Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy name, let’s bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords, bless the great I Am that I Am, bless the All sufficient God, bless the One who can answer all prayers, give Him glory, give Him honor, give Him adoration, lift Him high tonight, worship the Ancient of days.

Bless the Unchangeable Lord, glorify His holy name, He is worthy to be praised; He is worthy to be adored, bless Him. Give Him glory, give Him honor, give Him adoration, praise Him tonight, worship Him, magnify His holy name, there is no one like Him, praise Him tonight, give Him all glory, give Him all honor… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God and say Father; this month; like you have never done before, answer my prayers speedily….in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Lift your voice to Him and say Father; let this month be a month of double blessings for me… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Lift your voice to Him and say Father; any one I witness to this month, let him or her receive Jesus immediately (my relatives, my family, my co-workers, even my enemies, anyone I witness to , let him/her receive Jesus instantly)… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say Father; this month every door I knocked at let it be opened wide unto me… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want you to Join hands with your neighbor and pray for your neighbor and say Father; every request of this your child tonight Lord, turn to a testimony speedily… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Singing…..You are the mighty God, the great I am, halleluiah. Halleluiah! 2ce

You are the King of kings, the Lord of lords’ halleluiah, halleluiah


All mighty God, Ancient of days, the Rock of ages, the Holy one of Israel, the Unchangeable changer, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending.  The One who is, the One who was and the One who is to come. The Almighty, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting father, Prince of peace.   Glory be to your holy name.  Father glory be to Your holy name.

Thank you for January, Thank you for February, Thank you for March, Thank you for April, Thank you for May, Thank you for June.  Glory be to your holy name Lord.  Accept our worship in Jesus name.

Tonight Father; answer all our prayers like you have never done before, this month Lord answer all our prayers. Everyone we will preach to this month, convert you in Jesus name. All over the World as your children will be going out to witness, the power that will bring all this souls into the kingdom release in Jesus name.

Father this is the period when many, many of your children will be doing examinations, Father I pray for all student all over the world today; as they going in for all examination the wisdom from heaven release unto them in Jesus name, don’t let there be a single failure among your children in Jesus name.

Father I am committing all my partner into your hand; for the rest of this year, everyday of their lives give them a miracle in Jesus name, whatever they touch let it prosper in Jesus name and Almighty God I am praying that tonight the secret of prayers that some of us might never have known before release to us in Jesus name, so that from today onward all our prayers will be answered in Jesus name. 

Thank you almighty God glory be to your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Those who are born in the month of June, you may stand on your feet now.

My Father and my God I want to thank you for your children that are born in the month June, the number six is the number for extra favor, the number for blessings that people did not even deserve, the number for additional grace, additional joy, additional victory, all these your children born in the month of June, everything good give to them in additional measure in Jesus name.

Give them news of joy, of victory, of blessing, of promotions, of success, of everything that is good.  And let them serve you additionally in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Children of June shout another halleluiah!

 Congratulations God bless you.

Next month by the grace of God is the month for the Disciples Convention, all those who are members of the school of disciples, past and present, next month is your very special month and the school of disciple graduate and those who are still there are very special to the Lord their convention is coming up in July.

The theme is GOOD SUUCESS.  So make sure you are here next month so you can hear more about GOOD SUCCESS.

The elders will be having their own praise night and annual congress by the middle of this month that is third weekend of June, all elders are cordially invited and those who prayed that one day they will become elders you are also cordially invited.

The program will take place here on the 15TH and 16TH of June. All elders should be there, and the Lord will bless you as you come in Jesus name.


I King 18 v 36 – 39 And it came to pass at the time of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah came near and said, “Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at thy word. Hear me oh Lord, hear me that this people may know that thou hart the Lord God and that thou has turned their heart back again, then the fire of the Lord fell and consume the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones and the dust and licked up the water that was in the trench, and when all the people saw it they feel on their face and said “The Lord he is the God; the Lord he is the God”.

If there is any example of a prayer that was answered and answered instantly, it is this prayer of Elijah that I have just read to you.

Elijah’s prayer lasted less than two minutes and yet fire fell. In the name that is above every other name, God will answer your prayer by fire tonight.

As many of you know Elijah is one of my favorites, I spent three years studying him and he is one of the reasons why I pray, because if there is anything about Elijah that is very significant is that he is a prayer warrior.

So I have spent time, quality time studying this particular prayer and if it pleases God, I may write a book on just this verse very soon.

What are the components of Elijah’s prayer? What are the things embedded in this prayer, that cause fire to fall as soon as he finished praying?

Number one; he said Lord God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob.  What does that mean?  He was worshipping God, just like one of my child said earlier on, he was eulogizing God, he was worshipping him.  

When you go through the Scriptures, you will discover that all who worship God got their request granted. You will never find a single example in the Bible, (if you find one let me know and I will give you a hundred thousand naira) of someone who worshipped God in spirit or in truth who didn’t get their request granted.

Matthew 8 v 3 It is the story of a leper; someone who was incurable, someone who was not suppose to be found among the multitude, he came and the first thing he did was that he worshipped Jesus.

He worshipped him before he said I know you can heal me if you want to, of cause he had already prepared the ground for his request to be granted.  Jesus merely said I am willing, be thou cleanse.

 Mark 5 v 1 – 15 is the story of the mad man of Gedaren, we have talked about him again and again, one of my son refereed to him again tonight, as somebody living in the grave yard, he saw Jesus from afar off, he ran to meet him, fell at his feet.

He was mad remember? But in his madness he still worships God.  I have said it before, if a mad man can worship God, what is your excuse for not to worshipping him?  

Like I have always said, this man was so mad, that when mad men saw him; they hide.  But in his madness, as mad as he was, he recognized the Almighty God and worshipped him.

Read the story very well, he didn’t even pray to be delivered, but God delivered him all the same, worshippers always got their request granted.

Look at Mark 5 v 20- 24, how come Jarius got his daughter restored back to life?  He worshipped Jesus! He was a great man but in the presence of Jesus Christ; all men become small.  

That is why I feel uncomfortable when I see some so called great men who cannot worship God, when we are praising God and we are dancing, we are rejoicing.

I see some people who think they are too good to worship the King of kings, to worship the original majesty, to worship the original professor, original CEO, there is no one like him, he Is greater than the greatest, higher than the highest, older than the oldest, richer than the richest, better than the best.

Let me hear somebody shout halleluiah!

Do you know when you read Matthew 15 v 21- 28 that even if God wanted to say no to you and you worship him, the no will become yes? This woman came to Jesus and said, “have mercy on me; my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil”.

Number one Jesus didn’t answer a word, she kept pressing on. Just like one of my son said, persistent, perseverance.

Because some of you prayed for five minutes and if God has not answer in five minute, you say okay, He doesn’t want to answer. As if God is your house boy, He is the Almighty, brother; He is the King of all the universe, if you call on Him you need to be prepared to wait till He answers.

I have had the opportunity of visiting head of states all over the world. They are the one who asked you to come; you arrive thirty minute before time, one hour after your time is due, they still have not attended to you. Do you leave? Leave! Do they need you?

Not to talk of the Almighty God, the owner of heaven and earth, the One who can make and unmake , the One who opens and no man can shut, the One who shut and no one can open. The One who can raise the dead, the One who can reverse the irreversible.

And you say because you have talk to him for five minute you are going. Go! There is no problem.

This woman persisted; help me! Finally the disciples came to Jesus and say this woman is disturbing us with her noise send her away. Jesus said I am not sent but unto the house of Israel. The Bible says the woman came and worshipped Him; I know I don’t qualify for a miracle but look at me, I am on my knees. Jesus said yes, but I can’t give the food of children to the dog, the woman said “this dog will remain on her knees until a crumbs falls down from the table.”  Jesus said you got it!

God will answer somebody here today.

Some years ago, they were celebrating the centenary of Pentecostalism; 100 years since the Holy Spirit fell in Azusa, and I was invited to come and represent Africa and preach.

Two of us was invited, one from South Africa and myself. It was my turn to preach, the whole world was there and because as far as I am concerned the whole world can be there, the most important thing is that God is also there.

I got the microphone, went on my knees and worship God before I preached. When I finished one of the big men came to me and said “thank you”. I said “for what?” He said “for worshiping God in public, you are not even ashamed to kneel before the crowd.

Some of you can’t even shout halleluiah in Church.

Let me hear somebody shout halleluiah!

I have told you before; people have asked me, when you are holding such a big meeting, convention, Holy Ghost congress etc. don’t you know that the devil is around? Demons all over the place, why don’t you start by binding demons?  Why do I need to waste my time with demons and the devil?.  

Devil I bind you.  But I thought somebody bound him this morning, he is already loose?  I don’t need to waste my time binding demons, binding devil and so on.  All I need to do is to worship God.

Once God shows up, once light comes, darkness must disappear.

Let somebody shout halleluiah.

So when you hear me saying, Rock of ages, Ancient of days, Holy one of Israel, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the ending, the One who is, the One who was, the One who is to come.

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace, the Way, the Truth, the Resurrection, the Life.  I know what I am doing. Worship him!

I have told you before; my wife says stop saying that your Father was poor, but it is the truth.  He was poor and out of him, God has produced me and there is hope for you too.  Glory be to God!

He was poor he had two wives, in spite of the poverty and so, he has many children, and whenever it is time for school to open, you know parents have to pay school fees.

In those days, my father will pick a quarrel with the wives so that they won’t be able to ask for school fees. But my mother always gets my school fees. I have told you how she did it; I happened to be the last boy of my dad.  So I was always sleeping with him.

 My mother will come when it is a couple of days before the school opens, early in the morning and she will come and begin to eulogize my father; you are the son of so and so, when your father went to war, he captured so many people, he killed so many, when your father threw a party, he fed the civilian he fed the army.  

The bird flew for days they couldn’t see the end of your father’s farm (and I will be wondering where that farm!) But my father loved it, as my mother is saying you are this you are that.  He will be saying yes, it is true; it is a man you are calling.  

Very soon you will begin to hear him say, it will be well with you in this house.  Everyday my mother came to say that one, my father feel into it all the time because at the end of it.

It is he who will now turn to my mother and say, and what can I do for your today? And my mother will say, the owner of my head, the husband of my chest.  Everybody knows things are hard but your son is about to resume and my father will say “there is no problem.  

No problem and there is no money in his pocket but he will go out and borrow, because my mother had eulogize him, she has raised him to a level where he cannot afford to bring himself down.

When you lift up your voice to the Almighty God and you say, you are Greater than the greatest, you are Better than the best, you are Richer than the richest, you are Holier than the holiest.

You can do the impossible, nothing is too hard for You.  You are the One who can reverse the irreversible.

You think God will not answer?

Secret number one, worship Him, Elijah started by saying, You are the God of Abraham, you are the God of Isaac, you are the God of Jacob, he was worshiping God.

Then he went on to say, let it be known this day, not only that you are God in Israel but that I am Your servant.

If you don’t study that one very well you will miss it, what is he saying? He is saying thank you for making me your servant and I learnt a lot from that.

Thank You for what you have done for me, thank you for saving my soul, thank you for the blood that cleanses me from all sins 1 John 1 v 7

Thank you because I know it is by grace I am saved Ephesians 2 v 5 – 9 It is by grace we are save not by works, not that anybody should boast.

Many of you come to God as if he owes you a debt, No! You are the one who owns him everything.  

That you are still alive today is by his grace, that you can open your mouth to speak is by his grace, that your eyes can still see is by his grace, that you can come here today is by his grace. There are so many things we take for granted that we never thank God for, several things.

Last month, someone who was very, very sick and I was praying for him, after prayer I said, come let’s go for a walk, I know he could hardly move, but I wanted to ginger up his faith, I didn’t want him to lose hope because when you give up fighting, death comes.

 So we began to walk very, very gently, one step after another. I said when you are tired tell me so we will let you rest. By the time we are returning to go back, he said “Daddy, you know I have never thank God for being able to walk, I said “you are not the only one”.

How many of you got up this morning and said thank you Lord that I can walk?  You took it for granted.  How many of us got up and say thank God I can lift my hand?  We took that for granted.

 How many of you say I thank God I went to the toilet on my own, they didn’t carry me there we take it for granted.

Thank you Lord for what you have done for me. Will somebody lift up his/her hand and say thank you Lord for what you have done for me!

Before you begin to bombard him with your request, thank him. Thank Him for what he has done; thank him for his grace in your life. 1 Corinthian 15 v 10 Paul said, I am what I am by the grace of God.

“And then let it be known that I am your servant”, he said something else something else; he is saying Lord without you I am nothing.

It is easy for me to understand from Elijah, the first time we heard about Elijah 1 king 17 v 11 all we heard about him, was Elijah the Tishbite of the inhabitant of Gilead, they did not even mention his father’s name.

As far as the writers of the Bible were concerned, his father didn’t even matter.  His father’s family was so low that they didn’t mention his father name. They mentioned the name of the father of Bartimeaus the beggar, Bartimeaus the son of Timeaus, he was a beggar but his father was a important.  But in the case of Elijah, no need to mention his father’s name because it doesn’t matter. 

But look at him now, he is about to call down fire from heaven and he is saying, God without you I am nothing.  However because I am your servant, because you are behind me.

Like one of my son said; with God backing me up I can do all things, Philippians 4 v 13 says I can do all thing with God through Christ who strengthen me.

Not too long I had a little confrontation with someone very, very important, very, very big and I said to him, “Adeboye is nobody, I have no power, I have no connections, I have no wealth but, the God of Adeboye, is a different matter entirely”

Adeboye is zero, but Adeboye plus his God, don’t mess around with my God, because my God is a consuming fire. When my God says let there be, there will be. When He says let there be not, there will be nothing.

If anybody challenges you as a child of God, let them know; I may be small, but greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, acknowledge your total dependence on God.

I am Your servant, what am about to ask You to do is not because of me but because of You.

The world has known me with You. If I fail, they won’t think much of me, they will be thinking of You, you are the One that will be responsible because I am Your servant.

There was a song we use to sing in those days;

 I have no helper of my own, Holy Spirit help me.

I pray that the Almighty God will help somebody here today.

He went on to say number three; I have done all these things at thy word. There is nothing I am doing here Lord that is not according to your word.

Meaning what? Anytime you approach God in prayer, always attach your request to His word.

Psalm 119 v 89 says forever oh Lord thy word is settled.

So when you want to pray a prayer of deliverance, tell him daddy, it is written; this signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they will cast out demons, it is written.

Say it loud, let the demons hear what you are saying so they will know you know what you are saying. Anytime you want to lay hands on the sick for healing, attach the word, father is written I will lay hand on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16 v 17 – 18.

And if you have to pray for the dead, don’t be afraid. Matthew 10 v 7-8 father you are the one who commanded me to raise the Dead.

Attach his word, father I am going for this interview, you are the one who said I will be head and not tail, I am tired of being at the bottom, I want to go higher, it is written.

And when the world is raging against you, when they begin to fire arrow at you (and I am not talking about arrow that deliverance ministers talks about) I am talking about those who are accusing you falsely, those who are criticizing you.

Tell the Almighty God, it is written they shall come against me in one way they will flee seven ways. I am not going to fight because it is written the Lord will cause the enemies that rise up against me to be smitten before my face.  I will wait and see you do the smitten.

People have asked me again and again, each time they are criticizing you on television, on radio, in newspaper, you say nothing. I am not supposed to do anything, my own is to wait and see because it is written.

In 1siah 41 v 10-13 my father says I will help you, I will hold you by your right hand and I say I will help you. Those who are incensed against you shall be as nothing. You shall seek them and you shall not find them. It is written!

How many of you know that it is written that you shall be head and not tail? How many of you know that you shall Live and not die?

 Let me hear you shout halleluiah!

The Lord said there is someone here today He said the problem started as ordinary headache and it already becoming something else, the Lord ask me to tell you not to worry; He is taking care of that now.

Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said what you need is a spare part from heaven; he said he has released it to you.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said very soon the enemy will come and confess and they will say to you, each time we thought we have clipped your wings, you soar higher.

Elijah said that the people may know that you are God, you know one of the things we suppose to do when we go witnessing is tell the people who our God is.

When you see idol worshipper worshipping idols, they called them by all kinds of name; Sango, Oloju and they begin to call these idols some big, big tittles.

 Why don’t you talk about your God? The true living God.  

Matthew 1 v21 says he shall call his name Jesus for he shall save the people from their sins.

My God is the savior Exodus 15 v 26 says I am the Lord that heals thee, my God is the great physician.

Psalm 23 v 1 – 6 my God is the great comprehensive provider; he said the Lord is my sheared I shall not want. Psalm 75 v 6 -7 my God is the great promoter; he is the one who promotes.

John 15 v 1-5 my God is the fruitful vine.

In other words, Elijah was saying to God, prove today by backing me up that you are Almighty God. You know one of the reasons why people don’t want to go out to witness is there are not even sure God will go with them, but I want to encourage you; when you go, my God will go with you.

Several years ago around 1974-1975 I had a little group of young people, I was young then, and many of them were younger.  We formed what we call called Fishers of men and I send them out in twos and I told them, anywhere you go and you witness don’t argue with anybody, if anybody what to argue just tell them listen; have you a problem?  If we pray and the problem is solved, then you surrender to our God. That is the confidence we have in Him.

Some of you have heard the testimony of two of them (she is sitting on the altar right now, she is now an elder) they went to Ota, and they got into the house of the chief herbalist in the town, and they began to talk to him about Jesus Christ and the man laughed and said “I pity you because you are little children, how can you come into my house and be talking about any other God, I am the God in this town; witches and wizard we work together. Anybody who has a problem, they come to me for solution here”.

He said “look up” All over the house all kinds of charms and the children remembered what I have said sir, they said you may be the chief herbalist in this town, we are not disputing that, but have you a problem that you cannot solve with all your charms,?  He said yes.

Because he was walking with witches and wizard and these people always come for their own salary.

 And the salary is anytime he got married and the wife became pregnant; they will come and kill the poor lady. He was on the seventeenth wife, sixteen had died and finally he has fallen in love with the seventeenth one and he doesn’t want her to die. The seventeen one had become pregnant and as usual the forces of darkness have come for their pay and the girl was bleeding that will lead to her death.

He had tried all his charms but it wasn’t working because of his covenant with the devil.  So this little boys and girls said “Let us pray” and they prayed in the mighty name of Jesus, “blood stop” and they left to go to into the next house to witness.

 All of a sudden they looked back and saw a man crying after them; my children, my children, wait, wait! And they looked it was the old man. He said “the bleeding had stooped Come and tell me more about your Jesus”.

How many of you believed that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow?  Do you believe that?

Let me hear you shout halleluiah to him.

You need to know your God, if you don’t know him you can’t witness about him, I know him, I know that He has a name that above every other names.

I know that at the name of Jesus every kneel must bow. And please let me join my own to what one of my sons has said earlier on, my God answers prayers.

He will answer your prayers tonight in Jesus name.

 And then he said “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Israel, I worship you. 

He said “I worship you, I am your servant, thank you for what you have done for me, let it be known today that I have done all this according to your word.  Attach his word to what you are saying and let them know that you are God, and then finally he now said that you have turned their hearts to you.”

God, why am I asking for this miracle? Elijah said “so that these people can be converted”.

One of my sons said so in his preaching, he said “why do you need a car, if you are not going to use it for evangelism? Why do you need money if you are not going to use it for the work of God? Why do you want more than you already have? God has met your needs, you are not naked, and you have food to eat. You have a house to live in why do you want more?  It must be for the purpose of His kingdom.

They brought in a man who was paralyzed from neck downwards through the roof; Jesus Christ said “thy sin has been forgiven thee. They began to murmur; ‘who is this one talking about forgiving sins?. 

Only God can forgive sin. Jesus said alright, let’s give you a miracle, “son get up and take up your bed and go”.

As soon as he got up, the people who have been murmuring said glory be to God, we have never seen it like this before.

The reason many prayer have gone unanswered till now is that the purpose for which many of you are praying has nothing to do with the kingdom of God.

Let me assure you, make up your mind from now on that you will be winning souls for God, you will be doing everything to make sure his Kingdom is expanded here on earth. He will answer all your prayers.

When the Almighty God said “son you are going to cover the arena”, (you remember this place use to be open space) I said amen, Thank you Father, because your children will come I don’t want them to seat in the rain.  He said we will cover it, then he said “you are not going to take an offering for it”, I said “ha! Then how is it going to be done? Told you the truth, I ran into the toilet when he said it is you and I. I said “my faith can’t take that, but you are sitting down here now, if it is raining outside it is not going to disturb you. There is nothing you want for his kingdom that he will not do.

How many of you want to be a divine treasurer? Before the end of this year, money will change hands.  

The Lord said there is someone here he said I have told you before I am telling you again, I will still surprise those who said you will die barren.

The Lord said there is news coming; he said it doesn’t matter where you are when you get it, he said you are going to scream for joy.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said very soon they will say it to your face, are you the only one serving God, what about us?

In Act 8 v 5-8 the Bible tells us that there were miracles, signs, wonders, happening in Samaria when Philip preached Christ to them. And there was great joy in the city.  

How come God was healing the sick, casting out demons, performing miracles through Philip, so that the Samaritans can be converted to God? That is why some of my children have said it again and again; the moment you’ve become addicted to soul winning, Jesus said it in John 15 v 16 , He said you have not chosen me, I have chosen you, (thank you father for choosing me).

I have ordained you, (thank you father for ordaining me) And I have sent you forward, so go forth. Win souls, make sure your fruits abide. Don’t just win souls; follow them up, bring them into the church, pursue them until they become established in the church. He said anything you asked the father in my name, I will do it.

I was trained as a mathematician, and a mathematician knows the meaning of ‘anything’. When a mathematician says this thing is true for all time, you can be sure it is true for all time. God says anything you ask will be done for you.  The reason why I believe God has brought this topic tonight is because the miracle of someone can no longer wait.

Because God will seat down waiting for you; because your miracle is out there waiting for you to come and talk to him or her. To come and witness.

I know a sister; for years she was praying to God, God give me a husband. God said “go out and win souls, your husband is not in church yet. She went out, spoke to someone, that one gave his life to Jesus, about six month later she came to me and said Daddy I have a problem, I said “ what is the problem? She said this new convert; this fellow that I have just won to Jesus says he want to marry me.

 I said yes, what is wrong with him? You have been praying for him and God has brought him now are you going to say no?

Today they are one of the best families that I know. The husband is the head of the family but he keeps on remembering that he is a convert of the wife.

I know one brother, by the time I finished the story a few of you will know him too. His prayers had always been Lord let me go abroad. I don’t know why, he just wanted to go abroad.

Then one day he witnessed to the boss, (he was an ordinary driver) the boss gave her life to Jesus, the husband of the boss became an ambassador and they said we need a driver over there come along with us.  He is in abroad now. I want to go abroad, God says witness, your miracle is out there.  I pray for somebody here today, that even as you go out to witness among the souls that you will win; will be the breakthrough you have been waiting for in Jesus name.

The Lord asks me to tell someone here today, he said your ultimate dance of victory is around the corner.

When you read 1king 18 you will discover that before Elijah prayed, if you read from verse 30 -32 he did two things; first he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.

Number two he built a new altar to the Lord. He repaired the altar, God is waiting to answer prayers tonight but please if you have backslidden, repair the altar of God in your heart, come back to God.

 You know you have drifted away from him, you know how close you were to God before, now you are far from him, come back to God.

Then he built a new altar to God; that is those of you who have not even given your life to God, do so tonight, give your heart to God.

We are already in June, one of my sons, mention some of the prophecies at the beginning of the year, if you listen to the news, you will see some of these prophecies already coming to past.

In January on the international scene, God said power will change hands this year. It is written there.  See what is happening in the world; see how many people that nobody thought can ever lose power have already lost power because Daddy said so.

The same Daddy said “wealth will change hands” It is the same Daddy who says desperate prayers will receive mighty answers. When God says something, get ready for it. And we already in June, and there are certain things that should be happening now that are not yet happening because some hearts are away from him, or some hearts are not even with him at all.

So the first things I want you to do tonight is that every backslider must come back to God and everyone who have not given his life to Jesus Christ before and you are here now, come to God now.

Because let me assure you before this month is over, there will be some mighty testimony but it will be for those whose hearts are right with God.

So if you want to give your life to Jesus come now, if you are a backslider and you want to be restored to the Lord come now.

Keep on praying even as you are coming; ask Him to save your soul or asking Him to restore you.

 You are coming as prodigal sons/daughters, you are asking for forgiveness.

Ask Him to be merciful unto you, ask  Him to overlook all your sins and if you are coming for the first time ask Him to save your souls today and give you an opportunity to serve Him.

Ask Him to give you an opportunity to taste Him and see how good He can be.

And the rest of us brethren; lets intercede for these people that God who saved our souls will save their own souls too.

 let’s ask God to be merciful unto them, let’s ask the almighty God to cleanse them in blood of Jesus and give them a brand new beginning… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed

Father, i just want to thank you, I want to thank you for your word, I want to thank you for these people who have come forward now, you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will in no wise cast away; they have come to you now father, please receive them in Jesus name. Forgive them in Jesus name, let your blood wipe away all their sins in Jesus name. Save their souls tonight and write their names in the book of life and let their heart become a altar for Jesus Christ in Jesus name.

Father I pray, that because they have giving their lives to you and because the backslider have been restored back to you,  from now on when they call on you, answer them by fire. Give them a new beginning, give them a new testimony and please don’t let them ever go back onto the world, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want to rejoice with you because from now on I will be joining you in prayer, very soon in the mighty name of Jesus you will be receiving miracles, that is why I am going to need your name, your address and your prayer request. (Please drop them with the counselors)

Now I want to give you some prayer points so that we can talk to God with confidence tonight and I can assure you that God answers prayers.

 He answers prayers all the time.  He can do much more than you can ask but until you ask, He is not going to give it to you.

He said you have not because you ask not, so I want you to pray with all your heart.

1.    Worship Him generously; spend quality time just worshipping him. Call him by all the names you know. (The rose of Sharon, the Lily of the valley, my Husband, the Lover of my soul, the soon coming King. Call him by all the names you can think of)


2.     Thank Him for all He had done for you and don’t please don’t forget all those things I mentioned that we take for granted (thank Him that you can still see, thank Him that you can still hear, thank Him that you can still speak, thank Him that when you want to eat they don’t have to feed you; you can put the food in your mouth yourself, thank Him that you don’t have to beg before you wear clothe. Thank Him that you are not in hospital today, thank Him that you are not in an asylum. Thank Him abundantly).


3.    Say Father; you always answer those who worship you, please answer me now.


4.    Say father; you are the one who said that I should be fruitful and multiply, make me abundantly fruitful. (Then you can add physically, spiritually and otherwise)


5.    Father, you promise all who go out to witness for you that whatever they ask you will give to them, now I am asking give to me.  (Then you list all you want to ask, is it promotion? Is it breakthrough? Is it success? Is it anointing? Is it marriage this year? Whatever is it you want, you can put them in. Because come day light am going out witnessing for you).


6.    Savior; please save millions of souls today all over the word.


7.    Say Father, you are the one who said you have come that I may have life and have it more abundantly; from now on let me begin to enjoy your abundance. (Abundance in health, abundance of testimonies, abundance of breakthroughs, abundance in every areas of my life).


We are going to pray for thirty minutes but please pray with all your heart…


Thank you Jesus, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


That God that you have worshipped will grant your request, the Almighty that you have thanked will give you several more reasons to thank Him. 


Beginning from now anytime you call on Him, He will answer you by fire.


As you go out to witness for Him, He will turn all your requests to testimonies.


You will be fruitful, you will multiply, and you will enjoy abundant health.  He will prosper you.  Every door you knock at will be opened unto you, where there was no way before, God will make a way for you, all your enemies will be at peace with you.

Very soon you will dance the dance of victory God will use you to win millions of souls to himself, you will never lack.

God will support you, he will strengthen you, He will fight your battles for you.  Even before the sun rises, you will have testimonies.

 So shall it be in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

If you receive that let me hear you shout halleluiah!

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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