Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and bless His holy name, He is worthy to be praised, He is worthy to be magnified, He is worthy to be glorified. Give Him glory, give Him honor, give Him adoration, there is no one like Him. He is the Almighty God, bless His holy name. Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Bless the Ancient of days, He is worthy to be praised, He is worthy to be magnified, praise His holy name, praise His holy name…. In Jesus mighty name we worship. Lift your voice to Him and say Father, in the last quarter of this year; show me Your glory… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed? Father, like never before show yourself mighty on my behalf, on behalf of my family and on behalf of your church… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed? Join your hands with your neighbor and say Father, tonight give my neighbor a pleasant surprise…in Jesus mighty name we have prayed? With all your heart say Father; have mercy on my nation… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed? You are the mighty God, the great I am halleluiah, halleluiah! 2ce You are the mighty God, the great I am halleluiah, halleluiah! 2ce You are the mighty God, the great I am halleluiah, halleluiah! 2ce You are the mighty God, the great I am halleluiah, halleluiah! 2ce
Almighty God, King of kings, Lord of lords, the Lord, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle, the Lord of host himself, the One who have never lose a battle, the One who opened the red sea, the One who pulled down the wall of Jericho, the One who brought Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego out of the fiery furnace. The One who rescued Daniel out of the dens of lion, Father glory be to your holy name. Father thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, thank you for April, thank you for May, thank you for June, thank you for July, thank you for August, thank you for September, thank you for October. Glory be to your holy name Lord, accept our worship in Jesus name. Thank you for our youth; thank you for the boys, thank you for the girls. Thank you for their parents, thank you for their teachers, their lecturers and their pastors. Thank you for all those who having been helping these youth to know more about you. Tonight like you alone can do it arise for us in Jesus name. Show yourself mighty for us in Jesus name, every obstacle to our goals demolish them. Have mercy on us, have mercy on our nation. At the end of everything here tonight, let your name be glorified in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Let someone shout halleluiah! PRAYER FOR THOSE BORN IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER Father I want to commit your children born to you in the month of October, October is the tenth month of the year and ten is the symbol of double grace. In every phase of the life of these your children, double your grace, double your favor, double your mercy, double your support, double your promotion, double your assistance give them multiple victories, make them totally unstoppable, give them a brand new beginning. A new beginning of joy, a new beginning of success, a new beginning of promotion, a new beginning of service to God, let it be well with them in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. (Amen) Announcements: The congress is around the corner, the congress of this year is going to be the greatest congress you have ever attended. The theme is SIGNS & WONDERS. November is the last Holy Ghost service of the year, the theme for November is GREAT EXPECTATION. All workers will be meeting briefly after November Holy Ghost service. You may not hear me say it all the time to your hearing, but all my partners, all those who are lifting up my hands so that this work will be done. I want to assure you that every day I pray for you. As you are lifting up my hands, the Almighty God will lift up your hands. As I am unstoppable so you will be unstoppable. Do I hear you say amen! UNSTOPPABLE GENERATION Romans 8 v 31 what shall we then say to these things; If God be for us who can be against us. When God is on your side, nobody can stop you; sickness cannot stop you, poverty cannot stop you, because Exodus 15 V 26 the great physician Himself said I am the Lord that heals you. You cannot have God as your doctor and be stuck by sickness. Because If God be for us according to what one of my boys have already spoken; it means the word from the beginning, John 1 v 1 the one who made you John 1 v 3 can repair any part of your body. Sickness cannot stop you. And as I have always pointed out; not only can he repair what is wrong with you, he can give you spare part John 9 v 1-7 so if you are sick and the enemy has been telling you this sickness is going to stop you, tell the enemy he is a liar. Sickness cannot stop you because God is on your side. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2 v 24 He said by His stripes we were heal, Matthew 8 v 1 – 3 tells us that he can cure the incurable. A leper came to him, in those days leprosy was an incurable disease but just one touch from the great physician the leper became cleanse. In Mark 2 v 1 -12 they brought to him a man who was paralyzed from neck downward; just one word from the great physician and he was healed. When I was preparing my little note for this sermon, I remembered an incident that happened when I was in Ilorin several years ago. There was this brilliant young lawyer, the whole thing started a s a joke; he thought it was an ordinary headache but gradually he discovered that he couldn’t use his hands. After some time he couldn’t use his legs, after some time the only place that remains alive in his body was his head, and everybody was saying they are just waiting for the head to die and they will bury him. But Jesus took control and what the doctor said we just couldn’t know what to do, they don’t even know where to put injection because every where was dead. The great Physician touched him and healed him. Whatever it is that is in your system that the enemy has planted there to slow you down or to stop shall be uprooted tonight in Jesus name. Am sure you many of you will remember the story of one of my sons and I think his brother even shared the testimony sometimes. In 1983 the doctors told the parent in London; you want your boy to see his home country again? They said yes, they said take him home now because he has less than two weeks to live. They brought him, then somebody said take him to the pastors, he will be prayed for and he will be healed. When I saw him; even my faith was shaken. He had cancer of the jaw bone, his head has become so swollen that it has block the passage that go down the throat into the belly, it took him one hour to drink a bottle of Fanta because there was no way for the liquid to go down. When I saw him, I knew only God can do this one, that was in 1983. The one they said have two weeks to live is still alive today. Not only is he alive and well, (because they have given him all sorts of chemotherapy before they finally said we can do anything anymore. But one thing is clear, because o the chemotherapy, you can never have a child. Because of the poison that goes with chemotherapy.) Today, he is married, today he has a child. I am standing on the word of God to say to every fellow here today, it doesn’t matter the nature of sickness or decease, My God will give you victory over that sickness in Jesus name. If God be for us, no demons can be against. Why because Psalm 24 v 1 said our God is the Lord of host. I have told you before that when I first read that he is the Lord of all host I thought he is the commander of all the angels, but God opened my eyes to see that he is the commander in chief of all host; whether those in the earth or underneath the heaven. Because Philippians 2 v 9 -10 tells us that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow; of things in heaven, of things on earth, of things underneath the earth. So all hosts it doesn’t matter which host they are they must obey his voice. Whether the demons are few like just about seven in numbers like in Luke 8 v 1- 3 the bible told us he cast out seven demons in Mary Magdalene. Even if they are only seven demons, they must obey him, and if they were a legion as in Mark 5 v 1-15 they must obey him, just one word and 6000 demons scattered I stand here today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I decree that all the demons in your father’s house, all the demon in your mother’s house, all the demons in your husband’s house, all the demons in your place of work will never be able to stop you in Jesus name. I have seen God at work and I know if God is on your side, demon can’t stop you. I think have shared with some of you what happened when I went to Cameroon; earlier this year. We were hurrying to a program in the evening and there was a terrible traffic jam. We had police escort and everything trying to clear the way for us but the road was so busy that the drivers were not even paying attention to the police and then all of a sudden out of nowhere came this mad man, and I mean he was mad. All you have to do is just a look at him and you will know he was mad. He stood in front of my car and began to clear the way; he will beat the bonnet of your car and motion to you to move and when you see the person asking you to move you will move. What the police man could not do, this mad man did. Within minute he has cleared the way and as he was clearing the way he was beckoning to my driver to follow, and the driver was following and when he got to the round about where the holdup ended, he came to my side of the car bow down and disappeared. Those who were in the car with me where dumbfounded, and I said to them “I told you my father is the commander in chief of all the hosts”. Let somebody shout hallelujah! And it is on behalf of my father, that I am decreeing tonight that every evil force that have been trying to block your way shall be cleared out of the way tonight in Jesus name. Daddy says there is someone here tonight; he said you will understand, he said before they can stop you, they will have to stop me first The Lord says one day very soon, your sibling will come to you and say change your name to Joseph. If God be for us; witches, wizard, herbalist, whatever you want to call them they cannot stop you, why? Because Isaiah 54 v 16 tells us God said I am the maker of even those who are called wasters. He said Herbalist; he said i made them, witches I made them, wizard; I made them. The Bible says by him were all things made and there was nothing made and there was nothing made that was not made by him. So he went on to say in Isaiah 54 v 17 he said therefore there is no weapon formed against you that shall prosper, so let the herbalist go and gather his leaves and gather his roots and combine it together and say by this particular charm I hereby say so and so shall not reach their goal. The Lord will tell the leaves; don’t function. He will tell the earth reduce to nothing. Ask the Elders; ask those who are old enough to tell you, they will tell you that from time to time herbalist will say our leaves had slept in the farm, meaning it have come ineffective. Every charm prepared to stop you shall become ineffective. Number 23 v 23 says there is no enhancement against Jacob; you can’t begin to chant incantation against the child of God and expect it will work. I think I remember one occasion when someone says he was in confrontation with secret society and they begin to chant their incantations, he said he said to them go ahead when you are tired let me know. Because when incantations get to the real original they begin to go back into history; on a certain day Ogun went somewhere did this. Sango went somewhere did that, he said when they have finished he said I want you to know that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory and his glory as of the only begotten son of the father. Full of grace and truth and that word his name is JESUS and so all your incantations are swallowed by just one name JESUS. There was a king in Ogun state, some people felt that he has been ruling for too long and that he is a Christian; he has given his life to Jesus charity, he is calling himself the son of Adeboye. They said the best thing to do is let’s kill him. Now they tried, they went to Cotonu to bring a juju man all the way, to come and do all kind of charms , will kill the man because the cook for the king happen to come from that place, they linked up with him, who went to bring the juju man. By the time the Juju man tried everything he knew. He confessed; Tell that your Oga that the God that he is serving let him keep on serving him, because he has reduce all my charm to nothing. Every charm against you shall be neutralized tonight in Jesus name. I am telling you true story, some of you probably know the king I am talking about. So they said if the Juju will not work, we know what will do the job,. We know from our tradition, that this particular King must not see masquerade. So They knew the normal route he will take, they went and arrange for masquerade chanting their incantation and he looked at them and said you are wasting your time because greater his he that is in me than he that is in the World. Is there anybody here who knows that he is living him him/her? Let me hear you shout halleluiah to the Almighty God Daddy says there is someone here tonight he said he is going to give you a complete overhaul. Daddy says, the changes he promises have already started. If God is for us, curses, sins, evil covenant cannot stop us, because the bible says in Numbers 23 v 8 it says how can I curse he whom God has not cursed? Somebody says he is touching his mouth on whatever and pronouncing a curse on you, he is wasting his time. Nobody can curse somebody that God has not cursed and the bible says in Isaiah 28 v 15 – 18 he said any evil covenant entered on your behalf will not stand, he says he will disannul all of them. Many of us, unknown to us when we were young we were covenanted to one demon or the other. Many of our parents did it out of ignorant, they did it because if they do that they will be able to protect you from other demons, but the problem there is that many at times when you grow up, you can’t get free. And what was supposed to be for Good may end up becoming for evil. I have good news for you; every evil covenant made on your behalf is destroyed tonight in Jesus name. Some of you may be too young to remember the story of this lady; I was visiting a church in Yaba several years ago. Before then this lady has come to me, she was one of my student at the university of Lagos and said Daddy, I have found a young man who wants to marry me, I said congratulation, she said No! That is where the problem is. She said because her father told her he has covenanted her to mammy water and that if she ever gets married she will die and if she doesn’t die, on the day of marriage, mammy water will kill the boy. She said this boy has come now, I have a feeling it is the will of God; I don’t want to say yes to him because I don’t want mammy water to kill him. What do I do? And I laughed, I know the one who created mammy water, I know the controller of mammy water and I prayed a simple prayer in the name of Jesus and I said forget mammy water, go ahead. Two years later I was in a church in Yaba and this young lady came to me carrying a baby in her hand. She said do you remember me? And I said of cause how can I forget a mammy water girl and I said where is your husband and she pointed to a very handsome young man. Every covenant between you and any mammy water, every covenant between you and any idol, every covenant between you and any secret society, I cancel tonight in Jesus name. The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said don’t be afraid, what i started I will finish. There Lord said I will show your adversaries that you are serving the living God. Daddy says the same wind that opened a way in the red sea shall blow for someone here tonight. Matthew 15 v 13, it is written every plant my father has not planted shall be rooted up; every curse shall be rooted up, every covenants shall be rooted up, every evil blockage shall be rooted in Jesus name. If God be for us, even the devil himself cannot stop us. Revelation 12 v 11 tells us that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. We already have the blood of the lamb, there is power mighty in the blood and I can assure you the devil cannot handle the blood of Jesus. And I can tell you several testimonies. Maybe I just tell you one of them; a man belong to a secret society and the wife happens to be a Christian and then they discovered that money was missing in the house; the wives money was missing the husband’s money was missing, I mean the money just disappearing. The husband thought it’s the wife stealing the money, and the wife was wondering if you give me money for housekeeping why are you stealing it again. So one day they confronted each other, because they will put the money where nobody can see it. And they kept on changing location and the money kept on disappearing. And the sister came and said, we have a problem in our house, we will deal with it with the blood. From now henceforth when you want to keep your money, you will say I cover you with the blood. From that day onward not a kobo got missing. There is a power in the blood of Jesus Christ that the devil cannot tamper with, and I decree tonight in the name that is above every other name, that blood will speak for you. He said they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimonies. And am happy that one of the preacher before me said one of the things you must do before you can be unstoppable is that you must be a good witness. You must be a good soul winner. When you go through the story of Job, you will see all am saying clearly illustrated there, in Job 1 v 8-12, the devil came to God and God said have you seen Job? A wonderful fellow, he loves righteousness he ensued evil, the devil says the reason Job is serving you is because you prospered him and you build a hedge round about him. I can’t cross that hedge unless you open it, he said give me permission and let me take all he has and he will curse you. God said go ahead but I draw a line, don’t touch his life. You know the rest of the story. Job said no problem I hope God knows what he is doing. And the devil came back and the Lord said you see…. The devil says make him sick, God said go ahead but don’t kill him. The devil takes final instruction from God. Somebody says God allows the devil to that to job, how am I sure. … Job was a servant of God, I am not a servant I am a son. You can perform experiment with servant; you don’t perform experiment with son. I remembered years ago when there were thieves in where we were living, we went and hired servants/guards. Our children we kept in the inner room. The word of God says he will keep me in his pavilion; he will hide me until all the problems are over. If you are thinking that God is going to give the devil permission to torment you, think again. If you are his own child, he calls you the apple of his eyes. He is not going to allow the devil to tamper with the apples of his eye, but the most important point is this all the time that all these things were happening, the reason why Job was able to overcome finally is found in Job 19 v 25 he said it doesn’t matter what is happening, I know my redeemer lives. The devil cannot stop a witness; somebody who goes around witnessing. Anyone who goes around witnessing, telling everyone Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus provides, Jesus delivers, I can guarantee you; it doesn’t matter if all the host in heaven, on earth and in hell gathered up against him, he will overcome. He said it clearly in John 15 v 16, he said if you go and witness and the soul abide, he said if you ask anything in his name and it will be done for you. Anything includes being unstoppable. I have Good news for those of you who are witnesses nothing will stop you in Jesus name. Now If God be for us who can be against us? I preached a sermon on this topic several years ago, and God showed me something. ,, The Lord says there is someone here, he asked me to tell you that I will advertise you. He says there is someone here tonight; he said in the past when situations looked hopeless you won, he asked me to assure you that you will win again. I preached a sermon on if God be for us who can be against us, because God showed me something. Each time I say if God for us who can be against us, everybody will say nobody. And the Lord says read the bible, if God be for us who can be for us, the only thing there is question mark. Nobody was not written at the back of it, the reason why the question mark was there is that God is saying answer the question by yourself. We would love to say nobody but the answer is not nobody, if God be for you only one person can be against you and that is yourself. If you fail to learn from history, if you fail to learn from those who have gone before you, God can be for you and you can stop yourself. And like I was sharing with my children the youth yesterday night; In Joshua 1 v 1 – 9 the Almighty God told Joshua he said listen where Moses failed you will succeed, he said you are the one who will divide the land to them. Moses couldn’t get to the promise land he failed, you will get to the promise land, you will divide the land to the people. He said every where the soul of your feet touched, I have given it to you. He said all you need to do is work on it and it’s yours, he said no man will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. He said only be strong and of all good courage. Fantastic promises! Of course Joshua was happy and he began to go from one victory to another, from one victory to another, in fact when he came across the wall of Jericho one shout alone brought down the wall. Then came Joshua 7 and the people of Jericho by just shouting came against a small town and they were defeated, the people of Ai pursued them and killed many of them. So Joshua went back to God and said you told me nobody will be able to stand before me all the days of my life, all the days that is what you said. God said yes I remembered and he said because sin has entered. Some of your people have stolen what I said they shouldn’t steal. And they are keeping it in their possession and God said I am not going with you anymore unless and until that which is not yours which is pout among your stuff is removed. Its there in Joshua 7. The reason many people get into trouble in the past is that they read one aspect of the word of God and they ignore the other. They claim the beautiful promises of God and they ignore the conditions, you cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abide. The bible says God forbid. Some of us think there are parts of the bible we can treat lightly. Beautiful ones their we love to quote; I shall be head and not tail, I shall be above only and not beneath when the enemy comes against me in one way they shall flee in seven ways, I shall live I shall not die. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper, all these are true but they are subject to certain conditions. Somebody once asked me, he said sir, how come you find it so easy to do the will of God? I said probably because God trained me as a mathematician or twenty seven years before bringing me into the ministry, because if there is anything that the mathematician knows, it is that if the conditions are meant, the formula will work. If all the conditions are not there, forget it. I don’t want to come here and teach you mathematics but those of you who are youth you will understand this one if the elders don’t; in a right angle triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides. Is that correct! If the angle is right, if it is a right angle triangle, whether in the moon or underneath the sea, the formula holds. But if the angle is 90.001 degrees the formula breaks down, if the angle is 89.9999 degrees, the formula breaks down. The angle must be 90. You want to be unstoppable and you are mixing the things of God with your own, you are eating his tithe, you are denying him of his first fruit, you are denying him of his offerings. Or when you give the offerings, you are not giving him cheerfully. Conditions must be perfectly fulfilled. I am a soul winner, you win soul but you don’t follow them up. You are to win soul and make sure that the souls abide. Do you know as a result of what you are hearing tonight, your promotion is going to be accelerated, you will realized that you are your own enemy, because if you are not stopping yourself nobody else is going to stop you. Nobody! No witch, no wizard, none, nowhere that can stop you , and I am saying it in public and I know there are one or two of them present in the congregation tonight. I know they can’t stop me because by the grace of God there is no quarrel between my daddy and i. I remembered one television program watched in London, several years ago, and they were talking about witches and wizard and one white man was speaking loudly; there is nothing like witches, it is psychological. The other white man who had been in Nigeria said I thank God you are not saying this in Nigeria, because they will have shown you before tomorrow morning. I know there are there, I know they are watching the television I know they are listening on the internet but they know too that When God is on your side, if you don’t stop yourself, power passes power. Let me hear somebody shout halleluiah! We are not denying the fact that devil can perform magic, the priests of Pharaoh threw down their rods but one serpent swallowed up another serpent Every serpent arrayed against you shall be swallowed by the serpent of Jesus. Only you can stop yourself if you are not obeying God, completely, if you are living a life of sin and think you can presume on God and begin to quote the bible, it doesn’t work that way. You remembered those sons of Scavas in Act 3v13-18; they have seen God performing miracles by the hand of Paul, the handkerchief of Paul was casting out demons. They say well we know what to do; all we need to do is to go and say in the name of Jesus. They got there and say to the madman, we conjure you in the name o f Jesus that Paul preaches, come out of him. And the devil answered and said, Jesus I know, Paul I know, he said but who are you? I remembered some years ago, we went to sat out a demon out of one fellow. As soon as we entered, the demon in the fellow began to laugh he said Adeboye I can understand your case, you want to talk home, we shall see. He said but look at this fellow; he had sex with another man’s wife last night and he wants to cast me out. I was embarrassed, I told the fellow you better run because by the time we say demon come out, he will say no problem, I will come out of this one and just into the other one. I want to appeal to you tonight, brethren, let’s make a new resolution. We will serve God 100% if we reach that decision, nothing will stop us from now on. But if you are not going to serve him 100%, go all the way with the devil. Let the devil treat you as well as well he can here on earth. Give you wealth, give you this, and give you that. Prepare you as a ram for the slaughter. But don’t put one leg in the world and put one leg in God. God said in Revelation 3v 15-16 he said if you want to be cold, be cold, and if you want to be hot be hot. But if you are lukewarm, he said I will spill you out of his mouth. Judges 15 v 18-21 the bible said Samson said Samson said I will get up as before, I will go out as before. The Bible said he didn’t know God has departed from him. You cannot disobey God and expect him to support you. Tonight, many of you may say but I have this problem, I have prayed but I have not received reply. As yourself, in what areas am I still disobeying God? Put your ways right and you are back in business. When Joshua heard that there is something in the camp that should not be there, he said God what do you want me to do? God said you remove it and I will go along with you. And they located the man who stole God’s money, who stole God’s raiment and they brought him out with his family wiped them out of the camp and the Almighty God said now those people who thought they defeated you let’s go and wipe out those who thought they have defeated you. Do you know if you restituted your way, everything you have lost, you will regain? Half a word is enough for the wise! If there is anyone here tonight and you have not given his life to Jesus, you are not yet cover in that precious blood of the lamb. Come and give your life to Jesus now, even if it’s only because of the victory that you will get, because you are a child of God that should be enough for you to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Come, let him wash away your sins with his blood; let him save your soul. Once you are a child of the living God. Let him forgive you your sins. You will soon be become the child of God, if God is for you; no weapon, no demon, no witch, no wizard, no herbalist, no charm, no curse, no curses, no evil covenant will be able to stop you. So if you want to give your life to Jesus come now… In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Savior I thank you for your word and I thank you for these people who have come forward to surrender their live s to you. Father you promised that whosoever come to you, you will in no wise cast out, they have come to you now, father please receive them in Jesus name, be merciful unto them in Jesus name, and cleanse them in your blood in Jesus name. Save their souls and write their names in the book of life in Jesus name, don’t let them ever go back into the world in Jesus name. and from now on anytime they call on you, answer them by fire in Jesus name. Make them unstoppable in Jesus name. Thank you Almighty God in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Praised the Lord! I want to rejoice with those of you who have given your life to Jesus Christ now, because from now on, I am going to be praying for you. So i am going to need your name, your address, your prayer request, so that I can be praying for you. www.rccgcamp7.org I guarantee you very soon you will be receiving miracles then you will know somebody somewhere is there praying for you. And that somebody is going to be me. TONIGHT PRAYER POINTS: 1. Praise God for being here tonight, praise him for the word. 2. Father, give me grace to stop being my own enemy and obey you completely. 3. Father, let your blood speak for me against all satanic host. 4. Father, let your stripes avail for me against all sickness, disease, all aches and pains 5. Father, neutralize all efforts of my adversaries tonight. 6. Father, every obstacle in may way to success, crush tonight. 7. Father, take me to the highest level possible, regardless to eve very form of oppositions. 8. Father, make me forever unstoppable 9. Father, let me begin to enjoy joy unspeakable. 10. Individual request. …In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. The Almighty God will answer your prayers, the grace to stop being your own enemy receive it now in Jesus name. The grace to begin to obey God completely receive it right now in Jesus name. The blood of Jesus will speak for you in Jesus name. Every satanic host gathered against you shall be scatter in Jesus name. By the stripes of Jesus Christ, every sickness, every disease, every aches, evry pain in your body will disappear in Jesus name. all the efforts of your adversaries are neutralize right now in Jesus name. Every obstacle in your way to joy, every obstacle in your way to success, every obstacle in your way to the top, shall be crushed tonight in Jesus name. That highest level that only God can take you to you will reach their tonight in Jesus name. Beginning from this moment and for the rest of your life, you shall be unstoppable in Jesus name. From now on you will begin to enjoy joy unspeakable in Jesus name, in the name that is above every other name, by the time we meet again; you will be full of testimonies. So shall it be in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Let me hear somebody shout halleluiah! Pastor E. A. Adeboye