BORN TO BE GREAT 1st of April, 2005

Glory be to God! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Somebody is going higher today! Without any doubt the load of somebody is going to become lifted from now on. If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Alleluia! Alleluia! When I was praying concerning tonight Daddy told me that for someone this month of April will be the month of a major turn around. If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Alleluia! Alleluia!  

In John 11:35 we have probably the most frightening passage in the Bible. It says, Jesus wept. Whatever will cause the Almighty God to weep must be something serious. Here we saw Jesus Christ at the lowest valley in all His ministry. People on the cross they didn’t weep but here the Bible says Jesus wept. But within minutes by the time we got to John 11:33-34 we saw Him on the highest mountain of His ministry here on earth. He stood triumphantly and said, "Lazarus come forth!£ and the man who had been dead for four days came out. From the valley of sorrows to the height of triumph - within minutes. What happened?  

It’s because in between John 11:35 and John 11:44 is John 11:41. Jesus lifted His eyes to heaven and said, Father, I thank you. From the valley of sorrow to the height of joy and triumph only one thing – Father, I thank You. Father, I thank You. Somebody is going to move tonight from the valley of sorrow to the mountain top of triumph. (Amen!) And that fellow is going to do one thing: He’s going to say, Father, I thank You! Go ahead thank Him now! Thank the Almighty God! Bless Him! Praise Him! From the bottom of your heart! Glorify His Holy Name!

 Father, I thank You! I may have problems now but I thank You! I may be sick now but I thank You! My case may be considered hopeless now but I thank You! Father, I thank You! King of Kings! I thank You! Almighty God I thank You! The living God I thank You! Unchangeable Lord! I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! I thank You for Your greatness, for Your mercy, for Your Love, for Your patience! I thank You! I know You are there so I thank You! On Your throne – I bless Your name! I give You glory! I give You honour! I give You adoration! Baba I thank You! Unchangeable Lord! I thank You! Unchangeable Changer! I thank You! I bless Your name! I bless Your name! Father, I bless Your name! I thank You Lord! I thank You Lord! I thank You Lord! Father, I give You glory, I give You honour! I give You adoration! O Father, I thank You! I thank You Lord! I give You glory! I give You honour! I give You adoration! I bless Your Holy Name! It doesn’t matter what is happening now - I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! King of Glory I thank You!  Unchangeable Lord! I thank You! You are the One who can do all things! I thank You Lord! King of Glory I bless Your Name! I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! Almighty God I thank You! I Am that I AM I thank You! I bless Your Holy Name! I thank You Lord! I thank You my Father! I thank You my King! I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! Forever O Lord, I will praise You! I will adore You! I will magnify Your Holy Name! I know You will promote me, I know You will lift me high! I know You will grant me access to Yourself! Lord God Almighty!

I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! Father I thank You! I thank You for everything! I thank You for life. I thank You for joy! I thank You for victory! I thank You for every success! I thank You for answered prayers! I thank You Lord! I thank You! Father, I thank You! I thank You! Almighty God I thank You! King of Glory I thank You! The only One who can lift me up - I thank You! The only One who can lift me higher - I thank You! I thank You! I thank You! Almighty God! From the bottom of my heart I say thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I will thank You in the morning! I will thank You in the afternoon! I will thank You in the evening! I will thank You all the days of my life! Father I say thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Almighty God Thank You! Unchangeable Lord! Thank You! Glory be to Your Name! Father Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Blessed be Your Holy Name! King of Glory! Ancient of Days!! Unchangeable Lord!! I Am that I AM! Alpha and Omega! The Beginning and the ending! I bless Your Holy Name! Your Name is wonderful, You are the Counselor, You are the Everlasting Father, You are the Prince of Peace! I thank You! I thank You! Almighty God I thank You! I bless Your Holy Name! Rock of Ages! I bless Your Holy Name! I raise You Lord! I adore You! I magnify Your Holy Name!! Oh Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed be Your Holy Name! Lord Thank You Father! Glory! Glory! Glory be to Your Name! forever and ever! Glory be to Your Holy Name! forever and ever! Glory be to Your Holy Name! forever and ever! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

We serve a God that death cannot hold. He rose from the dead. I want you to lift your voice to Him and say, Father, the resurrection and the life – speak life into me today. The resurrection and the life speak life into me today! Speak life into my family! Speak life to my business! Speak life to my finances! Speak life to my ministry! Speak life O Lord! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life! That my dry bones may live again! Speak life! You are the resurrection and the life, Speak life Lord! Speak life! Speak life to me today! Speak life to my marriage! Speak life to my family! Speak life to my body, my soul, my spirit!! Almighty God Speak life! Speak life to Your Church! Speak life to my children! Speak life to my brain! Speak life to my flesh! Speak life O Lord to my bones! Speak life! Speak life today! Almighty God Speak life! Unchangeable Lord! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life that I may live! Speak life that I may live and not die! So that I can declare the works of the Lord! Speak life O God! Speak life! Speak life to my system! Wash out everything that is not of God out of me! Speak life O Lord ! Speak life! Thank You my Father In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Lift your voice to Him and say, Father, every shackle of Satan that is hindering my progress, destroy tonight!  Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! Every shackle of Satan..... hindering my progress... Every shackle of Satan - In my body, in my soul, in my spirit, that is hindering my progress, destroy tonight, destroy tonight! Destroy completely tonight! Destroy completely tonight! .... Every shackle of Satan destroy! destroy! destroy! destroy! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

If I were to tell you that all the prayers you pray tonight will be answered I think It will be good if you pray with all  your heart. Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say, Father, from tonight onwards, let me live for You! Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God!  Let me live for You Father! Let me live for You! Let my hands serve You! Let my legs serve You! Let my voice serve You! Let my eyes! My ears! My head! My body! My all! My family! Let me serve You! Let me live for You! Let me live for You O Lord ! Let me live for You! Let me live for You! All the days of my life! Let me live for You Lord! Let me live for You! Let me live for You! Let me live for You Lord! In every facet of my life. Let me live for You Father! Let me live for You - In word, in thought, in deed. Let me live for You ! All the days of my life! Let me live for You Father! Almighty God Let me live for You! To spend all my days for You! Let me live for You Lord! Let me live for You! Let me live for You! For the rest of my life. Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Then you lift voice to Him and you say, Father, make me a mighty vessel unto honour! Use me to heal, use me to raise the dead, use me to win millions into Your Kingdom! Make me a mighty vessel unto honour! Let's talk to the Almighty God! A mighty vessel unto honour – that’s what I want to be Lord! Healing the sick, raising the dead, performing miracles, signs and wonders for You! Serving You al the days of my life, bringing millions into Your kingdom. Make me a mighty vessel unto honour! For the rest of my life! Make me a mighty vessel unto honour! A mighty vessel unto honour! Not an ordinary vessel! A mighty vessel unto honour in the hands of You the Almighty God! Use me to heal the sick, use me to cast out demons, use me to raise the dead, use me to populate Your kingdom – Make me a  mighty vessel unto honour! A mighty, mighty vessel unto honour! A mighty vessel unto honour! A mighty vessel unto honour O Lord! A mighty, mighty vessel unto honour! mighty vessel unto honour in Your hands Lord! Make me A mighty vessel unto honour in Your hands Lord – to the glory of Your Holy Name! Make me A mighty vessel unto honour! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Then lift your voice to Him and say Father, establish my dominion today and forever! Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! Establish my dominion today and forever! Establish my dominion today and forever! Establish my dominion now and forever! Establish my dominion this very moment and for the rest of my life! Establish my dominion Lord forever and ever! Forever and ever! Establish my dominion Lord forever and ever! …. Establish my dominion now and forever! And ever and ever O Lord! Establish my dominion Almighty God forever and ever and ever! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

And now you lift your voice to Him and say Father, Any evil that I have done that my children may have to inherit -  cancel it tonight, cancel it tonight, Speak to the Almighty! Any evil that I have done that my children may have to inherit Father, cancel with Your blood! cancel with Your blood! cancel with Your blood! cancel it with Your Blood! cancel with Your blood!  Any evil that I might have done that my children may have to inherit that may cause sorrow in their lives, cancel it O Lord tonight! O Lord because of the power that is in Your Blood, Any evil that I have done that my children may have to inherit Father, cancel it with Your blood! cancel it with Your blood! cancel it with Your blood! cancel it with Your blood! Blessed be Your Holy Name!  Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

This is a very important prayer. There are some of us today who are suffering because of what our great grandfather did. Let’s call on Jesus Christ and say Father, everything in the past that is troubling my present remove it tonight O Lord! Remove it O Lord!  Speak to the Almighty God! Anything in the past that is still disturbing my present O Almighty God remove it tonight, wipe it out, clean it up completely! Anything in my past, anything my parents did, anything my grandparents did, anything that anybody did in the past that is disturbing my present please cancel them, wipe them out; wipe them out completely! Wipe them out completely!! Wipe them out completely! Wipe them out completely! Anything that I have done, that my parents have done, any generational curse – wipe them out Lord, wipe them out completely!! Wipe them out tonight! Don’t let any remain! Don’t let any remain! Don’t let any remain! Don’t let any remain! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

In the last weekend of this month Benny Hinn will be having a crusade here. I want you to pray now that the kind of miracles, signs and wonders that had never happened before in the ministry of our brother, will happen during this particular crusade. Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty!  The kind of miracles, signs and wonders which the Almighty God had never done before in the ministry of our bother Benny Hinn, perform them during this particular crusade! Stretch forth Your mighty hand Lord, Rend down the heavens O Lord, pour down your anointing like never before! Let there be miracles, let there be signs, let there be wonders, let there be salvation, let there be healings, let there be deliverance! Move mightily O Lord! Move mightily! Move mightily! Move mightily O Lord! Move mightily! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Now whatever special thing you want of God, that turn-around that you must have this month so that Your joy may be full, go ahead, ask the Lord. Ask God now…….. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Now I want you to pray for your neighbour now. Join hands together and pray for the brother or sister you are holding. And say, Father Do something new in the life of my brother, my sister tonight. Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God!.  Father, do something new, something new, something wonderful, something good, something glorious, something miraculous, something divine, something unforgettable – do it in the life of my brother tonight! Do something new O Lord! Do something new! Almighty God do something new! Do something new! Do something new! O Lord Do something new! Do something new! Do something new! Something that Your son will never forget. Do something new! Take all the glory for it! Do something new Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Now I want all of us to go on our knees. First I want you to pray for me before I pray for you. Go ahead, pray! Wish me whatsoever you wish yourselves. Remember the Law of Harvest. Go ahead pray! … Angels are singing… You are worthy O l! You are worthy O Lord! You are worthy O Lord!…. 

Eternal Rock of Ages! we bless Your Holy Name!! You are worthy to be praised; You are worthy to be adored! There is n one like You – King of Kings!! Lord of Lords!! I Am that I AM! Ancient of Days!! Unchangeable Lord!! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Accept our worship in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) This month O Lord, do something new in the lives of Your children, Promote them! Lift them higher! Everything trying to tie them down – destroy! (Amen!) Every yoke of Satan hindering their progress destroy! (Amen!) Like never before visit Your children (Amen!) ….. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) The one who is going to receive the greatest miracle tonight shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Shake hands with one or two people and say, Happy Easter! Happy Easter! And then you may be seated but those who are born in the month of April remain standing. All April children can stand. Happy Birthday to you all!  

My Father and my God I want to commit into Your hands all Your children born in the month of April because April is the 4th month of the year representing the East, the West, the North and the South, I hereby decree for these Your children that help will come from the East, (Amen!) ,  help will come from the West, (Amen!) help will come from the North, (Amen!) help will come from the South (Amen!) All you children of April, this will be a month you will never forget in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) God will bless you, God will prosper you, God will promote you and you will serve the Lord! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) April children shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) All right. It’s going to be great tonight. I thank God for the message brought by my son Bishop Olawale Wilson. I don’t know about you but I’m going higher; I’m going higher day by day! I thank God for the choir they are getting better day-by-day, while I have decided to include in my name the word ‘lifted’. There’s nothing wrong if suddenly you hear me introduce myself as OluwaGbemiga.. How many of you will be lifted by the Lord this month? Let me hear you shout a big Alleluia! (Alleluia!) 

Luke 1:30-33

    And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.  [Somebody will find favour with God tonight. (Amen!)] And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great [I will be great too. What about you?], and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.  

This night when we are having a special Holy Ghost Service for our children I want to talk to you on born to be great. I know there is somebody here who is born to be great and one of the ways we know such people is that they know how to praise God! …. There are many children who are here tonight who are born to be great. If you are one of them Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) 

God does not do anything without a purpose. Acts 15:18 He said, Known unto God are all His ways before the foundations of the earth. Romans 9:17; God said concerning Pharaoh for this purpose I raised you up that I might show my power in thee. He said to Pharaoh, the reason I raised you high is that when I drown you everybody will pay attention! Nobody is born without a purpose. Everybody is born for a certain purpose. The Lord Jesus Christ was born to be a Saviour; David was born to be a king. I am born to be great, what about you? 

When Jesus saw the man who was born blind in John 9:1-7 the disciple said, Who sinned that this man was born blind? Is it himself or the parents? Jesus said no, no, it’s not a matter of sin now; this one was born blind so that the glory of God night be revealed in him. So that when I open his eyes everyone will give glory to God!! There is somebody here tonight by the time God finishes with you the whole world will glorify God. (Amen!) 

Everyone is born to be something. Jeremiah 1:4-5, the Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; while you were in your mother’s womb I had already sanctified you a prophet. Nobody is an accidental birth. Everybody who has come into this world has come for a purpose. The unfortunate thing is that millions never discover the purpose for which they were born. They come, they live, they eat, they drink at times they marry, they work and they die without finding out why am I here? So they just come and go like that. Some people like David; he discovered by accident why he was born. He thought he was going to be a shepherd all hiss life but by accident he discovered, no, no, no, I'm not just a shepherd, I’m a king! Some people discover why they have come when they were young. Samuel discovered when he was still a child. There are many children here tonight who will discover why they were born. Some discover when they are old. Moses did not fully discover why he was born until he was eighty years old.! Some discover at the midday of their life. Saul of Tarsus one afternoon discovered on the road to Damascus why God created him. I pray for you tonight that before you leave this place, one way or the other, you will discover why you came into the world. (Amen!) 

Some people who discovered their purpose they achieved that purpose fully. Joseph discovered that he was born to be a ruler., He had 2 strange dreams and they told him clearly: boy you may be small now but you are going to be great. And he achieved that purpose. Saul of Tarsus as soon as he discovered his purpose, he pursued it relentlessly so that by the time he was about to die, in 2 Tim.4:7 he said, I have finished my course, I have fulfilled my purpose. I pray for you, every one of you here tonight, you will not die until you fulfill your purpose. (Amen!) 

Some people only partially achieve their purpose, only partially. Somebody like Joshua. He knew that he was to be the one to take over the Promised Land and divide it among the children of Israel. But in Joshua 13:1 the Bible says, Joshua was old and God said to Joshua you are old you are about to die and yet there is much land to be possessed. No other thing – sorry Joshua you didn’t fully fulfill your purpose. Some people never even enter into the purpose of their lives at all! Like Gehazi. He was the servant of the most powerful man of God on earth. The purpose of God for him was that he would multiply the power of Elisha at least by two! Instead he ended up a leper. I pray for you one more time. The purpose of God for your life shall be fulfilled in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

Now for those who achieve the purpose of their lives they have to pass through a series of open doors and the interesting thing about these open doors is that each door is opened through a period of crisis. Either the crisis is for the fellow who is passing through the open door or the crisis is in the life of someone close to the fellow who has to pass through the open door. For example, every time a child is born the mother must pass through a crisis. And if you don’t know that they pass through a crisis you should go to the maternity ward when a woman is about to deliver.  You will discover that a woman with PhD. Will be like an illiterate when it comes to delivery time. Have you ever seen a woman who is about to deliver? Who is smiling at her husband? Who’s saying Hello darling! Kiss me darling? Many-a-time hey don’t even want to see the man! How many people know what I’m talking about? A woman goes through a crisis and through the crisis a door opens and a child comes into the world. As soon as a child enters into the world it is to move to the next stage of its life, it has to go into a crisis when they wean the child. All of a sudden, the milk that the child had been enjoying since birth is taken away and the child will say what have I done? The child will cry and scream, the breast is there, milk is there but they won’t let the child have it! The child goes through a crisis to begin to move to the next stage of life. Then the child grows, goes to school and the time comes for him to go to the boarding house and the child goes through a crisis – for the first time away from home, away from friends, going to sleep in a strange place with strange faces. But he has to go through the crisis to be able to get to the next stage.

 What am I saying? There are some of you who have been going through some crisis – it is because the door is about to open. (Amen!) I say the door is about to open. (Amen!)  

We are going to consider the example of some great people in the Bible and you will see how they moved higher and higher as one door opened after the other and each door opened during a crisis. Let’s take Abraham, his first open door came in Genesis 12:1-3 Here was a man who was born to be a blessing. The Almighty God created Abraham so that he can be a blessing. Today we all sing and we say Abraham’s blessings are mine. He was born to be a blessing but when the first door was going to open to him it was a crisis because he was 75 years old and God said unto him, Abraham I want you to get up now, pack all your things, get away from your family to a land I will show you. 75-year-old man. God told him to relocate and he didn’t even know where he was going. It’s good if you are a child and you are asked to relocate but 75 years old to go to a land that I don’t even know at all? Just get out and begin to walk? But then God was taking him to the land where he will become a blessing. There’s somebody here tonight beginning from this month God will lead you to where you will be a blessing. (Amen!) 

When he got to where he was going he met another crisis. There was famine in the land and so he had to run to Egypt. The crisis in Egypt was even bigger than the one he had before.Genesis 12:14-20: Immediately he got to Egypt the king saw the wife and said O, she’s a beautiful woman and took over the wife! You can imagine that kind of situation. But in that crisis God opened a second door towards Abraham. When he was being chased out or asked to leave the Almighty God gave him the kind of wealth that he never even thought he could ever have. I know there is someone here tonight, this month the door to supernatural wealth will be opened to you. (Amen!) 

One of my sons had a crisis in his place of work. The crisis was so much he had to run away from Nigeria. And when he got to where he was going  everything changed, the tide turned, even his wife was riding a Mercedes Benz whereas when they were here they were managing a second-hand car! I don’t know who I’m talking too but the door is opening for somebody tonight  (Amen!) – the door of supernatural wealth. (Amen!)

 Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said I should tell you, I have never referred a case. He said I should tell you I will handle your case personally. (Amen!) I want to say Amen to that. 

Then Abraham had another problem: his own people and the people of his cousin Lot, they began to quarrel – quarrel everyday – quarrel in the morning, quarrel in the evening and another door opened through the crisis. You can read it from Genesis 13:7-17 and all of a sudden as Abraham told Lot to go his way and I will go my way, as soon as they parted, because of the crisis of family problems, God opened another door and told Abraham, walk as far as you like, every land you see I will give it to you. Before that moment Abraham was an ordinary tenant but that day he became a landlord. There is a tenant here tonight, the door for you to become a landlord has just opened. (Amen!) You better say Amen to that. (Amen!)

Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said whatever was not in you when I created you will be driven out tonight! (Amen!) 

And then Abraham was in the height of another crisis. His barrenness now had reached a level that is supposed to be incurable. The wife is 90 years old. He himself is almost 100. He couldn’t even meet with his wife anymore. It was clear that the wife was going to die barren. That was the crisis in the family. And then another door opened and God came visiting. The Almighty God is going to visit somebody here tonight. Genesis 18:1-14, the Almighty God paid the man who was supposed to be beyond repairs as far as barrenness is concerned a visit and the tide turned.  

I’m sure you will remember the story of a woman who had been barren for several years and the husband had spent a lot of money until one day they visited a professor. And the professor called the husband after a lot of tests and said, Man, stop wasting your money. Your wife can never have a baby! Because she has no ovary so there is no way she can ever have a child. When the husband told the wife – Talk of a crisis! She was devastated! She said Alright if that is the case let me just go home and eat and die! It was in that crisis that the husband said, We have heard the doctor’s report. Let us go and hear Jesus report! Somebody will hear good news here today! (Amen!)

And he came to one of our programmes when we were still in the old auditorium, during one of the Conventions, and it was the time to pray for the barren. I didn’t know who and who were there. All I knew was that we laid hands on this woman and the woman fell under the power of God and remained on the ground for almost one hour. I though because it was night, maybe she was trying to have a little nap. I didn’t know God was performing an operation. The following year she returned with her child. Everybody who is here tonight in the crisis of barrenness – God will open a door unto you. (Amen!)  

And then Abraham had another crisis. Suddenly God called him in Genesis 22:1-18 and said, that boy that I’ve given you, I want him back. I want you to sacrifice him unto me – that your son that you love. I want him now, as a sacrifice. Talk of a crisis! But through that crisis the door opened for Abraham to pass the covenant of blessing to his son. That’s when God said by myself have I sworn in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your seed. God said initially, through you the world will be blessed but through this crisis God said – through your seed will the whole earth be blessed. There is someone here tonight, in the name that is above every other name, your children will be greater than you. You will pass your test.  

Thank You Father! I think I can say Amen to this one before I tell you. The Lord said there is someone here tonight,, your promotion will no longer be subject to negotiation. (Amen!) And I say Amen again because the Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said one day the whole world will celebrate your birthday! (Amen!) 

Let me take another example. Let’s take Sampson. 

Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight,- who’s been getting tired easily, He said He has taken care of that. (Amen!) 

He said there’s a woman here, your womb is as if fire is burning there. He said but the womb is cool now so that you can produce your children

Sampson. Sampson was born to be a great warrior; a deliverer and then he had to go through some open doors. The first open door was that the parents were barren. They were in a crisis of barrenness in Judges 13:1-20. The parents of Sampson were barren. They were in the crisis of barrenness when the Almighty God came and paid them a visit. Again and again, I am convinced that somebody is going to receive divine visitation this month., And through this crisis Sampson had a door opened unto him before he was born. He was anointed from the womb. Before he was born God anointed him. How many of you have your children here tonight? Well congratulations because your children will be anointed here tonight. (Amen!)  

And then the second door opened unto Sampson after he was born. He didn’t know how powerful he is. All he knew was that the spirit of God was moving him at times. But in Judges 14:5-6 he was minding his own business when a lion roared at him and it looked as if premature death was going to be his portion. Then all of a sudden a door opened up to him – the power of God that was with in him came to the surface and he took the lion and tore it apart. You know there are several people, they don’t even know the gift of God inside them until they are faced with a crisis. I am saying to someone here tonight – every gift that God has deposited in  you will begin to manifest from now on in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

I know one of my Pastors, he didn’t even know that he has the power or the ability to pastor. Somebody lied against him to the Pastor and his Pastor then began to hate him and began to ill-treat him. It got to a stage he went to the Pastor, If you don’t want me here then tell me…  The Pastor said, Ehh! We don’t want you here! Go! Okay! I’m a member of the Redeemed. If you ask me to leave this place, I will go but I’m not going to another church. And the boy left. Himself and his wife. I think 2 children. The following Sunday they held a service in their sitting-room. The following Sunday they told the children of the neighbours who were playing football outside – Come and join us! Let’s sing choruses. They joined them. The following Sunday the parents of those children joined them. Today his church is one of the biggest! He didn’t know he could be a Pastor but crisis pushed him!  Every power of God that had been lying hidden within you shall begin to come forth this month in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

And then Sampson had another crisis – the relatives combined, bound him and handed him over to the enemy. Judges 15:1-15. His own relatives bound him and handed him over to the enemy - to kill him. But than another door opened. The fire of God came down, destroyed the yokes. He found the jawbone of an ox and became the first fellow to fulfill the promise of God that one of you will chase a thousand. In his own case he didn’t even chase them – he killed them! Every promise of God for you that had been hanging, this month they shall become fulfilled in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

The relatives thought he was finished and then the door opened and the one they thought was finished was just beginning. They may think that you are finished but in the mighty name of Jesus you will surprise them! (Amen!)  

I think I’ve told you the story before of a man whose wife was sick in the hospital. They went to visit and the doctor said: Sorry sir, this woman cannot last for the next 2 hours. And he went home rejoicing, told his concubine: Come over, this stupid fellow is going to be dead with 2 hours. The concubine came and they were enjoying themselves. But after the doctor left. Somebody came in – another doctor. He didn’t pass through the door. He came right through the wall. The One whose name is the Door and laid a hand on this woman: They say you are finished but you are just beginning. The woman got up, completely healed. Told the doctors, I am well. They examined her – found her completely well and discharged her. When she got home she met the husband and the concubine. They didn’t even bother to close the door because they were not expecting anybody. Those who think you are finished; they are going to get a surprise this month in Jesus' Name! (Amen!)

Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here, your memory had been fading. The Lord asked me to tell you He has given you a brand new memory. (Amen!) 

The Lord said there is someone here tonight,, He said I should tell you, your baby will soon be on your lap. (Amen!) 

The Lord said there is someone here tonight,, He said, I will restore your glory soon. (Amen!)

 And soon Sampson had another crisis in Judges 16:1-3. He was shut in by the enemy, with their mighty gates, and they were waiting for midnight so they can finish him off. But like Bishop Omawale said, the gate of power opened and all of a sudden, he uprooted the gates of the enemy. Beginning from now, every one of you who had been shut in by the gates of the enemy, the gates shall be uprooted in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

I remember the story of a young man – either 1981 or 1982, his brother lured him into a secret society and a day was fixed when the boy was going to die. He knew the day was near so he decided that he would go to Daily Times of Nigeria, tell them his story so that when he dies they will know what happened. When he got there, the journalist that he met – its Pastor Oladimeji, he’s here tonight – he told him the story. He said, my death is certain and I want my story to be published.  And that brother said, no-no, no, I know a pastor…. If you go to him he will do something so you won’t die. So he brought the young man to me and we told him, Will you give your life to Jesus? It will change everything. He said Yes, he surrendered his life and as he was about to leave my office, the spirit of God said to me, there was a chain he was wearing – the Lord said, ask him to drop that chain. And the boy looked surprised. What do you know about this chain? I don’t know anything about it but God says don’t go with the chain. Apparently that chain is what they wear. Every member of the secret society must wear that chain… His brother had already gone home, to announce that he had already died bit when death came he was looking for somebody wearing a chain and he couldn’t find the fellow. If death comes looking for you, he won’t find you in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

And then Sampson had another crisis. His hair was cut off. His eyes were removed. He found himself in a crisis of shame and defeat and torture. In Judges 16:21-30. But in this moment of crisis his hair began to grow again. Another door opened unto him, another door that enabled him to recover an opportunity he had lost. Another door that allowed him to kill more of his enemies at a go than he destroyed when he was alive. And I know there is somebody here tonight, every opportunity you had lost, in the mighty name of Jesus, will be restored tonight. (Amen!)  

I know what it is to be in contact with God and then to lose that contact. It is a serious crisis. I’ve been through it so I know. I’ve told you the  story before. I was a young Christian – very, very early in my Christian life, I started hearing from God. Little, little things. Before I left home God will say Oh it is Pastor so-and-so who will preach today. This is the topic he’ll be talking on. These are the hymns that you will sing. Don’t go in that direction – there is traffic jam there. Little, little things. I was enjoying it. And then one day something happened because at that time I was the interpreter for the General Superintendent. I was a University lecturer, big man! Everybody left me alone to interpret for the General Superintendent. But one day, one Pastor came and just said, Ehh, you will interpret for me today. Ah I was arguing. Who does he think he is? Doesn’t he know I am interpreter for the General Superintendent? Of course I didn’t say anything but if he could see my heart he wouldn’t stand by me on the pulpit that day. He preached. I interpreted. After the message on my way home God spoke to me and said, So, you are now too big to interpret for my Pastor! That was the last I heard., I didn’t hear from Him anymore.  

Oh, the pain, the agony, and as soon as the devil discovered that I wasn’t hearing from God anymore he moved in! Every traffic jam in Lagos, he made sure I entered into it. I prayed. I begged God. Please, I’m sorry. I will interpret for anybody, anyone form now on. But He didn’t answer! Until the door opened and I said to God, Forgive me this once but if I’m going to offend You tomorrow, take me away today. That was the beginning of my holiness. It’s a covenant between me and my God: if I’m going to offend You tomorrow, take me away today. It came as a result of the crisis and all of a sudden He began to talk to me again and He’s still talking to me! Glory be to God! forevermore and He has just said that there is someone here tonight, He said, I’m going to perform a miracle in you life that will frighten your neighbours. (Amen!) 

Let me take another example. Let me take the example of David. He was born to be king. Not only to be king but even the father of the king of kings! That’s the text we read, it said, Jesus is going to be born to be great and God will give him the throne of his father David. But when David was born it took a crisis for the first door to be opened unto him. A king had fallen out of favour with God and therefore there must be a replacement. And at that time Davis was having his own crisis – ignored by the father, hated by his brothers. He was left alone in the bush when every other fellow was enjoying. But then the first door opened: 1 Samuel 16:11-13 Samuel summoned him. He said go and get that boy. All the children who are here tonight, I rejoice with you because I believe the Almighty God summoned you and the first door to your greatness will be opened tonight in Jesus mighty Name! (Amen!). 

He was a nobody but the door to his greatness opened. The man of God sent for him. I never forgotten the story of a young boy. When I became GO in 1981, everyday this boy will give me one naira. Every Sunday one naira. One naira was big then I think almost equal to one pound.  This boy, every Sunday he will come, very little thing then one day the Spirit in me said, Bless that child! And I blessed him -  Just like I’m blessing all Your children  Not long ago I was in London for Holy Ghost Service and one young man came unto me and gave me an envelope. When I looked at the money I was surprised. I looked at the boy, I looked at the amount and they don’t seem to correlate. And the boy knew I would be surprised. He said, Daddy you don’t remember me? I’m that small boy that was giving you one-one naira. I promise you Daddy I’m going to buy you a jet. I’ve not got there yet but what I’m giving you now is to let you know I will get there. I said to the boy, As the Lord lives not only will you get there, you will surpass there. (Amen!) Now I’m saying to those of you, all of you who wish me well – you will reach your goal in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) I didn’t expect a lot of Amen to that one. (Amen!) I say those who wish me well you will reach your own goal too. (Amen!) 

The second door to David opened when King Saul had a crisis in 1 Samuel 16:15-23

Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here, I will cause the enemy to release your dreams they have stolen. (Amen!) I say Amen to this new one too. 

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He says you will taste my sweetness afresh. (Amen!) That must be me.  

Saul had a crisis and was mad and his madness opened the door to David and they summoned David to the palace. The shepherd boy who had never been anywhere near the palace before suddenly found himself in the palace, learning the ways of the palace before he was allowed to sit on the throne. He didn’t go there on his own. He was summoned. Somebody is going to receive an invitation to greatness tonight. Whoever God will use to promote you just as Pharaoh had a crisis that brought Joseph to the throne whoever God will use to promote you will have a strange dream tonight in Jesus' Name! (Amen!).  

Thank You Father!  

Then David had another door opened unto him. Goliath showed up. He became a terror to the nation. Up to that time nobody knew there was a warrior called David. He had killed a lion. Nobody knew. He had killed a bear. Nobody knew. But then a crisis came in 1 Samuel 17:22-27 that led David to his revelation until he became introduced to Israel. The giant crisis that was facing everybody that day, introduced David to the whole of Israel. We may not know it but this is our future King. There is somebody tonight who is passing through a giant crisis but that crisis is going to lead you to your elevation. (Amen!) 

Take my example. 2 elephants would not have succeeded in dragging me to the Redeemed Christian Church of God. When I was a student at the University of Lagos one of my friends, another postgraduate student was doing Geography and he was doing his study on the coastline of Lagos and I followed him one day to Ebute-Metta to  dig some sand from the lagoon around where Redeemed Christian Church of God is. We saw the church….. Ugly-looking thing! And with a big sign-board the Redeemed Christian Church of God and I told my friend, Look at this one: Big name for a small dog. Look at the big name, look at the church .. and we laughed! I didn’t know that’s where I was going to end! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! Until I had a giant crisis that all my degrees could not handle. I had a problem that all my mathematical equations could not solve. Glory be to God! Then somebody said, Ah there is a church, God is answering prayers there! I said where is it? They said, Ebute-Metta. What’s the name? …. As soon as they mentioned the name I remembered. I remembered because we had just laughed at the name. And today because of that giant crisis I am standing before you. The crisis in your life will lead to your elevation in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

Then David had another crisis. The king began to pursue him and he ended up at Addullam. 1 Samuel 22:1-2. It was during the crisis of being a fugitive that David became a captain. He became the captain of those people who became his mighty men. Some people are chasing you about now, pushing you around, harassing you. They don’t know what they are doing. They are bout to open the door of your promotion. (Amen!) As a young pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God one way or the other I just found that I became the favourite of the General Superintendent which created a problem, understandably… some people had been in the church since 1952. I came in 73, an ordinary upstart and now Papa began to treat me like his first-born because he had seen the future. So problems came for me. So I ran away from Lagos and I ran to Ilorin. But it was while we were in Ilorin that things began to happen. That’s when Digging Deep started. That’s when Faith Clinic started. That’s when the mighty men began to gather together. The people you call the AGOs today, that’s when God started to raise them up; the elders that’s when God began to raise them up. The mighty men of the Redeemed Christian Church of God were raised up during my days of running about. Today there is somebody who’s been running from enemies. The people you are running from they will bow before you. (Amen!) I say they will bow before you. (Amen!)     

We’ll take just one more example. Let me take the example of Solomon. Thank You Father!

 The Lord said there is a woman here they told you that the baby in your womb is bridge. The Lord asked me to tell you He has repositioned the baby. (Amen!)

I want to say Amen to the next one. The Lord said this month, there’s someone here, this month, will mark the beginning of your years of fortune. (Amen!)

Solomon. Solomon was born to be unique. He was born to be different from any other fellow but the doors to his prominence came one crisis after another. If you read 1 Kings 1: 5-40David was on his throne and one of his sons decided that he was going to be king. He went, he installed himself as king. At that moment the door opened, a prophet combined with the mother of Solomon and they took Solomon to David and he was installed king. Solomon is the only king in history that was made a king when there were two other kings alive. Three kings in Israel, the same day! David the original king, the rebel and Solomon! That tells you that Solomon was born to be unique.  

Anytime there is a crisis of betrayal, when people you trust disappoint you it means God is about to open a door, a great door! So if there is anybody here who has been betrayed; somebody who had been disappointed – good news for you! A door is about to open! (Amen!) A great door is about to open. (Amen!) I could give you an example from my life but if I tell you it will embarrass some people so I will jump it. Let me tell you the truth. Apart from the day I got born again, the greatest thing that had happened to me in the ministry was the day I was betrayed. So those of you who have been betrayed rejoice because God is about to open a door. (Amen!) 

And then another crisis came. This time again it came in the life of David that led to an open door on the life of Solomon. David said, I want to build a house for God, God said no you have been a man of war I won’t let you but I will let your son. The day God limited the achievement of David, He opened the door to Solomon. In 2 Samuel 7:1-16. As soon as God said to David, this is how far you will go, in the same breathe He was saying this is where your son will take off from. I have good news for somebody here tonight – no matter how great your father becomes, you will be greater than your father. (Amen!) If you are the one you better say Amen to that.  

My father in the Lord was a mighty man of God. Those who knew him they know what I’m talking about. Mighty man of God. Powerful prayer warrior,; close contact with God; mighty, really mighty man of God. And I had known, God had told me that I would be succeeding him. But I didn’t want to, no not at all, it was a big struggle. And I remember that day, I was in a town called Ilesha, eating pounded yam when a car parked in front of my house. As soon as the car parked, I heard God speak: the time has come. When those people in the car came and I knew they were from Lagos – the driver was the driver of my father-in-the-Lord. They saw me eating. So I said, I hope all is well! They said, Finish your food. I knew immediately that my father was gone and I knew that all my plans – I want to be Vice-Chancellor of a University, I want …  – that ended that day. It was a time of crisis. It was a time of sorrow but it was also the day the door opened; the kind of door that brought all of you here tonight. The door to your greatness will begin tonight in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

And then Solomon became king and he had a crisis, In 2 Chronicles 1:6-12 this young man has just offered to God a thousand burnt offerings. And then God came and said, Ask what I shall give you. Many of you don't see that as a crisis but suppose somebody comes to you today and gives you a cheque – blank cheque, already signed and he asks you: Write whatever you like there – you will know you have a crisis. He says, Don't limit – just anything you want - write ! What will you write? One million? Ten? Hundred? When  you don't know whether another opportunity like that will ever come again. The cheque is in your hand, signed and he tells you – Write how much you want, yourself! I'm telling you there is no crisis like that because if you write 100 million as soon as you do that you will ask yourself, why did I stop at hundred million? Hundred million can do a lot. I can buy a car I can build a house. Then suddenly you will remember there are some people who had planes. And suddenly you will remember, Why should I build a house for myself alone? I can build one for my father, build one for my mother, build…. So you can see this man had a crisis already.. Glory be to God! 

He has the crisis of choosing correctly when God says, Anything you want. But the door opened for him - he chose wisely. And God told him that day the reason why he was born. He said there will be no king like you before you, neither will there be anyone like you after you. He said, You will be unique. All of you who are generous givers, I decree that God will give you a blank cheque tonight in Jesus' Name! (Amen!)  

I'm sure you remember the origin of the Holy Ghost Service In case you don't know I'll tell you. I was in London preparing our Sunday School pamphlet. we had only one parish in London then so I can do my work quietly. All the people in the church there they were less than 50, so even if all of them had problem, I can deal with it in one day so they let me rest. So I was there writing the Sunday School  when God said, Son what do you want for your birthday? My birthday was very near then so I said Lord, If that is You could You repeat that question. Yes Son, What do you want for your birthday? If that is the case I want a miracle for every member of my congregation. He said,  Is that all? I said, That's all. He said, Okay when you get back home call them together and conduct a service and I will give everyone f them a miracle. What service shall we call it? Then He said, Holy Ghost service. That's how the Holy Ghost Service started. Now today there is Holy Ghost Service in Nigeria. There's Holy Ghost Service in London. We've had the Holy Ghost Service in Israel, America, South Africa, Hong Kong, in the Philippines, in Germany – all over the world. God will give somebody a blank cheque tonight (Amen!) And the Holy Spirit will help you write in the correct thing in Jesus' Name! (Amen!)  

And then Solomon had a second crisis. The second crisis is the crisis of beating his own record. Here is somebody who has  already given a thousand offerings. How can I beat my own record? What can I do now that will be better than what I have already done? And thank God he passed the test. In 1 Kings 8:63 he did much, much, much more than he has done before. And God came a second time. This time God didn't come to ask him anything. God came to put a seal on his greatness and up till today you will never find anyone who had been richer than Solomon. Your dominion will be established tonight in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) 

Not long ago, I mean years ago, I was praying to God …… Son I want you to give me your 2 jeeps. I pretended I didn't hear! I said, Which one? He said, Both. Thank God I passed the test. You will pass all your tests in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) We have been seeing the results since then. the results have been coming since then. Everywhere we turn now, help comes. Look at the television cable network now, we just announced it last month and already a group of people had already contacted us. Oh we rejoice with you about what God is doing! We will like to translate all your sermons to Russian so that the Russians can hear the good news. Another group had already contacted us O we would like to take your programme and broadcast it all over Israel. I mean when you think about all these things you will know that your own doors to prominence has already opened. (Amen!) If you believe that let me hear you say Amen (Amen!) 

Now it is one thing for the door to open. It is another thing to walk through them.  

Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight He said I should tell you to regard all your past as your night of weeping and get ready for your morning of rejoicing. (Amen!)  

Somebody should get ready for the morning of joy. When the sun rise tomorrow morning your day of joy begins. (Amen!) If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) 

Almost everybody to whom doors had opened needed someone to push them through the door. Joseph was pushed by his brothers. They pushed him through the first open door. The wife of Potiphar pushed him through the second open door. Just kept pushing. David was pushed to prominence by Goliath and even Samuel needed Eli to push him into his destiny. Because when God called Samuel, Samuel didn't know who was calling! It was Eli who said, when e=next He calls, say speak Lord, they servant heareth. That is why somebody is going to lay hands on you tonight. the one who lays hands on you tonight is going to push you through your open door. In Deuteronomy 4:39 the Bible says, Joshua , the son of Nun , was full of the  spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. Moses lad his hands on Joshua and pushed him into his destiny. Samuel poured oil on the head of David and from that day on the Spirit of God came and the shepherd boy became a king. In Acts 9:10-21 God told Ananias Go and lay your hands on Saul of Tarsus, he is a chosen vessel unto me, but first your hands must be on him. Tonight at the appropriate time the ministers of God who have been preparing, who have been praying; upon whom, by the grace of God, I had laid my own hands, they will come and lay hands on your children first and then on every other fellow and by so doing they will push you through your open doors. And I believe the Almighty God that by the time you come in May you will have testimonies of greatness. (Amen!) 

I'm sure I've shared this with you before. Apart from my own father-in-the-Lord who had laid his hands on me in ordination another man of God that I liked very much was Kenneth Hagin. I've told you the story before. We went to attend his conference, camp meeting in 1979 and for the first time in my life I saw naked miracles! The lame walking, all kinds of healings …. and I said I must see this man, And they said no you can't see him, after the camp meeting he will go and rest. I said, I know the Camp Meeting will end on Saturday. He will rest on Sunday, he will rest on Monday, by Tuesday he will be in the office. They said , no, no, no….. just book. So they booked and I got a phone call that he said yes, I will see you for 15 minutes. The Almighty God will open the door of favour for somebody here in Jesus' Name! (Amen!)  

And then when some people from the same meeting heard that I was going to see him they jumped in. So we got there and the man said Yes what do you want. this one said, I want to be distributing your magazines, that I will be charging people a little amount for postage and so on. He said, Okay. And you, what do you want? I want to be distributing your tapes and be charging a little extra. Yes what do you want? I want to be distributing your books and be charging a little extra. Then he turned to me. And you young man, what do you want? I've been waiting. I said, I want what you have got. I want your hands on my head. That's all I want. He looked at me. That's what you want? I said, Yes sir. So he turned to the one who wanted magazines. He said  Go and see my secretary. the one who wanted tape. You go to Tape Ministry. The one who wanted books go to the books manager. And when they left he said young man kneel down. And he laid his hand  on my head. That's the last I remembered. When I woke up I was on the floor but I knew I got something. Somebody will get something here tonight. (Amen!) I didn't hear your Amen! (Amen!) 

In conclusion. Your children are here tonight to receive a special touch from God but for your children to be blessed you have to meet the conditions of God. Deuteronomy 28:1-4 says if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that I command you this day then this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you and then in verse 4 it says, blessed shall be the fruit of your body… If you will obey God completely it says your children will be blessed! It means when you are not obeying God completely you are not only cheating yourself you are cheating your children! When you are not witnessing, when you are not winning souls like God commanded you, you are not only cheating yourself, you are cheating your children! When you don't give like God commands you to give you limit your prosperity and your children suffer! When you don't pay all your tithes like God commanded you to do, you place yourself under a curse and if you are under a curse, your children suffer! When you continue to engage in immorality you get yourself into trouble with sickness and disease and your children suffer!  

But the moment you begin to do the will of God and you begin to obey him completely, your children get blessed! So whether or not your children are blessed is in your hands, completely in your hands. the tree that the father plants it is the children who will harvest. That's why I asked you to pray earlier on that God every evil I have already done that my children may now come to inherit, Father forgive! I  believe He had heard but you too need to turn over anew leaf! That you no longer plant evil seed for your children to harvest because whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. It will be well with your children. (Amen!) Let me hear your Amen to that.  

Which brings me to the last point. If you are here tonight and you are still living in sin. Not only because of heaven but because of your children, come and surrender your life to Jesus!  If you come and you surrender to Jesus His blood will cleanse you from all your sins and any evil your children could have inherited the Blood will wipe away. Remember the Bible says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. So when you give your life to Jesus everything will become new in your life, everything will become new in the life of your children. So I'm going to count up to ten. those of you who want to surrender your life to Jesus come now. I will cont only up to ten. After that I will know you have made a decision. 1… 2… 3..4… I'm not gong beyond 10 so if you know you are coming to surrender your life to Jesus Christ you will have to move and move fast. 5 … 6… The Blood of Jesus cleanses from all sins. But you have to come to Him first. It is only after you have surrendered to Him that He can cleanse you from all your sins. And until your sins are gone there will be the problem of sin, of sickness, of death hanging not only over you but over your children. 7 .. It is the Lord that is calling you for salvation. the choice is yours. You can accept His invitation or you can reject it. the choice is yours. 8 …. The gates of mercy are still open but its not going to remain open forever. If you don't take it now and it closes that's the end of the story. He said Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden. He said I will give you rest. Come now, the Lord is waiting.  

Now I can see some of you from afar. I will wait a little for you to get here but you have to hurry up, you have to hurry up. The moment I get to 10 then you know it is already too late. It is the Lord that is calling you. Come, let Him save your soul. Let Him cleanse you in His blood. Let Him wipe away all your sins. Let Him give you a new beginning – a new  beginning for you will be a new beginning for your children. Hurry up now! 9… 

Now those of you who are already in front begin to talk to Jesus and ask Him to have mercy on you. Ask Him to save your soul. tell Him you have come to surrender your life to Him. Ask Him to forgive all your sins, that from now on you will do His will. Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! And the rest of us who are sure of our salvation let's pray for these people. Let's stretch our hands towards them and ask the Almighty God, the One who saved our own souls to be merciful unto them and save their own souls. Go ahead, let's pray for them brethren. And if there are those of you who are still on the way, make sure you get here before I finish praying. Hurry up now! Thos is your day of salvation. 

Those of us in front begin to talk to Jesus! Open your month and begin to call on Him! Ask Him to be merciful to you! Ask Him to save your soul! Ask Him to forgive all your sins! Ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour!  Open  your mouth and call on Him now! call on Him now! And the rest of us let's pray for these people; let's intercede for them! You’re your mouth and intercede for these people. That the Almighty God who saved us, will save them too! Those of you on the way get here quickly now. I'm about to pray and I want you to get here before I pray! I want to pray for the salvation of souls so make sure you get here before I pray. Come on now! This is your day of salvation! This is your day of salvation! The Lord is calling you. He's asking you to come and surrender your life to Him so that He can make everything new, everything new. New for you, new for your family, new for your children. Come now quickly, the Lord is calling you! This is your day! This is your day! This is your day! This is your day! This is your day! I see two or three of you still over there! Hurry up now! This is your day! Cone on now quickly! Come and surrender your life to Him. He's your Lord! Make Him your Lord and your Saviour! He's the One who can change everything! Hurry up! Hurry Up! Those of you who are still coming! Hurry up! Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) 

Father, I want to thank You very much for Your word. I want to thank You for these people who have come forward tonight to surrender their lives to You. Everyone of them! Receive them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Forgive them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Wipe away all their sins with Your Blood in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Save their souls Lord and write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) From tonight onwards, any time they call on You answer them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Let everything become new for them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) And I pray that they will serve You for the rest of their lives in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen Praise the Lord!  

Now the prayer is going to be for your children, whether the children you already have or children you will yet have because all of you who are considered barren within one year you will come with your own children. (Amen!) I want you to stand on your feet now. First of all those of you who believe that the door to your greatness had been opened let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) You are going to lift your voice to the Almighty God and say Father, no matter how great I become let my children be greater than I. Go ahead open your mouth and pray. Open your mouth and pray for your children!  …… Physically let them be greater than I! Materially let them be greater than I! Spiritually let my children be greater than I! In all areas of life, no matter how great I become, let my children be greater than I O Lord!  Let my children be greater than I! 

Hurry up because we want to do something special now. Glory be to God!  The heads that have been touched tonight will become prosperous heads in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) They will become great heads in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Where were you people before? Quite a few of them….. Now if you have your child by your side, if it is a child that could be lifted up you are going to lift the child up when I pray in a  moment. If it is a fellow that is already too big to be lifted you are going to place your hand on the head of the child. If your children are not here you lay your own hand on your own head as a point of contact wherever they may be because I want to pray for the children now. I can still see quite a few people who had not come for the initial touch. Thank You Father! It takes only one touch to change a man's life and I know the lives of some people will never be the same again after tonight. (Amen!)  

If your child is small lift up the child now. If the child is too heavy to be carried lay your hand on the child. If the children are not here lay your hand on your own head as representing all the children. I want to pray and as I pray I want your Amen to be loud and clear. This does not exclude the ministers. If your own children are not here put your own hand on your head too as a point of contact for your children. In the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!) My Father and my God tonight I commit all the children that are being lifted up to You tonight into Your hands. Every one of these children let them become world-changers in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Every one of these children let them become very prominent in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) every one of these children Lord God Almighty! let them serve You mightily in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) I decree that from today, when sickness sees any of these children, let sickness run in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) When death sees any of these children, let death run in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) when demons sees any of these children, let the demons flee in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Let Satan stay far away from these children in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Let all these children become children of joy in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Let there be no regrets over any of these children in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) …… In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) If you receive that let me hear you shout 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) Let's go ahead and give the Almighty God a big, big round of applause and then you may be seated for a while. 

Very soon now we will thank the Almighty God for what He has done tonight. we will take one or two testimonies but while the people who would testify come, let's listen to one or two announcements. Before  we thank the Almighty God fir what He has done. I want to remind you about the Benny Hinn crusade taking place here at the end of the month. Reverend Benny Hinn is a man of God who has a very powerful ministry of healing and I will encourage you to come so that the healing power of God can just heal you, I'm sure many of you are old but the healing power can transfer to you and you can go ahead and begin to heal people also.  

That's the first announcement. The second announcement has to do with our television programme. But my own opinion is this: what God is doing now is so big that it is going to change the history not just of the Redeemed Christian Church of God but of the whole world. It's going to be a cable network belonging to a church that started in Nigeria. First of its type. that's history on its own. Secondly as we begin to see it is going to be one station where the Word of God will be preached in every language of the whole world. Thirdly, its going to be a station whose primary aim is nothing but the winning of souls. With this particular television station the vision of Redeemed Christian Church of God will be fulfilled faster than we thought. You know when an army wants to .. for example when America attacked Iraq, they first of all bombarded them from the air before the ground troop moved in This television station is going to bombard the  whole world from the air. You will see us, many of these Holy Ghost Service they will be watching all over the world. They will see the miracles, signs and wonders happening, they will listen to your testimonies. A time will come when they will now be writing to us saying, we want a branch of the Church. Then we will send again to go on land. We will go from the air then we go on land. Something this bog should not be without you having a little part. They are selling a share for one naira. I will want to suggest that even of it is a hundred shares you can buy that your name may be there so that when this thing becomes big people will say who are those who started it? You will be able to say proudly I am one of them. Oh they could say that they can't be giving dividends to people with hundred naira – what about the souls? Who is asking for money? We are only interested in souls. How many of you will want to win souls for Jesus Christ? I want to encourage you for yourself, for your children buy shares of this television programme. I have told you that the closing date which was supposed to be yesterday be extended for one month. Go home! tell your Pastor, I want to buy hundred shares Take my money write down my name! I'm not asking for dividend just let my name be there!  

Only one hundred bought the first set of land on this Camp. One hundred of eyes – myself, my wife, my four children. After us then others joined to buy the first set of land here. Do you know how big the land was that we bought? 41/2 acres. That's all at the beginning. See what it has become now. When they are telling the history of this Camp, they will mention the name of the first one hundred. When they are telling the history of our television, cable television, even if they don't tell the story here on earth, it will be told in heaven. How many of you will love to have a part at this stage? The Almighty God will bless you! Go home! Tell your Pastor I don't have N7000 but I have 100 naira, 200 naira, 1000 naira. Whatever little you have let your name be included. How many of you have been blessed tonight? Are you sure?  How many of you believe that God is going to turn your crisis to open doors? Let me hear you shout one big Alleluia! (Alleluia!) 

Now very quickly we'll give our thanksgiving offering to the Lord, singing and rejoicing!




Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach