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EWOMMA ONAUGHE Period: December, 2023
I want to bless God for his guidance over my life ,for some reason I have never stream holy ghost congress but I did this year ,and waited on the lord ,and honestly after yesterday blessing from daddy G.O .he said between yesterday till today , we would have a testimony even if our faith isn't enough
I keyed to that word ,prayed and with faith ,at my work place his mighty hands showed himself no other words but God has divinely repositioned me . Hallelujah
Lagos, Nigeria
OMOLARA AKANNI Period: December, 2023
I want to thank God for giving me a testimony. Yesterday was for healing, and God healed my eyes. I immediately was able to see clearly without my glasses. I could read prints that were difficult before, and work on my computer again without my glasses. I am not taking this for granted. I praise you, Lord.
Maryland, United States
SISTER O. Period: December, 2023
I was diagnosed of lung collapse some months ago and had to undergo a minor surgery with the hope that the lung will be restored. However, the doctor's report after the surgery was fearful and worrisome and I was booked for a major surgery. We were devastated and confused. We cried to God for mercy and wrote Daddy GO. Daddy laid hands on me during one of the holy ghost services, and God heard our cry for mercy and healed me miraculously. God restored my lung and today I am hale and hearty. Also, during the convention, there was a prophecy through Daddy GO that God was about to give someone triple promotion. During that time, one of my loved ones was devastated because they were planning to demote her in her place of work. I encouraged her with the prophecy, that instead of the demotion, God will promote her. Even though it was difficult to expect a triple promotion in that kind of situation, because her concern was not to be demoted; but to the glory of God, God indeed gave her a triple promotion. God also gave my family a speedy answer to one of our prayer requests during the convention. The breakthrough came immediately after the convention. THANK YOU JESUS. Let somebody shout Halleluyah. HALLELUYAH
OYO STATE, Nigeria
I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul,and for his divine intervention, in our past convention beyond expectations I came to program with just #200 on me I left #120 for my family at home believing God for a miracle,on Friday night daddy said somebody is here your debt shall be miraculously settle I shouted amen that night over four hundred thousand naira debt that Iam owning was paid by someone. Praise God
Rivers State, Nigeria
MISS MARY O FASANYA Period: December, 2023
Hallelujah!!!! To the God who sees me.
Since I left secondary school in 2014, I have battled with eating in the dream to the extent that I am afraid to sleep because I don’t want to eat in the dream and seeing myself in my old secondary school. The affliction was too much for me. I was tired. I came to the end of me.
This Holy Ghost Congress, God ensured that I had annual leave for this week so that there is no distraction whatsoever. On Monday after the praise part 2, I went to bed and I dreamt again of eating. I woke up sad and immediately my head started banging so bad that I was feeling so weak and I also suffer from tinnitus (constant sounds in my right ear). No matter how noisy the place is, I must hear the loud ringing in my ear. Coupled with the banging headache. I was so weak and I just placed the mantle Daddy GO prayed on unto of my head. I joined Day 3 evening session and after the sermon from Daddy, he asked us to pray and then said that the pastors will lay hands on us… I don’t know how as they were laying hands on the congregation and the choir was ministering, I rose up from bed, removed the mantle and starting dancing, the melody was slow but strength came I was dancing and praying in the spirit, I was even seeing myself dancing with my church family and loved ones. I could not stop until about 3mins before Daddy came to pray finally and said pastors you can go home. I just found out that I am healed, no banging headache, no sounds in my ear. I slept and woke up this morning and I am fully Whole. The enemy wanted to bring doubt like are u sure you can’t hear the sound… Never! Whosoever the Son set free is free indeed… I am free, brand new. Then I remember in October that I dreamt that Mummy GO laid hands and prayed for me and I asked her what was she praying about and she said Healing and Deliverance, and I fell down and she told me to rise up… I AM HEALED and DELIVERED (after today, I will never see myself in my secondary school again in Jesus name). Like the one leaper, I have come to say Thank you Jesus for healing and delivering me.
There are so many thing I am waiting on God for which I know that I will be testifying about soon. I will be known as Mrs Testimony very soon.
Gwent, United Kingdom
EMMANUEL JOY IDARA Period: December, 2023
I want to thank God for healing me from intense stomach pain which started before the Holy Ghost Congress. During the Monday praise session the Holy Spirit instructed Daddy GO we should dance so much that God would say yes this fellow need help: All glory to Jesus I received my healing during the praise session.
Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria
MICHAEL Period: December, 2023
We give this testimony to the glory of God. My wife and I attended the March Special Holy Ghost Service with some anxiety because my wife was pregnant and we had experienced complications in the last 2 pregnancies before that pregnancy. Daddy GO prophesied that “this pregnancy, you will not miscarry”. To the glory of God, my wife delivered a healthy baby boy in September this year.
Glory be to God. Halleluyah.
Lagos, Nigeria
TEMITOPE Period: November, 2023
Want to thank God for giving us a miracle car.someone gifted my family with a car.its a miracle bcos we were still trying to put money together to get one
Thanks God that all wall has been put down
Oyo, Nigeria
DARAMOLA OLUWAJOBA Period: November, 2023
I want to thank God for granting me admission to study petroleum geology after so many battles from my mother's house that I will not excel
Ogun state, Nigeria
I want to return all glory to the Almighty God for great things He has done for my family. We got married in year 2012 and since then we have been waiting for fruit of the womb. We attended the August 2015 Convention and believed God that our case has been settled. However, after some weeks, a man God told my wife that she was pregnant and she went for test but test result still shown otherwise. We agreed to return to Redemption Camp for personal retreat because we believed God has done it. During this prayer program, God gave us His word and we believed His words again and lo and behold after this encounter, we did another test and the test result was positive and God gave us a bouncing baby boy by name God's Heritage. We had tried to share our testimony earlier than now physically, we were interviewed at the Redemption City but we were not called out to share it. Hence, we decided to share it here because we promised God that we will share the testimony if He answered us. We give God the glory for this miracle.
Lagos, Nigeria
EMMANUEL JOY IDARA Period: October, 2023
Yesterday during October Holy Communion, after partaking in the Holy Communion in faith since I wasn't physically present at the Holy Communion, God healed me of severe stomach pain. Thank you Jesus.
Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria
PRECIOUS YINUSA Period: February, 2013
I want to bless God for the life of my Daddy. I was at the holy ghost service of February 2013. Daddy themed the service "Wonderful"
Daddy made us know if we want God to do something wonderful for us, we should call God wonderful that he will always show himself wonderful when we call Him his name wonderful. I got home after the holy ghost service and was told my Daddy was involved in a fire explosion at his place of work. He had a dislocation and was to go for a 50-50 surgery, my dad told him to pray for him. I told not to worry, he should just call God wonderful. I told him before they inject him for the secondary operation, he should just be saying wonderful wonderful. My dad did and came out of the theatre alive. My dad is back on his feet and alive and strong. Our God is indeed full of wonders. Let somebody shout wonderful.
Lagos, Nigeria
ADELEKE PRAISE Period: November, 2023
Praise the Lord, I want to bless the name of the Lord for his love over me and my family,I also want to thank God because he would grant me admission into the universityeven though am not yet admitted.
Praise the lord
Lagos, Nigeria
GLORY JOSEPH JOSAPHAT Period: October, 2001
My daughter accidentally lost her permanent teeth. Due to the fact that if permanent tooth is being lost it cannot be replaced again. She cried so much and became very sad, but when she told me about the incident, I made her to know that what God cannot do does not exist. Then I carried handkerchief gotten from the Redemption Camp, laid it on her head and call on the God of Daddy E. A. Adeboye. Within a short period of time even before noticed it. God replaced it with another beautiful one. May the God Almighty be highly exalted in Jesus name Amen.
Glory Josaphat Akpan
Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
EMEKA FAITH Period: October, 2023
I want to thank God for the healing he granted to me at the October holy ghost service.Thank you Lord for making it permanent, the devil has lost its grip over me in the mighty name of Jesus.
Ogun, Nigeria