HEAVENLY REWARDS 6th of September, 2024





I want you to lift your hands to the most High God and praise His only name because this is going to be a very special night. This is going to be a night that an end will come to failures in your life.

So, go ahead and praise His holy name, bless His holy name.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.

Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Praise His holy name.

Praise His holy name.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Jesus.

Thank You Jesus.

Hallelujah Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name O Lord.

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name O Lord.


Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name O Lord.

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name

Blessed be thy name O Lord.


Jesus is thy name

Jesus is thy name

Jesus is thy name O Lord

Jesus is thy name

Jesus is thy name

Jesus is thy name O Lord O


Faithful is thy name

Faithful is thy name

Faithful is thy name O Lord

Faithful is thy name

Faithful is thy name

Faithful is thy name O Lord

Ancient of days we worship You. Alpha and Omega, we bow before You; from everlasting to everlasting, You are God; thank You for what You did last month, thank You for the testimonies of tonight, thank You for greater things You will do tonight; please accept our thanks in Jesus’ name.

In every area of our lives, Father, do something You have never done before. Where there had been sorrow, let there be joy. Where there had been darkness, let there be light. Where there had been bondage, let there be deliverance. Where there had been doubt, let there be faith. Where there had been impossibilities, let there be miracles. At the end of it all, take all the glory.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Well, let someone shout hallelujah.

Shake hand with one or two people, and tell him or her: my God will surprise you tonight.

And then, you may please be seated.

Tonight is going to be special so we will just go straight to the word of God and have enough time to pray, after which I have definite instruction from my Daddy that everyone of us tonight will be anointed with oil that destroys the yoke of failure.

So, even though we are anointing those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb first, those of us who don’t want to fail again will be anointed tonight.

Praise the Lord.

Psalm 127 verse 3:

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward.

And then you may want to read Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

God is a rewarder, and one of His rewards is fruit of the womb.

And to start with, to me, it is really interesting that God is a rewarder because everything we have comes from Him - 1Chronicles 29 verse 16 - everything we have comes from Him.

We were not just talking about silver, gold, money, even our wisdom.

Daniel chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22, He gives wisdom to the wise.

Our strength, our energy, we get from Him – Isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 to 30, He gives strength to the weak.

Anything you can think of, even the ability to breath, He gives it to us.

And do you know what?

All the things that are probably most essential, most important, He gives them to us free.

Imagine if you have to pay for the air breath; only rich people will be alive; and because you have to breath it 24/7.

I won’t know how funny it is; you know all the companies that operate mobile phones, what did they tell you they are selling?


They are selling air; but God give it to us free.

I think somebody should shout hallelujah.

Now, if He give us everything free, and then we have an opportunity to serve Him, I think that should be a privilege.

Because thing we say we are serving Him with belong to Him to start with,

So, why did He then say He is rewarding us for serving with what He gave us?

I think He is just a wonderful Father – just a wonderful, wonderful Father.

I still remember that Christmas years ago, when Christmas was approaching and all my little children gathered together in their elder brother’s room, and then sent out the youngest of them - he is a big boy now; at that time, he was like a little puppy dog,

And he came to me and say Daddy, what do you want for Christmas?

I looked at him, what do you have that you want to give me?

What do you want for Christmas?

I said anything; anything you can afford.

He ran back into the room, and told me.

He came back, tell us exactly what do you want.

I said anything.

What is anything?

I said, okay, buy me a Jet.

So, he ran back into the room, told the others; and he came and said that is not the kind of anything we are asking.

After they have been going up and down for some time, I said okay, okay, buy me a pen.

Then he went back, told them.

And came back and say Daddy, I want you to borrow me ten naira.

I gave them ten naira.

And then came Christmas day and they came with a parcel; I already know what is in the parcel; it was bought with my money but I still hugged them, I still blessed them because they even thought about it all.

Do you know if you praise God at all, He rewards you.

You are here, somebody shout hallelujah.

We cannot fully understand God the Bible makes it clear you cannot understand Him.

He does as He pleases in heaven; He loves cheerful giver; that is probably the only way we can explain the fact that He rewards us.

I am going to be as brief as possible so that we can have time to pray.

I point out to you that if you serve Him with your skill, He will make your home heaven on earth.

Exodus chapter 1 verse 15 to 21, the mid-wives in Egypt serve God with their skill, and the Bible says because the mid-wives did that God made homes for them.

There is a different between a house and a home.

There are many people who live in houses, and in the house, there are quarrel, anger, fighting, all kinds of problems.

And there are those who by the special grace of God live in homes: where there is joy, where there is peace, where there is harmony.

I am decreeing for someone here tonight, in a way that only God can do it, your house will become a home.

When you serve Him with your mouth, He guarantees your legacy; He guarantees your future.

Psalm 35 verse 1, David said I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

How did God respond?

2Samuel chapter 7 from verse 1 to 16, God said to David, there will always be a man on your throne. He said, I will make sure there will always be a man on your throne.

And you know what happen in Mark chapter 10 from verse 46 to 52, when Jesus was passing by, Bartimaeus said, Jesus, thou son of (who?), David.

The One who lives forever is seating on the throne of David today because David said I will bless the Lord (how many times?), at all times; and His praise shall continually be (where?), in my mouth.

That is while people who just look for something to criticize, and say: why is this man always saying, let somebody shout hallelujah?

How many of you will bless the Lord at all time?

How many of you will use your mouth to praise Him, all the days of your life?

Those of you who already have children, your children will be great.

Those of you who had been regarded has barren now, get ready for your multitude of children.

But will you please shout another hallelujah.

Some of you will remember the story of one of my daughters, with her husband; the one who got a scholarship to America.

When they got there, they have a set of children, set of twins; and in those days it was military Government and there was a change in Government and the new Government cancel the scholarships.

So, they were over there, no money, nothing; husband was schooling and the wife was at home taking care of children and they ran out of food.

When the husband could not take the crying of the babies, he ran to the library to go and being studying.

I am not sure he was actually studying; he was trying to avoid the problem at home.

I decree to somebody here today, that problem in your home that make home difficult to stay in, my God will remove it today.

The mother could not run away, she had to stay with the children and children were crying because they were hungry, and after sometime the mother remembered that I thought them sometimes that when prayer fail, praise will succeed.

And so, she took her tambourine and began to sing praises to God.

And suddenly there had been group of people who had been going round from house-to-house to witness; they have been there since morning and said well it is time, let us go home; but there leader said, just one more house and they came to the house of my daughter.

When they open the door to him and the children saw a huge white man, they kept quiet for a while, and the man said I have come to talk to you about Jesus; my daughter said come in, come in, we know about him.

As the man was settling down to begin to preach my daughter to him: sorry Sir, we would have entertained you but there is nothing in the house to give you.

And the man said, what do you mean, nothing?

At least there will be coke in the fridge.

They went, open the fridge, and the fridge was empty; he looked everywhere, no food, and the man said, wait for me; and he went to the shop and brought a load of food.

I decree to somebody today, even as you begin to praise God, from a direction you are not expecting God will send help to you.

To cut a long story short, the white man did not just provide enough food for the family, he got a job for the husband.

That was while the baby they had after that miracle happened, they named the baby ‘He careth’ –there is a God who cares.

That God is here today, He about to proof to someone that He cares.

And if you are that one, your hallelujah will be the loudest.

When you serve Him with your house, He will reward you with blessings that everybody will hear about.

In 2Kings 6 verse 5 to 12, you hear the story of a man Obededom, at time when nobody wanted the ark of the covenant of God to come to their home, he opened his door, or he was compelled by the king.

The ark of covenant remains in the house of Obededom for only three months; God prospers him so mightily that the whole nation had about him.;

In Luke chapter 5 from verse 1 to 7, Peter made available to God his boat, when God finished preaching, He said thank you;

He said thank you with a catch of fish that filled two boats, and the Bible said the boats were sinking.

You had it said before that there are boat sinking kind of blessing.

As a matter of fact, the blessing was so surprising that Peter was afraid.

Join your faith with mine, even as a decree tonight, that as you allow God to use your properties for His glory, your house for house fellowship, your car for bringing people to church, whatever it is you have for His glory, before the end of this year the kind of blessing that will freighting you will come your way in Jesus’ name.

When you serve Him with a sacrificial giving, He will see to it that your blessings will overflow; that is who He rewards sacrificial giving.

1Kings chapter 17 verse 8 to 16, a woman had only one meal left for herself and her son to eat and die; she gave it sacrificially to the man of God and for the rest of her life, she never lack food.

John chapter 6 from verse 5 to 13, Jesus needed food to feed the crowd who had come to listen to Him, a young boy gave his lunch, the only food he had on;

Jesus used the food to feed five thousand people, there were twelve baskets left over; the twelve baskets were carried to the house of that boy.

He gave a lunch, what he got in return required twelve hefty Apostle to carry.

 I don’t know who I am talking to, but I know there is someone who is planning to give sacrificially to God, don’t hesitate; because He will reward you.

I remember several years ago when we started Christ Redeemer’s Congress and we were in desperate need of money, we wanted to feed all those who will come,

And when I was thinking of the problem, all I had was my salary as a lecturer in the University couldn’t go far.

Two of my daughters collected their December salary and brought the salary to me.

I said haha, this is December, what about your Christmas?

They said, we will where the dress we had last year, the work of God must come first.

I thank God for their lives, today, each of them has a house at Redemption Camp.

And when I say house, I am not talking about two-bedroom flat; I am talking of mansions.

Because you see, God is a rewarder and He is about to reward somebody for their sacrifices.

When you serve Him with your anointing…

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell someone, right now, in every facet of life you are an ordinary person; but Daddy asked me to tell you very very soon you will become distinguished.

When you serve Him…

Thank You Father.

I want to say amen to this one.

Because the Almighty God asked me to tell someone, your next breakthrough will make headline news.

When you serve God with your anointing; you know anointing just like everything else only comes from God; but there are those who are anointed, anointed for fun,

But when you serve God with your anointing, He will give special divine promotion.

You have the example of Philip, in Acts chapter 6 verse 1 to 7, there were seven people who were anointed as Deacon the same day but he distinguished himself by doing something with the anointing.

Acts chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8, he went to Samaria, and within a very short period of time, he turned the entire city down side up for the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was not long before in Acts chapter 21 verse 8 the Deacon was referred to as the Evangelist.

The journey from Deacon to Evangelist is very long journey, he has gone beyond Pastor to become an Evangelist.

And then, like you use to say and you have heard me say before, one of my little kids asked me Daddy, do you know the Bible?

I said yes, I do.

You really know the Bible?

I said I do; I know the Bible.

He said in that case, who is Prochorus?

I said I don’t know Prochorus.

Who is Nicanor?

Haha, I don’t know Nicanor.

Who is Timon?

I said you mean Simon?

He said, no, Timon.

I said I don’t Timon.

He said, and you say you know the Bible because these are names of the seven original deacons.

I said in know Steven, and I know Philip, God have mercy on Prochorus; he just got the anointing and did nothing with it.

There are many of us, we have been anointed again and again, and there is not a branch of the Redeemed Christian of God in our village,

We are rejoicing because we know the Lord, anointing is working miracle in our lives but you have not done anything with it.

I am praying for everyone of us listening to me know, that before the end of the year you will do something about bringing the gospel to your village.

When you serve Him with your anointing, He will give you special divine promotion.

Do you know that Philip was one of the people that got spiritual transportation, he was seen in one spot at a time, the next time we saw him he was in another spot, kilometer away.

I have always look forward to the day I will get that kind of transportation; I look forward to the day, on Wednesday I will be in Japan, by the time it is Holy Communion on Thursday I will already be here; transported by the Holy Spirit.

I am looking forward to that day.

Is anybody looking for that kind of miracle? It has happened before; he can happen again.

In whose life will it happen next?

When you serve Him with your anointing, He will give special divine promotion.

Now, when you serve Him with your child, then He will make your children special.

I am sure you know the story of Hannah, in 1Samuel chapter 1 from verse 9 to 20…

Thank You Father.

Oh thank You Father.

I want to say amen to this one.

The Lord says there is someone hearing me now, He said for you, it is settled. And do you know what He settled? He said no more sorrow, no more shame, no more losses.

If you are that one, I think you should shout a really big hallelujah.

You know the story of Hannah in 1Samuel chapter 1 verse 9 to 20, she said to God I don’t have the child yet but give me the child and I will serve You with him.

The Almighty God said, agreed.

He gave the child; the woman fulfilled her covenant,

By the time you read 1Samuel chapter 2 from verse 18 to 21…

Thank You Lord.

The Lord asks me to tell someone that by this time next year, there will never be a sign that you have been through a storm.

By the time we got to 1Samuel chapter 2 from verse 18 to 21, the Almighty God looked down on the woman and say: woman, I give you a child, you serve Me with that child, I will give you five extras,

And that one that you gave to Me will become a Prophet – 1Samuel chapter 3 verse 19 to 21.

There were prophets and there are prophets, Samuel was a very special prophet; the Bible tells us that when he speaks before the saliva in his mouth reach the ground, whatever says will come to pass.

There are all kinds of prophets, we have them all over the world, anybody listening carefully will say: this is not a prophesy, this is speculation.

But that kind of gift that when you say ‘thus saith the Lord’; that kind of ability that when you say ‘there is someone here’, and even before you finish it has happened, receive it tonight in Jesus’ name.

I wish we had enough time during the last convention, I will have called forward those people that God said there were healed, you will have been amazed at the number of them.

But God is not asleep and he has not change yet; and I am believing Him tonight that any kind of sickness that has to do with the womb or with the belly shall be healed tonight.

Now, when you now decide to serve Him with all your life, not just your money, your property, your anointing, but your entire life, He will reward you with long life and good health.

Deuteronomy 34 verse 7, the Bible tells us that Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, even at that age he did not need glasses because his eyes were not dim;

Even at the age, the Bible says he was varied, his natural force was not abated; that means he was strong enough if he wanted to take another wife; he was healthy.

As many of you as are willing to serve God wholeheartedly, any appointed you have with death is cancelled, you will live long and you will be healthy.

In Luke chapter 1 from verse 1 to 25, the Bible tells us about Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth, they served God, husband and wife in purity, and the Almighty God rewarded them even in their age.

Not only with a son, but a son in Matthew chapter 11 verse 11, a son that is called the greatest born of women in the Old Testament.

You chose to serve God with your life, you will live long, you will be healthy, and even if the world has lost hope that you can ever have a child, the Lord will give you a very special one.

Let me conclude; like I told you we want to pray; and the prayer of tonight is not going to be ten minutes because actually as far as God is concern the minimum time of prayer, He expects from us is one hour.

That was while He said to the disciples, when He said watch with Me and He came back and found them sleeping; He said, can’t you watch with Me for one hour?

And considering what we want to ask God for tonight, even if you pray for one hour, it is not too much.

Because I am believing God and I believe you will join your faith with mine, that before the end of this year, barrenness will be completely terminated in our church.

And like I have explained to you before in the past, when we talk about barrenness, some of us think of a woman expecting a child -

Number one: do you know when they say a woman is barren the fault is not that of the woman? The fault will be that of the man.

Number two: barrenness is not just having a baby; it means you are working hard but there is nothing to show for it.

You are working like an elephant; you are eating like an ant; that is coming to an end tonight.

Barrenness could even apply to a pastor, he prays, he studies the Bible, he preaches well, but after one year he has nothing to show for it, that is called barrenness.

When I was a lecturer at the University, promotion is based on how many papers you can produce.

So, you have your degree, alright; but you are not producing papers, and because you are not producing papers no promotion,

And when they want to describe they will say he is mentally barren – that the brain is not producing result.

It does not mean that the brain dead, is that we are not seeing result.

Whatever in your life that could cause people to say, you say you are serving God, we even understand that your God is the God of one small pastor somewhere called Adeboye; and we are hearing the testimonies of others, what about your own?

Whatever is causing people to say where is your God is in form of barrenness and it will be terminated tonight.

But you must be ready to pray; that is while I have made the sermon short so you can have enough time to pray.

Do you know it does not take God time, many of us who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, you can be pregnant before the end of the month.

Or shall I say it in faith and say, you shall be pregnant before the end of the month.

And those of you who have been on same spot for years, who have not been promoted in the place of your work, they all call you hardworking, they say you are honest, they say we know you are a Christian, you are reliable, but when the time for promotion comes, they dodge you;

Haa! Get ready for double promotion.

Because we are going to cry to God tonight that anything call barrenness in His church must be permanently terminated.

How many of you will be willing to pray? And God will answer us in Jesus’ name.

But of course, you know, that only prayer of sinners that God answers is have mercy on me Lord save my soul. Any other prayer when you are still living in sin will be waste of time.

Because the Bible says the hand of the Lord is not shorten that He cannot save, neither His ear heavy that He cannot hear but your sin can separate between you and your God that He will not hear.

So, we need to get anything that could obstruct our prayer out of the way.

So, if are here and you know you are not sure of your salvation and you want God to answer your prayer tonight, I appeal to you come forward very quickly, come and surrounded your life to Jesus, come and cry to Him for salvation; we will join our prayer with yours and He will save your souls, and with your sins out of the way, He will answer you by fire.

So, if you want to give your life to Jesus I am going to count from one to ten; you must be standing before the altar before I say ten and we will together cry to God for your salvation.

So, if you want to come, begin to come as I begin to count

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Now, those of you who are one the way keep coming, and praying as you are coming. And those of us in the front let us cry to the Almighty God, and say: Lord, have mercy on me, save my soul, by my God, be my Saviour, wipe away all my sins, and I will serve you for the rest of my life; have mercy on me today; save my soul.

Let us go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

And the rest of us let us stretch our hands towards this people and intercede for them, that the One who save our souls will save their own souls also; that He will give them, He will wipe away all their sins with His blood until He become their Lord and their Saviour.

Please pray for them.

And those of you on the way hurry up, come quickly; those of you in front continue to pray, cry to Jesus Christ, ask Him to have mercy on you, ask Him to save your soul, ask Him to forgive all your sins, ask Him to become your Lord and Saviour, promise Him that  you will serve Him.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

My Father and my God I want to bless Your holy name for Your word; and I want to thank You for this people who have come to surrender to  you; please remember your promise that whosoever will come to  You You will in no wise case out; they have come to you now Father, receive them in Jesus’ name; have mercy on them, let Your blood wipe away their sins; save their soul and their names in the book of life, let them become children of God today. From now whenever they call on You please answer them by fire, and don’t let them ever backslide.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

And those of you who have given your life to Jesus let me hear you shout hallelujah.

Now, I am rejoicing with you because from now on by the grace of God I will be praying for. So, I am going to need your names, your address and your prayer request.

The Counselors will collect their information I need from you very quickly and we will wait for you till you finish before we continue.

God bless you.

Let us write down our prayer requests.

Number one: we want to thank the Almighty God because He is a rewarder. You don’t deserve any reward but He is still a rewarder. Thank God for that.

Number two: say Father, anything call barrenness in Your church destroy tonight. Barrenness in my home, barrenness in Your church, barrenness in my life, destroy completely tonight.

Number three: Father, end fruitless efforts in my life; put a permanent end to fruitless efforts in my life. Whether physically, mentally, spiritually, maritally, put an end to fruitless efforts in my life.

Number four: Say, Father, don’t let me ever fail again in anything.

Number five: Father, remember me today. Whenever You remembered somebody, their lives don’t remain the same, remember me today.

Number six: Anything called reproach in my life, anything that could cause people to say where is my God, terminate it tonight; please Daddy, terminate it tonight.

Number seven: Father, let my miracle, my breakthrough be now.

Number eight: Father, please give me the grace to serve You much better than before.

Number nine:Father, Don’t let me miss my rewards.

Number ten: Father, answer my neighbours too.

Number eleven: Father, answer the General Overseer too.

And then number twelve: whatever else you want to add.

The altar is open and tonight we want to cry to Him, and you want to really really spend time talking to Him.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

It is written if two of us shall agree as touching anything we ask on earth, it will be done for us by our Father in heaven. Tonight, I am in total agreement with all of you, in your life, in your home, in your churches, barrenness will be terminated.

In all our lives fruitless effort will be over. In the Name that is above every other name, we will never fail again. The One who remembered Rachael and her sorrow turn to joy will remember every one of us tonight. Any reproach that may be left in our lives will be gone before tomorrow morning.

I agree with all of you, our miracles, our breakthroughs, whatever it is that we have been waiting for that will make our joy full, receive it now.

The grace to serve God better, since we know He is a Rewarder, the grace to serve Him with everything, we receive it now.

In the Name of great Rewarder Himself, I agree with you, we will not miss our rewards. God will remember us; He will answer us; He will open the heaven over us.

In the way that only Him can do it, we will all shout for joy. As for those who have been asking where is our God, this very month, God will show them; He will silent our mockers; He will give us ground shaking miracles; miracles that cannot be denied, miracles that the world will hear about, God will give to all of us. It shall be well with you. He will hear your cry. He will answer you by fire. So shall it be.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let someone shout hallelujah.




Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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