IT IS MY TURN TO DANCE 6th of February, 2009

It is your turn to dance! 2 Samuel 6: 12 - 16, 23. And it was told King David saying the Lord has blessed the house of Obed Edom and all that belong to him because of the ark of God, so David went to the house of Obed Edom and brought the ark of the Lord, with gladness of heart. It was so that those that bear the ark of the Lord, that they have gone six… he sacrifices sheep and fatling, and David dance before the Lord with all of his might and David was guided with ephod. And as the Ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal Saul’s daughter looked through a window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord; she despised him in her heart. Therefore the daughter of Saul has no child until the day of her death.


It is your turn to dance. In Ecclesiastes 3:1- 4 the bible says there is a time for everything; a time to be born, a time to die. The bible says there is a time for everything; time to be born, a time to die, a time to sow, a time to reap. Then he said there is a time to dance. So I want you to look at your neighbor, tell him or her with all your strength, IT IS MY TURN TO DANCE”.


Legs are very important parts of the body, very, very important part of the body. When you consider all that your legs do, you will know they very, very important. I don’t know if you have noticed that your leg is longer than every other part of the body.


How come that God made legs so prominent?  Because they do a lot of this; Number one it is with your leg that you stand and when we are talking of standard, we are not just talking about physical standing alone. In fact standing is so important that when we want to say somebody is good Christian; we will say “he is a Christian in good standing”. We don’t talk about a Christian in good sleeping, or a Christian in good sitting, we talk about a Christian with good standing.


Ephesians 6: 13 say having done all to stand.  Philippians 4: 1 says stand fast in the Lord. Standing is very important and we stand with our legs.

Number two we walk with our legs, when we are talking about living the Christian life, we ask people not just to talk the talk but to walk the walk. When somebody is not straight forward; we say we can’t trust the way he or she walks.


When a girl is frivolous, we will say she is of doubtful walk. When the Almighty God was talking to Abraham in Gen 17: 1 He said “walk thou before me and be thou perfect. He didn’t say sit before me, He didn’t even say lie down before me, He said walk thou before Me and be thou perfect”.


In Proverb 13: 20 the Bible says, he that walks with wise men shall be wise and the companion of fools shall be destroyed. Walking with the wise, means spending time with them. Keeping companies of fools’ means walking with them. So walking is very important and we do walking with our legs.


We use our legs to leap, to jump, to make an upward movement when we say things are going by leap and bounds, we mean they are increasing rapidly. In Act 3 v 1-8 when that lay man was healed, the bible says he was walking and leaping.

I am decreeing to somebody here today; physically by the time you are going home you will be walking and leaping. Financially as from today; you will be walking and leaping. Spiritually from this day onward you will be walking and leaping.

The Bible says in Luke 6 : 22 -23 the Bible says when you become known for Christ and they began to persecute you because of your Christian standing, He said at that time should be leaping for joy because great is your reward in Heaven.

And what do we use legs for, we use legs for running. Running means and moving forward rapidly; making rapid progress.

From now on in the Mighty name of Jesus, you will not be crawling but you will be running. In every area of your life, you will be making fast and speedy progress in Jesus name.


In 1 Samuel 17: 48 – 51 the Bible says; David ran to the battle to go and meet Goliath. He ran forward to put an end to the mountain in his life. And when Goliath hit the ground, he ran forward again to grab the sword of Goliath in other to cut off his head. He ran twice; first to knock the mountain troubling him and second time to make sure that the mountain will never rise again. In that name that is above every other name, tonight every mountain in your life will tumble down and they will never rise again.

In 2 Timothy 2: 22 the Bible says flee youthful lust, run away from youthful lust. This tells us that there are two ways to do running; you run to confront the enemies that want to stand in your way, to knock him down and cut of his head. But when you see that which can destroy you; you run away from it. The Almighty God said “resist the devil and he will flee from you. But when it come to youthful lust; He said don’t wait to fight, don’t say I am resisting. He said flee; run as if in terror. The grace to escape from what can destroy you, God will give you tonight.


Thank you father, the Lord said He is going to do some very special work on leg tonight. Particularly there is someone the soul of your feet, is feeling as if pepper rubbed in it but check now, the pain is already gone.


What else do we use leg for? For climbing, when you go through the scriptures you will find that all great men are mountain climbers. They climb mountain!

Exodus 17: 8-13 tells us that when the Amalekite came to attack Israel, Moses climb the top of the mountain. He took Aaron and Hur with him. He climbed the mountain so that he could receive anointing from the Lord, so that the enemy down below can be dealt with.

 In 2 King 1: 9 -12 Elijah climb to the top of the mountain and when the King sent soldiers to go and arrest him, from the mountain top, he reign down fire on them. I am praying for somebody tonight, every mountain you needed to climb you will climb it tonight.


Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said you have problem sitting down and you have problem sitting down after you have stood up. He asked me to tell you that have been taken care of.


 In Matt 14: 14 - 23 we see that Jesus Christ Himself was a mountain climber, anytime he has performed special miracles and he wants to recharge his spiritual battery, he will climb. Thank God for legs available for climbing. Many of you have to climb to get here tonight and by the time you go home your spiritual battery will be charge in Jesus name.

We also use the leg something else, for kicking, for stamping, for bruising, for attacking. In Gen 3: 15 the Almighty God said “the seed of the woman will bruise the head of Satan. In Roman 16 v 20 the Bible says, the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. 

I want to do something by faith; just stamp on the ground for two seconds and say Satan I stamp on your head tonight.

What else do we use legs for?  We use legs in keeping things under control.  When we want to say we are keeping something under control we say I have put my leg on it.

In the olden days when Kings were kings; if a father tells his daughter to marry a particular person and the daughter refused. The father will take the daughter to the king and the king will ask the girl; will you marry the person that your father had asked you to marry? If the girl says no, then the king will say I put my leg on you. The meaning of that is that the girl becomes the king’s wife. That is how so many kings get so many wives in those days; things are a little different now.

But the Bible says in Psalm 110: 1 the LORD said to my Lord; sit down at my right hand until I make thy enemy thy footstool.

Ephesians 1: 19 -22 says God has raise Christ far above principalities and power and has put everything under his feet. The beauty of it is Jesus Christ is now in absolute control of everything and Ephesians 2 : 4-6 says we are sited together with him in the heavenly places, all things are under his feet and because we are sited with him in heavenly places all things are under our feet also.

Satan is under my feet, witches and wizard are under my feet, all herbalists are under my feet, every plan of the enemies I put them under my feet and you will remain in control throughout your life in Jesus name.


The Lord is healing someone who is suffering from excessive sweating; even when you are in air condition room you are still sweating, but that is over now in Jesus name.


Apart from leaping, running and moving, and jumping, and bruising and kicking, the principal reason why God made your leg is for dancing. He made your leg for dancing. He made hands for clapping. He made your mouth for shouting, but he made your leg for dancing.

 And we dance for various reasons; number one we dance to express joy. Jeremiah 31: 13 the Almighty God made a promise; He said virgins shall rejoice in the dance, old and young together. He said this will happen when I turn their mourning to Joy. The Almighty God is going to turn the mourning of someone to joy tonight.

I have not told you any story now but I tell you some now. I remind you of the time when we went to Lokoja for lets-go-a-fishing.

We held a crusade in the evening and there was this highly sophisticated woman, from the dress you could see that this is not an ordinary woman, but I saw that during the crusade, when the music was on, she would dance from one end of the field to the end, she will dance back, she will dance front.

So I ask the pastor, what is about this woman?  He said that woman was barren for sixteen years. She came to the convention last year; the baby on her back is the result of that visit. She is dancing to say to the Almighty God, you have turned my mourning to joy.


I decree to someone here tonight, long before the end of this year, it doesn’t matter how highly place you are, you will start dancing from the begging of the hall to the other. Everybody will say what is going on? You will say he turned my mourning to joy. If you are the one let me hear you say amen loud and clear.

We dance to express joy, we also dance to celebrate. Anytime there is celebration, there is dancing. In Matthew 14: 6 when Herod was celebrating his birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced. In Luke 15: 11 -25 when the prodigal son returned home the father celebrated and there was a lot of dancing.


I decree in the Name that is above every other name, in your family this year, there will be a lot of dancing, you will have a lot to celebrate. You will celebrate marriages, you will celebrate the name of new children, you will celebrate promotions, you will celebrate breakthroughs and those of you that think you are likely to die a tenant; when you are dedicating your house, you shall dance.


Thank you father, the Lord says there is someone here tonight; He said your principal adversary will suffer a major setback this year.


He said there is someone here; He said occasionally you feel cold inside your bone, the Lord asked me to tell you that’s over now.


 We dance to express Joy, we dance to celebrate, and we dance after a victory. In Exodus 15: 20- 21 after that great victory over Pharaoh at the red sea, the bible said Miriam led the women in a dance. Thank God for women, they can dance and God will give you more reason to dance this year in Jesus name.

Men are all pretenders; they too love to dance, many at time in public they don’t want to dance. If you see them in their bathroom they dance and tonight men and women we are going to dance in Jesus name. Why? Because I can say to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ your victory is beginning tonight.

We dance to acknowledge greatness, when someone important comes to visit a town. Like the president is visiting; we get people to dance to welcome him.

In 1 Samuel 18: 6-7 after David killed Goliath, the women gathered together to receive him with a dance. They dance to say welcome, our champion!


Halleluiah! The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said you must stop believing those who say you are a failure, He said because I have made up my mind to make you a success.


The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said by manipulation; they have put somebody in the position that I’ve meant for you, God ask me to tell you that the fellow will misbehave and so he will remove him.


In 2 Samuel 6: 21 David said to Micah, I am dancing for my Owner, I am dancing for the One who make me king. You know when a dog wants to show you that here comes my owner, what does he do? It dances.

I have a dog he knows every member of the family, if it is lying down and it sees any member of the family, he will wag his tail a little just to acknowledge that you are a member of this home. But when He sees me, particularly when I returned from a journey, you should see the dance.

Do you know one thing about dancing for God?  When you dance for your owner, you are saying to your owner, take care of me because I am yours. David said I am dancing for my Owner, and he was able to say the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Let me tell you tell the truth, you don’t know what you miss because you refuse to dance for God.

This is not part of my sermon but I will throw it in all the same. Birds sing unto God and the bible says your Father who hath in heaven feeds them. Tree claps their hand and the Bible makes it clear that the wall spot where the tree is planted all its needs are met there. Dogs dance for God and they eat the same food that their master eats. That woman said the dog eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table. A crumb of bread is bread. The dog that plans to dance for its owner will eat what the master eats.

Some people will dance for God tonight and the Almighty God will feed them. A crumb from the master’s table is enough to solve all your problems. A crumb from the table of the Most High God is enough to solve all your problem. A time is coming tonight when it is will be time to dance. I beg you in the name of the Almighty God, dance! And this will be a night you will not forget throughout your life.

Why do we dance? We dance to praise God, Psalm 149: 3 He said praise His name in the dance. Psalm 150: 4 says praise Him with dance. When we are dancing for God and you think that we are being childish, I pity you; because we are dancing for God. it is only one appeal I want to make tonight, when we begin to dance and you don’t like the way we are dancing, just don’t complain; because Micah complain when she saw David dancing. The bible said she danced childless. She is the only Barren woman who never had children that the bible recorded for us. So when we began to dance, just keep quiet and keep your comment to yourself.

Legs are made for standing, for walking, for leaping, for running, for climbing, for kicking, for bruising, for keeping things under control and then principally for dancing. But then the question comes; sir, how are you sure that it is my turn to dance? It is by studying David who danced. Why did he dance, what happened to him that caused him to dance? When we know what happened, that caused him to dance, then we will be able to see whether the same thing is happen to you or not.

First thing that happened to David that started his dancing, is that one day long after everybody had ignored him, he was asked for. In 1 Samuel 16: 11 a prophet came to the house and asked for David. It is a terrible thing to be ignored, it is a terrible thing to be forgotten, you know how your friend said to you when you have not seen for a very long time, and they will say you didn’t even ask for me.

When you go through the scripture, whenever God asked for someone, you know that person is going to get a miracle. Gen 18: 9-14 God asked for Sarah, “where is Sarah?”  And at the end of the day, Sarah who had been barren for ninety years became the mother of Isaac. How do I know that God is going to ask for you tonight? According to Rev. 3: 29 He is not just asking for you, He is already at your door. He said behold I stand at the door and I knock. Believe it or not God is knocking at your door tonight and He is about to come in and be at home with you.

Whenever God ask for someone, that fellow is about to have a turn around.

 I told you the story; I went to Obafemi Awolowo for a program. Several years ago; I woke up in the morning to return to Lagos and I heard God saying, “Go to Akure”. I say “yes Lord, but Akure is not in the direction of Lagos.

” Yes Lord” where in Akure” and He said “the house of so and so”. The so and so, left the church years ago.  Why am I going his house, but I am under the authority of the most high God. So I told the driver we are going to Akure. He looked at me with surprise but he said yes sir.

To cut a long story short we arrived in the house, the fellow was in the bathroom, his wife saw me, surprise!, what are you doing here, I said I have come to see your husband, she couldn’t believe it, so she went to and meet her husband. The husband taught she was joking, what kind of joke is that what would Pastor Adeboye would be doing in this house? The wide said “Well when you come out you can ask him”.

This brother, who according to his own confession, was fully backslidden because God asked for him; he is now an evangelist in the church. God asked for him! The Almighty God is going to ask for somebody here tonight.

Number two when the dancing of David was to begin, he was not just asked for, he was sent for. In 1 Samuel 16:12 where is David? He is in the bush. Go and bring him. He was sent for. In Mark 10: 46-52 when Jesus sent for Bartimeus, we all know the result of that calling. Anytime God sent for someone, you know that the day for that fellow as come and the Almighty God is sending for you tonight. How do I know? In Matthew 11: 28-30 He has sent for you a long time ago. He said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Who is He sending for?  He is sending for me! Who is God sending for tonight? Tell your neighbor God has sent for me tonight.

Whenever God sent for someone, you know the day of that fellow has come and I know that your day has come tonight.

I told you the story 1979 we went to America for Kenneth Higgins program. I saw miracles, I saw the lay walking, I saw all kind of healing.

 God I want this one to happen in my ministry. I was a very young pastor; I was very hungry for God. I must meet this man, so I spoke to people around. They laughed “he doesn’t see people, after the program, he will be so tired and he will lock the door. I must see this man, what I see happening in this man ministry must happen in mine too. So I wrote to him, I am from Africa, I want to see you.

All my friends were laughing when I was writing. All those who are laughing at you now, they will laugh with you by the time this night is over.

Suddenly, the message came; I think two days or so before we left. Kenneth Higgins has sent for me. You know the rest of the story, I have told you before. The people who are laughing at me, they jump and say they are going with me. At the end of the day I got what I wanted!


There is somebody here today, I want to assure you, you didn’t come on your own, God sent for you. Why? Because it is your turn to dance!

If you believe that let me hear you say amen.

The Lord said there is someone here; He said in the past when you take two steps forward, you will take three steps backward. The Lord asks me to tell you from now, it will be forward ever.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said your case is already been reconsider.


So they asked for him, and God is already asking for you. They sent for Him. God has already sent for you. Then when he arrived, he was chosen, not just chosen but chosen to reign. In 1 Samuel 16: 12-13 as soon as he arrived, God spoke to Samuel  

“Arise anoint him, that is the king” it is a great thing o be chosen, Matthew 20: 16 he said many are called but few are chosen.

How many of you will be among the chosen one tonight? Wave your hand and shout Halleluiah!

But you are chosen how do I know? The bible says in Ephesians 1: 3 - 4 he said God has chosen you in Christ before the foundation of the world. It is because you are chosen, that is why you are here tonight. If you are not chosen you won’t be here. Jesus Christ said nobody can come unto me except the father draws him. God chose you before the foundation of the world. You are not the only one who heard the gospel on the day you give you life to Jesus Christ. They have heard it over and over again; they just could not decide who to give their life, because they were not among the chosen ones. Thank God I am chosen. Almighty God I thank you because I am chosen.

We are not just chosen, but chosen to reign. In Revelation 1:5-6

There is a woman here tonight, Daddy asked me to tell you that the strange movement in your womb will be replace by the movement of a real child.

Revelation 1: 5-6 says Jesus Christ has chosen us to be kings and prince, we are chosen to reign. Not only was David asked for, you are also asked for. Not only was he sent for, you are also sent for. Not only was he chosen, you are also chosen. Not only was he chosen to reign; you are also chosen to reign. Then he was anointed. 1 Samuel 16: 13, he was anointed. Jesus Christ of Nazareth became Jesus the Christ. In Matthew 3: 16-17 when the spirit descended upon Him, from that moment onward, it was not longer Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it was Jesus the Christ, Jesus the anointed one.

According to that, it means the Holy Spirit coming upon him, brought the anointing upon Him. Ephesians 1; 13 says  if you are a believer, you are also anointed , sealed with the seal of the Holy spirit and because the seal of the Holy spirit is upon you, then the scripture become applicable to you that says ‘touched not my anointed’. Tell your neighbor, I am anointed whether you know it or not. There is a seal on your head; the seal of the Holy Spirit. That says to forces of darkness “that this one belongs to Jesus Christ, touch him not!

Around 1975, they kidnapped a boy at Costain, they wanted to use him for ritual; took him to one jungle, and then they were presenting the others, one by one to the man in charge. When they brought in this boy, they said who brought this one here?  Can’t you see the seal on his head? This one belong to the most High, and they brought the boy right back to where they kidnapped him.

From now on witches will see you and they will recognize that you belong to Jesus. And I am sure you remember one of the testimonies last year, he was kidnapped some days to his marriage. They took him to where they were killing people and just when it was about his turn to be slaughter, he began to speak in tongue and suddenly confusion started in the life of those who are there.  I have good news for you; confusion is already in the camp of your enemies.

David was asked for, he was sent for, he was chosen, chosen to reign, he was anointed. Now he overcame Lion and Bear 1 Sam.  17: 34 -37 he said while I was looking after my father’s sheep, a lion came, a bear came and they took one of the sheep and I snatched it out of their mouth. And they say alright if we can’t have the sheep, we will have you. And he said “I grabbed it by the bear, smooth you and killed It”.  Now if lion attacked you and God gave you victory, wont you dance. If a bear attacked you and God delivered you won’t you dance?

 I have good news for you James 4: 7 says if you will submit yourself to God, you will resist the devil and he will flee from you. I have good news for somebody here today, when the evil forces see you coming, they will run. I know some of you don’t believe in evil forces. I pray that you will never encounter them. I was on a panel some years ago, we were talking about psychiatry patient and there was someone there who was a serious academician, he use t say there is not witch, no wizard, it is all in the mind. I looked at him and smiled. I said I prayed that one day a witch will not give you a slap. Send for me I will come and pray for you.

There are many who say they don’t believe in miracles until they need one. I pray for you tonight, when the evil forces saw you coming, they will run in Jesus name. I know how many years I ran from my home town because some people said they are going to eat me for breakfast. Until I met with Jesus Christ, now when I want to go home, I want every witch, every wizard to know I am coming because when light comes, darkness must disappear. Every darkness in your life must disappear tonight in Jesus name.

Halleluiah! The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said those who are planning to destroy you, he said very soon they will come and ask for your help.

This one has a time limit, He said before the middle of this year all the lies of your enemy will be exposed and destroyed. David overcame Goliath in 1 Samuel 17: 45- 51 he overcame Goliath in the name of the Lord. He said against you in the name of the Lord. Now you too have the name of the Lord with you. it is written that at the name of Jesus every kneel must bow and if you have faith in the same God that David had faith in, according to Mark 11: 22-23 the bible says have faith on God and then you will say to mountain, be removed and thou cast into the sea and they will obey you.

David overcame Goliath, the major obstacles to His throne. You too have the power to move every mountain blocking your way and I have good news for somebody here tonight, from now on your journey to the top will be very smooth. He overcame internal enemies. In 1 Samuel 18: 6-9 the bible said as David was retuning and the women began to dance and they began to sing, saying that Saul has killed his thousand and David has killed his own ten thousand. Saul began to eye David from that moment onward.

And David had an internal enemy; his father –in-law that wants to kill him, but he overcame. Several times the king was to spear him but he overcame. Even if you don’t have any other reason to fight, the fact that all the enemies in your mother house, in your father house in your place of work have not be able to overcome up till this moment; I think you have something to dance about. You have the promise of the most high God in Matthew 15:13 the Almighty God promises you that every plant that He didn’t plant in your home, in your body, in your place of work shall be rooted up.

 The enemies in this church, this year shall be rooted up, the enemies in your marriage; this year they shall be rooted up. The enemy in your system I your body; killing you inside, tonight, this vey night they shall be rooted up. You know one of the biggest problems anybody could face is an internal enemy.

Enemies who appear to be friends, coming with you, going out with you, eating with you, knowing all your secrets, every one of them shall be rooted up in Jesus name.

You remember the story of that brother, who was sacked from the place of work without any offences at all, Unknowing to him, it was his father who said the way this boy is going he is going to become greater than him. So he decided to do something about it and then the young man came to the Holy Ghost service and the world of God came and said “there is somebody who is close to you who will die very soon. When it happens don’t be sad because he is the obstacle in your life.  The following week the father died and they sent for the boy. When he arrived they promoted him. Everybody blocking your way, every plant God didn’t plant in your life they shall be rooted up.

Then David became the King of Judah

Halleluiah! The Lord said there is someone here tonight, everywhere around you there are shakings, the Lord ask me to tell you, trust me and you will stand firm.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said if only you will be faithful in your tithing and in your first fruit, He said I will give you a winning ticket.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight; he said I will bring you in contact to those who will push you to the next level.

David became the King of Judah, you want to say sir? Are you saying I am going to become the king of Judah tomorrow? No, no. Judah simply means praise and nobody can stop you from Praising God. You too can become the king of praise, for the rest of your life, people can look at you and say when it come to that brother, when it come to that sister, praising God is what he does. David said in Psalm 34: 1-3 he said I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. It is an individual decision, he didn’t say we will bless the Lord at all time, he said I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continue to be in my mouth.

 By the time he gets to verse three, he throws an invitation to others. He said magnify with me, let us praise His name together, in other word if you like join me, if you don’t like no problem, as far as I am concern, I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Those who want to become King of praise, those who want to become king of Judah let me hear you shout a big halleluiah!

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said you continue t praise me and I will make sure you repossess your possession.

Someone here right now, the Lord says I will snatch back your life from the brink of destruction.

And then David became the king of Israel 2 Samuel 5: 3 this is the boy who had been anointed a long time ago and he has been running from cave to cave but now he is king of Israel, and it means his testimony is now complete. Do you know your testimony could be complete tonight? How do I know? Jesus said so in John 6: 24 He said it is up to you, ask till your Joy be full, he said it is in your hand, if you wasn’t your testimony to be complete tonight, it is in your hand and I am believing God with you that no matter how the sorrow is in your heart it shall be flush out tonight in Jesus name. No matter how big the sorrow is it shall disappear tonight in Jesus name.

Then finally the ark of the covenant of God was returning home, that is why he was dancing. In 2 Samuel 6 that we read at the beginning, in 2 Samuel 6 v 12 -16 the Ark of the Covenant had been taken away. But David said this cannot be we can leave without God , God must come back home and when they were bringing the first ark, there was an accident on the way, the animal carrying the ark stubble and then one fellow trying to steady the ark had died. David said I didn’t know the ark is such a dangerous thing, so he said let’s put it in the house of Obed Edom, Obed Edom if you can die, die, put the ark there.

Then news came to David; that as soon as the ark got to the house of Obed Edom, Obed Edom began to prosper seriously, he prosper so much that the whole nation heard about it within three month. David said in that case I am going to get my ark back. So he made the enquiry; how do we get the ark back so that there will be no problem?

In that day as they are taking six steps they will sacrifice, they will take another six steps and sacrifice. At long last the ark got to Jerusalem. David began to dance, Davis said God has return to our home, at long last victory has come to my home, at long last prosperity has come into my home, at long last joy has come into my home.

I don’t know who I am talking to tonight, but there is somebody I am talking to tonight, this is one night you will never forget in your life. According to Psalm 15 v 11…

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, he said hold on to me and your victory will be great.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said I will move you from the bottom of the group to the top.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said that which I have put in your heart to do and I will protect your family from the storms that are coming.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said Joy has been died in the family for some time, the Lord ask me to tell you it will resurrect tonight.

 Psalm 15 v 11 the bible says in the presence of God there is the fullness of joy, at his right hand there are pleasure for ever more. God is here tonight, that is why I know your joy will be full tonight, and that is why I am sure you will not know sorrow again.

Let me conclude; do you know it is possible for you too to be saved tonight, because the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses from all sins has not lost his power. Do you know that it is possible for you to be baptized in the Holy Ghost tonight? Because the Almighty God said the promise is for you. And He says you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Do you know I t is possible for you to be absolutely victorious tonight, because the bible says if God be for you, nobody can be against you.

The Bible says you are more than conqueror because of Him that love you. Do you know that your turn to dance can begin tonight, that the only thing that can stand between you and your own season of dancing is you and you alone?

Because if you refuse to accept Him on visitation, He won’t’ force you. When the messenger got to the field and said to David, you are wanted at home. If David said don’t bother me, I am enjoying myself here, that would have been the end of the story, the Lord is saying come, come and surrender your life to me, let me save your soul, let me wash away your sin, let me become your friend, lets become partner, let me turn your mourning to joy. Let me begin to show you how to live in victory. But if you say you are not coming He won’t force you. But if you come to Him tonight, it can be your turn to dance.

 So if you want to give your life to Christ, you can be coming now. If after counting you did not dock. So if you want to give your life to Jesus run forward now.

Even as you come, cry to the Lord ask Him to forgive your sin, to wash you clean in His blood, tell Him you will serve Him for the rest of your life. Save my soul, forgive all my sin… In Jesus mighty name prayed.

Savior I bless your name, I thank you for your word; I thank you for this people who has responded to your word. Accept our thanks in Jesus name. Father you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will in nowise cast out.

They have come now, receive them in Jesus name, forgive them in Jesus name; Let your blood wipe away all their sins in Jesus name, save souls tonight and write their names in the book of life in Jesus name.

Beginning from now anytime they call on you please answer them in Jesus name and I pray that beginning from today sorrow will become a stranger to them in Jesus name, thank you my father, in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

It is only one prayer I want you to pray at this moment, lift your voice to the almighty God and say father from this night onward let sorrow become a stranger to my family go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.




Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach