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of my soul and for his grace and mercies over my life and my family in Jesus name. I also want to thank our beloved daddy G.o for his unrelenting prayers over our lives and what God is using him to do in the Rccg family. During the March special Holy Ghost service daddy released a word of knowledge that someone in the service was getting a massive restoration from the Lord, I claimed it instantly and my spirit leapt for joy confirming that I was the one in question. Firstly all the debts that different government agencies were owing me for years were paid within a week, secondly my son Emmanuel who had lost his job for the past six months got a new job today 18th March, 2024, also a big project which the enemy thought he had stalled in my life has begun to move forward to completion. I want to thank the almighty Lord and the God of our daddy G.o for these amazing restoration of all that the enemy has stolen away from me and my family. Praise the lord. Who did it, king jesus. Oh my God.
Lagos, Nigeria


I thank God for the salvation of my soul, I want to bless God Almighty for his loving kindness toward me; on 3rd of March 2024 after the solem assembly thanksgiving service on my way to Lagos I branch by to make a withdrawal at a roadside POS I was supposed to transfer 10,200 to collect 10,000 I made a mistake by typing 102,000 it was when I get to Lagos that I discovered the amount I sent, when I return to the spot to look for the lady I did the tranfer to she has left the place, according to the people around she only comes to do business during programs at the process of looking for her God use someone to trace her for me and i got my balance after three days. Am here to say thank you Jesus
Lagos, Nigeria


During the 50 days of fasting ad Prayer I beleived God for a job opportunity. I had sent my CV to many companies but none would take me. However there was an offer that seemed good but was fraudulent work where lies were involved, so thanks to the Holy Ghost I declined that job with peace.
Nothing did I know that Jehovah Jireh had a better job for me. Two weeks laters I saw a job advertisement from one company I always wanted to work for at least two years in my city. By the grace of God, during the last week of fasting and prayer the Lord opened a door and granted me that dream job. Not only that, but He granted me with the acceptance in my theorical driving license. Paise the Lord, who broke the yoke and set me free, All the Glory be to my Lord my Provider
Castille and Lion, Spain

ABIMBOLA GEORGE Period: November, 2023

I had a strange bleeding, which I noticed on the 22nd of October 2023.

At the November Holy Ghost Service, Daddy said the LORD said I should tell someone that the bleeding had stopped.

To God be the glory. A few days later, the bleeding stopped.
Thank you, our Father God; thank you, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; thank you, Holy Spirit.

Happy Birthday, Daddy, thank you to you and Mummy for your consistent walk with God.
London, United Kingdom

ABI GEORGE Period: February, 2024

Happy Birthday, Daddy. We love you, and we thank God for your life.

I had continuous strange bleeding, which I noticed around Sunday, the 22nd of October, 2023.

During the November Holy Ghost Service, Daddy stopped preaching and said, the LORD asked me to tell somebody, "The bleeding has stopped".

To God be the glory, thanks, and praise, the bleeding stopped some days after. Thank you, Jesus, my LORD and Saviour; thank you, Holy Spirit.
UK, United Kingdom

SIS FUNMI Period: February, 2024

Praise Jesus for the February holy Ghost 2024 service, there was a mighty move of God's power and I bless Jesus that one of the prophesis says that, There is a mountain that you have been asking to move that refused to move, when fire falls tonight, the mountain will melt.

I keep asking God I married above 30 as a virgin and conception was difficult for me, that night I had a strange being entered the room after the prayers and to the Glory of God Almighty he won against them.

I fasted and repeated it the next noon at work and prayed, I suddenly saw 2 babies in a uterus while praying and God was faithful, the next day I summoned the courage to do a urine pregnancy test and I was positive, praise Jesus, so far it has been good, no morning sickness, fatigued pain etc. Jesus is faithful, Hallelujah to God Almighty. So fast and quick and I bless the name of God and I trust that I will deliver my twin baby boy and girl hale and healthy in Jesus name Amen 🙏
Newfoundland, Canada

KAYODE ABIODUN O Period: February, 2024


On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, just before the Divine Encounter Program, I suddenly experienced excruciating sharp pains in my heart. It was a frightening moment, and I felt overwhelmed by the intensity of the pain. However, as Daddy G.O started the ministration, I decided to place my phone on my chest and truly believe in the power of the prayers for supernatural healing.

Throughout the prayer meeting, I held onto faith, trusting in the divine intervention that was taking place. Remarkably, by the time we finished the prayer meeting on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024, the pain had vanished completely. It was a miraculous turnaround, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for His healing touch.

Praise be to God for His unfailing love and mercy. This experience has strengthened my faith and reminded me of the power of prayer. I am filled with joy and thanksgiving for this miraculous healing. Truly, our God is a God of wonders, and I am forever grateful for His divine intervention in my life. Amen.

ULOCHUKWU ISRA-EL Period: February, 2024

This is the concluding part of my Testimony:

#(3). Another Prophecy given by Daddy G.O at the February 2024 HolyGhost Night goes thus:
"The Lord says there's someone here tonight, He says you will understand, He said when the Fire falls tonight, all the flies and the cockroaches in your family will be consumed"

Strangely, there had been an infestation of cockroaches - the tiny specie - in my family apartment of late, for about a period of 6 months now, and they were simply all over the place! They crawled on all surfaces - walls, dishes, containers, pots, toilet, the rooms, fiod items, both raw and cooked, and even on people! They could be seen crawling on one's legs, while standing, and even on the bed while one is asleep.
There were also domestic houseflies, which constituted a big nuisance to the entire household.
We had fumigated the apartment with various types of insecticides during the period of this infestation, all to no avail.
To the Glory of the Most High God however, according to the word of prophecy, they have all been consumed by The Consuming Fire Himself.
They are nowhere to be found anymore!
Let somebody shout Hallelujah!
The name of the Lord be Praised and blessed forevermore, Amen, Hallelujah.
Lagos, Nigeria

ULOCHUKWU ISRA-EL Period: February, 2024

Praise the Lord!
I want to appreciate the name of the Most High God for His Goodness and Mercy, over my life and destiny, as well as they of my household.
My Testimonies are quite numerous, but for the expediency of time, I will mention a few in brief:

#1. October 2023, I missed my monthly period, and wondered what could be wrong, as I was neither married, nor pregnant.
November, I cried out to God, prayed like never before, that the Lord would restore my period, and early morning Saturday, after the HolyGhost Night, my joy knew no bounds, as my period was there!
However, this was short-lived as the flow stopped after the initial drop.
I continued to cry out to God, telling Him I can't afford to go into menopause yet, as I was not yet married, and cannot imagine going into marriage, post-menopause.
By God's special Grace, I was on ground - Redemption Camp - for the HolyGhost Congress December 2024, where i presented a number of request to the Lord, including restoration of my monthly cycle.
To the Glory of God, i woke up Christmas Day, December 25, 2023, and there was my period, fully restored!!!
I have returned to give God all the Glory, PRAISE THE LORD!

#2. At the February 2024 HolyGhost Night service, Daddy Adeboye gave the following prophesies amongst others:

(I). "Daddy says there's a mountain you have been asking to move, that has refused to move, Daddy says when the fire falls tonight, the mountain will melt"
Now, there's a sibling of mine that that was suffering from mental depression, though with a spiritual undertone. We have prayed, and Ministers of God has joined us in prayer; as well as visited the NeuroPsychiatrist Hospital, but the case had remained. She would get a respite, only to plunge into depression all over again!
To the Glory of the Almighty God, when I got home Saturday morning after the vigil, I observed some improvement in her. Sunday morning, she got up all by herself, and got dressed for Church, Hallelujah!
She went with my mom to Church, and we trust God to perfect His good work in her life. Praise the Lord!

(II). "The Lord says He's healing several people here tonight, particularly someone who discovered he or she has been getting tired easily, of recent.."
I was getting tired easily, without doing much, especially in my legs whenever I took a walk, or stood for some length of time. I noticed this since January 2023, and also, I had an unusual pain on my right heel.
To the Glory of God, all of this was gone that same night
Lagos, Nigeria

ADEOLA OLOFINUS Period: January, 2024

on 5th January 2024 during Holy Ghost Service. Daddy mentioned that 'God said there is someone here who is afraid of promotion because you know what the enemies did to destroy your former boss. the Lord said I will promote you and protect you'. The afternoon of the 5th January 2024, I was told by my manager that there is a position of a clinical modern matron and she would like me to apply. I was afraid initially and was not sure if I should apply for this post. After hearing Daddy's prophecy I decided to apply. Out of 9 applicants I was one of the three invited for an interview. I was given the job as I scored the highest point. Since I was told of the success of the interview my fear went away and many people have been praising God on my behalf. Who did it JESUS HALLELUJAH!!
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

PASTOR (MRS.) SOLA JESUBANDE Period: February, 2024

In September 2018, I underwent a surgery known as thyroidectomy to take out the malfunctioning thyroid gland in my body and it was successful. But one thing that wasn't explained to me before the surgery was that I will be placed on a particular drug for life to make up for the hormones being secreted by the gland taken out. Since 2018, I have been on drugs, failure to take it for a day results into various discomforts in my body. In December 2023, during the Congress, I attended the healing service and right there as Daddy was ministering, I received my healing and unconsciously, I forgot to take the drug for the immediate four days after and I was very well, no symptoms at all. I went to the hospital close to a month after to confirm and the result showed that I have been completely healed. After 5 years on drugs, I no longer require drugs to live!

Help me praise the God of Adeboye for making me whole!
Ogun, Nigeria

SISTER ADESEWA Period: February, 2024

I got scammed last in year 2023 and I hadit was customer's money, hence i had to collect loan from from different loan apps to pay customers. I was frustrated and considered suicide. This went on till this year until last week that I kept calling the God of Adeboye to just come through for me and he did cos I got a person who borrowed me the huge money to pay major part of the loan. Glory be to the God of Adeboye!!!
Lagos, Nigeria
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