Post your testimony on this wall.

OLADIMEJI Period: May, 2012

My name is Dimeji, I relocated to Canada recently. I got a contract job as soon as I arrived, exactly one month the job ended. The following day was Holy Ghost congress where daddy gave prophesies and led powerful prayers mentioning my case. I knew instantly my testimony is on the way. In March special Holy ghost, daddy said we should be careful what dress to put on, because the Lord will anoint us. He also said the cloth should be put on when we want to go for an interview we must pass. I quickly put on four precious cloths, as daddy grabbed the oil I touched the portion of my computer screen making contact with daddy’s hand, the oil, and anointed my cloths. The following month I was called for a job interview. I applied for this job many weeks back. I had fear for the interview because of the nature of the job, a professional job with wonderful benefits. I put on one of this cloth as I was interviewed on phone and God took all glory. The job is a very good job I desired in Nigeria, but if you don’t have a PhD you can’t have it. As soon as the interview was over, I received a call the following day from this institution calling me for a second interview, and need appear in person. It then done on me that I was in for a great task. To make matters worse I was told by people I met here about the dress code, and all the cloths anointed in March 2012 did not match for the dress code. Fear shook me again. But I kept mute and did not argue or mention to the people my intention, I took one of the dresses packed it very well and moved into the hotel room booked for me. The following morning I did not see the cloth as mine but God’s cloth, I put it on and when I got into the interview room the Lord proved He is God. Daddy, please say a word to me, help pray that God will make this testimony permanent. I am joyful today, and I thank God for RCCG and Daddy. Praise the Lord!!!
Manitoba, Canada

BEATRICE M.ADISA Period: March, 2012

I am a missionary from Lagos prov10 in Nigeria sent to mongolia,we started work with a free english learning school which d Lord was using to bring his people,suddenly i went to immigration to renew my stay and i was refused saying am from Nigeria and we are terrorist and that i want to use teaching perpetuate terrorist act,at d end i was given 7 days ultimatum to leaved country or face d law of land,the 2nd to d last day happens to be annointing service of special Holy Ghost service in Nigeria,so i went online to watch and listen to d programme,when it was time for annointing and daddy put his singlet in d bowl of oil,the camera man just fix d camera boldly on d bowl of oil so i place my oil in d bowl,i annointed myself and all my documents including my green passport,after d annointing daddy G.O said d clothe u are putting on is now power dress,wherever u have bn rejected go back and u will be accepted,i received it and boldness came upon me,i went to the embassy d 2nd day with d dress on,without any prior appointment and a application form,i was allowed in,i met d same man that rejected me,this time around he filled d form for me by himself and gave me my stay....Glory be to God,the work has move to another level

AYORINDE OLA Period: March, 2012

LAGOS, Nigeria

BUSOLA AWODESU Period: July, 2011

Glory be to god in the highest I was surfering from leukemia cancer since jan 2010 i went to convention year 2011 I told him daddy I don't want to come back with this sickness next year. I went And sit at the daddy go chair I said by next year I will come and testify i thank god last year sept. 2011 my doc told me I am a cancer free hallelujah I thank lord for what he has done for my family .praise god for his mercy endureth forever amen.
Dallas, United States

AWOFESO OLUWAGBENGA E.A Period: February, 2012

I want to thank GOD for what he did in february holy ghost night after the prophecy that came out from the mouth of my loving father in the LORD dad G.O E.A Adeboye.For good 12years have been making effort to travel out the country but everything was in vain,all were stagnant noway out,despite everything that is going on GOD give me my wife with a baby girl in 2008 i got married 2009 GOD bless us with our 1st baby.In february 2012 holy ghost service my life was turn around stagnation die permantly in my wife
NEW YORK, United States

THIS IS MY STORY Period: March, 2012

In January 2012, I started seeing blood in my urine consistently. I went to the doctors and specialists here in the USA and they could not detect anything wrong with me. I went through several tests and medical examinations including CT scan, pap smear, urology, urinalysis and blood work. Despite all these tests, the doctors and specialists could not find anything wrong with me. I took the issue to God everyday in prayer. I tuned in to watch the online Special Holy Ghost Service on March 9, 2012 in honor of Daddy G.O.'s 70th birthday (Let the Fire Fall). Daddy gave the Pastors handkerchiefs to go into the congregation and touch everyone with the handkerchief and give everyone a handkerchief. Even though I was watching online in the USA and was not physically present at the camp, I got a handkerchief and prayed over it and used it to rub my whole body. I prayed to God to touch me even as He is touching people at the camp because there is no distance in the spirit realm and God is not limited by distance. The very next day after the Special Holy Ghost Service, there was no blood in my urine. Two days after no blood...three days, fours days, one week, one month now and still no blood. Not even a trace of blood. I have not seen my urine this clear since December 2011 but in March 2012 my God delivered me from this mysterious issue. Praise the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, with whom nothing is impossible! He is not limited by space or distance. He is everywhere that is why we call Him Omnipresent! I cannot thank God enough for my healing. The Great Jehovah Rapha has done it again. I praise God for my healing and I pray my healing will be permanent, in Jesus' name. God, I thank You and I will always praise You forever! You are a wonderful Father!!! PRAISE JEHOVAH!!!!!
Georgia, United States

TOMI Period: April, 2012

He is a faithful and just God.In as much as am not deserving of his mercies, he just has been so merciful to me.He has kept me alive up till this moment despite the fact that the devil tried all means to cut me short but the good God that created me knows that he created me for a purpose which I will fulfill in Jesus name.
Also, I am testifying in advance and hopeful that I am going to catch my prophesy of a good job , a partner and US visa lottery at the Holy ghost service today(Rising stars).By the special grace of God I will testify to the physical manifestation of all my requests before the end of April.
He has done it before and he will do many more.
Scotland, United Kingdom

AMBA OKON AMBA Period: April, 2012

I give all the Glory and praise and thank to the almighty God who turn impossibility to possible.Glory be to Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour,AMEN.2008 and befor EURCON 2009 in Madrid my wife has a terible problem that all the Doctor said she can never pregnant in her life,with the comfirmation of all the specialist DOCTORS.We went for transplanting they said is not possible.But to the glory of GOD during Dec 2011 Holy Ghost service we were watching via the cable TV in my house when the Lord spoke through our Daddy in the Lord as he said,the Lord said i should ask somebody which report are you belived is that of the Doctor or of the LORD ALMIGHTY?that God has cancelled all the negative report to positive.We screammed and jumped up where we were seated, definately the word was for us we prayed and cried to the Lord today my wife has give birth to a bouncing baby girl.Daddy GOD will continue to strengthen you more and more in JESUS NAME AMEN.Let somebody shout a big ALELUJAAAAAAAAAA


I attended the 2011 holy ghost congress;and since then God has doing great things for me;especially in about to manifest the revelation, i got to give a piece of land for building of church.
Anambra, Nigeria

ABIMBOLA Period: March, 2012

This all started when I got pregnant with my son. I was 3months pregnant when I had my first scan; it showed I had a cyst. When I was about 5 months pregnant, I started feeling pains in my leg, I went to the doctor, they did a scan on my leg and found out I had a clot there, I asked the doctor what could cause the blood clot, he said clot is common during pregnancy and gave me injections which I had to take daily till after I gave birth.
When I was 6 months pregnant I went for another scan in my stomach, during the scan, the lady said to me that the cyst had grown bigger and referred me to a consultant, the consultant looked at it and said it was nothing and that I should have a c-section when the baby is due so that the cyst could be taken out then.
The pain in my leg [blood clot] kept increasing so I went to the hospital and they admitted me there. I was in the hospital at 33 weeks pregnant when the midwife came to carry out the usually routine check, as soon as she observed me she pressed the emergency bell in the hospital and said the baby had to be taken out immediately. All the nurses and doctor rushed down to my room and before I knew what was happening they put me to sleep for a c-section.
I woke up two weeks later, learning that I had been on life support and unconscious, I lost a lot of blood and was given 42 pants of blood after the first c-section and lot more blood after that, I have had another operation after the c-section, I had a cardiac-arrest, I had kidney failure and I was on dialysis, they had taken one ovary out and my womb as well, I could not walk, could not talk and most organ in my body had failed.
Two weeks after the operation, I began to come around, I was told I had a baby boy and they had sent the ovary that they removed to the lab to test and the result came out that I had cancer!
So here I was, learning to speak, to walk, I have a newly born baby to look after and I also had cancer.
I started to pray, but sometimes it was hard to pray for myself, I held on to God’s words and I believed this illness wasn’t unto dead; God had just given me this beautiful baby. I had fantastic support of family and friends around me.
All the things the doctor said might not be able to do again, God turned it all around, I started to walk, to talk, to swallow food, gradually I began to get stronger. After about two months in the hospital I was discharged home. I now had to start getting ready to start chemo. The doctors said I had ovary cancer and they were not sure if it had spread, I had one of the worst types of cancer; they said I would have 6 round chemo and another operation after the chemo.
I prayed to God before the chemo and said he should give me the strength to go through it, the good Lord answered my prayer, after I had the 6 chemo, I did another scan so they could check if the chemo had worked, I went for the result of the scan 4 days before my operation was met to take place, the doctor looked me in the eye and said they had found two spot in my body that the cancer had spread to, she said one was close to my belly button which she will try and get out, maybe not all of it but she’ll get out as much as she could, she said the other was near a blood vessel and she might not be able to get that out, I could not believe what I was hearing. The operation was meant to be a procedural one to remove the one ovary that was left and to look around my stomach. I was now been told something entirely different, I asked the doctor how dangerous the operation was now, she said highly dangerous. Just four days before the operation I was been told there might not be any hope, I cried my eyes out, I have three children and one of them was just a baby.
I thought to myself the God I serve is a good God, he said I will live to the fullness of my years and I believe and trust him, he is God and what he says he will do he will definitely do it.
I began to pray, my family and friend began to pray. Four days after, the day of the operation came, I was scare, I didn’t know what to think, but I held on to God, I went into the hospital, I was first on the list that day to be operated on.
The operation took place that day, when I woke up after the operation, I thought to myself ‘okay I’m alive’ at least I woke up, then I looked around and thought ‘oh they are not giving me blood so I couldn’t have lost too much blood’ then the doctor came to see me, I was scared to ask how the operation had gone, I mannered to gather courage to ask how the operation had gone, she said to me ‘we didn’t find anything’ I didn’t understand what she was saying, I asked again what about those two things that was seen on the scan, she said they disappeared, they were not there, I asked if the last ovary had been taken out, she said that had disappeared too, I asked her if she was sure, did she check properly, she said yes she did, that in fact she called in another surgeon to check my stomach just to be sure, I asked her to explain to me a bit better, she said she couldn’t as what had happened to me was strange! She said there is no cancer inside of you! She said she took some sample inside my stomach and had sent it to the lab to test; the test came back cancer free. I looked at my hand the name tag that they put on my hand in the hospital, there was facial image on it, I looked at the image again, it looked like the face of Jesus Christ. Four days ago I was been told they had found two spot it had spread to and all of a sudden it had disappear, I am grateful for the Lord’s miracle in my life.
I want everyone reading this to know that, that God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still that same God of today and still doing those miracles.
I am the happiest woman alive and I am so grateful to God for healing me.
I am just an ordinary woman who the Lord visited and healed. I don’t know what you’re going through but I want you to believe that there is NOTHING God cannot do.
london, Nigeria

ABIMBOLA Period: March, 2012

This all started when I got pregnant with my son. I was 3months pregnant when I had my first scan; it showed I had a cyst. When I was about 5 months pregnant, I started feeling pains in my leg, I went to the doctor, they did a scan on my leg and found out I had a clot there, I asked the doctor what could cause the blood clot, he said clot is common during pregnancy and gave me injections which I had to take daily till after I gave birth.
When I was 6 months pregnant I went for another scan in my stomach, during the scan, the lady said to me that the cyst had grown bigger and referred me to a consultant, the consultant looked at it and said it was nothing and that I should have a c-section when the baby is due so that the cyst could be taken out then.
The pain in my leg [blood clot] kept increasing so I went to the hospital and they admitted me there. I was in the hospital at 33 weeks pregnant when the midwife came to carry out the usually routine check, as soon as she observed me she pressed the emergency bell in the hospital and said the baby had to be taken out immediately. All the nurses and doctor rushed down to my room and before I knew what was happening they put me to sleep for a c-section.
I woke up two weeks later, learning that I had been on life support and unconscious, I lost a lot of blood and was given 42 pants of blood after the first c-section and lot more blood after that, I have had another operation after the c-section, I had a cardiac-arrest, I had kidney failure and I was on dialysis, they had taken one ovary out and my womb as well, I could not walk, could not talk and most organ in my body had failed.
Two weeks after the operation, I began to come around, I was told I had a baby boy and they had sent the ovary that they removed to the lab to test and the result came out that I had cancer!
So here I was, learning to speak, to walk, I have a newly born baby to look after and I also had cancer.
I started to pray, but sometimes it was hard to pray for myself, I held on to God’s words and I believed this illness wasn’t unto dead; God had just given me this beautiful baby. I had fantastic support of family and friends around me.
All the things the doctor said might not be able to do again, God turned it all around, I started to walk, to talk, to swallow food, gradually I began to get stronger. After about two months in the hospital I was discharged home. I now had to start getting ready to start chemo. The doctors said I had ovary cancer and they were not sure if it had spread, I had one of the worst types of cancer; they said I would have 6 round chemo and another operation after the chemo.
I prayed to God before the chemo and said he should give me the strength to go through it, the good Lord answered my prayer, after I had the 6 chemo, I did another scan so they could check if the chemo had worked, I went for the result of the scan 4 days before my operation was met to take place, the doctor looked me in the eye and said they had found two spot in my body that the cancer had spread to, she said one was close to my belly button which she will try and get out, maybe not all of it but she’ll get out as much as she could, she said the other was near a blood vessel and she might not be able to get that out, I could not believe what I was hearing. The operation was meant to be a procedural one to remove the one ovary that was left and to look around my stomach. I was now been told something entirely different, I asked the doctor how dangerous the operation was now, she said highly dangerous. Just four days before the operation I was been told there might not be any hope, I cried my eyes out, I have three children and one of them was just a baby.
I thought to myself the God I serve is a good God, he said I will live to the fullness of my years and I believe and trust him, he is God and what he says he will do he will definitely do it.
I began to pray, my family and friend began to pray. Four days after, the day of the operation came, I was scare, I didn’t know what to think, but I held on to God, I went into the hospital, I was first on the list that day to be operated on.
The operation took place that day, when I woke up after the operation, I thought to myself ‘okay I’m alive’ at least I woke up, then I looked around and thought ‘oh they are not giving me blood so I couldn’t have lost too much blood’ then the doctor came to see me, I was scared to ask how the operation had gone, I mannered to gather courage to ask how the operation had gone, she said to me ‘we didn’t find anything’ I didn’t understand what she was saying, I asked again what about those two things that was seen on the scan, she said they disappeared, they were not there, I asked if the last ovary had been taken out, she said that had disappeared too, I asked her if she was sure, did she check properly, she said yes she did, that in fact she called in another surgeon to check my stomach just to be sure, I asked her to explain to me a bit better, she said she couldn’t as what had happened to me was strange! She said there is no cancer inside of you! She said she took some sample inside my stomach and had sent it to the lab to test; the test came back cancer free. I looked at my hand the name tag that they put on my hand in the hospital, there was facial image on it, I looked at the image again, it looked like the face of Jesus Christ. Four days ago I was been told they had found two spot it had spread to and all of a sudden it had disappear, I am grateful for the Lord’s miracle in my life.
I want everyone reading this to know that, that God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still that same God of today and still doing those miracles.
I am the happiest woman alive and I am so grateful to God for healing me.
I am just an ordinary woman who the Lord visited and healed. I don’t know what you’re going through but I want you to believe that there is NOTHING God cannot do.
london, United Kingdom

HENRY NZEH Period: March, 2012

I want 2 tank the lord almighty 4 my life.during d March holy ghost service service.wen i got in front of the camp gate.i said 2 God.GOD MY COMING HERE 2DAY WIL NOT BE IN VAIN.DAT I WANT 2 LIVE A GOOD XTIAN LYF.WEN DADY BEGAN 2 PROPHESY I FELT SOMETHING COLD IN MY HEART,ND I BEGAN 2 CRY.GLORY BE 2 GOD HE HAS CHANGD ME 4RM NT ONLY 2 BE A XTIAN.BT A XTIAN DAT HAS D HUNGER Nd d ZEAL 2 SERVE HIM.coz i av lived a dirty life in d past.PRAISE GOD.
Lagos state, Nigeria

DUPE ODUNSI Period: February, 2012

I was looking unto God for a reasonable job during February Holyghost service Baba said we should ask God for anything we want that night I prayed that when I will be coming for the next Holyghost service that I want to come from my new working place believe me when I was going to March Holyghost service I went from my new working place. PRAISE THE LORDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lagos, Nigeria

LAWAL ADEWUNMI Period: March, 2012

I have spent 5years and 1semester in the university for a 4years course. During the febuary 3rd 2012 Holy Ghost Service, I told God that I wanted to pass all my courses and go for my NYSC in June 2012( this year), to the Glory of God , I passed all my papers but my lecturer called me and said that I didn't write 2 courses in 300level, they didn't find them out in my 4th year and my extra years. Am giving this testimony because I believe the God we serve is a living God, I know by his grace, I will serve this June and I have promised Him that all my NYSC allawance for 1year(from June 2012 - June 2013) will be to his Glory. I will not spend out of it. I am giving this testimony in advance because God that made me pass all the papers will make me serve this year June and I also promise to come back to Testify in June..
Lagos, Nigeria

ADEWUNMI Period: March, 2012

I have spent 5years and 1semester in the university for a 4years course. During the febuary 3rd 2012 Holy Ghost Service, I told God that I wanted to pass all my courses and go for my NYSC in June 2012( this year), to the Glory of God , I passed all my papers but my lecturer called me and said that I didn't write 2 courses in 300level, they didn't find them out in my 4th year and my extra years. Am giving this testimony because I believe the God we serve is a living God, I know by his grace, I will serve this June and I have promised Him that all my NYSC allawance for 1year(from June 2012 - June 2013) will be to his Glory. I will not spend out of it.
Nigeria, Nigeria
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