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ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER 13th of December, 2024
DECEMBER HOLY GHOST SERVICE THEME: ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER 13TH DECEMBER, 2024. BY: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord. Daddy says there is a woman here, the baby in you had not moved for almost a week; the Lord asked me to tell you that the baby has come back to life. Daddy asked me to tell someone that project which you abandoned will be dedicated this time next year. Daddy asks me to tell someone that the prodigal son shall come back home. Thank You Daddy. The Lord asks me to tell someone those who said you have finished will come back to say your God is mighty. Daddy asks me to tell someone that door that has been shut permanently against you shall be open by Monday. While don’t you just lift our hands to the most high God and bless His holy name. Let us just glorify His holy name. Praise Him; He deserves it. He is already here, even the dead can feel His presence; praise Him. Give Him glory, give Him glory, give Him glory, Thank You Father. Thank You Lord. Blessed be Your holy name. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Jesus. O Lord, thank You. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know Hallelujah
We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know Hallelujah
We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know We are serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know (What about you?)
I am serving the God of miracle I know, yes, I know I am serving the God of miracles I know, yes, I know Haa! Thank You Daddy. The Lord asked me to tell His children that tonight will be referred to jamboree of miracles. Daddy we are grateful. Thank You for Monday, thank You for Tuesday, thank You for Wednesday, thank You for yesterday, thank You for today, thank You for tomorrow, thank You forever, accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Before this night is out Daddy let Your children know that You are the Almighty. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Let someone shout hallelujah. Shake hands with one or two people and say to them: I have already received my own. And then you may please be seated. We are already blessed, but all that have happened is mere introduction, by the time we finish here tonight even the devil will know he is in trouble. Let us go straight into the word of God. And I will try to be brief as possible because of other services. Philippians chapter 3, I will be reading from verse 7 to 14 (Philippians 3:7 to 14) 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Our theme is Onward Christian Soldiers. Three words – Onward, Christian, Soldiers. We have already learnt those of us of who are here from Monday that praise is weapon of warfare which is while we are praising God, praising God, praising God. And many of you may not know it that tonight, particularly when the choir was ministering, hands that had been bound had been loosed; legs that the enemies had hang on had been loosed. We have learnt that the worst thing that can happen to anyone is for your ally to join your enemies and that this can only come if you are proud. So, we had already learnt that of all our weaknesses the one that can turn God against us straight away is pride. And then we have learnt that a sick soldier is of no use to the Commander-in-chief; so, we said that your commander-in-chief is very very eager to heal you. And then of course we learnt yesterday that almost all your problems are related to forces of darkness and that if there is light thing will change for the better. And like the testimony you had, somebody shouted let there be light and a snake escaped from the house. We all know that a snake is a representative of satan. It might be a good idea if you will shout let there be light tonight. Because there might be some snake inside of you. One of my sons gave a testimony during the Abuja Holy Ghost service in November, and the Almighty God entered into his mum, she vomited a life wall gecko. I don’t what is hiding in you, please let me hear you shout, let there be light. Demons don’t appear on x-ray because they are not made of flesh and blood like you and I. But I am saying one more time, that if you don’t mind, if there is anything planted in you that is not planted by God, if you will shout let there be light one more time. Tonight is a special night, so, please don’t look at time; a night like this comes only once in a life time. A husband complained that he is not understanding the kind of wife he has and so we discussed; And I asked the lady, what’s all your husband said is happening? He said don’t mind him; his mother is the witch not me. I said of course, I agree. But then the Holy Spirit as asked me to say, could you tell me your most frequent dream. Usually, I just find myself among snakes and the snakes will be playing with me; they look as if they are my children..., And there is nothing in you! Everything that is in you, that is not of God; let me hear you shout ‘let there be light’. Onward Christian Soldiers. Who is a Christian? According to 2Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 – therefore if any man be in Christ is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. A Christian is a new creature who is now in Christ, who has surrendered his life to Jesus Christ; who had been washed by the blood of the Lamb; and he is now completely new in his ways, in his thought, in his actions he is new; It is not like he used to be; he is born-again. Now, who is a Soldier – particularly of Christ now? A Soldier of Christ is someone chosen by Christ; as soon as he is born-again, he is chosen by Christ. As a matter of fact, to be born-again at all, you must have been chosen. In John chapter 6 verse 44, Jesus Christ said, no man can come unto Me, except My Father draws you. It does matter how graced a preacher may be, when he gives the altar call, when God is not drawing you, you won’t come. So, if you gave your life to Jesus Christ is because God has drawn you, and the moment He drew you to salvation He choses you to be part of His army. John 15 verse 16 made it abundantly clear, in the Army of Christ, there are no volunteers; He said you have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. The moment God brings you into salvation, it is evidence that He has chosen you to be one of His soldiers. In 2Timothy chapter 2, you can read it from verse 3 to 4 - if you are a child of God, you are chosen to be a soldier of Christ – Chosen I mean! You don’t volunteer to be in the army of God; He choses you! So, if you are true child of God, thoroughly saved, not a pretender, you will immediately seize to be a civilian, you become a soldier of Christ. So, all of you who are soldiers of Christ according to the definition have given you now, wave your hand and shout hallelujah. Now, the moment you join the army of Christ, He is going to train you; He is going to take you through what the military called boat camp. In the 2Timothy chapter 2 verse 4 that I mentioned earlier on, He says you will have to endure hardness; He did not say ‘hardship’, He said ‘hardness’. When you say what is the difference between a soldier and a civilian? Is that the soldier had been trained, as being toughened, and then they become warriors. And let me go straight to the fact that if you a Christian soldier and you come under your Commander-in-chief; and our Commander-in-chief is called the Lord of host - Psalm 24 verse 7 to 10 And the Bible describes Him that He is strong. Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 to 31, He is so strong the He neither sleep nor slumber; He never gets tired. He is described as mighty; He is not just mighty, He is the Almighty Jeremiah 32 verse 27, He can do all things; there is nothing too hard for Him to do. He is not just mighty, but He is mighty in battle. Our Commander-in-chief, our God, is not a civilian. Exodus 15 verse 3, says the Lord is a man of war, the Lord is His name. He is called the Lord of host – host in heaven, host on earth, host under the earth. According to Philippians 2 verse 10, in the air there is no fighter like Him. If you read Joshua chapter 10 verse 1 to 11, you will discover that our God is the first one to throw bomb. So, if there is any force that is trying to threaten you and says it is a force by air, our Commander-in-chief will bomb them. On air there is no soldiers like Him. Numbers 16 verse 23 to 34, when He wants to fight by land, all He have to do is tell the ground its mouth and swallow His enemies which is goodnews for somebody here tonight, Because every enemy that followed you here, unless the get out very quickly, the ground is going to swallow them up. By sea there is no fighter like Him. Exodus 14 verse 21 verse 28, tells you when it comes to fighting by sea there is no fighter like him. So, I have goodnews for those of you who have been tormented by marine spirits, you won’t hear about them any more. I have done that much to tell you that a Christian Soldier must never be afraid because your Commander-in-chief is absolutely in-charge. Now, let us go to the operative word tonight: Onward Christian Soldier is saying to you from now on in your life it must be forward ever. Your Commander-in-chief never expects you to go backward. In Exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28, when the children of Israel looked back and they saw the armies of Pharoah, what God said to Moses is tell the children of Israel is ‘move forward’ He did not say tell them to go backward. As a Christian Soldier you need to know that you must never never run from the enemy. The elders have a saying, it is who run that is chased. In the Name that is above every other name, you will never run from the enemy again. And when you read Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 to 18, when the Bible was describing for us the armour of God, you will discover that there is no armour for your back. There is one for your head, one for your chest, one for your hand, one for your feet, but nothing provided for your back, because you are never never to run. So, I want you to tell your neighbour, stop running - say it loud and clear. Onward Christian Soldiers means, forward ever, and He says not stopping, keep moving forward. What if I come against obstacle? Keep moving forward. We come against a wall, like in Joshua chapter 6 verse 20, if you find yourself facing a wall, all you need to pull it down is to shout hallelujah. Every wall that the enemy had erected against your progress, is going to fall tonight; provided you can shout one big hallelujah. If you come against mountain, you are not to turn back, you are to move the mountain. Mark 11 verse 23 to 24, you command the mountain to move, and the mountain will move. I don’t want to tell you many testimonies tonight because we still have a long way to go, but I just want to remind you because it will be relevant to somebody in particular. One of my sons who was living in the same house, with different flat but same house, with a herbalist; and told me that that the herbalist was disturbing him And I told him, move the herbalist, you are not the one to look for a new flat, he is the one who should move, it is darkness that must run from light, but he did not listen to me. And then one day, police came and arrested him because the herbalist had reported him to police that at night this fellow will be holding meeting in his flat; so, they arrested him for holding prayer meeting in his flat. When he finally came out, I told him: whatever is allowed on earth is allowed in heaven; whatever you reject, will be rejected. Do I hear somebody say, I forbid suffering. Do I hear somebody say before I get home, every agent of the devil in my house must pack out. Why don’t you say it like you mean it. Amen. By the time they have kept my son for detention for days, beating by mosquitoes and all kinds of thing, he was ready to move his mountain. Open you mouth loud and clear, and say, I am soldier for Christ, every mountain blocking my way, move tonight, no backward movement, no stopping, no surrender, In Daniel chapter 3 from verse 1 to the end... Thank You Father. The Lord says before the end of the year somebody will be singing and the song will be: ‘What the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all. what the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all. what the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all. He saved and washed in His blood.’ Who is the one who will be singing this song? Let me hear you shout a big hallelujah. And Daddy asked me to tell you, we will hear your testimony. In Daniel chapter 3, the whole story, you know the story, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, told the king we will not surrender. Our God who will serve, our Commander-in-chief is able to deliver us and even if He choses not to deliver us we refused to bow. And because they refused to bow, they a refused to burn. Because they refused to bow, they refused to burn – the fire refused to burn them. I decree in the Name that is above every other name, the fire that the enemy may have built for you will roast them themselves. Forward ever, no stopping, no surrender, no comprise. In Daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to the end, the enemies try to get Daniel to comprise, to stop what he had been doing for God: stop praying He said not only will I pray; I will pray in such a manner that every body will see me praying. You know the story – He refused to compromised; and those who thought they could finish him, said now the lion will do the job. But he came out of the lion den and the lion finished those who would have finished him. I have goodnews for a soldier of Christ, if any person or group of persons had been holding meetings to destroy you, you will shout for joy when you hear of their ending. So onward Christian soldier; forward ever, backward never; no stopping, no surrender, no retreat, no compromise; no truce with the enemy. You need to get this one deep into you. Now, when we go further, why are we commanded to go forward? Because there is a goal in front. In the Bible text that I read to you; he said I am pressing on because I want to gain something. And what it he is stretching forward to? By the time you read 2Timohty chapter 4 from verse 6 to 8, by the time he finally reached his goal, he released a secret to us, he says there is a crown – there is a crown waiting. When you go to the University while are we studying hard? Why do we study at night at the time we should be sleeping? Because we want something. Why do we find soldiers going from one battle to another? When you see some Generals, you will see them wearing some medals? There is a goal for you; there is a crown waiting for you. And in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you will not miss your own crown. Now, let me talk very briefly; I am trying to be as brief as possible. What is to be the lifestyle of a Christian Soldiers? How do you know a true Christian Soldier? A lifestyle of a Christian Soldier is a lifestyle of praise. Psalm 34 verse 1 - we learnt from the giant killer David, he said I will bless the Lord at all time, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. A soldier of Christ never grumbles, they don’t complain, they are always praising God. Somebody said, why are you always shouting hallelujah Pastor Adeboye? A lifestyle of a Christian Soldiers is a lifestyle of praise. And I have thought us before, even when prayer fails, praise will never fail. You can hardly find anyone who got a breakthrough who had not worship God first. And since this is your own night of breakthrough, I would have given you minutes to praise God but because of time, I will say one more time, shout hallelujah. A lifestyle of a Christian Soldier... Thank You Father. I think I have heard this one before so God must be really serious about this and I want to say amen to it before I tell you. Daddy says, someone has seen droplets of blessings, but he should get ready for showers of blessing. Thank You Father. The Lord asked me to tell you something before the word will come; you have heard it before. One great man of God came to visit me, and began to tell all the things that God had been doing for him – God did this, God did that, And I kept on saying glory be to God. And then all of a sudden, he turned round and say Sir, I am the only one who had been talking, you have not said anything that God did for you. I said, haa, Sir, if I were to tell you what God had been doing for me, you will say God is partial. God asked me to tell you somebody, by the time you begin to tell of what He has done for you, your neighbour will say God is partial. The lifestyle of a Christian Soldiers is a lifestyle of prayer. The Bible says in 1Thessalonians 5 verse 17, says you are to pray without ceasing. The lifestyle of a Christian Soldier is a lifestyle of power. A Christian Soldier is not a weakling; the One who called you has empowered you. In Mark chapter 3 from verse 13 to 15, those that He chose, He gave them power – You are not a weakling, you have power; you may not realise it but you have power; and from now on you must use that power -u se the power to heal, use the power to cast out demons, Until you begin to make use of the power you may not even realise you have it. In the hymns special song for the congress, the Bible tells you that you have power to do exploits for God. I want to encourage you when you leave this congress, begin to use your power; miracles will begin to follow; Wherever you go, joy will go, miracles will follow, is a lifestyle of power. The lifestyle of a Christian Soldier is a lifestyle of faith – This is very very crucial because the Bible say the just shall live by faith. God said it four times in the Bible: the just shall live by faith. And I just want to thank God for one of the testimonies we heard tonight of the woman who came, bought cloth for children, bought wrapping something to back the children, Joined those who had bringing forth children even though she has been barren for donkey years, danced with them; She turned to the husband and told him; I have received mine. Is there anybody here tonight who has received something? God honours faith. May I say to somebody tonight, be it unto you according to your faith. Stop being a doubter; be a man or a woman of faith; you are a soldier of Christ. Believe me honestly, with God nothing shall be impossible. Tell your neighbour, my own will not be impossible with God. I will tell you a story because you are going to do something to demonstrate your faith tonight. I received a phone call from Zambia: Daddy, your daughter, our Pastor have had a terrible accident, I have just come out of the hospital to phone you because no way she can survive; the Doctors have said she will die. I said, ‘na lie’. Oh Daddy, you don’t seem to get what I am talking about: her head had been battered; she is going to die. I said, ‘na lie’. They said even if we take her by air ambulance to South Africa for specialist attention she will even die before getting there anyway. I said, ‘na lie’. They said even if she lives, because of the situation of the brain, she will never be able to do anything at all again. I said, ‘na lie’ She is here today, doing marvellous work in the Arab country. I want you to do something, if you can stand; I want you to stand and begin to say, in the mighty name of Jesus the plan of the devil concerning my life, na lie. Open your mouth and begin to say. All the plan of the devil concerning my life, na lie. All the plan of the devil concerning my children, na lie. All the plan of the devil concerning my business, na lie. All the plan of the devil concerning my ministry, na lie. All the plan of the devil concerning my destiny, na lie, na lie, na lie, na lie, na lie. You better open your mouth because God is listening. All the plan of the devil concerning the rest of my life, na lie, na lie, na lie. And so shall it be in Jesus mighty name. Please be seated. I will soon round up this session. The lifestyle of a Christian Soldier is a lifestyle of discipline. In 2Corinthians chapter 11 verse 27, Paul the Apostle said I fasted often. Don’t be surprised, there will be those who will counter me very quickly, all that the Bible said is that the just shall live by faith; He did not say the just shall live by fasting. It may surprise you though that people like Moses fasted forty days and forty nights, and when something happened that did not allow him to achieve his goal, he went back and did another forty days and forty nights. It will surprise you that somebody like Elijah fasted forty days and forty nights. And even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who was God in the flesh fasted for forty days and forty nights. While I am telling you this because as soldiers of Christ, in the coming, at least for those of you in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, you are going to be fasting for hundred days. And some people shout for joy; and some people shout for ‘he has come again’. Those of you who shout for joy shout hallelujah. You are going to fast because you are soldiers of Christ; i t is going to be voluntary. The last time we fasted for hundred days was ten years ago, and some of us can remember where we were ten years ago and we know where we are today. I have goodnews for somebody, next year is going to be a new beginning for someone. Let me just jump all other actions that we see in a life of a Christian Soldier, and we conclude this one for a moment. The lifestyle of a Christian Soldier is a lifestyle of joy Because the Bible says is Nehemiah 8 verse 10 says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Is a life of joy because is a life of hope. I Joel chapter 2 from verse 26 to 27, God repeated twice, He said my people shall never be ashamed. I decree tonight, you will never know shame again. Why is it a life of joy? It is because is a life where you have assurance of divine help. In Psalm 50 from verse 14 to 15, God promised that if you call on Him in the time of trouble, He said I will answer you, I will deliver, and you will glorify Me. You have the assurance of help from the Almighty, the One who never fails. Not only do you have the assurance of help from God, the help will come instantly. Psalm 46 from verse 1 to 3, tells us that our God is the ever-present help in the time of trouble; He is our refuge, He is our strength; help comes from Him the very moment we need it. If anybody is in need of help tonight, he will get it before we get out of here. I have had the privilege of visiting Head of States practically all over the world, and I know what you go through to get into the present of the Head of State – All the protocol, all the security checks; at their own invitations o! In some cases, you cannot even go in with your biro pen; they will check you and check you and check you, and by the time you get there, they are already looking at the clock. And then I realise that when I want to visit Jesus there is no protocol, nobody has to check, I don’t have to wait in the reception hall. How long does it take me to get into the presence of Jesus? Instantly. If I want to talk to Jesus now, maybe the only thing I need to do to attract His attention is to shout hallelujah. And how long do I have to stay in His presence? Nobody is coming to drag me out. If I want to stay with Him from now till tomorrow, I am well come. Is a life of joy, is a life of freedom, is a life nobody else can control. And you know what? Jesus Christ said in John chapter 15 verse 24 Thank You Father. The Lord asks me to tell someone as long as there is water in the ocean, My oil will never dry on your head. The Lord said, up till this moment you have not asked me anything; ask till your joy be full. You know I have goodnews for somebody, you will never weep again; and if you ever weep, you will be weeping for joy. Tonight, you are going to ask God for certain things. I am going to give you a period when you will pray, and tonight don’t ask God for small things, ask Him for big things. He is here, He is going to answer prayer tonight; He has promised us a jamboree of miracles; and I am going to get as many as possible for myself. I have always said it, self first is not selfishness - what God said is love your neighbour as yourself. You know what that means? First of all, love yourself, and then use that measure of the love you have for yourself to love your neighbour. So, I told my friend once, seek to be number one, and then wish your neighbour the very best. I have no objection to you being next to number one. Is anybody here today who will like to be number one? Anyone who here who wants to be best? Anyone here who wants to be the highest? Anyone who wants to finish well? Then, let your hallelujah be louder than that of your friend. We are going to pray for just few minutes because we need to move on quickly to Holy Communion Service, But you want to write down the following prayer points: Number one: we want to thank God that you are chosen. Many are called but few are chosen. Thank God that you are one of the chosen ones. And then talk to Him and say: Father, tonight, perfect my healing. I have learnt that a sick soldier is of no use to You; perfect my healing tonight. Number three: you will say, Father, the bridge between me and the world, destroy tonight so that I can never go back to the world. Number four: you will say, Father, every obstacle trying to slow me down, consume by fire tonight. Every obstacle trying to block the goal You set for me, let Your fire consume tonight. Number five: say, Father, the situation that can cause me to surrender to satan, don’t let it ever come my way. Number six: say, Father, for the rest of my life, let me move constantly forward. Number seven: Father, let me end well and strong. The altar is open. You have very few minutes tonight because we still have something else to do. You call on God now as if you are the only person here tonight. It does not matter how your neighbour wants to handle this moment but you go to the Almighty God. And take the next few minutes to call on the Almighty God. Thank Him for chosen you. Call on Him to perfect your healing. Ask Him to help you to destroy the bridge between you and the world so you can never backslide; consume every obstacle between you and His goal by fire; and anything that will let you surrender to devil God will never let it come your way. For the rest of your life, it will be forward ever, forever ever, forward ever; forward ever. That God will help you to end well and to end strong. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. In the Name that is above every other name, I decree from this altar that God will grant your request; He will perfect your healing tonight. Anything that can take you back into the world, God will destroy. Every obstruction between you and the purpose of God for your life the fire of God will consume. You will never surrender to the devil. Temptation will not over come. You will finish well. You will reach your gaol; and you will never lose your crown. So shall it be. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Well, shout hallelujah.
Pastor E. A. Adeboye