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ADEGOKE ADEBANJO Period: August, 2024

i want to use this medium to appreciate God almighty my wife deliver our 1st born without no surgery,cause it was a serious journey from the conception till delivery Mr Adegoke from Awa ijebu
Ogunstate, Nigeria

JEFF Period: August, 2024

Hallelujah.....I thank God for answering my prayers during last year's convention..I asked to God to perfect my admission and it was done beyond Expectation..... hallelujah
Osun, Nigeria


I want to thank God for my family. God has been there for me and my family. After staying at home for a year, I finally gained admission into the university. Since I was still new at the university, I panicked when it was time for exams. But I want to give God all the glory for giving me a reason to smile. My exam results came out very well, even beyond my expectations. I am also confident that God will make this semester's exams a success.
Lagos, Nigeria

OLARONKE OLATUNJI Period: August, 2024

I want to appreciate God for givinge to do this. I prayerfully joined the Holyghost Congress for waiting
mothers in September 2020. To the glory of God i took in that same month and gave birth in the month of june to a baby after trying to conceive for eight months. Indeed what God cannot do does not exist. Hallelujah.
Olaronke Olatunji.
Oyo, Nigeria

BRAIDE MERCY Period: August, 2024

I was having excruciating pains that would not allow me to stand,sit or to even walk. I have taken all sorts of strong painkillers but the pain wouldn't go. yesterday, during the service I could not even stand to dance, but today during the praise and worship I was dancing and jumping. This pain has lasted for more than ten years.
Rivers, Nigeria

SIDIKU FEBISOLA Period: August, 2024

I was pregnant in 2017 and it was well over due for delivery but the baby refused to come. The doctors admitted me nd I was to be induced around 4: 30 am the next morning. I became afraid because the doctors sa it d if after 3 attempts the baby doesn’t come I will be operated upon. Fear gripped me and after the doctors left my room while I Kay on my bed in the hospital the television was on dove and Baba Adeboye was preaching. In tears I keyed into his ministration nd tune every prayer point he gave to fit my situation at that moment. During the ministration I felt like urinating on getting to the toilet I saw 3 drops of blood which I called God the father, son, nd Holy Spirit. I told the nurses who disregarded it nd told me to go nd sleep. Barely like an hour after that I gave birth to my daughter. No doctor nurse was there, the baby nd the placenta came out nd the woman next to me shouted some one had delivered oooo. The nurses nd doctors ran inside cleaned me up nd took the baby . Though a little complications but I and the baby are fine. Who did it Jesus.
Osun, Nigeria

PRAISE IBUKUNOLUWA Period: August, 2024

I had been trusting God to study abroad, and had been putting significant effort in the application process, all to no avail. In August 2022 convention, I placed my request at the feet of Christ, and 3 admissions eventually came through, and the issue now became which one we should go for. Money also posed a challenge, but in miraculous ways God provided significantly for us. Lastly, my visa and that of my family members also got delayed for a long time,even after going for interview but God came through and got it out for us in 2023 August convention. PRAISE THE LORD!
Scotland, United Kingdom

OYEWALE ADETAYO Period: August, 2024

Praise the Lord!
I am Mrs. Oyewale Adetayo from Nigeria. I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul and for performing miracles in my life. Last year, during the annual convention, Daddy said, "There’s someone here who, by next year, will be celebrating the annual convention with your husband." I claimed it with all my heart, even though I didn't know how it would happen.

Hallelujah! God did it! I am now celebrating the 72nd annual convention with my husband.
Lagos, Nigeria

KEHINDE Period: August, 2023

Hallelujah,I was at the camp last year convention August, I was with my two daughters and my twin sister, first right in the camp my first daughter started running temperature, she had fever and was seriously ill, without prior symptoms ,daddy G O had already prayed on whatever we had with us which I used my scarf as th e mantle, i covered her up with it and decreed, the fever disappeared and she was made whole immediately. Secondly , I prayed on the camp grounds for a gift from God that my next birthday August 9 I want to celebrate it in the UK, although I haven't gone, but my visa was granted and I'll be leaving soon, daddy also said something that there is somebody here in which God is about to do a mighty thing that will cause a great breakthrough but the fellow will have to work hard on his own part for the actualisation of what God is about to do, I claimed it immediately and God is fulfilling that currently and I know it will be perfected and complete in Jesus name, in which i'll come back and testify to the Glory of God.
Niger, Nigeria

KEHINDE MARY ADENIJI Period: August, 2023

Hallelujah,I was at the camp last year convention August, I was with my two daughters and my twin sister, first right in the camp my first daughter started running temperature, she had fever and was seriously ill, without prior symptoms ,daddy G O had already prayed on whatever we had with us which I used my scarf as th e mantle, i covered her up with it and decreed, the fever disappeared and she was made whole immediately. Secondly , I prayed on the camp grounds for a gift from God that my next birthday August 9 I want to celebrate it in the UK, although I haven't gone, but my visa was granted and I'll be leaving soon, daddy also said something that there is somebody here in which God is about to do a mighty thing that will cause a great breakthrough but the fellow will have to work hard on his own part for the actualisation of what God is about to do, I claimed it immediately and God is fulfilling that currently and I know it will be perfected and complete in Jesus name, in which i'll come back and testify to the Glory of God.
Niger, Nigeria

ELIZABETH ABAYOMI Period: August, 2024

I want to give all the Glory to the Almighty God. I was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer stage 4 early this year and the doctor said i have to go through the chemotherapy treatment. With prayers from my brethren and also when Daddy GO came for OMC this year praying at our camp in Uk for the royal family. I keyed myself into the healing convenant.

I was asked to go for a scan test on Monday after the OMC program. Two days later the result came and i went to see the consultant who said congratulations there is no more the disease in your body but we will need to complete the chemo treatment and also you don't need any further treatment cos according to the plan after chemo, i will go for radiology. He said there is no need anymore.

After my chemotherapy, I went for blood test and scan and the doctor said the man upstairs (GOD) is taking care of you. You are free go and live your normal life. Praise the Lord!!!! Jesus did it for me.
Bucks, United Kingdom

UWEJEYAH CHARITY Period: August, 2024

Praise the Lord.

I am A/P Charity Uwejeyah from Delta Province 18, Warri. In August 2023, two weeks after the convention, one of my daughters fell ill with a fever. We took her to the hospital for treatment, where she was given medication and sent home. The next morning, she woke up and started behaving as though she had mental issues. We rushed her back to the hospital, where we were informed that she had cerebral fever, which they were not equipped to handle. We were referred to another hospital, but her condition did not improve.

At that point, I decided to take her to the Redemption Camp. I believed that if her feet could touch the ground of the Redemption Camp, she would receive healing. Upon arrival, I approached one of our senior pastors in Canaan Land and expressed my desire to see Daddy, explaining our predicament. He informed me that it was not possible to see Daddy and suggested that my visit might have been in vain.

Undeterred, I went directly to Daddy's secretary’s office. I resolved that even if I could only see the secretary and obtain an anointed handkerchief, my daughter would be healed. Unfortunately, the secretary was not available, but I encountered a young man and two ladies in the office. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, one of them fetched a bottle of anointing oil and a handkerchief that Daddy had blessed. They instructed me to tie the handkerchief to my daughter's hand, use the oil, and pray, assuring me that the Almighty God would answer my prayers.

After this, I went to the Open Heaven to pray. As soon as we left the Open Heaven, with the handkerchief tied to her hand, my daughter began responding to questions normally. By the next morning, she was completely well.
Delta, Nigeria

BOLATITO AKELEMOR Period: July, 2024

Praise the Lord! Please I want to testify to the glory of the Lord. My daughter and I just became citizens of Canada after so much delay. I put in our application in Sept of 2023 and with the space of 5 month(February 2024)the process was completed. This was where the delay now came from. After the processing, the immigrations delayed our taking the oath/affirmation of citizenship which was the last stage for another 5 months. In those period, I became so worried but thankfully during the May 2024 Holy Ghost service and the June convention in Canada Daddy G.O prayed against all forms of delay. Also during the special Hallelujah Challenge which was also held in June we also prayed against all forms of delay and thanked Him in advance for victory. I danced and prayed during this period and to the glory of God that same June, my daughter and I were invited to take our oath/affirmation of citizenship and we became Canadian citizen on the 15th of July 2024 to the glory of God. I thank God Almighty for the victory He has granted my family. Let somebody shout Hallelujah!
Ontario, Canada


Good day every one.Firstly I want to thank God for the privilege he gave to me to be alive to testify to his name today.
And also I return all the Glory to God for allowing me to be a graduand in vinpet standard college despite all the hardship I've faced in my studies😓😓and I'm also giving glory to God because I believe that my WAEC result will be Good.may his name be Glorified forever.Amen🙏
Ekiti, Nigeria


Praise God for His unwavering truth. In December 2018, I was pregnant with my second child, but by January 29, 2019, I was bleeding heavily. At the hospital, the doctor confirmed the miscarriage and performed several procedures to clear the blood and ensure my uterus was clean. Despite my pain and initial hesitation, I consented, and the syringe came out clean. I was given antibiotics, but continued to vomit, and was prescribed deworming tablets that were not safe for pregnant women.

By March, I experienced persistent bloating at night and flat tummy at day, and by April, I sought medical advice. The doctor said maybe i wasn't drinking enough water, but after a test and scan, he was astonished to find I was pregnant again with a healthy baby boy, due on the same date as the initial miscarriage. The doctor was baffled since my husband had been away, and admitted he couldn’t explain this medically.

To my surprise, I was already four months pregnant. Despite the doctor’s doubts and recommendations for a C-section due to concerns about the baby’s development, I remained steadfast in my faith. At the August 2019 Convention, I proudly showed my pregnancy belly, and when my son was born, he was perfectly healthy and smiling.

My son, Israel Iteoluwakiishi Darius Eniitan, will turn five on September 5, 2024. He is thriving, healthy, and has never needed a hospital visit. And God said...
NS, Canada
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