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WHO ARE THE CHAMPIONS? 7th of February, 2003
Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ The Bible says there is a time for everything. We have heard tonight from the throne of God and I’ll be failing in my duty as your representative to God and as His representative to you if I don’t tell you that this hour is an hour of an appeal. (Amen!) So before we go forward at all, before we do any other thing we must be satisfied in our spirit that our appeal had been granted. So we are going back to God! We are going to tell Him, "Father, the reason I am appealing to you is that I have no one else – no one else! Nowhere else to go! And You are my Daddy! If You don’t grant my appeal, nobody else will help me!! Let’s go the Almighty! "I have no one else! Who do I have in heaven but You? Who do I have on earth but You? You are my Daddy! If You don’t grant my appeal, where else will I go? Where else will I go? Who is the one that will help me if you don’t? Lord, God Almighty! I am appealing tonight because You are my Daddy, You are my Daddy, You are my Daddy! I have no one else! I’ve already said bye-bye to the friends of the world. I said I will never go back to the world. I can’t even go back to them! They already know me with You! Lord, I have nowhere else to go! You just have to help me tonight! You have to help me tonight! You have to help me tonight! You are my Daddy! You are my Daddy! You are my Daddy! I have no one else! I have no one else! You know all things oh Lord! I have no other God! You know I have no charms in my house! You know I have no 'babalawo' that I rely upon! I have no one else Lord! I am appealing to You tonight because You are my Daddy, I have no one else! You are the only help I have! I am lifting my eyes unto You tonight from whence will my help come? My help can only come from You! You are my last bus stop You are my last bus stop! I have nowhere else to go! I have no one else to turn to! Lord! I have no one else! You are the only Daddy O have! You are the only Daddy I have! You are the only one! You are the only one! You know it Lord! You know! You know! You know! You know I have no one else! You know I have no one else! You know I have no-one else! No one else to turn to! No one else to turn to! Only you! Only you! Only you! Only you! Only you! Only you Daddy! And you know it! You know it Lord! You know it! You know it! You know it! You know everything! You know everything! If I have anything that is hidden you know it! If I have any other help somewhere, you know it! And I am appealing to you tonight because You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! You are the only one I have! And I am appealing to You Lord, You are the only advocate I have! You are the only one and You are my Daddy! I have no one else to run to. I have no one else to run to! I have no one else to run to! I have no one else to run to Lord God Almighty! I have no one else to run to! Daddy, I have no one else to run to! I bring my case to You tonight. I have no one else to run to. I have no one else Lord! You know the secret of everybody. You know every hidden thing Lord God Almighty. I have no one else. If I have something else then don’t listen to me? If I have any other God, if I have any idol somewhere then don’t listen to me. If I have hidden charm charms somewhere don’t listen to me! If I have something else Lord God Almighty that is kept secret from the rest of the world that the world does not know about; if I’m a pretender don’t listen to me! But if it is true, that You are the only one I have, if You are the only one I trust, if You are the only one I have in heaven and on earth, if You are my only stop, my last bus stop, if You know that this is true You just must hear me tonight! You have to hear me tonight! I have no one else! You are my Daddy, Lord! I have no other one! You know every detail! That’s why I’m calling on You tonight, You know all the details! You know every secret of every man’s heart that’s why I turn to You tonight. I bring my appeal to You tonight I bring my appeal to You tonight. I bring my appeal to You tonight! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) Now you go to Him and say, "Daddy, I’m not appealing to You because I’m holy. No, no, no! Is anyone holy before You? I’m appealing to You because of Your mercy – because Your mercy endureth forever, because You are a gracious God! O Lord God! Tonight I appeal to You – be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! I appeal for Your mercy, Lord God Almighty! I come unto You tonight because of Your mercy! I appeal to You Lord God Almighty because of Your mercy! Your mercy! Your mercy! Your mercy that is higher than the heavens. I am asking that You pity me tonight as a Father will pity His son, pity me tonight Lord God Almighty because You know my frame because You know I’m ordinary dust, Lord God Almighty! I ask for mercy, mercy Thou Son of David, that’s all I’m asking for! I’m appealing to You tonight only because of Your mercy! Because of Your mercy! Lord God Almighty because of Your mercy I appeal to You tonight because of Your mercy! Oh because You are rich in mercy! Because Your mercy is as high as heaven is high above the earth! I appeal to You because You are gracious! I appeal to You because You are full of mercy! It is because of your mercy that I am coming tonight because Your mercy endured forever. That is why I’m coming to You tonight! That is why I’m coming to You tonight! That is why I’m coming to You tonight! I’m asking that You be merciful unto me, be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! be merciful unto me! Almighty God tonight look down with mercy! The Bible says if You are to mark iniquity who will stand? who will stand? who will stand? But forgiveness is with You Lord that we might fear You Lord! Please Lord God Almighty be merciful, be merciful unto me tonight! I come to You for Your mercy tonight. Mercy! That’s all I’m asking for! Mercy! Lord God Almighty! Mercy! I’m asking for Your mercy! Be gracious unto me my Father and my God, let me find favour with You tonight, be gracious O Lord! be gracious O Lord! be gracious O Lord! be gracious O Lord! be gracious O Lord! Lord be merciful! Lord be merciful! Lord be merciful! Lord be merciful! Lord be merciful! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And now you are going to launch your own individual appeal. You are going to appeal against the pain in your body, the sickness, the diseases… you will appeal against forces of darkness trying to hold you down! You will appeal against the report of the doctor! You will appeal against the report that says you are not going to have children! You will appeal against every doubt, every unbelief, everything that has been causing you to stay on one spot over the years… You will appeal against regression, against stagnation, you will appeal against lack of promotion, you will appeal against lack of anointing, against sorrow.. Go the Almighty God and say, "Father, I appeal…. Father I appeal against pain, I appeal against disease, I appeal against sorrow, I appeal against doubt, I appeal against unbelief.. O Lord God Almighty against every force of darkness that has been holding me down. I appeal against barrenness, I appeal Lord God Almighty against every report that is contrary to the Lord’s report. I appeal in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ! I appeal against every evil report, I appeal against every force that is slowing me down, I appeal against poverty, I appeal against darkness, against failure, against lack of progress! I appeal even against slow progress. I appeal against everything that is not allowing my joy to be full! I appeal Lord God Almighty in the mighty Name of Jesus, I appeal because You love, because Your mercy endureth forever! I appeal against pain. I appeal against sickness, I appeal against diseases, I appeal against weakness, I appeal against sorrow – everything that is contrary to the Spirit of the Almighty God in my life. I appeal! I appeal against any prophecy that is contrary to the will of God in my life, I appeal against those who say |I will die" those who say I will not reach my goal, those who say I will dies poor! I appeal, Lord God Almighty against every force of darkness working against my success and I appeal against every enemy of Your church! I appeal against every enemy of my family, I appeal against Lord God Almighty against everything that is not allowing my joy to be abundantly full! I appeal Lord God Almighty against anything from any source that is contrary to the will of the Almighty God that will not allow me to reach my goal at the time I’m supposed to reach y goal! Pastors I appeal! I appeal against sorrow over my children, over my pastors, I appeal against sorrow over the Church of God, I appeal in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ I appeal! I appeal! I appeal! I appeal to the Supreme Judge of the Whole Universe, the Supreme Judge! Your judgement is final and I appeal to you Lord, reminding You I am Your son! I am coming to You Lord God Almighty on the basis of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I appeal to you on the basis of Your mercy, of Your love, because You are my Daddy. I am Your beloved Son! I appeal to You Lord I appeal against sickness, I appeal against disease, I appeal against any form of ache, any form of sickness, any disease, any form of slowing down in any form whatsoever. I appeal! I appeal! I appeal! I appeal against barrenness, I appeal against lack of funds, I appeal Lord God Almighty against stillbirth, I appeal Lord God Almighty against everything that is contrary to the Will of God over my children, over my family, over the Redeemed Christian Church of God! I appeal against everything that is against the Will of God over Nigeria. I appeal in the Name that is above every other name. I appeal against all those against me. I appeal against all them in the mighty Name of Jesus. O Glory be to God! Thank You my Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Bless Your Name forever more. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) May your appeal be granted you in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Everyone of your appeal, may it be granted in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Every judgement against the wish of God in your life, I decree, they be cancelled in Jesus Name! (Amen!) So shall it be (Amen!) So shall it be (Amen!) I say so shall it be (Amen!) In the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!) Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus Christ is Lord! (Amen!) Alleluia!! Every knee should bow, every tongue… O Thank You Jesus! What manner of man is Jesus…. Let’s just go ahead and worship the Almighty God. Something awesome is happening in the spiritual realm. There’s a lot of commotion in heaven right now. Something mighty is happening right now! Something mighty is happening right now! Let’s go ahead and just praise the Almighty God. Something wonderful is happening! Something wonderful is happening! Oh! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name! In Jesus Name we worship! O! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! You are worthy to be praised! Thank You for a night like this! What a marvelous night! Bless Your Holy Name Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Glory be to God! Thank You! In Jesus mighty Name we worship! (Amen!) The Lord asked me to tell someone here tonight, I will be merciful unto you. (Amen!) O Father, we just want to bless Your Name! We want to thank You! We want to give You glory! We want to give You all honour! You are wonderful! You are good! You are kind! You are powerful! You are mighty! You are faithful! You are reliable! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! Accept our worship in Jesus’ Name! Thank You! for granting our appeal;! Thank You! because things will change now! Glory be Your Holy Name Lord! Tonight, like never before Father, show Yourself (Amen!) show Yourself mighty! Show Yourself powerful! Show Yourself glorious! At the end of everything take all the glory and give us all the blessings In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Shake hands with one or two people and say Congratulations! Congratulations! Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause! He is worthy, worthy to be praised! Wow, what a message! Thank You Jesus! If you appeal to Caesar, to Caesar you go! I’ve appealed to Jesus, to Jesus I go! I’ve appealed to the Judge of the whole Universe, to Him I will go! Ah!!! I thank You Jesus! I just feel like going home now. It’s just been wonderful! You know among all the things that the preacher said is the fact that the higher court can reverse the judgement of the lower court and you know we’ve been talking about reversing the irreversible. Everything that the devil has done in your life shall be reversed tonight! (Amen!) OK there are occasions when you wish that you are just a member of the choir – just sing, sit down and be blessed! And the choir tonight have been wonderful – Glory be to God! All of them but especially Province 2, beautiful singing Thank You Lord! Ezekiel 37:9-10 9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army. Last month we learnt that God’s purpose for your life will be fulfilled (Amen!) That God is so determined to see that His counsel for your life is fulfilled that even if you die prematurely, He will reverse the irreversible, bring you back to life and fulfil the purpose. (Amen!) That even of you have become dry bones He will still breathe on that dry bones so that dry bones can come back to life. And then we discovered that you were created to be a champion, a world champion, an undefeated champion, an undefeatable champion, a forever champion, an ever-rising champion, an untouchable champion! Where id the champion that we’ve been talking about her tonight? I didn’t hear a champion shout! (Amen!) Tell your neighbour, "You are sitting next to a champion." So tonight, we want to find out who then is a champion – who is a champion? One, a champion is a crowd-puller. Take the Lord Jesus Christ for example, everywhere he went, a multitude followed Him. In Matthew 8:1 it says, as He was coming down from the mountain, ‘a great multitude followed Him.’ A champion is a crowd-puller. If we talk about a champion today, even of you talk about an old champion like Mohammed Ali for example, if we announced last month that he will be present at the Holy Ghost Service this month,, that he will be coming this month, the whole of Nigeria will be present! Because a champion is a natural crowd-puller. In 1 Sam.22:1-2, the Bible tells us that David ran to hide in a cave, the cave of Abdullam. Several people gathered themselves to him. Anywhere you find a champion, there will be a gathering and according to Isa.60 very soon you too will become a crowd puller. (Amen!) Isa.60: 3-4, the Bible says. ‘And the Gentiles shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising.’ This is not talking about everybody, this is talking about champions, the champions who are here tonight! It said ‘the Gentiles shall come to thy light and kings to brightness of they rising.’ It said, ‘lift up thine eyes and see that they gather themselves together, they come to thee, thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.’ There are people her tonight, people will come from China and they will call you Daddy. (Amen!) People will come from America and they will call you Mummy. (Amen!) They will come from Australia, Kuwait, they will come from Russia and they will say you are now our parent! Who am I talking to tonight? You better let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) How is it going to happen? The Lord said in Acts 1:8, it said, you will receive power when the Spirit of God has come upon you and then you’ll become a witness – in Nigeria, in Africa and to the uttermost parts of the world! That’s why you must go and preach. That is why from today you won’t keep your mouth shut – every one you see, you will tell them about Jesus! And now that God has heard your appeal everyone you preach to from tonight onwards will be saved in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) A champion is a crowd puller! Some of you when you are coming next month, now you will come with a hundred people! (Amen!) Because you are a crowd puller. Because you are a champion! Number 2: A champion is a champion producer. Every animal produces after its own kind. A dog will produce a dog, a goat will produce a goat, a champion will produce a champion. Do you know from now on, all your children will become champions All the children that you have already born, children you are yet to born, they will all become champions (Amen!) Why? Becos a champion produces champions ! In Acts 4: 13 the Bible said, when they beheld the boldness of Peter and John and they looked at them and they knew that these people are aggressive and unlearned men, they took note that they had been with Jesus. . Then the original champion had produced other champions! When you go to 2 Sam. 23:8-39 the Bible talks about David’s mighty men. And it began to talk about one of them that he was fighting from morning till evening. He fought so hard the sword stuck to his hand - that is when he finished fighting he couldn’t drop the sword. These mighty men came from the vagabonds that were with David in the cave of Abdullam. Those who were in debt and those who were in distress, those who had become completely destroyed… so they gathered to David. David, the giant-killer and within a short time they became mighty men. Because you are here today, before long, you shall be called a mighty man of God. (Amen!)… a mighty woman of God. If you believe that you better say the Amen loud and clear. (Amen!) Not only that - you will be producing champions yourself! Isaiah. 60:21-22 says, ‘Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land forever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.’ Do you know every house group; every house core group will become a mighty church. (Amen!) Do you know that out of every church shall be born 100 churches? (Amen!) Every worker shall become a provincial Pastor. (Amen!) Every Sunday School Teacher shall become an AGO. If you believe that you better shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) How shall this be? Mtt.28: 19-20. It said, go and teach all nations. I know some people are going to ask me – if this is going to happen, then what’s going to happen to the provincial pastors, what’s going to happen to the area Pastors? They will become national overseers all over the nations of the world. If you receive that you better say Amen! (Amen!) A champion is a crowd-puller, a champion producer…. According to 2 Tim.2:3 a champion will be someone who is able to endure hardness as a soldier of Christ. A champion is not someone who will fall asleep before the Holy Ghost Service begins. A champion is not someone who will shout one or two Alleluia! (Alleluia!) and then be shouting the rest in the dream land! A champion is someone who is a warrior. In Eph. 6:12 it said, ‘be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might!’ A champion is a warrior, tough fellow, strong because he is always full of joy because Nehm.8:10 says, ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength.’ Joyful people always end up as champions. When you see people who are always smiling, always rejoicing, always dancing, you’ll discover that they are not usually sick – I am not a medical doctor but from my experience as a Pastor I have discovered that many of such people always end up with hyper tension! But those w ho are joyful, joyous in the Lord, always singing, always dancing, , always praising the Lord, somehow the power of the Almighty God will just continue to work in them. That’s why Phil.4:4 says, ’rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice! ’ In 1 Thess.5:16-18 Paul gives us the secret of a champion –’rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in all things give thanks…’ in other words whatever may be happening – just keep on rejoicing. Is there a champion in the house tonight? Let me hear you make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Thank You! Those of you who have attended the School of Disciples – Glory be to God!, I taught you that one of the weapons of our warfare is joy! If you are joyful, extraordinary strength comes. And I gave an example, I gave the example of a Brother John – not the musician – but he will fit the picture very well. John comes home from work very tired and the mother said, "John, how now?" "I’m very tired Mummy, I want to sleep." "Won’t you eat before you sleep?" "No, no, no…. I’m too tired. I just want to sleep!" "Ah, John, you are not even removing your clothes?" "Oh, mama, I say I am very tired." So John lay down on the bed. Just as he was about to fall asleep – Lizzy that John wants to marry – came knocking at the door and John heard. "Good evening ma. Is John at home?" John said, "Whose voice is that?" Suddenly he jumps off the bed! "Ah, Lizzy!" I"I was studying the Bible in the morning … and I found something that I didn’t understand and I came to ask you if you can explain it to me?" "Of course! Of Course I can explain! Sit down first. What will you eat? What will you eat? Mama do we have meat in the house so I can cook for Lizzy?" And Mama said, ‘John, I thought you say you are tired? Ah! Ah! Ah! John will say, "Mama, you don’t understand!" The joy of the Lord is going to come into the life of somebody here tonight! (Amen!) A warrior is what a champion is. He is strong, tough, he can endure hardship, he is strong in the Lord because he is filled with the joy of the Lord! He rejoices even in adversity! In all things he gives thanks! A champion because he is a warrior has a fighting spirit. Size doesn’t matter when we are talking about a champion. He can be small, he can be big, he can be thin, he can be fat. What makes a champion a champion is something inside, something that the Bible calls the inner man! As a matter of fact the resting place of championship is inside the bones. That is why God saw the dry bones and said even as long as the bones are there I can still do something about it. That’s why the Bible says in Eph. 3:16-21 Paul prayed that you will be strengthened by the might of the Holy Spirit in your inner man! Your size is not the important thing. You can be a small boy and be a champion. You can be an old man and still be a champion. What is important is your inner man. In 1 Sam 17:32-33, David said, "I will go and fight Goliath" Saul said, "You can’t do it. You are a small boy" He said, "You are mistaken sir! You are looking at a champion!" In verses 42-47 Goliath looked at David and said, "You want to fight me? You small boy! And David said, "By the time we are finished we will know who is a small boy" Tell the fellow sitting next to you, "I may not look like it but I am a champion! I am a champion!" I’ve told you the story before. We send some people to go and conduct a crusade somewhere in Ogun State and the masquerade came out to disturb the crusade. They began to flog people, scattering those who were gathering and one little girl, on little girl said, "Daddy said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, whatsoever we lose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. He didn’t say it is the Pastor alone who will do it!" Somehow she had learnt that in that particular town, if the masquerade comes out and the drum tears the masquerade will not see the following year, so she moved aside from the crows and said, "I decree in the mighty name of j, every drum begin to tear and one after the other, the drums began to tear and every masquerade ran away! Every drum that the masquerades blocking your way are dancing too, shall tear tonight in Jesus Name! (Amen!) A champion was a fighting spirit – ready to fight anyone, any Goliath whatever the size. A champion is always confident. He knows who he believes. He knows who he trusts, he knows who is behind him.Phil.4: 13 one champion said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! That means I can reach my goal! That means I can succeed. That means I will be a champion forever. You better say it loud and clear: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. A champion is a confident man. Why? Because of John 4:4 it said: ‘greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.’ He said, "Little children, little children, you have already overcome, you have won even before you begin to fight because greater is he that is in you that he that is in the world! Tell your neighbour, there is no way I can ever fail! You better say it loud and clear! Psalm 27:1-3 David said, ‘the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom should I fear’? And he said, just tell me who is that fellow who is big enough to face the One that is my light and my salvation? In Daniel 3:18-19 Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego said to Nebuchadnezzar – they said there is no need wasting time answering you sir, we just want to tell you one thing only – the god we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us. How many of you believe that the Almighty God will deliver you from your enemies – you better say ‘Amen!’ loud and clear then!" (Amen!) A champion is always confident. They are sure that they will win. A couple of years ago we were preparing the ground here for the Holy Ghost Arena. It was a massive jungle! There were rivers there – very deep rivers and so we went there and I told my people – we must get this work ready because we are using it for Congress. So they started. They brought in all kinds of caterpillars. They tried. They tried – to weeks to go, the place was as far from ready as it could ever be – so I took the people there just look at the place. The engineers were there – all the big, big people were there and I said, that tie we were use to calling it Festival and I said, "We are holding the Festival here." One of them said to me, "Sir, you want to hear the truth? And I said, "Yes." He said, if the Federal Government with all the money at their disposal and all the engineers in the Ministry of Works, if they move in here, they can’t finish this work in three months so talking about this place being ready in 2 weeks, let’s forget it! I smiled. Two weeks from today we will hold the Festival here. He said, "Yes sir, if you refuse to listen to the truth, what can we say?" Is there anybody here tonight who believes that irrespective of what the circumstances may be saying, before the end of this month, you will reach your goal? (Amen!) You believe that, stand on your feet and shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Ten days later the Arena was ready! I mean - the arena was ready! All of a sudden engineers became champions – we did everything contrary to what the book said. We buried rivers – we did everything that nobody will think is possible because a champion will just stand firm and say, "This is what is going to happen. God help me! "Next time…" Now tell your neighbour – next time you see me, I will have a giant testimony" If you believe that say, ‘Amen!" loud and clear! (Amen!) A champion looks forward to the next fight! After he’s won one fight and dances a little, then he gets ready for the next fight. 1 Sam.17:34-36 David said, I have fought a lion and I defeated him. Then I fought a bear and I defeated him. Let this giant come, it will be my next opponent and you know, why you always find a champion always looking forward to the next fight is because he knows that another fight is going to mean another victory. In 1 Sam. 17:39 David said the One who delivered me from the lion, who delivered me from the bear, shall deliver me from this Goliath. The One who gave me the first victory, and the second victory, will give me the third victory. The One who had given me victories up till now, will give me yet another victory! How many of you are expecting more victories this year? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) When I was in the primary school meat was eh..eh..... a very rare thing in my house. There are people here who don’t know the meaning of scarce… In our house we get plenty of meat at Christmas, Easter and then once in a while when there is an epidemic among the chickens! Is anybody like that here who knows what I’m talking about? But anytime we did exam in the primary school, by the grace of God, I will come first and when I get home my mother will want to show her appreciation. There’s a woman in our compound who was a seller of dry fish and in selling her dry fish there are always crumbs. She will sell the real one to those people whoa are rich. The crumbs she will put them together in little, little heaps and sell them for penny, penny and my mother will go and get one heap of crumbs – that’s to celebrate my coming first! So I look forward to the examinations because if exams come and I come first I will eat fish crumbs. Glory be to God! For ever more! The next examination you are going to take is going to lead you to higher heights! (Amen!) A champion looks forward to the next fight because he knows that it is already written "No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life." He knows that it is written: "You are more than a conqueror because of Him who loved you." And he knows that it is written,: "God is going to take you from glory to glory, from victory to victory. If you believe that say ‘Amen!’ loud and clear! (Amen!) A champion is always willing to go one more round. You know, if you know anything about boxing when there is a championship fight they will probably say 15 rounds. They will fight the first round – 3 minutes and then they will go and rest for 1 minute and they will come and fight another round. And now while the fighting is going on at times they will beat the champion very well and batter him very well. He will be very tired. If he gets down there, he sits down to rest for 1 minute and they ask, "Do you want to continue … or call it quits?" Let’s tell the other people ok you have won. We ill fight another day…." A champion will say, "No, just one more round… let me fight one mote round." "But your eye is almost closed…. everywhere bleeding…" "Yeah, I understand – just one more round!" The champion is always wanting to go just one more round because he knows that within just one more round anything can happen. The Bible says, many are the afflictions of the righteous in Psalm 34:19 –‘ many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all.’ Prov.24:16 must be talking about championship fight. It said ‘a just man falleth seven times and rises up again.’ I believe there is someone here that the enemy has knocked down again and again and they are going to rise today (Amen!) One more round and they are going to win! One more prayer session! Another call upon the Almighty God! Another appeal to the throne room of Heaven! And somebody will go home a triumphant champion! (Amen!) If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) By the way, all kinds of healings and miracles are happening. I just didn’t want to stop to announce but…. Maybe you will see some of them when we finish – you will see for yourself. Who is a champion? A champion is one who remains on his feet when the fight is over. When two boxers are fighting, one fellow hooking and jabbing and hooking and jabbing…. But then at the end of the fight, it doesn’t matter how many times you had beaten me – the important thing is that when the fight is over, I’m the one standing and you are the one down. Somebody is going to put his leg on the neck of Satan tonight! (Amen!) In 1 Sam. 17:50-51 after all the boasting, after all the shouting, it was Goliath on the floor and David standing on top of him. Tonight every Goliath in your life is going to fall. (Amen!) – the Goliath of sickness, of poverty, of sorrow, of failure, they will fall tonight! The Bible says in Psalm 20:7-8 Let me read it to you because it’s talking about somebody here tonight: Psalm 20:7-8 7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. 8 They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright. How many of you will be standing upright when the battle is over? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) The Bible says in Ephesians 6:13, it said, ‘having done all to stand…’ When I first joined RCCG almost everybody then was a prayer warrior. People knew how to pray! Some people still do. I didn’t know how to pray. I was coming from a background where the Pastor does all the praying and when he finished praying if you have not fallen asleep you will say "Amen!" but he mustn’t hear you say the ‘Amen’ loud. And when I became born again, I joined the Redeemed, I saw the people praying. If they finished the service in those days, they will just say, "Go and pray!" and nobody will stop you. You stop when you like. And within five minutes I’ve said everything I wanted to say: "God please solve my problem – You know that’s why I’m here. Solve the problem please quickly and then I will remember my brothers and help them too if they have problems, help them solve their own problem and then Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, they Kingdom come etc …" and them I lift up my head nobody has moved; in fact the people are just warming up so I go back again and repeat what I said and look up again but nobody is moving and I don’t want to be the first person to get out. What are these people saying? What is it they … So finally I decided because I noticed there was a particular brother his own case was different and I said, I know what I will do, I will come to church early, watch where he will sit and sit next to him; whatever he’s saying, I will be repeating because I want to learn how to pray. I said, I will come and sit beside him and I began to hear him: Lord Jesus, King of Kings! ( I will repeat, Jesus, King of Kings!) Lord of Lords! (Lord of Lords!) Rock of Ages! (Rock of Ages!) I AM THAT I AM! (I AM THAT I AM!) … and he is still on that one for 15 minutes! … Lion of the Tribe of Judah!! (Lion of the Tribe of Judah!) the Ancient of Days! (the Ancient of Days!) and then after that one he then moved on and on and on. So I thought he was my champion until one day something happened. I discovered who is the real champion. We prayed as we used to pray. We were there on our knees for more than one hour. By now some people were already getting up sp we were able to get up and go home and then we came back for evening service and there was a man who had been on his knees since morning! He did not move an inch! He was still going on! That’s a champion! When everybody had surrendered, he was still going on. A champion is going to be born tonight! (Amen!) Someone who will pray until Heaven will open! Someone who will hold on to the Almighty God until something happens! Who is that champion that I’m talking to tonight? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Who is a champion? A champion is the one who laughs last. It doesn’t matter what the enemy may be saying before then – no matter! No matter you knock me down ten times? No problem – I jump up, I still keep on fighting. When the battle is over you are down and I am standing on top of you and then it will be my turn now to laugh. Somebody is going to go home tonight shouting for joy (Amen!) If you study the story in 1 Sam.17 you will remember that when the Philistine champion came out, when Goliath came out and began to boast and began to speak, the Bible says the children of Israel were dismayed and they went to go and hide. But by the time you get to 1 Sam. 17:51-52 the Bible said, when the Philistines saw that the champion was dead they fled and then the children of Israel arose and shouted for joy! All the champions here tonight, let me hear you shout for joy! Why do I ask you to shout? See, many people have complained that we shout too much! My answer to them is ‘the winning side is the shouting side!’ Only winners shout! …. As for me I have nothing to shout about! Ah! Ps.20: 5 says, ‘weeping may endure for a night but joy is coming in the morning.’ There is somebody here tonight, this is the last time you will ever weep. (Amen!) Because your joy is coming in the morning. Jesus Christ said in Acts 6:21, He said, blessed are they which weep now for they shall laugh. Joy cometh. Oh it doesn’t matter if you will hold on to the LJC your joy is around the corner. (Amen!) You are going to laugh last. (Amen!) But he who laughs last – is the one who laughs best! I’ve told some of you the story before. There was a girl that a boy said, ‘I’m going to marry you.’ And he deceived her to such an extent that they fixed the day of the wedding and they were to meet at the registry for the wedding. The girl has got the wedding dress; got the friends together and they went to the registry and they waited and waited and waited and the boy didn’t come. Can you imagine that kind of sorrow? The day that was supposed to be the greatest day of joy became the day of greatest sorrow! The girl nearly died of sorrow! She nearly had a mental breakdown! But somehow she survived, became a Christian and held on to the Lord and one day she met another man, a soldier in the Army and she got married. Now the boy who was to marry her also joined the Army and they didn’t know about it but one day the husband of the girl was appointed a Military Governor and every Military Governor must have somebody they call the aide-de-camp who must open the door for his wife and… the aide-de-camp was the boy who disappointed this lady before…. And he had to open the door for the First Lady. He had to shine the shoes of the First Lady…. All those who say you will not reach your goal they are coming to bow down before you! (Amen!) Who is a champion? A champion is the one who sings the victor’s song. I’ve said that man is a singing animal. We love to sing. We sing at every occasion, If there is a marriage we sing. A baby is born – we sing. Somebody is becoming a chief – we sing. Somebody dies – we sing and when you listen to the kind of song somebody is singing you can tell what is happening to him. If you hear somebody singing "we shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome, some day …. You know that fellow has just lost a battle. But if you hear somebody saying: "Winner oooo, winner! Winner oooo winner! …Jesus You don win o…." you know immediately that that fellow has won. I mean, if two football teams want to play – one is your team, the other is the opponent and you see your team coming back quiet like the dead… not a word .. .….you know what happened! You don’t need to ask them. If you want to ask - all you need to ask is by how many goals did they defeat you. But when they are coming and they begin to sing, "now the battle is over, now the battle is over, we are more than a conqueror…" all you need to ask is by how many goals did you defeat them? That is why whenever we say let everybody shout Alleluia! And your neighbour keeps quiet, you know what is happening – you will know you are sitting next to a loser! Thank You Jesus! When you go to Exodus 16:1-11 You’ll find Moses singing a song. How could he sing? Because the enemy he saw yesterday he never saw them again and I know there is someone here today, the enemy you are seeing now, you will never see them again. (Amen!) They asked David why are you always singing? Why are you always dancing? Why are you always praising God? And he says, "Ah you don’t understand. I’m a champion! I’ve fought many battles, not only lion and bears not only Goliath, even my own brothers, even my father-in-law, I’ve fought many battles …" that’s why he wrote in Psalm 89:1, he said, ‘I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever…’ He said, ‘with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.’ Pastor Adeboye why do you sing? Why do you dance? Why do you carry tambourine about? Why are you asking people to shout Alleluia!? I’ve fought many battles. The Lord had brought me thus far. He has turned me to champion, and has surrounded me with champions! Let me hear somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) I think I better let loose some champions, some champions who will shout and every wall of Jericho will fall; some champion who will shout and Red Sea will open, some champions who will sing, who will praise the Almighty God so that water will come out of rock! Some champions who will praise the Almighty God! Some champions who will really shout, who will magnify the name of the Lord! Some champions who will praise Him! Who will praise Him! Who will praise Him! Some champions who will glorify the name of the Lord, Glory be to God!! Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!! Oh, Thank You Father! Thank You Father! Thank You Father! Thank You very much! Just remain there .. just before the guitar man began to play God spoke to me and said, "Son, you’ve done your bit. Move out of the way, let me do my own!" Let’s begin to praise Him! Let’s dance before Him! Let’s magnify His holy Name and let us see what the Lord will do here tonight! Come on let’s begin to praise Him.. are we ready? I want us to do it this way…. because only individuals can tell how good God had been to them, I want you to think of a song of your own. You will sing your own song. I will sing my own song, we will combine all of them – it will become a joyful noise unto the Lord of Lords!! So you sing from the bottom of your heart – sing a joyful song unto the Lord! Magnify His holy Name. Sing unto the Lord a new song! Sing unto the Lord a new song!……. Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we worship!! May the Almighty God receive your praise in Jesus Name! (Amen!) Let’s remain in an attitude of worship. We may sit down. Daddy spoke to me and said, "Son, my ears are open. I will answer prayers here tonight." I just thank God for that. That is why I want quickly to give an opportunity very quickly to those who are yet to be saved. The Word of God says if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. The Bible says, the hand of God is not shortened that he cannot save, neither his ear heavy that he cannot hear, but your sin has separated between you and your God that he may not hear. If there’s any one here tonight. with this awesome presence of the Almighty God – if you are here tonight and you are not yet born again; if you are here tonight and you are still living in sin; if you are here tonight and you are a backslider and you want to come back to the Lord; if you are here tonight and you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ – begin to come now. I’m going to count up to 10. We cannot afford to keep God waiting for too long. He’s waiting to hear our prayers. Any one who is here who is not yet born again and you want tot surrender your life to Jesus, come now! I will count up to ten. By the time I say ‘10’ if you are not yet in front I will know you are not serious. That’s if you want to give your life to Jesus. Come now! 1… 2…. 3…. 4…. Oh this is the day of salvation! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! 5…Oh nobody can become a divine champion unless they are born again….6… Those who will become champions of the Most High, they must first of all be His children. They must say bye-bye to a world of sin. You cannot belong to the camp of the devil and belong to the camp of God. But His mercy endureth forever. If you come to Him tonight He will save your soul. If you know you are coming you better hurry up! Now I know some of you are coming from a far distance but you better hurry up now. Oh Thank You Jesus! for salvation. Come and call on Him for the salvation of your soul! Just keep moving! Hurry up! 8… now. The gates of mercy are still open but they can close any moment! Those of you who are already in front begin to talk with Jesus Christ. Begin to pray and ask Him to save your soul. Ask Him to forgive all your sins. If you want to surrender your life to Jesus, you better hurry up now. This is the hour of salvation. God is waiting for you! If you are sitting down there and you are living in sin, on a night like this, when even a dead man can feel the presence of God, then there must be something seriously wrong with you! Tell the devil to leave you alone! That you want to go and surrender your life to your God! That you want to go and give your life to your Maker – the one who can turn you to a champion! Hurry up now – this is the final count! 9…now. If you know you want to come, you better be on your way, you better hurry up before we finish praying! And the rest of us let’s begin to pray for these people; let’s stretch out our hands towards them and intercede for them, that the Almighty God will be merciful unto them, that the One who saves us will save them also. That God will be merciful unto everyone of them,. Those of you who are already on the way make sure you reach here before we finish praying. Those of you who are yet to start, you better begin to run – now – this is the day of salvation! The Almighty God is calling you to have the last laugh – He wants you to become a champion! The devil has tormented you long enough! It is time to say bye-bye to Satan. It is time to say bye-bye to a life of sin. It is time to come to the Almighty God and say: I surrender my life to You! Hurry up now! Now before it is too late! Come now the Lord is calling you! Come now the Lord is calling you! He wants to save your soul!.. Thank You my Father! O Lord God Almighty have mercy! Have mercy on these Your children. Save their souls! Save their souls as You saved our own souls, save their own souls also! Be merciful unto them! Be merciful unto them! Be merciful unto them! O Lord be merciful unto them! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Father, I just want to bless Your Name for Your Word that has gone forth and for these people that have responded to Your Word. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ name! (Amen!) They’ve come to You Lord for the salvation of their souls. Father, receive them (Amen!) Save their souls! (Amen!) Forgive their sins (Amen!) Wash them clean in Your Blood (Amen!) Write their names in the Book of Life (Amen!) Father, I pray that beginning from today they too will become champions of God. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) ‘Amen!" Those of you in the front let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) I want to rejoice with you because you have taken a very important step tonight. And I can assure you heaven is rejoicing over you and the rest of us are also rejoicing with you. We’re happy that you took this decision Glory be to God! Clap for Jesus! Go ahead clap for Jesus! By the grace of God from tonight onwards I will be praying for you so I need your names, your addresses and your prayer requests so I can continue to tale your requests tot God. That’s the reason why you should put the correct address because when I ask God to send your miracles it will be sent to the address that you put down. If you look to my left you see a brother waving a piece of wood. If you look to my right you see another one. Which ever of them is closer to you, follow him. There are some Pastors waiting for you. They will collect the information I asked for before they ask you to come back and join us. We’ll wait for you before we begin to do anything serious. So you can begin to go! Let’s give the Lord a big hand! Advice of a champion. David said, ‘Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy Name. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits and then he began to list all his benefits.’ I want you to sit down and meditate for few minutes and think of all the battles God has fought for you and all the victories He had given you…. And to each one say, Thank You Lord!’ Thank You for saving my soul! For not allowing the enemy to triumph over me. Thank You that those who have been pursuing me have not caught up with me. Thank You because all those who thought they would be burying me have fled! that everyday I grow stronger! Count your blessings one by one and then begin to thank the Almighty God. Thank Him for all the blessings. Let’s do that for some minutes as we wait for our brothers and sister to come and join us. Let somebody shout ‘Alleluia!’ If somebody they tell you that whatever you ask from God tonight, He will do it for you! (Amen!) If somebody says so will you pray or will you keep quiet? Are you ready to pray? Stand on your feet and shout another big Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Your first prayer – loud and clear – is, Father, you remembered the dry bones, remember me.’ Today let’s talk to the Almighty God…. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) So you will say to the Almighty God, Father, You treated those dry bones as special. Treat my case as a special one tonight… Let’s talk to the Almighty God … treat my case as special , treat my case as very special one .. in Your own wonderful way treat my case as special. Give me a special attention tonight. Treat me as if I were the only one here tonight.. Give me special attention tonight to the glory of Your Holy Name! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) And you will lift your voice to Him and say, "Father, you commanded the wind and it obeyed you. Tonight, command blessings into my life! Command life into my situation! Go ahead talk to the Almighty God In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray! (Amen!) An incident happened this week that is just passing. Somebody pursued a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and when he caught up with the fellow, he said, You Redeemed, we pursue you, we pursue you , we have not caught up with you yet, he said, But we’re coming.." I want you to talk to the Almighty God – the anointing to outrun my enemy, give to me tonight!" Let’s talk to the Almighty God – the anointing to outrun my enemy – everyday, for the rest of my life – the anointing to outrun all my enemies – give to me tonight! Glory be to God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let God arise and His enemies be scattered, let God arise and His enemies be scattered….. I want you to call on the Almighty God – say, Father, every enemy of myself, my family, your church, the nation – scatter them tonight!" Let’s talk to the Almighty God! Let God arise and let all my enemies be scattered… In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Cry to God and say, "Father, all those who think I am finished – surprise them!" Talk to the Almighty…. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Brethren this is a very special month. There are thousands of children of God who are fasting and praying this month. God Himself is very, very sensitive to us this month. Talk to Him and say, "Father, this month, every day, give me a breakthrough..! Let’s talk to the Almighty God! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now I want you to think of 7 people precious to you, and mention their name one by one before God and ask the Almighty God to turn every one of them to a divine champion! Talk to the Almighty God! Every one of them – you mention their names – that the Almighty God will turn each one of them to a divine champion … In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Now you go before God and present your own personal request. You know the areas where you must have help now. And you say, "Father hasten to my help. Make haste, make haste to help me in this area, in this area, in this area….. we give You glory, we give You honour, we give You adoration my Lord and my Saviour. Thank You! for answered prayers. Thank You Jesus! Let’s begin to bring our prayers to a close. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) I’m going to pray for you now, I want your ‘Amen’ to be loud and clear. In the mighty Name of Jesus! (Amen!) Father. You are the champion of champions, for all Your children here tonight.. Almighty God fight our battles for us! (Amen!) Every enemy that is pursuing us – leave them far behind! (Amen!) Any evil that is going ahead of us, don’t let us ever catch up with it! (Amen!) All our enemies, known and unknown, scatter them! (Amen!) Father, just scatter them! (Amen!) Almighty God just scatter them! (Amen!) Tonight like never before remember us! (Amen!) Visit us! (Amen!) Treat our cases as special! (Amen!) Every day if this month give us a break through! (Amen!) Let your name be glorified! (Amen!) Let our joy be full! Father, we have had testimonies before but beginning from now – giant testimonies – give unto us in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Thank You! my Lord glory be to Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) If you believe that let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Let’s be seated for a while….. Has anybody been blessed thus far tonight? Any champion here tonight? Let me hear a champion shout of Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Glory be to God! While I was in my prayer room the Lord said that there’ll be some very special cases that will be attended to tonight. If you are one of them as soon as you hear your case please come forward. … The Lord said there’s someone here who had a dream and in the dream you find yourself tied down like a goat. The Lord says He wants to set you free tonight, so you should come so we can pray for you. A second group, the Lord says there’s someone here tonight you once made a charm to tie the hands and the fortune of somebody you hated, and now you’ve discovered that your hands and your fortune are tied. But you have repented and God wants to loose your hands and He wants to loose your fortune. If you are the one come forward so that we can pray for you. The Lord says there’s someone here tonight you cursed your rival in order that you might marry the man that you were rivaling about, Now you have married the man you want to marry but there is no issue, no joy, no peace and God says because you are here tonight he wants to take care of that situation so if you are the one come! the Lord says there’s someone here tonight He said, you buried a charm at your rival’s working place so that the blessing that should be going there should be coming to you but He said your blessings are flowing over to the other side. The Lord says because you have repented He wants to neutralize that charm if you come tonight. Then the Lord said there is a student here, you use a charm that is supposed to quicken your brain nut instead of the brain being quickened now the brain is almost completely at a standstill. If you are the one come quickly because God wants to settle that matter too. Then the Lord said there’s someone here tonight when things were hard for you, when things were very hard for you, you said, I wish I could just die" But now things are better and yet death now is knocking at the door. The Lord wants to cancel that statement you made so you better come quickly. Finally the Lord said there’s somebody here suffering from what could be called a blood-sucking disease. He wants you to come so He can stop that bloodsucker right away. If you are one of the various groups that have been mentioned you have to move on your feet. I will count up to ten. If you are not here by ten I will take it that you are not really serious. 1… 2… 3…4… 5…. 6…. 7… Those of you who are already coming you should thank God that He is taking a very special interest in your case tonight. That He picked you out of this great crowd to deal specially with your case, I think you should begin to praise Him, you should begin to thank Him – the One who knows what nobody else knows, picked you out of this great crowd and said, I want to settle your case! I think you should begin to thank Him.., you should bless His Name in advance for something special that your life this morning, so you should begin to praise Him. For those of you still on your way it is 8 now .. You should praise Him from the bottom of your heart – that out of this great crowd You really remembered me Lord! Let’s praise Him! Let’s magnify His holy Name! Father we thank You, Father we magnify Your Holy Name .. It’s 9 now so if anybody is still on the way and you are not here now…. Then you need to really quicken your steps. Brethren let us stretch our hands and pray for these people and ask the Almighty God who has been so merciful to them to settle their cases once and for all – to forgive every sin they have committed and deliver them from every yoke of bondage, to change every curse to a blessing…… Let’s pray for them for one more minute - Let’s intercede for them like champions Let’s glorify His Holy Name. In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) In the mighty Name of Jesus! Merciful Father, I bless Your Name! Thank You for this special group that You have decided to just be merciful unto tonight. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I plead the Blood of the Lamb over them. The Blood that conquered Satan let it conquer for them in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I take authority over every evil force operating in their lives and decree right now that they will loose these people and let them go in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I decree that every curse in their life be changed into a blessing in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) that every evil charm be neutralized in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) that everything that is not of God affecting their lives will be silenced in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I decree that the tide will turn for these Your children now in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I curse every blood-sucking demon operating in their lives in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) I decree healing for you. (Amen!) I decree deliverance for you. (Amen!) I decree progress for you. (Amen!) I decree prosperity for you. (Amen!) I decree success for you. (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every plan of the enemy concerning you shall be nullified in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) So shall it be In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) God bless you - you can dance back to your seat. Now those who were called out tonight will be going home rejoicing, why don’t you rejoice with them by giving the Lord a big round of applause. ..Amen! … let’s give our thanksgiving to the Almighty God, our God has been very good to us. this night has been a very special night indeed. If February is like this I’m just trying to imagine what March is going to be like. God has heard my appeal tonight. I know the devil is in trouble now and I believe that from now on I’m going to be a stronger champion than ever before. I believe I have something to thank God for tonight so while the ushers attend to us, as soon as they’ve attended to you, you can dance. If you want to remain seated and dance on your seat it is okay. If they haven’t reached you remain seated so that it will be easy for them to locate you. Let’s go ahead and just bless the Name of the Lord! Almighty God A big shout of appreciation…. Alleluia!
Pastor E. A. Adeboye