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MIRACLES 4th of February, 2022
FEBRUARY HOLY GHOST SERVICE THEME: MIRACLES 4TH FEBRUARY 2022. BY: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE Thank You Lord. Hallelujah Thank You Father. Well, let us lift our hands to the most High God and bless His holy name, Let us worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords, Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration, Praise the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of days, the Unchangeable Changer, bless His holy name Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration, Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him. O Lord, we worship You, Ancient of days we magnify Your holy name. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Almighty God, blessed be Your holy name, We give You glory, we give You honour, we give You adoration, we bless Your holy name, may Your name forever be glorified, may Your name forever be glorified. Thank You, thank You, thank You, blessed be Your name Lord, blessed Your name forever and ever and ever, Glory, glory, glory, glory be to Your name Lord. Thank You Father. Hallelujah Jesus Thank You my Lord. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Almighty God, blessed be Your holy name, Blessed be Your holy name, Blessed be Your holy name. Thank You Lord Thank You Lord Thank You Ancient of days ****speaking the Holy Ghost*** Thank You Lord Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. In Jesus mighty name we worshipped. With all your heart I want you to cry to the Almighty God and say Father, let me be the first to receive a miracle tonight. Go ahead call on the Almighty God. Yes Lord, with You all things are possible, let me be the first to receive a miracle tonight; let me be the first Lord; self first is not selfishness, let me be the first Lord to receive a miracle tonight. Thank You Jesus. Glory be to God. Hallelujah Father. Thank You Daddy. ***speaking in the Holy Ghost***. Thank You Almighty God. Thank You Saviour. Thank You Almighty God. Thank You King of kings, thank You Lord of lords, thank You, let me be the first to receive a miracle tonight. Thank You Father. Thank You Jehovah El-Shaddai. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. And now, you will pray for your neighbour because God says love your neighbour like ourselves. And say: Father, don’t let my neighbour go empty handed tonight. Go ahead pray for your neighbour. Almighty God, font let my neighbour go home empty-handed tonight, in Your own miraculous way, when You are distributing miracles Lord, don’t leave my neighbour, don’t leave my neighbour out. Thank You Jesus. Glory be to Your holy name. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. He’s a miracle working God He’s a miracle working God He’s the Alpha and Omega He’s a miracle working God Hallelujah
He’s a miracle working God He’s a miracle working God He’s the Alpha and Omega He’s a miracle working God Hallelujah
He’s a miracle working God He’s a miracle working God He’s the Alpha and Omega He’s a miracle working God God of miracles signs and wonders, the All-sufficient God, the One who speaks and it is done, glory be to Your holy name, accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Thank You for what You have done in January, thank You for fresh airs, thank You for answered prayers, thank You Lord for the testimonies of tonight, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Tonight, in the lives of every one of us, Father do something new. Thank You Father. Daddy says there is someone here tonight, you will be singing a new song. Thank You Father. Someone came here today with a very heavy burden, the Lord asked me to tell you, I will take the burden away. Oh, thank You Father. Daddy says there is someone here today, the mountain before you is very big, the Lord asked me to tell you, so will your shout of hallelujah be. Hallelujah. The Lord asked me to tell someone that there are several people waiting for you to weep, He asked me to tell you, they will see you shouting for joy. He’s the Alpha and Omega He’s a miracle working God. Hallelujah
He’s a miracle working God He’s a miracle working God He’s the Alpha and Omega He’s a miracle working God Haa, Daddy asked me to tell you whatever you call Me that is what I AM. You call Me miracle God I will work miracles in your life. Thank You my Father. Glory be to Your name. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Let somebody shout hallelujah. I want you to tell two or three people, my God is the miracle working God. And then, you may please be seated. Hallelujah Somebody had already received a miracle. If you are the one let me hear you shout hallelujah. Now, very quickly we will turn our Bible to Acts of the Apostles chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12: 11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: One day, it will be said of someone here tonight, God wrought special miracles by your hands. 12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. I want to thank God for my daughter who spoke before me, she did an excellent job; she was so good, and I was bit concern that I might have nothing else to preach about which is very good. A day is coming, one of my children will preach and I will just come and pray for you because the first speaker would have finished the job. I want to define what is a miracle? The universal is controlled by Laws, by the laws of the One who framed it by His word. Hebrews 11 verse 3 says the entire universal was framed by the word of God… You know, God just spoke – that is a miracle on its own. …and the heavens were made, earth, etcetera, etcetera – that is a miracle on its own. As a young Christian, I asked several questions; when I asked my Pastors and they tell me, heaven is God’s throne and the earth is His footstool, I asked, where was He seating before He made the heaven and the earth? Where was God before He brought earth and heaven to be? Questions that only a silly Mathematicians could ask, I wanted to know. And then, in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And my question was, what was before the beginning? But He framed the whole universal by His word, He just spoke. And that is while I am speaking on His behalf to someone tonight, you will not go empty-handed. Now, He made laws to control everything, and for example, He made the law of gravity. I am not here to teach you science, but the truth must be told. What is the law of gravity? Simply put in the language of market woman, it simply says whatever goes up must come back. That is while you find in Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 3, if you load the cloud, sooner of later the rain will fall. So, a miracle then is the suspension of one or more of these laws controlling the universe, because God wants to step in, wants to intervene in the affairs of men, He would just tell a particular law stay aside I want to work. The Almighty God says if I want to work who can hinder Me? And in the Name that is above every other name, nothing will hinder your miracle tonight. Now, He suspends the law, performs the miracle He wants to perform, and then the law continue to work – He does not cancel the laws. Because if He cancel the law of gravity for example, then rivers will no longer flow downhill; if the rain fall, the opening will be flooded – the rain fall will stay one spot, it will flow downhill into the river. For example, in Matthew chapter 14 from verse 22 to 32, you know the story; the story where Jesus was walking on water to go and the disciples and Peter said if is You ask me to come and He said come, The Bible says as long as Peter eyes were fixed on Jesus, as long as he could still make contacts with the One who had suspended the law of gravity, he too can walk on water. When he lost contact by looking at the waves, he suddenly remembers that the law of gravity was suspended, not canceled, and he began to sink. But as soon as he cried to Jesus help me, and Jesus grabbed him by the hand and so there was connection, like 1Peter had adequately explain to us; suddenly, the law of gravity was suspended for him too, the two of them now walk into the boat, Jesus did not carry him, they walked. The link between you and the Lord Jesus Christ will never be broken. Now, occasionally, for God to perform a miracle He uses one law to reverse the other. If you read 2Kings chapter 6 from verse 1 to 7, you know the story, the sons of the prophet were cutting tree by the side of river Jordan, the axe head fell into the river and the man of God cut a piece of wood and threw it into the river - The law of gravity says iron must sink in a river, The law of floatation (forgive me if it sounds too scientific) simply says wood must float. But on this occasion, the one that is supposed to float sank; located the iron where it was, transferred anointing to the iron, and the iron that was supposed to sink jumped to the front and began to swim. In some cases, God will use a superior law to set aside a junior law. You know, like the Appeal court will set aside the judgement of High court, law passing law. For example, in Romans chapter 8 verse 2, the Bible says the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made free from the law of sin and death. There is a law of sin and death, and there is a superior law of the spirit of life. This is what happen for example in John chapter 11 verse 39 to 44, when Lazarus were being dead for four days, came in contact with the One who said I AM the Resurrection and the Life. The law of life penetrated into the kingdom of the dead, overruled the law of sin and death and brought the dead back to life. O God, thank You! You will remember very well the testimony of one of my daughters who came and said Daddy, I am pregnant. I said congratulations because she was married. She said that is not while I am here; I am three months pregnant; I am here to ask you to agree with me that the baby must be a girl. Haa! I said no; the little I know about science says that when a woman conceives, everything the child is going to be – tall, black, tin, etcetera, male or female, is concluded within seventy-two hours. You are had been pregnant three month, if is going to be a boy, is going to be a boy; if it will be a girl, it will be a girl, She said I am not here to discuss science, I have come to you to pray in agreement with me, I want a girl! Okay! She said, you are the one who taught us that with God nothing shall be impossible. I decree tonight, nothing will be impossible in your life. You know the story, when she says let’s agree, I agreed no problem, afterall, I am not the one who will do the miracle. When the time came, and it was a girl. Now, anybody could say maybe it was a girl all the same; but then, to show how great God can be, another daughter of mine, a medical doctor at LUTH came and said Daddy, I heard that testimony, I am eight months pregnant, I have had four daughters for my husband, the relatives have said if I don’t get a boy, I am out of the house. I am eight months pregnant; we have done all the test and it is a girl, and I want a boy. I said you a medical doctor! And she said we are not talking medicine; we are talking miracles. In the Name that is above every other name, every medical report contrary to your wellbeing is cancelled now. A month a later, she gave birth, and it was a boy. Write down your prayer point number because I just want to give you the prayer points so that when the time comes you will be able to pray them together. Prayer number one is Father, whatever laws you have to suspend to give me my miracle, suspend it tonight. I have said this before, the reason my colleagues, Academician, find it so difficult to receive miracle is that they want to find out how it happens. When you lay hands on me, is the anointing coming through right hand? Or coming out through left? Whereas, illiterate in village will just say, God can do it? Alright, God I receive; and the next you know is that they got their miracles. Somebody will get his or her miracle tonight. Point number two: why do miracles happen? Psalm 115 verse 3 says our God is in the heaven, He does has He pleases. God does has He pleases – He can suspend any laws, He can us another law to brush aside other law, He is sovereign. Miracles happens because God wants to prove to the whole world that He is the most High – Psalm 91 verse 1 says, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty He is not just the most High, He is also the Almighty. Miracles happen according to Daniel 4 verse 25, He wants to show that the most High rules in the affairs of men. It does not matter who you are, He is higher than you and He controls what goes on in the affairs of men – that is what He told Nebuchadnezzar Miracles happen to prove to everybody that He is the God of all flesh. Jeremiah 32 verse 27 that He is the God of all flesh and that there is nothing too hard for Him to do. He is God of all flesh – fish, birds, animals, and human beings. And miracles happened because God wants to be glorified. You see how we all rejoice tonight, when we began to hear those fantastic testimonies. Look at that one of a ladies, of a Muslim background, that the doctor said the brain of the son is already damaged, and she snicked him because her husband said don’t go near Christians, I did not know she is coming! How will I know who is who among the hundreds of thousands, but God knows everything? The very day she came God spoke: He said there is a woman here with a child that the doctor said the brain is damaged, the brain is restored. Haa! Isn’t God great! That God might be glorified! There was a story of that man who came, he was trying to stop his son from coming to the Holy Ghost service, the son would sneak in. So, one day, he decided, this place they are talking about let me go and find out that they are doing there. And then he came, it was in the first auditorium over there, and just as he was stepping in and God spoke that there is a man coming for the first time, coming late because he was feeding his snake at home, and God asked me to tell him, before you get home the snake would be dead. This man was keeping a big snake as a pet. He looked back, this crowd! How did they know about me! I don’t know about him, but God does! Before he got home the snake was dead, he gave to Jesus Christ. And demonic influence that is still at home, by the time you get there they would be gone. Write down your prayer number two: Father, for the sack of Your glory, please give me all the miracles that I need. Just for the sake of Your glory, not for anything that Your name might be glorified give me miracles I need. That brings us to point number three: when do miracles happen? Amen, and so shall be in Jesus’ name. Miracles happens at God’s own appointed time. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 to 8, God has time for everything. However, because He is sovereign, He can feeble with time – Daniel chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22, the Bible says He changes times and seasons. He controls time, because He Himself is the timeless one, He has no beginning, He has no ending; He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending, the One who is, the One who was, the One who is to come – that is our God. So, reserve the right to slow down time Daniel chapter 10 verse 10 to 12, Joshua lifted up his eyes the Almighty God and said some enemies are about to escape my victory is not complete, He said sun stay where you are, and the sun obeyed; moon stay where you are and the moon obeyed; that is God, He reserve the right to slow down time; and if He wants, He can hasten time, He can ask time to move fast John chapter 2 verse 1 to 11, tells us the story of the wedding in Canaan of Galilee when they lack wine, and the mother of Jesus went to Him and said we have no wine. Jesus Christ said matters for performing miracles has not come, but that time came that day, not yet became now. In the Name of the One who called, your miracle time we come today. And if He likes He can reverse time. 2Kings chapter 20 verse from 1 to 11, Hezekiah was sick, God sent a prophet, go and tell him, put your house in order you are going to die, Hezekiah said Lord I am not ready to die. And the Lord said you have been a good boy; I will give you extra fifteen years. The king said thank You, but if you don’t mind will You give me sign so I may know. So, the man of God said what do you want? You want us to hasten time or reverse it? He said hasten time is easy, reverse it. Everything they say it is already too late in your life shall be reverse tonight. When does a miracle happen? When no one else can help. When it has been come clear to you, according to Psalm 50 verse 11, that vain is the help of man, When the doctors have said there is nothing more we can do, then God will say they have come to their limit, now let me show them who is the Almighty. You know, my daughter mentioned the case of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34: You know the story, the woman had been bleeding for twelve years, she has gone to all doctors, rather than getting better she got worst, she has spent everything she had, no help from anybody anymore, then a miracle came. I have good news for somebody, even if you are feeling right helpless right now, you have just qualified for a miracle. When does a miracle happen? Right on time. As far as God is concern, miracle comes right on time. Psalm 46 verse 1 says our God is the ever-present help in trouble He is always right at the exact moment. I mean you know the story in 1Kings chapter 17 verse 8 to 16, the woman, the widow of Zarephath said, only one meal left, and then we die, And then God said alright, it is the time to step in. Miracles happen like this so that by the time it happens nobody can share the glory of God; people would say we are not the one that did this – God would bypass everybody and do what He alone can do. Some of you know the testimony of one of my daughters, barren for years, and one day the relative of the husband said stop wasting your time the witches have taken away the womb of your wife she would never have a child. Then, she came, and the word of God, … Oh thank You for the word of God; may God speak to you tonight. …and the word of God came to her that there is someone here they said you can never have a child, God said you are going to have twins. Haa, she said it must be me! And she grabbed it, and all of a sudden, she became pregnant; went to her doctor, and the doctor said I cannot believe you are pregnant, but it looks as if I can see something here, as if you have a child in here. She said no, my Daddy did not say one, He said two. Haa, we are not even sure this one is a real child or not. She went back a month or so, they said now we can see two. She went Abroad for the baby to be born, because the husband was wealthy, and they said we don’t want to take risk with this, You know the story, at least some of you who are old, And so they put her to sleep and brought the twins by cesarean operation, and when she woke up she saw everybody looking at her as if she fell from the star. She said what is wrong? Where are my children? They said don’t worry, your children are ok. Because the husband told the doctor, we don’t want anymore children this two will be enough, just sew the womb, seal it, remove the womb, something like that. And the doctor came to her, I have been operating for years, I have performed several thousands of operations, this is the first time I brought out a set of twins from a woman who has no womb. That was a big miracle; and when she shared the testimony I rejoiced, hey glory be to God, God used me. That was many years ago, almost twenty or so. Then, I got a phone call from her, Daddy I want to come and see you with my twin. Oh, come, that will be good, I wanted to see how big the children had become. And then she came carrying two little babies, Haha, what you talking about? She said these are my new twins! No menstruation, nothing; no prophesy, nothing; just God decided to be God. Now, in the Name that is above every other name, I decree, even when you are not expecting more miracles, God will release them to you. So, nobody can share in the glory. Just like my daughter said, … Oh thank You Father. The Lord said there is a woman listening to me, you just felt like a rumbling in your stomach, He asked me to tell you, your womb has been untied. My daughter said it that miracle happens when God sees faith in action. Absolutely correct; I just want to describe what kind of faith would get a miracle. You see, because four times in the Bible God said the Just shall live by faith. I have told you that again and again starting from Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4, Romans I:17. Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38 – the just shall live by faith. But faiths are in categories. The kind of faith that gets a miracle is the violent type of faith. In Mark chapter 2 from verse 1 to 12, there were these four boys who brought their friends to see Jesus Christ, there was no room by the door, no room at the window, they climb the roof, broke the roof, and got their friend at the feet of Jesus, The Bible said, Jesus saw their faith, raw, violent faith. That kind of faith will always get a miracle. I told you the story of a woman that the doctor said to her, woman, if you like you can stay here but there is nothing anybody can do for you, maybe you better go home and go and die in your own home. Ehen, they said yes. So she told the children, take me to Ebute meta, they brought her in, and they said Mama, is not the day of service, the Pastor may not even be around, She said, who told you I want to see the pastor. Take me into the church. They took her to the church, and she said help me, and take me close to one of the pillars, if I can touch one of the pillars I will be healed. They helped her touch the pillar, and as soon as she held the pillar, she became whole. That is violent faith. There is somebody here today who will just tap his leg on the floor and say I tap my leg on this floor, I receive my miracles. Daddy, where do you get that kind of taping the floor from again. You will remember the story of a woman who went to help the children in American look after their children and then she had a stroke, and when she had a stroke, she told the children take me to Nigeria, take me to Redemption camp. Mama, if somebody has a stroke in Nigeria, they will want to come to America for better treatment! She said haa, I am going to where God is. They said, mama, God is everywhere. She I know, but I know His headquarters, take me to Redemption camp. They brought her in a wheelchair, and she said, just let my leg touch the ground. She touched the ground and instantly, the stroke disappear. Touch the ground again, touch the ground again; touch it again by faith. Glory be to God. I believe God wants me to tell you these stories because you are going to walk out of here a different person. Some of us will remember the case of a bank manager, who went mad in Ijebu (I cannot remember now whether Ijebu Ode or Ijebu Igbo), and he was behaving violently, four hefty police men shackled him hand and feet, they were taking him to Aro. Somehow, the spirit of God in him says don’t take me to aro, branch at Redemption camp. They brought him to Redemption camp, he was looking as wild as animal. He said, ehen, he said if I can just touch that ground, I shall be free. Then, the policemen brought him, they said this man said that; then I said lose him. They said haa, we knew what we had to go through to capture him; will you accept responsibility? I said I will. With that kind of faith, something must happen. They brought him down from the vehicle, as soon as his leg touch the ground, he became normal. Touch the ground again, touch the ground, this is your day; touch the ground and shout I receive my miracle. Oh thank You my Father. And then, what kind of faith will receive a miracle. Childlike faith – faith like that of a child - Matthew chapter 18 verse 3 You will remember during Holy ghost congress, God keep on hammering that, have the faith like that of a child. Mathew chapter 18 verse 3 says you want to participate in my kingdom, you must have the faith of a child. The kind of faith that when you hear about it you will want to laugh. I have told you the story before: I went to conduct a Bible study in the house of one of my friends, somewhere in Ikoyi and then I decided to stay the night, so it was dinner time, and the wife was a mighty cook, she knew how to cook, particularly she knew how to cook chicken. And so we sat down eating, my guest was seating by my right, another man was seating by my left, and then there were this four ladies and my hostess gave my me one big fat leg of chicken and I finished it because it was good, and she saw that I have finished it and she said do you want another? And I said if you don’t mind. Why are you laugh? I have told you before, the opposite of fasting is feasting. When I want to fast, I fast, and if I am done fasting, I feast. So, if you don’t want to me eat very well don’t invite me to your house. And I know some of you believe I don’t eat. Haa, you try me; invite me to your house, prepare good pounded yam and prepare combination okro and get good Ekiti woman to do the pounding of the yam, and right there in your dinner room you will see a mountain become a valley. Let somebody shout hallelujah. Anyway, she brought the send big leg of a chicken, and I was eating, and all of all sudden I saw one of the ladies on the other side of the take signal to the man who was seating by my left side, And that one cough and said Daddy, I want to ask you a question, as soon as I turned to listen to him, one of the ladies came and grabbed my plate, and began to run to the chicken, the other three followed her. And then there was a lot of excitement going on in the chicken, I did not know they were eating what I leftover. They had the faith, if we can just eat this leftover…, there was nothing in my leftover to cause a miracle, but they have the faith of child. When I visit that place the following year: There was one who was believing God for a husband, she was married within three months, There was one who was believing God for promotion, she got promotion, There was one who was believing God for a child, she got a child, There was one who was believing God, I think international appointment, she got it. Faith of a child! How many of you believe that if I ask you to shout now, before you finish shouting you will get a miracle. Thank You Father. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Write down your prayer point number three and say Father, my faith maybe small but at least I believe You are the Almighty, honour my faith today. Thank You Father. And let us look at some specific cases: Thank You my Lord. The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said I will clear the confusion. Let us discuss Physical miracle as a special case – In John chapter 1 verse from verse 1 to 3, it is written in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Verse 3 says by Him were all things created, and there was nothing created that was created by Him. He created you, and if He created you, it should be easy for the One who created to be easy to repair anything that is gone wrong. Mark chapter 3 verse 1 to 5, the Bible talks about a man with withered hand, the hand was good before, then it withered. The One who created the hand stepped in and said hey stretch forth that withered hand and it became completely whole. I remember a friend of mine, great preacher, he said anytime I see somebody who is sick I always say my Father, the heavenly panel beater can beat that thing back to shape. Whatever is faulty in your life shall be repaired tonight. Like I told you before, He has your spare parts in heaven. Every manufacturer has spare parts. Genesis chapter 18 verse 9 to 14, the Bible tells us that He visited Abraham and Sarah, both of them were already old according to Romans chapter 4 verse 19, The womb was already dead; even the body of Abraham was dead; but the One who created them spoke and said within a year you will carry a son. Glory be to God. The Bible said Sarah laughed, but from that moment onward, she continues to laugh. In the Name that is above every other name, no more sorrow for you. In John chapter 9 verse 1 to 7, if He did not repair and He did not give a spare part, He can recreate, He can go back to very beginning and do the whole thing again. John 9:1-7 tells us about a man who was born blind; like I used to say when I was a younger preacher, the man was in a hurry to get into the world, he did not collect eyes, So, when Jesus saw him and people were asking, is it because he sinned, or his parent sinned that he was born blind? The Lord Jesus Christ said no, give Me an opportunity to show you how you were made. He spat on the ground and made some mud and put it where the eyes were supposed to be and told the fellow go and wash off the mud, and he came back seeing. God can create, He can repair, He can give spare parts. I thank God for the testimonies of tonight, you saw that sister, she had an operation for a gutter, in the process, the doctor did not tell her that we made a mistake, we tampered with your vocal cord, And for a whole year she could not speak, and she came, the Almighty God touched her, you can see her now! Nobody can talk without a vocal cord, but God can recreate, can create. One of the funny stories have always remembered with joy was that of a young boy, when he was born the parent discover he had only one testicle, and then they took him to an herbalist, and the herbalist said, in an attempt to help, destroy the only one, And yet the boy grew up and went ahead and married, I mean the result of course was that there was no child, And we held a programme at Road Park, 1980something, and just as we were preaching, just the word was going, we heard somebody shouting, They brought him forward, he checked, he had no testicles, now he has two. Everything good that you have lost shall be restore to you tonight. When he came to see me some months later at Ebute Metta, he sir, I am the boy who had no testicles and now I have two, and he came with his wife, by then the wife was pregnant, He said do you want me to show you? I said no, I can see it! Before next month the world will see the sign of your miracles. Write down your prayer point number four: Father, whatever You have to do to my body, either repair, replace, or recreate, just do it now. Thank You Father. Then let us go on to material miracles. Amen. Now I am going to say amen to this before I tell you. The Lord says there is someone here listening to me, He said because you loved Me, and I love those who loved Me, I will show you My love in a special way. When we come to material miracles: Genesis chapter 17 verse 1 tells us that God is the All-sufficient One, Jehovah El-shaddai - the Bible scholars says it means God the mother’s breast, the God who is more than enough. Woman may have four children at the same time and she feed all four, the milk will just keep on flowing, it is the children who would say we don’t want anymore for now, and that is God. So, whenever God wants to perform a material miracle, He pours it out of Himself. What do you mean by that Sir? Well, John chapter 6 verse 35, Jesus Christ said I AM the Bread of Life, he that cometh to Me shall never hunger – that is His promise. So, if you don’t know what happen in John chapter 6 verse 5 to 13, when a boy brought five loave of bread to Lord Jesus Christ and with that effect more than five thousand people and were twelve baskets left over, It was the bread coming out of Him; He was the bread, the bread just kept on flowing. If you don’t understand what happened in John chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11 in the wedding of Canaan of Galilee, when water suddenly become wine, Wine comes from water anyway, it just passes through grape, take some time to ripen, But Jesus Christ is the original vine, the vine produces grapes, and grape produce wine. So, when that water turned to wine, the heavenly kind of wind that the MC had never tasted before, the wine came through the Vine, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. When you wonder how water could come out of the rock in Exodus chapter 17 from verse 1 to 7, when the Lord told Moses, there is a rock up there, go and strike it and water will come out, The Bible tells us that that Rock was Christ – 1Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 – it was not just any ordinary rock; the Bible said there was a rock following the children of Israel as they were going, and that rock was Christ. So, when Moses stroke that rock, he was coming in contact with Christ, and water flowed out. And then, because He owns all – Psalm 24 verse 1: the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof. Haggai chapter 2 verse 8 the Lord said silver is Mine, gold is Mine; etcetera, etcetera He can send help through anybody, through any means, because He owns the owner of the one who is going to help you. I decree today, the one that God will used to help financially, even in their sleep tonight, God will speak to them. I told you before, years ago, when were building the first auditorium, the carpenter came to me: Daddy, we need two hundred and four naira. I told him, okay, when I have the money, I will send for you. Haa! He said two hundred and four! I said yes, I don’t have it; when I have it, I will send for you. And he left me angry, grumbling: he is the one who will say the work is slow, now we ask a little over two hundred naira, he says he does not have. I did not have; I did not even have two hundred pence. Okay, so, he went away angry, grumbling, and so I turned to my Daddy in heaven, You can hear him, You are the Owner of the work… In the Name that is above every other name, that project that you have problem financing, God will send help to you. And in those day, every night was vigil for me; I prayed all night, so, after he left in his anger, I fell asleep on my table. When I woke up there was a man seating by my door, eating, and I say, this one is a serious one, he is blocking my way, so I won’t be able to escape. Hello Sir, what is going on? I just collected my rent and God asked me to go and give me it to you and I said yes Lord I will go and do so as soon as I finish my food, and God said no, go now. But when I came in, I saw you sleeping, and said well I can eat my food before he wakes up; and he gave me the rent he collected – one thousand, two hundred. So, I sent to my carpenter, and I swaggered when I was talking to him: how much do you say you need anyway? That God who is more than sufficient will surprise you today. Write down your prayer point number four: Father, give me a breakthrough by Your own method. Thank You Jesus. Haa, the Lord said the fellow concern will understand but He asked me to tell you I will step in. Now, let us talk about spiritual miracles: In Psalm 24 verse 7 to 10, the Bible tells us that our God is the Lord host, to whom all gates must open: Lift up your head o ye gates, be thou lifted up ye everlasting doors that the King of glory may come. Whether they like it or not they must open. I mean in Acts of the Apostle 12 from verse 5 to 11 when the Lord of Host visited Peter in prison, the doors open on their own accord, and they have to; they have to. In Acts chapter 15 from verse 25 to 34, when Paul and Silas where singing praises and this our God came visiting, the doors that refused to open gently were forced to open by an earthquake. Every door blocking your way to the top shall be forced open tonight. You see, because He is the Lord of host, He is the controller of every force, good and evil So, whether it is one demon that is bordering you – Mark chapter 1 from verse 23 to 27, Or seven demons – like the case of Mary Magdalene in Luke chapter 8 from verse 1 to 3, Or a legion of demons as in Mark chapter 5 from verse 2 to 15, When the Lord of host appears, demons must disappear. Why? Philippians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 11 says at His name all knees should bow. And in John chapter 14 verse 14, He says if you ask anything in My name, I will do it that My Father might be glorified. Oh thank You Lord. I hope somebody will listen carefully to this because the Lord asked me to tell you, make Me your hiding place and I will guarantee your safety. Something happened in Ebute-Metta years ago, we are having a gathering, we are very small them, and suddenly the Lord said there is someone in the congregation, someone in the church that no matter how well fed, he will never have satisfaction until he has gone to eat from the dustbin, And the fellow should come and see us in the office and God is going to take care of the situation. If I did not know who was speaking to me, how can you announce that, but I made the announcement. And when the fellow concerned came, thank God He did not say he should come out. Very wealthy man, highly educated, he could not explain it; no matter he ate, I mean he is the one who will do the eating, and then throw the reminder in the dustbin and then later on he would go to the dustbin But there is someone called the Lord of host, and you heard the testimony tonight of an old woman coming out of a woman by force. Everything that is hiding in your system, every plant God has not planted there shall be uproot tonight in Jesus’ name. Matthew chapter 18 verse 19 to 20, the Lord said if two of you shall agree as touching anything you ask on earth it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. He said because where two or three are gathered in My name I will be there. Write down your prayer number five and you will say Father, we are in one accord tonight and we come against every demonic influence holding any of the children of God captive; we command in the name of Jesus lose your victims. And then, there is what is called special miracles, and when we talk about special miracles, we are talking about two categories of them. Oh, thank You my Lord. I think this one is for me, is for my wife, and then maybe one or two other people. The Lord says there is someone here, He said this year I will add a hand full of sweeteners to your life. Hand full! You know how much a hand can take depends on the size of the hand. When God says hand full, He is talking about His own hand o, this year is going to be glorious for somebody. There is a kind of miracle that happens without you doing anything about it at all – nothing, you don’t make any contribution, God just decide on His own to give you a miracle. You say how can that be? I will give you just one example: John chapter 11 from verse 39 to 44, Lazarus was dead, so he had no faith – dead people don’t have faith, you are dead, you are dead. When Jesus shouted Lazarus come forth, he was dead, he was rotten, he wasn’t the question of matter of faith, Lazarus did not pray – he was dead man! But God did it all – He did it all! You can get a miracle with even knowing that it is coming your way. A miracle you have not even ask for, something that you need that will make your joy full that you don’t even know you need it, get it tonight in Jesus’ name. I have told you the story of when I went to a book shop in America and I was buying books and tapes and so the basket piled up, And there was this American who came in and saw this piled up books and said: what are you going to do with all these books, all these materials? Is none of his business o. But then we smiled, and then he stretched forth is hand and I shook his hand, suddenly he began to yell. Because as our hand touched, he got a miracle: his back had been supported with braces for years; suddenly the brace breaks loose, and he was made whole. He did not know who I was, he was not expecting a miracle, he just saw somebody who bought many books and decided to greet. Miracles you are not expecting, get it tonight in Jesus’ name. And when we talk of special miracles, you could get special miracles through overflowing anointing of someone else. Like the text I read to you at the beginning, Acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12, the Bible says God performed… Thank You Father. The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said again you will get good news from Abroad. From the body of Paul, they will take handkerchiefs, aprons, to somebody who is sick, who is demon possessed and God healed, demon departed from them. Many at times the fellow that they brought the handkerchief to have no idea that a miracle was coming their way - miracle, special miracle from another person. So, if you hear the testimonies of those who had use anointed handkerchiefs that by the grace of God, we prayed over to perform miracles, raising the dead, doing all manners of thing, that is the kind of miracle we are talking about. And I am saying to somebody here today, because my prayer is that all my children will be greater than I, very soon your handkerchiefs will be raising the dead. And then of course, there is this miracle that my daughter spoke about, I just want to add it so that the whole picture will be complete, the miracles of simple silly obedience. I am the one who put the word ‘silly’ – when God ask you to do something that sounded silly, but you obey, a miracle happens. 2Kings chapter 4 verse 1 to 7, when that widow came to Elisha and Elisha said what you have in the house, just one little bottle of oil, and he said go and borrow empty vessels, many of them and then begin to pour out the oil and set out that which is full. Sir, what are you talking about? I have a little bottle of oil and you asked me to begin to pour it into empty vessels! and then, we are talking about that which is full! I came to you man of God expecting maybe you will cry to your God either creditors will forgive my debt or something. But she obeyed, and the oil kept on flowing. I have told you we have several cases, several examples, there was a time God told me wear seven agbadas in the first auditorium. I wore the seven agbadas and He asked me to lay them on the altar and I did; and I told everybody who came to that Holy Ghost service just touch and your problem will be solved – touch any agbadas and anointing will destroy your yokes; touch don’t hold. It was very silly wearing seven agbada at the same time, everybody knows that I don’t even like wearing one but I had to wear seven because God said so. And when I lay them on something and people came and began to touch, and there was a man who said my problem are many, If touching is going to solve my problem hold will solve many, and he held the clothes and the power of God grabbed him and began to shake like the dog will shake a rat, By 5:00 o’clock they came to come in my office, the man is about to die. Why? He grabbed the cloth instead of touching. I had to come back to beg the Almighty God to release him. It was silly wearing seven agbadas; I cannot ready in the Bible where God said somebody should wear seven agbada, but I obeyed, and everybody who touched got their miracle. The one touched said what kind of thing is this, but the one who held discover that God is not someone you joke with. I have good news for somebody today because you touch the ground of this holy place, you are going home with your miracle. Write down your prayer number six: Father, … Oh thank You Father. The asked me to tell someone loud and clear, He said Pharaoh will fail.
Hallelujah! And this one is for me again. The Lord asked me to tell someone, He said it will begin to rain again. Prayer number six: Father, I leave all to You, in Your sovereign majesty help me. I leave all to You, just let me discover that I have already receive my miracle, just don’t even consider my input, I leave everything to You Lord, just give me my miracle. And then of course, finally, the greatest miracle of all, that is the miracle of salvation. Because in Genesis chapter 3 verse 19, at the best, man is dust – that is what God said. Or, according to Matthew chapter 15 from verse 21 to 28, at the best, he is a dog. You will remember that story of a woman who came to Jesus and said my daughter is grievously vex with the devil. Jesus said I don’t give the bread of children to dogs. But the greatest of all miracle salvation changes a dog to a son. The Bible says for as many as believed in Him to them gave He power to be called sons of God – John chapter 1 verse 1 to 12. Salvation changes you from ordinary person to become not just a child of God but heir of God – Romans chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 Everything that God has, just like Jesus Christ can lay a claim, you are joint heir with Jesus Christ when you are born again. Salvation grants you permission to enter into the bedroom of God – just imagine that. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19, we have boldness to enter into the holiest. How many of your friends had ever enter into your bedroom? How many? Not to talk of entering into the bedroom of God. I was telling my children of the experience I have in 1976 in Kenya, when all of a sudden, I found myself in the throne room of God. I will tell you the story one of these days. You have access into the holiest when you become born again and you are true child of the living God. So, write down your prayer point number seven: For those of you who are already born again, you will cry to Him and say Father, don’t let me ever lose my salvation. For those of you who are not yet born again, you own prayer will be Father, save my soul, give me this biggest of all these miracles and give it to me today. So, if you are in the crowd and you not yet surrender your life to Jesus and you want to do so, come very quickly, you have only few minutes because the rest of us want to pray. So, if you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, I am going to count from one to ten and I am not going to count slowly, so if you are coming, you better begin to come now. One, … The greatest miracle is the miracle of salvation, that one turns you to a child of God, you have access even to the bedroom of God; come very quickly; everything will become new for you if you give your life to Him. Two, three, … The choice is yours; it is all in your hand. Four, … You must come with a determination that from now on you will have nothing more to do with the devil, nothing more to do with a lifestyle of sin; you want to surrender your life to Jesus so that you will be serving Him from now, come. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, Now, those of you who have already come and those who are on the way begin to pray, cry to the Almighty and say Lord have mercy on me, save my soul, forgive all my sins, I will serve You from now on, let Your blood wipe away all my sins, and I will be Yours for the rest of my life. And the rest of us please let us stretch our hands to this our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them that God who said our souls will save their own souls also. Pray for them brethren. And those of you who are still on the way, you have to hurry up now because I am about to pray for salvation. Cry unto God, please have mercy on me, save my soul, wash me clean in the blood of the Lamb and I will serve You, I will serve You for the rest of my life; have mercy on me Lord, save my soul. Thank You Jesus. Glory be to God. I will wait only ten seconds more for those of you who are still on the way; please hurry up. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Saviour. Keep coming, keep coming, I can see you. Hallelujah. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. My Father and my God I want to bless Your holy name for Your word; thank You for what You have already done tonight; thank You for this people who have come forward to surrender their lives to You, Father accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. They come now Father please receive them, have mercy on them, save their souls, let Your blood wash away sins; Father, please write their names in the book of life and from now on the grace to serve You and You alone release unto them; and from this moment onward anytime they call unto You answer them by fire. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Praise the Lord. Now, I want to rejoice on behalf of those of you who have come forward because from now on by the grace of God I will be praying for you. So, I am going to need your names, your address, and your prayer request. The Counselors are already here; they will come quickly and attend to you so that within five minutes we would have finish taking your names, your address and your prayer requests, so very quick a counselor will give you a card to fill. If you cannot fill the card, somebody can do the filling for, and as soon as you have submitted the card, you can go back to your seat. We will wait for you because we want you to be part of prayer will want to pray. God bless you. Thank You Father. Thank you. Now, it is time to pray. Of course, you know you have to start with thanksgiving because you have come, you thank Him for even bringing you here tonight for you to be a partaker of what he had already done, And believe me honestly, He has done marvelous things tonight, and you will be hearing the testimonies very soon. Glory be to God. And then, you already have your prayer points, so just pick them one by one and keep on going, and I should give you about to thirty minutes to talk to the Almighty God, so pray with all your heart, is very special special night. You want to come to the altar you are welcome. You want to seat down that is fine; you want to stand that is fine; you want to lie on your face that is fine. Just go ahead and cry to the Almighty God, just make sure you begin with thanksgiving and then you go to prayer number, then number two, just keep going. Thank You Lord. Thank You Father. Let us begin to bring our prayer to the end. Oh thank You Father. Glory be to God. Hallelujah. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. In the Name that is above every other name, receive your miracles. If you need physical miracles, receive your miracles; if you need material miracles, receive your miracles; if you need spiritual miracles, receive your miracles; if you need material miracles, receive your miracles; if you need career miracles, receive your miracles. In the morning, receive miracles; in the afternoon receive miracles; in the evening, receive miracles; at night receive miracles. From today onward, may your homes become home of miracles; may your churches become churches of miracles. When you go out receive miracles; when you come in receive miracles. The power to perform miracles for God receive them now; the power to serve God receive them right now. Every thing that is considered irreversible in your life, I decree that they be reversed now. So shall it be. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Let someone shout hallelujah.
Pastor E. A. Adeboye