THE ALMIGHTY FOMULA 7th of December, 2001

I’m sure you are already blessed. At least you have a song you can sing on your way home! I think we should sing it a little more.

Jesus I thank you well, well! Jesus I thank you well, well! Jesus I thank you well, well!

Without any doubt the Almighty God is here. I know He’s here, even like the first preacher said – it depends on you, God is here, it depends on you – tonight’s Holy Ghost Service is going to be an unusual one so things will be done not exactly the way you expect so we are going to get results the kind that you do not expect..... (Amen!)

So the first thing we want to do this minute is that we want to thank God for January. There are several things that happened in January of this year – several rain that fell that the ground had swallowed and I survived it. I just want to thank God for January. I want to lift up my voice to the Almighty God and say thank you for January.

Thank You for January 2001 Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! I just want to thank You for what You did in January. I want to magnify Your Holy Name for January. I want to say I love You, I appreciate You, Thank You for January O Lord! I’m very grateful to you for January 2001. I say Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for January! I just want to bless Your Holy Name for January. I want to give you all glory; I want to give You all honour for January. I want to say: Blessed be Your Holy Name for January! I want to say glory, glory be to Your Holy Name for January Lord! Thank You for January! Thank You for January! Thank You for being so good! For being so kind to me in January. I know I didn’t thank you enough in January so I’m thanking you now Lord for January because You are so good, You are so kind, You are so wonderful! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for January Lord! Thank You for January! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You for January! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then we are going to thank God for February. There are some people who started in January and never saw February and I want to thank God. I want to say

Thank You Father for February! Thank You Lord! Thank You for February! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! I praise You Lord! I magnify Your Holy Name! Thank You for February 2001! What a great God You are! I thank You for February Lord! Oh You did marvelous things for me in February. Oh You didn’t allow me to die in February, I thank You! I give You glory! I give You adoration! What a wonderful God You are! Thank You for February Lord! Oh Yes Lord, I want You to know I appreciate You! But for You, I won’t have survived February! Thank You! Lord God Almighty for February! What a wonderful God You are! What a kind God You are! I want You to know I love You Father. I bless Your Holy Name! Oh Thank You Lord! Thank You for February! Thank You Almighty God! Glory be to Your Holy Name! I will always praise You because You are wonderful, because You are worthy to be praised because You are worthy to be adored! I bless Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Alleluia Father! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then we are going to thank God for March. In March we had the special Holy Ghost Service and we saw how God moved mightily. We saw how His anointing destroyed yokes – let’s thank the Almighty God for March! Let’s thank God for March! Let’s say

Father, we thank You, we thank You for March! We thank You for March! We thank You for the Special Holy Ghost Service! We thank You for souls saved, sick healed, disease removed, captives set free! We bless Your Holy Name! Thank You Lord for March! Thank You for March! O Lord we bless Your Name for March! You are such a good God! So good! So kind! So wonderful! So loving! So powerful! We bless Your Name for March Lord! Thank You for March! Oh yes Lord! We bless Your Name for March! We give You honour, we give You honour, we give You adoration! We just want to praise Your Holy Name! Thank You for March! Thank You for my life in March! Thank You for the lives of all Your children in March! Thank You for Your faithfulness! Thank You because You are good! Oh Praise You! Praise You! Praise You forever O Lord because You are such a wonderful God! We love You Daddy, we adore You, we thank You for March! We Thank You for March! We will always glorify Your Holy Name! Thank You! Almighty God! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You so much! Thank You! Thank You Lord! Thank You for everything! Blessed be Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then we are going to thank God for April. April was when God brought all the little children together to bless them. If God had not moved like He did in April some of the children that sang tonight would be dead by now. Let’s thank God for April! Let’s thank God for April! Let’s thank God for April!

Father we bless Your Name for April! We give You all glory for April! You are worthy of our praise! Thank You for the special Holy Ghost for children. I praise Your Name! Thank You for the children that You blessed, that You supported, that You glorify Your Holy Name in their lives..... We want to thank You Lord! we want to thank You for April! We want to glorify You for April. What a great God You are! Blessed be Your Holy Name! For April O Lord! Blessed for all You did in April! Thank You for the children that You brought from all over the nation so that they can receive special touch from You, special anointing to destroy yokes, to keep death away from them, to keep demons away from them. We bless Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! Thank You for April! May Your Name forever be glorified! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then we are going to thank God for May and for June and for July. Let’s bless the Name of the Lord…. for all the marvelous things He did in May, in June and in July… Let’s magnify His holy Name! Let’s praise Him! Let’s adore Him! Let’s lift Him high and say,

Father, we praise You, Father we adore You! Father we magnify Your Holy Name! We thank You for what You did in May! We thank You for what You did in June! We thank You for what You did in July! What a wonderful God You are! What a marvelous God You are! We praise You! We adore You! We lift You high! Thank You for May! Thank You for June! Thank You for July! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Ohhh! What a wonderful God You are! We praise You! We magnify Your Holy Name! What a wondrous God You are! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Blessed be Your Name forever and forever! Oh You live forever, to do good forever! From everlasting to everlasting thou art God. We praise You, We adore You we magnify Your holy Name. Thank You Jesus! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And now we are going to thank Him for August. We want to thank Him for the marvelous Convention that He gave us. We want to thank Him for the souls that were saved, the sick that were healed, the captives that were set free, let’s bless the Name of the Lord for the month of August.

Father we thank You for August. Oh we thank You for august! We thank You for the marvelous Convention! For the souls saved, for the healing, for the deliverance, for the miracles, signs, wonders, joy, provisions.... We bless Your Holy Name! We thank You for Your Goodness! We thank You for Your mercies! We have never thanked You enough! Oh yes Lord! We know! We are guilty of not thanking You enough so we want to say thank You! Thank You for August, Thank You for the Conventions, thank You for everything! We bless your Holy Name Lord! Oh may You forever be glorified! Thank You Daddy! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Lord God Almighty! We will praise You! We will always praise You! Thank You! Thank You so much! Blessed be Your Name forever more. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And now we are going to thank Him for September, for October, for November. Let’s bless the Name of the Lord! Say

Father, we thank You! We thank You for September! Ohhh! We thank You for October! We thank You for November! We thank You for deliverance! We thank You for victories! We thank You for putting the devil to shame! We thank You that You take tears away form our eyes! You put laughter in our mouth! Father, we bless Your Name! We bless You, we bless You, we bless You! We give You all glory! We give You all honour! We give You all adoration! We praise You Lord!! We adore You Lord! We give You glory! We say may You forever be blessed! May You forever be blessed! May You forever be blessed! Thank You so much! Thank You King of Kings! Thank You Lord of Lords! Thank You the I AM that I AM! Thank You Ancient of Days! We will always praise You! We will always adore You! We will always lift You high! Oh! You are wonderful Father! You are marvelous! You are glorious! You are great! You are powerful! Blessed be Your Holy Name forever O Lord!!! Blessed be Your Name forever O Lord!! Blessed be Your Name forever O Lord!! Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And now we want to thank God for December. We want to thank God for December… that we are here, that we are alive, that we are not in hospital, that we are not in an asylum, that we are not in prison!

Father, we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name. Thank You for December! We give You glory, we give You honour! We give You adoration! Thank You! Lord! God Almighty for December! We are not in the hospital, we are not in an asylum, we are not in prison, we are not in detention! Father, we can move like we want to move, we can go where we want to go, we can come where we want to come to, we can do what we want to do..... Father we bless Your Name! We bless Your Name! We give You glory! We give You honour! We give You adoration! May You forever be glorified! May You forever be glorified! May You forever and ever and ever and ever and ever be glorified! Thank You for December! We praise You Lord!! Alleluia Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You Jesus! Thank You forever more Thank You for December! Alleluia Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Now before we do any other thing I want you to quickly say this prayer to God and say

Father, this year is going away, don’t let me go with the year. Let’s talk to the Almighty God; This year is going, don’t let me go with the year, don’t let me go with the year, don’t let me go with this year…. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Angels are singing, You are worthy O Lord, Alleluia!…. Let’s just go ahead and worship the Almighty God, let us worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the I AM that I AM, the Ancient of Days, let’s worship Him. Let’s worship Him, He’s worthy to be praised…. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia!…Ibare Jesu o……Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Amen

The Lord says there’s someone here who had been saying, when will my tears be wiped away, The Lord asked me to tell you tonight (Amen!) tonight, not tomorrow tonight....

The Lord says there’s someone here your burdens are so heavy that you don’t even know how you will survive, Daddy asked me to tell you, don’t worry, the wind will soon blow. (Amen!)

Father I just want to bless Your holy Name. I want to give You all glory and honour because I know You are going to do something special tonight I thank You for what You’ve already done. I thank You for what You will yet do. I thank You for January, I thank You for February, I thank You for March, I thank You for April, I thank You for May, I thank You for June, I thank You for July, I thank You for August, I thank You for September, I thank You for October, I thank You for November, thank You for December! Thank You for December! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Tonight Father, in a different dimension visit us tonight, minister to us tonight, save souls tonight, heal tonight, deliver tonight, set the captives free tonight, at the end of everything tonight Father, let tears become joy (Amen!) And let Your Name be glorified (Amen!). Thank You my Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

You can be seated God bless you. I sang a song at the Headquarters last Sunday. I was surprised that so many of them did not know the song. It simply says that

You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name. How many of you know the song? Ah good how many of you don’t know it? So many too! I will sing it and you pick it up because it’s a song that I think you need to sing…. You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name. Now those of you who know it sing it.. 3, 4… You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name… that’s good. Now sisters only will sing it so that those who don’t know can pick it up. You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name. That’s okay – now brothers! You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name. Okay, well you tried too but there wasn’t much difference between the singing of the men and the singing of the women!

But it’s a song of a victor, it’s a song of someone who is appreciating the Lord of Hosts. It’s the song of someone who is hailing the commander-in-chief of the hosts of heaven. It’s not the kind of song you sing and fall asleep. It’s a song of triumph, of triumph, of excitement, of joy so it has to be sung military-like

You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name. 4

. You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name

Now if the devil hears you singing that to God like that he’s going to laugh at you! Let’s sing it as if you mean it! Are you ready? 3.4..

You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi, You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai, You are the mighty man in battle glory to Your Name ……. Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

I told you that tonight will be different so just for one or two minutes I want you to thank God for all the victories He has given you that He did not allow the enemy to triumph over you – that the might man in battle has fought your battles for you and has given you victories.... the mighty man in battle... tell him Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Glory! Glory! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! You are the mighty man in battle El Shaddai! Jehovah Nissi! But for You where will I be now? Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Mighty man in battle! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Glory to Your Name! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Glory to Your Name! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen Praise the Lord! I said Praise the Lord! If you are sure that you will see the New Year Praise the Lord! Alleluia! God bless you. You may be seated!

What God has laid upon my mind to do tonight is actually to take you on a fairly long Bible study. I have a group of friends that normally travel with me many times when I travel and when we travel together, they treat me as if I’m an egg that shouldn’t break. They take very good care of me. If I cough they want to know what the cough means. If I look at something two times without saying a word, they go and buy it. I always say God, what can I do in return for these people? I can’t give them money – they have more than I have. I can’t buy them clothes, they are the one filling most of my wardrobes. What can I do for these people? And I do for them what I’m about to do for you tonight. Once a day I sit them down and we go into the Word of God and I share with them something that you don’t hear form the pulpit. So what I am about to do tonight God asked me to do it its not just an Holy Ghost sermon it is a deep Bible study. It’s a kind of Bible study that God helping you will change your life forever. It is going to tell you to a very large extent the secrets of my life.

When I was young or shall I say when I was younger, in my village, we had some people that we called fine medicine. They go about shouting fine medicine, fine medicine! Once in a while they will bring out a capsule and say this one can cure 200 diseases.. How many of you know these people I ‘m talking about. And they will tell you that the same thing will cure stomach ache, back ache, headache ... when I became born again I wanted to know if there is one fine medicine that will cure all sickness, all disease, I wanted to know fi there is something that can solve all problems. Those of you who did mathematics, at least who got to the level of quadratic equations…we have a formula that can solve all quadratic equations and you know in our childish ways we called it the Almighty Formula.... And so when I became a Christian I wanted to know if there is an almighty formula for every problem and I found one and I want to share it with you tonight and you will find it in

Proverbs 4:5-9

5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.

6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.

7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.

9 She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.

What is the principal thing?

What do I need to be healthy, to prosper, to be free to be promoted to succeed, to have breakthroughs? What do I need so that I will be head and not tail? What do I need so that I will always be ahead of my enemies? Only one word. What’s the word? Wisdom. Why is wisdom so important? I will tell you a lot…

Ecclesiastes 9:16

It said wisdom is better than strength unlike the elders who say the one who is strong who has no wisdom is the leader of the little ones – wisdom is better than strength. It is better to be wise than to be strong. The elders have a saying the say to the wise man; wise man why are you not working? He said the one that the foolish one is doing who will eat it? Its very serious isn’t it. And when you go to Proverbs 29:9 the Bible says clearly you can never win when you are fighting a wise man. When he wins you are in trouble. When he says he surrenders you are in trouble. When you are fighting with a wise man – if he laughs you are in trouble, if he roars of course you are in trouble. I can give you several other passages in the Bible that tell you the importance of wisdom. I used to tell some of my children – when you are deceiving a wise man and he pretends not to know it is because the deceiving that you are deceiving him is working out to his benefit. When Glory be to God! When I find people deceiving me and I discover they are deceiving me I allow them to go on deceiving me and then plan my own strategy accordingly so that by the end of the day they will deceive themselves into my programme.

I will give you an example. Years ago, several years ago, some people wanted to know everything I’m doing, every thing I’m planning so they planted somebody close to me. God told me why the fellow is there. Now it would have been foolish of me to kick the fellow out because if I kick the fellow out they will bring me somebody that I don’t know. So I welcomed the fellow and every information that I want the enemy to know I tell him. He will ask me question and since I know who sent him I gave him answers and he will take the answer to the enemy. Before the enemy know the kind of information they were getting I was far away.

Ecclesiastes 9:18

says wisdom is better than weapons of war. In other words if you are wise you can defeat your enemies easily. In fact Ecclesiastes 7:12 says wisdom is a defense. So we find you can use wisdom as a weapon of war, you can use it as a weapon of defense and when you read Proverbs 8:11 it says wisdom is better than rubies. It said if you add everything else in the world together you cannot equate them to wisdom. I was in Israel several years ago and I was talking to one senior man there and he said something that I have never forgotten. He said any government that wants to lose election in Israel will take education lightly. I said why. He said because every Israeli knows from experience that you can go and work - get plenty of money, plenty of property and as you are going back home at the gate the customs officer can take everything from you but there is one thing they can’t take from you – whatever is already in your brain – nobody can take that away. And with what is in your brain when you go to a desert land you can turn it to a bed of roses again.

Proverbs 8:14-16

the Bible tells us clearly there that the difference between the ruler and the ruled, the difference between the manager and the messenger is one word – wisdom – that’s all. That’s why you will find a man will go very early to the wharf and carry bags of cement from morning to evening and when he’s going home they will give him just enough to travel home and buy just a loaf of bread and another man will sit down in the office, air–conditioned, signing checks and when they pay him he won’t be able to finish the money.

There is somebody here tonight the wisdom you need to succeed, the wisdom you need to be promoted, the wisdom you need to become head and not tail will be given to you tonight in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

So I want to talk to you about wisdom. What is wisdom?

Psalm 111:10 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What is the beginning of wisdom? The fear of the Lord. It means if you don’t fear God it doesn’t matter how much education you have, you have not even started to be wise. That tells you one thing straight away – that wisdom is not just education otherwise we will not find lawyers who are smoking hemp, we will not find doctors who smoke cigarettes because every doctor knows that smoking is injurious to you health. The moment you begin to fear God, wisdom begins to come. But for us to understand, in very simple language wisdom means you take knowledge and you apply it for your own benefit – you get information and then you use that information for your own benefit. That is wisdom. I will give you 2 examples.

You are traveling on a road that you have never traveled before, driving your car, suddenly you saw a sign by the road that says Narrow bridge ahead. If you are wise what will you do? You slow down. When you see the sign, you have received information, you have knowledge now that there is a narrow bridge ahead. There may be a trailer on the bridge. A wise fellow will slow down, a fool will say, so what? Narrow bridge? I am a London-trained driver! And he will increase speed. And then on the narrow bridge he now finds the trailer. He will now have to decide. Does he want to die with head on collision or he wants to fall into the river and drown?

Example 2. You go to the house of your friend. You open the fridge and you see a bottle of coke. So you picked it up. As you are about to drink, you saw a label on it – poison, not to be taken – if you are wise what will you do? I can’t hear you? Put that one down. If you are foolish what will you do? "Who are you deceiving – he doesn’t want me to drink coke in his house!" and you send it down. How you deal with information is how you determine whether you are wise or you are foolish.

James 1:22-25 says it is the doer of the word who will be blessed not hearers only. The one who will get information and apply information for his own benefit is the one who will be blessed.

So how do we now bring this into situations in my own life? How has wisdom helped me thus far? As soon as I became born again I discovered certain things. I heard a song and the song sounded very good to me. So I asked the fellow who sang it who composed that soing? He said "God". I said, "I know, I know, all things come from God but who is the composer of the song." He said "It is in the Bible." I said, "Show me." Then he showed me.

Psalm 119:89 Maybe you have heard the song before. Forever O Lord Thy word is settled, in heaven it is settled. In heaven, forever, O Lord, thy word is settled – it is settled. I said, that’s a beautiful song because probably as a young man I’ve seen so many changes happening in life – governments come, governments go, today they will name a street after one man, tomorrow another government will come and they will change the name. So when I heard, "Forever O Lord, your word is settled… not settled here on earth where they can clean it off but it’s settled where? I began to think and then I came across Isaiah 40:6-8. I will read that one to you. It said: (stand for how long?) for ever.


The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:


The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.


The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand

Man is grass. All his beauty is flowers. The grass will wither the flowers will fade but the word of our God stands forever. And then in Mark 13:31 Jesus Christ said:

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

The moment I discovered this about the word of God everything about my perspective changed. From that day onwards if I can find a statement in the Bible I hold on to it. I don’t care what you will think. If it is in the Bible it settles the quarrel for me. And that is why you will find that in all my sermons I quote the Bible again and again and again. That’s why I tell all my children of I make any statement and I cannot support it from the Bible you can ignore it because It will not stand the test of time but if I can show you that it is God who said, if I can show you that it is written and you ignore it you’ll be a fool because forever O Lord, thy word is settled. For example I was reading one day and I came across

Isaiah 3:10. It is written:

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him


That very day that I read that passage that was the day I began to say, my tomorrow will be all right. How many of you believe that your own tomorrow will be all right? Say it loud and clear. Say it as if you are sure! How do I know? Because it is written, say ye to the righteous, it shall be well. Nobody can convince me that something evil is coming in my future – my tomorrow, Adeboye is the one talking now … my tomorrow, my own tomorrow will be all right.

And then one day I read

Psalm 37:25 David said,

I was young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

It doesn’t matter what anybody may say. It doesn’t matter where that prophet is coming from I know my children will never beg, I say I know because the word of God is forever settled, my children will never beg bread it cannot happen. I know I will never be forsaken I’ve just told you the secret of my peace. I’m not worried. That’s why I can never have high blood pressure. Never. Why? It is written:

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him

….. I have been young, and now am old I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

….. I have been young, and now am old I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Numbers 23:19 one day. You know the difference between those who are born again and those who are not is that before you are born again you read the Bible as if it is an ordinary book but the moment you become born again the Bible becomes alive. One day I read Numbers 23:19

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of a man, that he should repent: has he said, and has he not done it? Has he spoken, and has it not come to pass?

That’s enough to keep you thinking for a long time. It tells me straight away that man can deceive you. Your best friend can deceive you but God will never. God is not a man that He should lie.

Romans 3:3-4

summarizes by saying let all men be liars but God will remain true. That tells me I can trust God. And from that day onwards, from that day till now, whatever I do, I do it because God said not because the Pastor said, not because the evangelist said, not because any prophet said. I do whatever I do because God said. It doesn’t matter how sweet your voice may be, you cannot get me to do anything unless God said! And then I don’t worry myself now about the opinions of men. I base my actions on the opinions of God.

For example at around the time when I got born again, you are a good brother – a good ‘bro’ - if you have only one trouser and one shirt. Your shoe must be sandals not real shoe. As a matter of fact if you want to really prove that you are a good 'bro' the kind of soap that you will use to bathe yourself will be soda. If you buy a car it must be a second hand Volkswagen. And I almost believed that until one day I read

Exodus 3:15 God said moreover unto Moses, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, that is my name forever and a memorial to all generations. God said, I am the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, the God of Jacob … mmmh The little I know about Abraham, even if it is only from Genesis 24:34-35 Abraham was a very rich man. The little I know about Isaac, even if it is only Genesis 26:12-14 Isaac was richer than his father. And from the little I know about Jacob even if it is only Genesis 30:43 I know that Jacob was richer than the 2 of them combined. From that day I just made up my mind, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob is my God therefore I will not die poor. It doesn’t matter what you say, you can form your own opinion as far as I am concerned God is going to prosper me because one day God is going to say: I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob and God of Adeboye! Is He going to say that about you too? How many of you know that it is going to be well with you? Let me hear you shout 'Alleluia!" (Alleluia!) I don’t care what people will say. The opinion of man does not matter. They will shout Hosanna today and crucify him tomorrow anyway. If they say, "Well done Pastor, there’s no –one like you!" If you believe that you are dead! If they criticize you rejoice because it means God is pleased with you! ….

I am sure that He will keep the Covenant that He has with the Redeemed Christian Church of God till the end when He told the father of this church that the church will go round the whole world I am sure that must have sounded like a big joke. You are talking to an illiterate, somebody who didn’t even know he could ever go beyond Ikeja. You say he’s going to start a church that will go round the world! But He’s a covenant-keeping God.

The God of Isaac is a God of laughter because the meaning of the word Isaac is laughter and if you know anything about me it is that I know how to laugh. It wasn’t like that before. No, no, no I thought that if you are a good Christian you must always be sorrowful, you must look like somebody coming from the graveyard. I thought that was holiness. When they see you coming they will say, "Mmmh! Here comes a man of God! But my God is the God of Isaac, the God of laughter! Let me hear somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)

I told you when I first became General Overseer I will tell myself in my office, early on Sunday morning, when they are doing Sunday school and I want to go round and see everything is in order. I tell myself in the office: "Be careful, you are the General Overseer now you must look like a Daddy." So I will get up and begin to go, looking very solemn and then I will see a little child: "Daddy GO!" And I will smile. I will see another one: "Ahh! Pastor!" And I will smile back and wave! When I get back to the office I begin to rebuke myself: "What’s wrong with you! Look at you! You’ve gone out in less than fifteen minutes and you are no longer serious!" Until I discovered – my God is a God of laughter.

Let me ask you a question. How many of you prefer joy to sorrow? You prefer joy to sorrow? Joy will never leave your home in Jesus’ Name! Amen! It took me quite some time before I could get other members of the church to begin to laugh too. We started by saying okay, If you have nothing to laugh at the devil and then everybody will be laughing at the devil and some people will be looking morose so I had to say: You are going to laugh at the devil now, but when you are laughing at the devil look at your right and left, anybody who is not laughing, he’s a devil! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) I had to go that far before everybody began to laugh. Do you know there was a time when we never danced, when we never clapped, when the guitar was forbidden, when there’s nothing called the drum? How many of you are happy that we’ve gone a long way? Let’s give the Lord a big hand!

And still talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that if God can call himself the God of Jacob there is hope for me. Why? Jacob was the original 419 man – even from the womb, before he came out, he had been pulling somebody by the leg – but God forgave him, God changed him, God transformed him, God blessed him. If God can bless Jacob I know He can bless me. I say I know He can bless me – will He bless you also?

And then because I take God’s word seriously it had helped me to deal with certain habits in my life that are not good – some dangerous traits, some harmful traits, certain things in my life it took the Word of God to take them out. For example – pride _ I am sure many of you will not believe that I used to be proud. When I come into a gathering, I have a way of looking at everybody present in a way that will make them look small. I was nothing but I could puff myself up. At least I remember once, even when I became Pastor, I was introducing myself: I am Reverend Dr. E. A. Adeboye, B.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. Hydrodynamics. Looking back now I wish I had added alias Empty Barrel! I used to be noisy, want everybody to know I have arrived - B.Sc. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. Hydrodynamics – so that everybody will say hah! oh-oh! .. But thank God I read in the Word of God one day –

James 4:10 humble yourself under the mighty hands of God and He will lift you up. I read in 1 Peter 5:5-6 The Word of God, says God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. He said we should be clothed in humility. We should not just be humble we should wear humility as a dress! So when I hear Rev., Dr, Professor, Archbishop, Apostle so-so-so I say, God have mercy! I used to be like that. Thank God for the Word of God.

Another thing that God settled in my life as a result of my deep respect for the Word of God that is forever settled, is anger. When my father in the Lord was alive, when I see somebody doing something that I think a child of God should not do: Baba what are you looking at! Crack hi head! Papa will say, "Ah, pray that God will give you a patient spirit." Look at what.. what’s the old man saying? .. ah-ah… But one day as I was studying the Word again I saw certain things about anger. I wrote them down.

Proverbs 16:32 the Bible says, he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty. That wasn’t the one that really shook me. The one that really shook me was Ecclesiastes 7:9: It says anger rests in the bosom of fools. Ah!! Anger makes its home in the bosom of fools and I know that Psalm 14:1 says – the fool has said in his heart that there is no God. In other words those that say there is no god and anger rest s in the bosom of fools then the one who is always getting angry the one who says there is no God, they are relatives. And then I read Proverbs 3:35. It said the wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be the promotion of fools. I refuse to be a fool. So when ever somebody comes, doing things that will annoy me, when I feel the old anger rising up I always tell myself, Adeboye don’t be a fool. So when people say, We can’t understand why you are so gentle.. It is because I have made up my mind I will not be a fool. So if you enjoy anger: I can’t tolerate nonsense – Don’t you know who I am? If anybody insults me, I will give it back to him! – Who are you, I will give it back to him! … Who are you? A fool. The Word of God says it.

But then I made another discovery about anger. That anger could be a trap, that whenever the devil knows that your blessings are coming, when you are on the brink of a miracle, when you are on the bring of a breakthrough, the devil will bring somebody to annoy you and whole you are busy being angry, before you know it the miracle is gone. I’ll prove it to you. I saw it in the Bible. You know when you are angry, I mean you yourself will say it when you are reporting it later - I was mad with him – that’s a correct statement. Anger is temporary madness period and

1 Peter 5:8 God said: Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Why are you to be sober? Why are you supposed to be vigilant? Because the devil is seeking whom he may destroy. Many have lost their breakthroughs because they got angry at the wrong time. That’s why l’m sure as a result of the Bible study you are having tonight if you apply hem so you become wise you will now begin to have breakthroughs that you never dreamt were there before!

Let me give you an example

2 Kings 5:9-14 Naaman came to the house of Elisha wanting to be healed. Elisha sent a servant to him. You want to be healed? No problem. You’ll be well within one hour. Go to River Jordan. Dip yourself there seven times. You’ll be okay. What happened to Naaman? He became angry! Why? Because the devil knew that his day of victory has come. He said, Me? General Naaman? You ask me to go and bath in Jordan? You can’t even come out to come and see me – me General Naaman. He said I’m going back home. I will come back and deal with you. Thank God that when God wants to be merciful, He can be merciful. May He be merciful to you today in Jesus’ Name! Amen! One of the servants came to him – Sir, listen.,.. If this man of God asked you to do something mighty would you not have done it? All he asked you to do is wash and be clean. But for that servant Naaman would have died a leper because anger stood between him and his miracle. Tell the fellow next to you: I have made up my mind. I will never be a fool again.

I know some of you will say, "ah-ah you don’t have anybody annoying you. You don’t know what I go through. It’s easy for you to say that. Really? … Really? At least if your messenger offends you that ‘s easy to understand. If househelp tries to make you angry we can understand – they are not too intelligent but friends? Close relatives? Pastors? But once you made up your mind – I refuse to be a fool, you know the devil will know he has lost a big battle.

That brings me to how to deal with the devil himself. I have seen several people try to deal with the devil and I just stay quiet and follow my own method. Wisdom is better than weapons of war. I’ve seen people fighting the devil for 3 days none stop – I even know some people who say they want to box the devil! You want to box the spirit! People have wasted a lot of energy.

James 4:7 stated clearly for me how to deal with the devil James 4:7 said I must do 2 things if I want to deal with the devil. I do these 2 things and I find that the devil can’t touch me. Number one – submit to God. Number 2 – resist the devil. 2 things – simple things. Number one – submit to God – and I’ve discovered any area of my life that I do not submit to God that’s where the devil attacks so I have taken everything and submitted –my children are submitted to God; the ministry that He has given me is submitted to God; any car I am riding – it is His own! Now what do we mean by saying ‘it is His own’? Because if He wants it tomorrow He can have it. Anything I have I hold it loosely so that if He wants it tomorrow there’ll be no problem. Anything you say, "This is mine! This is mine! I can’t let this one go!" The moment the devil discovers that, that’s the area he will begin to attack. The elders have a saying – in Yoruba they say – you have only one child – this is my child! This is my child!" – that’s what will kill you!’ You don’t submit your money to God – that’s where the devil will attack. You don’t submit your marriage to God – that’s where the devil will attack. But the moment you submit everything to Him that’s when the devil won’t be able to come near!

And then number 2 – it said resist the devil. It didn’t say "beg the devil". It didn’t say, "Be afraid of the devil". It didn’t say, "Discuss with the devil". There was a time when I was afraid to go to my village because I was afraid of the devil. I know some of you now you are afraid to go to your home town during Christmas because you are afraid of the witches and wizards there. The Bible says, "Resist" no ‘beg’, not ‘be afraid of’, not ‘discuss with...’ So when I hear people asking the devil "What’s your name? How many of you are there? Where do you come from? …." When you are asking somebody that God called a liar questions… what answer do you think you will get? "How many of you are in the society?" He will say, "Your mother is the one who brought me in and I can tell you 2 or 3 you r mother-in-law we used to meet… that your elder sister you are taking care of she is the chief among us…." He will then bring so much confusion into your house and the devil will just be laughing.

You know one day I was reading the Bible and I read

Revelation 20:1-3 and suddenly I made a discovery because as a young Christian I had thought that we must bind the devil – any programme: we bind you devil, we bind you… And I saw that the day of his binding is yet to come and it is an angel that is going to come down and bind him and its an angel that is going to come down and bind him and he’s going to be bound for one thousand years – not for one hour! We bind the devil! We bind the devil! We bound him yesterday, he got loose overnight! You can bind demons but the devil himself, his day of binding is yet to come. All I have been asked to do is resist him! That’s all resist him! And how do I resist him? Not by power, not by might, not by boxing, not by sweating … if you want Satan to entertain you he will do so; if you want to spend one night casting out one demon – the demon is not going anywhere so he wants to take your time. If you want to show off how strong you are and you want to trek from here to Lagos so you can show people you are strong that’s okay bit I prefer to ride. When you are still walking before you get to the long bridge I’m already in Lagos and by the time you come and you are breathing as if you have asthma – I am already in Lagos!

How do I resist the devil?

Revelation 12:11 It said they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. How do we overcome the devil? By shouting? By boxing? No - by the Blood of the Lamb. So what do I do when I find myself face to face with Satan? And I can assure you I have found myself face to face with him not once, not twice, I just say, the blood is against you Satan. The Blood is against you Satan. Or I just say like Gabriel said in Jude 9, the Lord rebuke thee Satan. That’s all. Simple. I know it sounds so simple that you may find it difficult to believe but that is it.

But then I don’t even have to waste my time struggling with him, I have discovered that if you can just bring God in; if you can bring light in – what will happen to darkness? Darkness will go. And how do I bring light in? How do I bring God in?

John 4:23-24 the Bible says God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth because the Father seeketh such to worship him. What does that one mean? What does that one mean? Everybody is seeking for something. Students are seeking for knowledge, businessmen are seeking for contracts and the Almighty God is seeking for worshippers. So any tine I want my Daddy to come near I just begin to worship Him. That’s all.

I mean you yourself will bear witness to that. Have you ever seen me at a Holy Ghost Service or Convention or any service whatsoever, where I will say – and now oh Satan, I bind you. No need. I worship God. I know He is seeking for worshippers. I know if we can just worship Him until He Himself is satisfied He will come near and the moment He comes near the devil must run. And I discovered, if only you will know how to worship God when you don’t know how to pray – God will set you free. I’ve said it before. If you prayed and prayed and nothing happened, just begin to worship God. He will surprise you. I can give you example upon example to show you that those who got the biggest miracles in the Scriptures are those who worship God and I know somebody’s going to get more miracles than they thought possible tonight in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

When the mad man of Gaddara came to Jesus Christ the demons in him would not even let him talk but he was able to kneel down as a sign of worship – that was all he did and God took over from there. When the leper came to Jesus in

Matthew 8:1-3 he fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped Him. He came as a leper. He left as a clean man. When a woman came to Jesus in Matthew 15:22-28 and asked Jesus to help her and Jesus didn’t answer her, the moment she began to worship, the answer came!

How do I apply this? Because wisdom is the application of knowledge. Once in a while – in the house I can notice things are not going right. One fellow is going this way and he’s dropping the plate. Another one is going that way the cup fell. Another is going to get water, hot water from the kettle to make tea and he spilled the water on everybody… what’s going on here? I know who is around. What so I do? I just begin to worship God and before you know it the enemy will run. Once in a while, when I’ve been praying for something and nothing seems to be happening – Lord! What’s going on. You day if I ask, I will receive. I have asked.... What’s going on? What is delaying in my answer? Any time I get to that stage I will remember – worship Him! Worship Him! That day the answer will come. How many of you are sure you will receive your own answers tonight? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Don’t worry very soon we are going to spend some time to worship Him. Tonight is a special night. I’m believing God that everybody will go home with testimony (Amen!)

Then I was going through the Bible.... let me ask you have you got enough? Do you want some more? Because I can’t tell you everything! The moment you have had enough just say I’ve had enough and…

Psalm 27:4

David said, One thing have I desired of the Lord, one thing will I seek after, to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. When I read that passage I got a bit confused. What is David saying? He lives in the palace. Is he saying to God that he wished that he will be the church janitor or what do you call it? He said that’s the only thing he wanted. So I said, wait a minute, let me ask, if there’s something there to learn maybe I can go and make a room in the church where I too will be living…. And then I found that oh this man had several reasons why he said so… Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me.... For how long? .. All the days of my life because I shall dwell in the house of the Lord! forever! … I said that’s good, that’s good. I want goodness and mercy to follow me. Then I read Psalm 91:1-10: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.... ...and then it went on and on and on.. it said thousand will fall by your right hand side, ten thousand by your left hand side; no evil will come near your dwelling place; its just with your eyes that you will be beholding….

I said this man knows what he’s talking about. If a man is dwelling in the house of the Lord no evil can come to him. I’ve told you the story of a man, I mean a true story. A prophet came to him and told him "there’s nothing you can do, he told him that he will not see the New Year that’s there’ no way he can see the New Year. The man said, "Is that so. That’s fine. Can you help me beg God that He will let me reach December 31? You say I can’t see the New Year. No problem! Just let me get to December 31, that’s still part of the old year!" December 31 came. First thing in the morning he ran to the church at Ebute Metta. As soon as he got to the church he said, "The death that will come and take me from here. I will see! I am here! Death! You want to come? I am here!" That’s about fifteen years ago.... The man is still alive today! Because in the house of God only goodness and mercy can follow but that is not all. In Psalm 16:11 the Bible says in his presence is the fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures evermore. In other words – if I can just get into the presence of God then I know that my joy will be full. Your joy will be full tonight in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

So I can understand why David said in

Psalm 122:1 He said, I was glad when they said, let us go to the house of the Lord. I know if I get to the house of the Lord, my joy will be full; if I get to the house of the Lord, I will have absolute protection; if I get to the house of the Lord!, goodness and mercy will follow me. But then Acts 7:48 says God does not dwell in houses made with hands. Then where does He dwell? How do I get into His presence? Because I want to get into His presence! Psalm 22:3 says holy art thou that dwelleth or that inhabits the praises of Israel. Where does God dwell? In the praises of His people. So if I want to get into the presence of God what should I do? Praise Him! That’s why you find that praise and worship are linked together. When we praise Him we come into His presence. When we worship Him we bring Him into where we are. So when we want joy, full joy. When we want victory, deliverance, health, promotion..... All we need to do is learn to praise Him and worship Him. Many of you can say tonight for example that even if there were no preachings at all, by the time we have listened to all those wonderful choirs and God seemed to have assembled them specially tonight, if we went home after that one, our coming would not have been in vain.

But then I discovered that there is something even deeper concerning praise. I had always known the Law of Harvest.

Galatians 6:7 Says whatsoever a man sows that is what he shall reap. Every body knows that. You don’t have to be a Christian to know that

even those who are heathens, those who are wicked people, they know that. If you go to make money charm they will tell you that when the money begins to come you must spray. That is why you see that those who make this money by crooked means they always throw parties regularly – because of the Law of Harvest: sow money, reap money! As the son of a farmer I also know that what you reap is always more than what you sow

Hosea 8:7 It says if you sow the wind you will reap the whirlwind. That’s what the Bible says. I know that. I also know, as the son of a farmer that the soil into which you sow is important like Jesus said in Matthew 13:3-9 it talks about a sower who went to sow; some fell by the roadside, some on the rock, some among thorns and some on good soil. The only one that brought forth fruit is the one that fell on good soil. I know that it is important to sow on good soil. I know that if you give to the wrong place, you are wasting your money. I know if you plant maize in the lagoon nothing is going to come of it. And suddenly I realized when I read Genesis 8:22 that the Law of Harvest is so powerful that the very existence of our world is linked up to it; that if the Law of Harvest should fail very soon there’ll be nothing called the world anymore. And you can prove it from 2 Kings 6:26-29. There was famine in a city and as a result of the famine there was no food and what happened? Two women held a meeting when their children were not hearing and they said – let’s kill our children and eat them. So they killed the first one and ate him. The following day the second one hid her own son ….can you imagine! Mothers! Eating their own children? If the Law of Harvest should fail and sowing is no longer leading to reaping very soon there’ll be no more food in the world, very soon we will eat up all the animals, very soon mothers will begin to eat their children. I pray that that will never happen in Jesus’ Name! Amen! But what does that teach me? I know that the Law of Sowing and Reaping can never, never fail and I know that it is those who sow who feed those who do not sow and that the one who feeds you controls you therefore it is the sowers that will ultimately control the world that is why I teach all my children, all those who are close to me – keep sowing! Keep sowing! Sooner or later you will discover you are head above shoulders above all others.

And I now discover some farmers will sow, all farmers working hard, sowing on good soil and when it is harvest time the yams of some people are bigger than the yams of others. What must I do so that my harvest will always be the best? I find the answer in

Psalm 67:5-6 Let the people praise thee O God, let all the people praise thee, then shall the earth yield her increase and God, even our own God, shall bless us. You know when it is time to give some people frown that is why they never get anything in return. The Bible says God loves a cheerful giver: Let the people praise You! Let all the people praise You O God! Then the earth will yield her increase – two of us can sow the same thing and the harvest of someone will be bigger than that of the other because one praised God and the other does not.

I think I better begin to round up. I discovered that some people find it easier to succeed than others. I discovered that there is something called divine favour. I discovered that if somebody has divine favour, doors will begin to open unto him almost automatically. I discovered that the Bible said that Joseph found favour with Potiphar. Even though he was a slave he became the manager of the house. I discovered that when he was thrown into jail he found favour with the jailer and I wanted do have divine favour. Is there anybody else who wants divine favour? I found that certain things that are not possible for others are possible for certain people because they have the favour of God. I found for example when I go abroad there are certain things that they will say no to others but somehow by the special grace of God they always say yes tot he Redeemed Christian Church of God. So I said God show me what I must do so that I will always enjoy divine favour all the days of my life. And I found it in

Proverbs 3:3-4 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee, bind them about thy neck, write them upon the table of thy heart, so shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

How do I find favour with God and man?

How do I go for example for an interview and even before they interview me they say that I am the one who will get he job? How do I go for visa application and the one who has been saying no, no to everybody will say yes to me? How do I get 2 promotions in one year? Divine favour. It is because divine favour is missing in the lives of some people that hey have it so hard. What do I do to have divine favour? 2 things. Mercy and truth. God said make sure these two will not leave you alone. That tells you one thing straight away. Liars will never find favour with God. Two merciless people will never find favour with God. But if you are always showing mercy and you tell the truth all the time, no matter how bitter – the word of God that is forever settled says you will find favour with God and you will find favour with man. If that is concerning you let me hear you say Amen! (Amen!)

I can go on and on but then I look at the time. We’ve been talking now for two hours. That’s enough for now. When I was a teacher in the Grammar School I have a method that I use. I make sure that at least more than 90% of my students will pass – what I do is, the day I teach them a formula that’s the day we will begin to use it. You’ve learnt certain things now. You are going to practice some of them right away so that even before you leave this Camp ground you will discover that forever O Lord thy Word is settled. Let me hear you say Amen to that. (Amen!)

Bur before we begin to practice there might be some people here who are not yet born again. Now let me tell you what the Bible says, this Word that is forever settled. It says unless you are born again you will not see the kingdom of God – it doesn’t matter who you are. You could be a Bishop, you could be an Apostle, you can call yourself by any title! It says, according to His Word, unless you are born again you will not see the Kingdom of God. Now it didn’t say unless you buy a pew for the church, it didn’t say unless you buy an organ for the church. The Word of God that is forever settles says that the only way you can see the Kingdom of God is that you must be born again so if you are wise you do something about that. If you are foolish you can say, "Who is talking?" I’m not the one talking – it’s the Bible! So if you want to give your life to Jesus If you want to see the Kingdom of God then you can come forward now and come and surrender your life to Him. The Word of God that is forever settled says the wages of sin is death! The Word of God that is forever settled says all your righteousness, the best thing you have ever done, it says its like a filthy rag before God but the Word of God says the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins. If you want, you can come now to call on God and ask Him to wash you in His Blood. Within the next few minutes you might become a born again Christian and you‘ll be a wise person. If you like you can come. If you like you can say, "I’m not coming." I will count up to ten. If you want to give your life to Jesus; you want to be born again; you want to settle the quarrel between you and God; you want His Blood to wash away all your sins - begin to come now. The rest of us shall we stand please. I will count up to ten.

One.. two … now those of us who are already born again and we are sure of it I want you to begin to pray for those who are already coming forward, that God will save their souls today.. Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Eight … Now those of you who have already come forward, you begin to pray and begin to call on Jesus Christ and say I want to see the Kingdom of God, I want my sins forgiven. Cleanse me in Your Blood, wash away all my sins, I want to do Your will. From now on whatever You say that’s what I want to do. Save my soul O Lord! Save my soul O Lord! Those of you who are still coming hurry up! Nine now! This is your hour of salvation. You have heard the Word of God. You have a choice you can decide to ignore everything you have heard. No problem. It just means that you have decided to be a fool. Or you can decide that the Word of God I have heard, I want to do something about it. So that you can become a wise person. The wages of sin is death but if you come to Jesus He will give you life. Now begin to pray.

Brethren let’s stretch our hands towards these people and pray for them that the Almighty God will save their souls, that He will forgive all their sins. Those of you who are coming from a long distance, keep coming! Keep coming I will pray for you. Make sure you get here before we pray. This is you r own day of salvation – don’t let the devil hold you down. You have to resist the devil! Say

‘Don’t take away my salvation from me! Don’t let pride hold you down. Come the Lord is calling you! Come and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Ask Him to be merciful unto you... Ask Him to forgive all your sins. Keep coming! Those of you who are still coming, keep coming. I know some of you are coming from a long distance so keep coming! Keep coming! And the rest of us let’s pray for these people. Let’s intercede for them – that the Almighty God will forgive them, that God will save their souls, that He’ll be merciful to them! Let’s pray for them! Let’s intercede for them! Let’s call on the Almighty God on behalf of these people. According to the Word of God something great is happening right now. Because sinners are coming to God there is rejoicing in heaven. Let’s praise Him! Keep coming! Keep coming! I’ll wait. I will wait another ten seconds before I pray – just keep coming! This is your day! This is your day of Salvation! Don’t miss this day. Don’t miss this great day! . Don’t miss this great day! . Don’t miss this great day! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Father we just want to thank You for Your Word. Thank You for these people who have heard Your Word and have responded. Please accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Father You promised in Your Word that whosoever will come unto You You will in no wise cast out. Lord, they’ve come to You now. Lord! Receive them in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Receive them in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Forgive them in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Every sin they have ever committed up to today, wipe it away with Your blood in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Save their souls (Amen!) Write their names in the Book of Life. (Amen!) From today Lord! Let them be Your children. (Amen!) Everything they will ask from You today, give unto them in Jesus’ Name! Amen! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Amen! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Now I want to rejoice with those of you who have come forward. You may not know it but right over there in heaven now Jesus is dancing because of what you have done. That’s what the Word of God says. Now if Jesus is happy because of you, you can be sure I’m very happy to and I want to make a promise for you – I will be praying for you. For me to know what your prayer requests are, there is a young man here on my left and another one here on my right. I want you to follow whichever one is closer to you. They are going to help me write down your names, your address and your prayer requests so that I can continue to pray for you. Congratulations. Now you can begin to go. Let’s give the Lord a big hand.

Now the first thing we want to do as a practice of all we have learnt is that we want to go into His presence. There is only one way to do that. – that’s by praising Him and we want to do it irrespective of what our body may be saying because by doing it our body will obey the Word of God. As we praise God in the next minute that will follow I can assure you the kind of miracles you have not experienced before will happen. So we want to sing and dance and praise God. We want to begin to do that right away. I’m going to allow you to go on leading us and please let’s have songs we can sing to because we want to praise our God.,..

Glory be to the Lord in the highest, Alleluia….

I want you to talk to the Lord for a few minutes and say, Father, give me divine wisdom, give me divine wisdom Lord……


The Almighty Formula


My tomorrow will be all right! This is also the reason why, when I hear a preacher that jumps up and down on the stage making all kinds of sweet statements without supporting them from Bible quotations I just be laughing because I just see another Baba Sala on stage because it doesn’t matter how sweet your voice may be, it doesn’t matter how deep your philosophy may be if it is not supported by the word of God it is not going to stand.

Right so I have very deep respect for the word of God and I want you to have the same and suddenly peace will come. In fact one of the reasons I so respect the Word of God is that even the devil knows that once it is written it is written. When he came to tempt Jesus Christ how did Jesus defeat him? He said, "It is written." And then as if to further cement my trust in the Word of God I read

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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