Post your testimony on this wall.

DAYO Period: November, 2012

I want to thank God for my mum. All her debt will be over. I believe
Edo, Nigeria

FUNSHO Period: November, 2012

I testify to the goodness of God in my life,may His name alone be glorify. 2009 convention our father in the Lord said we should ask for three things from God. i asked for a jeep,safe delivery for my wife and a house of my own. to the glory god answer all. all praise be to my God. thank u lord
Ekiti, Nigeria


Let somebody shout Halleluyah! I thank the King of Kings for delivering me from Ghastly Motor accident on saturday 10th November, 2012. I was coming from oyo town heading towards Ibadan on official duty when i heard a loud noise on my rear tyre. i held on to the steering wheel for a few seconds before loosing total control of the vehicle. The vehicle then summersailted about four(4) times and landed me in a ditch. What i thank God for specially is that during the accident , I prayed a simple prayer asking God to Remember my Offering. I receive a word that say' The Lord will be with you in times of trouble; The name of God of Jaboc will protectt them as i was saying Amen in my mind the voice asked me to fold my arms and close my eyes which i did, and suddenly. the car landed in a ditch . i came out of the vehicle unhurt. The passerby that came to the scene with the hope of carrying a Dead body, met a living soul in the pit praising the God Of Enouch Adejare Adeboye. Let somebody Shout Alleluyah for me.
My e-mail is
oyo, Nigeria

OLATUNJI OKAH PATRICIA Period: November, 2012

Been having waist pain for over a year now. After the Abuja holy ghost night 2012 . I began to have running stomach. To the glory of God hats the end of the waist pain
Abuja, Nigeria

OLATUNJI OKAH Period: November, 2012

In 2009 I attended the Abuja Holy Ghost Service trusting God for a life partner in 2010 I came back for the Abuja Holy Ghost Service Engaged and in 2011 Abuja Holy Ghost Service I came back with my husband. Thanks to God Almighty. In 2013 Holy Ghost service if Jesus tarrys I will come with the set of quadruplets I received during the Holy Ghost 2009
Abuja, Nigeria

ROSE Period: November, 2012

TO continue my testimony:i put my hand on my stomach anmd i recieved my healing. since then my menses has been coming and going in a normal way, such problem has never repeated itself again and i know it will not repaet again because my i he that makes and no one destroys. grlroy be to God in the highest, praises to his Holy name , in JESUS name, amen!!!
Rivers state, Nigeria

DEBORAH O Period: October, 2012

Join me in praising God, I have seen His goodness and obtained His mercy and Favour. I graduated in June 2011 and since then I couldnt get a job not even a menial job. To make matters worse I was rejected voluntary jobs. Each time a job prospect came up (interviews etc)....the response was always negative. There was an emabargo on my career but to the glory of God alone every embargo has been lifted and now I am a professional employed engineer in an international company. The good news came less than a week(31st of October 2012) after I attended the London fol (26/10/12). This was my christmas gift prayer request. Thank you so much Jesus.....Praise the living God, the merciful one, the lion of the tribe of Judah with me.....Our God is good and His mercies endures forever.
England, United Kingdom

MY NAME IS ROSE Period: November, 2012

Haleluyah to the Lord the unchangeable changer! God of posibility has saved my life from sin and death, what no man can do he has done it for me. When i was still living in SIN there came a time when my menstration didn't flow, i thought i was pregnant because i had a boyfriend then so i discused it with my friend and she told me that sometimes it could change date so i waited 2-3 months it didn't come and my tomach was getting bigger so she said i should bring money that she'll take me to hospital were the pregnancy will be aborted so i followed her, the doctor did the operation it was very painful i almost fainted there, the doctor said the menses will come in the next month but in the new month it didn't come. i started noticing that sometimes my stomach will get bigger sometimes it will return to normal and in all this my menses never flows so i went back to the hospital this my friend has left me, the doctor did a check up on me and said there is something growing in my stomach so he directed me to another clinic for scan i got there, the result came out showing that i was not pregant but rather there is something in my stomach. this doctor aksed me to repeat the scan in the next month to comfirmed if the fetus has not yet grown or if something is wrong with me. this thing lasted for 2 years as at this time i have known that i have a problem, luckely a day came i visited one of the R.C.C.G parish in Port-harcourt rivers state to attend there bible study and it happend that the Pastor was preaching on FORNICATION how i t's not good in the sight of God and how it can bring you fafe-face with sickness and death, so after the study i met the pastor confessed my deeds, he prayed for me and led me to CHRIST. I BECAME BORN AGAIN, BAPTISED, JOINED THE WORK ROCE IN 2010 but i was still with this PROBLEM, since i already knew i had a problem and that i was now born again i was only looking up to God for healing, a time came when i started seeing something moving in my stomach and as such i no longer eat to a desired state because something was occupiying the space in me, i could no longer hide it so i told my pastor of it and countless times he has pryed for me and nothing happend i never knew that God was workig my testimony. in 2011 we were in church before the sermon the pastor was leading some prayer point and suddenly he put your hand on were ever you feel pain God is healing somebody right now, i put my hand n my stomach
Rivers state, Nigeria

FOLA STEPHENS Period: June, 2012

God granted me a green card after so many years of waiting. I thank God for HGS and i thank God for daddy G.O for his genuine love and prayers for the congregations. I imply that whoever in need of miracles should visit HGS, because God's answers prayers there speedily................Let somebody shout alleluia................ALLELUIA. THANK YOU JESUS.
Maryland, United States

JOYCE AYO Period: October, 2012

I want to thank God almighty for all he has done for me and my family. He is a God that answereth prayers. In 2010, myself and my husband were watching the Holy Ghost service online (Nigeria Service) and Daddy GO said we should lift up our handkerchiefs as he prayed to open wombs. After the prayer session, I rubbed my husband’s private part and mine with the cloth. To God be the glory, I took in the following month.
Leading up to actual delivery, I’d never in my entire life visited the hospital as much as I did following my first trimester. I was literally under God’s closest eye, being watched as a result of Blood Pressure and Protein in Urine which is medically named preeclampsia. As a result, I was induced at 34weeks. It was a sad and heart piercing experience but my God is a faithful God. They had thought to deliver my baby through CS but I declined and held on to my faith in God. I declared I wanted a normal vaginal delivery and in God’s infinite mercy, our son was born through normal delivery and not Cesarean born. Praise be to God almighty, he blessed us with a wonderful, adorable and handsome boy!
Following the delivery of our baby, it seemed my health was deteriorating when I was supposed to be enjoying motherhood. The doctors were still trying to find out why I still had a high blood pressure and the protein in my urine declined to reduce, which then impacted on my kidneys. I was transferred to a specialized hospital where I have been diagnosed with ‘LUPUS’.
Till date, my wonderful healer, whom through the woman with the issue of the blood was healed as she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment – I may still be undergoing treatments but I know that my redeemer has never left me, he has never lost any battle and he will never lost any battle on my account, he has always heard and answered my prayers, I know that Jesus has healed me. The most recent prognosis received at the hospital is that my Kidneys are improving and the Lupus is eradicating.
I thank God for what he has done, what he is doing and what he will do. I know that sometimes, we have to go through some things so that only He can restore us, so that we are stronger… so that we are overcomers and come what may, I will continue to trust in the Lord and glorify him all the days of my life!
Praise be to God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth. Thank you Jesus for all that I am today and all that I have today and also my parents and siblings for you love, healing.
UK, United Kingdom

BRO. SAMUEL TSUMA Period: September, 2012

I had attended my normal duties in the church, then i resolved to go back to residence. when i was 200mtrs away from the church premises i had my ringing so i searched my pocket to pick the phone there wasn't, i checked my hand bag there wasn't and the phone was still ringing, my brother whom i was with him asked me what i was searching for and i told him my phone and immediately i realized that i left it in church, it was the Holy Spirit that reminded me that i had left my phone in church where i found it. i give God all the Glory

KEVIN KUDAKA Period: October, 2012

I just want to thank God who is Alfa and Omega,my past was affecting my present and also to my future but since i got an opportunity to read the book of Dady REVERSING THE IRREVERSIBLE and came across the prayer that God who is Alfa can go into my past and reverse the irreversible my life begins to change and as per now all my past that was affecting my life has departed, and i'm happy to remain salvation. I give God all the Glory

SYLVESTER Period: October, 2012

Abuja, Nigeria

JELLY Period: September, 2001

wined my primary examination
kgl, Rwanda

KEMI Period: October, 2012

I am thanking God in advance for giving me a new heart and healing me completly.
GA, United States
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