THE ROD OF FIRE 7th of June, 2024



7TH JUNE, 2024.



While don’t lift up your hands and begin to begin to bless His holy name.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration; bless the King of kings, bless the Lord of lords, bless the Ancient of days;

Give Him glory, worship Him, He is the Almighty God; Jehovah El-Shaddai, the God who is more than enough, praise His holy name.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, worship Him, bless His holy name.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Saviour.

Thank You Jesus.

Thank You.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

What a might God we serve


What a mighty God we serve

Heaven and earth adore Him

Angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve

(What a mighty God)


What a might God we serve

What a mighty God we serve

Heaven and earth adore Him

Angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve

(We are serving Him)


What a might God we serve

What a mighty God we serve

Heaven and earth adore Him

Angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve

Ancient of days we worship You, the Holy One of Israel we adore You, the I AM THAT I AM, the Unchangeable changer, we give You all the glory, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank You for January, thank You for February, thank You for March, thank You for April, thank You for May, and Lord thank You for June, glory be to Your holy name Lord, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name.

Tonight, in a very very special way, send down Your fire. Everyone here and all those who are connected to this service all of the world, tonight, give us a taste of Your fire. At the end of it all, let Your name be glorified.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Let somebody shout hallelujah by fire.

Well, then shake one or two people and prophesy to them: you will taste a fire of God tonight.

And then, you may please be seated.

Exodus chapter 4 verse 20:

And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God is his hand.

Now, just for your information, I am sure you know we are discussing From the Mountain Top and this is part five.

What is ‘A Rod of Fire’?

Simple, the rod of God

Exodus 4 verse 20, Moses took the rod of God in his hand.

And because according to Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29, like many of my children pointed out, ‘our God is a consuming fire’ – Hebrews 12 verse 29

And because the rod we are talking about is the rod of God, is the rod of the Consuming fire, therefore it is the rod of fire.

But, that is in the hand of Moses.

When you go further into the scriptures you will find another rod of fire like we discover in the Holy Communion yesterday and that will be the mantle of Elijah.

Because Elijah, like I told you yesterday those of you who were at the Holy Communion, is a classical example of a fire man of God - a fire carrier of God.

Because in 1Kings chapter 18 from verse 35 to 39, he prayed for about two minutes and fire came down from heaven.

In 2Kings chapter 1 from verse 9 to 12, two times in a single day he commanded fire to come down from heaven, and fire came.

He is man who prays and fire fall.

He is a man who will command and fire will fall, and he had something peculiar to him, his mantle.

You will remember very well that when he was about to leave and he asked, what do you want?

Elisha said I want a double portion of your spirit, what he handed over or dropped for Elisha to pick up was his mantle.

When you move into the New Testament you will find that the rod of fire is a name, and that name is Jesus.

Isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 to 5, tells us that out of Jesse will come a rod.

And according to Matthew 3 verse 11 to 12, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the One who baptizes with fire.

And just like one or two or three of them have said, they quoted, Acts of the Apostle chapter 1 verse 8, just like Elijah dropped the mantle for Elisha after he departed, Jesus Christ said that after He has gone, He will send down power –

I will drop My mantle on you; and that mantle of course is the Holy Spirit.

So, the rod in the hand of Moses was a shepherd rod that became the rod of God.

In the case of Elijah versus Elisha, it was a mantle.

In the case of you and I, it the Holy Spirit dropped for us by Jesus Christ.

Now, what can the rod do?

My children spoke about several things, about what you can except from the rod; let me just add a few things.

Number one, according to Exodus chapter 7 from verse 10 to 12, when Moses dropped his rod in the palace of Pharaoh, it became a serpent.

The magicians of Pharoah also dropped their own rods and their own rods also became serpents.

But one thing followed, the rod of Moses swallowed the rods of the magicians – the serpents that came from the rod of Mose swallowed the serpents that came from the rod of the magicians; and then when Moses picked it up, it became a rod again.

The first the rod will do for you is to swallow the rods of your enemies.

In 2Kings chapter 6 from verse 8 to 23, because Elisha had the mantle of Elijah when a king sent an Army to go and arrest him, a whole army, Elisha arrested the Army.

The mantle enabled him to be able to arrest the arresters.

And he took them to enemy territory, opened their eyes, got them fed; just like the last speaker said, he returned them to the sender.

In the Name that is above every other name, all the enemies that had been sent to arrest you, you will arrest them, you will return them to sender, and they will never return.

In Acts of the Apostle chapter 12 from verse 1 to the end, there was a king that was determined to stop the work of God.

He got one of the Apostles, killed him, and then decided to make progress, he grabbed Peter, and he was going to kill Peter, and Peter was rescued.

But by the end of the story, you will discover that this fellow that was raising his head up as the enemy of the church was eaten by worms; and the Bible says, after he died, the work of God prospered.

So, I have goodnews for you, trying to stop the work of God through you, very soon, the ground is going to swallow them up.

You may want to write your prayer number one.

Prayer number one: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, let every plan against me be consume by fire tonight.

The second thing that…

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell somebody, He said your set time of favour has come.

Believe me honestly, I want to say amen to that too.

Number two, the rod of fire can make a way where there is no way.

Exodus 14 from verse 13 to 22, you know the story very well.

The children began to pursue the children of Israel, they met them at the red sea, and they were afraid,

And which is goodnews for somebody here today, everything frightening you up till tonight, the fire of God will consume it.

And by the time Moses stretch forth is hand, there came a way where there was no way before.

In 2Kings chapter 2 from verse 13 to 15, when Elisha picked up the mantle that fell from Elijah, he went to river Jordan and smote the river Jordan with same mantle that he picked up from his master, and the Bible says that Jordan opened unto him.

I am sure I have mentioned it to you before, here was Elisha he has received the mantle, he was about to begin his ministry, but between him and the land where he was supposed to minister was river Jordan,

With that mantle, a way was opened for him to cross over to his destiny.

I pray for someone here today, that after tonight, you will enter into your destiny.

And then when you move into the New Testament, you will find that in John chapter 14 verse 6, Jesus will not just show you the way, He will tell you, I AM the Way.

But when you read, John 11 verse 39 to 44, you will discover that in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, He produced a way when everybody thought there was absolutely no way.

At a time when Lazarus was not just dead but buried, rotten, stinking, the Rod of Jesse stood by the tomb and called Lazarus come forth.

Remember when He said Lazarus come forth, several things were to happen at the moment.

Lazarus was already dead, his flesh was already rotten, worms were already consuming the rotten flesh, the blood had changed to blackish water, so, when the Rod of Jesse spoke:

Number one, everything that the worms had consumed, they vomited.

So, everything the devil has taken from you, you are going to get back.

The blood that had change to black water, became blood again.

So, tonight God is going to reverse the irreversible for you.

And not only did Lazarus got up, the very sickness that killed him was also completely dismiss.

I am standing on the authority of the word of God to tell you, the healings that you get tonight will be permanent.

And then somebody said, if Jesus Christ had not mention Lazarus, if instead of saying Lazarus come forth, if He stood before tomb and say, come forth; everyone that had died before man was born will have come out of the tomb; but he was specific, he mentioned Lazarus.

So, tonight, God is going to be specific, He is going to mention the name of somebody; He is going to say: Adeboye come forth.

If it is your name He is going to mention, shout hallelujah.

I have shared this story with you before:

In 1981 I was visiting my town for the first time as the General Overseer.

The town came out to receive me, and when the Oba was going to make a speech, he made a request:

My town is between Ife and Ilesha.

From Ilesha to Ifewara was a distance of thirteen miles they call it then, but that is about twenty kilometers.

The distance between my town and Ife was eight kilometers.

But there was no road between Ife and Ifewara; so, if want to go to Ife from Ifewara, you have to go Ilesha, twenty kilometers, and them travel about thirty-two kilometers to get to Ife.

And my people said, you see, this is Israelite journey, we wish that there will be a road connecting us to Ife.

Well, I did only thing I could do.

I said, show me the direction of the road, and they showed me the road; and I lifted up my right hand pointing in that direction and cried to my God: Father, let there be a way.

Six months later, and I am taking of 1981, at a time when nobody knew me at all; somebody wake up in Abuja and said there is a road here, is a federal road, though it is small.

To cut the long story short, I raised my hand in the direction that the people said they wanted the road, and within six-month work began.

Tonight, I am raising my hand to all of you who are here, and all of you connecting to us throughout the world, from today, there will be a way for you.

You may want to write your prayer number two.

Prayer number two: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, every obstruction on my way clear by fire.

The third things that the rod of fire can do, is that he can close the door against your pursuer.

One of the children mentioned it in passing, he said, the rod that open the red sea for the children of Israelites was also the same rod that close it against the Egyptians.

Exodus 14 from verse 23 to 28…

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell someone, He says the re-current crisis in your family is over now.

Exodus 14 from verse 23 to 28, after the children of Israel had pass through the red sea on dried ground and Pharaoh and his host followed them, the Lord told Moses, turn in the other direction, raise your hand again, and the sea closed on the enemies.

In 2Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to 7, when the creditors came to the widow of one of the prophets, they said, if you don’t pay the amount you are owing us by tomorrow, we will see your children.

She cried to the man who had the mantle, Elisha;

And you we remember the story very well, in the morning, tremendous embarrassment was coming into the life of this widow, by the evening, the door had been shut against the embarrassment.

In the Name that is above every other name, everything that is causing you embarrassment, the fire of God will shut the door against it.

In Acts of the Apostle chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8, when Peter and John were going into the temple to pray, they saw this man who was born lame by the Beautiful Temple, begging for arms.

And when he asked for arms and Peter said to him, look on us, silver and gold and have I known, but I have something: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

The lame man must have been seriously embarrassed.


Sir, what kind of joke is this? If you have no money to give me, go.

You see me here, lame from my mother’s womb and say get up and walk. If I can walk, will I be here?

But then, Peter grabbed his hand,

And like I told some of my children not too long ago, the head is the citadel for anointing.

When I Acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4, when the Holy Spirit came, He came as cloven tongues of fire (like one of my sons said) and sat on the head of those who are there.

The fire landed on the head of Peter, but the while the head was the citadel of the anointing the hand is the conductor that will cause the anointing to flow from the sources to where it is needed.

When Peter grabbed that man by hand, the Bible says, his ankle bone receive strength, anointing flowed into that man, and the man who was feeling embarrassed before suddenly got up, find that I can stand,

He tried to see; can I really walk? I can walk!

Can I jump?

He found out that he could jump.

I cannot reach all of you one by one, but I believe the Almighty God is asking me to stretch my hand to you one more time,

And so, all of you, particularly those of you who are here tonight, those of you in the overflow in the old arena, and those of you who are watching all over the world; as I stretch my hand to you, every form of embarrassment in your life will disappear.

That lame man never begged again.

And in the Name that is above every other name, you will never beg again.

Maybe you want to write down your prayer number three.

Prayer number three: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, if there is any embarrassment coming my way, let Your fire consume.

I can tell you; I can remind you, this thing happened long time ago.

There was a herbalist in Akure, very very powerful herbalist.

Soldiers, top in the military, in the police, etcetera, came to him for charms.

And he had his habitation under a huge Iroko tree, and my son built his factory, almost directly opposite that grove.

Maybe he did not know what was going on, but because anybody that that man…; he was so powerful when he kidnapped anybody and use them for rituals, nobody could touch him.

And my son was producing his products, nobody was coming to buy because they were afraid to pass through the way where this man was reigning.

And I was visiting Akure and my son said please Daddy come and help me bless my factory, and then he told me story.

And I said show me the grove; and he did; and I stretch my hand and I commanded that the fire of God will consume the grove.

Whether that day or the next I cannot remember, but there was a thunder storm and the thunder stroke the iroko tree, broke it to piece, and that man fled, because his magic met with power.

Tonight, any evil tree, in your village, in your town, will not be there when you get home.

What can the rod do?

Number four:

By the time you read Exodus chapter 15…

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell to somebody, your next miracle will be spectacular. He said it will be a miracle that cannot be hidden.

Exodus 15 from verse 22 to 26, tells you the story of what happen when the children of Israel got to a pool of water called Marah, and they could not drink the water because it was bitter, but God should Moses a tree that was by the pool side

He took a bit of the branch, threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.

In 2Kings chapter 4 from verse 8 to 37, the Bible tells of the story of a great woman of Shunem, who became very hospitable with the man with the mantle, as a result of which got a son at a time when she had lost hope that there will ever be a son.

Haa! By the way, when that lady was testifying, the Lord spoke to me.

You remember the lady who said that they said her husband had low sperm – that his sperm count was low; and that she herself do not ovulate.

That is a terrible combination.

As a result, which the doctors said there is no possibility of having children.

And she should you the first one God had provided, and the second one that is on the way.

First of all, Sister, hear the word of the Lord, that baby that is in your womb will be special.

And then, the Lord asked me to tell somebody who was in the similar situation tonight, nine months from now, you will be sharing your own testimony.

We were talking about the great woman of Shunem, she was hospitable to Elisha;

Elisha was getting fed by her on regular basis, she even built a house for Elisha, as a result of which she got a son.

And then, not long after that the son died; and the woman went to Elisha, and said, Sir, I told you, I have settled for a life without a son,

I have said to God, a man cannot receive everything, you have blessed me: I am influential; is okay.

But you Prophet, you came into my house, you changed my story; I was great before, and then I became complete.

Now, the child is dead, how come that instead of leaving me the way I was, contented with my problem, you brought joy into my life, only to snatched it away from me.

The man with the mantle followed her.

If you read the story very well, when Elisha raised that child back to life, the woman did not say anything, she just went in, took her son, and came out.

I decree to you today, that kind of joy that is unspeakable, that is full of glory, will come your way very soon.

Maybe you want to write down your prayer number four:

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, let every source of sorrow in my life be consume by fire. Whether it is something physical, something marital, something material, something career-wise, something spiritual, let every source of sorrow in my life be consume by fire.

Number five

What can the rod do?

The rod can produce something out of nothing.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell you a story because there is a prophesy attached to it.

Several years ago, I think around 1977 or so, I was a games master at Oke Igbo Ifetedo Grammar School, and I led my boys and my girls to Akure to have a competition with their own people there.

And there I met their own games master, and you know, we were both boasting: my children will defeat your own children; my children will wipe out your children, etcetera, etcetera; somehow, we became acquitted.

Years passed, I came to the University of Lagos, I have not seen him after that game at all; and I was in my final year of my Masters,

One day, I was on the campus and suddenly I saw this man passing by: haa, long time, no see! Etcetera

And then he said, what are you doing here?

I said, I am doing my Master.

He said, I see.

Where are you?

He said I am in the Federal Ministry of Education.

I said, haa, you people! I applied for a scholarship you did not even have the decency of inviting me for an interview.

If you are not going give me that is no problem but you should at least invite me.

He said, they didn’t invite you?

I said no.

He said, we were even looking for somebody from your Mathematics.

I said, I got no invitation, nothing.

He said when I get back, I will see what I can do.

To cut a long story short, he went back and the next thing I got was, I got a scholarship, and it was back dated to the very beginning of my course.

So, when I finished, they paid me for two years and that was the money I used to build my first house.

The Lord asked me to tell that story because He said there is someone here, an acquitant that you have not seen for a long time is going to show up; and he is going to turn the tides for you.

If you are the one let me hear you shout hallelujah.

The Rod of Fire can produce something out to nothing

Exodus chapter 17 from verse 1 to 7, the children of Israel were thirsty, they cried, and Moses cried unto God and God showed Moses a rock and told him go and strike the rock and water will come out.

Everybody knows that a rock as no water hidden inside it.

But when the rod of fire hit the rock, out of nowhere water began to gush out.

In 2Kings chapter 4 from verse 42 to 44, somebody brought some food to Elisha and he told his servant prepare the food for all the sons of the prophets, and the man said, sir, do you know how many of us? The food they brought is probably for you alone, how can it feed everybody?

But the man with the mantle said, just do what I have said, and the people will eat and they will have left overs.

From today onward, not enough is something you will never say again.

But when you move into the New Testament, you see something even more significant.

When you read Acts of the Apostle chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12,

Thank You Father.

Are you ready to act by faith tonight?

I did not hear your yes.

But then God asked me to tell you a story;

Somehow, I knew that this night is going to be different.

Is a story I told some of my children not too long ago.

The first time I visited Zambia, and they fed me; but somehow the food I ate did not quiet agree with my stomach so I began to go to the toilet in the night.

I think it was about the twenty-forth time of going to the toilet, and suddenly I remembered that it is written, you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

There was nobody to lay hands on me, but He did not say who the sick would be. I am the one who is sick now, so I lay my hand on my own head and I say: Adeboye, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be healed; and the stooling stopped.

Stand on your feet. If you can stand at all, you must stand now.

You are going to lay your hands on your own head, and pray as if you are angry and mention your name, and say: Adeboye, in the mighty name of Jesus be healed now.

Open your mouth and pray.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I have to join you for this next one because the Lord said, lay that hand on your head and decree and say: head, I decree, you will never refuse miracle.

Go ahead, decree.

Head, I decree to you in the mighty name of Jesus, you will never refuse a miracle, you will never refuse a divine blessing, I decree in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

You find me laughing, you wonder why?

Please be careful of the fellow in front of you now because God asked you to do something now. And make sure you don’t punch the fellow in from of you.

Lord asked me to tell you to stretch forth your hand by force and say: in the mighty name of Jesus, every door shut against me, open now.

Go ahead.

In the mighty name of Jesus, every door shut against me, open now; open now; open now. In the mighty name of Jesus, every door shut against me, open now.

Thank You Father.


And so shall it be in Jesus’ name.

Let me hear you shout a really big hallelujah.

And put your hands together for the Almighty God.

Thank You Daddy. Thank You.

Alright, please be seated.

I was talking about what can happen when you have the rod of fire that you can produce something out of nothing.

In Acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12, when the Bible says

Thank You Lord.

I think somebody is receiving a miracle somewhere there, that is while the screaming.

In Acts chapter 19 verse 11 to 12, the Bible says, God performed special miracle in the hand of Paul so that from his body handkerchiefs, aprons, were taken to the sick, and the diseases departed from them; an evil spirit went out of them.

We are taking about making something out of nothing.

So, when you remember in 1Timothy chapter 1 verse 15 that Paul himself called himself the chief of sinner.

That the Almighty God can take the chief of sinners and turned him to somebody whose handkerchief begin to heal the sick, that tells you that the Rod of Fire called Jesus Christ can make something out of nothing.

Anytime I hear some testimonies, I tremble; particularly when it has to do with handkerchief that I have blessed; because I know who I was.

I have told you before, I was so bad, if I were Jesus Christ, I won’t save Adeboye, but He saved my soul.

And in His infinite mercy He started doing some of these unbelievable miracles.

That is while I laughed when I heard that one joker said I was faking miracles.

There is no need to fake miracles. Some of the miracles God had been performing in our midst, they are difficult to believe.

I remembered one when I was praying in my prayer room last night God reminded me of one.

Her friend had cancer of the breast, they took her to the hospital, cut off that one breast so that she won’t die.

And this lady went to visit her friend in the hospital; sad to see her in that situation, and then took one anointed handkerchief that we had prayed over and laid it on the wound and prayed.

Two weeks later, a new breast had grown.

How can anybody fake that?

Are you going to pretend that that happened if it didn’t?

And in the Name of the One who sent me, all of you who are genuinely connected to me as your Daddy, you will do greater miracles.

Now, what can the Rod of Fire do?

Some of my children have mentioned it.

They said, the rod of fire is a symbol of authority.

One said, is a symbol of fire; etcetera.

Very good information.

But you see, when we are talking about the rod, the best way to explain to you is: what happens when a king has been enthroned?

One day, the Governor will come and over to him what is called the staff of office – a symbol that here comes the king.

The Rod of Fire gives you dominion.

It is combination of authority and power.

Psalm 45 verse 6 gives us another name for the Rod, he called it the Sceptre.

He says your throne O Lord is forever and ever; the Sceptre of Your kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness.

Another of my children quoted, Psalm 110 from verse 1 to 2: the Lord says to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies your footstool.

 Then he went on to say, the Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion;

Out of Zion will come the power that will enable you to rule in the midst of your enemies.

You remember one of them said it.

And one of the boys..., that’s while said these children are wonderful, they have preached almost all my sermon.

One of them referred to Psalm 23 from verse 4 to 5, where he said, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and I will fear no evil

And by the way, there was a song rendered by the Mass choir about why I am not afraid, that was a beautiful song, directly from heaven; glory be to God.

And that young man was saying: the Rod, the Sceptre, the symbol of authority, the symbol of power, would allow to walk through the valley of the shadow of death and you have nothing to fear,

And you rule in the midst of your enemy because the Lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.

I want to decree to somebody that from now on in the very presence of your enemies you will enjoy.

And I want to remind of a story. Many of you know the story.

The late Orimolusi of Ijebu-Igbo that is the one who died several years ago; by the grace of God he was one of my children.

Got born-again, got baptise in the Holy Spirit, etcetera, etcetera; and he decreed, because where there is the word of the king there is power: he said no more idol worshipping in this town; at least as long as I am king.

And the Egungun worshipper said, what is wrong with him? We have been doing this even before your father was born, not to talk of yourself.

He said, okay.

They said, we will celebrate.

He said, we will wait and see.

Two weeks to the celebration, the high priest to the Egungun festival died.

Now, you cannot celebrate without the high priest; so,quickly they appointed another high priest.

I think five after days he got to the stool, he died.

And they said we still have two weeks and they appointed another one, and five days or so later, that one died.

So, they decided, we still have about a week, and they call on the next fellow, we want to move you up,

He said, no way.

They said, why not?

He said the God of Orimolusi will kill me.

I decree today, the God I serve, the God of all gods, the Consuming fire will deal with all your enemies.

You want to write down your prayer number five,

This is a true story, is a story you can check, and that is while I mentioned names and place.

Prayer number five: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, empower me to rule in the midst of my enemies.

Let me close because of time. If the Lord wants, He can pick us from there next month before we go on to Refuelling; if not, the Holy Spirit will teach you whatever remains.

And all my children asked a question: how do I get to have the rod of fire?

Ordinary hands cannot hold the rod of fire.

The hand that will hold the rod of fire must be a changed hand, a transformed hand.

Like one of them mentioned, it has to be a hand that has surrendered all.

In Exodus chapter 4 verse 1 to 8, (which one of them mentioned), when God asked Moses: what is that in your hand?

He said a rod.

The rod in the hand of a shepherd is what make the shepherd a shepherd, and so, when God said, throw it down, God was saying, surrender all.

And when he threw down the rod and the rod became a serpent, the Bible said, he fled from it.

You want to be able to have the rod of fire manifesting regularly in your life, you must not only surrender your life to Jesus Christ, you must forsake your previous ways.

The Bible made it clear, if you really want to come to Jesus Christ, the Baptiser of fire, old things must pass away, everything must become new.

Elisha could not have picked up the mantle of Elijah if in 1Kings chapter 19 from verse 19 to the end, Elisha had not forsaken all to follow Elijah.

We could not be reading about Paul performing special miracles through anointing of God if he had not before said: all things that were gain to me, I surrender all that I may know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Isaiah 52 verse 11 says be clean ye that bear the vessel of God; touch no unclean thing.

Your purity, your holiness must be on a serious level.

There are other things certain people can do, you cannot do them; if you want to carry the rod of fire.

I will tell you just one more story and I will close. Some of you have heard it before.

I was a lecturer at the University of Lagos, and because of my position, there were letterhead paper on my desk, envelops – the university envelops, they were there too.

And I wrote a letter, personal letter, and has nothing to do with the University at all; and when I finished, I stretch my hands to take one of the envelops so I can use it to post my letter,

And the Almighty God spoke to me loud and clear, you cannot take that envelop, that envelops is for official matters, not for your private letter.

I said, haa, Lord, envelop! Envelop! How much is an envelop?

The Lord spoke to me and said, my son, if you know that envelop is that cheap go and buy yours.

How many of you will like to raise the dead?

How many of you will like to lay your hand on sick and they recover all the time?

You better look at your hand very well and tell your hands: from now on you cannot touch the unclean.

Anointing is good, anointing is wonderful, but anointing is a double-edged sword, you abuse it, it can kill you.

When you say let the fire fall, you better be sure you are the kind of person the fire of God will purify and not destroy.

One of children who spoke mentioned the fact that Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, were thrown into the fiery furnace but they could not burn because they themselves were fire – it was fire walking into the fire.

Those who threw them in were slain by the heat of the fiery furnace.

I have prayed, and I am sure God has heard me that all of you my children you will be greater than I.

But I have told you again and again, holiness is the master key; you must be holy.

Not only must you be powerful, you must be holy.

The word of God says because you love righteousness and hate iniquity, therefore your God, even your God as anointed you with oil of gladness above your fellow.

My Beloveth children, the fire of God has already fallen tonight, God is already here with us, even the dead can feel His presence here tonight. And the fire is still going to fall even more but you better be sure you are right with God because the fire of God does not mix with sin.

So, those of you who have not yet given your life to Jesus, the Blood that can cleans you from all sins, is available.

If you come to Jesus Christ tonight, his blood will wash you from all your sins and everything can become new for you.

So, if you are here and you have not yet given your life to Jesus Christ, I will count from one to ten, before I say ten, make sure you are already standing before the altar here and then I can pray for your salvation; and then when we ask the fire to fall, the fire will only do you good and not evil.

So, if you want to give your life to Jesus you better begin to come now, as I begin to count.

One, two, three,

If you claim you are born-again and you are still living in sin, you better come now; you better come now before it is too late. Because when you are truly born-again, you will hate; come for genuine salvation.


Those of you coming from afar off, you have to move a little faster.

Five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Thank you.

Now, those of you who are on the way just keep coming; make sure you are here before I finish praying.

Those of you who are already in front cry to the Almighty God, ask Him to have mercy on you, ask Him to wash you in His blood, ask Him to please make you one of His children.

Those of you who are on the way, pray this same prayer. Promise Him that you will serve Him from now on, that He should please save your soul, He should wash away all your sins with His blood.

And the rest of us, let us stretch our hands towards these people and intercede for them, that the Almighty God will have mercy on them, that He will save their souls, He will wash them clean with His blood.

And those of you who are still on the way, hurry up because within the next two minutes I will be praying for salvation.

Thank You Father.

Thank You Jesus.

O glory be to God.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


My Father and my God I want to bless Your holy name; I want to thank You for these people who have responded to your word. Thank You for Your word; and thank You because these people have come, Lord, please have mercy on them, let Your blood wash away their sins, save their souls oh Lord, write their names in the book of life. And Please Lord God Almighty, from now on whenever they cry unto You, please answer them by fire. And don’t let them ever backslide. Thank You Almighty God, for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Praise the Lord.

Those of you who are on the way, keep coming, you are not late yet.

The Counsellors would please move round them, attend to these people, and give them the material to give you the information I need.

Those of you who have come forward, I promise you by the special grace of God, from now on I will be praying for you.

So, I am going to need your names, your address, and your prayer request; and we will do that very quickly before we produce further.

Thank You Father.

You want to add to your prayer list.

Prayer point number six and that is you are going to ask the Almighty God and say, please just send down Your fire. Just send down Your fire in every facet of my life, send down Your fire.

And then number seven will then be your private point – any special prayer you want to present to God, make it number seven.

The altar is open, and you can come, we are very early today, you have plenty of time to pray.

Let us talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Jesus.

Hallelujah Father.

Let us begin to bring our prayer to a close.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

The Almighty God will answer your prayers. All the rods of your enemies will be consumed by fire. Where there is no way before, before the sun rises, there will be a way for you. God will shut the door against your pursuer. They will never catch up with you. Everything that will cause you sorrow the Almighty God will uproot them. Out of nothing, God will produce something for you. He will give absolute victory. You will become a blessing. God will use you to perform miracles. Your handkerchiefs will heal the sick; your dress will raise the dead; you will be a special vessel in God’s hand. In every area where you need help, God will send help to you. This day marks a new beginning for you. The kind of joy the Bible calls unspeakable God will give to you in abundant. It shall be well with you. You will never forget tonight. The tide will turn for you tonight.

So, shall it be.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


God bless you.

Thank You Father.













Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2024. RCCG Internet Outreach