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FRUITFULNESS 6th of September, 2002
Just go on! Go on! Go on! Alleluia! glory be to God forever! Let’s just go ahead and worship God. Let’s bless Him! Let’s glorify His holy Name! Let’s praise Him! He is worthy to be adored! Let’s magnify His holy Name! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him forevermore! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise the King of Kings! Praise the Lord of Lords! Praise the, I am that I am! Praise the Ancient of days! Magnify His holy Name! Magnify His holy Name! Magnify His holy Name! Praise Him! Adore Him! Praise Him! He is worthy to be praised! He is worthy to be magnified! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise the King of Kings! Praise the Lord of Lords! Praise the, I am that I am! Praise the Ancient of days! Magnify His holy Name! He is worthy to be praised! There is no one like Him! He is worthy to be praised! There is no one like Him! He is the Almighty God! Praise Him! He is worthy! He is worthy! There is no one like Him! All power belongs to Him! O yes! Praise His holy Name! Yes praise His holy Name! Yes praise His holy Name! Yes praise His holy Name! O You are worthy! O You are worthy! O You are worthy! O You are worthy! There is no one like You Daddy! Blessed be Your holy Name! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! O we just want to bless You! We want to lift You high! We want to magnify Your holy Name! You are worthy to be praise! You are worthy to be adored! You are worthy to be magnified! Blessed be Your holy Name Lord! O worthy! O worthy! O worthy! Worthy O Lord! Alleluia! glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory be to God! Worthy art thou O Lord! My Lord my God! My King! My husband! My lover! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed be Your holy Name! ……. Glory be to Your holy Name! Glory be to Your holy Name! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Father! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your holy Name Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia!! Let’s go on our knees before Him and just continue to worship Him! He is worthy to be praised! Thank You Father! Holy, holy, holy …… holy is the Lord…. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful …..,You are high and lifted up, there is no one like You…….. Thank You Father! Just go ahead worship Him a little more! Bless His holy Name! He is worthy! Magnify His holy Name! O thank You! Thank You! Alleluia!! Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! Thank You Saviour! What a great God You are! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Glory be to Your Name! Glory be to Your Name! Glory be to Your Name! Thank You forever more! O blessed be Your holy Name! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You so much! Thank You! Thank You for what You have done! Thank You for what You are doing! Thank You for what You will yet to do! Thank You for Your mercy endureth forever! Blessed be Your holy Name! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to Your Name Lord! Alleluia!! Alleluia!! …. Thank You Father! Blessed be Your holy Name! The Lord said there is someone here tonight you came weeping. You will go back rejoicing! (Amen!) Thank You Lord! Father we want to bless Your Name. Thank You for being so good! For being so kind! For being so wonderful! Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You for loving us! For saving our soul! Thank You for what You did last month! Thank You for Your Convention! Thank You for a new beginning! Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Tonight we want to thank You for January. We want to thank You for February. We want to thank You for March. We want to thank You for April. We want to thank You for May. We want to thank You for June. We want to thank You for July. We want to thank You for August. And now we want to thank You for September. Glory be to Your holy Name, Lord! (Amen!). Father glory be to Your holy Name! Tonight Father surprise us! (Amen!) Save souls! (Amen!) Heal the sick! (Amen!) Set the captives free! (Amen!) Fill the empty! (Amen!) Glorify Your Name! Reverse the irreversible! Father reverse the irreversible! Almighty God reverse the irreversible! And take all the glory Lord! And give us all the blessings! in Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!). Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!). If you are the one who will go home rejoicing shout ‘Alleluia! (Alleluia!). Now I want you to help me prophesy to seven people. At least seven. Shake hands with them and tell them: I will rejoice with you soon. I will rejoice with you soon. I will rejoice with you soon. I will rejoice with you soon. I will rejoice with you soon. I will rejoice with you soon. Alleluia! If you believe that put your hands together for the Almighty God and make a joyful noise unto the Almighty God! Alleluia! Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! God bless you, you may be seated! We have a wonderful night ahead of us in Jesus’ Name (Amen!) As we continue with our series reversing the irreversible. Tonight is part three but it is just the conclusion of the introduction. We will begin the real topic as from next month in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Gen. 17:1: And when Abram was ninety years old and nine. The Lord appeared to Abram and said unto Him. I am the Almighty God. I am the Almighty God. Walk before me and be thou perfect. We have been talking about reversing the irreversible. We have talked about a God who can reverse the irreversible. And we have told you that He can reverse the irreversible, because number one He is the Alpha. He is the One who has no beginning but who was at the beginning of every beginning. And therefore we said He can go into your past and change every thing that had happened to you in the past. That He can go into your mother’s womb and change things there. So that by the time you are born you are no longer the person you used to be. He can go to your day of naming ceremony and change your Name from there. O yes, He can go to the past and uproot your mountain even before they were formed. He is also the One who can reverse the irreversible because He is the Omega, He is the end of all ending. So He can go into your future and change things there. For example those of you that people had thought would die childless. He can go into your future and put four children there. I didn’t hear ‘Amen’ to that! (Amen!) So He can reverse the irreversible because He is also the I am that I am. He is the God of the present day. He can change things today. So He can change your past. He can change your future. He can change your present. But then today we want to go a step further and show you that He can reverse the irreversible; because He is the Almighty. The Almighty God. The one whose name is Jehovah El-Shaddai. The God that is more than enough. The one that will be called the inexhaustible ocean. Who has enough water to change every desert to blossoming ground. As a matter of fact the Bible scholars tell us that the name Jehovah El-Shaddai or the Almighty God actually means ‘a woman with big breasts.’ In order words our God is like a mother’s milk that no child can ever exhaust. You can suck and suck and suck until you, that happen to be very tiny, becomes very big. And by the time you said you want no more there will still be sufficient for another child. So God is going to solve the problem of somebody here tonight. And after He has solved the problem of every body there will still be enough power to solve the problem of any one else. Tell your neighbour, "I say I will rejoice with you soon. And you will rejoice with me soon too!" He is Jehovah El-Shaddai means He has enough power to do absolutely anything. His Name is Almighty God because He has all powers Ps. 62:11It say’s God has spoken once and twice have I heard it that power belongs to God. Power belongs to God. In Jeremiah 32:27 He said I am the God of all flesh, is there any thing too hard for me? Whenever God asks a question it is not that He doesn’t know the answer because He knows all things. When God asks a question it is like a teacher asking his student. When the teacher says to the student what is 2 + 2? It is not that the teacher does not know the answer. It is that the answer is already in the book that the student had already studied. When He was asking Jeremiah, "I am the God of all flesh, is there any thing too hard for me?" He knows that Jeremiah knows that in Genesis God had asked the same question before from a woman called Sarah who was ninety years old and God said you are going to have a baby and Sarah laughed. And God said to Sarah "Is there anything too hard for the Lord?" And within a year, within a year the answer became clear; that there was nothing too hard for the Lord. And there is somebody here tonight God is asking you … "is there anything too hard for me?" Let me hear the answer loud and clear. He has enough power to do absolutely anything so that all He has to do is just to speak. Just speak and every thing will be settled. Ps. 33:8-9 He said let all the earth fear before Him for He spake and it is done. And He has already spoken tonight. He said somebody came here weeping: he will go home rejoicing. (Amen!) I have already received that one. I have received it for you. I have received it for me. I know that by the time we finish today somebody is going to shout for joy. (Amen!) That’s what the Centurion said in Matt. 8:5-13 he said, "You don’t need to come to my house. You don’t need to lay hands on my child! Speak the word only." Is there somebody here today who will say, "God just speak one word? Just speak one word. Just speak one word." And He will speak to you tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I am going to give you a lot of testimonies tonight if the Almighty God allows. Some of you probably heard the story before. I was a lecturer then at the University of Ilorin. And then one of my sons came, to help me fix the electricity in the quarters they allocated to me. And when he finished I said, "How much am I going to pay?" He said sir, "I won’t ask you for any money, but I have no money myself. I need money to travel back to Lagos. Just give me enough money for transport back to Lagos, and pray for me." I gave him the money." He said, "pray!" I said, "There is no need. You are already blessed. Just go … you are already blessed. You did this for me as a child of God … forget it … go home." I came back to Lagos four weeks later. Four weeks later and he has already bought a brand new car. (Amen!) I am saying to somebody here tonight you are already blessed. (Amen!) I better hear your ''Amen' loud and clear. (Amen!) He said "I am the God of all flesh, is there any thing too hard for me?" What was He saying here? He is saying all flesh must obey me. All flesh must obey me; because I am the God of all flesh. And I am saying to somebody here today. "Your head will obey God." (Amen!) Your eyes will obey God. (Amen!) Your brain will obey God. (Amen!) Your womb will obey God. (Amen!) Your backbone will obey God. (Amen!) If you believe that let me hear you shout 'Amen' loud and clear. (Amen!) He said I am the God of all flesh. How come He is the God of all flesh? Because He made all flesh. John 1:1 and 3. It said: In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God; by Him were all things made. And there was nothing that was not made by Him." It is God who made your womb. That womb will obey God tonight. (Amen!) He made your legs. Those legs will walk tonight. (Amen!) He made your eyes, the eyes will see tonight. (Amen!) He made the ears, the ears will hear tonight. (Amen!) And He made your tongue - your tongue will speak tonight. (Amen!) Birds obey Him. 1 Kings 17:2-7 He sent birds on an errand. And for one year they kept on obeying Him. He asked them to take food to His servant and told them not to eat the food on the way. And they never missed the road for a day. Your miracle will not miss road today in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Fish obey Him. He told a fish in Jonah 1:17, He told him to swallow Jonah but not to digest him. The fish obeyed him. In Jonah 2:10, He told the fish to go and vomit Jonah but he must not vomit him in the river because He knows that Jonah cannot swim and the fish obeyed Him accurately. In Matt. 17:24-27 He told a fish: swallow a gold coin .. and he swallowed the gold coin. And He told the fish a hook is coming in you must be the first one to swallow the hook so that Peter can get money out of the mouth. He saw that today I am going to stand before you and He decided to take care of me then; so that I can come to you and tell you about this testimony. And all of a sudden out of nowhere I just saw a little white dog. And it began to wag its tail as if to say follow me. Then I followed the dog and the dog lead me until I got to my sisters farm. When I got there I entered into the hut then my sister was surprised. How did you get here? Who showed you the way? I said I was following a dog. She said which dog? There is no dog in this farm. And we came out there was no dog. That God who sent a dog to lead a little child out of the jungle, He is going to lead you to your miracle tonight. (Amen!) I said He will lead you to your miracle tonight. (Amen!) Thank you Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight. Your voice had been fading. Your voice had been fading. Your voice had been fading. And you are worried about something in your throat. He asked me to tell you. You can shout. You can shout. You can sing because your voice is restored now. (Amen!) Thank you Father. Glory be to God! The Lord said there is someone here; you can’t swing your body because of acute waist pain. He ask me to tell you. You can swing as much as you can, because that pain is gone forever now. (Amen!) Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) He said: I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me? Fish obey Him because fish is flesh. Birds obey Him because bird is flesh. Lions obey Him. You know the story of Daniel very well because lion is flesh. Lion is flesh. I think somebody will have to come and help this brother tonight. One of you people come. Come and help daddy. Let them come and help. Come hurry up; come. Glory be to God. He has been doing this thing now for so many years. I think we should give him a big hand. He is doing a great work. Give the Lord a big hand. Glory be to God! You think interpretation is an easy thing. Come on give the Lord a big hand for our Pastor. Glory be to God! Lion is flesh. I hope I wouldn’t have to change another one tonight. May the Almighty God lay hands on all my interpreters. It is not their fault, the anointing is so heavy tonight. And because flesh must obey Him that is why every womb that is considered dead must come alive tonight. (Amen!) Every tube that has been blocked must be unblocked tonight. (Amen!) Every fibroid must dissolve tonight. (Amen!) 2 Kings 4:8-17 tells us about the story of the Shunammite woman. When the man of God said to her: you are going to have a child. She said: don’t deceive me. I am already too old. The man of God said I am not listening to what you are saying. The God of all flesh has spoken. What has been said will come to pass. And I am speaking to somebody here tonight. It doesn’t matter what the doctors have said, nine months from now - One baby on your right; one baby on your left. So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) One of my pastors - he wasn’t a pastor then - came to my office. He said: Sir, I need a child. I have been married for so long. I have no child. I said, Is that so? What do you want to start with - boy or girl? Ah he said "Boy", but then he looked at me and said, "You haven’t even asked question. You just said what do you want?" I said "Yes, What do you want?" He said, "Boy." Nine months later the boy came. I am asking somebody here tonight: What do you want first? Boy or girl? A boy and a girl? Two boys and one girl? Three boys and one girl? So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) The God of all flesh, the one who is called the Almighty, even ordinary dust obeys Him. Ordinary dust obeys Him. He was that powerful. InGenesis 2:7 the Bible said He made an image out of the mud of the ground. And He breathed into it and the mud became a living soul. You were mud before but He breathed into the mud and the mud became a living soul. All He has to do today, is to breath into you again. Breath into your body! Breath into your marriage! Breath into your business! Breath into your brain! Breath into your ministry! And every thing will come alive again. And so shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) It doesn’t matter how bad the situation. Even if everything had reduced to dust. All He has to do is breath. At least some of you have heard the testimony of a man who left his wife who had already four children and went to join a woman who already had five children for five different men. And the wife came, "Please pray for me. My husband left me with four children, pray that he will come back." O Glory be to God! The Lord said there is a woman here … your husband has given you a letter of divorce; Daddy asked me to tell you, He has torn it. My Daddy said it is already torn! Now, so this woman said pray for me that my husband may come back. I said don’t worry yourself, he will come and beg you. He will come and beg you. "No, no, no I’m not asking him to come and beg. Just ask him to come back!" I said just take the word of God for it. And the Almighty God started. He started a quarrel between the husband and this strange woman and during the quarrel, the strange woman said to him, "Stupid man. If you are not stupid, you left your wife and four children at home, and you come and live with me with five children for five different men. Stupid man!" And so the man said "that’s true O, I must be stupid!" and so he ran back home. When he knocked at the door and the wife opened the door. He fell on his face and said take me back. Every thing the devil has stolen from you shall be restored by force in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I said it shall be restored by force in Jesus Name! (Amen!) All the years that you have lost; all the years that you have wasted - my Father shall reverse the irreversible for you tonight. (Amen!) Thank You Father. Ordinary dust obeys Him. That is why the earth trembles whenever God is present. Ps. 114:7. It said earth tremble before your Maker. Tonight the ground is going to tremble, because the Almighty God is here. (Amen!) Whenever God is present, there is always an earthquake. And when the earthquake comes yokes will be destroyed. (Amen!) Prison doors will be opened. (Amen!) You know Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas were in prison singing and praising God and suddenly God came. That’s why we are going to praise God tonight. Let me hear somebody shout Alleluia! just once. (Alleluia!) And when God arrived, there was an earthquake and the yokes where broken. Prison doors were open. All those yokes that the enemy had used to bind your womb, they are going to be opened tonight. (Amen!) All of you who had been locked up in prison, that the enemy had said you will not prosper…. the prison doors will open tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) When God appears on the scene the earth trembles. Like in Numbers 16:25-35. The Bible tells us that some people rose up against Moses. And they said "who made you our Priest? I mean look at you, you want to turn the whole thing to family business. Aaron your brother is now the Priest. Miriam your sister is the choir mistress. And you now, you are the Prophet. Are you the only one who hear from God? We too can hear from God!" Moses said "I didn’t make myself prophet. It is God who called me." They said "God called us too." So Moses said "God did you hear? "And God said "I heard, don’t worry I will deal with them." All those who said you will not reach your goal; God will deal with them tonight. (Amen!) Everyone of them! So God said to Moses make sure you stand far from them. And tell all those who are on your side to come to your side. Those who are on the side of the enemy, let them stay with them. God said: By the time I finish with them, there will be no trace of them. God spoke to the earth and said "Earth open your mouth! Swallow these people! And then close up again!". Every demon that has been blocking your way; the ground will swallow them today in Jesus Name! (Amen!) You probably have heard the story of the man. We were still in the old auditorium. We had Holy Ghost Service like this. Thank you Father. Somebody said, somebody had sharp pain in the eyes. They said that is gone now and it won’t return. There was this young man; they just sacked him in his place of work - for doing nothing. And he tried and tried he couldn’t get back. And we were there, I remember, in the old auditorium. And the word of God came and said "There is somebody here, He said somebody close to you is about to die. He said don’t be sad because he is the one blocking your way." I think a week later the Father of that boy died. A week later they recalled him to his place of work and promoted him. Anyone! Any relative no matter how close that is blocking your way God will deal with the fellow tonight. (Amen!) If you believe that, let me hear you say Amen loud and clear. (Amen!) The Almighty God, Jehovah El-Shaddai has so much power in His breathe that when He breathes on the ocean the ocean will freeze. Exodus 15:8, it said He breathed on the sea and the sea congealed. It became like ice. When He breathes on the restless sea, the restless sea freezes. that is why the hypertension in your body, is going to freeze tonight. (Amen!) That is why, whatever it is that is walking up and down in your stomach that is not allowing you to conceive is going to freeze tonight. (Amen!) That is why whatever it is that is causing trouble in your life generally is going to freeze tonight. (Amen!) It is not just only the sea that can freeze when He breathes. All He has to do is speak one word, and every storm will fall asleep. You remember inMark 4:35-41 Jesus said to the disciples let’s go to the other side. And they got into a boat and He laid on a pillow and fell asleep because He had been preaching to a large crowd of people. And as they were going there was a storm, and the water began to fill the boat. The disciples were fishermen, they knew how to deal with storms so they began to bail out the water but at a stage they found that this thing is getting beyond us. Just as you too has been dealing with your problem yourself. You have been talking to doctors. You have been talking to your bank manager. You have been consulting your relative who is a Commissioner. But all of a sudden you discover this storm is about to swallow me. And now you have come to Jesus and He will answer you tonight. (Amen!) So they woke up Jesus, "Master we are about to perish, do something!" He woke up and said "What’s the problem?" "Can’t you see the storm?" He said, " The storm is no problem. I’m in your boat. I told you we are crossing over to the other side. I didn’t say we are going to the bottom of the sea." "Eh but look at the storm!", so He said "peace be still." And suddenly the storm fell asleep. Every storm in your storm as the Almighty God lives. Whether it is a financial storm! Or marital storm! Or mental storm! Or spiritual storm; shall fall asleep tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Every storm shall fall asleep, (Amen!) because all He needs to speak is one word. Even the wind and the sea obey Him. Some of you probably heard me share the testimony. Years ago, when I use to visit University of Ibadan every month to go and do Bible study in the house of one of our professors. A time came the group began to grow, and the seating room couldn’t contain us any more. So we moved to the backyard. Then one day as we were about to start the programme the rain came. The whole place was filled with cloud and the wind was blowing and we have just settled down in the open. And the sitting room can’t contain us. So they all looked at me and they said what are we going to do? I said the rain wouldn’t disturb us. The rain wouldn’t disturb us. And you know what? it rained everywhere, in the entire campus, but it left the backyard of the Professor. If you don’t believe me, the professor is here. Where are you? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! He is there. Tonight there may be problem everywhere but it won’t come to your house. I didn’t hear you say Amen to that one. (Amen!) Do you know even fire obey Him. When He speaks to fire and say fire you don’t burn. Fire will say "yes sir." In Daniel 3:24-29, they throw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the burning fiery furnace. And God said to the fire: fire keep quiet! "Ah but God you made me to burn." Eh and I said now, you don’t burn. I made you, and I command you and you obey me. There are many of us here tonight we have been through fire. All kinds of fire and we are still alive today. Is there anybody like that here at all? Who has been through all kinds of fire and you are still alive today. Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) But because He controls fire, He can also send fire down from open heaven to consume His enemies. If you read 2 Kings 1:9-14 the Bible tells us that Elijah was seating on a hill having a nice time talking to God, and then one king came. He sent fifty soldiers with a Captain. He said go and arrest that man and bring him down. And it says the captain came and he said "Man of God come down. The king says "come down! You call yourself man of God. you think your God can be greater than our king? Come down! The king says come down!" Elijah laughed and said, "are you talking to me?" He said. "yes, "so you even know I’m a man of God." He said "well, you said so". He said "okay in that case we better prove it so. If I am a man of God, you and your fifty; I command that you become ashes." And immediately fire fell and consumed the enemies. All the enemies surrounding you, blocking your way, hindering your progress, making sure you weep every month, all of them shall be consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. (Amen!) God can cause fire to burn and He can tell fire not to burn. Let me give you another example, I am telling you stories you can check. We had a programme at UI …. I am giving examples because there are living testimonies here. We had a wonderful programme. Several souls were saved. There was a lot of rejoicing. And so the devil was mad and what did he do? He got some kegs of petrol at night and poured it at the Chapel and set it on fire. And you know when you put fire to petrol what will happen? Nobody was there. we had all gone away. He put fire to petrol, the fire burnt for few seconds and went out. Chapel is still standing there. The petrol was still there on the ground when the people came the following morning. All the fire that the enemy has built round you; they will go out on their own tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Poison obeyed Him; no matter how strong the poison is it must obey Him. He said so in Mark 16:17-18, He said these signs shall follow them that believe – " in my Name, they said they shall cast out demons. He said if they drink any deadly thing. He said it wouldn’t hurt them at all." In other words poison will obey. Some of you have been poisoned; that’s why you are having the problems you are having. Some of you were poisoned in your dream; some of you were poisoned when you thought you were eating with friends, not knowing that the friend has put some thing else in the food. The poison that is in your system shall become ordinary water tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Eh, let me give you one or two examples. There is a great man of God some of you never heard about. But he was preaching to some soldiers. And they all said to him….. He was preaching in a country where they said they don’t believe in God….. . And they said to him, all right we wouldn’t kill you. Your God said if drink any deadly thing it won’t harm you. That’s all, it is your God who will settle the matter. This is a cup of acid. You drink it, if you don’t die, we will surrender to your God. If you die we are not the one who killed you; it is your God who killed you. He said "no, no, no God didn’t say I’m to go and drink acid." "Eh no, no, no don’t back out you said the word of God said if you drink any deadly thing; it won’t harm you. Acid is deadly, you drink it, you don’t die then we will follow your God." So the man of God fell on his knees, "O God I am not trying You. I am not tempting You. These people said whether I like it or not I must drink this acid. Prove Yourself. And if You think this is the best way for me come home it is okay." So he took the cup, blessed it in the Name of the Lord and drank it. Five minutes, ten, fifteen, one hour and he was healthy. Somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) because while he was praying my Father changed acid to ice water. I am talking of God who can reverse the irreversible! Every poison in your system, every plant that my Father did not plant shall be rooted tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) O glory be to God! (Amen!) So no matter how desperate is your situation. I am telling you that today, that desperate situation shall be reversed in Jesus Name! (Amen!) This is interesting the Lord said there is somebody here. You said you didn’t like the way your teeth were set. He said He is already rearranging them. He is rearranging them. He is rearranging them. I will like to you see you, when He has finished rearranging. You know the story in 1 Kings 17:8-16. This was the story of a woman whose situation was desperate. Only one meal left! but the Almighty God sent His servant. The servant made a pronouncement and said the irreversible shall be reversed. And said your last shall become your first. And as soon as the man of God spoke every thing changed. Today, every irreversible in your life shall be reversed in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I remember a doctor, he was a doctor of Agriculture; PhD Agric. But since the day he got his degree, he never got a job. He tried, he did everything - no job. Nobody will employ him. The day they brought him to my office I thought he was a mad man - because things where so bad. He had been worried for so long….. When they told me he had PhD in Agric, I said "are you sure?" Then I told him if you give your life to Jesus He will change things over. He gave his life to Jesus. We prayed a simple prayer. He went back home and some days later the Governor sent for him. He said "we have been looking for you." "What do you mean you have been looking for me? I have written so many applications. I have walked here everyday!" "Well we’ve been looking for you. We have a good job that only you can do." So he got a job. six months later he got married. Nine months later he had a set of twins. When the Almighty God step into your situation. All the ground that you have lost, shall be fully restored in Jesus Name! (Amen!) So He is called the Almighty that’s one of the reasons why He can reverse the irreversible. But He has another name, which will enable you see why He can reverse the irreversible. You will find it in Ps. 91:1 it says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. So the One who is called the Almighty is also the One who is called the Most High. So because He is the Almighty ,…. We have told you all the power He can use to solve your problem … But now because He is the Most High, that is really the reason why He can reverse the irreversible because He is bigger than your boss and He is bigger than the boss of your boss. Ecclesiastes 5:8 says He is higher than the highest. And you know what that one means? Because He is higher than the highest, because He is the Most High, it follows that no one can query Him. No one can query Him. Daniel 4:34-35, says nobody can say to Him what doest thou? Our God is the original Majesty. He can say this is what I want to do and there is nobody who can even ask Him, what are you doing? He is the one who can do anything and there is nobody who can hinder Him. In Isaiah 43:13, He said I will work who will let, who will hinder, who will turn me aside. He said what I have determined to do who can prevent me from doing it? You know we normally sing a song, it says O, I am afraid of God, whatever He has decided in His mind to do nobody can hinder Him. How many of you know that song? ………. Now He has made up His mind that somebody is going to have a set of twins (Amen!), nobody can stop Him. I say nobody can stop Him. Job 34:29 says when God gives quietness, nobody can make trouble. The Almighty God is saying that for somebody here tonight your trouble is over. (Amen!) That’s why in Exod. 17:1-6, He said to the rock. "Rock brings forth water." Out of rock came water. I have news for those of you who still want to have children and yet your menstrual period had already stopped. Tonight God will speak to the rock, and rock will bring forth water. (Amen!) If you believe that, let me hear you say Amen! (Amen!) If He says to a dead womb and say’s produce triplets, nobody can stop it. I say nobody can stop it. Whenever God says to those of you who are destitute - no money to eat; no money for business; everything has come to a stand still. And He speaks a word nobody can stop it. If He says from now on you will continue to prosper. You will continue to prosper. I have told you the story before, this might not be dealing with those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb. But there are some of us who are trusting God for the fruit of money. It is by the special grace of God that you came here tonight because to get the money for transport was difficult. But before the end of the year we shall come in our own car. (Amen!) You better say Amen! loud and clear to that. Some of you will even buy buses so that you won’t come alone. And I ran out of money, and I have made up my mind I will never borrow because the word of God says I should owe no man anything, only love. So the carpenters came to me and the leader came and said, "Sir, we need N204" Naira was strong in those days. So I said okay when I have it I would send for you. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe it, N204.00 he said that’s all I need sir. I said when I have it I will send for you. He was angry, he thought I was lying. What do you mean you don’t have N204? So I could hear him grumbling as he was going. He is the one who will say the work is not moving fast. Now we asked him for money he is not giving us the money! I didn’t answer because I have nothing to say because I don’t have the money. But after he left I said to God, "You heard him, so do something about it." And I had prayed all night; so I was tired. So I lay on the settee in my office and I fell asleep, when I woke up, there was a man sitting at the door, eating breakfast. I said ah, this man’s case must be serious. He came and saw me sleeping and sat at the door, that he wouldn’t come out of here today. So I said, "Oga, what’s your problem?" He said I have no problem. He said "I wanted to eat in my house, when God spoke to me and said take the rent that you have just collected. Take it to my son. So I said God I will go; let me finish my breakfast first. God said no. Go now." He said "so I came, I took my breakfast alone. When I got here I found you sleeping. I said now at least I can eat." So he gave me the money and I blessed him and he left. When I counted the money it was N1,200.00, So I sent for the carpenter and it was now time for me to show off. So I said, "how much do you say you need by the way?" Today, I’m saying to somebody here, whoever is holding your miracle will not be able to eat until they bring it to you. (Amen!) Because the Most High will command your miracle to go to you tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) A child of God who was burning for Jesus last time we met but somehow, somehow everything has gone down. And the devil was just about to swallow him up. But the Almighty God said "Go!" and I went and from that day everything changed. That man today is one of my senior pastors. I don’t know maybe you want to come and shout Alleluia! so they will know you are here. Come here, come let them see you. God stopped everything I was doing in order to bring this man back to Himself. Just shout one big Alleluia! to say thank you to Jesus. "Praise the Lord, Alleluia!" Every one of you that are on the way to hell today you will go back on the way to heaven in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Some of you will also remember what happened at Liberty Stadium. When we had the Holy Ghost Night there. It was fantastic, we had a wonderful night. The stadium was full. Outside the stadium was full. The roads were full of people. All kinds of miracle happened and it was time to go. Suddenly God spoke to me and said there was a woman there; who had feathers in her armpit, that I should call her out so that the problem …. I said "O Lord, we have had a wonderful night, let’s go home now. I know you are speaking, you won’t tell me lies. The woman must be there. But how can somebody like that come out? With the television camera every thing on! With this crowd? God let’s go home!" He said, "We are not going. You want this woman to die with her problem?" He said, "no, no, no I want to solve the problem today." Everybody who has a problem today, problems you can not even tell anybody about, God will stop every thing to solve your problem in Jesus Name! (Amen!) We called her, she came out and God solved the problem. Somebody will go home rejoicing today in Jesus Name! (Amen!) But there is something else I want to talk about, because He is the Most High, that’s why He can overrule everyone and anyone. When somebody says "This is this’, He can say "No I change it." In Daniel chapter 3 if you read from verse 24-28, Daniel 3:24-28, the Bible say’s God, through Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego changed the word of the king. The Bible says in the word of the king there is power. But our God is the King of Kings. So He can change whatever the king has said. "I know you said this but I change it." It doesn’t matter what report has been given to you. It doesn’t what the specialist report had said. I’m telling you today, the One who is the Most High will cancel those evil reports in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I can feel that the Holy Spirit is about to drive me away from here. So I will just tell you one testimony quickly and then maybe, we will just go ahead and pray. These are testimonies you could check out. Years ago, I can’t remember what they said the Guardian Newspaper did. During the regime of Buhari and Idiagbon and they said Guardian must be closed down. How many of you remember the time? Ah some of you did okay … but at that time I was writing the Sunday school segment of the newspaper. And the editor then was one brother called Gbonuola, he was a worker in the church. He came to me and said, "sir, they want to close down the Guardian." I said, "don’t worry nobody will close down the Guardian." He said, "sir, we took Rotimi William as our Lawyer. And after a lot of consideration they said that the best thing is to go and settle this matter quietly. So we have gone to the highest authorities. We have told them we are willing to pay any fine. But they said no, we will close down the Guardian, that the court is going to meet on such and such a date. And the court is going to rule that the Guardian is closed!" I laughed, because I know the God I serve. I told him "Go away. As long as I am still writing Sunday school in that paper, that paper stays." "Okay, okay you say so." And they got to court and the court that was suppose to say Guardian is closed, asked them to go and pay a very ridiculously small fine. And today Guardian is still waxing strong. Every report, no matter how high that is coming from, that is contrary against you, I decree in the Name of the Almighty God, that report is cancelled in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I say that report is cancelled in Jesus Name! (Amen!) God has given me the opportunity to share one more testimony and then we will pray. Testimony you can check. An elderly man came to me six years ago and said, "Sir, a prophet said to me 40yrs ago, and this prophet is a prophet of God, because everything he said about me came to pass. And he said to me when I was 44yrs old that when I am 84 years old that’s when I will die." He said "There are two weeks now to go. And because I know I’m going to die very soon, that’s why I have already moved to the camp. So that when I go I will go on holy ground." I laughed. "Papa are you ready to go? Are you really ready to go?" He said, "No but the prophet said…." "Are you ready to go?" He said, ’"no." "Are you willing to serve God now?" He said, "more than ever before." I said. "in that case whatever that prophet said I cancel it in Jesus Name!" I think 2 months ago papa celebrated 90th year. I don’t know where he is seated in the auditorium but I know he is somewhere here. Whether the doctor said it or the herbalist said it, or the witch said it; or even the prophet said it. If is contrary, if its a negative report I cancel it in Jesus Name! (Amen!) You better say Amen! loud and clear! (Amen!) I didn’t cancel it in my name. I am not canceling it in my name. I am canceling it in the Name of the Most High. The one who can reverse the irreversible. That’s why I’m saying tonight - beginning from today, your joy has just started. (Amen!) The only fellow who can go out of here today without the miracle he or she needs is somebody who refuses to surrender to Jesus. Because if I say I cancelled the evil report against you and you are not a child of God, God will say that one does not apply to you. He will say the miracles I have are for my children not for dogs. And what do you need a miracle for anyway if you don’t belong to Jesus Christ? If you don’t belong to Jesus Christ, you don’t need a miracle what you need is magic. I mean there is a lot of magic all over Nigeria. There are so many magicians on television. Go to them! go and get your magic from them. Oh there are magicians who can heal - but what happens to you after they have healed you? Ask those people that the magicians have healed. They tell you the kind of dreams they have. They tell you that from the day they said they were healed that’s the day they were not able to sleep any more. Oh, you want magic? Go! There are plenty of magicians! But it is the blessing of God that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it. It is the miracles of the Almighty God that will come and with no complications at all. So if it is a miracle you need, you have to surrender to Jesus first. So if there is anyone here, that you want to surrender your life to Jesus, don’t waste our time because we want to pray very soon. So if you are here and you are not yet born again and you want to surrender your life to Jesus. You want to say bye, bye to sin. And you want to begin to do the Will of God, then you better come now. I will count up to ten. After that one, I am not going to wait any longer because many of us want to pray now. We know that our God is going to reverse our irreversible tonight. So those of you who want to surrender your life to Jesus begin to come now. As I begin to count …. one, two, three, four, five, the magician will not ask you not to stop sinning. They won’t ask you to surrender your life to Jesus. Oh they will just say come for miracle, come for healing; and then you get there you get what they said they have. And they will give you something else that you will be worshipping for the rest of your life. But if you come to Jesus you must say bye, bye to sin. So when He gives His miracle it will be a miracle that will last forever. Six now, seven, eight, so if you know you want to come, you better move. I know there are some of you coming from a far distance but you have to hurry. Eight now, this is your day of salvation and those of you who have already come, you begin to pray and begin to tell Jesus Christ: Say I have come to surrender my life to You. You are the Most High. There is no one higher than You. That’s why I have come to surrender to You. I know You can do everything, I have come to You tonight. I have come to surrender completely. Forgive my sins, I’m saying bye, bye to sin tonight. I am saying bye bye to the world tonight. Please have mercy on me Lord! Have mercy on me!!" close your eyes and pray now! Call on the Almighty God and those of you who are still coming hurry up, this is nine now, nine because very soon we will begin to pray. And those of us who are already sure of our salvation let’s pray for these people that the Almighty God will be merciful unto them; That the Saviour will save their souls. All of you who want to surrender your life to Jesus, keep coming, come before we finish praying. Just make sure you reach here before we finish praying. Call on Him and say "God have mercy on me. Forgive my sins! save my soul. I will do Your Will from now on. Call on Him now! Call on Him! …….. In Jesus Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father we bless Your Holy Name. (Amen!) Thank You because the day of salvation has come for Your children. Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Your Word says no man can come unto You except the Father draws him. Thank You for drawing these people tonight. (Amen!) I thank You that they have not refused Your drawing. Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Now my Father and my God, You promised, You promised that whosoever will come unto You, You will in no wise cast out. These your children have come to You now, receive them in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Forgive them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Cleanse them in Your blood in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Even as You save their souls, uphold them to the end in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Father when it is time to pray, every thing they ask for tonight give to them in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Thank You my Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout Alleluia!, Alleluia! I want to rejoice with those of you who come forward because even right now there is joy already going on in heaven. And not only that, from tonight, by the special grace of God I will be praying for you. That’s why I need your names, your prayer requests and your address. The reason I need your address, correct address, is that when I ask God to send your miracle, it will be sent to the address that you put down. So there are some people who will help me get the information. You will see a brother on my left waving a piece of wood. There is another one on my right, waving another. Both of them will lead you to somewhere up there where some pastors are waiting. They will help you collect the name, the address, because God really wants to move mightily tonight. He is already moving. And He will continue to move. Now while we wait for our brothers and sisters, those who have testimony from past Holy Ghost Services. You can now come to the back of the altar now and the pastors will want to listen to your testimonies. So you can come quietly, so that briefly before we go into session of prayer. The rest of us in a very quiet manner, but very intensely, we are going to call on the Almighty God: say: do something new in my life tonight. Do something new in my life. So those who want to give testimony come to the back of the altar and the pastors will attend to you there. Then the rest of us, say: Lord do something new in my life tonight. Answer my prayers like you have never done before. Give me the kind of testimony that you have never given me before. Do something new in my life tonight. Quietly but intensely, let’s call on the Almighty God. Do something new in my life tonight. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Lord. Blessed be your Holy Name Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now is time to pray, let’s stand on our feet. Our first prayer is the prayer that will pull down every wall of Jericho. And its one big shout of Alleluia! Let somebody shout Alleluia!! (Alleluia!) Thank You Father!, Amen! Amen! Your next prayer …all the prayers we have tonight, there are about 12 of them…you can pray whichever way you like to pray is up to you. We want to talk to God and say "Father, Father I really need to talk to you tonight. Please stop everything you are doing until you have settled my case." Go ahead talk to the Almighty God. "Daddy I really need to talk to you tonight…….. In the Name of the Lord. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed. (Amen!) Now you lift your voice to God and say "Father … loud and clear … Father, first and foremost, breath on me please." Let’s talk to the Almighty God. Don’t fall asleep! Breath on me Lord God Almighty, breath on me today, breath on me. Breath on me! Breath on my body, breath on my soul. Breath on everything that is mine. Father breath on me! There is so much power in Your breath but I know it will bring so tremendous changes in my life Father if You breathe on me. Father breath on me tonight! Breath on me, breath the breathe of revival into my soul, into my spirit. Breath on everything that has to do with mine! Breath on me Lord. Breath on me and I know everything will change for the better to the glory of your holy Name. Thank you Jesus. Glory be to God. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) We are going to cry to the Almighty God and say: Father every empty pot that I have brought tonight, physical, spiritual, financial, marital, ministerial, every empty pot that I have brought tonight fill to overflowing Lord! Let’s call on the Almighty God! Every empty pot whether it is that of finance or is in form of empty wombs or empty brain or empty pocket or empty anointing Lord- fill to overflowing tonight. Fill to overflowing tonight, Lord God Almighty fill every pot. Every vessel that has been brought here empty tonight fill to overflowing. Fill to overflowing. Fill to overflowing Lord God Almighty that Your Name might be glorified. Fill every vessel to overflowing with Your blessing, with Your anointing, with Your miracles, signs and wonders. Fill me Lord God Almighty to overflowing that the whole world will know that I am serving the living God. Thank You Jesus! Alleluia Father! in Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen. Now you cry to Him and say: Father, every evil report against me, whether it be from doctors, witches and wizards, demons, devils, evil parents or prophets, every evil report overrule! Let’s call on the Almighty God…… Blessed be Your holy Name Lord. Thank You Father. Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now you say: Father fill my both hands… left hand or right hand with bundles of joy. Let’s talk to the Almighty God………….. Blessed be Your holy Name Lord! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) So you will say: Father, every curse that is in my family - change to a blessing Lord! Let’s talk to the Almighty God. …. Nuclear, extended, spiritual, every curse that is on any of my families, Lord God Almighty reverse it into a blessing. Change it to a blessing, that your Name might be glorified! Do it today Lord. And take all the glory for it. Thank you Father! In Jesus mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Now you say: Father, every plant that You did not plant - in my body, in my soul, in my spirit, in my family, in my business. Every plant You did not plant in Your church - uproot them tonight. Let’s call on the Almighty God …. Thank You Father. Uproot every plant that You did not plant. Every demon. Everything that the enemy has introduced into my system. Every poison that has been introduced into my system, whether during daytime, or during nighttime. Every plant You did not plant in my family, in my home, in my body, in my spirit, in my soul - every plant You did not plant in your church, uproot tonight. Don’t let a single one of them remain to the glory of Your holy Name. Thank You Father! In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now I want you to say: Father, this month in particular, every enemy of Nigeria - destroy! Let’s call on the Almighty God. I say Father speak one word and reverse my irreversible! Let’s talk to the Almighty! Speak one word, one word, one word that’s all You need to speak Lord. Speak one word, speak peace to my body. Speak peace to my soul. Peace to my spirit. Peace Lord God Almighty and you will reverse my irreversible. Just one word. Speak one word Father, I know your word will not return to You void. If You speak one word, if You say to me all is well, then I know all is well. Speak one word and reverse my irreversible and Your Name will be glorified. Thank You Father. Blessed be Your holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now for the next few minutes. You want to open up your heart now and tell God all those things you want Him to do for you. He is here He is listening and He is going to surprise you tonight. So tell Him, tell Him what you need. Go ahead tell Him! ….. Blessed be Your holy Name. Let’s begin to bring our prayers to a close. Thank You Father! Glory be to God! In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now it is time to pray for your neighbour. So you join hands now and pray for the brother or sister you are holding. And just say: Father very soon let me hear the testimony of my brother. Go ahead talk to the Almighty God. Father, the testimony of the reversing the irreversible in the life of Your son - let me hear it soon. …. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And now before I pray for you I want you to pray for me. So stretch your hands towards me and pray please. Wish me whatever you wish yourself. …. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I want you to go on your knees now. O Alleluia!…… Father! In the mighty Name of Jesus (Amen!) You are the Alpha. You are the Omega. You are the beginning. You are the ending. You are the I am that I am. You are the Almighty. You are the Most High. Glory be to Your holy Name. Daddy I commit everyone here tonight into your hands … and all the families that they represent. Anything in their past that is disturbing their present destroy tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Anything in their future that could cause them to end their lives in sorrow, destroy tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Anything in their present that is not allowing their joy to be full, cancel it in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Every evil report that the enemy has written concerning them tonight, cancel it forever. Let it be so in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Every enemy of these your children and the families they represent, All those who will say they will not reach their goal, If they don’t repent let the ground swallow them up! (Amen!). Father, Nigeria is yours and we have no other country. Every enemy of Nigeria this month in particular finish them off. (Amen!) By the time we return in October let there be songs of praise to the glory of Your Name. (Amen!) Thank You Father! Glory be to Your holy Name! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) If you believe that say 'Amen' loud and clear! (Amen!) And then let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Put your hands together for the Lord Jesus Christ. ….. those of you who were here during the convention you will remember that around this time. God spoke and said "As they praise me I will heal them." How many of you remember that? All right, so we began to praise Him and things began to happen. Now tonight God said something to me. He said as a dog dances when it sees its owner so will someone dance tonight because of my intervention. (Amen!) So I think that half a word is a enough for the wise. I am going to suggest to only those of us who feel we can do it. For the next fifteen minutes or so to join the rest of us to praise God, dance before Him and see what He will do. That’s all I want us to do. It is not compulsory if you don't, if you feel I’m too big to dance for Him or you don’t need an extra miracle just sit down and watch us. But the rest of us who are willing it is time to praise the Lord. I believe that this might become the hour of power. Are we ready to praise Him? All right let’s go ahead! Amen! Can’t we .. may be we should ask Kunle Ajayi to lead us. ….. Amen! now we are not stopping yet. What we want you do is this - as you dance, I want you to check your bodies and as many as received healing tonight, as we dance, you dance forward …. so that we can glorify God together. Let’s go ahead. God we thank You. Alleluia! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Glory be to God! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Thank You! We are going to dance a little more because Daddy said there are some debtors here tonight, if they will praise Him. He will help them pay their debts. I think we better dance a little more, lets go ahead, let’s praise Him. Alleluia!, Alleluia! I think we are not going to stop because Daddy said there is someone here tonight the cobweb of the enemy over your business is about to be removed. I think we should dance a little more. Alleluia!, Alleluia! Glory be to God. You are going to do something now before we dance a little more because Daddy said, that whatever prophecy you prophesy to yourself is going to come to pass. I think He has been waiting for us to praise Him like this. So for a moment or two prophesy to yourself now. Mention your name and say Adeboye is going to be well with you. You are going to prosper. You are going to go from strength to strength. From glory to glory! From anointing to anointing! From victory to victory! From joy to joy! From prosperity to prosperity! It is just going to be well with you. It is going to be well with you. All the days of your life it is going to be well with you. So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I am saying in the Name of the One who sent me; the one who is the called the Almighty; the One who is the Most high - as you prophesy so shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) So shall it be! Go ahead! Give the Lord a big hand! Give the Almighty God a big hand! Alleluia! Thank you Jesus! Glory be to God! Now you will dance back to your seats I didn’t know you are going to be these many so I wasn’t really ready. But I’m sure next month He will do greater things and your testimony will last forever. Go ahead let’s praise God as you dance back. Alleluia! So many things happened while we were praising God. But I think from now on we just include that in the Holy Ghost Night. While we were dancing I saw a vision, I saw the spring of a river and I saw a cement block on top of it so that the water can’t come out as we were singing and dancing suddenly the concrete cracked. And the water began to boost out. Who is that one for? Are you the one? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Then God said that somebody is going to get a gift of two cars this month. He said you are to keep one and bring one to Him. Who claims that one? Alleluia! So shall it be in Jesus Name! (Amen!) You will hear the testimony in October no doubt about that. He even said that somebody is going to get two financial breakthroughs before the end of this month. And He said 50% is yours. 50% belongs to the Lord. And He asked me to tell someone that your days of loneliness are over. If I have my way we will just dance for the rest of the night. But that’s all right we will get ready for next month. And then we may be able to take some testimonies of some of those who come forward. But for certain reasons that I can’t tell you we have to move on. Tell your neighbour I told you at the beginning that I will rejoice with you soon. I’m rejoicing with you now. Alleluia! We will take some testimonies from the past, thank the Almighty God, give our thanksgiving offering and be on our way. But before we do that please take note of this very important announcement. First registration of voters will begin on 12th of September and will end on the 21st of September; between 9am and 5pm every day. I want to advise you to go out and register., keep your cards so that when the time comes you will be able to vote. That is the only way you can enthrone righteous people into the government. September 12th to 21st, 9am to 5pm daily; make sure you go out and you vote and you register so that when the time comes to vote you will have what to use for the voting. Thank You Father. The Lord said somebody has received a judgment and the judgment is against you, He asked me to tell you, appeal and you will win. He said He will reverse the irreversible. Alleluia! Pastor E. A. Adeboye