The Almighty God said to Joshua, "No man shall be able to stand before you all the day of your life'.  So when Joshua came face to face with the Wall of Jericho he remembered the promises of God. He knows that God cannot fail. He knows that God will not lie, so when God asked him to shout he was more than willing to shout. There is somebody here tonight, every obstruction to your greatness is going to come tumbling down (Amen!) If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

The opposite of something is nothing. The opposite of great is small, there is someone here tonight who will not tolerate being small. (Amen!) There is somebody here tonight whose only choice is greatness. (Amen!) Now if you are that one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) The opposite of head is tail. Tail is useless – so useless that God did not give man a tail. There is somebody here tonight, whether the devil likes it or not that fellow is going to be the head! (Amen!) If you are that one let me hear you shout a real big Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

I don’t know the full details of what God wants to do tonight, all I know is that Daddy told me that no matter how few those who will come, in spite of the fuel crisis, this is one night you will never forget for your life. (Amen!)

So let’s go before Him, the One who can do all things. Let’s humble ourselves before Him and Worship Him! Just sing to Him that song that He loves so much Holy, Holy, Holy……… Mimo, Mimo, Mimo……… You are high and lifted up……… Jehovah you are the most high………………. Go ahead! Worship the King of Kings! Worship the Lord of Lords! Magnify His Holy name! Bless His Holy name!……… Thank You Lord! Thank You Father! Blessed be the name of the Lord! Thank You Father! Alleluia! Father! In Jesus mighty name we worship! (Amen!)

Brethren I want you to stand on your feet….. Thank You Jesus! I heard a voice saying “the terminator shall be terminated”. (Amen!) Oh Lord God Almighty! Sickness is a terminator, poverty is a terminator, barrenness is a terminator, demons are terminators, sorrow is a terminator! I want you to lift your hands to the Almighty God. I want you to claim the first prophecy and say,  In the name of Jesus, every terminator in my life, you are terminated tonight! Sickness you are terminated tonight! Disease you are terminated tonight! Sorrow you are terminated tonight! Barrenness you are terminated tonight! Sorrow you are terminated tonight! Demons you are terminated tonight! Curses you are terminated tonight! Every terminator in my life you are terminated tonight! Terminated tonight! Terminated tonight! Every terminator in my life, you are terminated tonight! Oh Lord God Almighty! Alleluia…….. every terminator in my life you are terminated tonight! Every sickness, every disease, every form of poverty, every form of barrenness you are terminated tonight! Every form of failure, every obstruction to my progress you are terminated tonight! Every doubt every unbelief, every evil covenant in my life you are terminated tonight! Terminated tonight! Terminated tonight! You are terminated tonight! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Oh thank You Lord! I heard the Lord saying “ And the doors shall be opened!” (Amen!) I want you to open your mouth and begin to talk to God saying, In the mighty name of Jesus, my doors of blessings you are opened now, doors of progress, doors of promotions, doors of health, doors of prosperity, doors of joy you are opened now! In the mighty name of Jesus!…….. Doors are open now! In my life every door of goodness, of mercy, of progress of joy, of success, of promotion oh! you are open now in the mighty name of Jesus! Doors you are open now! In the mighty name of Jesus! Ah Yes Lord! Every door…….Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

I told you I don’t know how it’s going to be tonight because I have just heard the Lord saying, “ And the rain shall fall!” Lift your hands to the Almighty God and say,  Let the rain fall on me - showers of blessing let it fall on me! Let the rain fall on my family! Let the rain fall on my business! Let the rain fall on my church! Let the rain fall! Let the rain fall! Let the rain fall! Let the rain fall on me Lord! Let the rain fall, let the rain fall, let the rain fall on me! Let the rain fall on me Lord! Let the rain fall on me Daddy! Let the showers of blessing fall on me, let the rain of God fall on me, Alleluia! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy name! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Ah Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And Daddy says, “The eagle shall fly again!” (Amen!) Brethren this is your night! Lift your hands now and  say, “Father carry me on eagles wings above all my mountains!” Go ahead - talk to the Almighty God! “Carry me on eagles wings Oh Lord! Let me soar above all my mountains! Carry me God on eagles wings! Carry me on eagles wings! Carry me on eagles wings! Let me soar above all my mountains! Let me soar above all my mountains! Let me soar above all my mountains! Carry me on eagles wings Oh Lord, Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Oh Lord, Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Oh Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Oh my Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we pray! (Amen!)

And Daddy says…. Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Father! And Daddy says,“And the fire shall fall!” (Amen!) Cry to Him brethren, like the Day of Pentecost! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Let Your fire fall! Like the day of Pentecost! Lord God Almighty Let the Your fire fall! Let the fire of Holy Ghost fall! Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall! OH lord God Almighty! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Father! Blessed, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! In Jesus marvellous name we pray! (Amen!) Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Thank You Lord! Blessed, be the name of the Lord! Thank You Jesus!

How do we do tonight? Alleluia! Thank You Father! Ok let’s open our eyes. I want the elders, secretaries, provincial pastors please form a line, form a line! One single line! Thank You Jesus! One straight line, move a little, move away from the altar a little! One straight line, one straight line, one straight line I don’t want it curved, straight line, one straight line! Alleluia! Alleluia!! Oh Lord God Almighty. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Blessed be the name of the Lord! The wives of the AGO’S should join them, you can join the queue - one straight line, move a little further down. Just a little further down. Please move! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to God. I want one straight line, please, please, please. Let’s do it quickly while the spirit is moving. Please move. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia Father ! The line must be straight, it must be straight make the line straight, thank you! Ushers if you have to move chairs, move chairs. The line must be straight, Alleluia! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Now I need ushers quickly. I want you to stand behind these people and I mean strong ushers. Stand behind these people, Alleluia Father! Glory be to God! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Let’s hurry up, let hurry up don’t let’s waste this moment. This is a very awesome moment. Thank You Jesus! That’s fine, that’s ok! Make sure there is no chair behind any of these people. When I say stand behind them I mean stay close enough there might be some of them who will not be able to take this voltage that may fall, so stand behind them……

I have experienced God again and again and again in my life, but tonight the anointing is so heavy I have to transfer a bit of it if I’m to preach. And I’m going to lay hands on these people very quickly. If I were you those of you in front I will take whatever I can take now. Now the rest of us, you will stretch your hands towards them because the anointing can be transferred. Thank You Father! As I lay hands on them stretch out your hands by faith and take your own! Take your own! Take your own! Just keep on praying, keep on praying. This is an awesome moment. Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! In Jesus wonderful name we pray! (Amen!)

Now brethren, I want you to turn round, face these people and bless them, bless them, bless them! Pray for them, pray for the people on this side, pray for the people behind the altar, pray for every one of them! Go ahead! Stretch your hands towards them and just bless them, bless them, Release the new anointing you just received to pray for them. Bless them! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! So shall it be Jesus name Amen! (Amen!) And so shall it be in Jesus name (Amen!) So shall it be in Jesus name (Amen!)

Father we bless Your name. We give You all Glory, We give You all honour. Take all Glory Daddy - just keep on moving, keep on moving! Keep on moving keep on doing marvellous things in our midst. Thank You Father! In Jesus mighty name we pray Amen! (Amen!)

Oh Yes brethren you can go back to your seat. Lets give God a big hand one more time. Oh thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus!  Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Jesus! Permit me to sit down for a while Alleluia!.

The name the name of Jesus………..Thank You Lord! Let me try and unwind a little by first of all thanking the various choirs that sang tonight, I think God Himself must have specially selected you for this night because you did very, very well. Every choir tonight did very well but without any doubt at all the second choir, the Hausa team did the best. I want the various choir masters present here tonight to take note of something. I have been saying again and again when you do well we don’t have to begin to tell the people to put their hands together. They will be clapping, you won’t be able to stop them. I counted the number of times that the people clapped, stopped, started again, clapped, stopped, started again – for that second choir – four times tonight, four times. That shows you clearly, that you are singing to a congregation that appreciates good things. If you sing well they will show it, they will show their appreciation. So when it is the compere now saying, ah you can do better than that, you know what that means. So you don’t have to copy other choirs anywhere else because they are all singing some American songs that had no meaning – nothing! So you too want to be like them? We are not interested in being like anybody. We want to worship God not entertain! We want you to sing and carry us into the presence of God. It is not like the people of the world. I mean the modern singer no problem! We are not singing to a modern God we are singing to God who is the same yesterday, today and forever! I mean you saw how people reacted! I want to say thank you very much to all of you. Every choir of tonight, you did very well. Thank you very much.

Now I want to thank God for the first preacher of tonight – that was good. I was surprised the other pastors were not standing and clapping when you left the altar – I was surprised because you are our representative and you did a very good job, you did a very good job, you did a very good job! Glory be to God. Ok, so I’m a bit normal now so we can talk. Alleluia! Amen!

I told you that this month we’ll be talking about a new breed of greatness. You see I don’t like always to say “God told me”, “God said” because it is not everything you hear from God that you should tell the people but because of the way He came down tonight, I will tell you something (Amen!) You see if you notice, you will observe that in March Special Holy Ghost Service, the theme of our Holy Ghost Service then was“The Beginning of Greatness”. If anybody had asked me I would have told them why that theme but nobody asked and I kept my mouth shout but because of the way He came down tonight I will give you a hint. Daddy told me that He’s about to raise up in the Redeemed Christian Church of God great men and women. (Amen!) That’s why I’ve been trying without telling you exactly what He said, that’s why I’ve been trying to push you in that direction. That’s why if anybody asks you now “How are you? what is your reply? “Great” Let me ask you one more time, “How are you? I’m great”.

Now you should tell your neighbour “You came in spite of all problems tonight, Make sure that you get the best tonight.” In other words remain on the alert. You can’t afford to come like this then go away without getting the best.

In Mark16:19-20 the Bible said,

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up unto heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word.

Confirming what? I can’t hear you! Confirming the word with signs following! (Amen!)

Every word that is preached, God confirms. It is only the words that are preached that God will confirm. Because God said, My word shall not return to me void. In Heb 2:4 the Bible says God supports His word  with signs and wonders and miracles. He will support His word that is preached with signs, wonders and miracles. That’s why Paul said in I Corin. 2: 4-5Paul was able to say boldly, When I came preaching to you, not human philosophy, not human wisdom but the word of God it was followed by the demonstration of the power of God. Brethren whenever salvation is preached, people will be saved because God will confirm His word. Whenever healing is preached, people will be healed because God will support His word, Whenever miracles are preached, miracles must happen! Let  me tell you the truth, wherever they preach prosperity, people will prosper. That’s why if you were not here last month, whatever it’s going to cost you, get last month’s tape and listen to it very well. Even if you came - because the devil will want you to forget, listen to it again and again, The Bible says, forever oh Lord, thy word is settled.

Anywhere people preach salvation, people get saved. You preach healing, people get healed. That is one of the reasons we don’t see healing in some of the traditional churches because they believe now that Jesus is no longer doing miraculous healing. Doctors are for healing now. That’s not correct. Preach healing, Jesus will heal. Preach miracles, Jesus will perform miracles. The brother who spoke before me tonight preached healing, I can guarantee you several people will be healed tonight. Last month I spent almost three hours preaching prosperity from the word of God. Somebody better get ready for prosperity! And now by the special grace of God I’m about to preach “Greatness”. Somebody is going to be great! Amen! (Amen!) I say somebody is going to be great! Amen! (Amen!)

But before I go further let me tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Everybody can hear a sermon. It is not everybody that the sermon will affect. It’s not everybody who heard the message of salvation the day I was saved who was saved. Because the word of God says in James 1:22 Those who are going to prosper from preaching are those who are not hearers only but the doers. It is true that the Bible says faith comes by hearing but James 2:20

Thank You Father! Alleluia! This is going to be a special night. Amen! The Lord says there is someone here, He said I should tell you that as soon as I tell you, you will understand “Samson your hair is growing again”. Amen! (who ever that one is I’m sure you understand)

James 2:20 says faith without works is dead. You can hear salvation preached. You can be touched by the word of God. But when we give altar call you may refuse to come forward, and you go home a sinner. You may hear healing preached – wonderful preaching on healing but you may say that’s not for me and you go home sick. You can hear preaching of prosperity and you can turn round and see several people prospering and ask “ Why not me?” Prosperity does not come by praying, even though praying is important. It does not come by fasting, even though fasting is important. There is only one way out of poverty. Who can tell me? I can’t hear you! There is only one way out of poverty and that is by giving, by giving! Give and you shall be given. That’s the word of God. The elders have a saying, they say poverty will not allow the poor to prosper, They say when he should give a goat for sacrifice he gave a rat. There is only one way the word of prosperity will prosper you – it is by giving. Gal 6:7 it says you can’t mock God – whatsoever a man sows that is what he will reap. You give a rat you will get a hundred rats and hundred rats put together is not equal to a cow. You give a cow you are going to get a hundred cows. It is the law of God. There is nobody who can change it.

The Bible says God is no respecter of persons, He’s no respecter of persons. On the Day of Pentecost, a whole city gathered together to hear Peter preach, only three thousand received the message with joy and they got born again. Paul preached on prosperity more than any one else, But all the churches heard him and just said “Don’t mind him” Except the church of the Philippians. They are the ones who said, “If Paul said so it must be so.” So they began to do what Paul said – they began to give and Paul was able to say, My God shall supply all - how many? All my need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. The grace to be doers of the word, not hearers only, the Almighty God will give you this month! Amen! (Amen!)

There are many people who will say, “Well there have been so many prophecies but I have not seen any come to pass in my life”. If you don’t do what God asked you to do how can the prophecy come to pass? If He asked you to witness and you don’t witness, He asked you to worship Him, you don’t worship Him. When it is even offering time you give grudgingly, when the word of God says God loves a cheerful giver – don’t blame God! God is straightforward, you can’t bend Him. He doesn’t change with time.

Several years ago when I began to travel to America and they hear of the little work God was doing in our midst then…. “And what can we do to help you”. I’m not a beggar. The God in America is the God in Nigeria. Everything you see here, by the grace of God is made by naira not by dollars. The God of Nigeria! I keep telling them,  “Come and see”, Now they are beginning to come and they begin to say, “But they said Nigeria is poor”. Who told you? We are not poor  Is there any poor fellow here? No! Any great person here? Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Let me tell you - Do what God says - the blessings will come. It may appear to take some time but it will surely come! Blessing and curses they work alike. Jesus cursed the fig tree and the disciples looked at the tree. The tree was as green as ever. Jesus said no man shall eat of thee anymore forever. Nothing changed. I’m sure Peter must have been talking to John: He cursed the tree! Nothing happened to it. The tree is as green as ever! Until the following day, they discovered that the tree has died – from the root. The elders have a saying, they say: they cursed a little child with Iroko tree and he began to look back, does he think it will die the same day?

When the man of God says “God bless you,” don’t think that is an idle statement. The moment he says that, ways begin to open. That’s why I’m saying “God bless you!” (Amen!) I say God bless you! (Amen!) Now Gen 12:1-3 Because there are great people sitting down here tonight, You are not just going to be great you are going to be very great! (Amen!) If you won’t say “Amen” then I will not bless you anymore because Amen means “so let it be”. I say there is somebody here, you will not only be great you will be very great Amen! (Amen!)

What are the ingredients of greatness? What are the things you see in a man’s life and you say he’s great? I will try to rush but since there is no go-slow now we can wait till 6 a.m. no problem. Gen 12:1-3:

Now the Lord had said unto Abraham, Get thee out of this country and from thy kindred and from the father’s house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nations and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Let’s just take those words now and see the ingredients of greatness so that you can know what is coming into your life.

Number one when God wants to make anybody great he will bless the fellow. When God blesses you it means everything, everywhere will begin to help you. Even the ground you walk upon will begin to help you. When you are blessed where others sleep and fail, you won’t. Animals will begin to help you. I mean wild animals will see you coming and they will begin to dance.…. When you are blessed even witches will help you!

I will tell you a stories tonight because this is a very special night. When I was younger, there was a woman in our compound a self-proclaimed witch. If you want to know how terrible she was her child gave birth and after the naming ceremony the child began to have serious stomach pain. After all kinds of things had been done and no solution, they went to check from an oracle and the oracle said, go and ask the mother. So they asked her what is the trouble? She said on the day of the naming ceremony of the child they killed a chicken and threw away the intestine without asking her! “You want to eat the intestine of a chicken?” she said “Yes” “So if they kill another chicken and give you the intestine will the stomach pain end?” She said “Yes” so they killed another chicken, they gave her the intestine and the stomach pain disappeared so that’s the kind of woman I’m talking about. Just follow me, I’m going somewhere.

In those days when we want to study at night, we had no money to buy coffee but kola nut, plenty around, so we eat kola nut to keep awake. But one day this witch called me and said, “Stop eating kola nut.” I did not know the meaning. I got home. I told my mother. My mother put her two hands on her head. I didn’t know that the easiest way to poison somebody in those days was to give the fellow poisoned kola nut. Somehow she must have heard or may be she was even the one planning to give me poisoned kola nut but because I am blessed – it came from her mouth: stop eating kola nut! Every force, whatever their nature, from tonight, rather than working against you they will be working for you! (Amen!)

And you see when you are blessed even wild animals will see you and they’ll begin to dance. Some days ago I was in America in our Redemption Camp there and since God told me that all the surrounding land there He has given it to us, I decided to walk on the land to claim what God said He has given me. As I was going there was a farm there with two wild dogs! Big! You know how oyinbo dogs can be big! Big!  They saw me coming, very early in the morning and they rushed, barking furiously and I just kept going and all of a sudden they began to dance…. From today even snakes will dance when they see you Amen! (Amen!)

If you read Gen 22:26-27 Isaac said that a field that has been blessed of God will smell different. A field that has the blessing of God will smell different. A blessing from God is a summons to everything to begin to help you. Man will help you! Land will help you! Rain will help you! The air will help you! Because you are blessed of God! Tell your neighbour “I am blessed!” Say it loud and clear – “I am blessed!”

The second ingredient of greatness is unusual multiplication. Unusual multiplication. God said to Abraham I will make of thee a great nation. One fellow. God said he will become a great nation! I’m telling you brethren there are people here looking at you today – you alone will become a great nation! (Amen!) I say you alone will become a great nation! (Amen!)

Less than forty years ago the entire Adeboye family – my father, his two wives (the man had two – he tried) and all of us children put together we numbered thirteen. Today by the grace of God I will tell you how many we are but we are already becoming a nation! Is there anybody here who is going to become a great nation? You better shout “Amen!” loud and clear! (Amen!) Ingredient number one God’s blessing, number two unusual multiplication.

Number three - a great name, God said to Abraham I will make your name great Pro 22:1 It said a good name is better than silver or gold. When God gives you a great name your name will open doors. (Amen!) Lets just take an example. Is there anybody here that somebody can come and say “I need a loaf of bread” and I say “Why should I give you a loaf of bread”? “Oh it is Pastor Adeboye who asked me to go and get from you” How many loaves will you give the fellow? Very soon when they mention your name doors will open! (Amen!) I say doors will open! (Amen!)  That’s why when God wanted to give Jesus Christ a prize for the sacrifice He made on the Cross, He gave Him a name that is above every other name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Very soon, when they mention your name demons will run in Jesus name! (Amen!)

Ingredient number four of greatness is that you become a blessing!When we are begging you “be a blessing” it is because you are not yet blessed that is why is difficult for you to be a blessing. The elders have a saying they say when the eyes are full it will drop on the nose. The kind of blessing that God is going to give you, you will not be able to hide it (Amen!)  I say you won’t be able to hide it! (Amen!) It is only when you have one car that you will say, I’m my own driver. If you have twenty you have to employ drivers and if you employ drivers you will feed the drivers, you will feed their wives, you will feed their children. Let me tell you tonight there are people listening to me now, very soon you won’t even be able to count your aeroplanes! (Amen!) Psalm 23:5 David said thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. The cup of joy of somebody is going to run over! (Amen!)

Ingredient number five…. I’m rushing because they are plenty – there are at least twenty of them that I want to share with you. I will keep the remainder to myself. Don’t worry.

Number five is to become a blessing carrier to friends and associates. When we say somebody is great, his friends automatically begin to share in the greatness. I told you a story once. I was in London and we were trying to collect our luggage and there was this young man that said, “Daddy just show me your luggage and I will collect them for you. “So I was pointing to them  and he was bringing them. And one of his friends called him who didn’t know me at all, he said, “why are you…….. “He said, “That’s Pastor Adeboye he’s a Pastor of the fastest - growing church in the world etc” And the fellow was saying, “un..h...un.. un and then finally, he now stood upright and said, “And he’s my Dad”. Immediately that fellow took his attention away from me and now was looking on “that’s my Dad”. He suddenly became great because that is his Dad! A time is coming when people will say, I am a relative of yours! (Amen!) Everybody will bow! If you believe that you better say “Amen” loud and clear! (Amen!)

Let me read a passage to you in Gen 13: 5-6:

And Lot also which went with Abraham had flocks, and herds and tents and the land was not able to bear them that they might dwell together for their substance was great so that they could not dwell together.

When God has made you great every one of your relatives shall be great also! (Amen!) Because God said to Abraham I will bless those who bless you.

Thank You Father!

All kinds of healing are going on. Somebody who have been suffering from migraine, it’s gone now.

Somebody who felt insects crawling all over your body you won’t hear about them anymore (Amen!)

Ingredient number six is that you will become a danger to your enemies. Why? Because God says to Abraham I will curse those who curse you. The brother who preached before me, he said, tell your neighbour that your trouble is in trouble because God will trouble your trouble! (Amen!) I don’t know if you heard that one, Tell your neighbour again, “Your trouble is in trouble because God will trouble your trouble!” (Amen!) All the enemies that want to fight against you will be fought by God. That’s why many of them will become your friends by force because suddenly they will see somebody behind you – oh this is not somebody to fight!  Isaiah 49: 25-26 God said any of these people who said they will not let you go. God said he will feed them with their own flesh (Amen!) He will cause them to drink their own blood. So you become a terror to your enemies.

Ingredient number seven: world fame. God said to Abraham he said through you shall all the nations of the world be blessed. In other words throughout the world they will know you. You may not believe it but I know there is somebody here very soon the whole world will know your name!(Amen!) All you have to do is to tell them you are redeemed by the Lord and they will kneel down and say, Please lay your hands upon my head because we know your hands must be special”. Do I hear you say “Amen” to that? (Amen!) How can this thing be?

We have just came back from the American Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and one of the guest speakers, a very big man there came to see me before he went to preach. So he said, When did the church start in America? “I said, “Ten years ago’’ he said, “How many parishes do you have now?” I said, “154”. He said “What?” I said “Yes sir. 154.” I saw the way he was looking at me. I said, “But some of them are still very small - about 50 people.” He said, “How can this be?” Because he has been in America for forty years preaching, great man, and he still has only one church! You came ten years, from one to 154! How can this be? That is the question they will be asking you very soon (Amen!)  The we say we saw you at the beginning of 2003, How come? How did you make it? And you will tell them: in July 2003 I was present at an unusual Holy Ghost Service and my greatness began! (Amen!) If you believe that let me hear you say “Amen” loud and clear! (Amen!)

Ingredient number eight we will find in Gen 15:15 God was speaking to Abraham and said: And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace. And thou shalt be buried in a good old age. Ingredient number eight of greatness is peace. Peace at home, Peace at the place of work, Peace when you are travelling, Peace when you are coming home. Pro 16: 7 It says, When a man’s ways please God he will cause even his enemies to be at peace with him. Tell your neighbour: “Very soon my enemies will leave me alone!” You know, you pursue somebody you think you can catch. But when they see how far God has taken you they will say leave that one alone, his own is different in Jesus name! (Amen!) You know God said in Isaiah 48:18 -19it says if only you will just be obedient to me, I will give you peace like a river… peace like a river. Peace! That is going to be your portion from now on in Jesus name! (Amen!)

Ingredient number nine: Long life (Amen!) what do I call it? “Long life” In Psalm 91:16 God said, with long life will I satisfy him – with long life will I satisfy him. I was sharing with ministers some times ago, I said last year as I was approaching the age of 60 I was walking through the camp at night praying. I was thanking God for what He had done but I was crying out my heart to Him: Father there is still so much land to occupy. I’m getting old, the sun is setting! Suddenly He spoke, He said, “Son, I am the One who decides when the sun will set. I am the One who decides. Tell your neighbour, “You are not going to die young!” Say it loud and clear! You will be surprised that Abraham lived to be 175. Gen 25:7-8 Abraham was 175 years old when he died. Suddenly it occurred to me: it’s the devil who’s trying to tell me that I’m old. God says I’m the One who decides, Anybody who thinks I’m going to die yet is making a big  mistake. I don’t know about you but I’m not going to die young. Say it as if you mean it!

You know up to last year before I heard God speak, I was even teaching, telling you, you know what I used to do when I was young. I don’t do anymore, that when we started building this camp I used to carry a bag of cement of my right, a bag of cement on my left. And I will say I am balancing the equation but now I won’t even try it again. I’m telling you, I’m already doing it again. I refuse to die young! (Amen!) How old are you when you are just 60? It is the Almighty God who said that the age of man will be 120. It is David who said 70, the Lord said 120, 120 is what the Lord said, Which one do you choose? Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

By the way, there is somebody who had been stooling blood go and check you are not stooling blood anymore! (Amen!)

Some 20 years ago I had the opportunity to preach at the birthday of Alake of Egbaland. At that time he was 68 years old. So I said, “ Kabiyesi, David said 70. The Lord said 120. If you agree with David you have two years to go. If you agree with the Lord….  Kabiyesi said: “ I agree with the Lord.” This year he’s 88 and he’s going strong – How many of you will live long? Let me hear you shout “Amen” like somebody who is young (Amen!) So all of you who are 50 who are already looking for walking stick wake up my friend! You are a child! Let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia)

Ingredient number ten: God did not only promise Abraham long life, He said good days, good age, He’s not talking about just living to be old and then continue to live in sorrow, No Psalm 34:12-14, it says you can live long yet see good days provided you keep your mouth from speaking guile. You know, in the past when I see some old people and I see the way they are suffering, I will say, it will better to go when it is good oh! But one day I saw Gen 35:28-29 Isaac died at the age 180 years! But that’s not the important thing. The important thing is “and his sons buried him!” He was 180 and his children were still healthy and strong. From now on none of your children will die. (Amen!) You will no longer bury any of your children. (Amen!) It’s your children who will bury you! (Amen!) Alleluia!

You want to hear more or we should go home? Lets look for more ingredients of greatness. 2 Kings 4: 8-13 Because you are going to be great you need to know what is coming. I will read it to you verses 8 -13:

And it fell on a day that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman and she constrained him to eat bread, and so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned in hither to eat bread, and she said unto her husband “Behold now I perceive this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. Let us make a little chamber I pray thee on the wall, and let us set for him there a bed, a table, and a stool and a candlestick and it  shall be when he cometh to us he shall turn in hither. And it fell on a day that he came hither and he turned into the chamber and he lay there. And he said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunamite” And when he have called her, she stood before him and he said unto him say now unto her behold thou has been careful for us with all this care What is to be done for thee? Wouldest thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the hosts?” and she answered, “I dwell among my own people”

Ingredient number eleven of greatness is material abundance. Oh you are going to prosper. (Amen!) I thought  I will hear “Amen” to that one (Amen!)  You are going to have everything in abundance: food in abundance, clothes in abundance, cars in abundance, houses in abundance and health in abundance. This woman was not just rich she was wealthy.

Deut 28:1-2,11, God says if you will just obey me, I will bless you so much you will say “God this is too much!” And then you’ll be running from the blessing, and the blessing will be pursuing you and overtaking you! I know God is not talking to everybody. Those that He’s talking to, they know. I say blessing will be pursuing you. (Amen!) And overtaking you! (Amen!) That’s what God said. Then He said, in verse 11, He said, “I will make you plenteous in goods”. Don’t believe anyone who tells you that a sign of a good Christian is poverty, poverty is a curse and every curse in your life had been broken tonight! (Amen!)

If you are a Christian, Abraham is your father. Is that correct? I say is that correct? What did the Bible say about Abraham? Gen.24: 34-35This fellow was speaking and he said, “I am Abraham’s servant, and the Lord has blessed my master greatly and he has become great and He has given him flocks, and herds and silver and gold and male servants and female servants and camels and asses. (Amen!) The God of Abraham is my God. I say the God of Abraham is my God! There’s no reason why I should not have goats, sheep, naira, pounds, dollars, houseboys, house girls, drivers, gardeners, guards, pilots….. that’s what the word of God is saying! If you will obey God that’s all! It says it is God that will make you plenteous in goods, He will do it, He will do it..

Ingredient number twelve: May be you should tell your fellow: if you don’t want to  prosper ask God to send your own to me. If you don’t want to be plenteous in goods ask God to send your own portion to me. I will use it for the kingdom. Ingredient number twelve of great people, of greatness, is generosity. That’s one of the ways we know great people. This woman was generous. Elisha did not go to her and say, ‘Please I need an offering.’ No, no, no! She is the one who said, “Come and eat in my house.”

Years ago after a lot of struggles when God was calling me to the ministry. I didn’t want to answer. The reason  I didn’t want to answer is that if I become a full-time,  then I will be fed from offerings of the people. Me? I came from a very poor family but we were very poor and proud. We used to say, “We know you are eating cows. Everyday you eat chicken. We don’t eat meat until Christmas but you are not the one feeding me. You are not the one feeding me. You may be richest in the world as long as you are not the one feeding me, don’t bring any nonsense near me!” So we were poor but we were proud.

Then I struggled, I struggled with God’s help and finally I got PHD and I said bye-bye to poverty. Suddenly God now said: Drop that! Become a Pastor. So that these people now can say we are the one feeding you? – market woman will say…? I told God, “No way no way!” I said, “Look, I will be earning my salary. I will take the money for food, the rest I will give to You. I will still do any work You want me to do.” Of course finally He won. And then one fellow came to me, “Now you are going full-time! Anything you need, come and ask me.” “Ah! Me? Come and ask you? I will rather die of hunger! Ask you?” That’s the way many of us are. But things are going to change.

Many of us wait until somebody comes to come and beg for help, “Help me I’m a Pastor I don’t have the school fees of my children”. “They’ve come again now! If I don’t give him now I don’t know what kind of prayer he will pray!” That’s  no sign of greatness. Great people are generous people. They won’t wait till you ask – they give!

Where I was born, where I was brought up. If I come to visit you and you ask me “Will you eat” what do you expect my answer to be even if I’m dying of hunger? I will say, “No I am full.” If you want somebody to eat in your house and he comes to visit you, what should you do? You put the food on the table and say, “Come O!  The table is set. Please come and eat!” Some of us want to be great. Generosity is an ingredient of greatness.

I remember years ago I met a man at the Airport in London and I was trying to come to Nigeria from somewhere but horribly and all the money in my pocket was just enough to buy an economy ticket. The man saw me where I was buying the ticket, He said, “What! You? With all the children you have in your church?  I know so many people that you can just go to and say give me first class ticket and they will be able to give you,” I say, that’s the problem – I will never ask. Till I die I won’t beg. You will never beg again, I say you will never beg again (Amen!)

And let me warn you, before your greatness comes one of the ingredients of greatness is generosity. Pro 11:24 it says there is one that scattereth….. what happens to him? Yet he increases. You want to increase? you want to multiply? Keep scattering? Be generous. If you have all the money in the world, you are a miser, you are not great. The Bible says give a portion to seven and also to eight. Ecc 11:2, Ecc 11:6, it said in the morning sow thy seed, afternoon, evening sow thy seed. Committed generosity is ingredient number twelve.

Ingredient number thirteen is recognition and submission to Godly authority. This woman even though she was wealthy, still went to get permission from her husband, before she built a house for the man God. She could have said, “It’s my money, not your money, I can do what I like with my money! I’m going to build a house for the man of God. It is a good thing I’m about to do. So what’s your concern?” But she submitted to the authority of her husband.

Exo 20:12 It said honour thy father and thy mother, that your days might be long. How many of you want to live long? Honour your father, honour your mother, honour your pastors they are your spiritual fathers. That way your days will be long. Honour those who are put in authority over you. Pro 27:18 He that waiteth on his master shall be honoured.  Honour your master. You never can tell, you may become master one day. In fact you are going to become master very soon. Elisha was pouring water on the hand of  Elijah. At the time he was doing so he didn’t  even know he will be taking over the position of Elijah but he took over and became greater than Elijah.

Let me tell you one thing it may be difficult for you to believe but there are some people sitting here now, who will be greater than Pastor Adeboye (Amen!) I didn’t hear your “Amen” to that! (Amen!) That’s my desire – that my children will be greater than I. So that if Jesus tarries, if you my children are greater than I, then after I have gone you will carry on the work because you will be greater, you will be wiser, you will be richer, you will be more anointed! I didn’t hear your “Amen” to that! (Amen!)

Ingredient number fourteen is freedom from any form of bondage.The man of God asked the woman “Do you need help? Shall I go and talk to the king for you to give you your freedom? Or should I talk to the general maybe so they can give you some military contract?” The woman said, “ I live among my own people. I am free. I don’t need help”. As long as you are poor you can’t say you are free. The Bible is very clear in Pro 22:7 it saidthe rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is a servant to the lender. Very, very soon every debt you are owed will be paid. (Amen!) Let me hear your “Amen” loud and clear! (Amen!) And after that one you will never borrow again! You will be free from poverty! You will be free from anxiety! You know if you are a debtor you can’t say you have peace like a river because you don’t know when the creditor will come and knock at the door. Freedom from every form of bondage.

Ingredient number fifteen is contentment. The woman told the man of God, “Don’t worry yourself I am content”. You know contentment is a wonderful thing. To be content is a wonderful. 1 Tim 6:6 it says, Godliness with contentment is great gain. There are some people, it doesn’t matter how much they have, they are never content. They may have a thousand pairs of shoes, the moment they see you wearing one that is different from the one they have – different design – they lose their joy. “Ah! Where did you buy that shoe from?” And you want to make yangatoo and you say, “From Singapore.” And he knows he can’t go to Singapore. Immediately his joy is gone. There are some people no matter how rich they are, the moment they see somebody who is slightly richer they lose their joy!

But great people are contented. They wake up in the morning, eat their bread and egg, They thank God. If they feel like soaking gari in the afternoon in spite of all their wealth they will soak the gari with some sugar in it – they are contented. They may have a house full of food but they will get one boli, eat the thing, wash it down with a bottle of coke – they are contented. I pray that the grace to be contented God will give you in Jesus name! (Amen!) It is discontented people who steal. They are the ones who steal. They are the one who inflate the cost of materials. They are those who are going to buy something for God and they will go and meet the customer and say, “Increase the price”! Great people know that it is God who will make them great. Not crookedness No, no, how God will make you great leave that to Him and be contented.

Very quickly since we are already at fifteen, we can quickly add the remaining five.

2 King 5:1 talks about somebody again who is great. We can learn from him. Now Namaan, Captain of the host of the king of Syria was a great man with his master and honourable because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria. He was also a mighty man in valour. What are the ingredients of greatness?

Number sixteen – reaching the top. Namaan was Captain; he wasn’t Lieutenant, he reached the top. Somebody is here tonight, it doesn’t matter the obstacle the world may put in your way, you will reach the top in Jesus name (Amen!)  Because God promised in Deut. 28:13 it said, I shall make you the head and not the tail. Say it loud and clear, “ I will be the head not the tail!” Reaching the top.

Number seventeen. It said Namaan had favour with his master. Ingredient number seventeen of greatness is favour with superiors, particularly favour with God. Somebody here tonight is going with favour with God! (Amen!) Favour in the morning, favour in the afternoon, favour in the evening, favour in the night time. When you find favour with God then you know all is well. Favour can change death to life. Esther was supposed to die when she went to see her husband the king, because the king did not call her, but she found favour and the king said instead of you dying you will be my second in command, You can have half of my kingdom. Beginning from today, everywhere you go, you will find favour with God!

Ingredient eighteen is honour, they said Namaan was honourable. No matter how rich, nobody will call a thief a great man because a thief is not an honourable man. You, in your own greatness you will be honourable! (Amen!) The plan of the Almighty God, according to Psalm 8:4-5, is that God wants to crown you with honour and glory and that’s the exactly what is going to begin to happen to you now. (Amen!)

Ingredient nineteen is victory. Victory! There is no greatness in defeat and from today you will never suffer defeat again. (Amen!)  Because God promised when the enemy comes against you one way, they will flee how many ways? So shall it be in Jesus name! (Amen!)  A great man is a man who can sit down and enjoy in the presence of his enemies and David said, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies”. I want you to know that the greatness God is going to give you, is the greatness the enemy cannot do anything about.

Ingredient number twenty is might, strength, vitality. There is no use becoming old and then becoming a vegetable. When the Almighty God decides to make you great He will give you long life, you will see good days, and you will remain healthy. I don’t know if you understand what the Bible meant in Deut 34:7 The Bible said Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not dim and his natural forces were not abated. You know what that means? It means that if Moses wanted to have a child at the age of 120 he could have had one – he was that strong! He could read without glasses. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with glasses. Keep using it until God says no need, because that is coming – ah! I can assure you! As your greatness begins your strength will become like that of the eagle. You will grow younger day by day and suddenly your eyes will become brighter and brighter and you will not use the glasses anymore! (Amen!) If you believe that say “Amen” (Amen!)

I still have a lot to say but I want to stop now. But I want to stop by saying one thing – what is complete greatness? Complete greatness means greatness without a but. In all cases we have mentioned Abraham started by being barren, By the time God finished with him his barrenness was gone. The Shunamite woman, great as she was, was barren. By the time God finished with her she was barren no more. Namaan,  great as he was, was a leper. By the time God finished with him, he was no longer a leper. I’m prophesying to somebody here tonight, every reproach in your life shall be removed in Jesus name! (Amen!)  Your greatness shall be complete! (Amen!) No but! No reproach, no barrenness, no sickness, no sorrow, no poverty! Let me hear you say “Amen!” (Amen!) if you believe that stand on your feet! Stand on your feet! Give the Lord a big round of applause! Clap like a great person! Clap for the Almighty God! Alleluia!

Now it is only God who can make you great but God is not going to make His enemy great and if you are not born again you are an enemy of God. So if you are here tonight and you are not born again the word of God says we cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound. If you are still living in sin and yet you want God to make you great, you have to run forward tonight and come and give your life to Jesus so that he can save your soul and your greatness can begin.

I will count up to 10. If you want to give your life to Jesus get here before I say 10. The rest of us we can stretch our hands to them as they come and pray for them that God will save their souls! Those of  you who want to give your life to Jesus, come now! I will begin to count - 1…..2….3……It’s up to you. If you want to die small it’s your choice. You cannot continue in sin and expert God to make you great, so if you want to give your life to Jesus come now 4………5……6. This is the day of salvation. Everybody knows that God is here and you can hear all that I have said and still refuse to pay attention. The choice is yours. I can’t force you. The word of God has gone forth. He will confirm His word but it is up to you to decide whether you want him or you don’t 7… now before the Gate of Mercy will close. Hurry up quickly! If you know you want to come, come now! 8 now…..

God loves you that’s why He brought you today. Whoever invited you is your best friend ever, he brought you for salvation so that your greatness can start. 9 now! That’s the final call. Now those of you who are already in front begin to talk Jesus Christ and ask Him to save your soul! Tell him you’ve come to surrender your life to Him now, that by His grace you will no longer go back to the world of sin! And the rest of us let’s stretch our hands towards these people and pray for them and ask God to save their souls and forgive all their sins. Pray for them brethren! Those of you who are still coming hurry up! This is the hour of salvation.

Let’s pray for them one minute: That the Almighty God will save their souls! That He will be merciful unto them today! And cleanse them in His Blood. And remove all the stains of sins from their lives! So that they can have a share in the greatness. Let’s pray for them for another 30 seconds.The Almighty God in His infinite mercy will be merciful unto them! Will save their souls! Let’s pray for them!

Those of you in front, cry to God, ask Him to save your soul! Be merciful unto me O Lord! Save my soul! Forgive my sins Lord! And I will serve you for the rest of my life! I will serve you for the rest of my life! Be merciful unto me Lord! Forgive all my sins and I will serve you all the days of my life! I will serve you! Those who are still coming I want to pray now come quickly. Get here before I pray. Come and ask God to save your soul! Thank You Father! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. (Amen!)

My Father and my God I want to thank You today for Your word. Oh what a great God You are! What a great God You are! Receive our thanks in Jesus name (Amen!) Father look down on these Your children and be merciful unto them! Forgive their sins! Save their souls! Cleanse them in Your Blood! Write their names in the Book of Life! And don’t let them ever go back to the world, in Jesus name! (Amen!) From tonight, when they cry to You, answer them in Jesus name! Thank You my Father! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! Amen! (Amen!)

Now those of you who have come forward for salvation let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) I want to rejoice with you because from today when you pray God will answer. Number two. From today I will be praying for you that’s why I need your names and address and your principal prayer requests and that’s why you have to give me the correct address because when I collect this information and I go to God and I ask him to send you your miracles, the miracles will be sent to the address that you put down so make sure your address is correctly given.

Now there are some Pastors waiting that will help me collect this information so if you will follow this brother who is waving a piece of wood he will take you to where those people are waiting and then you come back quickly after they finish with you. We will wait till you come before we go to the session of prayer. You can begin to go now. Lets give the Lord a big round of applause. Do you know that today is your day -  that’s why the devil struggled so hard that it will be hard to get here today but you made it! Congratulations! So for about three minutes I want you to thank the Almighty God that you are able to come today! Just thank Him, Bless His holy name! Praise Him! Give Him Glory, that you are able to come today. Praise Him! Praise the Lord! Praise Him!

We are going to pray a serious prayer tonight but even as we are doing that those who have testimonies to give should please go behind the Altar. There are some Pastors waiting there to attend to you, to listen to your testimony. So if you have any testimony from the past Holy Ghost Services, go to the back of the Altar now. The prayers we want to pray tonight I don’t need to beg you to pray them. If you like - pray. If you like -  don’t,  but as usual the first prayer is going to be a shout of praise……. Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Thank You Jesus! Alleluia! Amen!

Now lift up your voice to the Almighty God. The prayers are going to be brief so pray with all energy.

 Lift your voice and say “Father, tonight, lay a solid foundation for my greatness”. Go ahead and talk to the Almighty. “God please lay a solid foundation for my greatness. This night, Almighty please lay a solid foundation for my greatness! Lay it tonight! Lay a very solid foundation for my greatness! That the world will know that this is of You! A solid foundation for my greatness! For my greatness tonight! Thank You Father! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Then you say: Father, make me a doer and not a hearer only that all Your blessings may become mine. Lets talk to the Almighty God. “Make me a doer of Your word, not a hearer only that all Your blessings will be mine. That all your blessings may be mine! Make me a doer of Your word. In every facet of life make me a doer, that all Your blessings may be mine! Make a doer of Your word not a hearer only. Make me doer of the word. All the days of my life I will be a doer of your word, that all Your blessings will be mine. Glory be to Your name!” Thank You Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed (Amen!)

Then you say, “Father beginning from now crown me with Your glory and honour.” Talk to the Almighty God! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed!( Amen!)

The next one is for a few of us and it says, “Father wherever I go let me find favour with you.” Talk to the Almighty! Wherever I go from now on let me find favour with God! Let me find favour with men! Father, from today wherever I go, let me find favour with God and let me find favour with men! Almighty God when I go in, let me find favour, when I come out let me find favour! Anywhere I go let me find favour with God, let Your favour go with me Lord, Favour in all areas of  life let me find favour! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

And then you say “Father satisfy me with long life, good days and prosperity. Let talk to the Almighty God! Baba 0 satisfy me with long life! Good days! Prosperity! Good health! Strength! Joy! Victory! Blessings galore! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus name we pray (Amen!)

And then you say “Father, for the rest of my life, don’t let me suffer another defeat again! “Let’s talk to the Almighty God! For the rest of my life, no more defeat 0h Lord! No more defeat physically, mentally, financially, academically, spiritually don’t let me ever suffer another defeat again for the rest of my life! No more defeat Lord! No more defeat! Don’t let me ever suffer anymore defeat! All the days of my life! Oh Lord God Almighty! Blessed be your holy name! In Jesus mighty name we pray! (Amen!)

And then you say, “Father as I begin my journey to greatness, remove every garment of suffering from me!” Please talk to the Almighty God. Father as I begin my journey to greatness, remove every garment of suffering from me, every garment of sorrow, every garment of sickness, every garment of disease, every garment of failure, every garment of defeat Lord God Almighty, remove every garment of suffering from me now on and forever, remove every garment of suffering from me today and hence forth to the glory of Your holy name. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Remove every garment of suffering from me, from today and forever more! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we pray! (Amen!)

Then you say, “Father, make me a carrier of blessings to the whole word.” Go ahead talk to the Almighty God make me a carrier of blessing to the whole world! Almighty God make me a carrier of blessing to the whole world! Jehovah Jireh make me a carrier of blessings to the whole wide world. Make me a carrier of blessings to the whole wide world! Lord God Almighty make a carrier of Your blessings to the whole wide world! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

Just a couple of prayers more now You will say to the Almighty God, “Father trouble my trouble tonight! Go ahead talk to the Almighty God! Father, trouble my trouble tonight! Trouble my trouble tonight! If it is sickness or disease, pain or ache or barrenness or demons that are troubling me, trouble them! Father trouble my troubles tonight! Father trouble them tonight! Almighty God trouble all my troubles tonight! Ancient of Days trouble all my trouble tonight! Lord of Hosts trouble all my trouble tonight! Thank You Jesus! Glory be to Your holy name! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!)

My brothers and my sisters I tell you the truth since the Holy Ghost Service started I’ve never felt the presence of God like tonight! So I want you to go to Him now and tell Him your private request. He’s here tonight, He’s here in a mighty way tonight. Tell Him what you want God to do for you! Open your mouth now and tell Him! It’s between you and Him now! It’s between you and Him tonight. Thank You Lord! Let us bring our prayers to a close in Jesus mighty name we pray! (Amen!)

And let’s stand please and join our hands. Now you are going to pray for your neighbour, You say, “Whatever this your son needs, oh God, or whatever this your daughter needs, oh God that will make him or her great – do it for him – do it for her!” Talk to the Almighty! “Whatever this your child needs, oh Lord that will make him great Lord do it for him! Lord! Do it for him! That will make him exceedingly great do it for him Lord! do it for him Lord! Do it for him Lord! Make him very, very, very, very great! Make him exceedingly great! Lord God Almighty whatever he needs that will make him great do it for him Lord! Take all glory! May your name forever be glorified! Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your holy name! In Jesus mighty name we pray (Amen!)

Now before I pray for you please pray for me! Stretch your hands towards me and wish me whatever you wish yourself.

 Now it’s time for me to pray for you, so you kneel down and stretch your hands to heaven and let your “Amen” be loud and clear.

Father! In the mighty name of Jesus! (Amen!) I thank You for this extraordinary night. I thank you for all Your children who came. Accept our thanks in Jesus name! (Amen!) My request for these Your children tonight, my singular request for them, is that you accelerate their greatness! (Amen!) Even before the end of this night let the signs of greatness begin to show in their lives! (Amen!) Physical greatness! (Amen!) Financial greatness! (Amen!) Spiritual greatness! (Amen!) give to them in Jesus name! (Amen!) Even before we meet at the Convention let there be evidence of greatness in their lives in Jesus name! (Amen!) Everything contrary to greatness – poverty, sickness, defeat, sorrow, demons - destroy it from their lives! (Amen!) Make them exceedingly great in Jesus name! (Amen!) Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your name! In Jesus mighty name we have prayed! (Amen!) If you receive that shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)

Go ahead give the Almighty God as big round of applause! God bless you, you may be seated.

 Alleluia! Amen!

Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach