HANNA'S PRAYER 7th of September, 2001

I know there is someone here tonight who will never weep again. (Amen!) If you are the one Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) I am serving a God of miracles, I know, yes I know. (Amen!) That’s a song you can only sing if you know. I’m talking of myself. I say I am serving a God of miracles. If you are not sure you don’t need to sing it; but I know the God I serve, I’m serving a God of miracles, I know, yes I know…..

The brother who spoke before me has said quite a lot of the things that I want to say – Glory be to God! This is the ninth month of the year. It is the month of special miracles. There are a lot of people here tonight who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb. There are some of us who are not physically barren but we are financially barren. There are some who are spiritually barren. There are some who students who are mentally barren. And this night is the night of fruitfulness. (Amen!) It’s a night of joy. (Amen!) It’s a night of breakthrough. (Amen!) Let me hear somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Let’s go before our Father, the God of miracles, the only one who can do great things. Baba baba baba, ese o baba a wa dupe baba….  Jehovah you are the most high, You are the most high God ……. Let’s just go ahead and worship the Almighty God Let’s worship the King of Kings!! Let’s worship the I AM that I AM! The Ancient of Days! Let’s bless His holy Name! Let’s magnify His Holy Name! Let’s praise Him! Let’s worship Him! He’s worthy to be praised! He’s worthy to be adored! He’s worthy to be magnified. Let’s praise Him! Let’s worship the Almighty God Thank You Father! Let’s open our mouth and praise the Almighty! He’s worthy!  He’s worthy! He’s worthy of our praise! He’s worthy! He’s worthy of adoration! Give Him all glory! Give Him all honour! Give Him all adoration! He’s worthy! He’s worthy! He’s worthy! Praise Him! Father, we worship You! We magnify Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! We will always lift You high! But there’s no one like You Lord! Take all glory! Let Your Name  be glorified! Let Your Name be glorified like never before!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Ancient of Days! Thank You the I AM that I AM! Blessed be Your Name! We will always glorify your Name! Yes, we will praise You! The whole world will hear and they will glorify Your Name with us. Blessed be Your Name! Thank You Lord!  In Jesus’ mighty Name we have worshipped! (Amen!)

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, an old enemy is about to rear his head again. The Lord asked me to tell you, I will crush the head. (Amen!).

Father we want to bless Your Holy Name tonight because we know You are going to do marvelous things in our midst. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)  Lord we are here for You and we know You are here for us. We are here in faith and we know we will not go away empty-handed. (Amen!)  Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Father, take control! (Amen!) Glorify Your Name. (Amen!) Do more than we can hope for (Amen!) and at the end of everything Let Your Name be glorified in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

I want you to shake hand with one or two people and tell them: “This night is my night! This night is my night! If you believe that shout Alleluia! God Bless you, you may be seated!

Let’s open our Bibles to 1 Samuel 1 I’m reading from verse 9-20. I think the Yoruba readers will just follow along with us. 1 Samuel 1:9-20:

9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD.

10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.

11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the LORD, that Eli marked her mouth.

13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.

14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.

15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.

16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.

17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition (Amen!) that thou hast asked of him.

18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. (somebody will never weep again tonight (Amen!))

19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her. (the Lord will remember somebody here tonight (Amen!) )

20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.

In this story that I’m sure you know very well, And if you like you can read the whole story from verse one to the end, the Bible says there was a man called Elkanah, he had two wives. That’s a problem on its own but we won’t talk about that tonight. Now the first – one of the wives had children and the second one had none. Now this man was a very good man. He loved his wife. Even though she had no child he loved her. As you see in verse 5 any time he wanted to give something to the wives he gave a worthy portion to Hannah the barren woman. And this man was constantly going into the temple to worship God. And in the house there was war for Hannah. Hannah was always having problem with the other woman. Any time she was moving about the other woman will say, “What are you doing in this house. What is value of a tree without fruits?” All of you that people have been calling trees without fruits you will laugh last. (Amen!)

And then one day they went to worship the Lord as usual and this time Hannah refused to eat. She decided to fast. Something within her just told her ‘Enough is enough!’ And for somebody here tonight ‘Enough is enough!’ (Amen!) You know I’ve said it before. Your miracles will only come when you are determined to take it by force. As long as you are willing to tolerate sickness, sickness will remain with you. As long as you are willing to tolerate poverty, poverty will remain. As long as you are willing to tolerate barrenness, barrenness will be there! But one day you will wake up and say, “No, no, no, no! I refuse to continue!” For example, I’ve made up my mind, I will not suffer any more. The way you said it shows that you are not serious. Say it loud and clear!

This woman made up her mind and said, “This time, this particular visit…. this particular Holy Ghost Service I’m not going unless God answers.  The husband said, “Let’s eat!” She said, “You go and eat my own problem now is not food. The husband said , “why are you sad? Am I not more than ten children to you?” The woman said, “I don’t have time to argue with you. Otherwise I would have told you. Husband is one thing. Children another.” So she knelt down before the Almighty God and held on to God and began to pray and she prayed so violently that even nobody could hear her voice anymore, only the lips were moving. Now there are some people who believe that is excuse for silent prayer. You don’t fully understand what happened here and I will explain tonight because tonight we are here to pray. We are going to pray until every wall of Jericho will fall. We are going to pray like we have never prayed before so we are going to get the kind of results we have never got before. (Amen!)

Years ago I was visiting one of my daughters and it was the day of circumcision of one of the sons that was born in the family. And she said, Daddy than God you are here at least you’ll be praying when they do the circumcision.” And I was there! That was the first time I saw it happen. I saw the nurse putting a clipper to clip the section of the flesh that they were going to cut off. At that stage the child began to cry and the mother put the breast in the mouth and that kept the baby quiet a little. Then I saw the blade. As the blade cur off the flesh the child threw away the breast and began to cry. And as the midwife continued to cut off what she wanted to cut off, the noise got louder and louder and louder and then finally it was time to put iodine or something. Ah when they threw that thing on the baby. He was still crying but there was no sound. The cry had reached a pitch where no sound was coming. The agony was so much that he was crying. You could see every part of him vibrating but there was no sound coming. That was the kind of prayer Hannah prayed, That is the kind of prayer somebody’s going to pray tonight. (Amen!) And the Almighty God is going to answer. All those who have been mocking you, very soon they will be laughing with you. (Amen!)

Then there was a man of God sitting down there in the temple who didn’t understand what was going on. He thought Hannah was drunk. Oh yes she was drunk. She wasn’t drunk with wine she was drunk with sorrow.  She was drunk with all the problems she had been carrying over the years. . So he said to her. When will you cease to be drunk in the temple of God?” She said, I’m not drunk the way you think. My heart is overflowing with sorrow.” The man of God said, "I’m sorry." And he said, “What you have asked from God you will receive.” (Amen!) I am praying tonight that every prayer you will pray tonight will become a testimony. (Amen!)

Let me go quickly over this story in details. because in the story of Hannah there are many actors and there might be many of us in our lives also, there are several actors. Oh there might be some of us who are not having any problem with the fruit of the womb. But we know someone in the family with the problem. And there are some of us our problem is not even the fruit of the womb like that but we’ve been working all these years and we’ve been making fruitless efforts and this is a special Holy Ghost Service for fruitfulness. (Amen!) From now on we shall be fruitful. (Amen!)

Take number one, the husband of this woman. He loved her. He was very generous in dealing with her but he cannot open her womb. There had been a case like that in Genesis 30:1-2 It was the story of Jacob and Rachel and Rachel was barren and there was another woman in the house who was producing children like rabbits. So one day Rachel returned to Jacob: Give me a child or I die! And Jacob said, “What are you talking about? Am I God? Only God can give children. Only Jesus is the One who said, I can open and no man can shut. I can shut and no man can open. And in the mighty Name of Jesus, every womb that had been shut shall be open tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) This husband loved the wife but he cannot replace children. Oh yes, he said, am I not more than ten children unto you? Husband is one thing, children is an entirely different matter. It is only in very special cases that you hear a man calling his wife ‘Mummy’. No, no, no you call her my wife. It is children who call their mother, ‘Mummy’. Those of you who have been looking for people who will call you Mummy from your own womb, nine month from now your prayers will be answered in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Companionship is one thing, fruitfulness is another thing. There are many of us who have good friends but we have problems they cannot solve. We have friends who are rich, who say anything you need come and ask me as if we are going to be beggars for life. No, no, no, let them be rich. I want to be rich also. The elders have a saying. Eating together is not sweet if one party hasn’t got anything. I want you to prosper but I must prosper also. 

How many of you are going to say bye-bye to poverty? You better say it loud and clear. The elders have a saying. They say the dog that is full does not play with a dog that is hungry. You say, “Don’t worry. Children don’t matter.” And you have six of your own. And you say I shouldn’t worry. Thank you very much. I will not worry but I ‘m going to have six of my own also. This is the husband. Loves the wife. Wanted to be everything unto her but there is a limit to what he can do. He can plant the seed but he cannot cause it to germinate. The Bible tells us that Paul may plant, Apollo may water. It is only God that gives the increase.  And today I m saying in the mighty name of Jesus Christ all of you who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb as soon as your husband plants the seed this time around. It will germinate in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) What is not possible with man is possible with God. In Mark 10:27 the Bible said with man this is impossible but not with God because with God all things are possible. And Luke 1:37 it said With God nothing shall be impossible. That’s why I want you to say loud and clear: My own will not be impossible with God. 

I’ve seen people who have said, we are friends, I am here for you.....” You are here for me, You have six cars and I am catching a bus! You say no problem, any time you need a car just phone I will send one. No, no, no, let’s do it this way. Any time you need a car, phone me!” I refuse to be empty! Say it loud and clear. I refuse to be a failure.

When I was in the University, several years ago, almost 40 years ago now, our coach in sports said to me one day, “Don’t believe them when they say that all that is important is just to take part nit to win because that’s what they always tell you to comfort you when you fail. He said if all that matters is competing - that it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, how came that they don’t give medals to those who lose? He said, “Listen to me young man. Makeup your mind not to be a loser.” And I made up my mind from that day and I know some people will join me today, I refuse to be a loser. Say it loud and clear. I refuse to be a loser.

There was a good husband but he didn’t get as far as he should go..... Thank God we have a husband who is the Almighty. We have a husband who can bring water out of the rock. We have a husband who can make a way in the Red Sea. We have a husband who can pull down the wall of Jericho. We have a husband who can tell the sun to stand still. W have a husband who can make the empty full. If you know the name. Let me hear the name loud and clear. Oh thank you very much Lord.

The Lord said there’s a lady here each time you met with your husband, the fluid always flow back. The Lord asked me to tell you, next time it won’t flow back. Oh Glory be to God!

The Lord said there’s a woman here, recently, recently, just a few days ago someone called you an empty vessel. The Lord asked me to tell you don’t worry, you will be full soon.

Now the second actor in this drama is the other woman. The Bible called her ‘the adversary”. Look at it. Verse 6 An adversary is somebody who doesn’t want you to succeed. He’s struggling against you. He’s making sure you won’t arrive. He wants you to be number two when he’s number one. He wants you to be tail when he’s head. Many of us have them around us. In some homes it is relatives. They are the ones asking your husband…you have been married six months, when are we going to name your child?’ What is your business? What’s your business? Or at times it is what you call sympathetic in-laws and yet they are not really sympathetic they just want to cause trouble. Many of them are the ones who will tell you that maybe we should try the herbalist. And there are some of them who are outright enemies. They will come out point blank and say, “We don’t want you in this house!” I want you to know, all of you who are trusting God for the fruit if the womb, those who say they don’t want you in the house, they will be there when your children take over the house. The book of Micah 7:8 says rejoice not against me, oh my enemy. When I fall I shall rise. When I sit in darkness the Lord shall be alight for me. If anybody thinks you are finished. It is the fellow who is finished. If you are connected to my Lord Jesus Christ, even if you are down today, you will rise. (Amen!) I say you will rise. Anybody who says to you there is no hope for you. Anyone who says it is not going to be well with you. Anyone who says you are going to die empty. Tell the fellow, “my future is not in your hands. My future is in the hands of the one whose Name is Alpha and Omega. “

This lady gave Hannah horrors. Anytime she wanted to forget her problem, this lady will remind her. I want you to know that all those who are laughing at you now, one day they will laugh with you. (Amen!).  But the fellow I want to talk about principally of course is Hannah herself. That is the fellow that really concerns us tonight.

Oh Thank You Father! I have told you..... Some of you have heard me share a testimony before… I’ve told you of a woman who got married and the mother-in-law didn’t like her and the mother-in-law went to the market one day. As she was returning this young wife ran to go and meet her and the mother-in-law stretched a loaf of bread towards her and said, take, eat and use it to block your womb!” And the young woman said, “What kind of joke is that?” Unfortunately she took the bread and ate it and from that day she stopped menstruating.  But then one day I was invited to their town to have a programme there. I think it was the second day of the program. I can’t remember fully now – its several years ago. And she was sleeping in the afternoon and while she was sleeping she saw in a dream … some people dressed in white came in, like doctors and they operated her, they opened her womb and they began to pull something like a black rope and they kept on pulling and pulling and pulling and at the end of the rope was a loaf of bread but now very black. They took it away and sewed it back and then disappeared. When she woke up, shivering she discovered that there was blood on the bed. For the first time in several years she had started menstruating again. And now today she is the mother of many children.

Now, the reason I’ve just told you the story is that the Lord has just reminded me and said there is a woman here your case is very similar. He asked me to tell you, your testimony will shake the ground! (Amen!) Thank You Daddy.

Now Hannah. The first thing we need to know about Hannah is that she wanted to be fruitful. There are some barren women who don’t want to have children so there is nothing anybody could do about that one. there are some people who are quite comfortable being a failure. There are some people who are satisfied with a second hand bicycle. There are some people who say, God it will be okay to remain poor so that armed robbers will not pay me a visit. Let me tell you it doesn’t matter how poor you are, when you are traveling on the highway, if the robbers decide to throw stone on the way into the vehicle that you are traveling in, they would have attacked you first before they discover that you have nothing. And I want you to know, how matter how rich you are, if the Almighty God decided to keep you safe no robbers will look in your direction. I don’t know about you, I have decided I will not die poor. Hannah wanted to be fruitful because she wanted to obey the commandment of God: Genesis 1:27 & 28 – the Almighty God said to the first creature that He made – be fruitful and multiply. He wants you to be fruitful so don’t let anyone deceive you that God is the one who is behind your barrenness. He said be fruitful and multiply. Anytime some people come to me for prayers and they say we want the fruit of the womb I say that is easy because the Word of God says, if we pray according to His will, He hears us and if He hears us we know we will get our petition from Him. He’s the one who said be fruitful and multiply, therefore Lord, all we want to do is obey You. And that’s why we are going to pray tonight that we want to be fruitful and we shall be fruitful in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Another thing we notice about Hannah is that she was a righteous woman. There is not a single place in this scripture that says she retaliated when the other woman was fighting against her. No, not a place where she did something to show that she hated the other woman.  She was constantly going before the Almighty God to worship God. And then you wonder if she was a righteous woman, how come then she had a problem? Oh Psalm 34:19 says Many are the afflictions of the righteous but (and that is the beautiful part of it) BUT God delivers him from them all… whatever may be your afflictions from today my Father will deliver you from them ALL (Amen!) because He had said in His Word – Isaiah 3:10 say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him. That’s why I know that my tomorrow will be all right. Tell the fellow next to you: My tomorrow will be all right. My tomorrow will be all right! You see that is why I need to appeal to those of you who are here tonight, who might not yet be a child of God…. Oh, I know that when I get to Redeemed I will have children. If you were here last month, this place couldn’t contain all the women who were barren the year before who brought forth their children. And next year, in the mighty Name of Jesus, I’ve asked God for 20,000 who will come forward with their own children. (Amen!)

But it is only for those who will do the will of God, those who are righteous, those who belong to the Almighty God those who are born again. This woman was not just righteous, she appreciated God, she knew that God was great, she knew that her God can do anything, she knew like Omowale said that my Father can do it! She wasn’t like the wife of David in 2 Samuel 6:20-23, the wife if David, Mical by name, saw David dancing before the Lord and mocked him … look at this King, dancing like a common man… So when David got home, to bless his house, the woman said unto him, “what a useless king you are, dancing like an ordinary human being!” And David aid, “I was dancing before my God, the one who made me king, He’s the one I was praising and you haven’t seen anything yet! I will dance more! I will praise Him more! The Bible then says ,"So Mical died without a child. "She was the only woman in the Bible who was barren, who never had a child before she died because she didn’t appreciate God but Hannah appreciated God, she had faith in God, she knew that God can do anything and Hebrews 11:6 said, without faith it is impossible to please God because whoever comes to God must believe that God exists and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him. I know there is God. How many of you know there is God? How many of you know that He can do anything. Let me ask a big question now? How many of you know that He will do your own? Then let me hear you shout Alleleuia! (Alleluia!)

Ohhh! Thank You Father! The Lord says there’s a woman here, whenever you are pregnant, then you dreamt and you see something red, the pregnancy will come down. The Lord asked me to tell you that evil dream will never come again! (Amen!)

Another thing about Hannah was, she was obviously sad, she was very, very sad. In fact the husband saw her weeping and said, “Ah-ah why are you weeping?” The woman could have said, “You don’t know why I’m weeping  - after all you have other children calling you ‘Daddy’. I don’t have one calling me ‘Mummy’.” There are some of us here too tonight that every month we have been weeping but let me tell you good news: Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. For somebody here tonight before the sun will rise tomorrow, your joy shall come! (Amen!) I say your joy shall come! (Amen!) The only one who can prevent your joy from coming is the only one who can prevent the sun from rising. And the only one who can prevent the sun from rising is God who made the sun. But that same God said, in John 16:24 He said, Ask till your joy be full. The joy of somebody will full tonight.

And then, another thing about Hannah, was that she fasted. There are some of us who cannot fast at all. The stomach is so paramount in out lives that it has become a God. I don’t know there might be some people that God is going to minister to tonight to fast. You better fast. Because if your belly is the one controlling you, there may be a period when God wants you to pray and the belly will not allow you to pray. You must learn to fast. Every Christian should fast. Don’t let anybody deceive you if they say fasting kills, it doesn’t kill! If fasting kills I should be dead by now. Fasting makes you younger, stronger and closer to God. Learn to fast. She fasted. And after –when your miracle comes you can do all the eating you want to eat. I am not saying that tomorrow you must fast, but if God says fast tomorrow, then fast tomorrow! 1 Corinthians 6:13 It said ‘Belly for food, food for belly…’ It said, “God will destroy both of them.’ Don’t let food become your god. In this struggle to have your breakthrough keep your body under control.

And then another thing about this lady is that she vowed, she vowed. She said unto God. God give me a son.  I will give him back to you. Just like the bishop who preached before me said. Many a time we ask God to do things for us but we have no covenant with Him. We have not told him what we will do in return. God bless me and God will say, “: Why do you want Me to bless you? What will you do with the blessing?” “Well just bless me.” So God will turn to somebody else, “If I bless you what will you do with the blessing?” And that fellow says, “God You bless me and You will see that You have here on earth a divine treasurer!” g wants to bless someone here tonight. He’s going to give children to some. He’s going to give prosperity to some. He’s going to give promotion to some but what will you do when He has done His own? Deuteronomy 7:9 He said, Our God is a covenant-keeping God! Up to one thousand generations of those who love Him.

You probably have heard my story, years ago before I was born again, malaria fever will knock me down at least once a month! And then one day I read in the Bible after I became born again, if you ask anything in My name, I will do it! I said, “Lord, can this be true? If I ask anything…? And a mathematician knows the meaning of anything, if I ask anything in your name, You will do it?” I say I better find out who is talking here. That is in John 14:14 and I read back again and I saw John 14:6 were it said, “I am the Way the truth and the Life.” I know the Truth cannot lie. I opened my mouth that day and I said, “Lord, heal me and I will serve You!” and He healed me that day. And He waited for some years and said, “Now son, the second part of the contract. You asked me to heal you, you would serve me. I’ve healed you, now it is your turn to serve Me.”  That is why I am standing before you here today. I want you to enter into a covenant with God tonight: “God do this for me and I will do this for You.” He’s a covenant-keeping God. Make a vow with Him. Tie yourself to a vow with God and you’ll be amazed at what He will doing return.

And then, talking about Hannah, she prayed. Ah, that’s the big one. Hannah prayed. Hannah did what? Say it so I can hear you. It didn’t say Hannah grumbled. No, it didn’t say Hannah queried God. No, not at all. It didn’t say Hannah went to meet Eli. Not at all. It didn’t say Hannah went to see the GO in the office. What did Hannah do? I can’t hear you. When no man can help talk to God. Pray. God is never on a journey. I came home once and I met a letter. Somebody wrote. GO if you don’t see me today I will kill myself and my blood will be upon your neck. I laughed because the day he was saying, if I didn’t see him, I was in Haiti and when you go to Haiti after you arrive in America you have to take another plane and travel another 41/2 hours. He said, if you don’t see me today I will kill myself and my blood will be upon you!” I came back ten days later and when I saw the fellow I said, "Eh, you didn’t kill yourself?" Go on deceiving yourself there. The GO may travel, the pastor may not be at home, the evangelist may nit be around but g never travels, He never sleeps, He never slumbers, you don’t need to book an appointment to see Him, you can talk to Him now. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Hannah prayed. That’s the secret of her success; that’s the secret of her breakthrough. She prayed. But you say, “but I have prayed before!” Oh yes, Hannah had prayed before but the Bible says, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, it said pray without ceasing. Keep praying, just keep on praying! Like Omowale said, PUSH! Pray Until Something Happens. If you haven’t got the solution yet that means keep on praying!

Okay she prayed. How did she pray? She prayed intensely. She prayed like Bartimeaeus prayed on that road to Jericho. She cried unto God until God heard. She prayed desperately! She prayed like a man who was drowning! Like Peter when Peter was drowning on the water - when he was walking on water. She forgot everything about being a gentleman. He cried out, “Lord Save me!” The Bible said that when Jonah found himself in the belly of a whale Jonah who had said God, I am not going to obey You. The work You asked me to do, I won’t do it!” When he found himself in the belly of a whale, the Bible said in Jonah 2:2 he said, “From the belly of hell I cry unto You!” There are some of us who know there is nowhere else to go! We have already come to God that this is how far we can go.  Some of us have tried the herbalist. We have tried the witchdoctors; we have tried the medical doctors, we have tried the white ones, we have tried the black ones. Now we have finally come to Jesus and there is nowhere else to go. David said in Psalm 121:1-2 He said I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Somebody’s going to hold onto God tonight and say, “I won’t let You go! Until You solve my problem I won’t let You go!” Who is going to pray that kind of prayer tonight? Let me hear you say ‘Amen!’ (Amen!) She prayed until she attracted heaven’s attention. She wasn’t the only one praying that day but God heard her. And even though there are hundreds of thousands of us here tonight I know God is going to hear someone. Who is that someone? Let me hear you say ‘Amen!’ if you are the one. (Amen!)

There are various ways you can attract heaven’s attention. One is that Omowale told you, you can praise Him until He pays attention to you. When Paul and Silas were locked up in prison they praised God until God came down and shook the prison open. Another one is that you can keep on crying unto God for mercy until He will hear you. Of course another way you can attract God’s attention is by giving. Even if it is widow’s mite Jesus will still pay attention but the greatest way you can attract His attention is by coming to Him with rugged faith. Like we have been told tonight if you come to Him by faith you won’t go away empty-handed! Faith is divine currency. What you use to get whatever you want. The centurion came to Jesus Christ in Matthew 8:5-13 He said to Jesus Christ, ‘You don’t need to come to my house. Just speak one word. You don’t need to pray for me until my head is almost lose from my neck! Just speak one word and I know my servant will be well.’ Jesus said I’ve not found such a great faith anywhere else in Israel.

I’m sure many of you will not forget the testimony of a lady who had been barren for fourteen years or so and had suffered a lot from several people and came here and said, “Just let me see the GO from this thing …  if that is the man then I know I will conceive.” She came, she saw and she received. There are some people unless the GO spent one hour praying for me I know I would have had a baby by now. It’s only they won’t let me get into his office! Wicked people they won’t let me go in!” What are you going to do in the office? Is he your husband? No, no, no sit down there and say, Lord! Today, I have enough faith that even as the word is coming out it will go inside me and whatever is hindering my fruitfulness, the Word of God will destroy. If that is your faith that is exactly what will happen to you. (Amen!)

She attracted the attention of heaven by praying intensely, by praying with faith. But let us look at another person in this drama of Hannah. That’s Eli.  Eli was God’s representative. The Bible says in Matthew 10:41, it said if you believe a prophet you will receive a prophet’s reward. If you believe that the man standing before you tonight is truly sent of God you are likely to receive a miracle through him. But if you say, who is the one talking? This is not the son of Adeboye. I remember him.  we were …I remember when he was a lecturer in the University … I know this fellow! This one will pray and something will happen? This fellow? Even Jesus Christ could not perform any miracle, major miracle in his hometown because they all said, “Is this not the son of Joseph and Mary? If that is the kind of attitude you have towards the man of God then I’m sorry you won’t get much. We need to understand something brethren: our God is in the heavens and he does as He pleases. If you agree with that say ‘Amen!’  (Amen!) And once in a while God will just pick up somebody, somebody who is useless, who is not wise, who doesn’t matter and put him up and say this is my representative. Once He says this is my representative. If you love yourself you will listen to what the representative is saying.

Eli said unto Hannah, he said, “What you have asked from God, you have received. “ Adeboye is saying to you tonight, whatever you ask from God tonight you will receive in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Not because I am anything, no, no, you know me, you know the village I come from. I remember there was a time when some people said I don’t eat. You better don’t believe that. I eat pounded yam regularly! …You are supposed to interpret not laugh! …I remember a time when some people said, “Maybe he’s an angel!’ That’s why regularly I stop my car in the streets of Lagos and I buy boli so that they will know. Because angels don’t eat plantain. I am an ordinary man like you! But it has pleased the Almighty God to make me His representative to you. Not my choice but His choice. And I’m standing before you on His behalf tonight. Everyone of you that has been called empty you shall be called full! (Amen!) All of you that had been considered barren, in the name of the One who sent me, you shall be called fruitful! (Amen!) All of you who had been called a failure, from now on you shall become successful! (Amen!) All of you who are tired of poverty, from now on you will begin to prosper! (Amen!)

You see there are some people and the Almighty God I His infinite wisdom, that nobody cam really understand, there are some people will just pick up and say, “From now on you will begin to rule by decrees (Amen!) When you read 2 King 4:8-17, when Elisha called the woman of Shunem and said, “woman, 9 months from now you will have a baby boy, the woman said unto him, man of God don’t deceive me, I’m already too old for that…” What does that mean. It means the woman didn’t even believe but the man of God had spoken, he had decreed. Nine months later a baby boy was born! And tonight I am decreeing barrenness shall vanish. (Amen!)  I say in your life barrenness shall vanish. (Amen!)

Let me continue because of time. Oh Thank You Father! , The Lord said there is a woman here, you have several miscarriages including a sort of twins. The Lord asked me to tell you everything you have lost shall be fully restored. (Amen!)

Now, in this drama, the drama of Hannah, a child was born and the name of the child was Samuel. And as you know, as the mother said, The reason I’m calling him Samuel is because I got him from God. He’s a gift from God. In Yoruba we would probably have called him ‘Oluwafunmi’ ‘God gave me, I asked him from God and God gave me’. There are so many things I can say here but I will be brief.

Number one don’t go and ask a child from the devil because the devil can’t give you a child anyway but if you go through the witch doctor or any other method to get a child, if it’s the devil that gave you the child then you can be sure that the child will be devilish because whosoever gives you the child, that’s the one the child will resemble.

The important thing that I want to bring out to you here was that Samuel was a special child, a child that right from youth began to hear from God. When it is time to pray tonight, don’t ask for just a child, ask for somebody special, especially those of you who have been waiting a long time. You know the elders have a saying: Instead of having one thousand useless children – he doesn’t understand the deep Yoruba. It is enough to have one chosen one, they said because just that one chosen fellow will be far, far superior to one thousand useless ones.

Now Samuel was a chosen child and when you go through the Scriptures you will discover that almost all the children that were born by those who were initially called barren were special children. Isaac, was called ‘Laughter” What a great name! Can you imagine a child whose name is laughter? Today God is going to give laughter to you. (Amen!) Omowale was telling us that it was not only Sarah who laughed, that Abraham laughed too and I was going to say to him, “My son, when God answers the barren, it is not only the mother who will laugh the father will laugh also.” In Your home, from now on there will be laughter. (Amen!) There’ll be laughter for the wife. (Amen!) There’ll be laughter for the husband. (Amen!) Even the children, there’ll be laughter for them.

Or Joseph.  Joseph was also a child born to someone who was considered barren. And you know the meaning of ‘Joseph’? It means ‘God has taken away my reproach’. And every reproach in your life, every thing that is causing people to ask, “Where is your God?” they will disappear tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)

Or John the Baptist?  He was a child that was born after a long wait.  But Jesus Christ said concerning him in Matthew 11:11, he said of all men born of a woman there has not arisen a greater than John the Baptist. Of all the great men of the Old Testament John the Baptist was the greatest. Somebody’s going to have a great child tonight. (Amen!) Whose child is going to be the greatest? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

And then what was the end result of this drama? As the Englishman would say – all is well that ends well. The Bible says when God turned the captivity of Zion we were like them that dreamed, then was our mouth filled with laughter, our mouth was filled with singing and then the heathen said among them, God has done great things for them. That is going to be the testimony of somebody here tonight. (Amen!)

Now I want to round up this session very quickly and I want to round it up by saying now it is your turn. (Amen!) I say it is your turn for miracles. (Amen!) It is your turn for fruitfulness (Amen!) It is your turn for breakthrough (Amen!) You have wept enough. You have suffered enough It is time now for you to begin to rejoice. (Amen!) How do I know it is your turn? Acts 10:34-35 the Bible says Peter opened his mouth and said, “Now I know that God is no respecter of persons but that in every nation, including Nigeria, all that fear him and do righteousness is accepted of him.” The God that did that of Hannah He will do your own too. (Amen!) The One who did that of Sarah, the One who did that of Rachel, the One who did that of Elisabeth, that God has not changed and He will do your own also. (Amen!) there is only one fellow who could go home the way she came today and that is the one who is not prepared to fear God, who is not ready to walk in righteousness because the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You cannot walk righteousness unless your sins have been forgiven. I said it before, I’m saying it again, a sinner is called a sinner because he sins. A sinner is someone who sins. As long as you are a sinner it is okay to sin. But if you want to get away from sin there is a way. That is why Jesus Christ said if you come to me you become born again. That is why the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are beconme new. Tonight God wants to do something special. He has the power to answer everybody here tonight. But when a woman came unto Him and said, “I need a miracle!” Jesus said unto her, “I cannot give the bread of children to dogs. I cannot give miracles to those who are not my children!” If you are not ready to be His child; if you are not ready to surrender to Him, if you are not willing to be born again, if you come next year you will see all those who are here carrying their babies and you will say, “What happened?” And we will say, it is not our fault, it is not the fault of God, you are the one who failed to surrender to Him. If you want Jesus to answer you tonight and you are not yet born again. You have to make up your mind that you want to surrender to Him, you want to be born again, you want to do His will from now on. And if there is anybody like that that you are not sure of your salvation and yet you don’t want to go away empty-handed tonight and you want to surrender your life to Jesus I want you to come forward now. …… If you want to surrender your life to Jesus.

If you are tired of barrenness, if you are tired of failure, if you are tired of fruitlessness and you want to surrender your life to Jesus, begin to come now. He will save your soul, ,He will forgive your sins, He will wash you in His blood and He will give you a brand new beginning. And I begin to count now 1.. 2… 3…  and as you come begin to cry unto the Almighty God and say, “I’ve come to surrender my life to You. I want You to save my soul. I want You to forgive my sins. I want to do Your will! Father please forgive my sins, I’ve come to surrender to You tonight” 4 now… As you come begin to pray. Don’t wait for anybody else. It is between you and your God! And remember you cannot deceive Him. Begin to talk to Him from the bottom of your heart. The Bible says you cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound. Call on Him now and say, “Father, Save my soul! Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me! “ 5 .. Now the Lord is waiting for you – ready to receive you, ready to save your soul, but you have to come to Him, you have to cry unto Him and ask Him to be merciful unto you! 6 now You must hurry up if you know you are coming! This is the day of salvation – He wants to save your soul, He wants to be merciful unto you but you have to come to Him, you have to surrender to Him. He loves you that’s why He brought you here tonight. 7 now He promised He said whosoever will come unto me I will in no wise cast out. Come unto Him now! He will save your soul, He will forgive your sin but you must cry to Him from the bottom of your heart. Many of us are where we are today because of the sins we have committed because we have not done the will of God but tonight He is willing to forgive, He’s willing to forget. If you come to Him He will be merciful unto you, He will wash you in His blood. He will make you clean. Come unto Him now. Come unto Him now! 7 now… Oh yes cry unto Him! Say Lord, Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me! Save my soul! Save my soul! Lord I need You Lord! Wash me in Your blood! 8 now The gates of mercy are still open. Come unto Him now and ask God to be merciful unto you. Open your mouth and pray. Save my soul! Lord Ah Lord Save my soul! Forgive my sins and I will do Your Will. I will do Your Will from now on. I’m tired of living in sin. I’m tired of a life of fruitlessness.  I’m tired of barrenness. Save my soul! Lord Save my soul! Save my soul! Save my soul! Save my soul! 9 now 9 This is the final call. If you know you want to come to Him you better come now! This is the time to come to Him before it is too late. He will save your soul. He said whoever will come unto me I will in no wise cast out. Come unto Him now! Oh yes, call on Him for salvation, call on Him for salvation! He will save your soul. He will be merciful unto you. Yes Lord Thank You Jesus! ….. Oh save my soul! I will glorify Your Name. Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father, we thank You oh Thank You Father! The Lord asked me to hold on. He said there are still some people out there in the congregation who are not yet born again and they are sitting down there! He asked me to count to 10 one more time. I pity those of you who are concerned. If I were like God I wouldn’t stop. I mean if I were just me, I won’t stop. If you are not sure of your salvation; if you are still living in sin and you are there a day like this will never come again in your life.  I am going to count up to ten and I am not going to be slow. If you don’t get out before I say 10 it is up to you! 1. 2. 3. 4. … Look at them coming! 5… 6… When the Almighty God brought you here for a special encounter with Him and you heard all you heard and you still sat down there! 6 … the choice is yours. You want to die in your barrenness, that’s your choice. If you want to die in your failure, that’s your choice; if you want to die in your fruitlessness - that’s your choice! 7 now O Lord thank You, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your patience! 8 now Blessed be the Name of the Lord! And as you come begin to cry unto Him and say Lord,: I ask for Your forgiveness, I ask for Your mercy! Save my soul! Save my soul! Save my soul! Save my soul! Please just save my soul! Lord Wash me in Your Father! Save my soul! Save my soul! From now on I will do Your Will Thank You Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father we want to thank You one more time Later on tonight we are still going to call on You but right now we are saying Father, every area of barrenness in our lives. Attend to them tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) We are praying Lord God Almighty that when the time for testimony comes, none of us will be found wanting in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Praise the Lord! Alleluia!

Pray not talk about it but to pray. So I want you to tell the fellow next to you: “If you don’t want to pray maybe you need to get away from me now because tonight is my night, I am tired of suffering now. So I want to pray. If you don’t want to pray get away from my side.”

Now the first prayer we want to pray is that we want to thank God for life because when there is life there is still hope so let’s thank God that..  Lord I thank You that I’m still alive. I am still breathing. Whatever may be the situation now I know my tomorrow will be all right because I am still alive Father I want to thank You! I want to bless Your Name!  I want to thank You because I am alive! I know I’m still breathing! Oh Yes, I know the devil has lost the battle over me because the devil did not kill me before today.  Ah, I want to thank You Lord, I want to Thank You In spite of everything that the enemy has done I am still alive. I am still in the land of the living! Oh I bless Your Name Lord! I just want to thank You . I want to give You all glory. Thank You for life. Lord I thank You! Thank You because I’m alive. Thank You because I’m breathing. Thank You because the enemy has not been able to kill me! And because the devil failed to kill me before now, oh the devil has lost the battle. So I thank You Lord that I am alive! I bless Your Holy name! You are the Almighty! I know You can do anything. I know You can do anything. I know You can do mine so I am thanking You in advance. I just want to bless Your Holy name! I know that I will have my breakthrough tonight. Because I am alive ; because I can still talk; I can still pray I know all will still be well. Oh I want to bless Your Holy name! Thank You Lord! Thank You, for Your Goodness! Thank You for Your mercy! Thank You for keeping me alive! Thank You because the enemy has pursued me but they have not been able to catch up with me! I bless Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now, the next set of prayers, if you like pray them like ladies and gentlemen if you like you pray them like those who want to take the Kingdom of God by force. The next one is, Father I know we are many here tonight but pay attention to me! Pay attention to me tonight Father I am here Lord! I need Your attention tonight! I know there are many people here. Oh yes there are many people here who are Your children but I need Your attention! Heavenly Father, I need Your attention tonight! Pay attention to me tonight! Pay attention to me tonight Lord! Oh, I know there are hundreds of thousands here tonight but I need Your attention! Father I need Your attention! Pay attention to me tonight! Pay attention to me tonight! That’s why I’ve come Lord! I need Your attention tonight! I need Your attention tonight! My Lord and my Saviour! I need Your attention tonight! Pay attention to me tonight! Almighty God Pay attention to me tonight! …Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Brethren the Bible says if you ask anything in my Name I will do it. That’s the promise of the Lord Jesus and it is not possible for Him to lie – it is the truth. That’s why I want you to open your mouth loud and clear and say Father, I don’t want to be fruitless anymore. I want to be fruitful – physically, mentally, financially, spiritually – I want to be fruitful, I don’t want to be fruitless anymore – oh yes Lord, I don’t want to be fruitless anymore! I don’t want to be a failure! I want to be a success! I want to be head, I don’t want to be tail. I want to be abundantly fruitful. I want to be fruitful in every sphere of my life! Physically! Spiritually! Mentally! Financially! Ministerially! I want to be fruitful! I want to be fruitful! That’s my desire O Lord! I want to be fruitful! I want to be fruitful! I want to be abundantly fruitful! Yes Lord, I want to be fruitful in the morning, I want to be fruitful in the afternoon, I want to be fruitful all the days of my life. I don’t want to be fruitless. No, no, no, I’m tired of fruitlessness. I’m tired of failure Lord! I’m tired of anything below average! I want to be super! I want to be abundantly fruitful! I want to be head. I don’t want to be tail. O Lord God Almighty You are the One who said I should ask! I ask for abundance of fruitfulness! Oh yes Lord! In every facet of my life I want to be fruitful! Alleluia! Thank You Lord! Glory be to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now barrenness comes in various forms but whatever form they may come they are mountains to be surmounted (Amen!) and the Almighty God had already promised us that if we have faith and we doubt not we shall say to the mountains, mountains, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and it shall be so. Today, you know the area of your own barrenness and you are going to command that mountain in the name of Jesus to move and say, “Mountain of barrenness move in the mighty Name of Jesus! I command you in the name of Jesus move! Move! Move! Move! Move! I say Move! Mountain of barrenness in the mighty name of Jesus! Move! Move! Now! Move! Now! Mountain of barrenness I command you now! Now! Every mountain of barrenness in the life of every child of God here, I command you in the mighty name of Jesus! Move! Every area of barrenness in my life, every mountain of barrenness in the Ministry that God had committed into my care, I command you move! Every mountain of barrenness in my family - Move! Move! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now there are certain things that are impossible with man but with God all things are possible. There are certain enemies. Certain forces of darkness that we might not be able to fight on our own but there is someone called the Lord of Hosts! He has never lost a battle so you are going to cry to Him: Father, every enemy standing in the way of my fruitfulness, let God arise, let His enemy be scattered! Father, rise, fight for me! Rise Lord! Fight for me Lord! Enemies I cannot conquer  - fight for me Lord, let God arise and let my enemies be scattered tonight! Rise O Lord! Lord of Hosts! Rise on my behalf! … Thank You Lord of Hosts! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

The next prayer is for only a few of us. The prayer is – Father, I have no one else but You. I have no defender except You. Every reproach in my life, all those things in my life that could cause anybody to say where is my God – take them away tonight! Take them away! I have nobody else but You! There is nowhere else for me to go! I have come to the last bus stop. I lift my eyes unto You O Lord! From where else can my help come? My help can only come from You O  – You made the heavens! You made the earth! Take away all my reproaches! Take away all my reproaches – physical, mental, spiritual. Take away all my reproaches O Lord, take away all my reproaches I have no other help but You…Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now we come to the awesome moment my Daddy is here already, no doubt about that. I now want you now to be very specific in your next prayer. Those of you women who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, tell God exactly what you want  - boy, girl, a set of twins… Those of you who want promotion, those of you who want breakthrough tell Him; those of you who want increase in your anointing tell Him – go ahead talk to God now, talk to God, talk to God…..

Thank You Father! Glory be to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now before I pray for you I want You to make a covenant with God now. Hannah vowed a vow and God took that vow seriously and that very day her prayers were answered. What will you do for God if He answers all your prayers tonight? Talk to Him, quietly on your own for 2 minutes. Talk to God. If all my prayers tonight become testimonies, I will do this and this and this for you Lord. Settle that with God now……Thank You Jesus! Alleluia in Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father, the hour has come. We are here and You are here. We are here to hold on to You Father, and we are here with determination. Father we are not going unless You bless us – bless us tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Everyone of Your children here that had cried to You now, everyone that is truly born again that had cried to You tonight answer them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Any form of barrenness in the life of any of these people remove tonight in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Daddy I stand before Your people as Your representative to them and I stand before You as their representative to you. My own special request tonight is that every request of these people will become testimony now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Father, if You do it for them, my joy will be full. That’s all I want therefore Father, anyone here tonight who is a true child of God that is trusting You for the fruit of the womb, nine months from today let there by shouts of joy in their homes. Anything that is standing in the way of their fruitfulness destroy in Jesus name! Destroy in Jesus name! Destroy in Jesus name! If there is any agent of Satan that says that these Your children will not be fruitful, paralyze such in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Paralyze such in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every child of God here tonight Father, give them a breakthrough (Amen!), give them a breakthrough, (Amen!) Father, give them a breakthrough, (Amen!) Thank You my Daddy. Thank You for hearing me! Thank You because I know it is done, glory be to Your Name in Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

I want you to listen carefully. If you are one of the people concerned, you come right to the front here. Those who are still being ministered to they can continue where they are being ministered to but if this one concerns you then you come to the front here.

The first one God says there’s someone here you struggled with another lady over a man, a husband, as a result of which you charmed the other fellow and that fellow went mental but just before he went completely mental he pronounced a curse on you and the Lord says the curse are in two parts. The first part of it says you won’t have a child and that if you ever have a child that child will go mad. Now God says you are already here tonight so you are going to have a child. Now in order that that child may not go mental, that’s why He said you should come forward so we can break the second part of the curse. That’s case one. If you are one of those just come forward and stand before us here.

The second one, He says there is someone here who tied the womb of the daughter –in-law and now that fellow had repented, he’s now born again but cannot untie what he or she had tied. Now the Almighty God said if you come today He’s going to empower you to untie what you had tied. That’s the second one.

The third one, the Lord said there’s someone here – I guess it could be a man or a woman – He said there’s someone here who has broken many hearts by disappointing and disappointing, by promising to marry and then disappointing, promising to marry and then disappointing…  The Lord says I should tell you that unless you come out tonight there are a mountain of sorrow waiting for you.

Those are the 3 categories. I will count 1 to 10 If you don’t come out by then, it will be too late. 1, 2, 3, 4… 5…. 6 …. Thank God we serve a God who knows what no man else knows. Thank God that His mercy is higher than the heavens. Many of the people standing before me did what they did in the time of ignorance and now God has decided to show mercy tonight. 7 now. God says I’ll be merciful unto whom I will be merciful and I will show compassion on whom I will show compassion. One of the beauties of Christianity is that it doesn’t matter what you have done in the past, the blood of Jesus can cleanse from all sins.  8 ….  9….

Now those of us who have come forward let’s just call on the Almighty God and say, “Father, just be merciful. Just be merciful. Just be merciful. When I was with Satan I did the things that Satan wanted me to do. Now I have come to You Lord – be merciful. Be merciful Lord! Be merciful! I am sorry for what I did in the past. Please be merciful Lord be merciful! I’m only asking for mercy this morning, mercy Lord, mercy Lord! Mercy! Mercy Lord, mercy.. That’s all I’m asking for mercy! Mercy Lord Mercy! Be merciful unto me Lord! Be merciful unto me! I’m asking for mercy this morning. Merry! Mercy! Mercy Lord! Mercy! That’s all I’m asking for mercy! Be merciful unto me Lord! Be merciful! Be merciful Lord! Be merciful! Be merciful Father! Be merciful Lord! Be merciful! Be merciful Father! Be merciful! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

My Father and my God I want to thank You that You can look into this huge congregation and pick out these special cases. Thank You for being a merciful God. Thank You because when You forgive, nobody can retain sins. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)  Because it has pleased you My Father and my God to bring out these special cases – You called them and they came out – forgive them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Don’t ever remember their sins in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every curse that had been placed on these people I declare broken in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Everything that they have tied in the evil way, I decree untied in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every mountain of sorrow waiting for them I command goes into the sea in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!). Thank You! My Daddy Glory be to Your Name! in Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now you can go and sin no more and Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia’ for what God has done.

Isn’t the Lord good. The Theme for the Holy Ghost Service will be the Turning Point. If I were you I will even bring my enemies so that they too can have turning point and become my friend. So October Holy Ghost Service will be the Turning Point. You never can tell. October being the special month for Nigeria it might be the special month for Nigeria too!

I have announced about the Crusade in November. I am telling you one more time.  It is a programme we support fully especially because the preacher is an Indian. That means he’s from a third world country and is in the same category as us here. Some of you know my friend and son Stephen who is an Indian too and he used to say, India maybe far from Nigeria but Indians and Nigerians I think they drank from the same mother’s breast. They have so many things in common. If you know what I mean so this crusade we want to support to the best of our abilities that is the reason why the November Holy Ghost Service is not going to be here, it’s going to be in Lagos at the crusade ground. But next month we will tell you more about that. Don’t forget we have a goal to win 50 million souls before next August. All you have to do is win 2 souls a week and we shall get more than 50 million. All we want you to do is talk to 3 people everyday about Jesus – one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening. That’s all. You can be sure you will win 2 of the 21 you speak to in one week. So don’t let go that assignment. It’s a big one but just like Omowale said, “Baba le se” Daddy can do it.

The Congress, the Holy Ghost Congress in December begin to pray towards it now because it is going to be the greatest thing you have ever seen in your life thus far! Now if you have friends who want to come from abroad, that’s why I want to talk about it now – last week when I was in London somebody wanted to book a flight to Nigeria for that period. They told her every airline is fully booked! British Airways, Swissair, KLM, Lufthansa – mention – they are already fully booked so if you have friends that want to come maybe you better tell them they can check Ghana Airways, and check South Africa Airlines maybe those two there might still be room for one or two. If they delay they will listen to the programme from video. The whole world is coming so we better get ready – the Lord is going to do marvelous things here in December.

An information reaching me said that there is someone who is circulating prophecies amongst people claiming that they came from Pastor Adeboye. If you get any of those papers burn them! I don’t write prophecies to people. I don’t write prophecies to collect money. I am not even a prophet. I’m a Pastor. It’s just that once in a while I hear from my Daddy that’s all. If anybody uses my name to ask you to give him money or anything like that just hand over the fellow to the police please. Of anybody say I sent him or her to you for any kind of help at all, ask me. I’m not dead! Ask me before you begin to release your money or your property. I’m not asking you to phone because some of them now use telephone and when they ring the phone they say, “oh you want to speak to Daddy?” Don’t use telephone come to the office and find out.. Don’t worry God will deal with all of them. I just don’t want you to lose unnecessarily.

And then finally there is one of these so-called magazines that has been writing a lot of lies about me for some time.  I think they call them City People or something. They’ve written some funny things which I’ve ignored. For example they say my first son is not a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God – I didn’t bother myself about that. I know he’s a deacon in the church so that doesn’t bother me but the latest one they wrote is a serious one. They said somebody had given me a wristwatch which cost 32 million naira! They said the next time you see Pastor Adeboye watch his hand, he’s wearing a wristwatch that costs 32 million naira. The most expensive wristwatch that I have is less than 10,000 naira. If somebody gives me a wristwatch that costs 32 million naira what do you think I will do with it?…. Thank you very much! I will sell it immediately and use the money for missionary work. In fact let me tell you a secret. If I die today and I’m not dying today, and you put a 32 million naira wristwatch on my hand, I will wake up. Why?  Because I will know that is God’s way of saying, “Wake up, sell the watch, continue with your work. The only reason I’m talking about it at all is because some very important people are already believing the story! If you have that kind of money instead of buying a wrist watch bring it to me there are people in Zambia, Uganda, Congo who are seriously crying for help, where we have our churches and we need to send help to them. Don’t believe these liars. Don’t worry we will do something about them soon. But my Lord is good. I say my Lord is good. (Amen!) I’ve never prayed for a 32 million wristwatch. There are things I can pray for that will cost 32 million no doubt but it will be for the work of the gospel

The song is longer than that but I just want to read 1Samuel 2:1-5

And Hannah prayed and said my heart rejoiceth in the Lord. Your own heart will also continue to rejoice in the Lord. (Amen!) She said, My horn is exalted in the Lord, She said my mouth is enlarged over my enemy so shall it be for you in Jesus’ name. She said because I rejoice in thy salvation. Then she sang that song that we all know so well. There is none holy as the Lord for there is none beside thee, neither is there any rock like our God. And then it went on to say in verse 5. it said they that were full have hired out themselves for bread and they that were hungry ceased.  From now on those of you who were hungry you will never be hungry again. (Amen!)  And then she says, so that the barren have born seven. Who is she talking to here now? Who is the barren who is going to born seven. Let me hear you say ‘Amen’ (Amen!)

Now in this song of Hannah the first one I want to point out to you quickly the first one is that God is holy. He’s a holy God and a holy God will not lie. God is not going to lie to you today. The Bible says in Numbers 23:19 It said that God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent. It said, "Has he spoken and has he not done it?" If He has said something then it is settled. One of the things He has said this night is that there is someone who will never weep again. (Amen!)

And then the second thing here it said is that the barren has born seven. You know one of the people who came last month who had been barren I think for about 19 years came with a set of twins! And then I was told that even one of them had been barren 12 or 15 years and came with a set of triplets! If that woman gets pregnant one more time then you know the house will be full and so will be your case in Jesus Name.

And so we find here a woman singing what I call ‘a new song’. The first time she was singing in the temple and Eli was thinking she was drunk she was saying my heart is full of sorrow but this second time now she’s singing I that used to be barren I have become the mother of seven. I am praying tonight that everyone of you here will have a new song (Amen!), a new song of victory, a new song of fruitfulness, a new song of joy.

Now this lady praised God because of what God had done for her. But there is something better than praising God after He has done something for you. It’s to praise Him even before you see the miracle He wants to give you. When Jesus was talking to the brothers of Lazarus in John 11:40, when he was talking to the sisters rather, the sisters of Lazarus; He said I told you if you believed you would see the glory of God. There is somebody here tonight who has already believed and will see the glory of God. (Amen!) I am one of them. Because I know that next year now you will surround me again with many, many children.  I didn’t hear your amen to that one. And the children will be your own children not adopted children, your own children. (Amen!)

So we want to thank God now in advance for what we are expecting to see from Him.. We want to thank Him for all the breakthroughs He has given us tonight. We want to thank Him for the thousands of souls that have been saved tonight. We want to thank Him because there are many of us here who will never weep again. We want to thank God that there are many of us that the devil thought will die poor that from now on we will begin to succeed so we are going to get ready now and the ushers will attend to us and I believe the band is not tired and the Almighty God will continue to be their strength and I pray for anointing for the drummer that he will drum better next month. Let somebody praise the Lord for the bandleaders. So we thank the Almighty God now and then after that we will listen to only about 2 testimonies. We will remain seated as we dance and give our thanksgiving offering and if you hear your name you come forward to share your testimony.

….. There is someone who lost her husband in1996 and now the Almighty God has brought the husband back. There’s another one that barrenness separated her from her husband and now because of a prayer that we said in the year 2000 the marriage was restored and a baby boy now has been born … and on and on and on but those three we will listen to them after we finish taking our thanksgiving offering.. Over to you….

Samuel Oyekan …The summary of the testimony of this man is that the man was dead and God of Peace brought him back to life and so he is admonishing us that the Lord God can do it also in our life. He’s thanking God for bringing him back to life. He died God sent him back to life with a message to you - that we should press on He is on our side. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

I am Rev. Ayo Oduwoni. I attended the last Covenant Convention in this church. To be precise that was the night of the deliverance service. Our Daddy in the Lord said that the miracles of tonight will be so numerous. Then I said well my rheumatism of the past 50 years I’m leaving it behind here and I’m not going home with it and so it was. The second testimony happened last August too, August 24th. That was the day in the programme that we have in our state, Lagos State 3 – Evangelism. I was going with this bag with my wife and it contains my Bible. The file of the inauguration of the elders was there. Behold I left it in the bus. We walked some distance about 100 metres. My wife said. Where is your bag. I said, Oh, I forgot it in the bus. She said, Let us go to Mile 2, or Orile or Oshodii maybe we can find the bus. I said no, this is one of the distractions of the enemy let us go for evangelism. I said they will bring the bag back. She said, "Who will bring it? "I said, "Anyone who comes in contact with this bag will bring it back because my Bible is in there. "And ion Sunday 26th they brought it to our church, Covenant Hall, Iba Estate. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! My name is Mary Graham. I want to thank God for what He did for this my son. We came for the Convention. I came on Monday He had some little bit of temperature. By Friday he could not walk again. He is 2 years. He’s been walking since 10 months. So he couldn’t walk again. A sister got to know about it, informed the husband who is a minister. He prayed and anointed him during the Holy Ghost Service that night he was so restless I was advised to take him to the clinic. When he went there the doctor inspected him she said she didn’t know what is wrong with him. I said okay God knows. I brought him back here. Throughout that period of Holy Ghost Service I didn’t remember praying other prayer than God healing him but by Saturday it was worse. The Daddy said, “Good for you, you did not immunize him. Now he’s lame.” But I said, "no, you are wrong.” God in whose presence I am is the God who works against natural law that even if I’ve not immunized him he’s not going to be lame. All throughout that Saturday he couldn’t walk, Sunday he couldn’t walk. I refused to tell anybody because I didn’t want anybody to distract my attention. I refused to tell anybody. But when we were preparing for service I was just led to tell a sister and when I told that sister the spirit of God told me that that was a witness against the devil because God is going to heal that boy. So when we came here during the service… as he was just about rounding up he said that there are some people who said if only the Go would pray for me. He prayed a prayer and I just hold on to one of his prayer points. He said, God, if there is anything that will make one to be ashamed remove it and anything that will cause people to ask where is your God remove it. And when I went home that’s the whole thing I held on to… and now the child is walking again. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

Now you are going to prophesy for yourself before I offer the final prayer. You are going to stand you are going to mention you name and you are going to say form now on you are going to go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness. In other words you ‘ll say, "Adeboye, from now on you will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness ". Go ahead prophecy to yourself! Prophesy to your children. Prophesy to your wife. Prophesy to your business. Prophesy to your church make it loud and clear. Adeboye from now on you will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! Your wife will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! Your children will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! Your family will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! The Redeemed Christian Church of God will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! The nation of Nigeria will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! All those who are precious to me will go from fruitfulness to fruitfulness! So shall it be In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed!

So Father we want to thank You. We want to give You glory for a wonderful night. Thank You for souls that were saved. Thank You for the people that were set free. We thank You Lord God Almighty because from now on barrenness will become a foreigner to us.. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!). Receive the offerings of Your children. Bless it Lord. Use it for Your glory and even as they have prophesied to themselves, so let it be in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) And as Your children will be going, go with them. (Amen!) Every evil on the way we cancel in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) On your way you will meet with peace (Amen!) At home there’ll be peace waiting (Amen!) Each time I hear from you it will be good news. (Amen!) And in the Kingdom of God you will not be found wanting. (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)



Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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