Post your testimony on this wall.

NZDPC Period: February, 2012

I have suffered so much hardship in my place of work. Despite the hard work, instead of receiving promotions at work, I was moved to lower position in April2010. I cried and cried to God, but The Lord Almighty told me "they meant it for bad, I have turned it for good" and requested me to take the position. I had to swallow my pride and was so ashamed. I cried to God to remember and to open doors for me out of the current position I viewed as a "shame". But God did not yielded, rather He sustained me as He promised. Things I never thought I could do He did them through me. HE accompanied me everywhere I went and gave me wisdom, creativity and ideas.
During the Holy Ghost Night at the University of Lagos on 10-Feb-12 that I watched on Internet, The Lord said through Daddy G.O.: "There is somebody here, "Your season of shame ends today" and "I assure you, for the rest of your life there will be no stagnancy."
I keyed unto those words. On 12-Feb-12, after praying to God to speak to me during the day, The Lord brought to my remembrance a dream I forgot that I had had during the night. In the dream, I saw the Secretary at work inviting me at a colleague's send off party and saying that it was mine as well.
I had all the promises, but how and what do to to possess them? I have had promises in the past and I had claimed them without seeing their manifestations.
One day, as the promotion issue at work still seemed tough, I became frustrated the more. I really cried to God and I told HIM that if He can not do something for me, nobody will. And I told God that I had put all my trust in HIM, that I did not seek human help through politics at work and I told HIM, I only want help from HIM. By the way, I remembered that in a dream done between March12 and May12, I heard a voice telling me in the dream that God does not share HIS Glory with anyone.
From 14-June-12, I did Esther
Monangas, Venezuela


I was at the HGS of September 2011 and I was trusting God for the fruit of the womb,I keyed into the prophetic that night and received my baby out of the 70,000 that G.O asked from God and even stood in gap for a sister in my parish. To the glory of our Faithful God,I delivered my bouncing baby boy in May and the sister too delivered a bouncing baby boy in August. Indeed our God is good and His mercies endures forever.
Kaduna, Nigeria

OLAYIWOLA OLUWANIYI Period: August, 2012

OGUN, Nigeria

DEACON VICTOR OGOWALE Period: August, 2012

I came to 2011 with my family believing God for divine wings to fly we got hold of prophetic declarations form the Lord through our daddy in the Lord Daddy G.O, this year God has called us Higher we are living in our own house,promotion in the office,financial liberty, wonderful daughter called GOD REIGNS and divine settlements THANKS TO GOD OF DADDY G.O
Osun, Nigeria

BRO GEORGE Period: August, 2012

I want to thank God for His love and goodness in my life. When Daddy came to Ireland for the Holy Ghost Rally. I just believe the programme was meant for me. I have been under attack that i could not eat or do anything tangible. it has been so serious that it kept on at my home and place of work and had lost my job because of it. But a word of Knowledge came from Daddy saying " Keep praising God and He will scatter all ur enemies". I claim it immediately. Infact I underwent an operation by the Holy Spirit as Daddy was ministering. Few days after the Holy Ghost Rally My enemies attack again. But during this convention I watched all the programmes live. God gave me victory. I have to thank God for His love upon my life. I thank Daddy G.O for the grace of God upon his life and for allowing God to make him special. You have been a blessing to me. God bless u sir. Amen
Dublin, Ireland

ABIMBOLA Period: December, 2011

I want to thank God for complete healing i had 4 chronic diseases i was battling with but the worse of them required surgery which my parents refused me to have but last year december convention on the second day when we prayed for new organs i was healed not just from one but from the four diseases, now all the things i couldn't do before i can do. I give God all the glory and adoration. Also i want to thank God for directing my steps for my masters i told him i only want admission in one school out of the schools i applied to and he fulfilled his promise i only got admission into a school and i couldn't have wished for anything better. Thank You Jesus.
lagos, Nigeria

BALOGUNFEMI OPEYEMI Period: September, 2006

i give glory to the Almighty God for taking away my barreness through the ministration of our daddy G.O on the television.I got married in the year 2005 but had no pregnancy until i decided to be using my tommy to be touching daddy's hand on the television.During the HGS in september 2006,one of our Deaconess invited me to attend the program in which i did.I held on to those word that baba said and immediately i got home i prayed the prayer that baba gave us,later my self and my husband met and that was the end of my barreness.Praise the Lord today with me bacause God gave me a baby girl.
ado ekiti, Nigeria

EJIRO IGBI Period: November, 2011

My husband and i were experiencing delays in getting pregnant with our second child and had been praying about it for a while, on 11/11/11 we were in Port-harcourt, i woke up late in the night and turned on the TV to see that the special Holy-Ghost service in Abuja was being shown Live on AIT, i watched and after GO had preached he asked us to bring out handkerchiefs and he prayed on it and asked us to put it on anything that seems difficult for us, i did so and put it on my stomach and left it there for two weeks after which i took a pregnancy test which showed that i was pregnant, PRAISE GOD, i kept putting that handkerchief there till the day my daughter was born on the night of July 6th 2012 which incidentally was the day the Good Success Holy Ghost Service in Lagos. I give GOD the Glory and thank him for all his mercy and blessings upon me and my family. PRAISE THE LORD of all Lords, the KING of all Kings.
Rivers State, Nigeria

SISTER KIKELOMO Period: July, 2012

I want to appreciate God for changing our prayer point in my family. My elder sister who is the first born of the family has been waiting on God for a life partner and we have being praying over it for a long time, she is over 40years. Last year July we agreed that she should come to Lagos and follow us to camp. She came to camp and we went to the alter to pray over her case. To the glory of God the Lord brought her own man and this year July she got married. I return all the glory and honour and adoration to the Lord who turns our family major concerns to testimony. Halleluyahhhhhhh
Lagos, Nigeria

MARI AND VIC Period: July, 2004

We give Jesus our Great physician all the praise honor and glory for all the healings in our lives especially my devoted Husband of almost thirty five year
We Love Jesus and we believe his Promesis forever and ever
az, United States

KOYEJO OPEYEMI Period: July, 2012

LAGOS, Nigeria

SOPHIA Period: July, 2012

Praise The Lord!!!

I thank God for what He did for me tonight. I couldn't make it to the Festival of Life Scotland (A New Song) that held today July 20th due to some reasons. However, I saw the link to OHTV on Pastor Adeboye's twitter handle and decided to watch the program from home.

I bless the name of the Lord for all the Words that came forth, especially the healing he gave me.

I became a stammerer at age six (6) because I was imitating my primary school seat mate and I've had difficulty of speech since then. It was quite embarrassing in my teenage days but I later got used to it and never bothered to pray about it (now I am 25yrs old). Also, because my career path involves a lot of presentations, I always have difficulties in passing my message and knowledge across.

I thank God because The Word of Wisdom came forth tonight that "The Lord said there is a stammerer here that He is healing already" I claimed the Word immediately and started rejoicing.

I thank the Lord because I got my healing immediately and I've not stopped rejoicing! Somebody shout Halleluyah!!! The Lord has put a new song in my mouth!
Somerset, United Kingdom

OHWOTA MIRABEL ERUTE Period: March, 2012

Praise the Lord! I came for the special Holy Ghost service with my sick Mum, I want to thank God because our expectations were really not cut off. To God be the Glory the sickness of over 2years is gone finally and she is enjoying the joy of Divine health now.
Delta, Nigeria

BLESSED CHILD OF GOD Period: July, 2012

This is the continuation of my former post... Also included in the reply I got from the G.O.'s office concerning my prayer requests is that I will be maritally settled this year (I had included the prayer request in the email I sent). On the day that I got the reply, I sang praises to God before going to bed. I dreamt that night and in my dream, my step mom would not acknowledge my greetings because I had introduced my fiance/husband (I'm not too sure exactly) to her. It appeared to me like she was angry because her efforts had been nullified. I thank God for the revelation, and I know that once the source of the problem has been identified, every other thing is secondary. I seal the G.O.'s prophesy in my life that I will maritally settled this year with the blood of Jesus. I thank God for Victory... I shall come back on this wall and testify...
Manitoba, Canada

THIS IS GOD Period: July, 2012

Praise the Lord...
Lagos, Nigeria
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