HIS SUN ROSE 5th of November, 2000

You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord…….Let’s just go ahead and worship the Almighty God! Let’s worship the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords!, the I AM that I AM, the Ancient of Days!! He’s worthy to be praised! ! He’s worthy to be adored!! He’s worthy to be magnified!! Oh, tell Him He’s good! Tell Him He’s kind! Tell Him He’s powerful! Tell Him He’s mighty! Tell Him you love Him! …Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! ….. Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! … Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Blessed be Your Name! forever! …. Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Oh, Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! … Alleluia! Father Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Father! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said, your miracles that had been lying dormant shall be activated tonight! (Amen!)

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said, when I tell you, you will understand, but He said I should tell you,  I will reverse, the irreversible. (Amen!)

You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord!…..

Father Almighty, we worship you! King of Kings and Lord of Lords! we adore You! You are worthy to be praised, You are worthy to be adored! You are worthy to be magnified! There is no one like You Father! All power belong to you! You are the greatest! You are the best! You are the highest! You are the richest! You are the holiest! You are the most powerful! You are the oldest! You are the most glorious! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! (Amen!)  oh Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, your problem started the day your last child was born. The Lord asked me to tell you tonight the problem is over. (Amen!)

Oh Thank You Father! .. this is what the Lord says, He said there’s someone here tonight, You are married to the devil and you know it. The Lord asked me to tell you – freedom cometh! (Amen!)

Oh Thank You Father! Eru re gbami o …..

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, everyone that had been blocking  your way to miracle shall be up-rooted. (Amen!)

Father, we adore You. We magnify Your Holy Name. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for saving our souls. Thank You for healings. Thank You for deliverance. Thank You for joy. Thank You for great things yet to come.. Thank You because for some of us tonight is the night. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name!. Father, tonight surprise us, bless us, challenge us, change us, draw us closer to Yourself and touch everyone of  us and let everyone of us be able to touch You. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Shake hands with one or two people and say welcome to miracles, welcome to miracles. And then you may be seated. God bless you!

Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10:

1 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.

2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;

3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.

4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.

5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God:

10 And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.

You must be reading your own Bible…..  Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Tonight I want to talk to you about the amazement, the man who became an amazement because somebody here tonight became an amazement – (Amen!) – somebody is going to receive something from God tonight that people will not recognize you again.

This man had been a lame man for forty years and had been begging alms for forty years. He knew no other job than that. But then all of a sudden something happened to him. In a single day he had an encounter with God and everything about him changed. He became an amazement. Tell your neighbour, “I’m the one God is talking about tonight.  There’s no doubt about it, God is talking about me tonight. I’m the one who’s going to become an amazement.”

Now how come that this man suddenly became an amazement? I believe the Holy Spirit said to me that as far as this man is concerned, he became an amazement because his sun rose. His sun rose! For  forty years he had been in a long night of darkness. And suddenly, his sun rose. The sun is going to rise for somebody tonight! (Amen!) And for  some people for whom the sun has already risen, the sun will go higher tonight! (Amen!)

Isaiah  9:2 tells us that those who are in darkness the sun has shined on them.. I’m confident,  I know that one deep within me that tonight is going to be a very special night – for me and for you too. His sun rose and because his sun rose, that sun located him. Remember it was where he was sitting that his miracle found him. This time it wasn’t a case of him going to go and meet Jesus. Or that Jesus was passing by and He crossed his path like in the story we heard earlier on. No, no, no, he was sitting down and  his miracle met him there. There’s a particular chair, a particular bench tonight that is a miracle chair or a miracle bench. (Amen!) I don’t know which one is it. If you are the one sitting on that one shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

When your sun rises it doesn’t matter where you are – it will locate you. (Amen!) When your day of miracle comes, it doesn’t matter where you are – it will find you out. In Exodus 3:1-12 The Bible tells us that  Moses was at the backside of the desert, forgotten by everybody, an old man, eighty years old – he had forgotten everything about his dreams, his ambitions, but his miracle found him out.  When his sun rose God said to  him – ”You think you are old. You are just about to begin!” The miracle for someone tonight is just about to begin. (Amen!)

In John 5:1-9 the Bible said there were a multitude at the Pool of Bethesda, multitude! But Jesus Christ came and located a certain man., He walked over several people. He said, I know you, you, you need help but your own sun is not rising today….  and then, no, no, not you, not you …” And then it got to that certain man and He said, “Yes, you are the one!” I don’t know who the one is tonight but I know the one will be the one whose Alleluia! will be the  loudest. (Alleluia!) Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Amen! Thank You Father! Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! Amen!

In 1 Samuel 16:11-13, David was in the bush, in the jungle, looking after sheep and his sun rose and the man of God said to his father, “We will not sit down until you bring this boy.” You see the day your  sun rises nobody can stop it. The elders say nobody can cover the sun with his hand. Nobody can do it because the sun is bigger than the hand. And I believe the sun is going to rise for someone tonight! Whether the devil likes it or not. Whether all the enemies in your family like it or not – your sun  will rise and locate you. (Amen!) I say it will locate you. (Amen!) Now when the sun of this man rose and located this man because that’s not the first time Peter and John had been going to the temple. This is not the first time that this man had asked them for alms. Because they had no money they had always ignored him. But this day came and it was a different day. Many of us now have been coming to the Holy Ghost Service for years. Preachers had come. Preachers had gone. Testimonies had abounded of miracles that happened right left and centre and you had been wondering , “When will it be my turn?”. Thank God today is the day. (Amen!) That’s why I pity those who are absent today because today is a special day for a special people. (Amen!)

Now when the sun located this man. It did what the sun alone can do. It chased away his darkness and every form of darkness in your life will be chased away today. (Amen!) What kind of darkness had this man? When you look at this man you see several problems in his life. He was deformed because the leg couldn't move. He was retarded – because wherever they put him that’s where he could stay – he can’t move forward. They bring him in the morning – drop him there. The sun will beat him, the rain will beat him until they come to pick him up in the evening. His life was a life of shame. If you think that beggars have pride no, they only have shame. His life was full of sorrow. If you can ask him, he will tell you that since he was born, he had always been sad. He was a helpless man, he couldn’t help himself. If there had been a stampede he couldn’t run away from danger. He was helpless. And he was a hopeless man because, I mean, he wasn’t expecting that he would ever be healed. He never asked anybody going to the temple – “Pray for me that I might be able to walk!” His life was one continuous frustration. So when we talk about a long night - this man had a long night. But then when his sun rose, first it chased away his deformity.

Luke 3:5 has a promise for somebody here tonight. It said every valley shall be filled (Amen!) and every crooked path shall be made straight. (Amen!) You know what that one means? It means every empty womb shall be filled. (Amen!) In other words there are some people who are barren who are here tonight, tonight you are going to receive your own baby. It means every bank account that had been empty shall be full! (Amen!) I told you God is talking about me tonight. It means all those who had been owing banks, banks will now begin to owe you. (Amen!) It means and I believe this one is for certain people, that every church that had been empty shall be full (Amen!). It means for the students. And some people who are not so much of a student – it means every empty head shall be full. (Amen!) It means every empty life shall be full. (Amen!) It means everything that can be called a deformity in your life shall vanish tonight. (Amen!) 

When this man’s sun rose – Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God!

The Almighty God said there is someone here that you can’t go home because of a certain reproach in your life. The Lord asked me to tell you, you will go home this Christmas. (Amen!) Glory be to God!

When this man’s sun  rose it chased away the retardation in his life, this man who had been tied down like a goat – in one spot, suddenly he became free. He was somebody, who can now leap, who can now jump. Isaiah 61:1 the Almighty God promised that because of the anointing on the Lord Jesus Christ every prisoner shall be set free. (Amen!) Which means, number one, all those who are held prisoner by evil forces – you shall be free tonight. (Amen!) It also means that those who are financial prisoners because there are several things you want to do, it is money that is not allowing you to do it. I know there are some of us who want to fly for Jesus but where is the money? Before the end of this year the tide will turn in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!).  But not only that, you see when God want to set a prisoner free, if it is Jesus that is really setting you free -  because the Word of God says, if it is the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed -  what He normally does is that when He sets you free, He will then out the one who out you in prison in prison.  (Amen!) I am confident tonight that every jailer shall be jailed. (Amen!) I am confident that every arrestor shall be arrested. Whether you believe it or not. I can assure you that every Pharaoh shall drown. (Amen!)

When the sun rose – Thank You Jesus! Daddy said there’s someone  here tonight, that which has been causing your head to be bald shall be removed tonight. (Amen!)

When the sun rose for this man it chased away the shame in his life. Don’t think that beggars enjoy their job. At least I know many of them don’t. There might be some of them who are professionals, there’s nothing wrong with them, they’re just downright lazy but there are some that are forced into begging. Nobody wants to be a beggar – I don’t want to be a beggar. I remember the case of one man, he came to the church because somebody told him that if you get  to the Redeemed Christian Church of God and you are hungry, they will help you. When he got to Ebute Metta he saw one fellow. That fellow directed him to somebody else and that fellow directed him to somebody else, then finally they directed him to me. By the time he got to me he was almost crying. “Sir, what is it. “ He opened his mouth he couldn’t talk. I could see tears in his eyes. Finally he spoke. He said, “I’m healthy. I’m strong. I want to work. It’s just that there’s no job and my family had not eaten for 2 weeks.” He told me he said, “I will tell you the truth sir. On two occasions I have taken a knife to go and stand in a dark place so I can snatch the purse of somebody because my children are hungry but I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t steal. Then I came here where they said they will help me and they began to push me here and there. I said, “Sorry sir. They didn’t understand what you were going through.” So I gave him some little money that I had. And as he was saying thank you, you could see tears. There are some of us. We are not sitting out there begging but we live our life as if we are a beggar. Until brother hands me down we can’t change our dress. That is going to change from tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)         

Psalm 3:1-3 said Lord how are they increased that trouble me. Many are they that rise up against me; many there be which say of my soul there is no help for him in God, but thou O Lord art a shield unto me my glory and the lifter of my head Thank God, God had already said He will lift up your head today in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Whatever it is that is keeping your head bowed shall be removed today in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!). The sun rose for this man and chased away his sorrow. I know that for years he had been a very sad man but I know that his sorrow came to an end the day that his sun rose. 

And I have good news for you tonight, Jesus Christ said in John 15:26 He said to the disciples, when the Comforter has come… Now I can tell  you that the Comforter has come. For the past 2000 the Holy Spirit, the Comforter has been here. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter and you are here tonight to meet the Holy Ghost. Tell your neighbour – “Your weeping is about to end.” I’m giving you the opportunity to be a prophet, you better prophesy. “Your weeping is about to end!” Amen! (Amen!) This man was helpless but when his sun rose – it chased away the darkness of helplessness.

One of the passages in the Bible that I’m sure many people know I love very much is in Isaiah 41. The reason I love that  passage was that it came to me at a time of my great need.  I was going through a very turbulent period.  It looks as if  all of a sudden the people I had thought were friends had turned against me.  It was at a time when somebody that I  trusted very much suddenly became an enemy. And my heart was crying to God – “God what have I done?” What am I going to do now?  God please speak to me!” And then suddenly God directed me to Isaiah 41:10-13. I’m going to read it to you. Maybe God is speaking to someone here tonight too. Maybe that is what he sent you to come and hear tonight. He said:

10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught.

13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

If that is for you let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)  When God says I will help you, that means help will come from the east,  (Amen!) from the west (Amen!) from the North (Amen!) from the south (Amen!) If you believe that say Amen! (Amen!)

When the sun of this man rose…. Thank You Father! Daddy says He’s healing legs right now, legs! Joints, soles of the feet. Ankle bones… He’s healing, He’s healing right now… Glory be to God! Let’s give Him a big hand! Let’s give the Lord a big hand! Thank You Father! Glory be to God! Thank You for healing Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Amen!

Now when the sun rose for this man it chased away his hopelessness. He was a hopeless man. There was  nothing the doctor could do for him. There was nothing any relative could do for him. There was nothing any Commissioner or Minister could do for him. There was  nothing any Governor or any King or any President could do for him, he was a lame man!  And that was the problem. There was nothing they could do to help him – he was a hopeless case. There might be  some of us who are in that situation tonight. I have good news for you. According to Colossians 1:27 the Bible says, Christ in you, the hope of glory. So I can with confidence say if Christ is in you, hope of glory is here for you. (Amen!) That’s why I can say you can tell your neighbour, “Don’t write me off yet. God has not finished with me. Don’t bury me yet! The resurrection and the life is still around. My case may look hopeless but my Redeemer liveth.” If you believe that shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

When the sun rose for this man, it chased away his frustrations. Why was the man frustrated? Every year he will say “Happy New Year!” And everybody will look forward to the year with joy. He will see people as they dance. He will see them as they sing and He will  look at himself and say, “What is going to be happy in the Year?” He was lame last year. He was lame the year before. He had been lame for forty years before that. He was a frustrated man. In fact when he sees people going into the temple singing he will wonder what are they singing about that I can sing about? I have nothing to sing about.  But then suddenly, one day, the sun rose and all his frustrations vanished. Daddy said in Psalm 42:5  He said why are you disquieted within me, my soul?. He said, Have hope in God. You will still praise the Lord. He’s talking about me there. I can say to myself – “Adeboye, don’t worry! You are still going to praise God!” There is somebody here tonight who is still going to praise the Lord! It doesn’t matter all the years of frustration. Somebody here is still going to praise the Lord. If you are that one I think you better begin to practice by shouting Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Thank You Jesus!

Now when the sun rose for this man, it’s not only that it chased away his darkness – it brought him into limelight He became a centre of attraction. He became somebody that everybody gathered to see. He brought him into the limelight of healing because his healing was not ordinary.  His own healing was spectacular! You know the Bible said in Malachi 4:2 God said, Unto them  that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healings in his wings and the wing of God is going to touch somebody tonight. This man was brought into the limelight of healing – not only that but into the limelight of health. Do you know that this man was never crippled again for the rest of his life?  That’s why I know that somebody’s going to be healed tonight and will never be sick again. (Amen!)  If you are the one say ‘Amen!’ loud and clear. (Amen!)

This man was brought into the limelight of progress. The Bible didn’t say that when he got up he staggered or tried to take a little step after the other. No, no, no, no! The Bible said he was walking, leaping – you know the  meaning of leaping? The miracle of somebody is going to leap. (Amen!) You know each time I read Genesis 26:12-13 where it said that Isaac sowed in the land and God blessed him and he had hundredfold return,  the Bible said, “And the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great.” Each time I read that passage I know it is written for me. I say it is written for me. How do I know it is written for me? Because I remember our first Convention on this Camp Ground.  One old man, a great prophet of God, a man who translated the hymn book form English toYoruba came to visit us and I was standing at the altar and I called him to come and greet the people and that is the passage he chose and he put his hand on  my head and he has to be really old to do that – I am sure you understand – and said, “the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great.” And I took it that day and I know I kept on saying Amen! and I’ve seen what God is doing, that’s why I keep telling you we have not seen anything yet. Now I am now turning that same blessing over to you my children. I am saying you will wax great! (Amen!) You will move forward! (Amen!) You will grow. (Amen!) Until you become very great! (Amen!)  If you believe that shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

When the sun rose for this man …,  Thank You Lord! the Almighty God  said there is somebody here with a very stiff neck, that you can’t turn right or turn left.  The Lord said you can go ahead and turn now He has taken care of it.  Thank You Father!

The Lord said there is a woman here, your hair had been itching you and dropping off. The Lord asked me to tell you that He will replace everyone that has dropped off with a brand new one. (Amen!) And you must give the testimony. We will love to see you when that has been done.

When the sun rose for this man it chased away poverty in his life and brought him prosperity. That man never begged again. Never! Just as I know that there is  somebody here who will never beg again. (Amen!) When I go for London Holy Ghost Service I brag to my children there – you think you are rich and I ask you  to sponsor the Holy Ghost Service, you refuse to do it. You think in Nigeria we are poor – you don’t know anything, We in Nigeria we have made up our minds: we will lend to nations! (Amen!) How many of you will lend to nations? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) It is good to be rich it is better to be wealthy but it is best to flourish and I’m going to flourish. My children will flourish with me. (Amen!)

When the sun rose for this man it brought him into the limelight of joy. We saw in this man a practical example of joy.  Many of us don’t know what is joy. We know happiness. When something happens once in a while: “Heyey! thank God!” but when joy reaches its peak you will forget your degrees, you will forget your position when it is time to praise God. Once upon a time I was watching Nigeria versus another nation on television. The match was  taking place at National Stadium. President at that time was their watching and you know when the President is there watching the cameramen will show you a little bit of the football and a little bit if the President. And he was there looking dignified. I mean a President must look like a President, must look presidential. But all of a sudden Nigeria scored a goal and the President forgot that he was President. I could see him with his hands going up. I think he must have forgotten himself for some time before he realized, “Oh, I’m President!” … Jesus will score a goal for you tonight. (Amen!) I said Jesus will score a goal for you tonight. (Amen!)

In Psalm 16:11 the Bible says that in His presence there is the fullness of joy and that at His right hand there are pleasures forever more.. This man  who was helpless as soon as his sun rose he came into the limelight of hope. Suddenly he realized – “I am only forty years old, its not yet too late for marriage.. Marriage is not yet too late.”. I wasn’t there but I can tell that it wasn’t  long before so many sisters were beginning to say – “Brother, How now?” They didn’t say, “Will you marry us?” They said, “We heard that you are the one who got the miracle so we just said we should come and greet you. We know that so many people are visiting you to hear your testimony. If you need someone to cook for you, we will help. I’m ready.” Those of you that the world thought will never marry, very soon your marriage will take place. (Amen!) Many of you that they think will never have a child, when you become pregnant let them think it is fibroid. When the baby arrives we shall all see! (Amen!)  All of you that the people had considered hopeless, tell them that a surprise is coming. (Amen!)

This man is the classical example of what I call a new song and I know that God is going to put a new song in the mouth of somebody tonight. Psalm 40:1-3 Let me read that one to you because it’s another passage I love so much, I believe it is written for me too.:

 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.  God will hear your cry tonight! (Amen!)

2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.

Somebody’s going to become an amazement here tonight. (Amen!) This man could sing. He could say I was lame, now I can walk. I was bound, now I am free.! I was despised now I’m an amazement. He had a new song to sing. I’m confident somebody will go home tonight singing a new song. (Amen!) But why did he become an amazement? Because God, the wonder-working God, intervened in his affairs. We are serving a God who is a wonder-working God. That is why I have advised my people all over the world – I said, “Please, when you are choosing a god, make sure you are choosing one that can perform wonders!” Because some of them have chosen money as their God.

When it is time to give an offering, that’s when we know who is your God. Oh yes, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve said it to them, I’m saying it  here now. If we take an offering in London today and we find fifty pound note there. It must be from somebody who came from Nigeria! No, I’m not joking! I’m not joking at all! In London! 50 pounds offering! Ah! No, no! You must be joking! 20! You must be joking man! 10 pounds! In one offering? But those of us that they thought are poor! Because somehow God has taught us that He is our source and He is more than sufficient suddenly we have learnt to be generous. So when it is time for an offering if we put our hand in our pocket and we find that it is 100 Naira that is coming out – we say, Glory be to God! Here goes!” But there are some, even here, if he brings it out, he’s looking for 10 Naira and by error he takes out 100 Naira .. he will say, “Ah! Go back!” Who is your God? Your God is the one you obey. You want to put down 50,000 Naira for Holy Ghost Festival? Your pen says , “You better don’t write that check!” And you obey. Then you know who is your God.

But make sure you chose a God who can perform wonders because a day may come when the doctors will say, “Sorry sir, it is not how much money you can pay. There is nothing we can do.” Suddenly money will be put to shame! That that had been your God suddenly becomes helpless but I serve a God that the Bible speaks about him in Exodus 15:11, it said, “Who is like unto thee O Lord, among gods. Who is like unto thee,  glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders.” I serve a God that does wonders.

In Daniel 6:27 it said He’s a God that performs wonders in heaven as well as on earth. I was telling my children in America some weeks ago. I said, I went on holidays on a boat and there was a man there who was a joker. He’s so full of jokes that you don’t know when he’ telling the truth and when he’s lying. So when we got to a particular town he said, “Oh, the weatherman said that in the town that we are going to there’s going to be one big storm!” And we all laughed because he’s a joker. But then later on it just occurred to me –“This man may be telling the truth! So I told my children, “If that man is telling the truth we better pray.” After all I serve a God that controls the storm. And every storm in your life shall be stilled tonight. (Amen!) So we said a short prayer. And you know what happened? The storm left where we were going and went to where we had left!

When you are choosing  a God, choose a God that can perform wonders. That’s why I am asking you to choose Jesus tonight because Isaiah 9:6 said His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – that’s His Name. That’s the One I want you to choose tonight. And suddenly your life will become an amazement. And those of us who have already chosen Him maybe we are not getting the best out of Him. Maybe our prayers have been, “God bless me” Which is a good prayer,. “God provide for me.” Which is a good prayer.  “God heal me.” Which is a good prayer. But we can go further. I think we can say, “God make me an amazement so that people will just look at me and say, “Ah-ah! Are you the only one in this world? How come that when you turn to the right you prosper? When you turn to the left you prosper. When people say the way is blocked and you come, ways open. How come that when enemies block your way you march over them and you use them as stepping stone to testimony?” How many of you want to be an amazement? Are you sure? Let me hear you shout another 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!)

Before we pray tonight those of you who want to accept Jesus and you want Him to be your God because He’s the only one who can work wonders, why don’t you come forward now and surrender your life to him? Come, let me pray with you that  Jesus may save your soul, that He may wash you in His blood. Let this day be the day your sun will rise. Come, come and give your life to Jesus. Come from all over the place. Don’t wait for anyone. If the others want to wait let them wait! You know for  how long you have been in darkness! Come now and come into sunshine. Come, let your sun rise today. Come and call on Jesus Christ! Come and ask Him to forgive your sins. Come and ask Him to save your soul! Come and ask Him to wash you in His blood! Let your sun rise today! Let your sun rise today! come from all over the  place and give your life to Jesus Christ. Come, He’s waiting for you! 

And as you come begin to pray and say, “Lord, I have come to surrender to You. I’m tired of darkness. I’m tired of sin. I’m tired of the devil!. I want to come into Your light! Save my soul. Have mercy on me!” Come, come from all over the place! The Lord is waiting for you! I know  God had been speaking to somebody in particular. Yes, I know this is your day! Choose a god that can perform wonders, the God that can help you in the day of trouble; the God that can help you when the doctors say there is no help! the God that is the hope of the hopeless!  Come. come and choose Him tonight. Come and surrender your life to Him tonight.

The rest of us let us begin to pray for these people, that as they come, God will save their souls, that He will have mercy on them! Brethren let’s begin to intercede for them and let’s pray that all those who are yet to be born again that may be in this crowd that God will cause them to come forward because He says, “Nobody can come unto me except my Father draws him!” Let’s intercede for them; that every one who is not yet born again will come today! Oh pray for them brethren! Pray that as God saved your soul, He will save their own souls too!

 Come on Jesus is waiting for you!  He’s calling you. He’s saying “come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Come! This is your day! This is your day when your sun will rise! Come. come. come from all over the place – don’t wait! This is the day!” Choose! Choose a God that can perform wonders. Choose a miracle-working God! Come and surrender to Jesus tonight! His Name is Wonderful. He will perform wonders in your life! His Name is the Saviour, He will save your soul. His Name is the Counsellor, He will show you the way out of your problems. His Name is the mighty God, there’s nothing He cannot do! His Name is the Everlasting Father – He’s there for you ever, forever! Oh, His Name is the Prince of Peace and He will still every storm in Your life!

Come, come, come! Hurry up now! Before I pray for these people, hurry up, hurry up! Come on now, come and surrender your life to Jesus. He wants to save your soul tonight! He wants to save your soul tonight! Hurry up! I know some of you are coming from a long way. but come! Jesus is waiting for you! He’s waiting for you! Come on now! He wants to change your life to an amazement. He wants to save your soul. Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Jesus is waiting for you!

This is your day of salvation! your sun will rise today! Come and surrender your life to him and say, “Lord, forgive me! Forgive my sins. I surrender to you today. I’m saying  bye-bye to sin today, I’m saying bye-bye to the devil today. I will be doing your will from now on. Just forgive me. Forgive my sins. Oh, Father please forgive me! Save my soul! Save my soul!” Hurry up! Hurry up! I can see many of you still coming. Hurry up! I’m about to pray now! Hurry up! This is your day of salvation! This is your day of salvation! Come quickly! Come quickly! Come and call on Him for salvation! Say, “Lord, save my soul! Save my soul! Have mercy on me Lord! Have mercy on me Lord! Have mercy on me Lord! Forgive all my sins and I will serve You! I will do Your will from now on! Whatsoever You want that’s what I will want and whatever You refuse, I will refuse it! Please save my soul tonight! Let my sun rise tonight! Let the sun of salvation rise for me! Let the sun of salvation rise for me!” Come on now! Hurry up! Hurry up! I can see two of you still coming. Hurry up! Hurry up! This is your hour of salvation! This is your hour of salvation! Thank You Jesus! O Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God forever more! Oh Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Save their souls Lord! Have mercy on them. Give them genuine salvation. Everyone of them! Everyone of them! Everyone of them! Everyone of them! My Lord and my Saviour, let my sun rise today. Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

Now there are still some people in the crowd there that ought to come and they are still sitting down there. It’s a pity because a day like this comes only once in a lifetime. If today is the day that God has planned for your salvation, and you refuse to come now and you think you can cry for salvation tomorrow, it will be too late. I will count up to ten. If today is your day of salvation and you refuse to come, then you will not say that I did not wait because the  Word of God says, “To everything under heaven there is a season.” Today is the day of salvation for somebody and the fellow is still sitting down there. He’s allowing pride to tie him down. I will count up to 10 after that I will pray. The rest is up to you. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5 … 6 … 7 … 8 .. the gate of mercy is still open but it may close any moment from now. It’s God calling  you not me. Who am I? I’m an ordinary flesh, ordinary dust of the earth. But the One who can work wonders; the One who made you, the Alpha, the Omega; the Beginning, the Ending, the One who was, who is, who is to come; the Almighty, is the One calling you! Come, now! 9 … He’s calling you now. Countdown.. saying cone, because if you miss this opportunity you may discover that on the last day, God will show you the picture of what happened tonight and say, “Because of you, I delayed the  programme. So that you can come. I waited. We counted from 1-10. They will show you where you were sitting down, that all you  needed to do was to go forward and surrender to me and that you refused. But… Oh how I wish you will come now! He’s calling you. Come now! Come now! this is the final call. He’s calling you. Come now! Come now! Come now! Come now! Come now! Let us pray.

Daddy I want to thank You. I want  to give You all glory and honour because I know this is a very peculiar night. I know You are going to do something extraordinary in the lives of so many. Thank You Father! Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I want to thank  You for these people who had come forward because they couldn’t have come unless you helped them. And now that they are here receive them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Forgive them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Whatever they’ve done wrong in the past, wipe away with Your blood in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Save their souls tonight. (Amen!) And write their names in the Book of Life. (Amen!) From today onwards Father, let them become your children. (Amen!) And Father, even before they get home, let their lives become amazements. (Amen!) Thank You my Father. Glory be to Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

….in my home, an amazement among my peers; an amazement in my village, an amazement in my town, an amazement in my state, an amazement in my nation. Make me an amazement to the whole world! Oh, yes Lord – in my ministry let me become an amazement, in every facet of my life let me become an amazement, let people look at me and say are you the only one serving God? Why is God so good to you? Father,  make me an amazement. Let me be so healthy physically that I will be an amazement. Let your power be so mighty, your anointing so mighty in my life that I will be an amazement O Lord prosper me in every facet of life so mightily that I will be considered an amazement in the whole wide world. Let that begin tonight. Let it begin tonight. Let it begin tonight. Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! May you forever be glorified. Thank You Jesus! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Let’s begin to bring our prayers to a close. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

Father, I just want to thank you for Your Word which has gone forth with so much power, with so much anointing. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Father, I know that Your Word will not return to You void. I know that it is going to prosper in that which You have sent it to do. I know that as many of us as have heard Your Word and have received Your Word we shall become amazements to the world. Let it be so in Jesus’ Name! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

I want you to call on the Almighty God and say, “Father, before the cock crows this morning, let my sun rise!” Let’s talk to the Almighty God. Before the cock crows this morning, let my sun rise! let my sun rise! let my sun rise! let my sun rise! Physically, materially, spiritually, Father let my sun rise! let my sun rise! Higher than ever before! Clear! Bright! Powerful! Glorious! Yes, Lord let my sun rise! This very morning let my sun rise! let my sun rise! Oh yes Lord, let my sun rise! Let it rise gloriously, rise mightily, rise powerfully, rise bright and clear, to the glory of Your Name. let my sun rise! … let my sun rise, Lord! This very morning, before the  cock crows, let my sun rise that Your Name might be glorified, Lord, let my sun rise! And I will praise You. I will glorify Your holy Name! Let my sun rise and I will praise You forever. let my sun rise! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

I want you to call on the Almighty God and say Father, every trace of darkness in my life – darkness of sickness, of poverty, of weakness, of failure, of demonic operation, Father, chase them away this morning, chase them away! Chase them away Lord! chase them away! Every trace of darkness that may be left in my life, Father, chase them away! Chase them away – sickness, aches, pain, poverty, everything that is evil, everything that is darkness, Father, chase them away from my life! Chase them away that Your Name might be glorified! Tonight , chase them away! chase them away! Every trace of darkness that may be left in my life, Father chase them away. In Your own supernatural way – even as darkness must give way to light. Every trace of darkness that may be left in my life, chase them away! Almighty God chase them away! Oh yes, chase them away! chase them away, Lord! O my Lord and my Saviour chase them away! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! forever! chase them away! chase them away! Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

David said, “thou anointed my head with oil and my cup runneth over.” Brethren, there are some of us, our cups are not half full not to talk of overflowing. Let’s call on the Almighty God today and say, “Father, the cup of my joy, let it overflow! The cup of my prosperity let it overflow! The cup of my anointing, let it overflow! Let my cup overflow – of my health, of my strength, of my joy, of my victory, of my prosperity, of my promotion – let my cup overflow! Let my cup overflow this morning. God Almighty, let my cup overflow in the mighty Name of Jesus! Let my cup overflow this morning! Cup of joy! Cup of victory! Cup of blessing! … The cup of anointing! The cup of power!  The cup of ministry! The cup of success, of divine health! Let my cup overflow Lord! let my cup overflow! let my cup overflow! My Father and my God let my cup overflow! In Your own supernatural way, let my cup overflow! This morning Lord, let my cup overflow! let my cup overflow!  Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Jesus! … Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus!

One of the major problems of the lame man .. . one of the major problems of the man that was lame was that he had reached a stage where he settled for something less than the best. He wasn’t expecting miracles any  more. He just wanted to survive. But you know better. I want you to cry to God, anything less than the best, I don’t want it. I want the best You can do for me! The best that You can do for me, do today Lord! The best, the very best! Anything less than the best, I don’t want it O Lord! I want the very best that You can do for me! The very best! The very best that You can do for me Lord! Physically, materially, spiritually! I want the best Lord! The best! The very best! I want to be the best I can be for You! I want to be the best I can be for You! I want the best that You can do for me my Father and my God, I want the best, the best! Nothing less than the best! Nothing less than the best! Oh, yes! I want nothing but the best. My Lord and my God, I want the best! The very best. Tonight Lord I want the very best,  to the glory of Your Holy Name! Thank You my Father! Give me the very best. Thank You Jesus! Oh yes, Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

The Bible tells us that for several years after David was anointed to be king he was still running from one cave to the other, pursued by an enemy too big for him. He was to be King, living in a palace but he was moving from one cave to another. Until the day the enemy died. You are going to pray a violent prayer tonight: The enemy that says he will pursue me so that I won’t be able to reach my goal, Father, deal with the enemy! Your own way! Your own way! Just deal with that enemy Your own way! Your own way! Your own way! Just do it in Your own way! Deal with the enemy Your own way! Your own way! I’m not saying my way but Your way! Your way! The enemy that says I will not reach my goal; that keeps pursuing me relentlessly! That’s not allowing me to reach my goal, that’s not allowing me to sit on my throne. Deal with that enemy Your own way! Just do it Your own way Lord! Do it Your own way! Do it Your own way! Do it Your own way! Thank You Jesus! Do it Your own way! Do it Your own way! Do it Your own way! Thank You Jesus! … Do it Your own way! Help me Father! Help me, help me! Deal with that enemy Your own way! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

Then one day David got to his throne or the anointing then began to function. I want you to pray, “Father, the throne that You  had prepared for me, from this morning, I want to be sitting on that throne! One way or the other, the throne that You had prepared for me, I want to be sitting on that throne. I  Know You have prepared a throne for me, I want to sit on that throne! Beginning from this morning, from now on, in Your own supernatural way, I want to be sitting on that throne! I want to be sitting on that throne! I want to be sitting on that throne reigning with You in power, in glory, in joy, in abundance, in victory, in peace, in holiness, in purity, in overflowing anointing, I want to sit on that throne, from now on Father, from now on Father, from now on Father. Thank You Jesus! Blessed be Your Holy Name!  Thank You my Father! Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! in Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!)

We have just a few more prayer points. One we want to pray for Nigeria. There are still some forced that want to draw us back. Petrol scarcity has become something of the past but there are certain forces that still want us to go back. Brethren, its our duty to say no to them so we will pray one more time, “Any force or forces that want to stand against Nigeria Father, uproot them! Let’s call on the Almighty God Any force or forces that will want to resist the progress of this nation, Father uproot them, uproot everyone of them! Any one that does not want the progress of this nation. Anyone working against the progress of this nation, Father, wherever the fellow may be, uproot Lord, uproot. Uproot Lord, in  Your own supernatural way, uproot Lord! Uproot! My Father and my God uproot! Yes, thank You my Father Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

The Holy Ghost Festival is around the corner. December 14, 15 and 16. The Almighty God had promised us that heavens will open. Now I want you to pray, “When the heavens open, Father, let me be among those who will receive the blessings.” Call on the Almighty God When the heavens open let me be among those who will receive the blessings. When the showers of blessing begin to fall, let me be one of those who will soak in the blessings, soak in the anointing, soak in the showers of blessing! Oh, yes, when the heavens open, let me be one of those who will be satisfied with Your abundance to the glory of Your Holy Name. Thank You my Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! Meet all this one so that there will be supernatural abundance. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

Now I want you to hold your neighbour and pray for that person and just say “Father, whatever my brother, my sister needs that will make his or her joy full, give to him now! Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God! Whatsoever this Your son needs Lord God A, that will make his joy full, give Him now. Lord give him abundantly! Whatsoever will make his joy full Almighty God give to him now, even now as I’m praying. Surprise him! Magnify Your Holy Name in his life, my Lord and my Saviour, whatsoever will make his joy full, give him now, give him now and we will praise You together, we will bless You together! Thank You my Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

And now finally you may have  a particular prayer request of your own that I don’t know about and nobody else knows about. God is here now and is listening. Go ahead tell Him – your own personal, private, requests –Talk to Him about it now. Talk to Him about it now. Bless Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!)

And so Father we want to bless Your Holy Name because we know You have heard us and we know the answer has come. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Father, I have one request for all Your children gathered here. Every one of us – send help to us! (Amen!) Father send help to us! (Amen!) Father send help to us (Amen!) From the east, from the west, from the north, from the south, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night time,  Father send help to us! In every area of our life send help to us and take all glory. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Just for another five minutes or so I want to talk to you very briefly now on how to retain your joy. After this man who became an amazement got his miracle, the Bible said, he did something. Oh it is true he was walking and leaping and praising God but he followed Peter and John straight into the temple and by the way, by the grace of God, on December 1, which is the day for December Holy Ghost Service there’ll be Holy Ghost Service here of course and we’ll conclude the story of this man that we’ve been treating now for almost 2 years. So you want to be there at that concluding part … because as you know God reserves the best for last.

This man followed Peter and John into the temple. One thing you must do to sustain your joy, to  be sure that when your life becomes an amazement it will remain an amazement, is that you must stay with Jesus. You must stay with Jesus. Psalm 91:1-4 says that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The one who is going to stay under the wings of the Almighty must be willing to  dwell in His presence. There are many people who want to come, grab a miracle and run away. That is not the best way to sustain your joy. Psalm 92:12-14 says that the righteous  shall flourish like a palm tree and it went on to say that they that be planted in the house of the Lord; those who are settled in the house of the Lord, not only shall they flourish, even in the old age, they will still be bearing fruit.

Some time ago, years ago, one of my sons accused me, “How come that when  strangers come to church you attend to them quickly and we who are already settled in the church you ask us to wait till you have finished with the strangers?” And I told him, “These people  have come to the river to fetch a bucket of water, but you are dwelling by the riverside, you can drink anytime you want! You can bathe anytime you want. You are like a tree planted by the rivers of water, the Bible says everything you do shall prosper. Don’t begin to come around – settle in Christ, settle in a good gospel church. Sit down in the very presence of Almighty God. Don’t be a visitor , be a dweller! God asked David, “David you are my good boy. What do you want?” David answered  - in Psalm 27:4, he said, “Only one thing I want, only one thing I desire – I want to dwell in the house of the Lord forever, so that I can sit down there and behold the beauty of his holiness.” But  you see David is a very wise man. He knows what he’s doing. He knows that once you are dwelling in the house of the Lord, you will  also be able to say, Surely goodness and mercy will be able to follow me – for how long? If you are dwelling in the House of the Lord, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life forever when you decide to stay with God.

When you decide to be committed and settle down in a good gospel church. Not only will you be blessed, your blessing will be secure! You will enjoy security. When you are dwelling in the presence of God it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to come and grab you from behind. I’ve told you the story before of a man a prophet told that he will die in a particular year. He said, “What can I do so that I won’t die?” The prophet said.”  “there is nothing. It is a settled matter. You are going to die this year.” “Okay help me beg God, that God will allow me to see December 31st. I don’t mind dying this year but let me see the 31st of December .” The prophet said, “Yes, I can beg God for that.” 31st December came. Very early in the morning the man ran into the church at Ebute-Metta. As soon as he got there he said, “Eh-eh the death that will come and kill me here, let me wait and see!” That’s more than 17 years ago. The man is still alive today. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

You want to sustain your joy? Settle, settle down. Sit down. Commit yourself. Find a good gospel church and stay there. When you stay there what will follow is that you will now begin to study the word of God. And then you will be able to meditate on the Word of God, day and night. I was discussing with a Bishop of one denomination. He said to me, “Are you reading the same Bible that I’m reading?” I said, “Yes, sir, I bought my own in the market. I can show it to you sir.” “Where do you get all these things that you are bringing out of it?” I said, “It’s there. It’s a matter of meditating on the Word of God.” Find a good church where they will teach you the true word of God; where you’ll be able to meditate in the Word of God, day and night. And then Joshua 1:8 says, if you do so then whatsoever you do shall prosper. If you are going to prosper let me hear you say ‘Amen!’

And then number 3 is something that Bamidele mentioned earlier on: This man was not just walking and leaping, he was also praising God and you can be sure that anybody who asked him what’s going on, he kept on telling them what happened. In other words, not only must you be praising God, you must also be testifying. At least God must have  done a miracle for  you – tell others, share! I have said it again and again, the reason we ask you to share your testimony is that once you share the testimony, the devil cannot steal the miracle again but if you hide the testimony the enemy can come from behind and steal that miracle away but after you have shared the testimony the Almighty God will put a seal on your miracle and it will be difficult for the enemy to take it from you anymore.

David said in Psalm 89:1, he said, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. In other words he said, not only will I sing praises unto you, with my mouth I will make it known to everybody what God has done for me. When you praise Him and you testify, one thing I know about my Father is this, just as the elders had said, when a child is grateful for what is done yesterday, he will receive another. When you praise him and you testify, even things you do not ask for He will give unto you and then you will just discover that your blessing will keep on multiplying, that if  anybody says you are an amazement today, you will tell them – “You haven’t seen anything yet!  That tomorrow, I am going to be a bigger amazement”. I know that there are some people here today, God is going to take them from glory to glory. If you are one of us let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ So what I want us to do is that even the little miracle that we have received from Him, we are going to thank Him for it – even if it’s only 3 minutes. And as you are thanking Him you begin to count these blessings one by one.

The problem with many of us, why we have never testified is because we never counted our blessings one by one. If you have ever gone to the hospital and you see what is there, when you  come back home you will praise God. One day I went to the hospital, thank God nit for sickness, I went there to pray for somebody and I got to that segment they call the cancer ward – I’m telling you, I was afraid. I saw one fellow there, the eye had grown so big it was frightening. I saw another  one there, the throat has become far, far bigger than the head. I saw so many things. On my way home, I just kept on saying Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! 

Many of you think you have nothing to thank God for, I’m sure you know better. Let’s stand on our feet. Let’s just count our blessings, one by one and thank the Almighty God. Just for a few minutes before we continue. Let’s just bless his holy Name and say, “Father, I thank You for life. Thank You! for my health! Thank You! for bringing me here today! Thank You! because my sun will rise today! Thank You! because I’ll become an amazement! And then mention other things that He has done for you and praise Him for it.! And praise Him for it! That is the way your blessing will be permanent. 

And then promise Him that you will testify, that you will tell others what God has done. Tell Him, “I will not keep quiet. I will tell everybody about Your goodness, about Your mercy. I will tell others how great Thou art. I will tell others that You have been good to me. I will tell them  that there is no god like You!” Tell the Almighty God now that you are grateful and promise Him that you will testify; that you will tell everyone all that He has done in your life. Tell Him! “I will show my gratitude, in my words, in my actions, in my deeds. I will show my gratitude by the way I will testify. I will tell others how good You are, how wonderful You are. I will praise Your Name. All the days of my life, I will tell others. Yes, David said, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, yes, I will sing! With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness to all generations. He said, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will praise Him, I will adore Him and I will tell others that You are a faithful God. I will tell others that You are a good God. I will tell others that You are a powerful God. I will tell others that You are a loving God; that You are a kind God. I will tell others. I will tell others. I will tell others. I will witness because I know, I know how many dangers that I have passed through. It is only Your faithfulness, it is only Your goodness, Your mercy that has seen me thus far. But for You the enemies would have triumphed over me.

But for God that lame man would have died lame. But God intervened. His sun rose and he began to jump and to dance and to tell others and I will do the same. But for God where will I be today? Where will I be? But for the mercy of the Almighty God I should be on my way to hell now. But thank God He found me, He rescued me, He saved my soul, oh yes, I will praise Him! That I’m alive today is because of Him mercy, because of His mercy. That I can speak it’s because of His mercy, that I can breathe it’s because of His mercy! That I can go to the toilet anytime I want to, is because of His mercy. That I can wear my clothes by myself – it is because of His mercy. Father,  I will sing of Your mercy, I will testify. I will tell others how good You are,  how wonderful You are.! ,  how wonderful,  how wonderful,  how wonderful You are! Thank You! my Father Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! Thank You! forevermore. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! so much Thank You Lord! Thank You! that I’m not in prison today. Thank You! that I’m not in detention today. Thank You! that I can move about. Thank You! that I can talk. Thank You! that I can do anything that I want to do. Thank You! for peace. Thank You! for peace  of mind. Thank You Lord! Thank You! so much Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Lord Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! for everything You have done……We are saying thank You Jesus, Thank You! my Lord….

O Thank You Father! The  Lord said I should tell someone that your narrow roads will begin to widen. (Amen!) He said there is someone here tonight you are worried about a particular project you are involved in. The Lord asked me to tell you, what I have started I will complete. (Amen!) Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s a widow here, He asked me to tell you: “I have seen your private cries and I will be to you more than a husband. That which you want from me I will more than supply.

And the  Lord said there is someone here, as soon as November comes you begin to fear whether you will see the New Year or not. The Lord asked me to tell you there are still many more  years ahead of you. (Amen!)

Father, I just want to bless Your Name. On behalf of all Your children I want to say Thank You! Thank You for what You have done for us. Thank You for what You will yet do for us. Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You my Father we will testify, we will tell the world how good you are. Glory be to Your Holy Name!

Thank You Father!  The Lord said we should just hold still for 2 minutes. He wants to move in our midst. He wants to heal He wants to set free. Just remain where you are for a moment.

He’s touching people with His healing wings right now. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Miracles are happening all over now. Thank You Father! Thank You Father! He’s setting the captives free now. Yokes are being destroyed. He’s opening blocked tubes right now … Somebody is receiving a blood transfusion right now. Thank You Father! Someone is receiving new kidneys right now. Oh. Thank You Father!  God is restoring the sight of someone right now. …

We are saying Thank You Jesus! Thank You! my Lord, ….Father we just want to bless Your Name. Thank You! for Your movement in our midst. Thank You! for lives that had been touched. Thank You! because our sun had risen and by Your grace, the sun will never set because we will testify. Glory be to Your Name Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Kindly be seated. You know you had a sickness before we started praising God and now it is gone I want you to stand up where you are.  That  will be your own way of testifying. I’m not going to ask all of you to come forward because we are running out of time but He told He has healed hundreds of you during that short period, so if you are  one of them stand on your feet right now. Right now those of you who are standing only those who are standing, those of you who received your healing just now, I want you to shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!). So many… shout it one more time. Let me hear one more time. Alleluia! (Alleluia!). Your healings will be permanent in Jesus’ Name!! Congratulations!

I know that the rest of us have also received a touch from Him. Some of you may not know but you will discover by the time you get home that financially the tide has turned for you. If the fellow who used to hate you now begins to smile at you, know it is because God touched you tonight.

Now before we listen to a few testimoniesI will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever….

Thank You! for blessing us. Thank You! for revival in our own time. Thank You! that we can witness what You are doing now and that we are part of it. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name!! Bless the offerings of Your children. Sanctify it. Use it for Your glory and forever O Lord let them have something to thank You about. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Praise the Lord.

Now those of you about to testify, let it be very, very, brief. If possible less than 2 minutes. Oya, quickly….

The woman was suffering from the issue of blood and she was brought here in the month of August and thee Lord has healed her completely. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! I am Elisabeth Okari from Rivers State, Okrika. In 1998 I discovered breast lump and I went in for operation.. After operation they tested the tissue and the result was bad. I said anything that is bad is of the devil, it’s not of God and I left that area. On December Holy Ghost Festival, I was on this Camp when my Lord Jesus Christ, the great Healer touched me. He really touched me and I was healed! So when I go back to my place I made a vow that I will come and pay. So when I come back on March I was asked to go and bring medical report. When I get to medical report, the report is here, I am negative to cancer. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! My name is Adefunmilola Adebajo…..

Just a moment, just a moment. Brethren, you have just been told that God healed someone of breast cancer and you are not even excited. There’s nobody who showed any sign that the AG is good. Let me hear somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

My name is Adefunmilola Adebajo. I came here with pains all over my joints. It started on Monday but on Wednesday I was relieved. Thursday it came back and it was so much to the extent that when I came I was not comfortable. But when our Father in the Lord was ministering he said God is healing joints now and immediately I was made whole. Secondly, 1999, a problem started in my life with my hair and I went to hospital and different places but last month I came here I prayed that God should just touch me. You know, I used to have very soft scalp like that of a baby so that when I carry I have something, the thing will go inside. So that last month the softness stopped and the hair started growing  so I was thinking that maybe it will stop because It used to do like that. So when our Father in the Lord was ministering again he said God is restoring fallen hair and I used to use wig. When I was coming today from office, I put my wig in my bag. God just healed me. I believe my hair has been restored. Praise the Lord!

We will like to see if you don’t mind. Sister let’s see the hair that has grown. I see . Let’s give the Lord a big hand. It will continue to grow.

Praise the Lord! My name is Mrs. Abiodun Adegun. I got healed of fibroid. The doctor told me in ’97 that I’m having fibroid, that it started growing, that I should go and look forN20,000 but when he went to Holy Ghost Service at stadium I got healed but I did not testify. So later the thing comes up again. So it happened the last Holy Ghost Service, 2 months ago, that when  the woman of God said we should start jumping, then I started jumping up and after the jumping up I saw that there is nothing  moving in my womb again. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! I am Sister Tolani Sanni I came to the last Holy Ghost Night with a hole in my heart. The pains was so much that I was almost dead. But I came because I knew that our God is the Lord that healeth thee. I said God, I’m not going to take a drug. You are going to heal me by Your Word.  But  before I got to the Camp I’ve been prophesying, speaking the Word of God – I shall not be cast young, it is written… But I discovered the more I was speaking these words, the pains was growing so my faith was a little bit shaking and I was doubting the Word of God. And our Daddy in the Lord now said there is somebody here that is doubting the Word of God and I said , “Yes, it is me. Lord, Heal me! This is my final destination. If  You don’t heal me here. If I get to heaven I will tell You Your Word has failed me.”  But I thank God our God is not a man to lie nor son of a man to repent. As our Daddy in the Lord was ministering he said everybody put your hand on your shoulder and mention your name that it shall be well with you. I said, Tolani, it shall be well with you!” And I received  the healing in the Name of Jesus! Praise the Lord!

Funke Olaniyan: The woman is testifying to the goodness of the Lord. During  her pregnancy she had a lot of death threats but the Lord intervened during the June Holy Ghost Service. As she came here our Daddy in the Lord gave the Word of knowledge that there was somebody here whose pregnancy, the baby inside the womb was already dead and that the baby will come to life. And as soon as Daddy spoke the word the woman said something kick inside her belly and roll with the little baby and at the end of the whole thing she gave birth to a bouncing baby which was carried and we give glory to God. Praise the Lord!

My name is Ezekiel Ojo. I developed diabetes in 1996. Since that  time I’ve been having  problems of various sickness because it change from one sickness to another. All my money has been exhausted. When my manager in the bank looked at my account one day… and I was owing the bank – I sold all I have. I sold my house. I sold my land. He said that why don’t I look for Pastor Adeboye to put hand on my head. If he can put hand on my head the sickness will disappear. He said he’s not a member but he has been having story about him. So last month I decided I will touch here this Holy Ghost Service. Pastor Adeboye now mentioned that there are 4 men here who are having stroke which I’m one of them so I followed the congregations. I cannot even walk properly. I was holding walking stick. I nearly fall down before I can meet him but immediately he touch me I begin to gain strength back. All the native medicine I’ve done and the money I’ve spent at University Teaching Hospital to obtain drugs, I’ve thrown them away.  I only drink water now and I’m gaining strength form strength every day. Thanks be to God.


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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