GLORY AHEAD 19th of December, 2018



December 7th, 2018.


Thank You Lord.

Well, let us lift our hands to the most High God and begin to bless His holy name.

Let us begin to worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of days;

Give Him all glory, all honour, all adoration;

He is worthy to be praised;

He is worthy to be magnified;

Praise Him;

Praise Him

Give Him all glory, all honour, all adoration;

He is worthy; He is worthy to be praised; He is worthy.

So praise Him, magnify His holy name;

Worship the Ancient of days.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

Lift your voice to Him loud and clear and say: Father, tonight in my life manifest Your glory.

Let us talk to the Almighty God.

In my life tonight Lord, please manifest Your glory; manifest Your glory. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell someone here that as far as you are concerned the night is over.

Oh thank You Lord.

Daddy says I should tell someone here today your appointment with death has been postponed for fifteen years.

Oh blessed be Your name.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight you walked into bondage yourself but the Lord said because you came tonight I will bring you out.

And so Father we just want to say thank You. Thank You for Monday, thank You for Tuesday, thank You for Wednesday, thank You for what You did last night, thank You for what You have already done today, thank You in advance for tomorrow , thank You for all the previous congresses, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Thank You for January, thank You for February, thank You for March, thank You for April, thank You for May, thank You for June, thank You for July, thank You for August, thank You for September, thank You for October, thank You for November, thank You for December, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Tonight Father, just glorify Your name. In all our lives, in all our families, in all our nations, Father, glorify Your name. At the end of everything let Your name be glorified again.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let somebody shout hallelujah

And then shake hand with one or two people and say good evening Elect of God

And then you may be seated.

The way things will go tonight is different from what you are used to.

Because something happened overnight;

You know those of you who are here yesterday, I told you the story of my little boy: who will come to me when I am in my prayer room asking for cookies when I am discussing things that are very very serious with God and I had to suspend whatever I am doing to attend to him if I want peace

Like I told those of you who were here last night, I am God’s special boy; I am God’s born-boy; God is my Daddy; He is my Popsy; so occasionally we talk like that.

So last night I asked my Father, my Daddy for a special favour; something I have never asked Him before:

I said Daddy, the word of God says from the mouth of Jesus: Jesus said my Father work hitherto and I work…

I know you are busy in heaven, looking after the whole earth; but I have a special request: can You kindly suspend whatever You are doing and concentrate just one hour for this year congress; one consecrated hour for congress 2018?

And what did He say?

My son, it is done.

So my preaching tonight will be probably maybe fifteen minutes or twenty because I want to give you an opportunity to go before God for one solid hour.

Thank You Daddy.

Daddy asked me to tell somebody here, He said I assured you, you will not carry failure into the New Year.

Like I said, I am going to be very brief and then I give you one hour;

From the moment I say start praying, Daddy will be focusing on you for one hour.

I beg you during that one hour don’t ask for small things because as a result of what God will do tonight your life can never never never be the same again.

Colossian chapter 1 verse 27:

27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

What is the meaning of ‘Christ in you’?

It could mean several things:

It could mean Christ is dwelling in you – which gives you another name;

To add to the another name, those of us who have been here since Monday we have many names now;

We won’t tell those who have not come; we will keep it to our self

But add this one to your names: I am the habitation of Christ – Habitation of Christ.

I am the Light of the world; I am the Salt of the earth; I am a Child of God; I am a Christian; I am a Branch of the Life; I am an Ambassador of Christ; I am the Elect of God and now I am the Habitation of Christ.

But it could also mean Christ is in total agreement with me.

When you are discussing something important with your friend, you say are you in or out?

If he says I am in, it means I am in total agreement with you.

It could also mean Christ as stepped into my situation.

And if Christ stepped into my situation automatically everything will change.

You know when we say if a man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.

So, if Christ is in anyone everything will change: from shame to glory.

So when we say glory ahead, we are prophesying – it is a prophetic theme.

I don’t want to spend time now going through all the details but it is prophetic and it generated hope.

Glory ahead is telling you don’t lose hope, don’t lose hope.

And as long as we are alive there is hope!

After all it is written say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him.

Glory ahead is an encouragement; it is saying help is available - like I told you yesterday and that that help is at hand; so don’t despair.

Glory ahead is comfort.

Because the Bible says in 1Cortinthians 14 verse 3 that one of the purposes of prophesy is to encourage and to comfort.

Now, when we say glory ahead, this is something that must be received by faith because the Bible say the Just shall live by faith.

Glory ahead means the glory is in the future:

Ahead does not necessarily mean very far away; as a matter of fact ahead means not too far away.

So if God is saying to you that your glory is ahead that ahead can mean today

For example in John chapter 2 verse 1 to 11, when they lack wine in the wedding in Canaan of Galilee and the mother of Jesus came to Him and He said my time has not yet come but before the end of the day the time came.

May I decree to somebody here today, your own glory will begin tonight.

I am just giving you an outline like I said I want to rush so we can pray.

Glory ahead means somehow the future is going to be better.

The glory of the latter house is going to be better than that of the former.

It means your best is yet to come.

It could mean that your sun is about to rise.

And I thank God; God has already spoken to someone that concerning that fellow the night is over.

Glory ahead could mean that the present is not so good but that things will not remain the same.

Or it could mean oh things are good but that things are about to get better.

For example Elisha was already a wealthy farmer and by the time the Almighty God stepped into his situation he became the father of kings.

Glory ahead could mean all things are glorious are the moment but God wants to move you to a new level of glory

Because according to 1Corinthians 15 verse 41, the Bible says stars differ from stars in glory.

It is in the power of Almighty God to move you, to move you from one level of glory to another.

Glory ahead could also mean there was a past that was not so good

There was a woman who named her child Ichabod that means glory has been lost.

Glory could have been stolen

The Bible says a new king arose that did not know Joseph and the children of Israel who were living gloriously suddenly found themselves to be slave;

So if your glory has been stolen and God now is saying glory ahead it means He is about to change the problems of the past into a glorious future.

Glory ahead could mean that some people have never even known glory before but God is saying is about to do a new thing.

Now what is Glory?

Glory is the opposite of shame:

Proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 says the wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

Glory for the wise; shame for the fools;

The wise are the opposite of the fools;

And so glory is the opposite of shame.

So when God says glory ahead it means shame is about to end in your life.

And there are certain things that cause shame: sickness, particularly disease - you are not likely to see somebody going round advertising that he has HIV/Aids;

Failure can cause shame – you won’t see a student coming home shouting glory glory after he has just failed an exam;

Defeat can cause shame

When Nigeria team won the world cup several years ago, the day they arrived in Nigeria Lagos stood still as they drove through the street;

Next time they went to compete and defeated in the first round, nobody knew when they came in because there is nothing glorious in defeat.

There is nothing glorious in stagnation: there is nothing glorious to say that I have been on one stop for twenty years no promotion.

Nothing glorious in bondage: you will not see somebody come forward and say glory be to God I just discover I am a witch.

There is nothing glorious in sorrow.

So glory means the absent of all these terrible things …

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell someone, very soon your song will be – “now the battle is over, now the battle is over, now the battle is over, I am more than a conqueror”.

If you are the now let me hear you shout hallelujah.

So glory ahead means sickness will soon be over; failure will soon be forgotten; defeat will no longer be available to you; poverty will end; sorrow will be forgotten and joy will come.

Let me round up

I am doing this in your interest; you know I have my notes, I have prepared my note; that one hour is about to begin.

Glory belongs to the wise.

From now on be wise.

The wise shall inherit glory

Be wise.

He that winneth souls is wise.

You know the reverse of that?

He that is not winning souls is foolish.

Be wise.

Pay your vows

Because the Bible says God has no interest in the promises of fools.

Be wise.

Because the Bible says the fools say there is no God.

Be wise

The Bible says he that cometh to God must believe that He is and He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Be wise.

Seek Good diligently.

You are going to pray for one hour.

If you like within that one hour fall asleep; an opportunity like this will not come again – it is not ‘may’, it will not come again.

It is not likely that I will go back to my Daddy and ask Him for this kind of favour again.

If I were you all those things I have asked God for that have not been granted up to this moment I will assemble them now and present them to God again.

If I were you I wouldn’t be asking for small things, I will be asking things like:

God don’t let my sun set in the afternoon

Almighty God, anoint me like nobody else

Almighty God let me be one of Your favorite children

Almighty God, put an end to shame in my family, don’t let me know sorrow again.

I will ask for big things; I will not tell you what to pray for; the one hour begins now.

Go ahead and begin to talk to the Almighty God.

You have one hour in which to talk to the Almighty God.

The altar is open you can come and just settle with the Almighty God

For one hour nobody is going to stop you until it is one hour and it is up to you what you do with that one hour.

Thank You Lord.

Thank You Jesus.

Glory be to Your holy name.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Even before you get to your seat let your testimonies begin. Oh my Father and my God, let the blessings of this moment last forever. Let the victories of tonight be permanent. A revival of praise, a revival of joy, a revival of success, a revival of promotion, a commotion of testimonies, release right now in Jesus’ name. Oh God, in case there is anything these Your children should have asked for and they forgot, out of Your grace, add to them in Jesus’ name. If they have asked for anything amiss because of the power that is in Your blood, correct it in Jesus’ name. In years to come let Your children remember tonight. For every one of us Lord let this be great turning point. Thank You Almighty.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach