YOUR SUN SHALL RISE AGAIN 4th of August, 2000

Osubare…. Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Let somebody shout “Alleluia!”(Alleluia!)

One day Jesus turned to His disciples and said unto them,  “Who do men say that I am?” “Oh, some said You are Elijah. Some said You are Jeremiah. Some said You are one of the prophets.” Then He turned to them and said, “Who do you say that I am?”

If Jesus were to come here tonight (and I know He’s here already) (Amen!) and He turns to you and says, “Son, daughter, who do you say that I am?”  If He asks me, I know the answer I will give. What will be your own answer? I know He’s the King of Kings!! I know He’s the Lord of Lords!! I know He’s the I AM that I AM!! I know He’s the Ancient of Days! Go ahead! Answer that question. Jesus is asking you now – “Who do you say that I am?”

I know You are the Saviour. I know You are the Healer! I know You are the Deliverer! I know You are the Miracle Worker! I know there is no one like You! I know power belongs to You! I know who You are! You are the Son of the Living God! All power belong to You. I know who You are! You are the Ancient of Days! You are the Rock of Ages. You are the Unchangeable Lord! You are the Alpha! You are the Omega! You are the beginning! You are the ending! I know who You are! I know You are the Sun of Righteousness. I know You are the Bright and Morning Star! I know You are the Light of the World! I know You are the Resurrection and the Life! I know Your Name is Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace! I know who You are and that’s why I worship You. That’s why I bow before You. That’s why I give You all glory. That’s why I give You all honour. I know who You are! Oh yes, I know that You have no beginning. You have no ending. I know there is nothing You cannot do. I know all power belong to You. I know that at Your Name every knee must bow. I know who You are. I know You are the One from the very beginning with God! I know You are the Word. I know You are the Life! I know You are the Resurrection! I know You are the hope of the hopeless! I know who You are! I know You are the Great Physician! I know there is no sickness You cannot heal! I know You are the Great Deliverer! I know there is nothing that You cannot do! There’s no captive that You cannot set free! I know - I know who You are. You are the Christ! You are the Anointed One! Oh yes, I know who You are!  You are the Great Comforter! You are the original Comforter! You are the One that was sent and You healed! You are the One who set the captives free! I know who You are and I worship You! I adore You! I magnify Your Holy Name! I bless You! You are the Holy One of Israel! You are the soon-coming King! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! Amen

Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord, Alleluia!  …. Mighty is the Lord…. Blessed is the Lord, Jesus is the Lord…. Thank You Father!

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, everything that the devil has stolen from you shall be restored! (Amen!)

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, again and again you were almost about to grasp your miracle and then it slipped out of your hand. The Lord asked me to tell you, tonight, the sun will rise for you. (Amen!) Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, more than 3 times you were to be promoted but somebody sat on it. The Lord asked me to tell you, He has set fire to the buttocks of that person. (Amen!)

The Lord said there’s a young fellow here today, your professors have lost hope over you.  They said your brain is dead. The Lord asked me to tell you, you will surprise your professors.

Father, we bless Your Name. You are worthy. You are great. You are mighty. You are glorious! You are holy! You are powerful. Glory be to Your Holy Name! There is no one like You. Anyone pretending to be like You is just a fool. You have no beginning. You have no ending. Nobody made You. You made all things. You made the heavens. You made the earth. You made even the devil and You can control everything. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Tonight take all the glory and surprise us all. (Amen!) Bless us all. (Amen!) Thank You Daddy! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!)

Shake hands with one or two people and tell them God will surprise you tonight!” But my surprise will be bigger than yours. Glory be to God! And then you may be seated.

Those of you who are outside and you cannot find a seat anywhere, that’s why there was no rain today – so you can sit on the grass (Amen!) Glory be to God!

This is Holy Ghost Night and the Holy Ghost Night of the Convention -  anything goes! Whichever direction the Holy Spirit wants to go that’s the direction we shall go! One thing I know is that at the end of tonight there will be so many shouts of joy. (Amen!) Because of certain little children that may want to sleep let’s start with them.

Some people came here that were barren. By the time they came last year convention – they came with pregnancy. Glory be to God! At the time we said it’s not the pregnancy we want to see, we want to see the babies. So if you are one of such people get ready to come forward with your baby. And then last year some people came, trusting God for the fruit of the womb. This year they are here with their children so these people should come also. And then those of you will remember that there was a special service for the barren last September. Many of them are here again with their children so bring the children forward so we can bless them. Come, come with the children now! Now! Amen! It will take a lot of time if I say we should be counting those of you who are here but the ushers can still try and get me a rough idea. I know some people are still coming. Now among those of you here, how many of you got twins? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27……

Let’s bow our heads in prayer. Father, once again we want to bless Your Name because there’s no one like You. Thank You for all You’ve already done. Thank You for what You will yet do. Glory be to Your Holy Name! Tonight Father, we are praying specially that everyone of us here will receive a touch from You; that we will experience Your miracles in a dimension we have never seen before and at the end of everything, let Your Name be glorified! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!). Amen! Amen! Now if you are going to receive a miracle tonight shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!). If your own is going to be the biggest miracle of all, shout the biggest Alleluia!(Alleluia!)

The topic we want to speak on briefly tonight is that your sun shall rise again. Tell your neighbour – “My sun shall rise again!” Say it as if you mean it! The Bible says, in Ecclesiastes 9:4, it says, if I put it in modern language – it said, where there is life, there is hope. As long as you are still breathing there is hope for you and you are here tonight, you are breathing, I can assure you the devil has lost the battle over you! (Amen!)

When we say the sun shall rise again that can mean several things to several people. To the sick it means you shall be well again and it doesn’t matter how long the sickness or disease had been on you. In John 5:1-9 we find that there was a man who had been sick for 38 years but the day that the sun of righteousness paid him a visit, that day his own sun rose again. And it doesn’t matter how helpless you may be in your present situation because there is someone whose name is Jesus who can help the helpless. I am confident that tonight you will receive help in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

In Mark 2:1-12 the Bible tells us the story of a man sick of the palsy who could in no way turn himself but 4 people carried him to Jesus. They carried him in but he walked back home and my Daddy has assured me tonight that there is at least one fellow here that they carried in tonight and he’s going to walk away tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Because the Bible says in Romans 8:11, the Bible says, if the spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwell in you that same Spirit will quicken your mortal body. No matter how sick you are tonight the Spirit of the Almighty God is going to bring healings to you in Jesus’ Name! I am confident that the blind shall see again! I am confident that the deaf shall hear again! I am confident that that the dumb shall speak again! I am confident that the lame shall walk again! If you believe with me will you say ‘Amen!’ Loud and clear! (Amen!)

Many of you remember the testimony of a brother when we had a Holy Ghost Night at the National Stadium and the Almighty God said there’s someone here who had only one kidney and that one kidney is giving trouble and God said He was giving him 2 brand new kidneys! It was Saturday morning. On Monday he went to see his doctor and they found 2 brand new kidneys there!

The reason I tell you this story is because God said there is another man here tonight with only one kidney and that 1 kidney is failing and the Lord asked me to tell you – 2 brand new kidneys now! (Amen!) And how will you know? You yourself know that even 1 kidney is a problem because you are so weak but because God has given you 2 new kidneys your strength is returning. Before I finish preaching you’ll be able to run up and down anywhere here. Thank You Father!

The Lord also said there is a woman here, the doctors have told you that your child, the child in your womb is leg first. The Lord asked me to tell you He’s turning the baby now! (Amen!)

When we say that the sun shall rise again it means to the poor that the poor shall be rich again. In other words, if there is someone here who used to be rich but now has become poor – I have good news for you. The tide is going to turn for you right now! (Amen!) because there is someone called Jesus, the sun of righteousness! He’s the owner of the earth and the fullness thereof. Silver is His. Gold is His, the cattle upon a 1,000 hills belong to Him and the Bible says in Philippians 4:19, it said, my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’. So if there’s any one here tonight that is so poor that he’s almost losing hope, I have good news for you – your sun shall rise again!(Amen!) I didn’t hear your Amen to that one! (Amen!)

The sun shall rise again means something else to those who are captives. In other words, if there are people who are bound by forces of darkness ‘the sun shall rise again’ means that the captives shall be free. And it doesn’t matter how many demons may be working on your case, the God that drove away more than 1,00 demons from one man is still on His throne! I know, God who has never lost a battle He will fight your battles for you and He will give you victory tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)!

When we say that the sun shall rise again it means that the hopeless shall begin to hope again No matter how hopeless the situation, if the Sun of righteousness steps into your situation things will change. You know the story of Lazarus in John 11. He had been dead and buried for 4 days. Even the relatives said, "It is too late!" But it is never too late with Jesus Christ. Tell your neighbour, “My own will never be too late for God!” In fact, tell the fellow, “My sun is going to rise tonight!

When Jesus Christ said to Martha, “Your brother shall rise again.” …  “ Oh yes, I know one of these days, in the resurrection morn….” Jesus Christ said, “I’m talking about now! “ Brethren, let me ask you brethren, when do you want your miracle? Do you want to wait till next year’s Convention? The day that Jesus Christ said that Lazarus would rise, that was the day he rose! My own sun of righteousness is here tonight and I know my sun will rise again!

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the hope of the hopeless so it doesn’t matter what your situation, the sick shall be well again; the poor shall be rich again; the captives shall be free again; the hopeless shall begin to hope again. Only one thing is very important. What do I do so that my sun can rise today?

Number One – you must find out what I did in the past that caused my sun to set. Because in Proverbs 26:2 the Bible says, the curse causeless shall not come. There’s always something that led to the problem that you are in now and when you check very well – almost invariably it is disobedience to God. Fortunately, the Bible says in Proverbs 28:13, it says: he that covereth his sins shall not prosper; whosoever will confess and forsake them shall obtain mercy. Somebody will obtain mercy here tonight. (Amen!) As soon as you know what you did wrong that caused your sun to set, confess your sins to God, make up your mind to forsake them and wherever possible restitute your ways. After that only one thing more remains – that is to cry to God for mercy and say, “Father, be merciful unto me!”

We all know the story of Samson very well. He was a strong man, a mighty man, he was a sun shining bright but then he kept on disobeying God again and again and then one day his sun set and his enemies plucked out his eyes. But then the Bible says, one day Samson cried unto God and said, “O Lord! Strengthen me just one more time! Just one more time!” In other words he was saying, “God! Just let my sun rise just one more time!” And his sun rose, just one more time and the Bible says he destroyed more enemies this second time round than before!

I am confident that there are some people here today, their Golden Age is just about to begin! I am confident that there are people here who will now begin to know the true meaning of joy from now on! (Amen!) because their sun is just about to rise.

I’ve told you the story of a woman before - when she was a young, beautiful girl, she was fooling around. She became pregnant and went to a quack doctor for abortion and they didn’t do a good job. By the time they rushed her to the hospital the doctors knew there was only one way to save her life and that was to cut off her womb. So they cut off the womb and she survived. Then she grew up and got married. Now, automatically, if you have no womb and get married you know that you can’t expect a child, so she kept on asking God for a child because she became a Christian - she was troubling the Pastor. So one day the Pastor said, “Woman! What’s wrong? Everybody I had prayed for, they’ve brought forth their children. How come your own case is different?” Then she confessed. She said, “I have no womb.” So the Pastor said, “You have no womb and you are asking me to pray for a child?” She said, “Yes. You are the one who taught us that with God nothing shall be impossible.” Tell your neighbour, “My own will not be impossible here tonight!” From that day the Pastor began to dodge her. Any time he saw her coming, he will run. One day the woman lifted her eyes to the Almighty God. She said, “I’m not looking unto the Pastor anymore. I’m looking unto You who made me. I know I’ve sinned. I have confessed my sin and I have decided to forsake my sin. I need mercy!” That night she had a dream and in the dream she saw herself completely naked. She saw a huge man that walked right through the wall holding the skin of an animal in his hand. She was so frightened she couldn’t move and the man walked towards her and wrapped the skin of the animal round her waist and the man disappeared. The woman woke up shaking but suddenly she knew that God had given her a new womb. Today, I think she has 5 children.  

Tonight the sun is going to rise for somebody. If you are the one wave your hand to the Almighty God and say, “Yes, it is me, it is me O Lord!”

And then once the sun rises there are certain things you must do so that your sun will never set again:

Number One: cling to Jesus. What do I ask you to do to Him? Cling to Him! When Jesus opened the eyes of Bartemeus, the Bible said, he followed Jesus on the way. He refused to leave Jesus! “You caused my sun to rise! I will stay with You!” The Bible says in Psalm 91 verse 1, it said, he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. God is going to perform something special in your life tonight! But stay, stay with Him, so that your sun will never set again.

Now if you are going to stay with Him because birds of the same feather flock together, you must now make up your mind you want to live a life of holiness. You cannot expect the Almighty to give you a miracle if you want to go back to a life of sin.  I have told you the story of a woman who came here for Convention trusting God or children and we prayed for everybody and the following year she came back to challenge us. “You asked me to come, I came. You prayed for me like you were supposed to pray, how come that I’m not yet pregnant?” I was going to begin to talk and say, “God has His own timetable.” When God said, “Ask her how many boyfriends she has.” So I asked her, “God asked me to ask you how many boyfriends do you have?” And she said, “Only six.” In addition to her husband! Only six! And she’s expecting a child from God! You want God to give you a new beginning? You have to make up your mind to forsake sin. Once you do that your sun will never set again.

Is anybody here tonight who is ready to call on the Almighty God and say, “Father, let my sun rise again!” Is anybody like that here tonight? Let’s stand on our feet for just a few minutes.

We’re going to call on the Almighty God and say, “Father, I am here tonight, I am not here to joke! …… Anything between me and my sunrise I command you now, go into the sea!” Let us pray brethren, let us pray – open your mouth and cry to the Lord!  Blessèd be Your Holy Name! Thank you my Father Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) The Bible says You will have whatsoever you say. Now I want you to open your mouth and say: “Everything in my life that is causing people to say, “Where is your God” I reject it tonight! Open your mouth and pray! Everything in my life, every reproach, those things causing people to say, “Where is my God?” I reject you tonight – be it sickness, or barrenness, or poverty or failure, whatever it is that is in my life, that is causing people to say,  “Where is my God?” I reject you tonight! I reject you tonight! ….  Glory be to Your Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And now I want you to call on God and say. “Father, just one more time, let my sun rise! Let my sun rise! Let my sun rise! Just one more time let my sun rise O Lord! Let my sun rise! Let my sun rise! Physically, materially, spiritually, emotionally, ministerially Lord God Almighty! Let my sun rise and I will give You glory~ Thank You Father! Blessèd be Your Holy Name!” In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now you know what is most crucial in your mind tonight. God is here. The Holy Spirit is here right now. Whatever is your greatest need, go ahead, ask the Almighty God now. Ask God now! “Thank you my Father! Blessèd be Your Holy Name! We want to praise You Lord! We want to magnify Your holy Name! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Thank You Lord!” In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Finally, the Bible says, love your neighbour like yourself. I want you to join your hand to the fellow next to you. You have already prayed for yourself, now pray for your neighbour and say,  “Father, whatever miracle this your son or daughter needs, give him now!” Let’s talk to the Almighty God! Every miracle that this your child needs, give him now Father, give him now Father! Give him now! Give him now! The Ancient of Days! the miracle that this your son needs, that will make his joy full, Father give him now, give him now, give him today! Let his sun rise today! Let his sun rise again today! Give him a brand new beginning – of health, of joy, of health, of prosperity, of anointing, of victory, give him a brand new beginning. Let his sun rise again! Let his sun rise again! This one more time O Lord! Let his sun rise again! O my Father and my God! Every miracle that he needs, that will make his joy full, give him now! Give him now! Give him as I pray! Lord give him now! Give him right now to the glory of Your holy Name! Every thing that he needs, that will make his joy full -  give him now! Lord God Almighty! give him now! Give him now as I pray! Surprise him! Surprise him! Surprise him! Surprise him this very moment O Lord! O Lord! Let him sing a new song! Let him sing a new song! Let him sing a new song! Let him sing a new song of joy, of victory O Lord! Of promotion! Of progress! Father, give him a brand new song! Thank You Father! Blessèd be Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! …. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

As you have prayed so shall it be in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Everything you have asked for you shall get tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Beginning from now your joy shall overflow (Amen!) So shall it be. (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!)

While we were praying Daddy said there’s someone here, one eye is gone. The second one was going but the two of them had been fully restored now! (Amen!)

While we were praying Daddy said, there’s a woman here with a lump in your armpit. You can check it has disappeared. Alleluia! Glory be to God! God bless you! You may be seated for a while.

I told you earlier on that Daddy said there’s at least someone here tonight that was carried in that will walk away. Now I don’t know who that fellow is. I don’t even know if the number is going to be only one but there’s only one way to find out. All those who were carried here let them be brought forward now for prayers. ….. Amen!

Now those of you who brought them can you just move back, move back now, move back so that we know those people that we want to pray for.  Please move back, move back! Only those that were brought, that were carried in should stay here now. The rest of you move back! If you don’t move back we can’t continue!  move back, move back those of you who brought these people.  Do you hear my English? Move back! Thank you! Move back a little further, just a little further! Only those who were brought in should remain. The rest of you should move back! All right! Amen! Amen! Let’s be silent please! And that includes ushers. Let’s be silent please.

Now what I’m going to do, I’m going to call upon the elders and the State Pastors and the guest ministers. They will please come and lay hands on these people. And as they pray the rest of us we will join them praying. It is God that will do this thing – not man. Let’s begin to pray. I think you better come up here, come up here. Come up here! You won’t be able to pass through them. Come and start from here! Come to the stage first and then from the stage you can … now the rest of us let’s join them in prayer.

Let’s begin to pray for these people. That it will not just be one fellow who will walk away that it will be many. Let’s begin to pray! Let’s begin to pray! Let’s begin to pray! ……You are unchangeable, God, You are unchangeable God…. Amen!  There are still some of you who are not allowing the ministers to reach those that they want to pray for. Move back – there is space at the back – move back so that they can come and reach you and pray. Please move back. Move back! The miracle is already happening. Move back so that we can reach the rest! Glory be to God! Please go on praying, go on praying! The Lord is already moving. Don’t worry you will see all the others. Let’s be able to reach the rest. Let’s pray a little more! Let’s pray a little more! Glory be to God! And those of you that had been prayed for now begin to do what you had not been able to do before! Begin to move! Begin to move! Begin to move! I can see one here already. I can see a second one. Keep going! Keep going! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Now begin to exercise your faith – give them room so that they can move! Give them room! That’s why there’s plenty of room at the back. Please let them move! Let them exercise their faith!

There’s another one going on here! Glory be to God! There’s one jumping up and down here! Blessèd be the Name of the Lord! The rest of you, begin to exercise your faith! The anointing is already working! How I wish these people will just move back! If you have been prayed for move back and then exercise your faith. There is plenty of space behind you! As we worship in Your presence there is healing, the Holy Spirit’s gentle touch is moving, Jesus we believe, Jesus there is healing in Your Name…I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord Your healer….

Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Blessèd be the Name of the Lord! O Glory be to God! Now I can see several of them already moving – not five, not seven, many of them are already on the move. Maybe as they begin to go back we will begin to see them walking because those who are at the back are not allowing those who want to move to move. Now if you have been prayed for begin to go back to your seat. The anointing is already working. Many of you before you get to your seat you will be completely whole. Now begin to go, begin to go! And those of you already moving just keep on moving!  Those of you already moving just keep on moving!  Let’s begin to go now – God bless you! Because those of you who are standing there at the back can you begin to go? Begin to go! Begin to go now! So that even as you go, you yourself will be able to exercise your faith and then you will give room to those who are already moving to be able to move more! Let’s give the Lord a big hand as you begin to go! ….

Praise ye the Lord O my soul….. Today oh! I lift up my voice in prayer… Lift him up higher…. Jesu olore o…

… Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Glory be to God! There is one man here who has just received his sight. Let’s give the Lord a big hand for that one also. Now those of you that had been prayed for just turn back and begin to go back to your seat – as you do so – the power of God will begin to manifest in your life. Just obey. He has done so much already – still working and you are not going to need that walking stick any more! I’m talking to that man over there. You won’t need that walking stick any more! So just keep going now, keep going! Begin to go to your seating places now!  O Glory be to God! Let’s praise Him a little more! Let’s praise Him! Let’s praise Him! The power of God is still working. How I wish you would just be obedient and just now turn back and begin to go.

 …. You are highly lifted up, there is no one like You – Alle-, Alle-, Alle- Alleluia!  Jehovah, You are the Most High, You are the Most High God

I wonder why there is no camera here at all! A second one has received his sight here. The camera – you are not showing us what’s going on here or why do you concentrate on that … I think you have several cameras, What about the first one? Where was the first one? That one is gone. The cameras should be here too to cover some of these things. Glory be to God! Well let’s praise God a little more! ...You are the Most High, You are the Most High God…. 

All right the rest of us can go and sit down now. We just have to continue. God bless you! You have been prayed for. I can assure you, the God that has done the others will do your own soon – very, very soon! You see, you can hear the others who are getting their miracle just as they are about to reach their seat! So you too begin to go. Very soon they’ll be shouting about your case too. Now go back to your seat God bless you!

Victory, victory, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! …I will lift Him higher, I will lift Him higher…O ti se o, baba ti se o… Satan na you go lose, satan na you go lose, all gira gira wey you dey do, na you go lose, Jesus na you go reign, forever and ever Jesus na you go reign… Almighty God, Hallowed be Thy Name, Hallowed be Thy Name… .Alleluia! Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!) Tell the next fellow to you: “The God of miracles will do my own too!” Say it as if you mean it!

Now because so much time had been taken. We will just go straight ahead without any break and just keep on enjoying God until when ever He asks us to stop. Daddy said I should pray for certain people tonight.

First are the children. Amen! Now because of the crowd the space here definitely cannot take all the children here, so what I want you to do is parents, take those children in your arms and stand up wherever you are with these children in your arms. We want to pray for the children now. Now before I pray here, I want the rest of us to please pray for every child that is here. Pray that the devil will have none of these children. This is a very serious prayer. Please pray. We have been seeing several cases of children that are five year olds, six year olds that are already witches!  I want you to open your mouth and pray that the devil will have none of these children – please pray! Pray as if they are your own children! Pray because they might be your brothers; they might be your sisters! Pray for their children! That the devil will have none of these children! Pray for these children!  Thank You Father! Alleluia! Alleluia! Father! Blessèd be Your Holy Name In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father, I commit every child that is on this campground into Your hands. I know that the devil is going all over recruiting candidates for his kingdom. I pray Father, that all these children will be covered in Your blood. (Amen!) That the devil will have none of these children in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I pray that every child here today will grow up to become a vessel unto honour in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus’ mighty Name. (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen!

The next group we are going to pray for are students. So students all over the place stand on your feet now and I want you to shout ‘Alleluia!’ Like students! (Alleluia!) And now with your own mouth cry to the Almighty God for divine wisdom, for divine understanding. Tell the Almighty God, “I want to be better than my professors and I want to used my wisdom to serve you. “ Pray students! Open your mouth and pray! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, Your word says, If any lack wisdom let him ask God. I’m asking for wisdom for these Your children, and understanding. I’m asking for sunrise brains for them! I want them to go back to their colleges as bright as ever! (Amen!) Let it be so in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!). Every one of them here tonight, let them be better than their professors! (Amen!) And the wisdom You are giving them, the knowledge You are giving them, let them use for Your glory in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) And Father all those bad friends that could lure them into cults keep them far away from Your children in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let the students shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Now I want to pray for those who are trusting God for partners. If you are in that category I want you to stand and with your own mouth cry to the Lord and say, “Father, I’m tired of loneliness. Before the end of this year, settle my case” And the rest of us let’s pray for them! Let’s pray for them that the Almighty God will settle the cases of these children that before the end of this year their matters will be settled. Let’s call on the Almighty! This is a very special day. I am committing all these Your sons and daughters into Your hand. Your word says, it is not good that man should live alone. As many as would desire to be married of these Your children before the end of this year, settle their cases Lord! (Amen!) In Your own supernatural way, settle their own cases O Lord (Amen!) and we’ll give You glory for it. (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen!

Now I want to pray for those who want financial breakthrough. Only those people should stand now. Ah! What am I seeing? Does it mean that all of you are standing? I thought some of you are already very rich. You want more! I want you to open your mouth and pray and say,” Father, very soon, I want to be able to sponsor the Convention.” Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, Your word says, if we will be obedient to You we will lend to nations and we will never borrow. I hereby decree for all Your children here, 'You shall never borrow again! '(Amen!) I hereby decree, those of you who are in debt right now, before the end of this year, every kobo would have been paid. (Amen!) From now on, whatever you touch shall prosper. (Amen!) In the mighty Name of Jesus you will cross the border of poverty forever. (Amen!) From now on, you will enjoy supernatural abundance! (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Glory be to God!

Now while you are still standing let us pray for Nigeria and call on the Almighty God; every enemy of this nation, Father, silence them! Let’s call on the Almighty God. “Every enemy of this nation, wherever they may be – Father, silence them! Silence them! Silence them! Every enemy of this nation, wherever they may be – Father, silence them! To the glory of Your Name keep them quiet in a permanent manner so that it may be well with this nation. So that there may be progress, so that there may be peace. So that there may be prosperity. Every enemy of this nation – Father, silence them! Completely! Permanently! To the glory of Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, we commit Nigeria into Your hands. Every enemy of this nation silence them! (Amen!) We have suffered enough. We want progress now. We want peace now! We want prosperity now! Every enemy of this nation silence them permanently! (Amen!) And all the nations that are represented here, the enemies of al these nations, silence them O Lord! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen!

Now we have just about two prayers more and then we’ll move on. We want to pray for the ministers. So I’m going to ask all ministers of the gospel from whatever denominationcould you just move quietly to the front here. If we pray for our ministers we are praying for ourselves. Let’s pray for all the ministers that God will anoint them that there’ll be sunrise in their ministries. Let’s stretch our hands towards these ministers of God and pray for them from the bottom of our hearts. That the Almighty God will bless these ministers and prosper their ministries. That the Almighty God will increase His anointing upon them; that the sun will rise in their ministries; that the sun will rise in their homes. Let’s pray for all our ministers. They’ve been ministering to us let’s minister to them. They’ve been praying for us, let’s pray for them. Let’s open our mouth and pray for them that they won’t get tired; that they won’t fall; that they won’t fail; that the plan of the devil over them will fail; that they will not backslide; that it will be well with them all the days of their lives. Let’s pray, let’s pray for all ministers. If you love them please pray for them that it will be well for all ministers. If their anointing should increase, it will benefit you. If they pray once and miracles happen, you will reap the benefits. Pray for them that their ministries will expand; that mighty revivals will break out in their own ministries; that the Almighty God will continue to use them for His own glory; that they won’t fail, that they won’t fall; that any trap that Satan may be setting for them, the enemy himself will fall into the trap. Please pray, pray for the ministers! This is a very important prayer - please pray for these ministers!  God wants us to pray for them tonight – let’s pray for them! They spend hours praying for us! At least for five minutes let us pray for them; that God will help them; that God will strengthen them that God will promote them; that God will prosper them! That they will never fail; that they will never fall; that the devil will have no place in their homes; that the devil will have no place whatsoever in their marriages, in the lives of their children! Pray, pray for the ministers!

Father, these are Your servants. I have some very special requests for them tonight. Father, I want You to make each one of them so hot that the enemy will never be able to touch them. (Amen!) Father, You promised, You said You will make Your ministers flames of fire. These people Lord are constantly ministering in congregations where there are witches and wizards. Many of them have to contend with demons that pretend to be women. Father, tonight! Make Your servants flames of fire in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Lord God Almighty! Your Word says, Touch not my anointed and do my servants no harm. Lord I pray, because these are Your servants in the forefront of the battle, every arrow of the enemy, return to sender in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Almighty God Your Word says, Fear not little flocks it is the will of Your Father in heaven to give you the Kingdom.” There are many ministries here Lord, that are struggling. They have fasted, they have prayed, they have studied Your Word they had done everything they knew and yet the churches are not growing. My Father and my God, what you have done for me, do for them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Open doors unto them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! And as they begin to succeed (Amen!) keep them pure (Amen!) keep them holy (Amen!) keep them humble (Amen!) keep them anointed (Amen!) keep them rejoicing (Amen!) and keep them growing (Amen!) In Your kingdom, don’t let one of them be found wanting! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!)

I think we have to sing a song or two because these people are so many – while they are going…. O Lord I am very, very happy for all You have done for me, O Lord I am very, very grateful for all You have done for me.....

Amen! Now the last group. It’s a very, slightly serious one. I’m going to call all of them together so you won’t know who is who. Now if you are one of the people I’m going to mention now and you fail to come out, your blood will be on your own head, I’ve done my duty:

The Lord said there are some people here tonight who have entered into a covenant to die on their wedding day. The Almighty God wants to destroy that covenant tonight if you come out and we say a simple prayer for you.

The Lord said there are two boys here of the same parents, and they have been committing sodomy, they have been practicing homosexuality. And the Lord asked me to tell these boys that they are heading straight for AIDS unless they come and we pray for them tonight to break that yoke on them.

Group number three, the Lord said there is someone here who has regularly been preparing bean cakes (akara) with human blood. The Lord said He wants to set you free but if you fail to come very soon your own blood will be used to fry bean cakes.

Group number four, the Lord said there is a woman here who said, my child will only have her own child after my death. The Lord asked me to tell you, your child is going to become pregnant this month but that He in His infinite mercy is about to take death away from you, if you will come now.

Group number five, the Lord says, there are some people here tonight who are passionately angry with Him. And He asked me to call you forward so that on His behalf, the quarrel can be solved.

Now all these people I have called, I am going to count up to ten because I know what my Daddy told me. This is not something I dreamt about, so I know you are out there. I’m going to count up to ten. If you are in any of these groups and you are not out by the time I count ten, I have done my duty, the rest is up to you.

One….two....three… four…. Amen! O Lord of Hosts, the All-Knowing God, I thank You because there is no secret with You. Thank You for loving these people, for stretching out Your loving hands to rescue them from the fate of Satan. Father, accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! You are the One who knew that they were here and You brought them out so that You can set them free. Let them be free. (Amen!) Father, let them be free. (Amen!) Everything they’ve done in the past contrary to Your Will forgive them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Mighty Saviour tonight, whatever link might be between these people and forces of darkness, I decree that they be destroyed. (Amen!) Whatever it is that is causing anger between them and You the Almighty God, Father resolve tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! And every plant that You did not plant, that the devil had planted into their system, uproot tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Let them end up as vessels unto honour in Your hands. (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Praise the Lord! God bless you! you may go. Let’s give the Lord a big hand for deliverance, for victory for these people. Is that all you can do?

Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord amen! 

Now we’ve already had a wonderful night. If we stop now we have something to praise God about. But as usual with my Daddy He has just brought one up now and it’s a very tough one.

The Lord said there’s someone here, you made a charm with a live tortoise.  Now the way the charm is made you can’t throw it away;  you can’t kill the tortoise and yet you don’t want it anymore. The Lord asked me to call you forward so that He can use His superior power to set you free.   I will count up to ten.   If you don’t get here by the time I say ten’ I will say, “I agree, I must have been a liar, so we will just close the part.” One… I don’t think she understands what we are talking about. I think I’ve seen three or four of the people who understand what I’m talking about in front. In case there are more may I go on to eight...  nine…. Okay, Glory be to God! There are quite a few out here but Daddy says there is still one. Because of the great mercy of God I will start again from one. You made a charm with a tortoise. You don’t want it anymore but because of the way it was made you can’t throw it away and the tortoise is about to do and when the tortoise dies you know the result. So I’m going to count up to ten one more time.  I will then pray for those in front and leave the rest.  One…..

Father, I thank You. Right now my Lord and my Saviour, the blood that conquered Satan, let it conquer for these Your children! Father, the link between these people and the tortoise let Your fire consume! Father, right now, let the fire consume! When the tortoise dies, let it die with all its repercussions. Set these Your children free now and glorify Your Name. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!) God bless you! you can go.

Thank you very much God bless you! I’m hearing other things but I think we have to beg God. I have to beg God on this one…. Anyway, I will say it. Tough one! ~

The Lord said there’s a woman here – before you became born again you used to wash your private part and use the water to cook for your husband. Now! The reason Daddy is calling your case is because he said you are about to develop cancer in your private part. If you find it difficult to come out I will understand but I’m sorry, I’m not the one calling you forward. If you come that cancer will not develop. If you don’t come, after all you are a child of God now, once you make it to heaven that’s all that’s important. I mean something has to kill somebody. But if you come now God will take care of the situation.

No you don’t need to block. I think this fellow will need to kneel by the altar. Thank You Jesus! Please, please move. They are not coming to carry me away from you…. Thank You Father! I’ll wait ten seconds because I know there may be one or two coming from a long distance. Well as you come, talk to the Almighty God and ask Him to forgive you; that as it has pleased Him to expose your fault, He will also wipe away everything with His blood ……Thank You Jesus! Now I will count up to five if you are not here by then. It will mean you don’t mean business.

Let us pray. Father, thank You for Your love; thank You for Your patience. Father accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Forgive these Your daughters. (Amen!) The blood that cleanses from all sins, let the blood cleanse them from all their sins. (Amen!) And the danger that is coming their way Father, cancel in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) As long as they never do it again Father, cancel the danger in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You my Father. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Congratulations! you can go. Let’s give the Lord a big hand! This is great deliverance!

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high…..

Now, oh, my God! Now, this time I’ve heard something good. The Lord said there’s someone here before this month is over you are going to have the biggest financial breakthrough you ever had! (Amen!) But Daddy asked me to tell you that only 50% is for you, 50% is for Him.

I’m happy I’ve heard another good one! The Lord said, there’s someone here, since the evening started the fellow had been quietly weeping. The Lord asked me to tell you, weep no more because I’ve heard your prayers (Amen!)

Alleluia! I think Daddy will have to let me go. All right I have to obey. This one is a tough one.

The Lord said there is a woman here. Number one you drove out the wife of the husband you have now married. Number two the child that you met in the house, you arranged for her death. All this happened before you got born again. The Lord said, the only reason He’s calling your case forward is because of the law of harvest that whatsoever you sow you shall reap and that the harvest is always greater than the seed. The Lord said it is only if you come out now, that’s the only reason any of the children you have born for your husband will be alive before the end of the year. So for the sake of these children, please come out. You know this is a secret nobody knows. It’s entirely between you and God. He revealed it to me so He can solve this problem. So He can tell the devil…. Ushers please attend to that fellow. I’m going to count up to ten. It may be difficult to come out. If you don’t come out by ten I will continue. One… your fate is sealed. I know it’s difficult but you will never get another opportunity like this. And I know you are out there. Don’t you love your children? Ah! Okay, Glory be to God! 

Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Keep coming, keep coming… I plead the blood of the Lamb over these Your daughters. There is no sinner too bad for You to save. Saul of Tarsus killed many and yet he became Your apostle. Forgive these Your daughters. Remove the curse from them. Protect their children and let the children Lord God Almighty! grow up to become vessels unto honour in Your hands in Jesus’ Name!. Thank You my Father. Thank You because I believe it is done. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Praise the Lord! You can go back to your seats.

I feel a release now Glory be to God! I’m sure you know that at times it’s a very difficult job being someone who can hear from God. But I’m happy to tell you that the Almighty God who reveals secrets has also told me that there is someone here today is the beginning of your joy. If you are that one shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Well we have run out of time and it is our tradition when God has moved mightily in our midst like this we do a thanksgiving service quickly. So now the ushers will come and help us and we will give a thanksgiving offering to God for what He has done tonight. Who knows before we finish He might speak to us again and even if He doesn’t I’m sure somebody’s joy is already full. The sun of somebody has risen. Who is that fellow? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) We will remain seated. The band will lead us in some good music…

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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