A TASTE OF HEAVEN 15th of December, 2006A TASTE OF HEAVEN 15th of December, 2006 Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Well let somebody shout 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) Beloved, it was not a feeble 'Alleluia!' that pushed down the wall of Jericho. The Bible said the people shouted with a great shout. If you want your own wall of Jericho to fall tonight let me hear you give a big, big shout of Alleluia! (Alleluia!) David said in Psalm 108:1-3 he said my heart is fixed O Lord, my heart is fixed, he said I will sing and I will give praise, He said I will praise You among the people. He said it doesn't matter what I am going through now, I'm going to praise You! I've made up my mind! My heart is fixed. And the Almighty God said, if that is the case, My own heart is also fixed, I will promote you. I will defend you. I will honour you. I will make you famous. I will give you a taste of heaven. There is somebody here tonight who is going to have a taste of heaven. If you are that fellow I want you to go ahead and praise the Almighty God! Go ahead, praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name! Praise Him until He will look down from heaven and say My heart is fixed concerning you! That as far as you are concerned, I will promote you, I will honour you, I will defend you. I will make you famous. I will give you a taste of heaven! Praise, praise the Almighty God! Magnify His Holy Name! Praise Him from the bottom of your heart! Give Him all glory! Give Him all honour! Sing unto Him! Praise His Holy Name! Tell Him You love Him! Tell Him You appreciate Him! Let Him know that there is no one like Him! Give Him all glory! Give Him all honour! Give Him all Adoration! Praise Him! Praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name! He's worthy to be praised! He's worthy to be magnified! He's worthy to be adored! Praise Him! Praise His Holy Name! He's greatly to be praised! Give Him all glory! Give Him all honour! Give Him all adoration! Praise Him until He will look down from heaven and say, concerning you my heart is fixed! .. That as far as you are concerned I will promote you, I will honour you, I will defend you. I will make you famous. I will give you a taste of heaven! Praise Him! Give Him all glory! Sing unto Him! Sing to the Almighty God and give Him all glory, give Him all honour, give him all adoration! He's worthy to be praised! He's worthy to be adored! Magnify His Holy Name! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Oh yes He's worthy, He's worthy to be praised! There's no one like You Daddy! You are the Almighty! When You speak it is done. We give You all glory! We give You all honor! We give You all adoration tonight! Blessed be Your Holy Name! You are the King of Kings!! and the Lord of Lords!! There is no one like You! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Father! Thank You Lord! Thank You Almighty God! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now lift your voice to the Almighty God and pray this one prayer loud and clear and say Father, give me a taste of heaven tonight! Go ahead! Talk to the Almighty God! Father, give me a taste of heaven tonight! Almighty God give me a taste of heaven tonight! Give me a taste of heaven tonight Lord! I want to have a taste of heaven tonight! This very night! O Lord God Almighty! give me a taste of heaven tonight! I know if I just have a taste of heaven everything will change, everything will become different“ Lord give me a taste of heaven tonight, give me a taste of heaven! Almighty God give me a taste of heaven! give me a taste of heaven tonight! Blessed be Your Holy Name! give me a taste of heaven tonight! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) I know that the whole place is jammed tonight but if you can find a place to kneel, let's go before our Maker.
Let's worship Him. (singing)…. You are high and lifted up, there is no one like You You are the most high God ……. ..Eternal Rock of Ages we bless Your Holy Name! Father - There is no one like You “ You are greater than the greatest, You are better than the best, You are stronger than the strongest, You are richer than the richest; You are older than the oldest, You are wiser than the wisest; You are the Almighty God! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Father, Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You for Monday. Thank You for Tuesday! Thank You for Wednesday! Thank You for yesterday! Thank You for today! Thank You in advance for tomorrow! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Accept our worship in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Father, Your children have come. Tonight meet every need. Let every problem be solved. Save souls. Heal the sick. Set the captives free, Let there be joy today. Let there be victory today. Let there be testimonies today. Let Your Name be glorified today! Thank You Father! in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Let somebody shout another 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) I want you to shake hands with one or two people and tell them I will have a taste of heaven tonight. Say it as if you mean it. God bless you! You may be seated! As of 7.30 pm this evening the number of babies born during this Congress increased to 31 and the boys are leading seriously 21 boys and 10 girls. Let the boys shout: Praise the Lord!! And let the girls shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) I bring greetings to all of you who are watching by internet all over the world. I pray that the miracles God will perform here tonight will go through the internet to you in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) My Daddy told me He was going to heal 144,000 people and He did exactly that so I was emboldened to ask Him for tonight. Daddy how many are You going to heal tonight. He said many. I said forgive me but how many? He said you won't be able to count them, they will be a multitude. If you are one of the multitude that God will heal tonight let me hear you shout 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) Before I go very quickly into the Word of God because we know a little bit of our time is gone, I want to give glory to the Almighty God for all the speakers of tonight. Reverend John Hagee I want you to know we love you and you are welcome back any time! I want to say thank you very much to my in-law. where is my in-law? Okay it seems that the in-law is already doing what in-laws do. And I also want to thank God for my great son; he seems to have disappeared too “ Bishop Oyedepo. I thank all of you for being a blessing to us and God will bless you in return. As for Joe Olaiya, I'm sure you know “ any time he stands up, fire comes down. The Almighty God will sustain all of you and prosper all your ministries. I want to thank God for the life of all ministers of God “ everyone of you that have come from various ministries that we could not mention your names one by one. Please it is not that we think you are unimportant. No, no no! it is like as I used to tell you it is so that when I come to your place you will not introduce me. The Almighty God Himself will introduce all of you. (Amen!) Mark 5:25-34 “ I may not read it all “ as soon as I read a little bit of it you will know the rest of the story. Mark 5:25-34 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. 28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? Let me jump to verse 34... 31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? 32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. 33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. 34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. There is somebody here tonight, whatever plague you brought, you will not go home with it in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) For the sake of those of you who are coming for the first time during this Congress let me very quickly tell you the thing we learnt on day one so that next year you will know you shouldn't miss any days we talked about heaven that heaven is a place where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no problems even as the Bishop told us. We also said that heaven is a person that what makes a palace a palace is because of the king who lives there and that that person came to earth in the body of our Lord Jesus Christ so that wherever you see Jesus moving you know that is heaven moving there. Here we also learnt during the week that whenever heaven comes down even though there will be a multitude of people it is always an individual who gets a miracle! And as you see in the story we have just read there was a multitude round about Jesus, only one woman got a miracle! When Jesus said who touched me, the disciples said unto Him: Can't you see the crowd? All these people are jostling round You! But Jesus said no, no only one fellow, one fellow touched me. Only one fellow got a miracle. Now who is the one fellow who will get a miracle tonight? Let me hear you shout 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) This woman had problems. She was sick. She was poor because everything she had had gone on the sickness that refused to go. She was sad. You don't have to be there to know that one. She was a reproach to the family. She was carrying as it were a curse,. She was always ashamed of herself. Of course nobody needs to tell you that she was barren because even if she had a husband because of the issue of blood there was no pregnancy. But then she had a taste of heaven. She had a contact with the one who was heaven on earth and everything changed! Her sickness left. The thing that was draining her resources was gone. Her reproach ended. There was no more shame in her life, her shame was turned to glory! And I can assure you her sorrow become joy. I have good news for somebody here today. Are you sick? You will have a taste of heaven and you will be made whole. Are you poor? You will have a taste of heaven and in the Mighty Name of Jesus, when you come next year you will come as a millionaire. (Amen!) Are you a reproach tonight? Because of the taste of heaven you are going to have you will become a testimony! (Amen!) Are you sad? I have good news for you. You are going to enter the New Year with joy! (Amen!) If you are the one I am talking to let me hear your 'Amen!' (Amen!) If what I am saying does not concern you then you keep quiet but I know that there is someone here tonight because you are going to have a taste of heaven, your future is going to be all right. Thank You Father! I know it is going to be a wonderful night. The Lord said there is a woman here He says your monthly period gushes out like a tap of water. The Lord asked me to tell you that has been corrected. (Amen!) And one of the first persons that God is healing tonight God said your neck is so stiff you can't turn it that to turn it you have to turn your entire body. The Lord asked me to tell you, turn your head because it had been made whole. (Amen!) Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said the fountain of sorrow in your family has dried up. (Amen!) If you are that one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Very, very quickly I want to be brief because of time... when that woman touched Jesus she touched the prophet, the Prophet. You see all prophets had always said, thus saith the Lord or the Word of the Lord came unto me saying but Jesus Christ is the Prophet. Whenever He wants tot talk He will say, Verily, verily I say unto you because this woman touched Jesus who was heaven on earth and touched the Prophet her own prophecy became fulfilled because she said, if I can touch the hem of His garment I will be healed. She prophesied. Came in contact with the prophet and her prophesy came to pass. I have good news for somebody here today, before you leave here, because of the taste of heaven you are going to have, you will prophesy and it will come to pass. (Amen!) You better say 'Amen!' loud and clear. (Amen!) Thank You Father! The healing has already started and the Lord says there is someone her with a recurrent, acute stomach pain. The Lord said you will never hear of it again. (Amen!) How did I know that by the time you leave here? Because the Bible says in Acts 2:17-18 that it will come to pass in the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall multiply and these are the last days that is why your prophesies will be fulfilled tonight. Remember the Almighty God said in Numbers 14:26-28 He said as you have spoken in my ears so will I do into you. The Shulamite woman when the Man of God asked her how is it with you? She prophesied to herself. At first she said it will be well. At the end she said it is well. Let me hear somebody say it loud and clear: It is well with me! You have probably heard me share the testimony. I went to dedicate one of our churches in the east and as is my custom, anytime I come in I will drop a prophecy. I just entered the church and I said there is somebody here who will never weep again. And there was a man there, who has suffered a stroke and he had been in sorrow from that day. As soon as he heard that word he grabbed it and said Ah, thank God it is me. Within 5 minutes he was completely whole! May I prophesy to you tonight “there is somebody here tonight who will never weep again! (Amen!) If you are the one let me hear you say 'Amen!' loud and clear! (Amen!) Some of you who come to the Holy Ghost Services regularly you will remember the testimony of a lady who came to the Congress like this and a word of prophesy came out that there was a woman present whose womb had been destroyed through abortion and God said I will give you a mew womb and I will give you a set of twins. Ah! And she said O God Thank You - that's me! But after the programme she went to the altar and said Lord, thank You for what you said You are going to do for me but I don't have the capacity to handle twins. Make it just one but let it be a boy and let the boy be born on my birthday. She negotiated her prophesy. 9 months later on her very birthday a baby boy was born! And then after she negotiated that she said to the Almighty God You know I'm HIV + what is the use of having a baby if I'm not going to live to take care of the baby? Complete the job! Heal me too and she went for another test and she tested HIV - . There is somebody here who's going to prophesy to himself or herself.. open your mouth and say loud and clear “ my tomorrow is going to be all right. You better say it loud and clear! My tomorrow is going to be all right And then because this woman touched Jesus who was heaven on earth she touched the high priest because according to Hebrews 4:14 & 15 the Bible tells us that we have in Jesus Christ a high priest, a high priest that can be touched by our feelings of infirmity. Thank You Father! There is somebody here tonight the Lord said I should tell you I will give you a new intestine. (Amen!) The fellow concerned will know what that one means. The Lord said there is someone here tonight He said your case is the major concern in your family. The Lord asked me to tell you, your family will rejoice over you soon. (Amen!) Oh Thank You my Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said you think I have abandoned you. No I have not done so and before the end of the year you will know I am by your side. (Amen!) This woman touched our high priest a compassionate high priest, a merciful high priest. Do you know if you have a taste of heaven because He is high priest you too will become a priest. What does that mean? It means if you have a taste of heaven just as that woman touched Jesus and was healed anyone you touch will also be healed. In other words there is someone here tonight you are not only going to be healed but from now on anyone you touch shall be healed. (Amen!) The Lord said in Mark 16:17 & 18 that you will lay hands in the sick and they shall recover. I have good news for you. When you leave here you will leave with the healing virtue of God flowing out of you. (Amen!) There was a man who had a taste of heaven. His name was Paul. He used to be Saul of Tarsus then he had a taste of heaven and he had a new name and they began to call him Paul. And the Bible says in Acts 19:11-12, that God performed special miracles by the hand of Paul, that from his body aprons and handkerchiefs were taken from his body to the sick and they were healed and demons departed from them. I want to prophesy to you tonight because heaven has come to earth even your dress will begin to heal. (Amen!) You heard the testimonies that came tonight, those who went away with the dress they wore to one of the programmes and began to use those dresses to heal you will be the next fellow to share your testimony. (Amen!) Take good care of the dress that you are wearing tonight because the power of the Most High God is going to saturate every bit of it. (Amen!) Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here any time you stand up your knees will be trembling that is why you can't walk on your own. The Lord asked me to tell you, you can stand now and you can walk because He has taken care of the problem. Ah! The Lord said there is a woman here... the way He said it is that the heat-generator in your womb has been taken away. (Amen!) Let me say 'Amen!' to that one before I tell you. The Lord said I have commanded the wind to blow in your surprise. (Amen!) The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said the clouds are already gathering for your showers of blessings. (Amen!) Talking about your dress healing the sick, some of you have heard me share the testimony before: I've just returned from the United States of America when a sister came to us and said, help me sir, my grandmother was sick. They took her to the hospital and operated on her. Maybe because of old age because she was very old, when they sewed her back it refused to heal and so whenever she ate the food was coming out of the wound. The doctors said there was nothing they could do for her that she was going to die. She said please sir, anything you can do. My grandmother is old. Let her be healed before she dies. I don't like the situation in which she was. I told her I'm too tired to travel but I said the God of Paul is also my God so I asked her to go and get me a handkerchief. She brought a handkerchief. I laid my hands on the handkerchief; prayed a simple prayer and asked her to take it to the grandmother. She took it by faith - Laid it on the wound. By the following day the doctors came to check whether Grandma had died. They could not even find the scar of where they had operated on her! In that Name that is above every other name, everyone the dress you are wearing tonight will touch, will be healed in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) She touched Jesus and touched the prophet. She touched Jesus and touched the priest. She touched Jesus who was heaven on earth and had a taste of the King of Kings! Revelation 19:11-16 it is done! As a matter of fact a man came to Jesus Christ and he said you don’t have to come to my house to heal my servant, speak the Word only because I know there is power in your Word because there is power in the Word of the king! What is the beauty of that? If you have a taste of heaven you can prophesy and it will come to pass because you would have touched the prophet. If you have a taste of heaven you would have touched the high priest and you would become a priest so that whoever you touch would be healed. When you have a taste of heaven you would have touched the king of kings and you too would become a king and then you will begin to rule by decree. In Revelation 1:5-6 Alleluia! The Lord says there is someone here tonight; He said the word 'frozen' is a good description of your present situation. Everything about you is frozen completely“not just standing still but frozen. The Almighty asked me to tell you; by the time the sun rises I would have changed everything. (Amen!) Thank You Lord! The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said you are at a crossroad in your life and you don't even know where to turn. Daddy asked me to tell you, I will direct you. (Amen!) When you touch the high priest, you yourself will become a priest because Revelation 1:5-6 said Jesus Christ had made us priests and kings to His father and when you are a king you will begin to rule by decree. The Bible says in Job 22:28, it said you will decree a thing and it will be established unto you. In Matthew 16:19 whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. It went further to say in Isaiah 45:11 the Almighty God said you can even extend the decree to Him, He said: Concerning the works of my hand, command ye me!! Tonight, because you are going to have a taste of heaven, every decree you issue shall come to pass. (Amen!) I didn't hear your 'Amen!' to that one. (Amen!) Let me remind you of a story. Remember, I told some of you before. I went to Ghana to visit our churches there. As I finished I came back to the airport and because I knew my driver would be waiting for me here at the airport in Nigeria., every money in my pocket I handed it over to the missionaries there. And they left. After they left the plane that was supposed to bring us to Nigeria, there was an announcement “ that that plane would first of all take those who were going to Sierra Leone to Sierra Leone before coming back to take us to Lagos! And I was hungry. I had no money left. What do I do? Suddenly I remembered I can decree a thing and it shall be established. So I said I decree all the officers of Ghana Airways you will have no rest of mind until I leave this place. And I said it quietly. Within five minutes “all the officers of the airways ran to where we were staying: Where are those of you who are going to Nigeria? We said we are here! Has anybody given you something to eat? We said no. We are sorry, there is no food. We only have this big cake. Half bread is better than nothing. So they cut the big cake to slices and gave us one-one. Because I was hungry I finished my own in a jiffy. They gave us a bottle of coke each. I drank my own almost immediately! And then the leader of the group came to me and said. You want more? There is only one slice left. I said, yes ma! She gave me that one and gave me another bottle of coke. I ate that one like a gentleman and I was still drinking the bottle of coke when they made an announcement. The plane will go to Nigeria first before going to Sierra Leone. I said good!. When I was about to enter the plane I turned round and said, you officers of Ghana Airways, now you can have peace of mind. You want me to decree something tonight? I didn't hear you! I hereby decree all those who will not let you reach your goal, they will not have peace of mind anymore! (Amen!) When you have a taste of heaven you can prophesy and it will come to pass because you would have touched the prophet. If you have a taste of heaven you can become a priest because you would have touched the high-priest. When you have a taste of heaven you become a king and begin to rule by decree because you would have touched the King of Kings! So how do I have a taste of heaven? How do I touch heaven on earth? It's by faith. Aggressive faith! You see in this story we read in Mark 5:34 when the woman with the issue of blood was made whole. What was it that Jesus said to her? Daughter, they faith has made thee whole. He didn't say Daughter I have healed you. He didn't say Daughter; the power of the virtue that came out of me has made you whole! He said they faith has made the whole! And for those of you who were here yesterday you know what I'm talking about. Not ordinary faith! Aggressive faith! Because the woman came in the press behind she forced her way in! There was a multitude there and she moved in from the back“pushed one fellow to the right, the next fellow to the left and the other “Ah! What’s wrong with you? I will tell you when I'm coming back! She pushed another fellow! Pushed another fellow until she got to Jesus! Aggressive faith! There is something about God and that is God is not a talkative. The Bible says God has spoken once. Twice have I heard it that power belongs to God. When God speaks twice it is grace. When He speaks 3 times it is Amazing Grace but 4 times!! 4 times God said the just shall live by faith! How many times 4 times: Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10: 38 4 times “the just shall live by faith. I pray for you tonight that the Almighty God will put fire into your faith “ The kind of faith that will move mountains, God will release to you in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said I will reshape your future! (Amen!) Oh Thank You Daddy! The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said I should tell you your son shall never set again. (Amen!) Aggressive faith we have the testimony of a woman she went to visit her children in London and while she was there she had a stroke. If somebody has a stroke in Nigeria they want to take the fellow to London for better treatment. This woman said take me to Nigeria, take me to Redemption Camp. The children said Mama what's wrong with you? Here you will get all the treatment you can! She said no, no, no.. Take me to Redemption Camp. If I get there I will be healed. Mama we know you go there to pray but God is everywhere! She said to the children, I know He is everywhere but Redemption Camp is His headquarters. Take me there! They brought her back from London. The moment she stepped on this ground “complete healing! Because of aggressive faith!!Is there anybody here tonight who says because I am at the headquarters of Almighty God I will not go home with my problem? Is there anybody like that here? Let me hear you shout 'Alleluia!' (Alleluia!) I will get out of your way soon because there are certain things to do tonight that you have never done before. We don't come here just to be healed tonight we want to become healing vessels in the hand of God. We don't want just to be blessed tonight; we want to become a blessing! We don't come here tonight just to receive a miracle; we want to become carriers of miracles. How many of you agree with what I have said? If that's what you want let me hear you say 'Amen!' loud and clear. Oh Thank You Jesus! Now let me conclude in Mark 2:1-12 Thank You Father!'Amen!' and 'Amen!' and 'Amen!' The Lord said there is someone here tonight; He said the era of progressive greatness in your family begins now! (Amen!) O Thank You Lord! And Daddy says, He said I am your friend. He's talking to someone. He says I am your friend therefore those who are blocking your way are blocking My way. I will uproot them! (Amen!) Mark 2 Don't be surprised if you get home after this Congress and certain things begin to happen. Let me assure you that some people are going to die suddenly! Because if God says I will uproot, He will uproot! Everyone blocking the ways of the friends of God shall be uprooted!!!! Anyway Mark 2:1-12 is the story of one young man who was sick “paralyzed from the neck downwards and his friends brought him to Jesus and when they got there, there was no room for them to enter the house. There was a crowd there. The doors were blocked, the windows were blocked. But these 4 boys that brought their friends, they had violent faith. They climbed to the roof. They tore the roof. It is interesting that the Bible did not even tell us who repaired the roof and they dropped their friend before Jesus. The Bible said Jesus saw their faith! Their faith was raw, naked, violent! Great faith but yet Jesus said to that young man, faith or no faith, we have to take care of your sin first. He said thy sins be forgiven thee. He saw their faith“ raw faith, strong faith “ but before He could heal him, before He could give him his miracle, before He could give him his taste of heaven he said the issue of sin must be settled first. Listen to me my beloved brethren, when my boss speaks it is always true. If He says it is well, it is well. If He says your tomorrow will be all right, it will be all right. And I'm telling you God is here tonight, if He says He's going to heal a multitude, that's what He will do. You could see the multitude and still ask yourself why am I still left out? If sin stays on in your life, it will block the healing power of the most High God. That is why I want to appeal to those of you who are there who are not yet born again, those of you who have not surrendered your life to Jesus. If you want a taste of heaven you must surrender your life to Jesus first. Now, in this huge arena there are 36 altars. If you look around you will see the one that is very close to you because I know some of you are very, very, very far away. If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ I want you to go to the altar that is nearest to you. At any altar you will find men of god there to attend to you. They are already going now and I believe they will move a little faster because I know that some of you now are ready to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. It is only those of you who are near this main altar who will come here when I ask you to begin to come. Those of you who are far away, farther than my eyes can see if you look around you will find a small altar very close to you. Every altar is printed in white and is flying a flag. I will want you to go to the altar that is nearest to you if you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Because I'm waiting for the ministers of God to get to the altars and I know the altars are very far away. I'm going to count from 1 to 10 for those of you who want to give your lives to Jesus. Now those of you who are ministers of God going to the altars, if you are younger than I you should be able to run; if you are older than I then you can walk because if you are younger than I you are young. If you are older than I you are old. If you are younger than I you should run and be at the altar now! Now those of you who want to give your life to Jesus Christ, who are tired of a life of sin, who want to have a taste of heave, begin to come now. I am going to count from 1 to 10. If you are near this altar, come to this altar,. If you are far from this altar go to the nearest altar to you. Get there before I count 10. 1.. 2. Thank God they are already coming! 3. only those of you who are near this altar should come here. The rest of you who are far away go the altar nearest you there are 36 of them. The power of the Almighty God will meet you at every altar. Come and give your life to Jesus Christ now! 4. Today is the day of salvation. The Almighty God is willing to wipe away all your sins so that you can have a taste of heaven. Come quickly now. 5 Brethren those of you who are already saved why don't you encourage these people by giving the Lord a big round of applause even as they continue to run forward? 6 Come the Lord is waiting for you. This is your day of salvation. . He will forgive all your sins. There is enough power in his blood to wipe away all your sins so that you can have a taste of heaven and then you too can begin to prophesy. If He saves your soul tonight He can even empower you so that whenever you touch somebody, the fellow will be healed. And then you can begin to decree and it will be established unto you 7.. now. If you are coming, come quickly. Go to the nearest altar to you and then we will pray for your salvation! 8 now. Come on give the Lord a big round of applause, there are so many of them coming forward here and there are many going to the various altars over there. 9 now. Now those of you who are already at your various altars please open your mouth now and begin to talk to the Almighty God and ask Him to begin to save your souls! Ask Him to be merciful to you. Ask Him to forgive all your sins! Those who are already saved please turn to the nearest altar to you and pray for those who are already standing before the altar- that the one who saved your souls will save their own souls also. Let's pray for them brethren. Let's intercede for these people for a minute or two. Let's pray for their salvation “that the Almighty Savior will save their souls and cleanse them in His blood, forgive all their sins so that they too will become children of the living God and if you are still out there and you want to go to any of the altars, hurry up now because I'm about to pray for your salvation. Come very quickly and the rest of us let's pray for these people for one more minute“Lord save their souls! Have mercy on them Lord! Have mercy on them! Have mercy on them! Save their souls O Lord! Forgive all their sins. Any sin that can stand between them and a taste of heaven, Father wipe it away with your blood! Thank You my Father! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father Almighty! I want to thank You for all Your children who have come forward tonight. Everywhere they are standing receive them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Forgive them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Wipe away their sins with your blood in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Save their souls and write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) And anytime they call on You from tonight answer them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) And the grace to serve You to the end give to them in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus' mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Now those of you who have given your life to Jesus, you alone should shout Alleluia! Now! Alleluia! Now I want to rejoice with you whether you are here in front or at the various altars I want to make you a solemn promise that by the special grace of God every day I will be praying for you and very soon you will begin to feel the impact of my prayers. So I'm going to need your names, your address, you prayer requests. And make sure the address is correct because when I ask God to send your miracles it will be sent to the address you put down. So the counselors will give you some pieces of paper. Fill it very quickly and return it to them. This is the same for all the altars. Let that happen now. Let's do that very, very quickly because God will be merciful to you once you give your lifer to Jesus Christ. You will get a miracle. Every miracle you came for tonight will be released in Jesus' Name! (Amen!) Now while we wait for these people to fill in their cards we will want to have the band leading us in one or two choruses because we want them to join in the prayers we are going to have very soon. We want them to be part of the prayers. So we want to give them 5 minutes to fill their forms very quickly and then we go on to the next item. Those of you who are happy with the people that God had saved their lives tonight let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)
Pastor E. A. Adeboye