know that tonight is a night of breakthrough for somebody. Now if you are that one shout Alleluia!  (Alleluia!).

I just feel a very strong urge in my spirit that the good work God started in the life of our sister who led the team of singers just now, that God wants to complete it tonight. (Amen!) So can she just come forward, come forward ……. Thank You Father!  Could you just stretch your hands towards her and pray. Pray that God will complete the work that He started in this child of God; that the Great Physician will just finish the job….. Father, lay Your mighty Hand on Your daughter; Let Your resurrection power flow to this body now; just put right everything, everything, absolutely everything. Now, right now, as we pray to the glory of Your Holy Name. Thank You my Lord! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank You Father! Father, we just want to Thank You for the breakthrough for Your daughter. Thank You for all You have done for her. Thank You for what You will yet do for her. Glory be to Your Holy Name! (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen!

Now sister, You will do me a favour. You will take off your shoes and then walk back without your crutches …….. you no go suffa Holy Ghost power; power in the morning, victory in the evening,…… Alleluia! Glory be to God!

Now who is going to be the next to have a testimony? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Glory be to God! Let’s worship the Almighty, the only One who can perform miracles. There is none holy as the Lord … Holy, holy, holy holy…. You are highly lifted up, there is no one like You….. Let’s just go right ahead and worship the Almighty God. Let’s bless Him, let’s praise Him, let’s magnify His Holy Name… Thank You Daddy! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Amen! Thank You Father!

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He asked me to tell you, He said ”My child, why are you weeping?” He said, “Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.” (Amen!) He told me to tell you, before the cock crows today your joy will begin. (Amen!)

The Lord says there’s someone here today, He said I should tell you, “Don’t you know it is written that the prey be taken from the mighty?” The Lord said, “Yes, I will deliver you.” (Amen!) He said, Those that torment you I will feed them with their own flesh. (Amen!) And I will let them drink their own blood.” (Amen!)

Father, I just want to bless your Holy Name. I know that tonight will be an extra ordinary night. Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s someone here with a back problem of a very long history. The Lord said, tonight is your night of joy (Amen!)

Father we just want to bless Your Name. Father, we are ready, we are waiting and we know You will surprise us. Glory be to Your Holy Name, Lord! Just have preeminence Lord. Take all the glory and give us all the blessings. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen!

Now Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!) I want you to shake hands with one or two people before you sit down and say “Welcome to breakthroughs! Welcome to breakthroughs!” And then while still standing let’s open our Bibles to Acts 3:6-8

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. (Amen!)  And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and anklebones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Somebody’s going to praise God here tonight. (Amen!) Whether the devil likes it or not someone is going to praise God tonight (Amen!) If you are the one shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)  God bless you! Let’s be seated.

Today is a special Holy Ghost Service for breakthroughs. What is a breakthrough? I’ve given the example before that will clearly illustrate it. I said, when a man is digging a well for water. He keeps on digging and digging, sweating, covered with all kinds of dirt and then suddenly with one final blow, he will say he has had a breakthrough. From that moment forward ha has water to wash himself, so that all the dirt around his body will be forgotten. He has water to drink so all the sweating and all the thirsting will be forgotten and now all he needs to do anytime he needs water is just go and draw. Somebody’s going to have a breakthrough here tonight! (Amen!)

The lame man had a breakthrough. For 40 years they had been bringing him here and he has been begging for food but suddenly his day came and he had a breakthrough that he never had to beg again. They never had to carry him again. The lame man had a breakthrough.

Peter also had a breakthrough. That kind of miracle never happened in his ministry before, happened that day and if you study the story of Peter from then on, miracles upon miracles followed him. I believe that there is a Pastor here tonight who is going to have a breakthrough. (Amen!) If you think it’s your Pastor why don’t you say “Amen” for him? (Amen!)

Now what will a breakthrough do to you? As we can see from the case study that we are study in here, a breakthrough will take you suddenly from crawling to leaping. Somebody who is crawling will know how much distance he can cover in a long time. Someone who is galloping like a horse will know how much distance he can cover in a short time. The Almighty God can cause you to cover more grounds in one month that you have covered in all your years before. (Amen!) The same is going to happen to somebody here tonight. (Amen!)

Breakthrough can take you from begging to singing. You know many of us we before we have our breakthrough  - “God, please now, God, please now!” And God will look down and say, “You are supposed to be a child of the Most High. Where have you found the child of a king, where have you ever found a prince or princess begging? “Please God now! Please God now!”? But tonight because a breakthrough is going to come into your life (Amen!) you’ll wake up in the morning and begin to sing! (Amen!) God of miracles, na ma papa oh….. I no go suffa, I no go beg for bread………” That’s all right! You will sing tonight you just wait! You wait and see! Tell your neighbour! I am going to sing tonight.

A breakthrough will take you from grumbling to praising God. Many of us grumble – a lot: “Ah, God, am I the only one on earth? Why this? Why this? Why this?” 90% of those who say they want to see the G.O., they want to come and grumble about God. It is very rare to see someone who says I want to come and see the G.O. because I just want to tell him how God is good. That’s going to change from tonight. (Amen!) You are going to move from grumbling to praising! If that is going to be true of you let me hear you shout Alleluia!  (Alleluia!)

Breakthrough will take you from sweating to jubilating. The fellow who’s been digging the well, digging the well, sweating when he suddenly comes in contact with a mighty pool of water – oh, you can hear him shouting for joy.

The breakthrough will take you from humiliation to becoming a living testimony. (Amen!) It will take you from being an object of scorn to becoming an amazement. It will take you from the depths of sorrow to the height of joy. So a breakthrough is a very essential thing that every child of God must have.

But then we have some questions to ask.

This man had been sitting down by the gate of the temple for 40 years. Some of us have been coming to the Holy Ghost Service now since it started! What delayed the breakthrough of the lame man? Because God put his story in the Bible for us to learn a lesson from him. Why did this man have to wait 40 years before his breakthrough came? Several reasons. I will just share a few.

Number one – he has become conditioned to sitting in one spot. He has accepted that he must sit down in one spot. Because of the yoke in his life, he has become conditioned to sitting on one spot.

The story is told of a dog who had a rope round his neck and the other end of the rope is tied to a piece of wood. And then they threw food at him and they threw the food just beyond the reach of the rope. And because the dog was hungry he would jump for the food and the rope would grab his neck and he would cry in pain. He did that for 7 days. On the 8th day unknown to the dog, they had cut the rope but he didn’t know and they threw food at him - he didn’t move. Why? He thought if he jumped again the rope would grab his neck. There are many of you that the devil has tied a rope round your neck but tonight as God lives – before whom I stand – that rope is going to be cut in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Because The Bible says, the anointing will destroy the yoke.

Number Two– why  the breakthrough of this man took so long is that he had accepted survival instead of revival. “Just let me get enough food to eat! Let somebody give me some coins so that at the end of the day I will have something to eat.” Somehow he didn’t realize anymore that Jesus Christ said, I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.’ Some of us have settled down for survival! “Just let me be able to manage to pay my rent. Once a year when they give me my Xmas bonus I’ll be able to buy one little dress for my child. God just bless my neighbours so his car will not break down, so he will continue to give me lift to the Holy Ghost Service” That is not the plan of God for your life! And I want you to say with your own mouth – I refuse anything less than the best.” This man had just accepted survival – just manage to survive: “How are you? We are managing…”

Number three – this man must have concluded, as many of us have concluded, that there are certain things God can do and there are certain things He cannot do. I mean, for example, this man must believe, he must believe that God could grant him favour of the people who are going in to the temple to give him money. I am sure, if he prayed at all, his prayers would be, “God, today, let me get plenty of alms.” He never bothered to pray about walking! When he saw Peter and John passing by he only asked for what? Alms! But you know that Luke 1:37 says, with God nothing shall be impossible.

I remember when I was young, I mean, when I was very, very young. Someone used to say, in one of our villages – “Eh, you say there is nothing God cannot do, nothing God cannot do!” He said, “Can you - you, ever become the Owo of Ijeshaland?” Then you can ask, “Can a prisoner, a slave who is a prisoner born in Israel, can he become a ruler in Egypt? It took God only one night, the terrible dreams, for one man for the impossible to become possible. Tell your friend – “Don’t write me off yet because my breakthrough is coming!” A man can move from detention to Aso Rock. There is nothing God cannot do.

And then when the day of breakthrough came…. Oh, Thank You Father! ….. Glory be to God! Alleluia! The Lord says somebody is coming out of prison tonight and by prison now we are not talking of kiri kiri, we are talking of the prison where the enemy has already shut you in. God says you are coming out! (Amen!) You are coming out tonight! (Amen!) I say you are coming out tonight! Yes, you are coming out tonight. Attention. Thank You my Father!

Now when the day of the breakthrough for this man came, you know he nearly lost it! He nearly lost it because he will not obey a very simple instruction. All the man of God said to him was, “Rise up and walk.”  He just sat down there as if what they told him was too much to bear, to understand. “Rise up and walk.” He sat down there. I mean, God asked me to give a simple instruction to my sister. God said, “Ask her to take off her shoes and walk away.” You see what she did. She could have looked at me and said, “Why should I take off my shoes?” And I would tell her, “I don’t know.” I just know what God said I should say. “If the Almighty God is saying to those of you tonight who have one infirmity or the other, ‘rise up and walk!’ don’t wait till anybody will come and pray for you. The moment you feel the Holy Spirit just saying, “Rise up and walk!” get up and begin to walk because Isaiah 1:19 says if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land!

Thank You Father! Let’s bow our heads please. Just close your eyes and just begin to pray, Say Lord, don’t let me miss my breakthrough tonight……. Just begin to pray…..Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Now the Lord asked me to do certain things – I’ve done it and I don’t want it to be show that’s why I asked you to be praying. Those of you that needed a special touch, he had touched you now. Any moment from now just get up and walk. The Bible says to obey is better than sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrifice. And you know the reason that man didn’t obey? Believe it or not, is because of pride. How can there be pride for somebody who is a beggar? Oh, it’s pride because he doesn’t want people to laugh at him if he gets up and he couldn’t walk. I thought they said those who are down need fear no fall? I would rather try and fail than not try at all! The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead! Everyone that the Lord Jesus Christ healed, He told them to do something. Everyone who got a breakthrough from God, God said do something first. And what he asked them to do is something that does not make sense but they did it and then God came in.

He said to the man who was born blind in John 9:1-7 after He anointed his eyes with mud, He said, Go and wash! This man couldn’t see! How was he going to find his way to the pool of Siloam? He got there and washed and he came back seeing! In Mark 2:1-12 four boys brought a man to Him. A man who was paralyzed from neck downwards and God said unto him, rise up, take your bed and walk! This man, if he could walk, will he be carried? But the man obeyed. In the process of trying to obey the power of God came. In Luke 5:4-7 God said to Peter, Launch out into the deep! Throw your nets to the right! Peter told him. “What You are saying does not make sense but because You have said it I will do it. He did it and he had a breakthrough. Somebody will have a breakthrough here tonight. (Amen!)

Let’s put this thing together quickly.  What can hinder your breakthrough?  Because if you know your enemy it won’t be able to destroy you anymore. If you know what can hinder your breakthrough you can get rid of the hindrance.

Number One - Submission to fate. If you say alright, I’ve submitted to my fate” That can hinder your breakthrough. In John 5:2-7 when Jesus met a man who had been sick for 38 years and said “Will you be made whole?” the man said, “I’ve settled down. No help anymore. Today help will come to you. (Amen!)

Number Two is when you tolerate anything that is less than the best. When you read 2 Kings 4:8-17 about the Shunamite woman – oh, she was a wealthy woman – in fact the Bible called her a ‘great’ woman. And they said, “What do you want?” She said, “Nothing. I don’t need anything anymore.” A barren woman saying, “I need nothing?” She said, “I have settled down. It’s OK. No, it’s not ok until God had given you the best. And somebody here is going to get the best from God tonight. (Amen!)

Another thing that could hinder your breakthrough is limited faith. Don’t limit the Holy One of Israel. Whenever we talk about God performing a miracles many of us begin to think, “How will He do it?” That’s not your headache. That’s not your business. All that He’s asking you is, ‘only believe.’ When my children com e to me and they ask for their school fees, they don’t ask me how much is your salary?” They don’t want to know – that’s not heir own headache, that’s no their business. Their own business is – I have a father, that father is supposed to pay my school fees; the time to pay the school fees has come - Daddy here’s the bill!” We sing the song: I have a Father, all mighty Father, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I have a Father…..” Do you believe that song” Do you believe that your Father is the Almighty? Do you believe that He’s the King of Kings? That He’s the Lord of Lords? Then let me hear you shout Alleluia!  (Alleluia!)

Another thing that could hinder your breakthrough is pride. When you read 2 Kings 5:9-14 you find the story of Naaman. When they told him to go and wash in Jordan he said, “Me? General Naaman? Go and wash in the Jordan?” Can you imagine a leper king proud? But the devil wanted to rob him of his breakthrough. I remember when I joined the Redeemed. A problem brought me and then when they said, “Give your life to Jesus. Come and confess your sins to God” I looked at them: “Who are these people talking to? They don’t know sociology. They don’t know physiology. They don’t know any psychology!” I was suffering and I was still talking about sociology! Until one day God opened my brain and my breakthrough came. Your own breakthrough will come tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Another thing that could hinder your breakthrough is disobedience. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 13:5-14 Samuel said, Saul, If you had obeyed the commandment of God your kingdom could have endured forever. He said but now because you disobeyed Him your kingdom won’t stand. Disobedience is a terrible thing. It can hinder your breakthrough. Or worse still, half-obedience. Oh, God hates that one more than anything else. You know the story of Abraham and Lot. God called Abraham in Genesis 12 and told him, “Leave everything. Leave your father’s house, leave your relatives, go to where I will show you.” And he took Lot along. When he got where he was going instead of blessing he met with famine. Every Lot in your life must go tonight. Oh......but I always obey God completely …I know….

I know one fellow who came to us: ”Why am I not prospering? I’m paying my tithes, I’m giving offering.” I said, “Hold on, hold on! I know my God, He’s a faithful God. When you pay your tithe, you are not paying to any man, you’re paying to God and He will fulfill His promise. But let’s check oh..... What did the Bible say? It said bring all the tithes into my storehouse “Bring” It didn’t say “send”. It said, “Bring” because He’s not a beggar, and then it said; “Bring all....” Some of you think God does not know mathematics. I discovered when I became a Christian that God had been doing binary multiplication long before we mathematicians heard about it. The system of mathematics today that has created computers God has been doing it from the Garden of Eden. He’s the one who said 1+1+1. He’s the first one to say so. There’s no better mathematician than the Almighty God. Don’t deceive yourself. So if you think he doesn’t know the meaning of 10% somebody must be deceiving somebody.

And then if course, the other thing that could hinder your breakthrough is the devil and his hosts. The Bible, in John 10:10 calls him the thief that comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. But then today, as the Lord lives, over someone in particular, the devil will lose the battle. (Amen!)

Now we know the things that can hinder breakthroughs.  Let us now go for those things that can activate breakthroughs because for somebody tonight, tonight is the night, this very night is the night. To activate your breakthrough I’m going to tell you quickly 7 things you must know.

Number one – you must refuse to tolerate reproach. Anything that is not of God, anything that can say, “Where is your God?” – don’t tolerate it at all! In 4 Samuel 17:26-51, the devil knew that David had been anointed to be king so he raised up Goliath to make sure he could never be king. So Goliath began to ridicule the whole of Israel and when David got there he said, “What! I know you look big but you are defying my God!” He said, “I will get your head!” For somebody here tonight, every Goliath must lose his head! (Amen!) Don’t tolerate reproach – no more, no more, no more, no more! Ah, we sing the song, we say, “Bye-bye to Jati jaiti…” And it must happen tonight. (Amen!) Enough is enough!

Number two – to activate your breakthrough is that you must be willing to obey God completely. Whatsoever God says, that’s what you do. In Genesis 13:14-17 the moment it became clear to Abraham that Lot is the one causing the trouble he decreed, I mean he said to Lot. “Go, go, go go your way.’ An as soon as Lot left God spoke again.

You know, I was telling my Pastors that if there is somebody who wants to destroy your family that fellow should die. (Amen!) Don’t shoot the fellow! Don’t go and look for a gun or a cutlass! Just pray – it is written, every plant that my Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Maybe there are some of you beautiful women, true daughters of God and a woman has come and has taken over your husband. Well, I must be as gentle as a dove. God, you see me now! God you see me now!” And God says, “Well, I see you now.” The Bible says every plant that my Father did not plant shall be rooted up. Every stranger in your home must go. (Amen!) Every stranger in your body must go! (Amen!) Every stranger in your business must go! (Amen!) They must go! (Amen!)

There are some demons in churches – sitting down, keeping their eye on the Pastor. But the Holy Spirit opens the eye of the Pastor and says, “This is a devil.....” Well God…well…” The devil is not going to be saved! Don’t waste your time! I say the devil will never be saved, the devil will never be saved! No demon is going to be born-again! Every demon, every agent of the devil in all our churches, they shall be uprooted! (Amen!) They shall be uprooted! (Amen!) I say they shall be uprooted!  We owe it as a duty to those who want to worship God in Spirit and in truth to clean the church of all snakes, every Lot must go! (Amen!) Every Lot must go!

To activate your breakthrough, you need violent faith, the faith that will not limit God, the kind of faith that says, ”God, I throw myself at Your mercy! If I float  - up to You; if I sink – up to You. But I am not going to take no for an answer. Now I love this Shunamite woman of 2 Kings 4:18-37. Finally the son was born. Then death came and snatched the boy. The woman said, “Death, you are joking! This is one victim you are going to vomit!” And by force, the enemy vomited the boy.

The devil knows there are some children in the homes, he saw their stars when they were born; he knew that they were the children who would prosper the family – and quickly he tried to spoil their lives. And some of you parents have surrendered these children to the devil. “Okay, if that’s the way you choose, that’s okay! Go!” No! Tell the devil, “ I did not beg for this child from the devil. When I sent my child to the University, it is not to become a member of a cult. You have to pray your way through and say,  “Devil! You will vomit my child!” Violent faith which will lead to violent prayer.

I’ve told you there’s a time for gentle prayers. There’s a time you pray and only your mouth will be moving. Nobody will hear your voice. There is a time when you will be still and let God be God. If you are drinking water you have to do it gently but when you are digging the well and there is apiece of rock – you know water is down there, there’s one rock that says you won’t get to the water. There’s bound to be some element of violence. In 2 Kings 4:1-7 when the widow of the son of the prophet, when she found she was about to lose her two sons, the Bible said, “She cried” The Bible didn’t say she “murmured.” I know many of us are ladies and gentlemen. Highly qualified. I know we’re supposed to be dignified but then don’t deceive me, when you are watching football on television and your team scores a goal, I have seen many of you – the way you shout! Many of us who never went to school; don’t shout that much. That is ordinary football and we are talking of breakthroughs, talking of getting your miracle from God! And in any case you are going to be among others who are praying violently! Nobody’s looking at you! Nobody’s interested in how you pray! I have come for my own breakthrough. You have come for your own! I hope you have come for your own! We shall see tonight. I say we shall see tonight. (Amen!)

Another thing that will activate your breakthrough is persistence. I have to hold on – the man who is digging a well must keep on digging, digging until something breaks. You just keep on digging, keep on digging. Jesus said it. I know many of us have read so many books that when you pray for 5 minutes that is enough – that’s not what Jesus said. In Luke 18:1-8 He said, “Men ought to pray always and not to faint.” He said just keep on asking until you get what you want. In Matthew 18:21-28 the Bible tells Su the story of a woman whose daughter was being vexed of the devil. She knew there’s nowhere else to go. And I’m telling you once you have come to Jesus there is no where else to go! She cried, “Help me Lord!” God didn’t answer her. The disciples came – “Let’s drive the woman away! She’s disturbing us.” Jesus Christ said, “I’m not going to give the bread of children to dogs.” She said, “Dog or no dog, I’m not going until you give me that crumb!” She held on! She will not let go! Until God answered. God will answer somebody here tonight. (Amen!)

Another thing that will activate your breakthrough is humility. You know the Bible says in 2 Kings 5:14 Naaman went down… he came down from his horse and then went down into River Jordan. He humbled himself. In fact, the Bible says, he did it seven times. When he came up he was a different person. When you go home tomorrow morning you are going too be a different person in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) The Bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that he might exalt you in due time. When God begins to exalt you nobody can stop you. When God promotes nobody can bring down.

Let me add one more thing – This one is only for those who want breakthrough In their finance. I’ve said it before, I’m just repeating it – they want financial breakthrough you must be ready to make unusual offerings. I will keep on hammering this until it sinks in because I am determined, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ to see many millionaires among you. (Amen!) For a selfish reason. I have my reason why I want you to become millionaires because there’s a lot of work we want to do for God. I can’t go into business so the money must come from you! And I am not going to beg so I must get the money from my children! That is why no one of you is going to be poor. (Amen!) I will keep on teaching you until you get the point.

You know, it gives me great joy, when I’m coming in for the Holy Ghost Night and I see all the cars parked...... But I know many of them are second-hand, many of them are so old that you pray before you get here. And then I know there are many of you here who still have to catch a bus. A time is coming very, very soon – those who are catching buses will be riding their Mercedes! (Amen!) And what about those who are riding Mercedes now?  They’ll come by helicopters!

You must not settle for anything less than the best. Solomon gave 1000 oxen offering and he got a breakthrough. Abraham offered Isaac, the only one he had, the one that he loved and he got a breakthrough. God said to Abraham in Genesis 22:15-18, He said, “Abraham because you have done this I swear …. When God begins to say, “I swear I will bless You.....” then you know that you’ve got your breakthrough.

What about Peter? I told you Peter also had a breakthrough that day. But he too had given an unusual offering before. The day he threw his net and caught so much fish is the day he had the biggest catch of his life, he left all and followed Jesus Christ He just said bye-bye to the fish, “I’m going with Jesus Christ.”

I know that the Almighty God had been waiting for tonight. He could see that some of us, deep within us something has been telling us “You are not where you are supposed to be.” Oh thank God you are where you are! You can be higher! You can be greater! I’ll tell you a story and then it will be time to pray.

Some of you have heard the story before. A hunter went hunting and saw the eggs of an eagle and brought it home and added it to the eggs of his hen and the hen, when it was hatching, hatched that one too. And so the eaglet began to eat like all the chickens – eating worms, eating whatever the chickens were eating and he grew like others grew. They were all going around the dunghill. And then one day an eagle soared overhead and the eaglet looked up. “Ah! What a magnificent bird –so beautiful, so majestic!” And so he turned to the mother hen: “What kind of bird is that?” “Oh, that’s an eagle. But you are a hen, you are a hen, so don’t look that direction just look down here.” That’s what the devil has been telling you. He’s telling you that you are to survive on worms and food from the dunghill – to just manage to survive whereas the Word of God says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles. How many eagles are here today? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Before we pray tonight let me invite those of you who are not yet born-again because if you don’t surrender to Him – you started like a hen and you’ll end like a hen – but if you surrender to the Almighty tonight, it is possible you started as a hen and you will end like an eagles for the Word of God says, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ come now, come now – this is your day of decision. This is a day of breakthrough. The first breakthrough in your life will be your salvation. Come now, the rest of us that we know that we know that we are born again – let me pray that all the people that the devil may be holding captive, that he will loose them now so that they can come and get born again. If you are born-again begin to pray for them and if you want to give your life to Jesus I give you only 2 minutes. Tonight is not a night when we can wait for you. If you want to continue to suffer under Satan it’s up to you but if you want to be free from sin, from Satan, from demons, from all forces of darkness – you want to surrender your life to Jesus – come now. You have only 2 minutes to get here. The rest of us let’s begin to pray that the Lord will save their souls as they come; that the devil will lose his hold on them. Let’s begin to pray! Then those of you who are coming for salvation begin to talk to Jesus Christ as you come and say, “Father, save my soul! I’m saying bye-bye to the devil now. I’ve come to surrender my life to Jesus Christ.” Open your mouth and begin to pray! Let’s begin to pray now! If you want to give your life to Jesus come from all over the place now! The Lord is calling you right now…….

Exalted forever, exalted forever…… the king is exalted on high….

Now while we are waiting for the counsellors to attend to our brothers and sisters, we are going to pray some gentle prayers first. Then when we come back in the second session we will pray prayers that are not so gentle. I have discovered from my own little experience that prayers that are said after midnight, they seem to be answered very speedily. I’ve asked God why and there are two major reasons. I will tell you one and keep one to myself. By midnight angels come out and they are out all over. And you know, the Bible says, angels are ministering spirits waiting to carry your mail to heaven. Like I said last month – it is during the second session that we will know the difference between boys and men. At that time those who come to sleep – they will be sleeping and those of us who are here for business it will be time for business.

For the next 2 or 3 minutes the prayer I want you to pray quietly but seriously is “Lord, don'’ let this night pass me by. This very night, don’t let this night pass me by! Let me get my breakthrough tonight! Don’t let this night pass me by!”

When Paul and Silas were locked up in jail they praised their way out, they called on the name of the Almighty. They said, “King of Kings! We praise You! Lord of Lords! We adore You! Lord of Hosts we know You are on Your throne! Alpha, Omega, Beginning, Ending, the One who is, the One who was, the One who is to come, the Almighty. And God said whatever that prison is made of I must uproot it. Tonight we are going to start by praising God. Let’s call on Him until His head will swell! Go ahead, just praise the Lord! Call Him! Call Him the King of Kings! the Lord of Lords!. Call Him the I AM that I AM! Call Him the Ancient of Days! Call Him Jehovah Shalom! Call Him Jehovah Nissi! Go ahead! Call His Name! Praise Him! Magnify His holy Name! Tell Him He’s kind! Tell Him He’s the highest! Tell Him He’s the best! Tell Him He’s the oldest! Tell Him there’s no one like Him! Let’s bless Him! Let’s praise Him! Let’s magnify His Holy Name! Let’s praise Him until every prison door will be open!

Father, I just want to praise You! I want to magnify Your Holy Name! You are the King of Kings! You are my Lord! You are the Lord of Lords! You are the Ancient of Days! There is no one like You! All power belongs to You! Who is that fellow who can stand in your way? You are the Ancient of Days! You are older than the oldest! You are greater than the greatest! You are higher than the highest! Oh, yes Daddy, I want to bless Your Name!  I’m proud of You! There’s no God like You. You are the only One who can perform wonders! You are the miracle-working God, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, wonder-working God! I thank you because Your Name is wonderful. Your Name is Counsellor! Your Name is Mighty God! You are the Everlasting Father! You are the Prince of Peace. Oh, yes Lord, I will praise You! I will adore You! I will magnify Your Holy Name! There’s no-one like you Daddy, when You speak it is done. Who is that fellow who can say,  "what doest thou? You do as you please in the courts of Heaven! You are the Almighty! You are the Almighty! You are the Almighty! You are the greatest! You are the best! You are the richest! You are the holiest! And I just bless Your Name. It is a pleasure to be Your child!

O my Lord and my Saviour, what a privilege to be Your servant. I love You Daddy! I want You to know I appreciate You! You are the living God! You are the I AM that I AM, the unchangeable, solid as the Rock of Ages. There’s no one, no one to compare with You! Among the gods who is like unto You O Lord? Who is like unto my Father and my God! Who can open the Red Sea like You? Pull down the walls of Jericho like You? You are the only one who can bring water out of a rock, You can bring something out of nothing! I praise You Father! I magnify Your Holy Name Lord! I magnify Your Holy Name Lord! I thank You Father! Thank You because You dwell in Shekinah glory! Thank You Lord God Almighty! Bless Your Holy Name I praise You Lord! I magnify Your Holy Name! Thank You because You’re wonderful, because You’re kind, because You’re glorious, because You’re powerful, because You’re mighty! Oh! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name, Lord! Alleluia Lord! Thank You Lord! You are wonderful and I will continue to praise You! King of Kings! Lord of Lords! The I AM that I AM Ancient of Days! Blessed be Your Name for ever more! Alleluia Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

The elders have a saying. They say when a child is grateful for what is done yesterday, he will get new ones. I don’t know about you but God had been good to me. I want you to thank Him. Say, “Thank You for keeping me alive because where there is life there is hope. Thank You for keeping me alive, that the enemies have not swallowed me up. Thank You Lord! Thank You for keeping me alive!” Go ahead! Let’s thank the Almighty God! Thank You that I’m alive to see today! Thank You for keeping me alive! Thank You for feeding me! Thank You for clothing me! Thank You for keeping my secrets secret! What a great God You are! I praise You Lord! I magnify Your Holy Name Lord! Yes Lord! Thank You that You are on my side! Thank You for keeping me alive! Thank You for all the victories that You have given me in the past! Thank You for all the miracles of the past! Thank You for the testimonies of the past! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! I just want to praise You! I just want to tell You Lord, I appreciate You and I magnify Your Holy Name! Oh, Lord, Thank You for keeping me alive! Thank You for loving me. Thank You for standing by me! Thank You for supporting me! Thank You for all You’ve done for me! My Father and my God! May Your Name be forever glorified! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Almighty God! King of Glory! Thank You the I AM that I AM! Thank You Ancient of Days! I will forever praise You! I will forever adore You! My Lord and my Saviour! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You King of Glory! I will praise You, I will adore You, I will lift You high! Blessed be Your Name Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You because Your gentleness had made me great. Oh, without You I would be finished by now but You are always there – so reliable, so dependable, so faithful, so sure! Thank You Lord! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Father In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!)

There are some people that wherever they go, without any reason at all, people just begin to hate them and they don’t know why. The reason is that the enemy has put a mark on them. Now, today, you are going to pray – “Every mark of the devil in my life, Father, wipe it away with Your blood! Every mark of the devil in my life that is pointing me out to witches and wizards, wipe away with Your Blood…… Every mark of Satan in my life – wipe away, O Lord, in Your own supernatural way. Every mark of Satan removes today…. Every mark of Satan in my life wipes it away, O Lord! Wipe it away O Lord! Glory is to God! Every mark of Satan in my life, wipe it away with Your Blood Father and make me completely clean for You! Oh, yes Lord! Wipe it away! Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes, Lord! – Every mark of Satan, wipe it away with Your Blood! Thank You Jesus! Glory is to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

The Word of God says no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. The elders will tell you that there are some people in darkness, sending arrows to those in the light. The moment they see that something good is coming your way they get their arrows ready. Today, you will open your mouth and say, “Every arrow of the enemy, Go back to sender!” Come on pray in the mighty Name of Jesus! Every arrow of the enemy go back to sender! Every arrow of the enemy go back to sender! Go back to sender now! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Go back to sender! Go back to sender! Go back to sender! Every arrow of the enemy, go  back to sender now! Every arrow of the enemy, go back to sender now! In the mighty Name of Jesus! In the mighty Name of Jesus! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Go back to sender now I pray In the mighty Name of Jesus! Go back! Thank You Lord! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

The same passage says every tongue that rises up against us in judgment we shall condemn. There are many of us that would have reached our goals by now but there are accusers that keep accusing us.  Now tonight you are going to take your stand and say, “Everything that had been accusing me, everything that had been standing up against me in judgement, I rebuke in the mighty Name of Jesus!” Go ahead! Speak in the Name of the Lord! Speak in the Name of the Lord! Command every accuser tonight in the mighty Name of Jesus. Every accuser, every tongue that had been standing against us in judgement we rebuke you in the mighty Name of Jesus! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Every accuser take your accusation and go! We rebuke Oyo in the mighty Name of Jesus…. Oh, yes, all the tongues that have been rising against  us in judgment – keep your mouths shut! I command you in the Name of Jesus! I command you in the mighty Name of Jesus! I rebuke you and ask you to keep quiet, silent forever in the mighty Name of Jesus! Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

We have a song that says, "Satan cannot build his house next to Jesus. If he builds it – we pull it down. I want you to sing that song. I want you to sing it with all your strength because of the prayer that is going to follow. Esu ole kole ti Jesu, esu ole kole ti Jesu…..

Jesus Christ said the prince of this world cometh unto me and found nothing in me. Now brethren, I want you to pray: ”Satan, all your loads – in my body, in my house, in my business, in the church of God – pack them and go!” Let’s pray in the mighty Name of Jesus! Satan! Pack your load and go! Pack your load and go! Pack your load and go! Load of sickness, pack and go! Load of pain, of debt, of sorrow, pack your load and go! No, no, no, I belong to Jesus now! Carry your load and go! Carry your load now! Your load of sickness, carry it and go! Every load of Satan in my life go now! I command you in the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Carry your load and go! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Carry your load and go! Carry your load and go! Carry your load and go Satan! My home belongs to Jesus! My body belongs to Jesus! My finances belong to Jesus! The church of God belongs to the Almighty God! Carry your load and go! In the mighty Name of Jesus! There’s no room for Your load in my home; no room, no room for your load in my body! No, no, not at all! Carry your load and go! In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Carry your load and go! Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

David was anointed to be king. Goliath said, before you can become king, the whole of Israel will become a slave!” David said, “I’m not going to argue with you. I’m going to cut off your head! Tonight brethren, you are going to pray. There are some Goliaths in your life that do not want you to reach your goal. You will decree tonight, “Every Goliath in  my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus you must lose your head tonight!” Go ahead! Pray in the mighty Name of Jesus! Every Goliath in my life that will not allow me reach my goal – your head must go! Your head must go in the mighty Name of Jesus! Whatever you are, whoever you are your head must go! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Every Goliath must lose his head right now, as I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus! Goliath, your head must go! Every Goliath that will say, “I will not reach my goal, your head must go! Your head must go! Your head must go! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Every Goliath in my life, every Goliath in my family, every Goliath in the church of God that would want to stand between us and the goal the Almighty God has set for us, your head will go tonight in the mighty Name of Jesus! In the mighty Name of Jesus! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Every Goliath must go! Lose your head tonight in the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank You my Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

We have another song and forgive me if I’m singing Yoruba songs – its because this is a battle and you have to sing in the language you know best. This song says the Holy Ghost has taken the garment of suffering away from me. It said I will never wear it again. We are going to sing that song. If you don’t know it, just hum along with us! ….

Thank You my Father! The Bible says, whatsoever you allow on earth, shall be allowed in heaven; whatsoever you forbid on earth, it will be forbidden in heaven. I want you to open your mouth and say, “I forbid sickness; I forbid poverty; I forbid sorrow; I forbid failure! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Go ahead! Pray brethren! I forbid sickness; I forbid death in y family; I forbid failure; I forbid sorrow; I forbid all kinds of demonic activity; I forbid sorrow; I forbid poverty, I forbid all kinds of suffering in the mighty Name of Jesus! I forbid all these things. Enough is enough! I forbid every form of suffering, every form of ache; I forbid pain; I forbid failure! Everything contrary to the will of God in my life I forbid it, I forbid it, I forbid it! …. I forbid sickness in my life; I forbid poverty; I forbid sorrow. Today in the mighty Name of Jesus, anything that is not divine – I forbid it! I forbid it! No more! No more! No more! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Everything contrary to the will of God in my life, I forbid it in the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Yes, Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name O Lord! Thank You forever my Lord and my Saviour! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And in the same breath you will pray – “I allow health, I allow prosperity, I allow progress, I allow promotion! Joy, come into my home! Divine health, come into my home! Success come into my home! In the mighty Name of Jesus!! Come! Come and pray in the mighty Name of Jesus! Health, come into my home! Joy, come! Success come! Prosperity come! Oh, yes. Lord Jesus! Come, come and dwell in my house! Holy Spirit come and dwell in my house! Oh, yes! Glory of God come into my home! Come into my life! You are welcome! I allow you to come! I want to go from success to success! Abundance come! Come! Come! Come and dwell with me! Come! Joy come! Divine health, come! Prosperity, come! Success come! Promotion come! Come! Victory come, come my way! Glory of God come and shine in my life! Come and shine in my home! Come! Come! Come! Come! Alleluia! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now you are doing very well and I’m happy about that. I’m sure God Himself is happy. Glory be to God!

Now it is time to pray for breakthrough – breakthrough physically, materially, spiritually. I mean some of us have been looking for a breakthrough for years – breakthrough tonight - some of us have been looking for a wife for some time – breakthrough tonight! (Amen!)… Some of us have been trusting God for a child for a long time – breakthrough tonight (Amen!) … and some of us, by now should be tired of poverty – breakthrough tonight! (Amen!) I want you to call on the Almighty and say “Father, it is time for my breakthrough – now! Now is my time! It is time for my breakthrough Lord! It is time O Lord! It’s time for my breakthrough! It is time O Lord it is time! It’s time! Time for my breakthrough! Enough is enough O Lord! It is time for my breakthrough! Time for my breakthrough O Lord! Oh yes, in my ministry, it is time for breakthrough! In my relationship with You Father, it is time for breakthrough! Time O Lord! It’s time! Time Lord! …. It’s time for my breakthrough, it’s time for my breakthrough! Time for my breakthrough Father,  oh yes, it’s time – now! Now! Now! Now is the time for my own breakthrough – physically, mentally, spiritually, ministerially, financially – it is time for my breakthrough O Lord! It is time! It’s time! It’s time! It’s time Lord! Nobody’s growing younger, it is time Lord, time is going! It is time for my breakthrough my Father, my God! Before it is too late, it’s time for my breakthrough – Alleluia Father! Glory be to God! Yes Lord Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

This is July. This year is going again. We are already in the second half. Let’s call on Daddy and say, “Daddy there were some promises you made at the beginning of the year. This is July. Lord! Let my testimonies begin! Let my testimonies begin! Now! Let my testimonies begin! This year is going again! Father! Help me! Let my testimonies begin! This year is going again! Daddy! O Lord! I know You are a faithful God. I know that when You speak it is done! Fulfill Your promises my Lord and my Saviour! Now! This month O Lord! Once You speak, I know it is done. Now we’re in July Daddy! I’m reminding You my Father and my God! This year is going again! This year is going again! We are already in the second half Lord! Arise O Lord! And give me my testimonies! Scatter Your enemies! Yes Lord! Glorify Your Name Daddy! Glorify Your Name Daddy! …… Glorify Your Name Daddy! Glorify Your Name now and we will praise You forever! Thank You Daddy! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!)

Just about 2-3 points to go and we will be finishing.

The devil knows that whenever our rulers make mistakes we are the ones who will suffer that is why we are going to pray, “Father, insulate our leaders from devils. Don’t let the devil penetrate, give them supernatural wisdom, supernatural understanding, supernatural; compassion!” Let’s pray for our leaders, let’s pray for our leaders. Let’s pray for our President, pray for all the ministers, pray for al the governors, all the Commissioners, all our leaders. Pray for all the traditional leaders; pray for all the spiritual rulers, pray for all local government chairmen and all Counsellors. Father, please surround them with your angels! Don’t let the devil penetrate. Don’t let them make mistakes. Let them guide us aright. Grant them supernatural wisdom, supernatural understanding, supernatural compassion. Please Lord, surround them. Don’t let them take wrong advice. Please Lord, for our sake, for the sake of all the masses. Please surround our leaders. Don’t let the enemy penetrate at all. Thank You my Father! Blessed be Your Name In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Next month is our Convention time. It’s going to be the biggest we have ever had. We want you to pray that the Almighty God Himself will come down; that the kind of miracles we have never seen will happen during the Convention; that everyone who will come will come in contact with God. Let’s pray for the Convention! “Your Convention is next month O Lord! Meet all our needs – physical, material, spiritual, emotional – all our needs Lord! Come down Yourself O Lord and come and rule supreme during Your Convention. Everyone who will come Lord, let them have an encounter with God, oh, so that they will all go home rejoicing! Please Lord, do marvellous things – do more than we can hope for and we will bless Your Name for it. Father, let all those who come, come in peace and go back in peace. Let there be no problems, no complications at all! Oh yes Father Glorify Your Name O Lord! Glorify Your Name O Lord! Glorify Your Name O Lord! In all the Convention Father, Glorify Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now finally any prayer requests of your own. God is here – no doubt about it. Thank You Lord! ……. Let’s begin to bring our prayers to a close. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Baba, baba, baba, baba, ese o baba….

Eternal rock of ages, we want to bless Your Name because Your Word says if we call on You You will answer us. (Amen!) We have called. We know You have heard and we know the answer has come. Glory be to Your Holy Name! Father Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed!

Let somebody shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!) I want you to shake hands with one or two people and tell the fellow, “You must hear my testimony soon” “You must hear my testimony soon” “You must hear my testimony soon” Thank You Father! Glory be to God! God bless you! You can be seated. Oh yes, so shall it be! Oh yes! Thank You Daddy! Glory be to God!

Daddy told me several things while we were praying but I couldn’t stop because I was enjoying the prayer and I’m sure you were enjoying it too.

For example, He said – there’s someone here, just when you are on the brink of succeeding you will have a dream, a particular dream and as soon as you have that dream, even if you were to sign the contract tomorrow it will be cancelled. The Lord asked me to tell you, you will never have that dream again! (Amen!) (Amen!)

He also said for example, that there’s a girl here, all the brothers will come and they tell you, “No, we’re sure God spoke to us and just as you are about to show interest they disappear. Now the Lord asked me to tell you, the mark of the enemy on you that they have been seeing and running is already gone.

There are several others – well, you will be telling me when the testimonies come. (Amen!)

For example, this one, there is a woman who had had 3 still-births. He said, “No more! (Amen!) No more! (Amen!)

I just want to talk to you for another 10 minutes and then we will do the next things that God wants us to do. 

How or what must I do so that my breakthrough will be permanent? And so that I will continue to get fresh breakthrough? You see because breakthroughs are in categories. The one who is digging a well and gets to water has had a breakthrough but if he digs further he may come across oil! The one who reached oil his breakthrough is bigger than the one who reached water because from the money he will make from the oil, if he wants, he can buy all the water in the world! I want to keep on having breakthroughs upon breakthroughs and whichever one I’ve got now I want to keep it, I don’t want to lose any.  So that’s why I want to talk to you for some few minutes and then we’ll just move on.

The man, the lame man that had a breakthrough, as soon as he got up, the first thing he did, he followed Peter and John to the temple. That was the first thing. He didn’t think of going home to go and show those who brought him there that he could now walk. The second thing that he was doing was that he was violently worshipping and praising God. The Bible said he was jumping, he was leaping and he was praising God! When you go through the Scriptures all those people whose breakthroughs were permanent they decided from that moment onwards that from now on we will worship God wholeheartedly! When God opened the eyes of Barthemeus in Mark 10:46-52 the Bible said he followed Jesus in the way. In 2 Kings 5:15-17 the Bible tells us that the moment Naaman was cleansed, he came straight back to Elisha and said, “Sir, please, I’ve brought a lot of present, please take them. Elisha said, “Thank you but God didn’t allow me to take them. He said, ”Then please can I ask you for a favour? Can I carry some soil from this place? From Israel, so that when I get home I will make an altar to the God of Israel? Because I will not serve any other God than the God of Israel.” These people decided from now on that I have got my breakthrough, I will serve God.

Second thing that you find that these people always do, those who retain their breakthroughs, they, from that moment, just keep on praising God. When you read Daniel 4:34-37, the moment God restored Nebuchadnezzar, after he had been mad for 7 years, he lifted up his eyes and said, “God, I know You are the Most High from now on I will praise You in humility.” he said, “because I have discovered whoever exalts himself You can abase.” He said, “From now I will begin to praise You.” In 2 Samuel 6:20-22 David said to Michal, the daughter of Saul, when that one said,”You are a king and you are dancing like ordinary people! You dance so much your belly showed out of your agbada! What kind of king are you?” He said, “I’m dancing before God, the God who took the kingdom from your father and gave it to me! That’s the one I’m dancing before! And then he said, “You have not seen anything yet! You thought I danced well today? Tomorrow I’m going to dance more!” That’s when whatever mistake Daddy, God forgave him. He said, “He is my friend because he knows how to praise me! He knows how to dance before me!”

When you read Mark 5:1-20, there was a mad man there that you know by now you are familiar with him – I’ve told you that among mad men he was a mad man. When mad people see him coming, they run! And when God set him free, he was never again occupied by another demon because Jesus said when a demon goes out of a man he goes around knocking at doors, “Can I come into your house?” And you say, “No, no, no, -go!” Then he goes to another place. When there is nobody who will allow him to come in he will go back to his former house and if he finds it empty, clean, not occupied by the Holy Spirit he will go and call other demons that he met on the way, “Come, come, come! I have room in my house!” But in the case of this man no demon ever came near him again? Why? Because everywhere he went he just kept on testifying, telling everybody – “I was mad but j made me whole. I was living among the dead and look at me, I am an evangelist for Jesus!” He kept telling people about what God has done. That’s why I’ve always said, “If God has done something for you – testify – so that the enemy cannot steal your testimony from you.

So to retain your breakthrough, serve him and keep praising him and keep testifying.

Now what do I do now to get more breakthroughs? To get bigger breakthroughs? My friend Solomon is the man that I studied on breakthroughs. In 2 Chronicles 1:6-12 he offered 1,000 burnt offerings to the Lord and God gave him a breakthrough. God visited him that night as he’s going to visit some people again tonight. (Amen!) And God asked him, “Ask whatever you want.” “I can’t think of anything….” If that’s not a breakthrough then what is a breakthrough? I mean, its just let’s say, the richest man in the world suddenly comes to me and gives me his chequebook and he has already signed, he has written my name and he says, “whatever amount you want, put there…..” I’m sure if he does that one for me, he will know he’s in trouble. In fact, I will say, wait a minute! You better put an upper limit otherwise by the time I finish maybe there’ll be very little left for you.” But the One who owns heaven and earth came to Solomon and said “Ask anything you want, just ask, no limit!” That was the first breakthrough for Solomon and he asked for wisdom, he asked for understanding and God said, “I will add djara to it – what you didn’t ask for I will give you!”

Solomon got everything he asked for and then in 2 Chronicles 7:5 Solomon said, “Wait a minute, if I gave 1000 burnt offering and I had a bit how about 22,000 oxen plus 120,000 sheep? What will come as a result of that? “ So he went ahead and he gave 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. When you get to verse 12, the Bible said, that night God came again. This time God didn’t say, “Ask what you want.” He said, “What you have not even asked for, you’ve already got it!” He said, “I’ve answered all your prayers!”

If you do something and it produces results, if you are wise, you will do it again. Tonight, we’re going to do something that we’ve not done before. In other words we are going to praise God the way we have not done before! Let me say, I want to praise God the way I have not done before because I don’t know about you. I know that whenever we have Holy Ghost Service we always end it up with a Thanksgiving Service. I know that and we give God a thanksgiving offering. We’re going to do the same thing but it will be different. It will be different in the sense that, number one, the offering we will give will be different; that even though we are sitting down, we will really be dancing where we are seated! And then, after the ushers have gone round because we don’t want to hinder them, then we are going to stand up and we are going to dance, even if it is only for 3 minutes and God will look down and say, “I have some Davids at Redemption Camp. We’re going to have a dancing competition here today. We want to see the one who can dance best for the Almighty God. Who thinks he can beat everybody tonight? We shall see! So let the ushers get ready to help us. I don’t know about you but I believe God has given somebody here a breakthrough. I know that there are at least three people here tonight who have received breakthroughs (Amen!) Myself, my wife and somebody else! Who is the other somebody? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Now we want to appeal to the band. You are wonderful people. God had used you mightily in the past. He will continue to use you mightily, but tonight we want the kind of song that you can even dance to when you are sitting down. We will prefer songs that we already know; not new ones that we’ll be learning and then we’ll miss the beat. And if possible, if we could just sing it simply so that while you are trying to put some funny variations we will not miss the beat. We want to really, really show the Almighty God we appreciate Him tonight. Are you ready? Well, over to you…..

O Lord I am very, very grateful, O Lord I am very, very grateful, I say thank You Jesus…..


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach