HEAVEN 9th of August, 2024



9TH AUGUST, 2024.


Thank You Father.

O Lord, thank You.

Let somebody shout hallelujah.

They are showing you on the screen a couple of people who had been raised from their wheelchair.

And Daddy asked me to tell you, that in the next five minutes, in the next five minutes, He wants to heal a hundred thousand people.

And He all wants to do now; all He wants us to do now that we just keep on praising Him.

Let us go ahead and begin to praise Him.

Begin to magnify His holy name; worship the God of heaven; bless His holy name; praise Him more and more. Just keep on praising Him; keep on glorifying His holy name. Praise Him, praise Him, His healing power is flowing; He is reaching out to you now. You can be one of the hundred thousand. Give Him glory. We will soon hear your testimony, keep on giving Him glory.

****Speaking in the Holy Ghost*** we bless You.

Oh Lord thank You

****Speaking in the Holy Ghost***

Thank You Jesus.

Thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord.




O Lord thank You.

Daddy says He will double the number if you praise Him for another five minutes.

Go ahead, go ahead, praise Him, He will make it two hundred thousand; go ahead praise Him more, give Him another five minutes of praise. Glorify His holy name. Nothing is too hard for Him to do; nothing is too hard for Him to do.

****Speaking in the Holy Ghost***

Thank You Daddy.


In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

Daddy asks me to tell a woman here, He simply said, no more miscarriages.

Thank You Daddy.

Daddy asks me to tell a student, He says you will never fail again.

Oh Lord thank You.

The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said those who are waiting for to weep, we wait forever.

Daddy says somebody said, when will God remember me. He asked me to tell you, tonight.

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

Daddy says I should tell someone, you have been listening closely waiting for God to mention your case, He asked me to tell you: all is well with you.

My Father and my God, tonight is Your night, feel absolutely do whatever You want. Just glorify Your holy name, let heaven come down and we will return the glory to you.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Well, let somebody shout hallelujah.

Shake hands with one or two people and say your miracles are just beginning.

And if you believe that let me hear you shout a really big hallelujah.

And then you may be seated.

Daddy asked me to tell you, this is a night you will remember for the rest of your life.

 Are we ready for the Almighty because He is ready for us?

If you are ready for Him, let Him hear you shout hallelujah.

Genesis chapter 1, I am reading from verse 1 to 5 (Genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 5)

1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell someone, your generation we call you blessed.

4And God saw the light, that it is was good:

The Lord asked me to tell someone: up till now, you don’t really know the meaning of good but He asked me to tell you before the end of this month, you will know what good means.

…and God divided the light from the darkness.

5And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

There is someone called God.

Every wise person knows that there is someone called God.

According to Psalm 14 verse 1, only fools can say there is no God.

And according to the word of God in Proverbs 3 verse 35, He doesn’t pay to be a fool, because the Bible says those who are wise will inherit glory; but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

So, there is someone called God.

Those who believe that there is God, who are here tonight, please one more time shout hallelujah.

Now, this God, the first He introduced Himself, He called Himself the All-Sufficient God – Genesis 17 verse 1.

And then in Luke chapter 1 verse 37, it is written, with this person called God, there shall be nothing impossible.

So, I want to rejoice with you tonight that your own case will not be impossible with God.

Now, this God who is All Sufficient, who can do anything, at the beginning created two principal things: Heaven and Earth.

One of the two things that He created is called Heaven; the second is called Earth.

Heaven was so wonderful that God decided that I will use this has My throne; and then the second one, He said I will use it has My footstool – Isaiah 66 verse 1.

He created two things, one is wonderful called heaven, and that is the one we have been discussing since this one week.

But the second thing He created called the earth was problematic, it has all kinds of problem.

But He controls all the problems on this earth by putting it under His feet.

So, it does not matter how many problems you may have, they are under feet of God.

That is while I can assure you, you will get your solutions tonight.

Now, this God seats in heaven and from there He controls the earth and He does so by speaking.

That is while you should not be surprised, that tonight He had been speaking speaking speaking even before we start preaching.

He speaks; and the moment He speaks, it is done.

In psalm 33 verse 8 to 9, the Bible says the whole earth should fear the Lord; and he says the reason they should fear Him is because once He has spoken it is done.

He has spoken to some people tonight and it is already done.

Whether the rest of the people believed it or not, at least two hundred thousand people had been healed tonight, but He will do more.

He controls the earth by seating in heaven by speaking a word.

In Genesis chapter 1 verse 3, He said let there be light,

How long does it take before there was light?

The moment He said let there be light, immediately there was light.

Everything on earth was a mess but once He said let there be light, everything changed.

What is the meaning of ‘let there be light’?

It means darkness go; darkness give way.

And I am happy to tell someone that right now, darkness will leave you alone.

When He says darkness go, physically, it is goodnews for those who are living in darkness; goodnews for those who have problems with their eyes.

Because in Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52, when Bartimaeus cried unto Him that he wanted his eyes to be open, Jesus did not touch him, He did not pray for him, He spoke a word: let-there-be-light.

In the Name that is above every other name, I decree right now, all of you who have problems with your eyes: let there be light.

When He said ‘let there be light’, when He said ‘darkness go’, it also means, stagnation come to an end.

Because when it is dark, it becomes difficult to move.

If take off the light here right now, majority of us can only do one thing, we just seat down where we are until light comes.

But when you find in John chapter 5 from verse 2 to 9, it tells us the story of a man who had been going on in circle for thirty-eighty years,

When Jesus got to him, He did not pray for him, He did not touch him, He spoke a work: rise up, take your bed and walk; and the stagnation of that man came to an end immediately.

May I decree to all those who had been stagnant for years; tonight, let there be light.

Darkness go, also means, demons get out.

In Mark chapter 5 from verse 2 to 20, in the story of the man who was possessed by thousands of demons, the One who controls the heavens and controls the earth by speaking, spoke a word to the demons; all He said, is go, and they disappeared.

He seats in heaven, controls the earth by speaking.

No struggles, no gimmicks, He will simply speak and things will happen.

Tonight, He is speaking to the body of some people, and whatever is wrong with their body is going to be put right.

He is speaking to every situation surrounding some people; He speaking to demons saying leave these people alone; He is speaking to stagnation; stagnation is over; and He is saying let there be light.

Now, when He says darkness go, He is also saying sorrow go.

Because in Psalm 30 verse 5, He says weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Darkness go means joy begin.

That is while I am believing God for someone tonight that from tonight onward you will never know sorrow.

When you go through the scriptures in Mark chapter 5 from verse 35 to 43, when He got to Jarius’ house and people were weeping because the daughter was dead;

One thing He said, He said while are you weeping? The daughter is not dead, she is only sleeping.

The Bible said they laughed Him to scorn.

But, do you know that before He puts an end to the sorrow of Jarius, He drove out the weepers.

So, in the of the Almighty God, I hereby decree that weepers will no longer gather in your homes.

When He decrees, darkness go, it means no more sorrow.

A couple of years ago, a great man of God came to us and said, that in his town every year somebody prominent must die; so, there is always mourning in the town.

He invited us to come.

As God will have it, the town was not far from our part when we were going a-fishing, and so we branched at the town and we decreed in the name of the Almighty God that there will be no more sorrow in that town.

By the grace of God from that moment onward, yearly death ended in that town.

May I decree to all our traditional rulers because the Almighty God was extremely happy today to see you praising Him, and I hereby decree, in your kingdom, there will be no more premature death. No more sorrow; there will only be shout of joy. So shall it be in Jesus’ name.

When He says darkness go, He says, no more sorrow.

The Bible says He sent His word and He healed them.

I believe very firmly that tonight God is not asking us to do a big theological study of heaven; all He wants us to do is to give Him an avenue to speak to us;

And He has been speaking and He will continue to speak.

So, if the Holy Ghost Service of tonight does not follow the normal pattern you expect, it is because the result that will come tonight would not be the kind you have never known before.

For example,

He asks me to tell someone that as far as you are concerned, your journey forward and upward will become extraordinarily fast.

He asks me to tell someone that recently you missed a breakthrough, He asked me to inform, before the end of this month you will get a bigger one.

He asks me to tell someone, He said you are here listening to me right now, He said you are not going to die very soon.

Thank You Father.

Is it okay if we just allow Him to talk?

I cannot hear your yes.

At least if you know anything about me, you know by the grace of God I normally prepare my sermons.

I love to teach; but rather than me to teach and give you several things to write down, I will prefer that nobody leaves with any sickness. I will prefer that all your problems be solved; I will prefer that you don’t know sorrow any more.

Is it okay if we just allow God to speak?

If it is okay by you shout hallelujah.


Now, when He created the earth, the Bible says the earth was confused, it was in disorder, it was empty, until God spoke.

May I decree in the Name that is above every other name, confusion will end in your life tonight.

So, when we talk about confusion; another word for confusion is what we called a storm.

In Mark chapter 4 from verse 43 to 41…

Praise the Lord.

Daddy said I thought you said you will allow Me to speak. Daddy, just go ahead and speak.

Daddy asks me to tell someone, He said very soon your song will be: ‘now that the battle is over’

I want to say amen to this one before I tell you.

Daddy asked me to tell someone, He said by the time sun rises tomorrow, heaven will have opened over you.

Thank You Daddy.

I want to say amen to this one again.

Daddy said you should enlarge your capacity to thank Him; He said because there is a flood of blessings coming your way.

Oh thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell someone, if anybody asked you, how are things? Your answer will be good. He asked me to tell you from tonight onward, because what He wants to do for you, when they ask you, how are things? You will say very good.

He asked me to tell someone, He said trust Me, whatever I need to do to silence your mockers I will do it.

Daddy says I should tell somebody, He said by this shall you know that I AM the One speaking through My servant, He said I have a bag full of wonders for you, and you will get one every month for the rest of the year.

I have never had it like this before. I want to teach o, but Daddy says don’t.

Daddy says someone is here He said you will understand; He said that river will begin to flow.

Thank You Daddy.

At least one more before I go on, if I have to go on at all; and I believe this is for many of us.

He asked me to tell somebody, you will recover all.

I think I better just around up.

‘Let there be light’ can mean three things:

A command from God

An advice from God

Like in Revelation chapter 3 verse 20, when God said I stand at the door and I knock; if you open the door to Me I will come.

It is an advice.

It is an advice like the first preacher who preached heavenly sent message today, and I am for the rest of his life he won’t forget the harvest of souls of tonight.

It is an advice, when God says come to Me those of you who are heavy laden, come, and I will give you rest.

That’s an advice, thank God so many took the advice.

‘Let there be light’ can be a cry for help.

Bartimaeus cried and said Lord let there be light, and God answered him.

I am just obeying God, I am not going to say a word more because that is how much He has allowed me to say.

I am going to asked you to pray, I will give you your prayer points.

You want to write them down?

Because God is here, and He is going to answer prayers beyond your wildest imagination.

I can only remember one night in the past when I had felt His presence like this, when I wanted to preach, and He said no don’t preach just make the altar call, and I made the altar call; and He did what He alone can do.

Tonight, He wants to answer your prayers, He has spoken to you, He may speak more before we go, I don’t know; but this is the way He want it tonight.

Write down your prayer points:

Number one: Thank Him that you are able to make it here tonight. Thank Him that you are connected to this programme wherever you may be; you are not going to forget tonight for the rest of your life. Thank God that He is still on His throne.

Number two: Say Father, please speak to my body, I don’t just want to be healed, I don’t want to be sick again forever.

Number three: Father, speak to my soul, command it never to draw back from You.

Number four: Speak to my spirit, envelop me with Your spiritual power.

Number five: Speak to my life, that abundant life that You promised, I want it.

Number six: Speak to my family, let none of them miss heaven. Speak to my family wherever they may be right now, speak to them, let none of them miss heaven.

Number seven: Speak to my future, don’t let me ever know shame again.

And then you can add prayer of your own if you want.

The altar is open, come and cry to God; He is here o.

Thank Him, and call on Him. Speak, just speak Lord; speak to my body, speak to my soul, speak to my spirit, speak to my family, speak O Lord; speak to my future. Since all you want to do tonight is speak, speak Lord. Speak.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Jesus.


In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

The Lord will grant your request. He will speak to your bodies. From tonight, sickness will before a foreigner to you. From tonight, you will not backslide. From tonight, you will enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit. Your life will be transformed. Your family will serve God. In all areas of life, it shall be well with you.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asks me to tell you, He said I have heard your cry.  

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Go ahead shout a big hallelujah to Him.

You can go back to your seat.

Thank You Father.

What a night!

Thank You Lord.

The Lord asks me to tell someone, He said, is not he who starts first who matters, it is who arrives first. And He asked me to tell you, those who thought they have left you far behind you will arrive before them.

The Lord says there is someone here, He said very soon, when your friends begin to see My glory upon your life, they will ask You: what happen to you? And you will tell them, Jesus spoke to me.

Daddy is just speaking.

Daddy asked me tell someone, no matter how the enemy may try, you will never grinded again.

Okay o!

Now, I want you to take your mobile, and then switch it to the touch light.

There is something we normal do as an act of faith and God want us to do it tonight.

Now, you will stand, and lift it up, and cry to God: Father, let there be light.

Go ahead cry unto Him.

Father, let there be light; let there be light! In my life let there be light; in my home let there be light, in my place of work let there be light, in my churches let there be light, wherever I go let there be light. Father, let there be light, let there be light, let there be light, let there be light; Almighty let there be light, let there be light, Daddy let there be light. In my home, let there be light; in my family let there be light; everywhere I go let there be light; Almighty God let there be light; let there be light.


Then you will pray and say: Father, for the rest of my life, let me shine for You.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

For the rest of my life, let me shine for You; let me shine for You, let me shine for You, let me shine for You. All the days of my life, let me shine for You Lord, let me shine for You, let me shine for You. Thank You Father.


And then you are going to pray.

You will pray; you will pray as if you are angry.

You will say: in the mighty name of Jesus and because of the light God, Satan, leave me alone.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

In the mighty name of Jesus and because of the light God, Satan, leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my ministry alone, leave my business alone, leave my children alone, leave all those who are precious to me alone, in the mighty name of Jesus.


You are going to pray one more prayer and say: Father, don’t let my light become darkness.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

Lord God Almighty, don’t let my light become darkness; for the rest of my life, don’t let my light become darkness; Almighty God, don’t let my light become darkness, don’t let my light become darkness. Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

So shall it be.

Your light will never go out. Wherever you go you will shine. The light of God will always shine on you. Darkness will see you and run. So shall it be.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Now, wave the light. Make the devil mad; let him know he cannot come near you now.

Glory be to God.

Then shout a great hallelujah.

God bless you may be seated.


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2024. RCCG Internet Outreach