NEW BREED 4th of April, 2008

Let somebody shout halleluiah!

The bible tells us that before the mountain are brought forth,  God  has been in existence, compared to God everybody here tonight is a child and the bible says out of the mouth of babes and suckling God has perfected praise.

 I want every child here tonight , everyone who consider himself or herself a baby in the hands of the most high, to lift up our voices to the most high God and praise him, lets praise him, lets praise the ancient of days.

 Let’s praise the rock of ages, lets praise the one who have been from everlasting to everlasting, lets magnify his holy name, there is no one like him, he is the ancient of days, he is the I am that I am, he is the most high God.

He has no beginning, he has no ending, he has been before the mountains are brought forth, let’s praise his holy name. Tell him my daddy I praise you, I give you all the glory, I give you all hour, I give you all adoration, there is no one like you, you are older than the oldest.

You are wiser than the wisest, you have no beginning, you have no ending, so I want to praise you daddy. I want to give you all glory; I want to give you all honour. Be thou exalted my daddy forever.

 Be exalted  forever, oh Lord above the heavens,  your glory cover the whole earth Lord because you are mighty you are good, you are kind, you are powerful, you are glorious, there is no one like you my Lord, you are ancient of days.

Oh! I bless your holy name you are the one who had been before the beginning, you are the beginning of all the beginnings and you are the ending of all endings, I love you daddy I praise your holy name, I bless your holy name.

 I lift you high my Lord and my savior, you said before Abraham was you were, older than Abraham, older than Isaac and Jacob, older than Adam himself, I bless your holy name. You had been before the world began, you had been when there were no stars, no sun, when no moon existed you are God, from everlasting to everlasting to everlasting you are God.

 You are the rock of ages; you are the ancient of days. I bless your holy name, I bless your holy name, I bless your holy name, thank you father, and blessed be your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we offer praise.

The elders say a child who is grateful for what is done for him yesterday will receive more. I want us to thank God for what he did last month, lets bless his holy name for the souls that was saved, for the people that he healed, for the people that he set free, lets bless his holy name.

Thank you for the special holy ghost service, thank you for the mighty move of the Holy Spirit in our midst, thank you for the people you saved, thank you for the people you saved, thank you for the people that you healed, thank you for the people that you delivered.

Thank you for the signs thank you for wonders, thank you for signs, thank you for testimonies, thank you for security, thank you for your goodness, thank you for your mercies, thank you for all that you have done for us in the past.

We bless your holy name, we give you all the glory, we give you all the honour, we give you all the adoration, we say may your name forever be glorified, thank you Almighty God, thank you the ancient of days, thank you unchangeable changer, blessed be your holy name, thank you Lord, we give you all the glory for what you did last month, thank you, thank you for your faithfulness, thank you for your support, thank you for your love, thank you because you are always there for us, thank you my Lord and my savior, thank you for save delivery of children, thank you Lord for all the pregnant ones.

 Thank you my father and God because without you, we can do nothing, glory be to your holy name, blessed be your holy name. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear and say father, put an end to tragedy in my family… let’s talk to the Almighty God. In Jesus name we have prayed.

Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father don’t let me ever bury any of my children; let’s talk to the Almighty God… in Jesus name we have prayed.

The bible says evil communications corrupt good manners, lets lift our voice to the Almighty God and say father, anyone who will corrupt my children, keep such a fellow far away from my children, lets lift our voice to the Almighty God… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

It is written in the word of God that myself as well as the children God has given me we are for signs and wonders, lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father, in my family let there be daily occurrence of miracles, signs and wonder let’s talk to the Almighty God… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

In many of the schools and university, there are agents of the devil all out to win our children to the side of the enemy. Lets lift our voice to the most high God and say father, every plant that you did not plant, in schools, colleges and university uproot them all. Let’s talk to the Almighty God… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Experience shows, that some children started up very well but because of the evil one, they end up badly. Let’s lift up our voices to the Most High God and say father we commit our children into your hands today, don’t let their destiny be truncated. Let’s talk to the Almighty God... In Jesus name we have prayed.

The bible says a house divided against itself cannot stand, in some home today the parent are serving the Lord, and the children are serving the devil, lets cry to the Almighty God and say father, let my whole family serve you, lets cry to the Almighty God… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

Now the next prayer is going to be in two parts. The children will be praying for their parent crying to God to bless their parent and the parent will say Father, everything I need, to take care of these children, physically, mentally spiritually, give to me abundantly, let’s Go ahead and pray…  in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

Now if you have your children near you, lay hands on them and pray for them, if your children are not near, by faith raise your hand towards them, wherever they may be, whether in Europe or America, ask the Almighty God to go and lays His Mighty hands on all these children and bless theses children, keep evil away from… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

I have a father, almighty father; He is king of kings, Lord of Lord… (Worship)

There is a father, that he is a father of all father, he is the originator of all fathers, he is the supporter of all fathers, he is the creator of all fathers, he is the defenders of all fathers, let’s worship him one more time, let’s worship the father of all fathers, the Almighty father. The king of kings, the ancient of days, the Lord of Lords, the great provider.

 Let’s bless the father of fathers tonight, the fathers of all the parent, lets bless His name tonight, father of fathers, king of kings, Lord of Lords, oh! We bless your holy name, blessed be your name.

In Jesus Mighty name we have worshiped.

Father you are good, you are kind, you are great, you are marvelous, there is no one like you, Glory be to your holy name Lord, Accept our thanks in Jesus name.

Thank you for what you did last month, thank you for the souls your saved, thank you for the people you healed, thank you for the captives you set free, accept our thanks in Jesus name.

Tonight we commit all our children to your hands, those who are here and those who are far away, please lay your hands on them bless them all.

Father we pray that we will never bury our children again, that there will be no more tragedy in our homes, that our children will be for signs and wonders, visit us tonight, save souls tonight, deliver tonight, bless us mightily tonight, and let your name forever be glorified. Thank you father, in Jesus name we have prayed. Amen

Let somebody halleluiah!

2 Corinthians 5v17, therefore if any man be in Christ is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. Tonight we want to talk about “NEW BREED”, because God said at the beginning of this year that He is going to do a new thing, we believe that our children will become a brand new breed. And by the special grace of God, next month we will be talking about the new anointing.

If a child is in trouble, there cannot be rest for the parent. If a child is sick, the parent can’t be rejoicing, for example in Matt.15 v 21- 28 when a daughter was being vexed by the devil, the mother had to endure all kinds of insult, in other to get deliverance, for her daughter. Even when the mother is called a dog, she said it is okay, just let my child to be healed. Every child that is here tonight that might be under the control of the devil, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ You shall be free tonight.

When a child is bad, even one bad child can destroy the entire heritage of a family. It was the children of Eli that destroy the heritage of the family of Eli, in 1Sam. 2 v 22-30 the children of Eli were misbehaving in the house of God, the father rebuked them they didn’t listen, finally God said, “I am the one who promised this family, that they would forever stand before me”, God said now  said it will not happen again. Every child that will destroy the heritage of your family, the Almighty will touch such a child in the mighty name of Jesus.

On the other hand, if a child is rightly connected to God, then the whole family can benefit tremendously. For example in Gen. 47 v 1-12 the bible says because of Joseph, his father, his brothers, all their children were well nourished.

 Only one Joseph, but because he was connected with God, he was a blessing to the entire family. I pray tonight, that the children that will be a blessing to the entire family, will be the children that are here tonight in Jesus name.

Tonight we will pick some examples from the bible of the kind of children that we want our children to be.

Let’s start with Isaac; this is one child that changed the destiny of his parent. This is a child that changed the history of barrenness in the family. According to     Gen. 21 v 1- 6 this was a child that gave continuous joy to the parent.

Every time they saw him, they laugh, that is the kind of children am believing God for you tonight. According to Gen. 22 v 6- 8 this is a child that also enjoy serving the Lord, he said to his father I can see the fire wood, I can see the fire, I know it means we are going to sacrifice to God, I am excited but where is the lamb we will use.

This is a child who enjoys serving the Lord; that is the kind of children God will raise for us tonight in Jesus. Even when the father lay him on the altar, in other words the father was saying to him you are the sacrifice, he didn’t struggle, he surrender completely to God.

 I am believing God for those of you who are here tonight, when your history is written it will be said of you, this is a child that surrender completely to God, this is a child like his fathers, completely obey God and as a result of that he brought multiplied  blessings to the family.

 In Gen. 22 v15 -18  the bible says that when God began to pronounce a blessing on the family of Abraham, He said I swear, by myself have I swore, saith the Lord, Abraham in blessing I will bless you, as for Isaac, I will multiply him. I pray tonight that all the children who are here, they will be children of multiplication.

There are all kinds of children. There are children who bring joy to the family. There are children who bring sorrow to the family. Your own children will be children of joy in Jesus name.

Do you know there is one thing about Isaac I have searched the scripture, I have studied this boy in detail, I did not find one single evil report against him. There was not a single statement in the bible that is a negative statement about Isaac.

 In Matt. 3 v 17 the bible says that God spoke concerning Jesus and said this is my beloveth son, in whom I am well pleased. This is a son that pleases me all the way. I am praying tonight, that beginning from this moment onwards, whenever God wants to speak about your children, He will say these are mine beloveth children in whom I am well pleased.

There are all categories of children; there are children who cause trouble all the time. You know there are some children, the parent can say it out loud but they wished they were dead, but there are some children that bring joy all the time. By the power of the anointing, all the children that are here tonight, they shall be called children of joy.

 I mentioned Joseph earlier on, let’s look at him one more time; there is one child that preserved the future of the family.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said be careful what you say with your mouth from now on, He said because whosoever you bless from tonight will be bless and anyone you curse from tonight, will be cursed.

That is a very powerful statement and it is something you should pray about, particularly when you are talking to your children, from now on tell your children it will be well with you, you will be great, you will reach the top, you will be excellent, let that be what is  coming out from your mouth from now on.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight; he said I will plead your cause tonight.

Gen. 32 v 24-29 the bible tells us in this passage, that God promised Jacob that his name will be Israel, He said your name will no longer be Jacob, your name shall be Israel, in other words Jacob is to be called a nation, to be called Israel, but for Joseph he would have died of hunger and the promise of God for Jacob will never have been fulfilled. The children that will preserve the future of your family will be raised up tonight among those that are here in Jesus name.

In Gen. 37 v 5-10 we found that even as a child, Joseph was already favored of God. He was already dreaming great dreams of how he will become great, of how others will be bowing down before him. I pray for all the children who are tonight, you will be favored of the Lord in Jesus name.

 But then there is something you need to know about Joseph, young as he was, he was God fearing, he feared God. In Gen. 39v7-10 even when somebody approached him to commit sin, he ran, he refused he said how can I do this and sin against God and I hope the children who are here are listening.

 The children who will reach the top must be children who will fear the Lord, children who will refuse to do what evil people are doing. Children, who will not follow multitude to do evil, He refused to do evil, it lead to punishment, but through the punishment he got his promotion. I pray for somebody here tonight, the plan of God for your life shall be fulfilled in Jesus name.

I don’t know if I have told you the story of one of my children abroad, he went to study with government scholarship, there was a change of government, and the new government said they will honor the scholarship, so things became hard.

And his friend there, people from this nation who were studying told him, what is wrong with you there is a simple way; all you need to do is buy a very old car. Insure it for a very high amount. Pack it in front of your house and we will get a truck and come and ran it and there you collect the insurance money and you will have enough money to spend.

 He said thank you, my father in the Lord must not hear it, they say okay sit down there, your father in the Lord is in Nigeria you are in America, and the situation in America is different from that of Nigeria. Hunger came because there was no money. All sorts of suffering came, but he kept on crying to God and one day God broke through for him.

There is somebody here tonight, you are suffering because you have refuse to compromise, God will give you a breakthrough tonight in Jesus name.

Tonight as I am speaking to you, that same young man has two houses in America, he has one in the city, he house one that he calls village house, and he his pasturing, one of our biggest churches in America.

 I am believing God for all of our children, that as then began to follow the Lord in holiness, in purity, the great promoter, will promote them in Jesus name. Everywhere Joseph went prosperity followed him, in the house of Potiphar, prosperity was there because Joseph was there, even when they threw him in the prison prosperity was there because Joseph was there.

I pray tonight that by the power of the anointing all the children who are gather here tonight, everywhere you go, Prosperity will follow you in Jesus name, the favor of God will follow you in Jesus name.

Let’s take another example, Samuel, one single child that influences a whole nation. He was just a child but he became someone tat a whole nation knew about.  In fact he became so influential that when Samuel arrives in a city the elders will be shaken until they know why he has come. Every child here tonight, will become influential in Jesus name.

The elders have a saying that instead of a thousand useless children, I better one that is distinct, that is influential. I am believing God for you; among your children, God will raise up mighty men and women in Jesus name.

Who was Samuel, he was a covenant child, 1Sam.1v 9-11the mother made a covenant with God, give me a son Lord and I will give him back to you he was a covenant child, but the covenant was with God there are some of us her, maybe among those of us who are parent now, who were made covenant children to idols.

 Some of us when were born they took us to the Ifa Oracle and they out our feet to the Ifa oracle and they say they are dedicating us to that Ifa oracle, but the devil is a liar every covenant concerning you that is not of God shall be destroy tonight in Jesus name.

 Samuel was a child that is dedicated to God and tonight we will rededicate all our children to the Most High God. Because the bible says in Rom12 v 1 he said we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice, Parents and children alike. We will rededicate our lives, our body our soul and spirit to God tonight.

There is something special about Samuel too, he was an opener of doors, he was the first son of the mother. The mother who had been barren but the moment he came, others followed.

Do you know there are some children that wherever they go; they make ways for others to follow. They make others to succeed. They are door openers, there are children here tonight by the special grace of the Most High God, from now on they will be opening doors of blessings, doors of success to others in Jesus name.

Thank you very much Lord, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said very soon when they talk of frustration, you will say I don’t know the meaning of that word.

Samuel is one boy, who was hearing from God even from his youth. The children who are here tonight are fortunate children, they have the opportunity to hear the word of God from their youth, the sister who lead the prayers before I came, prayed one important prayer; that the mistakes we the parent has made , father don’t let the children make such mistakes.

 That is a very crucial prayer. There are many of us who has scars now, scars physical, scars mental, scars spiritual, because of the mistake we made, because we didn’t have the opportunity to hear the undiluted word of God when were young,

But it is one thing to hear the word of God; it is another thing to do it. That is why I am praying for all the children that are here tonight, by the special grace of God, you will not be hearers only but you will be doers in Jesus name.

And then there is something again very special about Samuel, he was a diligent young man, he was ready to serve. In 1Sam. 3 v 5-9 when you read that passage if you don’t pay attention you will miss one important point. Samuel heard God calling at night; he thought it was Eli calling, he jumped up and ran to Eli, I am here  sir, what can I do for you? And the man said I didn’t call you, go and lie down.

 He heard the call of God again, jump up and ran to Eli, I am hers sir, what can I do for you? Third time the same boy.

There are some of children; you call them at night, they will pretend to be sleeping even when they are not sleeping. There are some children all they want is that the parent will serve them, instead of them serving the parent that will change tonight In Jesus name.

Some parent needs to get this tape and get it to their children no matter how old they  are, because their some children even when they are old when they are matured, at a time when they should be asking what can I do for you daddy? What can I do for you mummy? They still want the parent to serve them, they still want the parent to cook for them, they still want the parent to be there servant even when they are already matured, that has to change, we will get a new breed of children tonight in Jesus name.

This boy was diligent, no wonder he made it to the top, no wonder he came the prophet for the whole nation, no wonder he became a king maker, no wonder he became so powerful he could remove kings from their throne because the bible says is Heb.11v 6 he said God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

 This young man was diligent. And I decree tonight that every spirit of laziness in our children God will chase them out in Jesus name.

The kind of children that will want to work, that will want to contribute to the family, God will raised them up among the children here tonight in Jesus name.

I told some of you the story in 1976, we went for a program In Kenya, a great conference, at the end of the conference, the chairman of the organizing committee said he wanted to show us the fellow who contributed most to the success of the congress.

We were all eager we were looking at the great speakers who came from all over the world and then he went and brought a small and we said how can this small girl be the one who contributed most to the success, he said this girl came to him and said sir? What can I do to make this congress successful?

He looked at her and said what can you do?

She said maybe I can post letters? Give me letters I will go and post them,

 I said “thank you my dear all the letters have been posted”.

But the girl said “but there must something I can do”!

“I want to contribute”, the man said to her “there is nothing more to be done”, then the girl said,” ha! There is something that you have not yet done”. Please give me permission that I will polish the shoes of the speakers, you haven’t done that one, give that to me”.

And that Girl was polishing the shoe of the speakers, throughout the conference. We all stood up and clapped for her.

I pray tonight that children that will be use for the family shall be raised up among those who are here tonight in Jesus name.

Children who will wake up in the morning and do something, who will sweep the house, who will wash plate, who will iron clothes of their parent, who will polish their shoes, useful children, that it what God will give us I Jesus name.

And then David, when we talk about David, he was the one that God said he was a man after my own heart. Oh yes he was God’s choice, you know the story in 1Sam.16 v1-13 God was looking for someone to make a king a chose David and you know very well that David was passionate about God.

The reason he said he will fight Goliath according to 1Sam.17v 45- 47 is that he wanted to defend the name of the Lord of host. He said Goliath I come to you in the name of the Lord, you have defiled the name of my God, I will deal with you.

He loved the Lord; he was a seeker of God, He said my soul thirst for the Lord. I pray that all our children will be God’s seeker in Jesus name. I pray that our children will rise up and not tolerate anyone defiling the name of the Lord in Jesus name.

And one thing I have discovered, age does not matter. If you are passionate about the name of the Lord, He will answer your prayer anytime anywhere.

You remember the story of the crusade we held in one of the towns not far from here; we were getting ready for crusade, the people in the town didn’t want the crusade, so they brought out their masquerade, so while we were singing choruses, the drum of the masquerade was beating. And the masquerade was wiping people driving them away from the crusade.

 It was one little girl (God bless little girls and God bless little boys also), it was one little girl that went to cry unto God and say in the name of Jesus I command that all the drums of all the masquerade will begin to break. And before she finished praying the drums began to break and the masquerade knew that if the drum should break when you are in your masquerade you are not likely to see the following year.

I pray that all our children will become giant killer in Jesus name. But even more than that ,I pray that they will be defender of the name of God in Jesus name. David was an addicted worshiper of God. When he dance he danced for God, he danced with all his might. David was a role model for other people.

 In 1Samuel 22 v 1-2 the bible tells us that when David to the cave of Adullam, all the people who had problems went and join him there and he became a captain over them. And he turned all this vagabond round and they became mighty men.

There children who lead others into troubles, and there children who lead others to God. My prayer tonight is that all our children will be those who will be leading other to Christ in Jesus name.

I know one child when he was very small, he was coming to the church in Ikeja, he come to Sunday school, and he learnt song. He would go home and began to sing song. One day he said to his father “when are you going to follow me to church”?

His father said well from the way you behave I think I better follow you there, the father today is an area pastor, it was a child that brought him to church. The kind of children that will bring people to church that is the kind of children your children will become in Jesus name.

Let’s consider Elisha, this is one child that brought not just one fellow, but a whole nation to God. A whole nation, he brought them to God.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight He said vey soon you will see the back of those who are harassing you.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said “I will give your case my undivided attention”.

Elijah, he had a very humble beginning, nobody knew his father up till today.

His father was a nobody, but he ended great. He was a mighty man of God.

And I am prophesying to someone tonight with a very humble beginning, nobody knows your father, nobody knows your mother and you are here tonight, in that name that is above, before you die the world will hear about you.

Elijah became a mighty miracle worker. He could shut the heavens whenever he wanted; and say no rain, no dew. He could call fire down from heaven anytime he wanted, nobody knew his father, they didn’t mention the name of his mother. He could say to a widow your foods will never finish and the food kept on multiplying. He even raise the dead, nobody knew his beginning. But there is something about him, he was a prayer warrior.

He knew how to pray until something happen, he loved the Lord; he was zealous for the Lord. He hated the evil that was in the land and he kept on crying to God until there was revival in the land. I am believing God tonight, that among those who are here gathered, God will raise up mighty evangelist in Jesus name.

I told you the story before, when I was a pastor in Ilorin; Sunday school was going on and I was going round, I was praying, going round the church praying. And I saw a lady facing the wall, dressed in the choir robe, weeping, really, really weeping, praying and weeping. So I have to say this is not ordinary, sister what the problem is, is your child okay? Any quarrel within you and your husband, she said no sir, then why are you weeping with so much tears? She said I am the one who will sing solo this morning.  I want God to use my song. That is why you are crying? That was a challenge to me. How many preachers cry to God before they preach? How member cried unto God before they sing? How many musicians cried to God before they play?

The kind of children, who will want God to use them to bring about revival. God will raise them up among us tonight in Jesus name.

I must talk about Elisha; I must talk about somebody who has a new breed of anointing. Because I am believing God that a new breed of anointing will fall on our children tonight.

Thank you father, the Lord said someone here tonight, He said I should tell you, there are specialist and there specialist, but I will prove to you that I am the specialist of all specialist.

And Daddy says there is a pregnant woman here tonight, the Lord asked me to tell you that those who are planning for you to die at child birth will be disappointed.

Thank you father, the Lord said someone here tonight, He said I was not too late for Lazarus, I will not be too late for you.

When we talk about Elisha, several lessons we can learn from him, several reason why want our children to be like him. One of the reasons is that this boy has the right priority in 1king19 v19-21the moment the man of God threw his mantle on him, he dropped everything he was doing and he was following the man of God from that moment till the man of God left this world. He was born into a rich family, but he didn’t allow the prosperity of the parent to spoil him. The bible said, the day he was called he was in the farm working with the laborers. The laborers was working, he was working too, there are some children because their parent are rich they want everything to be done for them by the houseboy and house girl.

 Elisha was not like that while the laborer was working, he was working too. I have told my pastor, anyone who cannot do manual labor a, cannot be use by God to do miracle, you cannot wash cloth, you can’t iron clothe, you can’t cook, you can’t was plate, you can’t cut grass. And you want to raise the dead; you will wait a long time.

Anyone that God is going to use mightily must be somebody who is willing to use his hand, dirty his hand. Others were thinking of pleasure, Elisha was thinking of hard work. Others were thinking of crossing legs at home, being fashionable. Elisha was thinking of how to please God, no wonder he got double portion of anointing, no wonder that even when he was dead, the bones still raise the dead, no wonders kings called him Daddy.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is particular person tonight; He said three different doctors gave different opinions about your case. The Lord ask me to tell you, it doesn’t matter what they have said, I have healed you already anyway.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here today, He said because you are here tonight, you will soon be called the Joseph of your family.


Thank you father, the Lord said there is a family here tonight; He said that which is causing embarrassment to your family is already on the way out.

But what is the greatest thing about Elisha? It is that he had a servant spirit, he serve his father his master till the end; the bible said he was pouring water into the hand of Elisha, he didn’t say his father was a nobody.

Nowadays there some people as soon as they have a little education, they look at their parent as illiterate. Yes he might be illiterate but he was the one who brought you up.

He was pouring water on the hand of Elisha. He was a helper for his father. Someone who wants to help the father. There are children who do not want to help their parent in anyway whatsoever, that is wrong, there are some of you children who say my parent don’t need any help. There are some of you who in spite the salary you are earning; you still want to be taking from your father, taking from your mother.

You must become a new breed. You must become one of those who want to help their parent, who want to contribute you must become one of those people who will say what can I do to help you?

I lost a son last year, and I was very, very sad. And people who knew me knew that I don’t get that sad, so they came to me and say daddy why? Why? We know this boy is special to you but this level of sorrow, we don’t expect it from you. I say I would tell you something about him you don’t know; this boy knew that I will never come to anybody to ask for anything, God has not made me a beggar and I will never be a beggar and you never be a beggar too in Jesus name.

So he keeps thinking ahead, what will Daddy needs, I won’t ask but he will come and say I think you need this, I will say know , he will say I think you this. Then I gave them an example. He was sick on the hospital bed and I went to visit him to pray for him, after I have prayed he said “Daddy I heard that you are going to Singapore, to go and dedicate our church their” , I said yes! He said how about the ticket; oh I said God has taken care of that, what about accommodation there?

 Oh somebody has paid for that,

What about transportation while you are there?

Oh somebody has made arrangement about that,

 He said “then what can I do”,

I said “my son what I want you to do is get well”,

 So he kept quiet. But as soon as I left he picked up a phone and called somebody; he said my Daddy is going to Singapore, the fellow he is going to meet there is a young fellow, he didn’t know how to entertain an important man like my father. I want you to get up now travel to Singapore, take some Nigerian food with you and wait for my daddy there. He was on hospital bed and he was thinking of how his father will be comfortable on the field.

 There are some children when they get married, the parent will say thank God, bye, bye,. There some children, when they are getting married but they are sad because they know a gap will be left behind. The kind of children that will be a helper to the parents, the kind of children that will lift up the hands of their parent, that is what your children will be in Jesus name.

Shall we talk briefly about John the Baptist, was refer to by the Lord Jesus Christ as the greatest as the man in the bible.

My desire for you brethren is not that your children will just be great but that they will be very, very great.

Jesus said concerning John the Baptist in Matt.11 v 11He said of all men, born of a woman, there has not arisen a greater tan John the Baptist. What is so special about John the Baptist, there is no doubt about it he was a great witness; he was a voice to the nation. And he was able to gather multitude together, calling them to repentance pray that your children will gather multitude to Christ. But the most important thing is his humility.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said  that you eat  in your dream and as a result all kinds of terrible things began to happen, the Lord ask me to tell you, I will flush out every contamination in your system.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight He said very soon there will be no sign left that you have ever suffered.

John 3 v 30, John said Jesus must increase and I must decrease. That was the greatest statement that came out of his mouth. He said Jesus must be lifted high, He must keep on growing high, me I must remain humble. I pray tonight that whenever people are talking about your children, they will say one thing is clear, he is a very humble child, so shall it be in Jesus name.

Let me take one more example and then we will pray. Paul the apostle; he was one child that not only influenced his generation, but he is still influencing generation thousands of years after he died. He was highly educated, and I am praying for all the children here tonight, the Almighty God will give you divine wisdom; you will never fail again in Jesus name.

Thank you father, the Lord said there is somebody here tonight, they say your child is retarded; I will give the child a brand new brain.

I am talking about Saul of Tarsus’s, he was highly educated, he influenced the generation that he was born in, he influenced generation yet unborn, he was very very hungry for God. He wanted to know God. In Philippians 3 v 7-11 he didn’t say he had already had world knowledge he didn’t want to learn about God.

In fact he said in order that I may know him, I am ready to forgone everything. He was thoroughly sold out to God. In Philippians 1v 21 he said for me to live is Christ, to die is gain. He was hundred percent sold out to God and he was mightily use of God, the bible say his handkerchief, his apron was healing the sick. He was a great author, he wrote many books; he wrote the books of Romans, 1&2 Corinthians and many others.

But what is so good about him? Is that once upon a time he was completely antichristian and then one day he met the Lord and changed completely. If God could change Saul of Tarsus to Paul the Apostle, the exact opposite of what he use to be, then I have good news for those of you who have been walking against God before that tonight you will become a brand new breed.

A general overseer was talking to some of his senior pastors and he saw the attitude; that all they wanted is what they can get from him, they were not thinking of what they can do to help him. And he was disappointed. so he was talking to God and said God, are these the people am going to hand over your church to? What am I going to do with this kind of attitude? This people will destroy this work within a short time.

 God spoke to him and said, “I think what you need my son is a new breed of pastors”. Thank you Lord send them in, send new breed of pastors, who will be thinking of what can we do to help, rather than what can we get.

Then God said to him, there are two ways of getting two breed; I can send a new breed of pastors, I can change the old to new. I have the power to transform. I pray for all of you who are here tonight with difficult children, the power of the transformation of the most high God will come upon them in Jesus name.

In conclusion, the bible says in Paslm115 v 3 he says our God is in the heavens…


 The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said from tonight, I will cause new river to flow in your life and they will bring with them new fishes.

Thank you father, the Lord said  there  is someone here tonight, He said some people told you , you will never make it to the top, the Lord ask me to tell you, number one because of the law of harvest, those who say you will never make it to the top, their own progress is stopped right now. Number two, the Lord said they will watch you reach the top.

Our God is in the heavens he does has he pleases, he can change Jacob to Israel, he can change Saul of Tarsus to Paul the apostle, He can change son of sorrow to honorable man. He can change a mad man to an evangelist. He can change a witch to a divine treasurer, he can change anybody from bad to good and He is going to do something special tonight, however in Mattew12 v 33 the bible says make a tree good and its fruit shall become good, make a parent good and the children will be good. What will happen to these children, will be determine by what happen to the parent, if the parent become converted to the Lord, it will flow down to the children. So if you are here tonight and you have not yet surrender your life to Jesus Christ; you cannot be living in sin and expect your children to do the will of God, like father, like son, like mother like daughter.

 If you the parent will not surrender to God, how can you expect your children to serve the Lord, therefore tonight if there is anyone here that have not yet be born again for the sake of your children; those born and yet unborn, come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

As for the children so of you know the different between good and bad, remember the text that I read, therefore if any man being in Christ, he is a new creature, if you want to become a new creature, you must surrender your life to Jesus.

So if you are there and you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, come now, nobody is too young be save and nobody is too old and parent if you want your children to be bless.

 If you want your children to be a new breed, the first step is that you must give your life to Jesus, make the tree good and the fruit will become good,

 So come now…cry to God for salvation ask Him to be merciful unto you, ask him to save your soul, ask him to forgive you your sin, call on him and say father I have come to surrender to you, change me completely ,let me become a brand new creature… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

Father Almighty, we thank you for tonight, we want to thank you for all your children who have come forward, everyone of them Lord, receive them in Jesus name, be merciful to them in Jesus name. Forgive all their sins in Jesus name. Write their name in the book of live in Jesus name. And Lord from now on let them become brand new creatures in Jesus name. Anytime they call on you please answer them in Jesus name. Please Lord; don’t let them go back into the World, in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Let somebody shout halleluiah!

There is only one prayer I want you to ray at this moment. There is a transformational power in the hand of God that can transform you the parent to become a new creature, so that you will stop struggling with sin, that living holy will be come easy, as easy as breathing.

That serving God will become a pleasure. You are going to ask for that transforming power tonight for yourself and then you are going to ask for that same transforming power for children, that they will all become a brand new breed. Children like Isaac, Like Joseph, Like Elijah, Like Elisha, like Paul, like John the Baptist, let us pray that pray that prayer with all our prayer and God the Almighty God will answer us… in Jesus Mighty amen we have prayed.

Lift your voice to the Almighty God, that father; I decree tonight that your anointing upon my children will never run dry. Let’s talk to the Almighty God…in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

Lift your voice to Him and say father by the virtue of the anointing, I decree that my children will be exceedingly great let’s talk to the Almighty God…

Thank you father, in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Then you lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father, by the virtue of the anointing, my children will become influential, they will influence their generation and they will influence generation yet unborn. Let’s talking to the Almighty God … in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.

And now you are going to pray for yourself by the virtue of the anointing, I decree that I will be a mighty vessel of honour in your hands all the days of my life. Let’s talk to God…… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.



Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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