HALLELUYAH 11th of August, 2017



11TH AUGUST, 2017.


Thank You Lord.

Why don’t you lift your hands to the most High God and begin to bless His holy name.

Begin to worship Him; begin to adore Him.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration; bless His holy name.

He is worthy to be praised; He is worthy to be adored; magnify His holy name.

Praise the King of kings, praise the Lord of lords.

Worship Him; worship Him.

There is no one like Him.

He reigns forever.

Praise Him praise Him praise Him.

Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.

Praise Him

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.

Now, lift your voice to Him loud and clear and say: Father, from now on let hallelujah be permanent in my life.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

Father, from now on let hallelujah be permanent in my mouth. Everywhere I go let hallelujah be permanent in my mouth. Every day, every night, all the days of my life, Father, let hallelujah be permanent in my mouth.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want you to join your hands with your neighbour and then pray this prayer and say: Father, please fill the mouth of my neighbour with continuous hallelujah.

Fill the mouth of my neighbour with continuous hallelujah. Fill his mouth with continuous hallelujah oh Lord; fill his mouth with continuous hallelujah oh Lord; fill his mouth with continuous hallelujah. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour



We give You all the glory

We give You honour

We give You all the glory

We give You honour


Oh thank You Father.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight, He said I will heal your memory.

Thank You Almighty.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said your river seems to be drying off, He said I will give you another spring.

Oh thank You Lord.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight that your testimony will be: this convention was met for me.

My Father and my God we want to bless Your name, what a mighty God You are, thank You for all You have done since this convention began: thank You for what You did on Monday; thank You for what You did on Tuesday; thank You for what You did on Wednesday; thank You for what You did on Thursday; thank You for what You are already doing now; thank You for what You will do tomorrow; thank You because we know our tomorrow will be alright – accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Father tonight in all our lives let there be beautiful testimonies; let every one of us leave here shouting hallelujah. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Well, let somebody shout hallelujah.

Well, shake hands with two or three people and tell them: this convention is for me you know! This convention is for me!

And then you may please be seated.

Now, Revelation chapter 19, I am going to read from verse 5 to 6.

You are already tremendously blessed I know that: the evangelist started the night; the Bishop added his weight to that; I am already blessed.

I don’t know why they asked the Pastor to speak after those two mighty men; but I know they will be praying for me.

Revelation 19 verses 5 and 6:

5. And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye servants, and ye that fear Him both small and great.

6. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. 

Hallelujah as you have been told simply means: Praise the Lord.

And He said everybody should praise Him - small and great, men and women, boys and girls; and if you belong to any of these categories let me hear you shout hallelujah.

Now, in any congregation there will always be three categories of people:

·         There will be those who have just lost a battle,

·         Then there will be those who are in the midst of a terrific battle,

·         And then of course, there will be those who have just won a battle.

And yet Psalm 47 verse 1 says, clap your hands all ye people and shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

How can God say to everybody to praise Him?

How can I be praising Him when I have just lost a battle?

Because like the Bishop told you, if you have lost something it is God that did not allow you to lose everything, and so, you should praise Him for whatever remains.

But the major reason why those who have just lost a battle should praise God is that when there is life there is hope.

Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 tells us that a living dog is better than a dead lion.

That is why Psalm 150 verse 8 says, all things that have breath they should praise the Lord.

If you are still breathing, you should be praising God because as long as there is life, tomorrow can still be alright.

In Judges chapter 16 from verse 18 to 2, Samson had just lost a big battle: Delilah had shaved off his hair, handed him over to the enemy; they bond him, they plucked out his eye and they were leading him down to prison; but the Bible says, his hair began to grow again.

As long as you are not yet dead, there is hope for you.

No matter how terrible your situation may be, he cannot be worse than that of Job and yet Job said in Job 19 verse 25, he said, despite everything that may be happening to me, I know my Redeemer lives.

As long as you are still alive; as long as Jesus is alive, you are confident that tomorrow will still be alright.

I told a story of a young boy before; he was a pupil in our primary school at Ebute-metta way back in 1981.

We have sent the school bus, one little school bus, to go and bring the children to school and since the chairs were not enough he was seating on the dashboard on the bus facing the driver.

When they got to Ebute-metta there was a robbery operation going on and they were firing guns and a bullet went through the wheel screen of the bus; enter the back of this boy and came out through the stomach; bring his intestine out.

The Teacher carried this boy to LUTH, carrying his intestine with her hands

Because of traffic jam they arrived at LUTH three hours after the accident.

The Doctors take a look at the boy, main time he has lost almost all his blood; they saw the intestine already perforated, they felt don’t let us be wasting time on this.

But one hour passed, the boy is still breathing.

Two hours, the boy was still breathing.

I think it was after three hours; they said, if it is still breathing we cannot bury him, let us do something – that was 1981

The boy has become a young man now, healthy and strong, serving the Lord.

Because you are still breathing tonight, may I hear you shout halleluiah?

Number two) You have those who are in the midst of a battle

Thank You Father.

I made a request in my prayer room this afternoon:

I said to mark our 65th Anniversary; I want Daddy to help me heal sixty-five thousand people tonight

I did not get an answer then; but I have got an answer now: He says He will do more than that.

So get ready, don’t wait till we finish, just get ready to receive your healing now.

Suppose I am in the midst of a battle and the battle is fears, how can I have time to be praising God?

Thank God the Bishop had already explained that one, he has made my job easy.

When you are fighting a battle you know you cannot win, the normal thing to do, the wisest thing to do is to look for someone who can help you win the battle and beg Him to come and help.

In 2Chronicle chapter 20 verse 1 to 25 - the Bishop told us as we read in the Bible – three mighty king came against Jehoshaphat, just one of them is enough to wipe out Jehoshaphat; he referred the case to the Almighty God

And the Almighty God told him, all you need to do is praise Me and I will take care of the situation.

Afterall, the Almighty God is called the LORD, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle; He is called the Lord of host (Psalm 24 verse 7 to 10)

The Bible says, if you will praise Him, if you will worship Him in spirit and in truth, He will draw near you and when He draws near you…, like I told you earlier on, even the moment He stands, His enemies will begin to scatter.

Are you fighting a battle and you know unless God help you, you cannot win?

He says in Psalm 50 verse 23, He said, whosoever offers praise glorifies Me and whoever orders his conversation aright I will show him the salvation of God.

If you are fighting a battle right now and you want to win before the sun rises, let me hear you shout hallelujah.

I have told you the story before and thank the man who was there that day he is seating on the altar with me.

There was a wedding in one of our churches in Lagos and it was time to sign the marriage register; husband and wife had gone into the vestry.

The husband had signed; the wife had received the pen to sign and the husband heard somebody called him and he was the only one who heard and he answered.

And he fell down from his chair, by the time he hit the ground he was dead.

All the Pastors began to pray; they prayed in tongue, they prayed with understanding.

The Bridegroom got colder

After about thirty minutes, the senior Pastor there remembered that I have said before: if prayer fails, try praise.

So, he told the people, told the Pastors: stop praying, begin to praise God

Then he ran into the church were people were wondering what are they signing and told them keep on singing, keep on singing, we will join you soon

Then he danced back into the vestry and he join the people praising God: You are the Almighty, You are the Lord of host, You have never lost a war, You are the Lion of the tribe of Judah, You are the Unchangeable Changer, there is no one like You, as old as You are You have never known failure before…

Suddenly, the young man on the floor sneezed, opened his eyes and say, what am I doing on the floor?

They said when you get up we will tell you.

Are you fighting a battle that is too difficult for you to win and you want to be with us in December singing the song of victory?

Let me hear you shout hallelujah

And then the third group: Those who have just won a battle

Oh thank You Father.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said that which you have been struggling to get will now come to you easily.

Thank You Daddy

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said those who are trying to hinder you from finishing your course, He said because of you I will finish them.

Well, this one is for me and let me say amen to that.

Daddy says there is someone here tonight, He said the express way of your life has been finished, will be opened tonight, and that from now on it will be full speed ahead.

Category three: those who have just won a battle.

Now, you will think that those who have just won a battle will praise God - It should be natural if you have just won a battle.

I mean in Exodus 15 verse 1 to 11, when Moses had just won the mighty battle over the Army of Pharaoh, he sang a song unto God.

In 1Samuel chapter 2 verse 1 to 10, when Hannah finally got her child, Oh, she sang unto the Lord.

That should be the natural thing to do but human beings are not like that

That was why David said in Psalm 103 from verse 1 to 5: he said, bless the Lord O my soul; bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name. He said bless the Lord O my soul, forget not all His benefit.

Because he knows, hey, if I don’t tell my soul it will forget to bless the Lord.

Human nature prefers to remember bad things.

If somebody wakes up one morning weeping and they say why are you weeping?

Oh, I am just remembering my wife who died five years ago

Everybody will say, Oh yes, sorry oh

But if somebody wakes one morning and begins to shout and praise God and they say sir, what is happening?

I am just remembering God gave me a miracle two years ago.

Haa! That is why you are singing!

And they will say you better take this fellow to the hospital.

Human beings don’t want to remember good things they prefer sad things to remember.

But I know that there is some one here tonight, even as the Bishop had prophesied: From now on you will wear a garment of praise.

Thank You Father.

The word is for one particular businessman; your business has practically crumbled, absolutely dead.

The Lord asked me to tell you whoever you are: Lazarus will rise again.

Human beings don’t want to praise God for battles they have won and it is sad because they seem to forget that life is a series of battles.

You win one victory, get ready for another.

You win the second, get ready for the third.

Let us take the case of David

1Samuel 17 let us take it from verse 34 to the end (1Samuel 17 from verse 34): a lion came, he killed the lion.

Not long after that a Bear came, he killed the Bear.

Not long after that Goliath came, he killed Goliath.

Not long after that the father-in-law came, he outlive the father-in-law

Not long after that Absalom came, Absalom died young.

Not long after that Adonijah came…

How come David kept on winning?

He said in Psalm 34 verse 1: he said I will bless the Lord at all time; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Have you won a battle?

Do you want to keep on winning?

Let me hear you shout hallelujah.

I can tell you stories but I don’t want to waste your time because there are some things God want to do tonight.

Anyone at all, whether you have just lost a battle, you are in the midst of a battle, you just won a battle, from now on - morning, afternoon, evening, night time, you should be shouting _____

I am going to give you opportunity to shout hallelujah couple of times and then we will move on to the next thing God want me to do

But I know some people came late, probably because of the traffic and they were not here when the first altar call was made

Let me tell you one thing, the only person that has no hope is the one who has not got Christ.

Colossians 1 verse 27 says Christ in you the hope of glory

If Christ is dwelling in you, whether you have lost a battle or you are fighting a battle, you can rejoice because there is hope for you.

So, if you are here and you have never surrender your life to Jesus but you want Him to come into your life now so that from this moment onward whatever may be happening, you know that your tomorrow will be alright

I want you to come forward very very quickly; don’t drag your feet because we don’t have time to waste

Even though I am going to count from one to twenty, considering how far some of you are, I will count fast.

If you have already given your life to Jesus particularly tonight don’t come again; I am talking to the few of you who probably came late and you want to give your life to Jesus – come now as I count


And those of you in the old auditorium just go towards the altar, the Ministers of God are there and they will attend to you while I am attending to the people here.

You want Christ to come and dwell in you so that you too can have hope, begin to come now.

… Two …

Whether you have just lost a battle or you are fighting a battle or you just won a battle keep on clapping for Jesus why these people are coming; let Him know you are praising Him

…three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

And as you come begin to pray asking Jesus to be merciful unto you and to save your soul and come and take over, come and dwell in you

…thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

Those of you still on the way just keep coming and join those who are in the front and cry to the Almighty God: please Lord have mercy on me, save my soul, forgive all my sins, come and dwell in me, let me begin to have the hope of glory

Please, the rest of us shall we stretch our hands towards these people and intercede for them for two minutes and pray that the One who saved our souls will save their souls also. Please do the same for them in the old auditorium: intercede for them for two minutes, pray for their salvation.

And those of you on the way hurry up because I am going to pray in the next one minute. Hurry up, hurry up; make sure you get here before I finish praying. Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

My Father and my God I want to thank You for Your word and I want to thank You for these people who have come forward to surrender their lives. Please remember Your promise that whosoever will come to You, You will in no wise cast out. They have come to You now, please Lord receive them in Jesus’ name; have mercy in them; save their souls; let Your blood wash away their sins and come and dwell in them so that from now on they too will have the hope of glory.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Now, those of you in front I rejoice with you. I want your names, your address and your prayer requests because from now on by the grace of God I will be praying for you.

So, the Counselors will give you a card, please, fill the card very quickly, give it back to them and then go back to your seat.

Now, the rest of us why we wait for them, shall we begin to praise God. Let us praise Him for all He has done for us. Praise Him for life. Praise Him for health. Praise Him for strength. Praise Him for the hope of glory. Remember all He has done, forget not all His benefit; praise Him, praise Him. There are many things He has done for you, you have not praise Him for – remember them now one by one and begin to praise Him for them. Let us do that for the next two/three minutes as we wait for the new brothers and sisters to fill their forms.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

I want to you to please settle down because destinies are about to be changed now.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God as you know started by my father-in-the Lord

Practically he is an illiterate but God told him He will start a church through him that will go round the whole world.

Now, that does not make sense: you are starting a church through somebody who cannot read or write and say it will go around the world.

But God is always true, once He speaks, it is done.

Today, we are in more than one ninety nations of the world and majority of things that happen to this church came by divine revelation to my father-in-the-Lord

For example, the name of the church was given to him in a vision: God showed him a blackboard and told him to copy down what he sees

In what he saw he wrote down - remember he could not speak English and the name is an English name – the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Now, after some time God showed him a vision and told him to make a rod that the rod will be made of wood in a certain fashion and he must handover that rod to the one who will succeed him.

He made the rod and handed it over to me.

Now, there is nothing magical about the rod, it is completely wood

But he gave it to me as a staff of office and the reason you have not been seeing it is that God made it clear to me when I got it that it will not be coming out casually, it will come out when He say so.

And it is out tonight and it is going to be involved in the prayer you are about to pray

Please if you think this is childish play, please don’t pray

But He told me you are going to pray three prayers

He said when Moses got to the Red Sea He told him to lift up the rod and three things happen which is going to happen in the life of someone here today.

I will tell you the first, then you will pray your first prayer.

Then I will tell you the second and you will pray your second prayer

And then I will tell you the third and then you will pray your third prayer.

Then finally before will depart tonight, I am going to raised it to anoint your handkerchiefs - handkerchiefs that you cannot give your friends because it is going to be very very special.

Now, the first time Moses lifted up the rod the wind of God blow.

 The first time that the wind of God blow in Genesis chapter 1 was when God spoke and said let there be light and there was light.

Another time that the wind of God blew, dry bones came back to live.

I thank God for the testimony we heard tonight of the lady all the way from America on twelve different kind of drugs but she came here the wind blew and the irreversible was reversed.

Stand on your feet

I am going to lift the rod, you will pray your first prayer; if you don’t believe don’t worry yourself, seat down and be enjoying yourself; I am not going to lift up for more than two minutes, focus on it and then pray your prayer thus:

You are going to say: Father, let Your wind blow on me tonight; where there was darkness in my life, let there be light and reverse the irreversible.

Go ahead

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

The second thing that happened was that the Red Sea parted and there was a way where there was no way before.

I am going to lift up the rod now and your prayer will be: Father, make a way for me where there had been no way before.

Go ahead

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

The third thing that happened is that all the enemies of Israel got drowned in one night.

So, everything that you don’t want in your life anymore are the things you are going to call on God to bury tonight.

So, you will lift your voice to Him and say: Father, before the sun raises all these evil things in my life let them become forgotten.

Go ahead.

Mention them: sickness, I don’t want see you again. Poverty, I don’t want to see you again. Failure, I don’t want to see you again. Anything called sorrow, I don’t want to see you again; I don’t want to see you again in the mighty name of Jesus.


I join my faith with yours, tonight, the wind of God will blow on you: Where there was darkness, there will be light; your dry bones will live again; everything considered irreversible shall be reversed. And God will make a way for you; even where there was no way before He will make away for you. And everything that has been causing you anxiety, causing you sorrow – sickness, failure, poverty, barrenness – they shall be buried tonight. By tomorrow morning a new dawn will be available for you.

So shall it be

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Let me hear you shout hallelujah.

Now, let us be seated.

Very quickly we want to say thank You to God for what He has done already and for what He will yet do.

And there is a particular song that I can feel in my spirit, it is a Yoruba song but its English says: bye bye to rubbish

Bai bai to jatijati

Bai bai to rederede

In the name of Jesus

Bai bai to redede


We will song that song as we give our thanksgiving offering and then with His permission I will anoint your handkerchiefs

And He says what you will use that handkerchief for is that anytime you face a problem you will wave it in is front.

You wave in front of somebody that you have been preaching to who refuse to receive Jesus, he will surrender.

You will wave it in the front of someone that they say he will never have a child, twins will come forth.

You will wave it in front of somebody who said they are not going to give an appointment or somebody who says he will not give you a visa or somebody who says he will not give you admission and there will be testimonies.

So, very quickly now

Oh thank You Father.

This is a big one

Please listen carefully, very very carefully; let me finish before you even say amen.

The Lord says there is someone here tonight, that He is about to open to you three doors (don’t say amen yet) and each one is not going to be a onetime miracle but each one will become like a river bringing in blessings. He said the first one is your own completely – whatever is coming in throw that door is your own; you can do whatever you like with it. He said the second door will be bigger than the first and it is completely God’s own – you are not to touch it – it will be coming like a river flowing. And He said, based on your faithfulness there will be a third door – bigger than the first two - that He will share with you fifty-fifty. He said, as long as you remain faithful, for the rest of your life the blessings will be flowing through these three doors.

And then there is this other big one and this one surely is for me because He said there is someone here tonight before the end of this month you will hear an exceedingly great news.

Now let us take our thanksgiving offering; dancing; rejoicing; go to the nearest basket; let us do it quickly so that we can do the remaining things He want us to do and be out of here before 2 O’clock.

Over to you brethren


Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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