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THE FIFTH MASTER KEY 17th of December, 2004
…. If you are the one let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) I am confident that all the problems that had been plaguing one particular fellow will disappear tonight. Now if you are that one Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) One young man said to God one day, he said, God, I will bless you at all times, your praise shall continually be in my mouth and God looked down from heaven and said, my boy is that so? He said, God, I’ve made up my mind, that’s what I will do. God said in that case I will make sure that for the rest of your life goodness and mercy shall follow you. There is somebody here tonight that for the rest of his life, it will be goodness, it will be mercy, it will be joy, it will be health, it will be prosperity, it will be promotion. How are we going to know that fellow? That fellow is going to praise God like you have never seen people praise God before! So will you go ahead! Praise the Almighty God! Praise the King of Kings!! Praise the Lord of Lords!! Praise the I AM that I AM! Lift your hands to Him and praise Him! Dance before Him! Show Him that you appreciate Him! Let Him hear you loud and clear! Say, You are good! You are wonderful! You are kind! You are powerful! You are holy! You are faithful! You are great! There is no one like You! All power belongs to You! You are the Ancient of Days! You are the Rock of Ages!! You are the Unchangeable Lord! I will praise You! I will praise You at all times! Your praise will continually be in my mouth! I will praise You in the morning! I will praise You in the afternoon! I will praise You in the evening! I will praise You in the night-time! I will praise You in the dry season! I will praise You during the rainy season! I will praise You when I’m about to I eat! I will praise You when I’ve finished eating! I will praise You when I go to bed! I will praise You when I wake up! I will praise You before I travel! I will praise You when I return from travelling! I will praise You all the days of my life! Your praise shall continually be in my mouth! The whole world will hear about it! They will also join me in praising You! I will praise You Lord! King of Kings!! Lord of Lords!! I will praise You! I will praise You! I will praise You! Your praise will continually be in my mouth! King of Glory I will praise You! I will praise You! I will praise You! Like nobody has ever done before - I will praise You! I will praise You! I rejoice before You! I magnify Your Holy Name!! I will praise You! I will praise You! Your praise will continually be in my mouth! Alleluia Father! Blessed be Your Name! Rock of Ages! I bless Your Name! Unchangeable Lord I bless Your Name! Lion of the tribe of Judah! I glorify Your Holy Name!! The Holy One of Israel - I will praise You! Your praise will continually be in my mouth! Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And now quickly I want you to lift your voice to Him and say Father, let this night be my night of testimony! Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! Let tonight be my own night of multiple testimony, testimonies of healing, of deliverance, of miracles, of signs, wonders, of victory! Multiple testimonies! Let this be my night of multiple testimonies! Glory be to Your Name Lord! Let this be my night of multiple testimonies! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Almighty God! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) I want you to join your hands together. I want you to pray for your neighbour. Say, Father, this brother, this sister that I’m praying for, do something special for him, something that he will never forget. Talk to the Almighty God! This my brother that I’m holding, tonight O Lord, do something special in his life! Something he will never forget, that he will be thanking You for for the rest of his life – something beautiful, something glorious, something powerful, something miraculous, something mighty, something of eternal value, something good, something great, something supernatural, something miraculous in the life of this my brother, tonight O Lord, do something special! Do something special! Do something special Lord! Do something special! Take all the glory for it Lord! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, You are wonderful there is no one like You. You are greater than the greatest, You are better than the best, You are richer than the richest, You are older than the oldest, You are wiser than the wisest, You are stronger than the strongest! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May! Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September! Thank You for October! Thank You for December! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!). Thank You for Monday! Thank You for Tuesday! Thank You for Wednesday! Thank You for Thursday! Thank You for today! Thank You in advance for tomorrow! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! (Amen!) Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!) In all our lives tonight, do something new, do something great, do something beautiful, do something miraculous, do something glorious! Father, glorify Your name today. Save souls, heal the sick, set the captives free. Do marvellous things Lord! Father, we are praying especially for all the children born in December. All children born in the end of the year, end all their sorrows. (Amen!) End all their problems. (Amen!) End all their difficulties. (Amen!) Let them serve you to the end! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let me hear somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Shake hand with your neighbour and say Neighbour! I love you but tonight my miracle will be bigger than yours. If you believe that say ‘Amen!” God bless you! You may be seated! The number of children born during this Congress at our maternity centre hear has increased to 32 and the girls continue to lead – 19 girls, 13 boys. Don’t worry boys we will catch up. We still have tomorrow. Let the girls shout ‘Praise the Lord!’ (Praise the Lord!) Let the boys shout ‘Alleluia!!’ You may wonder why I’m excited. My Daddy told me before I came out from my prayer room that at least a hundred thousand people would be healed tonight and you will see them with your own eyes. It’s most likely that you will be one of them! If you are going to be one of them let me hear your ‘Amen!’ (Amen!) Today the joy of somebody will be full. All the harassments of the enemies in your life will end today. I didn’t hear your Amen’ to that (Amen!) I am delighted to have with us tonight wonderful people that the Almighty has put in charge of governing our States, the Governor of Lagos State who somebody said we should give a new name and I think it will be a good idea. I think we better call him Bola Abrahim Tinubu! .. All who agree say ‘Amen!’ And then our own landlord, the one who shares the name with the one who went into the den of lions and came out alive – let’s put our hands together for our governors. Thank You! And then of course, thank God for the man who has come to represent our President. This is the first time he has been here. This must be a very special man in the sight of God. When miracles are about to happen he is always present. You are welcome sir, God bless you! we are happy to have you. Take our greetings back to Mr. President. Tell him we are praying. we are praying to God that during his tenure, somehow, the problems of the masses will be over. God will give him the wisdom, courage, the willingness, the enablement to see that that will happen. All who agree say Amen!’ (Amen!) Once again I want to give glory to God for all great men and women of God that came form all over the world, I love you. Like I said, yesterday, I wish all of you can come and preach. But then it would have taken us a whole year to finish the Congress. If any of you had not been called forward to do anything it is not out of disrespect for your ministry. It is because we know that you are matured enough to know that hose of us who stand here are just your representatives. God will prosper your ministries. It will be well with you. On Monday we talked about the first Master Key, which is prayer. And this Master Key, big as it is, is a limited Master Key because it is limited by faith because Mark 11:24 tells us that it is only those things that you believe when you pray that you will get. Which means if you pray and you don’t believe, you have just wasted your time. And then on Tuesday we discussed the second Master Key, which is faith because the Bible says if only you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth. Another big Master Key; but it is also limited because you can only believe what God has promised. It’s only those things, which God promised, for which His promises are yea and Amen, are the only things that He’s committed to perform. So if He did not promise you anything and you begin to believe for it, then you’d be wasting your time. Not only that, this great Master Key is also limited by love because the Bible says faith worketh by love. On Wednesday we discussed the third Master Key, which is the Word of God, because the Bible says, Forever O Lord thy Word is settled in heaven. A very powerful Master Key; which means that whatever God has said He will do, He will do it! However, this Master Key, powerful as it is, is also limited by whatever your relationship with God is because in 1 Samuel 2:30 God said when He was talking to Eli, I said indeed, I’m the One who said it, that you and your father’s house shall stand before me forever, but now I say, be far from me, He said, because – those who honour Me I will honour and those who despise me will be lightly esteemed. So when we say forever O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven it is subject to the sovereignty of God. He’s the original majesty. He can do whatever He likes. If you don’t honour Him, He can say, I said it but I’m not saying it again! And if He says, I don’t say it again, He can ask you to go and charge Him to court, and then we will see who will be your lawyer, we will see who will be your judge. And then yesterday we discussed the fourth Master Key, the Name of Jesus. Ohhh! the Bible says, God has given Him a name that is above every other Name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee must bow. Let me hear somebody shout the Name of Jesus! Jesus!! If you shout it loud enough all your sickness will bow you know. Jesus!!!! Powerful Name, Name above all, above the name of sickness, above the name of cancer, above the name of barrenness, above the name of all your enemies! Let me hear you shout the name one more time. (Jesus!) But powerful as this Master Key is, it is limited too because it is not for everybody to use. There’s a story in Acts 19:13-17. Some people saw that Paul was using the Name of Jesus to perform some miracles, so they said; well we know the formula now. So they went to a mad man, “Mad man, devil! We command you in the Name of Jesus that Paul preaches come out of this man!” The devil answered, “Jesus I know, Adeboye I know but who are you?” And he grabbed them and beat them! But there is a Master Key that is completely unlimited, that is the Master Key and that’s the one we want to talk about now. In Romans 8:31 the Bible says, If God be for us, who can be against us? If God be for us ….. If only God can be our Senior Partner! If only God can be our ally! I mean - our problems are over! How do I know? It says who can be against us when God is on our side? God, the Bible says, let God arise and His enemies will scatter!Your enemies will scatter tonight in Jesus Name! But you see when God is for you, all your prayers will be answered. In Isaiah 65:24 it said, even before you call I will answer. God is going to answer somebody here today! (Amen!) I’ve always told a funny story. My children and I we were going on a programme, which we call going-a-fishing which will be in December, several years ago when we saw a signboard: turkey for sale and I said to my children, Do you know I’ve never had turkey for Christmas? And we laughed and we left. We were much poorer in those days. By the time we came back, four turkeys were already at home! Before you call, I will answer. Whose prayer will God answer tonight? If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia (Alleluia!). Ohhh! Thank You Father! Now the healing had already started and there is a particular fellow here, the Lord says you’ve had this cough for a long time. You’ve spent a lot of money on it without any improvement. The Lord asked me to tell you, Did you notice? Since this evening you have not coughed once. He said because He has taken that cough away forever. If God is on our side, our faith will be unshakeable because Psalm 125:1 says They that trust in the Lord shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be removed…. If I know that God is on my side then you understand why my faith will be strong. If God is on our side then our words will be law. Anytime we speak then it will be done! When the Bible says you will decree a thing and it will be established unto you; when the Bible says whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, its referring to only those who have God on their side! If you don’t have God on your side then even the devil will say, Jesus I know, Adeboye I know also … Thank You Father! One of the people that God has healed, the Lord said you have been having this horrible itching for some time and it’s always followed by serious weakness. The itching has stopped and it’s not going to return. The Lord said there’s someone here, you have one more chance to do a very crucial exam. Daddy asked me to tell you, you have already passed. (Amen!) Daddy said there is someone here, your problem is that you salivate as a woman who is just pregnant. The Lord said you should check now, you should have noticed by now that the salivation has stopped. O Thank You Father! The Lord said there’s someone here, you’ve been urinating blood for a while. You can quickly check now. That has stopped. The Lord said there’s someone here, that you are worried that you may die young. I hear God saying, Not at all. Not at all. Not at all. Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause… All right. Now if we can have God on our side, our prayers can be answered, our faith will be unshakeable, our word will be law and even the devil will recognize us. The question is, how do I become God’s partner? Amos 3:3 says, in my own language, Birds of the same feather flock together but the way it is put in the Bible is, Can two walk together unless they be agreed? So if you want to be God’s partner the condition is in 1 Peter 1:15-16 It said, Be ye holy for I am holy. That tells you what is the Master Key number five – the unlimited Master Key! It is called holiness. What is it called? Let me hear you say it loud and clear. It is the unlimited Master Key. Now I’m going to show you very briefly, if the Holy Spirit will allow me because the healing power of God is mighty here. There is someone here for example it is as if pins were stabbing into your eyes. The Lord asked me to tell you that has stopped. He said there’s someone here, your back is so painful, so stiff, it’s a long time you were able to touch your toes. The Lord asked me to tell you, go ahead touch your toes because you have been healed. The Lord said there’s someone here, he said I should tell you: you will never have another blackout. Glory be to God! Holiness guarantees not only healing but health. Exodus 15:26 God says if you will live holy – in other words if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that He commands you, He will see to it that you are never sick again and I want to prophesy to somebody here today – for the rest of your life you will never know sickness again! (Amen!) Holiness guarantees not just blessing, but the kind of blessing that is so much that you will be running away from it, it will be pursuing you. ….. I called my assistant who is several years older than myself. I said you are close to heaven, enjoy a little before you go, you can’t backslide anymore He said, You are our leader, if you don’t use it, I will not use it. So I locked up the car and then one night God woke me up, Son why are you denying my daughter her blessings? I will never do that! The car that she bought, it is not bought for you, it is bought for your God and you are disturbing her blessing by not using it! I said, Lord, I will use it so You can bless her! And I used it for 3 days and then I parked it again and I said Lord, I have used it so go ahead bless her. And God said, you better begin to use that one because the second one is coming. And the second one came. It was that kind of car with six doors! And I said to God, You know I can never ride this one – there’s nothing you can say about it! Allow me to sell it! He said, It’s yours now; you can do what you want with it! So I sold it and used the money to buy motorcycles for the Pastors. I didn’t know I was asking for trouble. And one man came one day and brought three Mercedes! What do you want me to do with three? Suddenly I got the point – God is trying to say something. Father what are you trying to say, this is too much! He said, I’ve not started. I want you to stop it! He said unless you stop living holy. I can’t stop living holy. He said, in that case I can’t stop your blessing! There is somebody here tonight, by this time next year your testimony will be greater than my own. If you are the one let me hear you shout .Amen!. It says in Deuteronomy 28:1-2, If you will live holy, blessings will be overtaking you! You won’t have to pray for them! You won’t have to struggle for them. You will sit at home and the blessing will be coming! I wish somebody will say ‘Amen!’ to that. (Amen!) And then, not only will you have victory. My Bible tells me that your victory will be an unusual one. It says in Deuteronomy 28:7, it says, when enemies rise against you one way, they will flee seven ways. There’s somebody here tonight by the time you get home, all those who ganged up against you, they would have been scattered. I say they would have been scattered! Thank You Father! The Lord said there’s someone here, it is as if hundreds of ants are crawling all over your body! But they have disappeared now The Lord said there’s a woman here that wetting is causing problem in your marriage. The Lord asked me to tell you, you will not bed wet again. The Lord said there’s someone here, your private part is constantly dropping water. He said, if you check, everything is dry now. The Lord said there’s someone here, you have this unfortunate situation that you are always vomiting in your sleep. When you sleep, you will vomit. He said that has ended. The Lord said there’s someone here, He said, the noise in your head has disappeared. The Lord said there’s someone here; He said your neck, which had been shaking, is steady now. Why don’t you just go ahead and give the Lord a round of applause. Thank You! Alleluia! If only you live holy you will not only be promoted, your promotion will be an unshakeable one. He said in Deuteronomy 28:13, He said, the Lord will make you the head not the tail. It went on to say you will be above only, not above once – in other words you will never become x- this x- that … O Thank You Father! The Lord says I will short circuit the remote control of your enemy. Alleluia! The Lord asked me to tell someone here, He said the fingers of your enemy shall drop off. (Amen!) He said there’s someone here, that you have a growth in your neck – the doctors have been fearing cancer. The Lord asked me to tell you why don’t you check, the growth has gone. (Amen!) So holiness guarantees answers to prayers, solid faith, words that will be law, recognition by even the devil, not only healing but health, health that cannot be tampered with, prosperity the kind you don’t have to labour for; victory that is uncommon, and promotion that is unchangeable. All this will be the portion of those who have the Master Key of holiness! That’s why out of a heart full of love I need to talk to you about the issue of sin. Because if holiness guarantees all these things and sin is the opposite of holiness then sin guarantees certain things – sickness, poverty, sorrow, curses, running from enemies… let me just take some examples from the Scriptures because I am confident that the life of somebody is going to change permanently tonight. (Amen!) Lets take the example in Mark 2:1-12 Thank You Father! There was this young man who was paralysed from neck downwards. His friends heard about this and they carried him to where Jesus was. When they got there they found that there was a crowd! There was no way through the door! No way through the window! Thank God they were good friends or they could have abandoned him there like the testimony of the brother we had some time ago. He was lame and his friends brought him to the Congress and they got to about 3 kilometres from here and they saw that people were already seated on the road like they have done today. They dumped him there. From there he looked up to God: God see me o! Abandoned here! That moment the Word of God came out that there was someone, it looks like your friends have deserted you. And immediately he got up and began to run. I don’t know who I’m talking to again, there is somebody here right away, relatives are tired of you, friends are tired of you but your problem is solved tonight. In any case, they brought this boy to where Jesus was and there was no room at the door so they climbed to the roof; broke the roof and dropped the man at the feet of Jesus! And Jesus looked at what they had done and the first statement He uttered, He said: Thy sins be forgiven thee! That is the first thing that came out of the mouth of Jesus. Look at what this one is telling us. These people had faith. They had the Master Key of prayer they had used it! They had faith, not ordinary faith, mountain-moving faith, roof- tearing faith. The Bible says Jesus saw their faith. They knew the Word – they know it is written - Himself bore all our sicknesses and diseases! They came to the presence of Jesus and the man lay there helpless until the issue of sin was settled. Let me give you another example Joshua 7:1-12 Israel had just been defeated in a battle, a very small army and Joshua fell on his face and prayed from morning to night on his face. He was a prayer champion, he was a man of great faith, he knew the Word of God, he remembered the promises of God and he was telling God, Lord you promised no man will be able to stand before me all the days of my life – You promised. God said, Yes I promised, but there is sin in the camp. You do something about sin in the Camp or I’m not going with you any more. I’m the One who said I will go with you and I’m the one who says I’m changing my mind because you brought in sin. Sin can truncate a man’s destiny. He later on said to him: Be made whole, Go and sin no more or else something worse like 38 years of sickness will happen. My brothers and sisters check your lives! God who answers me is a holy God! You want a miracle from Him you must be ready for holiness. I’ll tell you two stories and then we will pray. The stories some of you know. A woman came when we were still in the auditorium by the expressway. She had been barren for a long time, then she heard what God was doing here. She said they told her, Get to that man. If he lays his hand on you, you’ll become pregnant. The power that will come on you will be so heavy that you will fall. Don’t be afraid. Its just part of the whole process. So she came. We laid hands on her. We didn’t know we just laid hands on her. She fell. The following year she came with accusation – they told me that if I came to you and you prayed for me I would be pregnant! Even that I might fall and I fell! No baby yet! I was going to pray again, when God said, Ask her how many boyfriends she has in addition to her husband. I was afraid because she’s a big lady. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) I almost stammered when I asked, I’m sorry but God said how many boyfriends..... She said only six. She had a husband and six concubines and she wanted my God to give her a baby! Who’s going to be the father of the baby? Examine your life tonight; the power of God is here. I’m telling you it is by the special grace of God that I can stand on my feet. God is here right away – Ready to heal, ready to deliver, ready to set free! Don’t let your sin stand before you and your miracle tonight! Story number two. I’ve told you that God can give you a miracle on credit. Give it to you, expecting you to live holy. They brought this man to the headquarters in Lagos. He was having some very strange diseases in his hand, is out like this like a rod of iron. Both hands, the two legs, he cant bend his legs to kneel down. He can’t bend his elbows, he’s just straight. We prayed. We asked him to give his life to Jesus. He said, Yes I’ve given my life to Jesus. We prayed. Immediately He was able to kneel, he was able to bend the hand. He went home rejoicing. For two weeks we saw him in church singing and dancing. After two weeks we didn’t see him again. We decided to do follow-up. When we saw him, Sir we didn’t see you in church. He said Yes, is it your church that healed him? He said It’s God that healed him. We said we know its God that healed him. He said, Then what’s the problem? If you go to the hospital and you are healed won’t you come home? We said, Sorry Sir! When I saw him about 3 months later. One the hand had become the same as before. The leg had become the same as before, things had gone worse. The mouth now he can’t close. Don’t let sin truncate your destiny. Listen to me my brothers and sisters, I love you; God loves you! That’s why if you are here tonight and you are not yet born again, you must surrender to Jesus. Jesus has promised, if your sins be as scarlet, I will make them as white as snow! If you used to be a Christian and you backslid, come back home. Come to Jesus tonight. He promised – return and I will heal your backsliding! And this is you who claim to be Christians; who claim to be born-again, Jesus said how can you call me of royal blood and not do those things that I have commanded you. It’s not everyone who says unto me ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven. Listen to me my brothers and sisters – of what use is prosperity to you if you are not going to heaven? The Bible says what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Brethren this night can be a night you will never forget, it can be a turning point in your life if you will settle the issue of sin. You just make up your mind, from now on I will only do the Will of God, I guarantee you, He will become your partner. If God be for us who can be against us? So I want to call now, God is waiting to receive you. This is the way we will do it tonight. Reports reaching me say there are people sitting even on the road almost to the express road. Daddy told me that that is going to happen, that is why we made arrangements for 54 altars. You will see then. If you look round you will see one near you, those of you who are far, far in the crowds. They are all painted white. I have stationed senor Pastors there waiting for you. If you want to give your life to Jesus and you are near the altar here, come here. If here is far look at the nearest altar to you I the crowd and go there. When I begin to pray for those who want to surrender their lives to Jesus the prayer will reach you there. Senior Pastors there are waiting just to attend to you. To make sure that I don’t wait for too long, I will count up to 10. By the time I get to ten, I will know that those of you who want to give your lives to Jesus will already be either in front of me here or at the nearest altar. 1 …. 2…. 3…. Just go to the nearest altar to you. God is waiting for you there. 4…. One good thing about the Lord Jesus Christ, His Blood cleanses from all sins…. 5…. The Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new! So if you come to Him, no matter what you’ve done before in the past, He will forgive you, He will cleanse you. I’ve seen Him changing murderers, armed robbers, all kinds of people – come to Him! Let Him change your life! 6…. If you are coming to the main altar come but it is advisable go to the nearest altar to you. Its now 7. You have to make up your mind. You claim that you are born again and yet you are still living in sin. Somebody must be deceiving somebody because the Bible says if you have been newly born-again, you become a son of God. The Bible says, he that is born of blood does not sin, cannot sin because the truth of God abideth in him! 8 … If you say you are born again and you are still living in sin, you better run forward now and come and make your salvation sure! 9… Now those of you already in front, those of you I can see coming to the various altars, you are going to pray now. Cry to Jesus: Forgive me and save my soul! O my Lord, O my Saviour, I will serve You and I will not go back into sin. Save my soul! Continue to pray! Brethren, the rest of us that are already sure of our salvation, with all our hearts, let us pray for these people, that the One who saved our own souls will save their own souls also! Stretch your hands towards them and pray! Pray for all these people that God will be merciful unto them, that He will save their souls. If you are near the altar then stretch your hands towards those people who are near the altar! And pray for them! Intercede for them! That the Almighty God will be merciful to them! One more minute! That the Almighty God will be merciful to all these people and save their souls! And save their souls! And save their souls! That God will cleanse them in His Blood! Write their names in the Book of Life! Things will change today! Pray for them brethren! And if there’s anyone who is still coming, make sure you get here before I finish praying! Get to the nearest altar to you; I’m going to pray! Thank You Father! Father, save their souls – every one of them. Thank You! Almighty! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, I want to thank You for Your Word, which has gone forth in so much power. It is written, He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions! Thank You for sending Your Word to Your people. Thank You for these people who have decided to surrender their lives to You! Receive them in Jesus Name!! Forgive them in Jesus Name!! Save their souls in Jesus Name!! Write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus Name!! Father, don’t let them go back into sin in Jesus Name! Thank You my Father! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now those of you who have given your life to Jesus, either those of you in front here or those who are at the various altars. Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Right! I want to make you a solemn promise, that God helping me, I will be praying for you, so I need your names, address and prayer requests. Give me your correct address because when I ask God to send your miracle, it will be sent to the address that you put there. So we will do that one very quickly Glory be to God! While they are doing that, the rest of us we will want to pray. Are you ready to pray? I didn’t hear you. Let’s stand on our feet. If you are really ready to pray, please Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Your first prayer tonight which I believe you will pray with all your heart is that Father- loud and clear - don’t let me be my own enemy! Ancient of Days Don’t let me be my own enemy! Because if you are living in sin then you are your own enemy! Lord don’t let me be my own enemy! Cry unto God! Please be merciful to me! Don’t let me be my own enemy! Don’t let me be my own enemy! Don’t let me be my own enemy! Everything in my life, let me let them go! Every form of sin, Lord God Almighty! let me let them go! Don’t let me be my own enemy! Anything that can truncate my destiny, let me let it go! Give me the grace to begin to live a life of holiness. Beginning from now! Beginning from now! Beginning from now! Beginning from now! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now lift your voice to Him and say, Father, anything that will stand between me and my miracles tonight, take it away from me O Lord! Open your mouth and pray! Anything that will stand between me and my miracles tonight – Anything that will stand between me and my healing! Anything that will stand between me and my deliverance! Anything that will stand between me and my fruitfulness. ......Anything that will stand between me and my breakthroughs! Anything that will stand between me and my joy! Anything that will stand between me and my ministry! Destroy tonight! Take it away from me, my God! Whatever, I’m holding on to that will not allow You to perform Your miracles in my life. Almighty God take away from me. If I don’t want them to go, Daddy take it by force! Take it by force! Take it by force! Take it by force! Take it by force! Take it by force! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And then you will now say, Father, now that I’ve decided to do Your perfect Will, perfect that which concerns me! Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! I’ve made up my mind now O Lord that I will do Your Will, Your perfect Will and obey You! By Your grace I will live for You! Father, perfect that which concerns me! Perfect health, perfect joy, perfect victory, perfect fruitfulness, perfect relations! I have made up my mind Lord that I will do Your perfect Will. Father, perfect that which concerns me! Father, perfect that which concerns me! Tonight perfect that which concerns me; perfect that which concerns me – every circumstance - physically, spiritually, maritally, in my ministry, every circumstance…….. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Just one more corporate prayer. Say, Father, tonight, please send help to me! Cry to the Almighty God! Tonight, Father, please send help to me! Tonight O Lord, send help for me from heaven! Send help for me from the east, from the west, from the north, from the south, from all over the world! Send help to me! Send help to me! Send help to me! Send help to me! Almighty God Send help to me! From all over the world, from the four corners of the world - from the east, from the west, from the north, from the south, from all over! Send help to me! Send help to me! Almighty God Send help to me! Send help to me! Send help to me! Almighty God And from Your Throne Send help to me! Send help to me! Almighty God Send help to me! Thank You Father! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Brethren, God is here, so ask Him whatever you want. Ask Him what You want for yourself. Go ahead! Ask Him! Ask Him! …. Thank You Father! Now the Lord says, if any of you need spare parts – you want new eyes, new ears, new heart, new children – ask God now – if you want spare parts from heaven. This is the time. Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You! Saviour! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! …. We just want to bless Your Name Lord! That which the doctor said cannot be done, that which is beyond repairs – ask for brand new ones. He is the God of all flesh. There’s nothing is too hard. He’s the One who made you from the beginning. Ask for spare parts now. Thank You Father! Let’s begin to bring our prayers to a close. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Wherever you may be stretch your hands in the direction of the main altar. Those of you who are far, far away just stretch in the direction where you are hearing my voice. Those of you behind the altar, stretch your hands to this direction. I ‘m going to pray for you now. Let your Amen!’ be loud and clear. In the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!) In the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!) Father, You are the God of all flesh. There is nothing too hard for you. I have spoken to Your people; I’ve told them they must forsake sin. They’ve made up their minds Lord. Whatever they’ve done wrong in the past forgive in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Forgive them in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Anything that can stand between anybody and his or her miracle today, remove it with your Blood in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Father, remove it with Your Blood in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! My Lord and my Saviour, by the authority invested in me by the commander-in-Chief of the Hosts of Heaven, I take authority over every evil force operating in your life in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I decree that they be bound in Jesus Name! (Amen!) I decree that they will loose you and let you go in Jesus Name! (Amen!) My Bible tells me that when Jesus entered the house of Peter and saw the mother-in-law sick of fever, he rebuked the fever- that means fever can hear the Word: Every sickness in you I rebuke now in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Every ache, every pain, every disease whatever their names, I rebuke in Jesus Name! (Amen!) - sickness, disease, bondage! Hear the Word of the Lord: It is written; every plant that my Father did not plant shall be rooted up! I hereby decree sickness, disease, ache, pain, bondage, demons – get out in Jesus Name!! Get out in Jesus Name!! Be uprooted in Jesus Name!! I pray that God will breathe on you. The same breath that made dry bones live again, the Almighty will breathe on you! (Amen!) Receive your healing in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! Receive your deliverance in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! Receive your breakthrough in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! Receive your victory in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! From now on you’ll be way, way ahead of your enemies. (Amen!) It shall be well with you. (Amen!) I say it shall be well with you! (Amen!) From now on it will be well with you! (Amen!) In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) If you receive that say ‘Amen!’ loud and clear! (Amen!) Let me hear the ‘Amen!’ again! (Amen!) Make it louder still! (Amen!) Go ahead! Give the Lord a big round of applause. God bless you! You may be seated! Now there were some people who were carried in. By now many of them should be getting up and walking but to help their faith I hope the ushers have prepared the mats. If you have done so could you wave at me to let me know. They have been really stretched. I think the crowd tonight is more than we have ever seen before. Glory be to God! There they go, let’s clap for them. Give them a big round of applause. Now I want you to spread the mats. Your leaders will direct you. Those who were carried, its time to bring those people and lay them on the mats. The men of God are coming now to lay hands on them. Just to help your faith because the Word of God had already gone into them and that Word is already working but we will want to pray for them all the same – to help their faith. Glory be to God! So if you carried any one here, you can bring them forward now – lay them on the mats. Let’s do that very quickly. Alleluia, Father! …… O Come let us adore Him……. To help their faith ……. Let’s move fast brethren, let’s move …. There is none holy as the Lord …. Holy, holy, holy holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord…… brethren there are some people here to my left. Let’s get up, Let’s get up and go and attend to these people – spread over them, let’s minister to them very quickly. One of them is already up, Glory be to God! Thank you, I think the cameraman can see the fellow here to my right. Pick up that one; that’s one that is already up. Glory be to God! Glory be to God! That’s one that is already up! There’ll be several to follow. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! The Lord is here tonight He is already moving – there’ll be several others! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! That’s right. Glory be to God! There’s a second one already moving over there. Over there to my right. Let her come. Let her move forward. Let her move forward. Let her move forward. Let her move. She’s already coming. Clear out of the way, let the camera see it.. see her! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! That’s the second one. There’ll be several others. Oh yes keep on praying for them. Help them to move on. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Oh yes there’s another one, a third one. Keep on coming! Don’t stop! The strength will continue to increase as you come. Very soon you’ll be running! Very soon you’ll be running! Glory be to God! Thank You Father! That’s another one! That’s another one! Glory be to God! That’s another one! We thank You Father, He’s looking for several of you tonight. The Lord is here! This is a night of signs and wonders. As they get up begin to allow them to come. Let them come! Let them come! There’s another one there! There’s another one there! Glory be to God! There’s another one there! There’s another one there! Glory be to God! There’s another one there! Oh brethren. Let them get up and begin to move! Give them room! Give them room! Let them come towards where we can see so that we can rejoice with them. Keep on moving! Keep on moving! The strength will continue to increase! Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Yes, keep coming! Keep coming! Don’t stop! The rest of you get up too! Get up too! And begin to move! Begin to move! The power of God is here tonight. Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Yes there is one here to my left! Keep coming! Keep coming! As you begin to take the steps you get stronger and stronger! You get stronger and stronger! You get stronger and stronger! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Oh yes! There are many more. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! See that fellow is getting stronger now. He is almost ready to run now. He’s ready to run now. All right leave that one alone – let that child walk now. He should be able to move. Yes Glory be to God! Glory be to God! You get stronger and stronger. There are quite many of them now! There’s another one there! Another one there! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! You are not going to need that walking stick anymore. You can walk without it now. There is already power in your legs. Keep moving, keep moving – you’ll get stronger! You’ll get stronger and stronger. Don’t block their way. Let them walk first. You can interview them later! Please let them – now that the anointing is working on them, this is not the time for interview. Let them exercise their new-found strength first. You’ll have plenty of time to interview them later. Thank you! Glory be to God! Keep moving! Keep moving! Keep moving! Don’t stop! The power of God is already working now! Let’s begin to praise the Almighty God! We can get a song of praise now! A song of praise! The power of God is already flowing –let’s magnify Holy Name O Thank You Father! We are saying thank you Jesus, thank you my Lord….. There’s a young man here, he came on two crutches but now he’s dancing! Cameraman will you get this one for us? Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Let the others walk too. Begin to move now – the power of God is on you – begin to walk…… help them to move…. The rest of us let’s rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Let’s praise God together! Glory be to God! ….. Can’t we get these people who are dancing so we can dance with them? Get up! Get up! …..Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Alleluia! Thank You! …. Thank You Father! Thank You Father! Glory be to God! The rest of you too get up! In the Name of Jesus get up and begin to move! Get up in the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!)! The fire of God is here! There’s another child over there… There’s a woman there too. Glory be to God forever more! Thank You Father! … Because we are running out of time – Pastors, if there is any one you have laid hands on, who is still lying down there, give them a second touch. Pray for them one more time. Those of you, who are already walking, don’t stop. Keep on, the power of God will get stronger and stronger … keep going, keep going, keep going.. Just one more or two minutes and then we will continue… You are the mighty God, the great I Am, Alleluia! Alleluia! …. And then Pastors you can begin to return. Pastors can begin to return after you have prayed for them a second time…..That’s it one young fellow there – Glory be to God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory be to God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Once you start moving - Keep moving! Glory be to God! There is one child over there, over there. Thank you for delivery, thank you for delivery Thank you very much. Now Pastors you can come back because we just have to move. Because of time......... I can guarantee those who are still there because the anointing of God has gone unto you before the sun rises, you will rise also. I say you will rise also. Now while the service was on the Almighty God kept on healing. All those of you who have been healed tonight I want you to do one thing. The Bible says they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. We won’t have time to take your testimony tonight but those of you who have been healed tonight, you want the world to know, you want God Himself to see you that Father I thank you for healing me. As we begin to sing now and you check your body and you discover that what was there before, is no more there, begin to dance forward. We will see you together with those who are already in front, we will rejoice together and we will be able to tell the devil that they have already testified and therefore you cannot touch them any more. So those who have been healed, I want you to dance forward so that we can glorify God together. Let’s have something we can dance to now. We are all dancing now so nobody is sitting down. Dance and you check your body that you have been healed and you dance forward! Thank You Father! Alleluia! … The Lord is good, … Come on dance forward! Glory be to God! ………Higher, higher, higher…… ….. You alone are God, You are King… at the mention of your name every knee has bowed…. Jehovah, You are the most high God… I know that there are some of you, you are so far away you can’t get forward so what we will do is this, those who have been healed, they will remain standing. Those who are not in that our group, they will sit down. Because I can see all the aisles occupied …. So those of you who have been healed wherever you are stand up and wave your hands….. Glory, glory, Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) I’m going to pray for you that your healings will be permanent and that you will serve God with your new-found health. In the mighty Name of Jesus! Father, You are truly the wonder-working God who can count this multitude? Healed in one night! Only You can do it – accept our thanks in Jesus Name! (Amen!). Because You healed them and they came forward to testify let their healings be permanent in Jesus Name! (Amen!)! What You have given them now don’t let the enemy take it away in Jesus Name! (Amen!). The new health You have given them, let them use it to serve You in Jesus Name! (Amen!). Father, I want to ask for something else too – I want these people too to lay hands on the sick and heal them (Amen!). Your healing power, release to them in Jesus Name! (Amen!). Anyone they touch from now, let that fellow be healed in Jesus Name! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) One more time those of you who have been healed, wave your hands to Him and shout Alleluia (Alleluia!) Glory be to God! You are going to dance back to your seat and dance so that the devil will know that his head is already broken. And you will be dancing for the rest of your life. Can we have something? ... bye bye to sickness o, bye bye to poverty O … in the name of Jesus……. All right Thank You Lord! Thank You for the joy of serving You. Now before we listen to a few words of prophecy that God has for us tonight after which we will pray and then be on our way, it is our custom on every Holy Ghost night that when God has done marvelous things like this we love to say thank you to Him. How many of you want to say thank you to Him for what he’s done for you? Good - so the ushers will come. They will take our thanksgiving offering. To make it easy for them we will be dancing on our seat for now and when they finish we will stand up together and dance. We’ll hear a word or two of prophecy from the Lord and then we’ll be on our way. Ushers please attend to us and musicians, God bless you, you’ll be as good as usual …. Thank You so much Lord Jesus, we thank You, we thank You, we thank You…… Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Now if the ushers have not reached you, you are the only one to shout Alleluia (Alleluia!) …That’s the choir here. The rest of us we will stand now and just rejoice in the Lord for one minute and then I will pray for you and then you’ll be on your way. But let me assure you as God had always done in all Congresses, Saturday is always the sweetest day of all. You’ve received your healing now. That doesn’t mean that’s the end of the story. There’s an anointing service this evening that will empower you to use the master keys you’ve received. Take my word for it, the best is yet to come. So make sure you are here and God will continue to bless you. The morning programme I think will start by ten instead of nine this time round because of closing late and there are powerful sessions this afternoon. Let’s dance for a minute and then we go ahead. You are the Lord that is Your name, You will never share Your glory with any man …… everlasting Father, everlasting God, immortal Holy Ghost, be Thou glorified…. The Almighty God said, there’s someone here, anything less than very good will become a stranger to you. (Amen!) The Lord said there’s someone here tonight and He asked me to tell you, He said, I will pursue those w ho are pursuing you. (Amen!) And He asked me to tell somebody here tonight, He said, I will sweeten your bitter waters! My Father and my God, we want to thank You for a wonderful night. Thank You for salvation! Thank You for healing! Thank You for mighty promises! Thank You because we know our tomorrow will be all right! Accept our thanks in Jesus Name!! Bless the offerings of your children, sanctify and use it for Your glory. Those who have given tonight, don’t let them ever lack again. The Lord Himself will bless you! (Amen!) He will prosper you! (Amen!) From now on His blessing will pursue you (Amen!) and overtake you. (Amen!) You’ll be mighty vessels of honour in His hand! (Amen!) Very soon your testimonies will shake the earth! (Amen!) So shall it be! In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) The one who got the biggest blessing tonight let me hear you shout the loudest Alleluia (Alleluia!) ….. Alleluia! PRAISE THE LORD!
Pastor E. A. Adeboye