THE POWER OF HOLINESS 10th of August, 2001

Alleluia!  I have no doubt in my mind that there is someone here tonight who will never weep again. Now if you are that one shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)  

Now before we proceed further I want to be sure that those of you who are outside the auditorium, who could not find a seat, I want to be sure you are hearing me. So only those who are outside the auditorium should shout  ‘Alleluia!’ Let me hear before you interpret: Only those who are outside the auditorium and outside the extension. I want you to shout  ‘Alleluia!’ if you are hearing me…..  All right!

Tonight somebody’s going to get the biggest miracle of all and that fellow will shout the loudest  ‘Alleluia!’ of all………… Thank You Lord!  Thank You! .. Angels are singing, You are worthy O Lord! ……..

Let’s just worship the Almighty God! Let’s bless His Holy Name! Let’s magnify Him! He’s worthy, worthy to be praised! He’s worthy to be adored! Let’s bless Him! Let’s bless Him! Let’s bless Him! We just want to bless you Father. We want to give You Glory. We want to give You Honour. We want to give You Adoration… You are worthy Lord! You’re worthy! You’re worthy! You’re worthy! You’re worthy! No one like You! We bless You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! I raise You! I magnify Your Holy Name Lord! I praise You! Take all honour! Take all adoration because there is no one like You! You reign. You are my Lord! You are my King! You are the I AM that I AM! You are the Ancient of Days! We just want to praise You! We just want to bless You! We want to give You glory. We want to give You honour! We want to give You adoration! No one like You Father! We worship You! We adore You. We magnify Your Holy Name! O Blessed be Your Name! forever! What a great God You are! What a mighty God You are! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! …..Blessed be Your Name! Blessed be Your Name! Blessed, blessed be Your Name! Blessed, blessed be Your Name! O Thank You Jesus!  ‘Alleluia!’  ‘Alleluia!’  ‘Alleluia!’ Thank You Father! Thank You Father!  Thank You Father! Thank You! Almighty God! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! so much! Glory be to Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we worship! (Amen!)

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, He asked me to tell you that when you get home you should take a picture of what you are now. So that you will have evidence to show when it is time to give your testimony.

Father, You are worthy to be praised.

The Lord said there’s someone here who has said in his heart, Father, it is either now or never. The Lord asked me to tell you, It is now~

Father, I just want to magnify Your Holy Name. I know that You told me that tonight will be wonderful and You have already started. Glory be to Your Holy Name, Lord!

The Lord said that as of now,  He said He has already healed 7,000 people!

Ohhh, Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!

Holy, Holy, Holy (2ce) Holy is the Lord…..

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, by the time I finish with you, your testimonies will take the world!

Thank You!  Thank You! Holy, Holy, Holy (2ce) Holy is the Lord.

My Daddy says there’s someone here the doctors have told you that there’s no way you can even see the New Year. The Lord asked me to tell you, you still have several more years to go.

The Lord said there’s someone here, even your closest friends have written you off. The Lord asked me to tell you, Your star is just about to rise. Ohhh! Thank You Daddy!

The Lord said there’s someone here each time you see a blind person you feel like crying. The Lord asked me to tell you from tonight I will give you the gift of healing.

Thank You Father! So many things are happening let’s just go on and praise Him. Let’s praise Him. Let’s worship Him! Let’s magnify His Holy Name! Let’s magnify His Holy Name! He’s doing a lot of wonders right now. The power of God is moving mightily now! Just keep on worshipping Him! Keep on thanking Him! Keep on glorifying His Holy Name! Ohhh Thank You Father!  …..  I just bless you Lord!   I just want to bless Your Name! Thank You Father!  Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

The Lord has said this one before, long time ago but He’s saying it again:  He said  I should tell those of you who are here tonight that the empty shall be full. (Amen!) Thank You! Thank You!  …. Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s someone here tonight, you put your trust in a certain person. Took you to the middle of the river and left you there. The Lord asked me to tell you, I will rescue you but you must praise me. Thank You Father!  Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! 

The Lord said there’s a student here tonight, your professor has told you that there is no way you can make it. The Lord asked me to tell you he doesn’t know that he’s talking to a professor. He does not know that he is talking to a professor.  Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord!

Ohhh! Thank You Father!

The Lord said there is a sister here, your in-laws have threatened that they won’t allow you to stay in your husbands house. The Lord asked me to tell you, all those who are against you  will bow down to you. . (Amen!)

Ohh! Lord Thank You! Thank You!  Father Glory be to God!

The Lord said there’s someone here, the next stage in your life is an upwards one and He asked me to tell you – when promotions come, please remain humble. Thank You Father!.

Father, I want to bless Your Holy Name. I want to give You all glory and honour. I  thank You for all You are saying that there is not even time to repeat them. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I am praying that tonight, Thank You Father!  

The Lord asked me to tell someone here tonight – every mountain in front of you shall become a level ground. (Amen!)

The Lord said there’s someone here, because of a long delay to what you were expecting to happen, certain of  your dreams are already fading. The Lord asked me to tell you, I want you to dream anew because from now on, every one of your dreams will come to pass. (Amen!)  ‘Alleluia!’

The Lord said there’s someone here, again and again and again you have been dreaming of coffins and graves. The Lord asked me to tell you, those who made the coffins and those who dug the graves, shall be buried in them. (Amen!)

Oh, my The Lord said there’s someone here, your boss in your place of work, said, as long as he is alive you will not be promoted. The Lord asked me to tell you, he has signed his own death warrant. (Amen!)

The Lord said there’s someone here, in the recent past you have been befallen by several tragedies and now you are afraid because you don’t know what’s coming next. The Lord asked me to tell you: no more weeping in your home. (Amen!) Thank You!

Daddy we bless Your Name, there is no one like You. May Your Name forever be glorified. This is Your night Daddy, just do as You please. Take absolute control.

The Lord said there’s someone here, there are so many messages coming I don’t even know.. but this particular one is important …  

God says there’s someone here, somebody has been a pain in your neck for several years. The Lord asked me to tell you, as He is the Almighty, that fellow will be buried this month. (Amen!) Oh my Father! 

The Lord said there’s someone here, several daughters in your family that should have been married now, but none of them had married. The Lord asked me to tell you, and you should take note of it, that there is someone in your extended family that is going to leave this world suddenly and then one after the other in rapid succession, your daughters will be married. (Amen!)

Father take all the glory. Take all the honour! Tonight just keep on glorifying your name. Thank you my Daddy. Blessed be Your Holy Name!

All right!

The Lord said there’s someone here, on this camp ground you received a promise from God and then someone powerful heard about it and said, I will make sure it doesn’t come to pass. The Lord asked me to tell you, that same person  that says he will stand in the way of His promise for you is the one that God will use to bring it to pass. (Amen!)

Father we just bless Your Name. Take all glory Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

 I think if we go home now, God has already done what He…but I know there are some Oliver Twists who will want a little more. If you want some more let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Before we go to the next item on the program … believing God for babies. We prayed for them. When they came last year, they came with pregnancy but we said no, it’s not pregnancy we want to see it’s the baby. So many of them delivered after last years Convention and I know they are here tonight so they will bring the babies forward so we can pray for them. Then last year some people came, trusting God for the fruit of the  womb. We prayed. Now they are here with their babies. They too will come forward. So whether you came two years ago and you delivered after last years Convention or you came last year and now you are here with your baby – bring the babies forward so we can pray for them. Now those of you who came last year and you are now pregnant, wait till next  year before you come and show us the babies. Now bring the babies forward.

I want you to look at all these families where the Almighty God had wiped away their tears.  Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia’ Now let me ask, how many of you had twins? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12, 13, 14,15,16, 17 …. My God, I didn’t even count …. Now is there anyone who waited ten years before … twelve years! Ten! 19 years!  I think we should here that testimony of the 19 years. Quickly! Just briefly, briefly. Briefly.

Praise the Lord!  ‘Alleluia!’ Praise the living Jesus. The woman was waiting for the Lord for good 19 years and when she came here God answered her. That’s the evidence of her answered prayer.  Anybody that is 19 or more? 15, 14, 16.. I  want anyone that exceeds 19 because we’ve already got 19. Anyone? 19? Did you get a twin? Only one. That’s good enough after 19 years! Glory be to God! Can you imagine somebody waiting 19 years for a baby. First born was already in the University. The world has said, that’s the only one you will get. But Jesus! said no. Look at all these people. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Ushers you will help me count. The way you will do it is when they are going you will count. I will tell you the reason why later but in the meantime I want everybody please to stretch their hands towards these children and pray for them that all these children will become mighty vessels unto honour in the hand of God; that sickness will stay away form them (Amen!); that death will stay away from them (Amen!); that demons will stay away from them (Amen!); that God will bless them and bless their parents (Amen!) Please pray for them, everybody pray! . The Bible says we should rejoice with those who rejoice – pray for them! Oh Lord! Thank You so much Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You Father!  In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

My Father and my God! I bow my knees before You. Only You can do this. What a great God You are! Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Father bless these children. (Amen!) Sanctify them (Amen!) Use them for Your glory. (Amen!) Keep sickness away from them. (Amen!) Keep disease away from them (Amen!) Keep demons away from them. (Amen!) keep death away from them. (Amen!). Everyone of them let them grow to become vessels unto honour in Your hand and bless their parents too (Amen!) In Your kingdom, don’t let any of us be found wanting. (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Le somebody now shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Now as they are dancing away, ushers try, just try and get as close a figure as possible because I know that next year  God is going to give us many, many, many more. .. Angels are singing, You are worthy O Lord….

Now I said they should try and get the number of the people who came because I’ve made a request to my Daddy that next year Convention I want 30,000 babies. (Amen!) And even though I’m going to pray for the barren now but next month is going to be a special Holy Ghost Service for those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb.  Because if we want to say we want to begin to lay hands on those people now, there’s even no space. So we will pray for them now but next month, by the special grace of God, everything we shall do shall zero in on fruitfulness. Those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and those who want to be fruitful in other areas of life - next month will be your month specially but in the meantime all those who are here, trusting God for the fruit of the womb, I will just want you to stand where you are – you don’t need to come forward because the space may not contain you and I want you to lay your own hand on your own womb – that this month unfailingly that the Almighty God will answer them.  

Please pray! Let everybody pray now. Let’s open our mouth and pray that these people, this very month, that the great I AM Himself should please answer them and grant all their requests so that even by the time they come next month the babies will already be there! Let us ask the One who can do all things to do this for them and put an end to all their sorrows so that from now on there’ll be no more weeping in all these lives. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father, You can see all these Your children standing. You are the one who said we should be fruitful and multiply and Your Word says if we pray according to Your will You will hear us and if Yu hear us You will answer us. Now these Your children are saying – we just want to obey you. We want to obey! We want to obey we want to be fruitful! Father, every one of them make them fruitful this month in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Whatever has been standing between them and fruitfulness Father, remove tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) so that when we come next year they will be among those bringing forward twins in Jesus’ Name!. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Good! Now how many of us are ready for our miracles now? Or shall I say how many of us are ready for additional miracles? Because I have already got some already but there are many more to come. Now usually when we get to this stage in the past we begin to pray for the sick but I find as I study the Word of God more that’s exactly the pattern of Jesus Christ. When people gather to Him He will first of all teach them before He healed them so for the next few minutes we will go to the Word of God first after that then God will do what He wants to do including touching my interpreter Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)  ‘Alleluia!’ (The interpreter said the GO was growing older. What about you? …)

Tonight we want to talk about the power of holiness.  

Genesis 17:1  And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

There is power in holiness. If you make up your mind that I want to live a life of holiness there is a power that will come to you as a result. What power? The power that is in holiness is that it makes you a partner with the Almighty God. God said to Abraham. I am the Almighty God. The God that is More than Sufficient, the God that has so much power that He can do absolutely anything. He said now let the two of us be partners but if you want us to be partners. If you want to be walking before me while I am backing you up, you must be perfect. In other words God is saying birds of the same feather can only flock together.  

Amos 3:3: Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

1 Peter 1:15 & 16 God said: Be ye holy; for I am holy.

In other words He said, let the two of us become partners provided you are willing to be holy so that even though you have no power, I am the Almighty, when the two of us team up together My power will become available to you so that you will be able to say: I can do all things… How many things? I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. The elders have a proverb, they say, “Dada cannot fight but he has a bold brother.’ In other words, even though you are weak, even though you can’t heal a rat, even though you cannot make even a dog pregnant, if you will live holy we will become partners. I will supply the strength, I will supply the power, you will be doing the work. How many of you will like to work miracles for God? Let me hear you say ‘Amen!’ then (Amen!) How many of you then will love to live holy? Let me hear a bigger ‘Amen!’ now. (Amen!)

Basically the advantages in the power in holiness are twofold. The first one is – the moment you and God become partners there are certain things that that partnership will keep away from you. Certain things will no longer be able to come near you because you have become God’s partner. And the moment you become God’s partner, immediately certain things will become to come towards you.  

What are the things that will begin to run away from you the moment you become God’s partner? The first one is sickness and disease.  

Exodus 15:26 God said: If you will hearken diligently to the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all that I command you this day, I will bring none of the diseases that I have put upon the Egyptians upon you: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

What’s God saying here? The moment you agree to be holy sickness will be running away from you, disease will be running away from you because I will stand there and I will tell sickness and disease, don’t you know I am his doctor? God said, I am the one who made the smith that makes his works and I’m the one who made wasters to destroy therefore if we are working hand in hand no weapon formed against you will prosper. That is why there are people like me, I know when it is time for me to go home I’m not even going to fall sick. I’ve said it before, when it is time to go I will go to church, have a nice time, come home, eat pounded yam and go. Yu don’t have to be sick to die! Live holy, sickness will begin to run, disease will begin to run. That will be your portion in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Another thing that will begin to run away from you is something that God Himself called devourers. Malachi 3….. now I know that some of you don’t like Malachi, particularly chapter 3:8-11. The Almighty God says, obey Me, bring all your tithes and your offerings to my house. Apart from the fact that I will open the window of heaven and pour out a blessing for you that there’ll be no room to receive, I will rebuke devourers for your sake! I will tell devourers – this boy is my partner and therefore you cannot come near him again. From today now, devourers are going to stay away from somebody’s house (Amen!) because they will  decide to live holy

Another thing that will stay away from your home the moment you become God’s partner is  sorrow. I don’t know whether you believe it or not but our God is a God of joy. I say my God is a God of joy. My God is not a God of sorrow. Like I told you when we were talking about sanctification and some people who think that if you are sanctified you must always look morose. How can I be the favourite wife of the King of Kings and look morose? When the Bible says the joy of the Lord is my strength? Proverbs 10:22 says the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and addeth what? No sorrows. There’s somebody here who will never weep again! (Amen!) or let me say there are at least three people here who will never weep again – myself, my wife and somebody else. Who is the ‘somebody else’? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Once you become God’s partner in holiness, sorrows will be driven away from you. Another thing that will become a stranger to you is fear. The moment you become a partner with God in holiness fear will become a stranger to you. Proverbs 28:1 has something to say about that. I know some of you know it off head. Let’s just read it. 

Proverbs 28:1 says: The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

You know before I was born again I was running from witches and wizards for years because some of them said they were going to use me for breakfast. And I ran. Thank God I ran into the hand of Jesus!. Now there may be few witches here today because we can’t have this kind of crowd without one or two so I want them to go and report me to their captain. Tell them that I said that the oga patapata is under my feet. That’s what the Bible says, that’s why the righteous is as bold as a lion! Because all of a sudden you realize that God is your partner so once you agree, once you make up your mind you want to live holy, fear will just disappear because  suddenly you will realize that your life now is in the hand of the Almighty.

I was visiting a friend recently and suddenly he looked up and saw a lizard and said, “Ahh!, you followed me here.!” I said, “That’s a lizard.” He said, “Ehh!, you don’t know anything. They’ve changed to a lizard!” I said, “Oh God! The Bible said, the wicked flee when no man pursueth.” There are some people now everywhere they turn they see one demon. I say I know  an engineer who says  there is a demon in his fridge! You know what. Once you decide to live holy you will only be seeing angels. As far as you are concerned, demons are useless, you have nothing to do with them. That’s why those of you who decide to live holy, demons will see you coming and they will run. (Amen!)

Now this partnership with God in holiness will attract certain things to you. There are so many, we don’t have the time to tell you all  of them but if you open your Bibles to Deuteronomy 28 I will very, very quickly just say number one, number two, number three…

Verses 1 & 2 Deuteronomy or maybe before we come to that one … let me just take this little one –  

Isaiah 1:18 & 19 God said, Come, let’s reason together, if your sin be as scarlet it shall be as white as snow. In other words, He’s saying, “Listen, if you will come to me, I’ll wash away your sins.” And then He went on to say in verse 19 – if you are willing and obedient, if you are willing to live a life of holiness you will eat the good of the land. He didn’t say you will eat the good of heaven. You will eat the good of where? The land. How many of you will eat the good of Nigeria? How many of you will ea the good of the land where you were born? Let me hear you say ‘Amen’ then. (Amen!)

If you are willing to live a life of holiness to obedience to God the first thing that will be attracted to you are all the goods of the land. And then in Deuteronomy 28:1 & 2, it said,

it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:  And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee,

You know what that one is saying? If you will just agree to live holy, you don’t need to pray for blessings anymore, the blessings will be pursuing you… you’ll be running away, saying “God this is too much!” and God will say, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” It said the blessings will pursue and overtake youovertaking blessing - that is, you are not even asking for them; they just keep on pursuing you!

Deuteronomy 28:4 it says here that even your children will be blessed. That is your children will no longer give you trouble. And people have said once or twice, ‘How come your children are so obedient?” I said, “Because I’m obeying my Daddy. If I’m obeying my Daddy then my children must obey me.” If you are living holy it will even show in the life of your children.

Deuteronomy 28:6 Once you are living with God in holiness God says I will bless you when you come in I will bless you when you go out, you know that guarantees journey mercies, that even when you are traveling you are being blessed. I mean we all know that motor accident is not a blessing. And God said I will bless you when you come in , I will bless you when you go out. And then look at this one

Deuteronomy 28:7: I like that one very much. It says when enemies come before you one way, they will flee before you how many ways? It says I will cause the enemy that rises before you to be smitten before your face! That is what I call victory without a fight. It says you don’t have to fight. As they come I will smite them. You know when I give challenges to witches and wizards and I  say, “If you want to fight come…” I’m not the one who will fight them. No, no, no, I’m a small boy. But when they agree to accept my challenge as soon as they begin to come, I move out of the way, my Father who is behind me, will face them and all I’ll be doing is clapping – “Jesus!, give it to them, give it to them” That’s what exactly will happen, that’s what it says here, it said – the enemy that rise up against you will be smitten …. Why will they run seven ways? Because they will suddenly look and say,  “Ahhhh! he has someone behind him!” The Lord of Hosts is behind him! What are we doing fighting this fellow? All your enemies that followed you here they shall be scattered in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Deuteronomy 28:8 tells you another thing that will come your way the moment you are walking with God in holiness. It is what I will call continuous success. It said whatsoever  you set your hand to do shall prosper. If you decide to sell water you will prosper there. If you decide to sell clothes you will finish your own before anyone else will sell. If you decide to be a farmer you will succeed in farming. It said whatsoever you set your hand to do will prosper because you have the Almighty backing you up.

Deuteronomy 28:9-10 says enemies will become afraid of you, when you are coming they will say “He comes! So they begin to run. In the past you used to run from them now they will be running from you.

Deuteronomy 28:11: It said “And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods.” Poverty will become a stranger to you. When you decide to walk with God in holiness he will give you supernatural abundance.

And then, Deuteronomy 28:12: it said the Lord shall open unto thee His good treasure; the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in its season. Note what that one is saying. I it’s saying God will give you a permanent open heavens. Many people have turned to me and they’ve said, “Daddy but you said this is the year of open heavens – ehhh, what’s going on? I’ve not seen too many changes in my life?” And I’ve said to them, examine yourselves because  almost everything God promised this year had come to pass. He said there’ll be earthquakes; there’ve been many of them. He said there’ll be floods, all over the world - there have been floods. He said there’ll be volcanic eruptions – how many of you remember that He said that one? and now if you listen to the news you could see the volcanoes erupting. If all He said are coming to pass, and He said this is the year of open heavens, I can assure you the heavens are open unto me. But heavens only open unto those who are willing to live holy.

And then Deuteronomy 28:13 It said you will be head, you will never be tail – I thought somebody will say ‘Amen’ to that one. He said you’ll be above only and you will never be beneath. He says, you will have permanent and continuous promotions. These are the advantages of the power that is in holiness.

What is the danger then of sin? It is that whatsoever holiness is driving away, sin will be saying “come on!”

John 5.14: Jesus said to a man who had been sick for 38 years, who was supernaturally healed – He said, “you have been made whole, sin no more or else something worse will then come.”  I pray that from now on, no evil will come near you in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) That is why before you ask God to heal you tonight you better make up your mind – no more sin.

And then whatsoever holiness brings towards you, sin will want to drive away.  

Isaiah 1:19 & 20 God said, if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land but if you say no, I don’t want to live a life of holiness! …. Let me read for  you what He said will happen to those people…

But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

He said if you are willing and obedient the good of the land will come to you. If you say “no , I want to continue to live in sin!”, He said, with my mouth have I said it  says the Lord, there’ll be nothing left of you so you have to choose.  Choose during this Convention please choose! Choose between holiness and sin. Choose between all the blessings that can come to you through holiness and all the dangers that are in sin. You have to make a choice. Please choose! As for me, I have chosen, I have chosen holiness. I have chosen joy. I have chosen victory., I’ve chosen overtaking blessings. Ohh!, I’ve chosen victory without a fight. I’ve chosen continuous success. I’ve chosen that my enemies will be afraid of me. I’ve chosen supernatural abundance. I’ve chosen permanent open heavens. I have chosen that I will permanently be head and never tail. What is your choice?

It is time to pray. I’m going to pray some prayers tonight. If you like don’t pray them just say, “The rest of you pray!” If you like, you will pray as if you have never prayed before. Even somebody who is a total stranger knows God is here tonight. Let’s stand on our feet. The first thing I want you to do is shout a big, big Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Shout it so well so that you can wake up properly. Shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)!  

Remember the heavens are open and when heavens are open prayers are answered – your first prayer today. Father, don’t let my own be difficult today! Almighty God don’t let my own be difficult today! Cry unto the Lord! Father, I know you can do it. I know You have the power to do everything! Don’t let my own be difficult today. While You are doing others don’t let my own be difficult. I have decided on the way of holiness so don’t let my own be difficult today Lord! Don’t let my own be difficult today! Father, Don’t let my own be difficult today! I have chosen the way of holiness! Don’t let my own be difficult today! Don’t let my own be difficult today! Don’t let my own be difficult today! Father, I have chosen the way of holiness! Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Father, Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Almighty God! Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Please Don’t let my own be difficult for You to do today! I have made up my mind I will walk with you in earnest. Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Don’t let my own be difficult for You! Thank You my Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Your second prayer is Almighty God anything that will stand between my breakthrough and me tonight, Father destroy! You are the Almighty God! Anything that can stand between me and my breakthrough tonight! Father destroy tonight! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my healings, my breakthroughs, my blessings, anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough tonight, Father destroy! Destroy! Anything! Whatever it may be! That can stand between me Lord and that great breakthrough that You have purposed for me for tonight, my Lord and my Saviour Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my breakthrough Almighty God Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Destroy tonight! Anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough tonight, Father destroy! Destroy! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Your next prayer is Lord, since I have decided to walk with You in holiness, take away from me the garments of sorrow, the garment of suffering, the garment of poverty, the garment of failure …  Call on the Almighty God!  Because I’ve decided to walk with You in Holiness Lord, take away from me the garment of sorrow, the garment of suffering, the garment of pain, of sickness, of failure …

Give me the garment….. of victory, of promotion, of supernatural wonders, of success in everything I do. Father, put a new song in my mouth! Put a new song in my mouth! Put a new song in my mouth! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

There’s a passage in the Bible that is only true of those who are willing to live holy and that is where the Bible says, “If you believe and doubt not you will say to this mountain be moved and cast into the sea. It shall obey you.” Now every one of us that had made up our mind to live holy, today, we are going to command : I command you in the name of Jesus! – “Mountain move! Mountain move! “ Mountain of sickness, mountain of  disease! Move! Move in Jesus’ Name!! Mountain of  barrenness! Mountain of failure! Mountain of no success! Mountain of   .. move! in the mighty name of Jesus!! Move! Now! Mountain of sorrow! Mountain of sickness! Mountain of worries, of anxieties! Move in the mighty name of Jesus!! Every mountain move! I command you in the name of Jesus!! Move mountain! Move! Every mountain! Mountain of barrenness,  of sorrow, of failure  - move in the mighty Name of Jesus!! Move right now! Move mountain! I command you in the Name of Jesus, move! Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then you are going to talk to the Almighty God – and I want you to know if you don’t pray this prayer then God may decide to give your blessings to someone else. You are going to say, “Father, I am ready, let the blessings begin to overtake me.” Open your mouth now and pray! Father, I am ready!  Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Let the blessings begin to overtake me! I’m ready now, O Lord! I’m ready! Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Let them overtake me in the morning, overtake me in the afternoon, overtake me in the evening! Let your blessings begin to overtake me! Overtake me in the nighttime, overtake me everywhere I go! When I go out let the blessings overtake me! When I come in let the blessings overtake me! When I’m sleeping let the blessings overtake me! When I’m eating let the blessings overtake me! I’m ready O Lord! Let the blessings begin to overtake me and overtake my family! Let the blessings begin to overtake me Lord! O Father, Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Almighty God Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Now! Right now! I’m ready! I’m ready to walk with You in holiness! I’m ready to do Your will! Let the blessings begin to overtake me! Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You Jesus Christ! Glory be to God! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now I want to pray for Nigeria, you se if we are going to eat the good of the land, it has to be well with the land, so let us pray – Father, let it be well with Nigeria! Let’s pray! Let’s pray! Let’s pray! If we are going to eat the good of this land, it has to be good with this land! Father, let it be well with Nigeria! let it be well with Nigeria! Father, let it be well with Nigeria! We want to eat the good of this land! Almighty God let it be well with Nigeria! Solve all our problems! You are more than sufficient! If You opened a way in the Red Sea surely You can make a way for Nigeria? My Father and my God! in Nigeria let there be light! O Lord God Almighty, let it be well with this nation. let it be well with this nation. let it be well with this nation Lord! Let it be well with our governments! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! Let it be well! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now I want you to join hands together. You have been praying for yourselves and the Bible says you are to love your neighbour like yourself. Pray for your neighbour now and say, Father, whatever miracle this my brother or sister needs, give to him, give to her! Every miracle he needs – give to him O Lord! Give to him! Father, give it to him! If He needs healing, heal him! If he needs deliverance, deliver him! If he needs success, give him success! If he needs joy, give him joy! If he needs promotion, give him promotion! If he needs your support, give it to him Lord! Everything this Your child needs, let him have it Lord! Let him have it Lord! Let him have it Lord! Let him have it Lord! Every miracle He needs Lord! Give to him! Give to him! Give to him, Lord! Give to him, Lord! Give to him, Lord! Give to him, Lord! To the glory of Your Holy Name Give to him, Lord! Every miracle he needs, let him have it Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Amen! Now maybe you have a special request of your own. Go to God now and talk to Him. …. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, we love You, we appreciate You. You are good, You are kind, You are wonderful. There is no one like You. Glory be to Your Holy Name! Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Now Father, as many of us as have decided to walk with You in holiness, everything we have asked for tonight, let them become testimonies! Let them become testimonies! Father, let them become testimonies! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Shake hands with one or two people and say – “I’m sure God had heard me and I’m sure my testimonies are around the corner! Amen!”  

Now it is time to pray for the sick. There are some men of God who have been fasting and praying and waiting on the Lord for this particular hour. They are going to come and they are going to lay hands on all these people that had been carried forward., including those on the wheelchairs. Now after they had prayed for you the rest will be between you and God - your faith and the power of the Almighty. After they had prayed for you some of you will be healed instantly. According to the Word of God, some will be healed as they are going so they are coming to pray for you, they will lay hands on you. I have already prayed with them before now so they will be the one now who will lay hands on you and then we’ll let God and the two of you – you and God – sort out the rest. I believe that your faith is that today will be your day. So brethren please come and come and lay hands on all these people.

While they are doing that, I don’t want the rest of us to be spectators, I want you to be praying along that the Almighty God will heal everyone that had been brought forward; that the lame will walk, that the blind will see; that the deaf will hear; that the dumb will speak; that those who are considered incurable will be cured and the choir will be giving us worship songs. Brethren there are people all over – up to my right hand side, and there are some people on wheelchairs on that side too.

Baba, ese o baba, a wa dupe baba…..

Thank You Lord!  Thank You Lord! Softly, softly, softly – the number has increased, I think I can see 21 of them – let’s just keep on, keep on praising God ….. go on…keep moving, just keep moving … Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! … More and more are joining … Thank You Father! Yes Lord.. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! … Thank You! Keep moving, keep moving… praise the name of the Lord … Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!  ….

Now our Pastors, please, all those who are yet to get up give them a second touch, let’s go round one more time and pray for those people. Those who are already on the move, let them keep on moving, let them keep on moving! Let’s pray for those, those who are still on the mats. Let’s give them another round of prayer. Yes, you can walk without the sticks, Glory be to God! You are on your way keep going, keep going! Ohh! Thank You Father!  Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! We don’t have enough cameras to cover all of them. Thank You! Thank God for that little child. Praise the Lord! Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Thank You for the old man ... Glory be to God! let’s pray for them one more time. Pastors let’s go round one more time. Let’s pray for all those who are still on the mats and those who are on the chairs. Pray for them one more time, one more time…. Kil-ole se? Kil-ole se Olorunmi ...kil-ole se ... that’s right, keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! The power of God is already on you now. Thank You Jesus! Amen!

Because of time – those of you that have been prayed for, those of you already walking, keep walking back to your seat. Those of you who are still on the floor Glory be to God! …. That boy, come this way, call that boy, that boy in yellow. Show Baba the way back. The fact that Baba is now walking doesn’t mean you will now abandon him. Glory be to God!! Have you prayed for that man? All right now go back to your seats rejoicing. I’m going to pray for everybody again when they get back to their seats. Thank You Father! Let’s praise the Almighty God! Let’s rejoice! Go back to your seats now. Everyone that had been prayed for,  go back to your seat. Has that man been prayed for? Don’t be shy this is not a time to joke. God is here. Don’t say, “Ho, so they will think I’m sick ...” – you better get rid of sickness now instead of letting your pride rob you of your promise, your miracle.  

So if you need healing stand right now because I want to call on my Father to go to everybody and wherever He sees hands being laid that His power will flow through those hands bringing about healing, deliverance, restoration. Thank You Father!

Daddy, I love You. There’s no one like You. All power belong to You. You are the Lord of Hosts. You have never lost a battle. You are the maker of heaven, You are the maker of earth. You’re the Word at  the beginning. By You all things were made. There was nothing that was made that was not made by You. And I know that it is written You sent Your Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions. What a great God You are. Daddy, I love You. Tonight, my Daddy, my husband, my King, the lover of my soul, my all in all, the time has come for You to prove to this congregation that You are here; that You are a holy God; that a holy God will never lie; that with You nothing, absolutely nothing shall be impossible.  

Right now My Father and my God! wherever You see hands laid, whether on heads or any part of the body I pray that Your anointing will flow like a river. (Amen!) And pass through these hands into all these bodies in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!). I pray right now Father, that everything in all the bodies with hands laid on them right now – anything that is not of God, I decree that they be uprooted in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every sickness, every disease, every disorder, every demonic operation uproot in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Make Your children whole now! Make them whole physically! (Amen!) make them whole mentally! (Amen!) Make them whole spiritually! (Amen!) Father, make them whole in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) And now Father, I believe that You have healed Your children. (Amen!) I asked that the manifestations will be now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Open blind eyes now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Make the deaf hear now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Let the dumb speak right now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Let the lame begin to walk right now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Cure the incurable right now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your Name! I know it is done. Blessed be Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

I want you to put your hands together and just clap for Jesus!! Clap for Jesus!! Glory be to God! Thank You Jesus! Now you may be seated although if any of you want to put your faith to work, you want to find out whether He healed you or not you can go ahead and check. But even while you are doing that I want to pray for those of you whose finances are sick: business sick; promotion due but they kept on overlooking you; no job; you are heavily in debt; if your finances are sick – stand up now. Stand to pray. This time you stretch forth your two hands. And before I pray I want you to make a promise to God that the prosperity that is about to come now – you will use it to serve God. Talk to God for one minute that God, the prosperity that you are about to send to me now, I will use it to serve You… Thank You Father!

Father, I know You are the Great Provider – You brought water out of the Rock. What can You not do? Silver is Yours. Gold is Yours. The cattle upon a thousand hills they are Yours. The earth is Yours and the fullness thereof, Daddy I worship You! Now You have heard what these Your children have said. They said whatever you send to them now – they will use it to serve You. Father, every one of them – embarrass them with Your blessings! (Amen!) Father, I am talking of blessings so mighty that these Your children will say, “God, this is too much!” Embarrass them with Your blessings! (Amen!) Prosper them beyond measure! (Amen!) Lord God Almighty, these hands that are stretched out to You, from now on, what they touch, let it prosper! (Amen!) Open ways unto them! (Amen!) Let them find favour with You. (Amen!) And when all is well with them, don’t let them forget you. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

One more prayer very quickly for a lot of people … There are some people here who want to work for God but they say, “We don’t have the power. We want to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. We too want to lay hands on the lame and those who are carried in and see them walk like we’ve seen today. We want the power.” It’s time for you to get the power. Let such people stand and stretch forth their hands. I’m going to ask my Father to anoint your hands so that you too can go and begin to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. But before I pray I want you to promise God that the power He is about to give you, you will not misuse it. You won’t turn it to merchandise. Talk to God! Promise Him!  

In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) My Father and my God! There is a lot of work to be done. We want to win fifty million souls to You in one year. We need power to do it. These Your children said they are ready to work but they need power. Because you see Your Word says without signs and wonders they won’t believe. Father, all these hands that are stretched to You – anoint them! (Amen!) Through these hands Lord, begin to perform signs and wonders! (Amen!) In such a way Lord that several people will come and say, Jesus! is Lord! Let it be so in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) From now on when these hands are laid on the sick let there be instant recovery in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Now lay those hands on your head first. Just pray for yourselves for one minute. Let the power begin with you. And then tomorrow you can begin to lay hands on other people and you will have fantastic testimonies. Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Very quickly, I want to pray for a very special group of people and I want you to join me in praying for them as they come. I will call all of them together so that you won’t know who is who among them. So if you are one of them come quickly because of time. You see we want to finish in the next few minutes so that, say by three o’clock I want you to begin to go because the crowd out there is tremendous. And I don’t want us to cause another traffic jam. I know some of you are here to stay on camp, which is very good, but there might be a few that still have to go to Lagos and them come back…

Now listen to me carefully. The Lord said there is someone here, in a dream you saw yourself surrounded by faeces. Everywhere you turn – faeces, big, ugly faeces. And the Lord wants me to pray for you because that is a very bad omen and He wants to solve that problem for you. And the Lord said there’s someone here, you saw yourself covered completely by cobwebs, completely covered by cobwebs… the Lord said that the enemy is just about to move in to finish you and that’s why He brought you here tonight – so He can remove that cobwebs from you. Then the Lord said there is a lady here, that in your dream you saw a snake and that snake entered into your private part and stayed there . So the Lord says He wants to send out that snake tonight. And then the Lord said there’s someone her that you made a charm with a child that was a day old, and since you did, all kinds of problems had surfaced. The Lord said because you are here tonight He just wants to be extra merciful to you and asks you to come so that I can pray for you too. These are the special cases tonight. So if you are one of this group of people come quickly.

I want the rest of us to stretch our hands towards them and just pray that the Almighty God, the merciful God, will  deliver these people completely; that the merciful God will just forgive and set them free, completely …..  

Ohh! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Blessed be Your Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Father, what a wonderful God You are. What a God who can do all things are You. You selected just four cases that You know will cover so many people. Father, I thank You. (Amen!) The Lord said there’s someone here, and said, God why don’t You mention my case? He asked me to tell you, I have mentioned your case! (Amen!) All these people Father, set them free! (Amen!) Every plan of the enemy concerning these Your children destroy tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Whatever the enemy had planted into the bodies of these Your children, uproot them tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)! Father, all these Your children – let it be a new beginning. (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) God bless you, you can go. You can go rejoicing now because God loves you so much. Thank You Daddy. God is good! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Now I want to tell you something that God says He wants to do for everybody here tonight. He said that He’s going to give everybody here tonight three special miracles. So I want to give you time to think because very soon now you are going to ask for your own. You will ask for them. Only three – not four. So begin to think about those three.

But before you ask for those three – I kind of negotiated with Him and He said that if a child is grateful for what is done yesterday he will receive more. So I said, “Daddy, please let us change the programme slightly then – let’s do our thanksgiving first before we ask for these three things. Give us an opportunity to show our gratitude for what You have already done before we then go ahead and ask for those three things. I don’t know about you. I think I have seen God on the move here tonight in a very big way. And you wait, we will show you something before we go, you will see how many people He had healed tonight very, very soon. If it does not surprise you then nothing can surprise you – when you see it.

But in the meantime those of us who want to be really grateful to God as the elders would say – when you pour water ahead then you walk on wet ground. Let us get ready to pour water on the ground. Ushers are you ready to help us. Let us thank God in a great way right now and after that we will ask for those three special things from the Lord……

One of the signs of those who are sanctified is that they know how to praise God .. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) … Not more than three. Only three. Stand on your feet and ask for those three things. Within three minutes. Go ahead talk to God now. …    

In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Daddy, because you asked me to tell them to ask, I’m confident You knew what they were going to ask for before they asked and that the mere fact that you asked them to ask is evidence that You have already answered. (Amen!) Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Almighty God before the end of this month all these three things Your children have asked for – let them become testimonies! Let them become testimonies! Let them become testimonies! Father, receive their thanksgiving offerings. (Amen!) Bless it. (Amen!) Use it for Your glory. (Amen!) And as far as these Your children are concerned, don’t let them ever know poverty again in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Father, You promised and You have fulfilled Your promise that this Convention is one we will not forget in a hurry. Glory be to Your Holy Name! Those who may have to go one place or another before they come back in the afternoon, go with them. (Amen!) Let them return in peace. (Amen!) Those of us who are staying behind, let the miracles continue. (Amen!) Thank You Daddy! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

 Now, I want you to be seated There is only one more ‘Alleluia’ now that will be shouted and that is by only those who had been healed tonight because if I ask you to come forward, this place won’t contain you. So those who have been healed tonight, physically, shout “Alleluia!” (Alleluia!) Glory be to God!

                                   Glory be to God!

Glory be to God!!!

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach