THEME: STRONGER THAN YOUR ENEMIES (Part 6): Victory through Praise

JUNE 1ST, 2018.


Thank You Jesus.

One of the young men who spoke said one thing is certain about those who are dead and that is that they don’t speak.

Dead people cannot praise God; only the living, only the living, only the living can praise Him.

If you are still alive lift your voice to the Almighty God and praise Him.

Magnify His holy name

Let Him hear your voice

Let Him know that you are still alive

Glorify His holy name

Praise the King of kings

Praise the Lord of lords

Praise the Ancient of days

Only the living, only the living can praise Him.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration;

Bless His holy name.

Thank Him for what He did in January

Thank Him for what He did in February

Thank Him for what He did in March

Thank Him for what He did in April

Bless His holy name for what He did in May

And then worship Him, magnify His holy name for He is about to do in June.

Only the living can praise the Lord.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.

O blessed be Your holy name.

We give You glory, we give You honour, we give You adoration Lord;

We bless You for the salvation of our souls;

We bless You for health, we bless You for strength; we bless You for peace;

We bless You for joy, we bless You for strength;

We bless You because we know You are there in heaven preparing a place for us;

We bless You because we know You are coming for us again very soon.

We magnify Your holy name.

We bless Your name, we bless Your name, we bless Your name.

You are worthy to be praised O Lord;

You are worthy to be magnified;

You are worthy to be glorified.

There is no one like You .

You are the Ancient of days;

You are the All Sufficient God;

We bless Your name.

We bless Your name.

We bless You name.

We give You all glory, we give You all honour, we give You all adoration.

We say may Your name forever be glorified;

May Your name forever be glorified;

May Your name forever be glorified.

Thank You Father.

Blessed be Your holy name Lord.

Thank You Saviour.

Thank You Jesus.

Thank You Almighty.

Thank You Jesus.


Let somebody shout hallelujah.

Shake hands with one or two people and say: good evening, God bless you.

Say it as if you really mean it.

Let the fellow know you really mean it.

Glory be to God.                                   

Psalm 18 from verse 1 to 3:

1 I will love Thee, O LORD, my strength.

2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation and my high tower.

3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

We are talking about: Victory through Praise

And I want to spend the next few minutes – five minutes or a little more – to talk to those who are yet to be born again before we go to the bigger aspect of the programme.

God loves praise.

Psalm 22 verse 3 says He inhabits praise.

Praise to God is what water is to the fish; He dwells in praise

You could almost say if you take praise away from God there will be a problem, that is, He surrounds Himself constantly with praise.

And I will want you when you get home to study Revelation chapter 19 read from verse 1 to 6, you will see heaven is constantly roaring with praise;

Shout of hallelujah from one edge to the other of heaven, everybody just praising God.

Revelation chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 – you will keep on hearing great voices all roaring hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, almost non-stop.

The Seraphim are special angels created for making music.

In Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 to 3, you will find that the Seraphim are constantly saying holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.

There was never time when God said to these Seraphim, can’t you keep quiet for a while.

No, God inhabits praise; He loves praise.

In Revelation chapter 5 verse 11 to 14, the Bible says that the Angels that are praising God are thousands of thousands.

Thousands of thousands means millions

And then, ten thousands of ten thousands that is talking about Billions of angels;

The Angels are so numerous that the writer of the Book of Revelation just cannot tell you the figure;

So, he said, thousands of thousand; ten thousands of ten thousands angels combined with all the creatures in heaven and on earth they were all crying and worshiping praising God.

The Almighty God loves praise so much that He says in Jeremiah 33 verse 11:

He said when you are joyful what you should bring to Him is sacrifice of praise.

He loves praise.

He wants you to praise Him.

As some of these children have already told us, He just wants you to keep on praising Him, praising Him because He cannot praise Himself, so He needs you to join.

It is amazing that with all the angels praising Him in heaven, He is still looking for more praise.

And even if you have to praise Him sacrificially, He said bring the sacrifice of praise

You know, when I want to take thanksgiving offering, I have also told you, it is not how much you give to Him that matters when you are saying thank you, it is how you do it.

He wants you to praise Him

He wants you to dance

He wants you to rejoice.

But as much as God wants praise, He hates any form of sacrifice coming from a sinner.

Proverbs 15 verse 8, said, the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God; God does not want a praise coming from the wicked.

When He says abomination, I think I have explain the word to you before; just in case you are not there when I said it;

What is an abomination?

It is something that when you hear about it your body will crawl, something so repulsive; you don’t even want to hear it – it is called an abomination.

And I have told the story of what happened when two armies were fighting.

Don’t let me mention the name of the country.

The Government on one side, the opposite will always be called rebels.

And it happened that there was a particular village where the government forces were for some time before the opposition took it over from the government forces;

The soldiers who took over from the government forces wanted to punish the villagers for supporting their enemies;

And one of things they said was that they took the pregnant women and with bayonet of their guns they open their belly and brought out the babies –

That is an abomination; something that makes your body crawls and says how can somebody do something so bad.

That is how God feels when a sinner begins to praise Him.

He does not want to hear the praise of a sinner - it is an abomination to Him.

That is why you will understand Psalm 7 verse 11 says that God is angry with the wicked every day.

Because how can you be praising me when you know you belong to my enemy;

Hypocrisy – God does not like it all.

He says why are you calling Me Lord when you are not doing the things a command you.


It is mockery.

If you are not yet born again and you want to praise God, come and surrender your life to Him now.

Let His blood wash your sin away; let you become a child of God who will then qualify to open your mouth and praise the Almighty God.

So, I am going to count from one to ten.

If you are not sure of your salvation and you want to make sure, before I say ten come and stand before me;

And then I will pray with you and the blood of Jesus will wash away your sin and then you will become a child of God and then your praise will become acceptable to Him.

So, I am counting now:

One, two,

Sinner who is praising God is mocking God and you don’t want to mock God; so, give your life to Jesus, let Him wash away your sin and then your praises will become acceptable to Him.


Remember God cannot clap for Himself so He needs people to do the clapping for Him and when you are clapping for Him don’t do it as if He is begging you, do it voluntarily.

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Now, those of you who have come forward and those of you who are on the way…; those of you who are on the way, keep coming; …talk to the Almighty God now and ask Him to have mercy on you; ask Him to save your soul; ask Him to wash you clean with His blood and to write your name in His Book of Life. Tell Him that from now on you will serve Him; tell Him to become not just your Saviour but your Lord; that you will obey Him from now on. Cry unto Him and say Lord I have come for You to save my soul, please do so tonight. And those of you on the way, hurry up, keep coming.

The rest of us let us stretch our hands towards these our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them that the One who saved our souls will save their own souls also. Pray for them for a minute or two. Let us intercede for them now. Let us pray that the Almighty God will have mercy on them that His blood will wash away their sins and He will save their soul today and He will accept them in to the family of God. Those of you on the way keep coming, just make sure you get here before I finish praying and that will be okay. Thank You Father. Keep coming, keep coming, keep coming, you are not late yet, just make sure you get here before I finish praying because I want to pray for salvation now. Thank You Father. Keep coming, keep coming, I will wait ten seconds for you; keep coming.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Saviour I want to say thank You very much for Your word; I want to thank You for these Your children who have come to surrender their life to you; please Lord, everyone of them that has come to You today, receive in Jesus’ name; let Your blood wash away their sins; save their souls O Lord, write their names in the Book of Life; and please Lord, let them remain Yours forever in Jesus’ name. Any time they call on You from now, Father, please answer them by fire in Jesus’ name. Thank You my Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Now, those of you in front let me hear you shout hallelujah.


I will be praying for you from now on; so, I need your names and your address and I need your prayer request. The Counselor will give you a card which you should fill very quickly; we will wait for you to fill the card and return it to the Counselors before will proceed further.


If you have nothing at all to praise God for praise God for children.

Number two: Praise God for children’s teachers

Number three: Praise God for good parents.

Number four: Praise God for the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

And then, look at that child when she got to Philippians chapter 4 verse 4:

She said, rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice!

That is exactly how you should praise God.

Any time you want to praise Him, demonstrate; do it with everything in you.

I want you to stand on your feet and just praise God like a child.

Rejoice in the Lord!

Give Him praise; give Him adoration; do it like a baby, do it like a child. Show Him that He is your Daddy. Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice! Come on, we are all children in the hands of the Ancient of days. Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice!

Let somebody shout hallelujah.

Please be seated.

Praise draws God like a magnet draws iron.

In John chapter 4 verse 23 to 24, the Almighty God through the Lord Jesus Christ said, He is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth and He seek such to worship Him.

God is seeking for worshipper; He is drawn to worshipper.

So, when you praise God, God the Father draws near.

When God the Father is drawing near, the first thing He does like one of my children said, is that He wants to leave His throne heaven and come to you.

And for Him to come to you, to leave His throne in heaven to come to you, the first thing He has to do is He stands up.

And Psalm 68 verse 1 to 3 says let God arise and His enemies be scattered.

He said, those that hate Him will flee before Him and those who don’t flee will be melted by fire.

Because you see, the Bible says in Psalm 97 verse 3, He said, His fire goes before Him and burns up His enemies round about Him.

If only you can praise God to the level that He can stand up, just stand up, your problems will be over.

You know, He made a promise in Isaiah 41 verse 10 to 13, when He said, I will help you, I will hold you by your right hand I will help you; He said, you will seek for your enemies and you will not find them.

I want to prophesy to someone: as incredible as it may sound, before the end of this month, there will be no enemy left in your life.

You see, the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 16 verse 7, it says, when a man’s way please God, He causes his enemies to be at peace with him.

You wonder what that passage means.     

There are various way God can cause your enemies to be at peace with you.

One: it can cause your enemies to destroy themselves - 2Chronicles chapter 20 from verse 20 to 25.

If your enemies are busy fighting themselves, you will be at peace; you will be at peace.

If all those who want to destroy you, if God suddenly send confusion into their mist and they are busy killing themselves, you will be enjoying peace.

He could do that.

Or, He could paralyzed them physically – Psalm 23 verse 5.

Psalm 23 verse 5 says, thou prepareth a table before me, in the presence of my enemies.

He neutralized them; He makes sure they cannot even move.

Or, He could paralyzed them mentally

Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 to 28 - Moses said, just look at the enemies very well;

He said because the enemies you see tonight, you will never see them again forever

And he explained, he said the Lord will fight for you.

And then when all of sudden the Red Sea opened and the Children of Israel began to go through the Red Sea, if God has not paralyzed the thinking of the Egyptians they would not have followed them into the middle of the sea; but He paralyzed them mentally.

There is an English proverb: “whosoever God wants to destroy, He will first of all make mad”.

And then, He could arrest them so that they will never be able to trouble you again.

2Kings chapter 6 verse 8 to 23 – the enemies came to arrest Elisha and Elisha arrested them.

He arrested them, got them feed, and send them back to their master; and the Bible said they never came back.

I don’t know what method God will use, whether by causing your enemies to fight themselves, whether by paralyzing them physically or paralyzing them mentally or arresting them, whatever method He wants to use; In the Name that is above every other name, very soon you will shout victory at last.

So how do I get God the Father to draw near?

Very simple:

Just follow the example of the juju musicians.

In those days before I was born again, we use to attend parties and the musician will come before the dancing begins and will collect the names of those of you who are there.

When he begins to play, he will begin to call your name one by one; and then he will begin to call you what you are not. 

And say, you are Emergence contractor, you are this, you are that.

You are looking at me as if you don’t know what I am talking about – that is okay.

Thank God for Jesus Christ.

And as he begins to call you those names, big names, something within you will say go and spray him with naira.

Something within you will say you borrow this money – the money in your pocket you borrowed it – and you tell that thing shut up, when I get home I will sort that one out.

They praise you until you get up.

How do I praise God till He gets up?

I begin to call Him His names.

He is Jehovah El-Shaddai, the All Sufficient One – Genesis 17 verse 1

He is the I AM THAT I AM – Exodus chapter 3 verse 14

He is the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Exodus chapter 3 verse 15

He is the Most High, He is the Almighty – Psalm 91 verse 1

He is the One who is Higher than the highest – Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8

He is the One whose sit enthrone above – Isaiah 66 verse 1 – says heaven is His throne.

He is the Holy One of Israel – Psalm 71 verse 22.

And then in the text that I read to you in Psalm 18 verses 1 and 2:

David said, He is my rock, my fortress, my God, my deliverer, my strength, my trust, my buckler, the horn of my salvation, my high tower…

I am going to ask you to do something in a moment

I want to remind you of something probably I have told you a couple of time before.

I told you my background: my father was not the richest man in the world (that is putting it mildly) and yet he had two wives and quite a few children;

And there are some of us who manage to get into school.

Whenever it is time to pay school fees he will pick a quarrel with the wives so that they won’t be able to come to him for money.

But my mother had a way of getting my school fees.

She will come very early in the morning and I was sleeping with my father on his mat and she will begin to eulogize my father:

You are the son of so and so; you are the son of so and so.

Your father has a farm that when a bird flies all day long they won’t be able to reach the end of the farm.

I never discovered where that farm is.

When your father threw a party, he fed the army, he fed the civilian;

She would just go on

Most of the thing she would be saying in those days, eh, I just wondered little boy over there in the …

Who is she talking about?

But my father loved it.

She would be going on and my father would say: you are calling on a man! It will be well with you in this house!

And then she will continue: the husband of my head, the owner of my head, the husband of my chest, this and this…

 And very soon my father is the one who will say, what can I do for you today?

Haa, we know things are hard but you know your child is ready for school and my father will say don’t worry we will find the money.

My mother will eulogize him until he will say don’t worry.

And then, he will go out and borrow the money because he has not got the money.

I want you to eulogize God just for few minutes.

Tell Him: You are the Jehovah El-Shaddai, You are the Almighty God, You are the Higher than the highest, You are greater than the greatest, there is no one like You, You are the I AM THAT I AM, You are my husband, You are my provider, You are my All in all, there is no one like You, You are my deliverer, You are my source, You are my joy, You are my strength, You are the horn of my salvation, You are my buckler, You are my trust, there is no one like You, heaven is Your throne, the earth is Your footstool, all power belong to You, there is no one like You, power belong to You, there is no one like You.

Eulogize Him; praise Him; call Him by His name. That is what David did and he never lost a battle. Praise Him. Call Him by His name. Tell Him You are the Jehovah El-shaddai, You are I AM THAT I AM, You are the Ancient of days, You are the Rock of ages, You are only One o Israel, You are the Lion of the tribe of Judah, I praise You. There is no one like You. Call Him by His name, let Him stand up for you and once He stands for you all the enemies will scatter; the enemies will scatter, the enemies will scatter. Praise Him. Give Him glory. Just call Him by His names: King of kings, Lord of lords, the I AM THAT I AM, the Ancient of days, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the holy One of Israel, I praise Your name, I give You glory, I give You honour. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

May the Almighty God rise up for you today in Jesus’ name.

Please be seated.

And what happens when God the Son draws near?

Because I said, when you praise Him, He draws near.

When Jesus draws near, what will happen?

Because Jesus is greatly attracted to praise

When you read Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52: in the story of Bartimaeus, it will be amazing to you that in a multitude He heard the cry of a beggar.

But what He actually heard that caused Him to stand still is a statement: Jesus, thou son of David.

That was the game changer.

Haa, somebody knows me here, he knows me all the way to my root; haa, go and bring him.

Remember there were as many people who want to silent that man but the ear of God will hear praise no matter the crowd.

When He draws near, God the Son draws near, darkness has to go.


John 9 verse 5: Jesus Christ said, I AM the light of the world.

When He drew near, that day Bartimaeus was no longer in darkness

Because the Bible says in John chapter verse 4 and 5 says: the light shines in darkness and darkness cannot overcome it.

If you can praise Jesus so that He can draw near you, darkness will have to let you go.

Not only that, the day He drew near to Bartimaeus that was the last day he ever begged.

He does not matter how your situation may be looking like right now, in the Name that is above every other name, in the name of Jesus Christ you won’t have to beg again.

When God the Son draws near, He turns your enemies to your servant.

The very people…

Thank You Father.

The Lord says this person concern will understand. He asked me to tell you, storms come, storms go; and your present storm will soon pass away.

Thank You Father.

I want to say amen to this before I tell you.

God said there is somebody here tonight; He said very soon your singing will be louder than that of others.

When your praise attracts Jesus, He can turn your enemies to your servant and I like that.

Because the very people who are trying to silence Bartimaeus were the very same people God send to go and bring him.

In the Name that is above every other name you will stand on this altar and say this is the fellow who tries to destroy me, now he is my messenger.

Now, Jesus loves children specially and I am sure you know that.


Because in Matthew 21 verse 15 to 16, He told us out of the mouth of babes and sucklings God has perfected praise.

Children know how to praise God perfectly, in total abandon.

If we have any problems brethren it is simply because we think that we are too old to praise God like a child.

When that child was doing the recitation, the child that I showed in the clip, she does not care who is looking: rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice.

That child was enjoying herself; and I saw that clip and I say O my God.

How long before we so called adults would realize that before the One who is called the Ancient of days we are children?

There is nobody among us here today who is hundred years old – nobody.

And a thousand years is like a day before God.

If only we can approach Him like a little child, like a little child!

Like these children who came to praise God and some people were trying to stop the children, the Bible says Jesus rebuke them.

There is a big lesson in that one -

Number one: if you don’t want to praise God don’t bother those who want to praise.

Because if you are not praising God and you try to stop those who are praising Him, He will rebuke you and rebuke of God can be very terrible.

You know the story:

David danced before God; the wife looked at him and says you called yourself a king, look at the way you are dancing.

The Bible said she died barren.

She is the only barren in the Bible who died barren because she criticized the one praising God.

And not only that when Jesus brought the children, He said bring them, bring them; He did something, He carried them in His hands.

How many of you will just want God to just pick you up today and then just carry you, carry you, carry you, carry you.

O my God!

Several years ago I was burdened by several things:

Problems in the church; problems this way, problems that way; problems from unfaithful brethren, problems from deceivers;

And I sat down discourage and suddenly I heard God say My son do not worry I AM carrying you.


If He is carrying me then He is carrying my loads.

If He is carrying me, He is carrying my problems.

I pray today for someone here from today onward the Almighty God will carry you.

But He can only carry children; He never carried any adults – No.

When Peter said if You are the One walking on water ask me to come over to you.

He said, come.

And Peter came out of the boat and was walking towards Him; he took his eyes off Jesus and he began to sink and he said help me.

Jesus just held him by the hand and together they walk back into the boat.

He did not carry him.


He is already an adult, too big to be carried. 

If only we can approach praise from that perspective from now on.

If we begin to praise Him like a child; let anybody say what they like, God will begin to carry us.

You know one of His names is the Burden Bearer.

I pray for every one of you here today, in the Name that is above every name God will begin to carry you.

 Not only did He carry them, He blessed them.

Haa, when you know the importance of the divine blessing, if that is all that you get from God for praising Him, you don’t need more.

You can go through the scriptures; He said to Abraham, I will bless you – Genesis 12 verse 1 to 3

Abraham had nothing when God said I will bless you; some few years later the servant of Abraham said, God has blessed my master greatly.

Now, he has silver, he has gold, he has cattle, he has everything, because blessed him.

Many at times when I am walking about in the night and some people see me and they begin to run so I turn to them and I say God bless you.

Those who are intelligent among them will go back rejoicing – glory be to God; thank You Jesus.

But you will still see some people, Daddy, pray for me.

I had already say God bless you; there is no prayer greater than that.

Because when God blesses you, all the host of heaven will come and support you; everything on earth, everything underneath the earth will be working on your success.

I say in the Name that is above every other name God bless you.

I have given the example before:

In Genesis 27 verse 38 to 40, the only blessing that Esau got was a leftover blessing.

He said to his father: haha, don’t you have any blessing left?

The father said, well, let me give you a little bit that is leftover; a little bit that is leftover.

Not long after that one, when Jacob send to Esau, I am coming home.

The messenger came back and said Esau is coming to you with four hundred men.

Just a little God bless you!

Now, he has four hundred men has his bodyguards.

I tried to explain that to my children:

I said the first time a president came to Redemption Camp, to Holy Ghost congress, because of the security risk involved – open space, hundreds of thousands of people - he came with two hundred and fifty bodyguards.

But he is president.

Esau had four hundred.

So, who is bigger in the two?

And all Esau got was leftover blessing.

When you praise God the way you ought to praise Him, Jesus will carry you in His hand; He will lay His mighty hand on your head and bless you.

Today, in the Name that is above every other name, I represent the Lord Jesus Christ and I decree God bless you.

When you worship Jesus the way you ought to worship Him, you will get victory –

Victory over incurable disease, victory over legion of demons, victory over premature death; you just get victory upon victory.

Now, because of time, what happens when the Holy Spirit draws near?

Thank You Father.                                                                 

The Lord asks me to remind somebody, if He ask me to remind you it means He must have told you before; that between any two days there is an evening and He asked me to tell you: you might be passing through an evening now but your new day is very near.

Thank You my Father.

Now, this one is for me because the Lord says there is someone here today, the day is near when pleasant things will begin to happen to you in twos.

When the Holy Spirit draws near because the Holy Spirit is also attracted to praise, when He draws near, He shakes all the shakable.

When the Holy Spirit draws near, He shakes all the shakables.

Acts of the Apostle chapter 4 verse 23 to 31, the Apostles gathered in a room and they began to praise God: O You made the heaven, You made the earth, etcetera etcetera

And the Spirit of God came in and shook the house.

Anything the enemy had planted in you, planted in your house, planted in your church, planted in your place of work, shall be shaking loose tonight in Jesus’ name.

Because when the Holy Spirit comes in, He comes in like rushing mighty wind.

If you can just praise God so that the Holy Spirit can come in, He will come in as a rushing mighty wind – Acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4.

So, He rather comes in like a rushing mighty wind or He comes in as fire.

When you are attracts the Holy Spirit through praise and He comes in, he comes in like fire and the fire will begin to burn everything that is hindering you –

Judges 15 verse 14 to 15 – they brought Samson bound to the Philistines and they began to rejoice thinking they have got him, the Holy Spirit came down mightily

And the Bible says the rope that bound him was burnt as if they come in contact with fire.

I don’t know what the enemies has used thus far to limit your progress but as we praise God tonight the Holy Spirit will come down and that fire of God will destroy every yoke in your life.

So, when the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit become attracted to you through praise then something happens.

According Psalm 67 verse 5 to 7, that one of my sons mentioned earlier on, He said let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee; then he said certain things will begin to happen:

Number One – the earth will begin to yield her increase; suddenly the ground will become fertile.

Do you know, if you praise God, if you are farmer and you sing praises while you are farming your harvest will be bounteous?

Then he went on to say, God, even our God will bless us.

But he went further that God will bless us and all the earth shall fear Him.

Do you know there are blessings that can frighten your enemies?

Oh, if you read Genesis 26 verse 12 to 16…

Thank You Father.                             

The Lord asks me to tell someone, He said relax I will not abandon you.

Thank You.

In Genesis 26 verse 12 to 16, when God blessed Isaac, initially the Philistines envied him but at a stage the blessing became so much and they became afraid of him.

You know God can so prosper you that your enemy become afraid.

That is going to be your testimony very soon.

But…, and I am closing now; …in that passage where he says let the people Him so that God can bless us fearfully, he included a condition and the condition is let all the people praise Him.

How many people are to praise Him?

So, even if you have to beg the fellow next to you and say please O if it is only for tonight join me in praising God;

Because he says it must be all of us, all of us, all of us.

I know you are a gentleman, I know you are a lady, I know you are important but for God sake if it is only just for tonight in order that God may send down that blessing that will cause my enemy to fear me, kindly join me in praising God.

You probably notice in the song we sang – special hymn that we sang, the last verse says “I will sing hallelujah’ and the next line says ‘join me in shouting hallelujah’.

So I am going to ask, please at least because of the rest of us, if you are not use to praising God, try tonight because everybody must praise Him.

If you are an elder you can seat down to praise Him, He will understand.

But those of us who are young for the next ten to fifteen minutes let us praise God like we have never done before and let us see what God we do this month.

Let us try Him and find out whether it is true that it is written if you will all just praise Him, He will bless us and the whole earth will fear Him.

So, if you are young and you are able please just stand up and begin to praise God and everybody should please do it.

If you cannot stand, you can seat down but you must please praise God and do it loudly, do not do it quietly; praise Him, praise Him like you have never done before.

And you are welcome if you want to come before the altar to praise Him it is okay by Him. Just go ahead and praise the Almighty God. Let us worship Him until God the Father will draw near, until God the Son will draw near, until God the Holy Spirit will draw near; let us praise Him; let us praise Him.

Please join me in praising Him.

Magnify His holy name. Call Him by His name; adore Him; do it joyfully; do it like little children; praise Him; praise Him. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

My Father and my God because these Your children have worshipped You tonight, arise for them, scatter all their enemies; enemies from their father’s house scatter them; enemies from their mother’s house scatter them; enemies in their places of work scatter them; enemies within and without scatter them and even the enemies within the house of God scatter them. Almighty God, in order that they may know that a praise to worship God, every one of Your children who have praise You today, give them a new testimony. The kind of blessing that will frighten their enemies, Father, release unto Your children. Thank You Almighty God. Thank You for victory. Glory be to Your holy name.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let somebody now shout a really big hallelujah

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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