REFUEL YOUR FIRE 5th of July, 2024



5TH JULY, 2024.


We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour


Father Almighty we give You all the glory, all the honour, all the adoration; thank You for Your goodness, thank You for Your mercy, thank You for Your faithfulness, thank You for Your support. Thank You for January, thank You for February, thank You for March, thank You for April, thank You for May, thank You for June, thank You for bringing us to the second half of the year, Father accepts our worship in Jesus’ name.

Father, tonight, like You have never done before, send down Your fire; refuel our fire; let every one of us have a taste of Your fire afresh.

My Father and my God, this month is the seven months of the year, the month of perfection, in Your own miraculous ways, perfect our healings tonight, perfect our breakthroughs tonight, perfect our joy tonight, perfect our testimonies tonight, do much more than we there hope for, and at the end of it all, take all the glory.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Well, let somebody shout hallelujah.

Shake hands with one or two people and say: God will revive you tonight.

And then you may be seated.

From the Mountain Top Part V1: REFUELING YOUR FIRE

Exodus chapter 15

And while you are opening your Bible, I think we should give the Almighty God a real clap offering for that first preacher.

My oh my! That Lady is a burning flame. That’s wonderful; that’s wonderful.

I mean, if you don’t learn anything at all, she said it clearly, on this journey to heaven, there will be petrol stations on the way, make sure you refuel regularly.

Don’t say I will pray tomorrow; pray today.

Don’t leave anything spiritual till tomorrow.

If that is the only thing to take home, that something to remember.

Exodus 15 verse 1, and then verse 22 to 25:

1Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

22 So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.

23 And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.

24 And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

25 And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them.

When I bought my first car, was a second hand; as the elderly man from whom I was buying it from was handling over the car keys, He said to me, young man, keep an eye on the fuel gauge, otherwise, you may be stranded at the road side.

He said before you had no car o, you took taxi, you took bus, so, it is none of your business whether there is petrol in the tank or not,

But now, you owned your car, keep an eye on the fuel gauge before it reaches reserve branch at the nearest petrol station and refuel.

He did not know he was just talking about the car, but I learnt a lesson that day: before you run out of steam, refuel.

I pray for everyone of you listening to me today, you will never be stranded.

Why must we refuel?

The first speaker had done a great job; she had made my job much easy.

She mentioned the fact that the Bible says your fire must not go out.

Leviticus chapter 6 verse 12, the fire on your altar – your own personal altar – it must be burning forever; it must not go out; it must be burning morning, burning afternoon, burning night, burning all the time.


One major reason is in the text that I read to you: after one victory, you will need the fire again to confront the next battle.

The children had just crossed the red sea, God had done great things for them, and they refuelled, Moses did, he got them to sing, to praise God, to thank Him for what He had done,

So, when they now came to Marah, shortly after the great victory, they met another problem: this one is not Pharoah, this one is not the host of Egypt; this one, it is an enemy that is assure a killer as any, thirst.

They came to a water, pool of water, they wanted to drink but it was bitter.

But because they had praised God for what He did in the past, |He came to their aid again.

That God who had helped you in the past...;(maybe I should put it this way) if there is anyone here who had ever received a miracle from God, if God had ever in anyway helped you in the past, let me hear you shout hallelujah.

I mean, when I listen to the testimonies of this evening, when I saw that child lifted that the Doctors put a lot of pressure on the mother: terminate this pregnancy, terminate this pregnancy

I said God thank You they did not terminate my pregnancy.

Are you not grateful to God that your pregnancy was not aborted?

Let me hear you shout another hallelujah.

When I heard the testimony of the one Doctor said, listen, you are already too old; and my God, glory be to God; My God, who knows all things said alright they said you are too old; I subtract five years from your age.

I decree to somebody here today, whatever God has to do to make sure that your joy is full, may it be done tonight.

After every victory, get ready for another battle, that the way the world is made.

Remember, David, in 1Samuel chapter 17 verse 34 to 51, first it was a lion; he defeated lion.

Then a bear; he defeated the bear.

Then goliath, he defeated goliath.

Then, the father-in-law.

One battle after another.

Is like I told you yesterday, life is a series of victories, but every victory comes after a fight.

You know, every time we pray and we say God will give a testimony, do you know what that means?

It means that the next battle that is ahead, God will already fight it and give you victory.

Consider Samson, Judges 15 from verse 14 to 15, he was untouchable when the fire was there,

But when the fire went out, Judges 16 verse 20 to 21, that mighty man of valour, ordinary human beings were toiling with him, plucking out his eyes.

You know yourself, when the stove is burning; anybody who touches the stove is going to get hurt, and when the light had been out, when the fire had been out for a long time, and the stove had become cold, flies, cockroaches can move around; walking up and down the stove.

One of the prayers you are going to pray tonight is, Lord, make me so hot that the enemy won’t be able to touch me.

And I believe somebody is going to say amen to that.

Your fire must not go out, why?

My daughter who spoke before me referred you to story of the ten virgins.

How the fire of five was going out, and they have no oil to refuel, before they came back from buying, the Bridegroom had come, and the door was shut.

There are certain doors that do not remain open forever; there are certain doors that you must go in as soon as they open.

And I have rough idea of what I am talking about.

And then, number two, the reason why your fire must keep burning, is that life is in the grease.

John chapter 10 verse 10, the Lord said I have come... (maybe we read it from the begin)

‘The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy’

If the thief comes, that is the devil, and he find out that your fire is out, he would first of all start by stealing, and then proceed to killing, and then proceed to destroy.

On the other hand, Jesus Christ said, I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.

In other words, He is saying there is life - that is when you are barely surviving.

1Kings chapter 17 from verse 8 to 16 tells you the story of the widow of Zarephath.

Every day she had food, but what kind of food?


Because there was oil, and there was flour; and so she make bread.

What kind of life is that?

Bread in the morning, bread in the evening; bread today, bread tomorrow; bread like that for more than two and half years.

But she was living.

But then there is abundant life; abundant life, that means you have sufficiency.

2Kings chapter 4 verse 1 to 7, tells you the story of widow of one of the sons of prophet who was in debt and God intervened,

And the Bible says she paid off the debt and had enough to leave on, herself and the sons, for the rest of their lives.

But there is abundant life with a BUT.

In 2Kings chapter 4 verse 8 to 17, there was a Shunamite woman, she had abundance of everything except a child.

2Kings chapter 5 from verse 1 to 14, Naaman was great, rich, successful, popular, but was a leper.

That is abundant life with a but.

And then there is more abundant life, that is life full of everything without a but.

And I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ, before this month ends, you will know the meaning of life more abundant.

And then, it is not only life that is in the grease, greatness is in the grease.

Some of you are already great, praise the Lord; keep the fire on, because you can move from great to greater.

Not only you, that you can be great, and your children can be greater than you; which has been my prayer all along.

And I am praying it again for you tonight that all of you my children you will be greater than I in Jesus’ name.

The Bible made it clear in Genesis 24 verse 34 to 35...

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell someone that He is about to turn your night to day.

Thank You very much Lord.

Genesis 24 verse 34 to 35, the Bible tells us Abraham was great.

Genesis 26 verse 12 to 16, the Bible says, Isaac was very great.

Genesis 30:25 to 43, the Bible says Jacob was exceedingly great.

Genesis 41 from verse 1 to 44, Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob, was practically the man who became the controller of the world, because he became Prime of Egypt, and Egypt was controlling the world.

 So, greatness is the grease.

You are great, in the Name that is above every other name, your children will be greater than you. Your grandchildren will be greater than your children. Your great grandchildren will be greater than your grandchildren.

If I were you, I will say amen to that.

But then like I told those of you who came to divine encounter, how come that Isaac became very great?

Is because he kept on refuelling.

The first year he sowed, he had a hundred-fold returns;

So, when was going to sow the following year, he sowed a hundred-fold seeds, and he had another hundred-fold returns,

So, by the second year he had moved from one seed to a harvest of ten thousand,

Then third year again he sowed, this time a ten thousand seed; then he kept on sowing higher seed, higher harvest.

He kept on refuelling.

I have told you the story of why I used to pray for people, those my friends that gave me a gift, I blessed them and say next time will be more.

I have told you the story.

I have told you the story of one young man who attended one of my teachings, very small boy compared to the people who were there in Ikoyi.

I finished the preaching, he came to me, and said sir, I have never heard this kind of sermon before, and he gave me a gift of ten thousand dollars.

I looked at him, I said thank you very much sir, next time will be more.

He left my presence full of anger: what kind of greedy man of God is this? I gave him ten thousand dollars; he is still saying next time will be more!

He thought I was saying that is too small.

But the next year when he came, he said I did not understand your prayer.

He said, last year, I had eleven petrol stations, by the following year, he had a hundred and ten.

So, he brought another give, this time is not ten thousand.

I know you want to know but it is none of your business.

And I prayed the same prayer for him: next time will be more.

By the following year when he came, he told me, he had a depo, because his tankers were so many, instead of going to queue anywhere, he has his own depo.

So, he sowed again, and I pray this same prayer:

By the following year, he was not just selling petrol in Nigeria, he was already selling petrol in the United Kingdom.

I pray for someone here today; you will get richer by the day.

But you must keep on refuelling; keep on refuelling.

Promotion can be in the grease.

In 1Samuel chapter 16 from verse 11 to 13, David was anointed king among his brethren. He was a king within the family.

By the time we got to 1Samuel chapter 22 from verse 1 to 2, he was captain of about four hundred men; he was already on his way

Those people, even though they were all kinds of vagabond, they became mighty men – mighty men of David.

But then, in 2Samuel chapter 2 verse 3 to 4, he became king over Judah – going up.

By the time we got to 2Samuel chapter 5 from verse 1 to 3, he became king over the whole of Israel.

But he did not stop there; by the time we are reading Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52, he had become the father of Jesus.

Bartimaeus said, Jesus, thou son of David.


Luke chapter 1 verse 26 to 33, when the angel came to visit Mary, he told Mary, the Son you are going to give birth to, God will give Him the throne of his father David.

He kept on growing, growing higher, and higher, and higher.

Well, how come?

He kept on sowing.

(We will talk a little more about it later on)

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to somebody (you better pay attention to this because apparently God has said it before, maybe you did not believe Him.) He asked me to tell you, your external enemies will be scattered; your internal enemies will be frustrated. He asked me to tell you, mark My word.

Certainly, He must have said it before you did not believe.                    

You will testify very soon.

That brings us to the issue of heat, because we are talking about refuelling your fire.

Hotness can also be in decrees.

No matter how hot you are now, you can be hotter.

And I am praying for those of you who are here today, by the time you leaving this place this night, you will be so hot the enemy won’t be able to touch you.

When you read Daniel chapter 3 from verse 1 to 6...

Thank You Father.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said almost all doors have been shut against you, He asked me to tell you, before the end of this month they will begin to open rapidly.

In Daniel chapter 3 from verse 1 to 6, there is what is called furnace.

If you want to know what a furnace is, go to any of these steel industries places.

There was a steel industry in Oshogbo years ago, I don’t know there are still there.

And I went to visit somebody there, and they showed me a furnace: you can see iron, red hot, coming in hot, soft coming out.

They called it furnace; that place was hot.

But, by the time you read Daniel chapter 3 from verse 14 to 17, Nebuchadnezzar said they should make the furnace seven times hotter; it was already very hot, he said make it seven times hotter.

But then, by the time you read Daniel 3 from verse 20 to 27, there is someone called the son of man, so hot that He swallowed all the heat of the furnace, so that those who are His children were just walking about with |Him and they were discussing.

The king said, what am I seeing?

We threw in three people and there were four, and the four had no hot.

I decree in the Name of the One who called me, from tonight onward, the fire of the world will have no effect on you.

In 1Kings chapter 18 verse 38, there is a fire so hot that it drinks water.

Water is supposed to put out fire, but there is a fire of God, when it comes down it can even drink water.

Elijah was hot: 2Kings chapter 1 verse 9 to 12;  you know the person he was.

2Kings chapter 1 from verse 9 to 12, he was hot; some soldiers came to arrest him: he said, man of God, come down, you are under arrest.

He said, really! You know I am a man of God, and you want to arrest me! He said, roast, and immediately they became ashes.

I like Elijah; I don’t know about you, I like Elijah.

I am praying for somebody here today, before you leave this place, any germ, any virus, any kind of sickness, when they come near you, they will roast.

Elijah was hot.

Haa, thank You Father.

I think I am going to say amen to this one before I tell you because

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said before the help that you are expecting from human beings arrives, His own will arrives.

Thank You my Father.

Daddy asked me to tell you a story because He wants to say something about it.

When we came to this camp ground in 1983, the highway was being tormented by highway armed robbers and this camp ground happened to be their headquarters,

You know, those of you who are old enough to remember, you know that are travelling at night, and they throw block or whatever at your tire, the tire we burst and they will come and rob you.

Our carpenters were here, they were practically the people living here then, and a car will broke down, people there will run to camp because this is a place where there was only light then, it was jungle.

And then some policemen were patrolling, they saw the car that broke down, they knew that the robbers had in operating, so they hide in the bush waiting for the robbers to come and rob the car, they don’t know that the occupants are already come in to the camp.

And so, the carpenters followed these people whatever lodge they have left in the car.

But the police were hiding and so when they saw my carpenters coming towards the car, they thought here comes the robber, and their leader gave an order, fire.

Our people heard the word fire but they did not know what was that; but nothing happened.

And again, the officer said, I say, fire; but nothing happened.

And the third time, fire; but nothing happened.

Until my children got to them: no, we are innocent people.

The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said, those hands that are trying to attack you, I will freeze them.

Elijah was hot that what I was saying; but you all know, Elisha was much hotter.

I mean, a king knew was hot when he was going to arrest him, he sent fifty soldiers and a captain.

When another came, wanted to arrest Elisha, he knew that this one is very very hot, he sent a whole army; that’s how hot Elisha was.

So, hotness can be in the grease.

Some of you are hot now, but as you refuel your fire constantly, you can get hotter and hotter and hotter.

Like I told the disciples yesterday, there are categories of flames:

There is red flame produce by the firewood; it can burn because it is a flame, but it will leave behind ashes and smoke.

And then there is blue flame, that is the flame produces by your gas cooker.

That one burns faster, burns without much noise, without ashes, and without smoke.

Then there is white flame; there is the flame of the weather that can cut two irons.

My prayer for you today is that before you leave this place, you will be white flame.

And then, like my daughter said, when you are talking about fire, certain things come to your mind: light - because where there is fire, there will fire; - you can shine brighter.

Brightness is in decrees.

1Corinthians 15 verse 41...

Thank You Father.

God said this is for one special family and He asked me to tell you, you small family will one day become a clan.

1Corinthians chapter 15 verse 41, tells us that glories are in decrees.

There is a glory of the moon, there is a glory of the sun, there is a glory of a star, and then even among stars there is categories of glories.

When somebody is shining, we call him a star: football star, an artist who is star, television star, etcetera, shining.

Do you know it is possible to outshine all your mates?

That you are a star among stars.

Everybody in your family is a star, you can still outshine in everything.

When your heat increases, your brightness increases.

Proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 tells that the path of the just is as shinning light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.

Everyone of you my children will be a star, but even among star, you will be a star.

When you consider the apostles, you will discover that Peter was a star, he shown among them; and believe this is for a specially for one minister of God.

All ministers will shine, but you will outshine them all.

Because when you read Acts of Apostle chapter 5:14 to 16, the Bible says by the hands of the Apostles were many miracles wrought,

But, when it comes to Peter, his own case was different; his shadow was healing the sick – Acts of the Apostles chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16.

As bright as Peter shone, there was still somebody who shone brighter; so much so that God said in Acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12, the Bible says God performed special miracles by the hands of Paul.

I have told you before, a miracle is a special intervention of God in the affairs of men.

Now, to say special miracles, means, special, special.

So much so that his handkerchiefs began to healed the sick. Demons will see his handkerchief coming and they will run.

That man shone.

And in the name that is above every other name, one day, it will be written about you that God performed special miracles by your hand.

So, how do we refuel?

Again, my daughter had done a great job; I will just add my own little bit to what she has already said.

Like I told you, in the case of Isaac, you must keep sowing. Sow more, and more, and more; don’t stop, just keep on.

You can never trade with God and lose; it is not possible.

I can tell you story upon stories; I know who He is, I have seen Him in action; just keep on sowing.

But then, apart from sowing, you must not just sow, sow progressively.

2Kings 4 verse 8 to 17,

Thank You Father.

Again, God is saying He has told someone this one before but the fellow is still worried.

The Lord asked me to tell you, all your children will end up well.

In 2Kings chapter 4 from verse 8 to 17, the Shunamite woman started by given Elisha food once in a while

Then, she moved on, and said, I can do more than this, and she decided to build him an apartment.

She kept on sowing progressively.

When the time came, God rewarded her with what money cannot buy.

And then, learn to praise God – that is one of the greatest ways you can refuel your fire.

I used to think that the greatest problem of Samson was his eyes: he cannot keep his eyes in the right direction, and that is true; that was his big problem.

That was while when the enemy caught him, the first thing they did was to pluck out his eyes.

But I discovered that his greatest problem was ingratitude, he did not know how to say thank you.

He never said thank You to God, all his live; never.

A lion came and roar at him; the Spirit of God came and he took the lion, tore it into two and went his way.

He did not say thank You Lord. No.

When with the jaw bone of an ass, he slaughtered a thousand Philistines; you would have thought that he would say God thank You for this great deliverance. No!

Samson oh Samson! Look at what you have done? With a jaw bone of an ass, you have killed thousand people.

Not a word, about thank You God.

Deliverance after deliverance, he never said thank You.

Maybe that was while God said, okay, since you are the one doing it; maybe we should leave you alone and let you do it, let see what you will achieve.

That was while when the Spirit of God departed from him, he tried to go as before, as found that ordinary human beings can bind him and take him into prison.

I pray for all of us who are listening to me, God will never leave you alone.

His fire went out because he never knew how to say thank You.

Even when he was going to pray his final prayer, because God is merciful, as soon as Delilah cut of his hair, and the enemy came, God was already looking down on him with mercy, the Bible says his began to grow again.

When he was going to pray his final prayer, he did not say, God strengthen me one more time, let me take vengeance on this people for ill treating Your servant, so that Your name will be glorified.

No! No!

He said, I want avenge my eyes.

He was himself, himself, himself, all the time.

How come David grew steadily, from king in the family to king in the cave, to king of Judah, to king of Israel, to the father of the King of kings?

He knows how to praise God.

Go and look at him.

Psalm 34 from verse 1 to 3, he said, I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

He said, I am not going to stop; I will just keep on praising Him.

Look at Psalm 108 from verse 1 to 3, he said my heart his fixed o Lord, I will sing, I will give praise even with my glory.

When you read 2Samuel chapter 6, you can read the whole chapter, it is beautiful reading.

When he was coming to town with the covenant of God, he began to dance; he danced so mightily that the Bible even says his belly even came out of his agbada.

And when his wife said, how can you be dancing like this, you a king?

He said, haa, I am dancing for the One who made a king.

Before I became General Overseer, got born-again in 1973, I was so glad that God saved my soul, I decided that at least once a year I will sing and praise God; that was when I started composing Ewi, so many years God.

My first ewi is one that remain an ever green one: ‘E ba mi yin Jesu logo, Amen; E ba mi yin Jesu logo, Amen’.

The second one that follow that one is also ever-green: ‘Olorun dara, e o dara; Alpha, Omega dara e o dara’.

I was expressing my gratitude to the One who saved my souls, and I went on year after years since then every year.

Then I became General Overseer, and some came to me and said, eh en, you are now the father of all of us, let these children sing, you seat down, you are a king now.

I said, thank you.

I will never stop praising Him; I will praise Him until I see Him in glory.

Is anybody here tonight, instead of being begged, who will really really really shout hallelujah to God?

A lion came, David fought and won, he sang a song.

A bear came, David fought and won; he sang another song.

Goliath came, he defeated him; he sang another song.

He just kept on singing. The whole world knew him for singing and praising God.

That is while when king Saul was tormented by demons and somebody said you need a musician to relieve you.

Somebody said I know someone...

He was known for praising God.

You know, the first book somebody wrote about me, the title of the book was: Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah.

So, go ahead, shout hallelujah.

The fire is going to fall tonight because we are going to praise God.

You see, God has been good to us.

All these testimonies you are hearing every month, this is not the same thing happening all over the world!

The Holy Ghost service began in 1986, it is still continuing, is still getting bigger and bigger, and somebody will say to me: why do you begin your service by saying let somebody shout hallelujah?

So, if you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, if you want to taste and see that the Lord is good, you better come now.

You see, because God says, the praises, the sacrifice of a sinner is an abomination to Him; He does not want to hear the praises of a sinner.

So, you want to be praising Him, you want to be refuelling your fire; you want to grow bigger and bigger, greater and greater, to shine brighter and brighter, you want your future to be from one glory to another,

The very first thing you must do is surrender your life to Jesus, let His blood wash away your sins and then you can continue from there.

So, if you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, come now.

I am going to count from one to ten, before I say ten, I want you to stand before the altar and we will pray for salvation of your soul.

I am count now:

One, two, three,

And those of you in the old auditorium you have to move faster

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Thank you very much.

Now, those of you who are already in front and those of you who are already on the way, cry to the Almighty God and say please save my soul, forgive my sins, I will serve You from now on, let Your blood wash me clean, I want to be able to praise You, I want to be one of Your children, Lord have mercy on me, let Your blood wash my sins and I will serve You for the rest of my life.

Go ahead talk to Him.

And the rest of us let us stretch our hands to our new brothers and sisters, and prayed that the One who saved our souls will save their own souls also. Pray for them. Intercede for them.

Those of you who are still on the way, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, we still have quiet a bit of things to do tonight, so hurry up.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

My Father and my God I want to say thank You very much for your word. Thank You for these people who have come forward to surrender their lives to You, Father, please receive them in Jesus’ name. Have mercy on them, forgive all their sins, let Your blood wash them clean, please write their names in the book of life, receive them into the family of God. And please Lord, anytime they call on You answer them by fire; and let them serve You till the end.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Those of you who have come forward congratulations.

Let me hear you shout hallelujah.


Now, from now on by the grace of God I will be praying for you, so, I will need your names, your address, and your prayer requests; and I promise you from now on I will be praying for you.

I think the Counsellors are already with you or if they are not, if you turn to your left, the Counsellors will move to where some people are waiting, they will collect the information that I need and they will bring you back very quickly.

God bless you.

You can begin to go.

Let us clap for the Lord Jesus Christ as they go.

Thank You Father.

While we are waiting for our new brothers and sisters maybe you want to write down your prayer points.

First one of course is, you want to thank Him for all He had done for you: salvation of your soul, your health, His provision for you, providing you with cloth to wear, somewhere to safe, somewhere to sleep, covering your secrets – you don’t have to go begging before meeting your responsibilities. Give Him thanks tonight like you have never done before, it is very very important, for all the victories He has given you.

Thank Him for His mercy: the Bible says it is of the mercy of the Lord we are not consumed; it is renewed every day.

Thank Him for breathing, you don’t know how valuable it for you to be able to breath until you see somebody who had been attacked by corona virus. It is a blessing that you can breathe easily.

Thank Him for ability to sleep, whenever you want to sleep.

Thank Him for ability to go to the toilet easily.

And then thank Him that you can even be here tonight, that you can be part and parcel of the blessings of God.

Thank Him for prophecies that have gone forth tonight.

And thank Him for the testimonies we keep hearing. God healing cancer; proving to the mighty Doctors that He is the Doctor of all doctors. Proving again and again that there is nothing too hard for Him.

Thank Him for the Holy Ghost that had been going on now since 1986 and is still waxing stronger.

Thank You that you can even hear from Him again and again; because He will look at this great crowd and say ‘there is someone here’, hey, ‘there is someone here’, accurately.

Thank Him for me that He has been merciful unto all of us by making me a vessel unto honour.

So, let us spend quality time thanking Him tonight.

Then, number two, pray that God will make you so hot that from tonight the enemy won’t be able to touch you at all.

Then number three, pray that He will make you so bright that the enemy will not be able to look at your direction at all.

Ask Him to make you so fast that the enemy cannot catch up with you – that is number four. He empowered Elijah, he outran the chariot of the king.

Number five, ask Him to lift you up so high that you will be well beyond the reach of the enemy.

These are all things that can happened when your fuel is filled, when your fire is refuelling by God Himself. That He will lift you up so high that you will be far far beyond the reach of the enemy.

Number six, ask Him to you so great, every enemy will be under your feet.

And then, number seven, ask Him to equip you more so that you can serve Him better.

Number eight, pray that this year convention will be absolute heaven on earth in every way possible.

And then number nine, your own private prayer. Everywhere you want the fire of God to touch.

Number ten, don’t forget to pray for me too.

The altar is open. Go ahead and begin to praise God. Praise Him. Give Him all glory, all honour, all adoration.

Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory be to God. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Father, on behalf of all of us, I say thank You. Thank You for breathing, thank You for health, thank You for strength, thank You for provision, thank You for salvation, thank You for protection, thank You for appetite, thank You for food to eat, thank You for ability to sleep, thank You for victories, please accept our thanks in Jesus’ name.

Father, my special request tonight is that You make Your children so hot that the enemy won’t be able to touch them; make them so bright that the enemy cannot look at them; make them so fast that the enemy cannot catch up with them; make them so high that the enemy cannot touch them; make them so great that the enemy will be under their feet; anoint them so mightily so the will serve You better; grant their requests, meet all their needs, revive them, strengthen them, protect them, promote them; and Lord, during Your convention do marvellous things. For every one of us my Father and my God let our tomorrow be greater.

Thank You for answered prayers.

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let someone shout hallelujah.















Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2024. RCCG Internet Outreach