LET THERE BE LIGHT (PART 8) 4th of September, 2020





Thank You Lord.

Let us pray

What a mighty God we serve


What a mighty God we serve


Heaven and earth adore Him

Even angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve


(What a mighty God)


What a mighty God we serve


What a mighty God we serve


Heaven and earth adore Him

Even angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve


(We are serving Him)


What a mighty God we serve


What a mighty God we serve


Heaven and earth adore Him

Even angels bow before Him

What a mighty God we serve

Almighty God we bless Your holy name. Thank You because there is no one like You. You are higher than the highest, You are greater than the greatest, You are older than the oldest, and all power in heaven and on earth belong to You; heaven is Your throne, the earth is Your footstool, thank You Almighty. Thank You for January, thank You for February, thank You for March, thank You April, thank You for May, thank You for June, thank You for July, thank You for August and Lord thank You for September, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name.

My Lord and my Saviour, I am praying that tonight in the lives of every one of us You will do something special and this day will mark a brand-new beginning for every one of us. And Lord God Almighty all Your children who are trusting You for the fruit of the womb please answer them this very moment. Every yoke that might be binding their wombs, my Father and my God, destroy tonight in Jesus’ name.

As for Your children born in the month of September, Father, I am asking that You will give them a new beginning; a new beginning of joy, a new beginning of success, a new beginning of promotion, a new beginning of anointing, a beginning of fruitfulness. Father I am praying that by this time next year, every one of Your children trusting You for one breakthrough or the other will come back rejoicing with mighty testimonies.

And Lord God Almighty, on a very very permanent basis give us victory over this plague.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Now, wherever you maybe, shout hallelujah to God.

Genesis chapter 30 verses 1 and 2, and then, verse 22 to 24:

1And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.

And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?

Now, verse 22 to 24:

22 And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.

23 And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach:

24 And she called his name Joseph; and said, The Lord shall add to me another son.

When we say let there be light, particularly in reference to childbearing.

Let there be light could mean different thing to different people.

For example, let us start with Abraham and Sarah in Genesis chapter 18 from verse I to 14.

To Abraham and Sarah, let there be light could simply means: God please pay us a visit.

And in the name that is above every other name, all of you who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, God will pay you are visit today.

Pay us a visit o God and do the unusual; do what You normally don’t do.

Because the Bible tells us that when God pay Abraham and Sarah a visit, they offered Him food and He agreed to eat.

Now, God had said in Psalm 50 from verse 9 to 13, He said I don’t eat the food of man,

He said if I AM hungry, I won’t tell you; if I need to eat, I have a cattle upon a thousand hills, I have all the fowls of the air, I have all wide animals, if I need food, I don’t need to consult you,

But on that occasion did what He normally will not do.

Let there be light – Abraham and Sarah said to God, pay us a visit, do what You normally wouldn’t do and speak to us face-to-face.

He has spoken to Abraham before, in Genesis chapter 12 from verse 1 to 3, He has spoken to Abraham before but all this times it has been in dreams, in visions of the night - like in Genesis 15 from verse 1 to 6;

But now, they say if You pay us a visit at least then You can speak to us face-to-face.

I thank God for the testimony of the young man who spoke before me:

Last year, God spoke to his family face-to-face, directly, that by next year you will be singing ‘wonder so so wonder so so’, and today he is singing that song.

I am praying for every one of you listening to me that today God will speak to you face-to-face.

So, Abraham and Sarah said to God please pay us a visit, do the unusual, speak to us face-to-face and please turn all the prophecies of the past to a decree.

You had promised us that we will be fruitful; there had been prophecies upon prophecies: our children will be like stars; now just turn all these prophecies to a decree.

After to all, in Genesis chapter 1 verse 3, You were not prophesying light, You just decreed let there be light and immediately there was light.

Afterall, in Psalm 33 verse 8 to 9 that once You speak it is done.

So, Lord, no more prophecies, just a decree.

And Lord, pay us a visit, change all the prophecies to a decree and ignore our doubts.

Because, you know the story very well, when God spoke and said by this time next year, Sarah shall have a baby, Sarah doubted and laugh but ignored her doubts.

And we know that it is written that the Just shall live by faith – God said it again and again and again in the Bible - Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10 verse 38: the Just shall live by faith.

But the same God said in Isaiah 43 verse 13, He said, when I decide to work, who can hinder Me?

I stand on this altar tonight, to issue a decree, to every one of you trusting God for the fruit of the wombs, nine months from tonight, your children will begin to come.

Abraham and Sarah said to God let there be light, pay us a visit and prove Your almightiness.

Because when Sarah laughed, God said, do you know who is talking to you? Is anything too hard for Me?

God said, I will prove to you that I AM the God of all flesh.

In Jeremiah 32 verse 27, the Almighty God Himself said I AM the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for Me?

If there is anyone of you listening to me today, who might have some doubts: can this thing be? Can God do my own? In the name of the One who is called the Almighty, I decree once again, nine months from today, your children will begin to come.

When the Almighty God granted their request, He changed the sorry of Sarah to laughter because she laughed that night and she is being laughing ever since then.

So, wherever you are tonight, you can begin to laugh because very soon people will begin to laugh with you saying the Almighty God has proved Himself mighty on your behalf.

So, I want you to write down your prayer point number one because you have to pray all your prayer together since we are not here, so, we could not take it one by one.

Your prayer point number one will be: Father, please let there be light, pay my family a visit.

Now, let there be light could mean something different to Isaac and Rebecca - Genesis chapter 25 from verse 21 to 26.

What Isaac said to the Almighty God when he was crying to God, because his wife also was barren, could be: Father, what You did for my parents, do the same for me.

In other words, one man met with a woman and they produced me, if I was born, then let me give birth.

Afterall, if You can be gracious to my father, there is no reason while You can be gracious to me!

You said in Your, Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4, He said the soul of the father, as well as the soul of the son, they are all Yours.

My father is Yours; I am Yours also.

And in any case, You promised my daddy in Genesis chapter 12 from verse 1 to 3, that it is through his seed that You are going to bless the whole world; I am his seed.

And every Christian listening to me today, the Bible says if you belong Christ you are of the seed of Abraham.

So, what God did for Abraham, the God who answer the prayer of Abraham even in old age will answer your own prayers tonight in Jesus’ name.

So, Isaac was saying to the Almighty God, You are the One who promised in Genesis chapter 22 verse 15 to 17, when my father laid me on the altar to make me a first fruit sacrifice to You, You told my father that in blessing I will bless you,

But turned to me and said in multiplying you will multiply me, then, how can I be multiplied if I have no child?

The Almighty God listens to the cry of Isaac and He response and He gave him the first set of twins ever - in Genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26.

Now, the Almighty God made a promise in Isaiah 61 verse 7, He promised to give you double for your shame.

Every one of who call me Daddy, in the Name that is above every other name, what God had done for me, He will do double for you. He has made me fruitful; you will be fruitful; Physically you will be fruitful, materially you will be fruitful, martially you will be fruitful, spiritually you will be fruitful.

Write down your prayer point number two and say: Father, please let there be light, give me double for my trouble. Let there be light, even as You gave double to Isaac, give me double for my trouble.

Now, let there be light to Jacob and Rachael could mean something entirely different.

You see, when you read their story, you will discover that in Genesis 29 from verse 15 to 31, something happened, Jacob agreed with Laban to serve him for seven years so he could marry Rachael.

After seven years, Laban played a trick on Jacob and gave him Leah instead of Rachael and when Jacob discovered and said why have you done this?

The father said no problem, no quarrel; you want Rachael?


Then, serve another seven years.

So, he served another seven years and got married to Rachael.

Because Rachael was the one he loved from the beginning and the Lead was an imposition on him; he loved Rachael and did not care more of Leah.

And God looked down from heaven and said well if you do it that way, I will make Leah fruitful and I will shut the womb of Rachael.

So, as the text we read, when Rachael discovered that she was not producing children and Leah was just bringing then forth like Rabbits; she cried unto and said either you give me a child, give me a son or I will kill myself,

And the husband answered and said, am I God?

So, what happened there? What do you think was the prayer of Rachael?

I believe her prayer is: Lord, I am sorry, I have trusted men, they have failed me, I will trust You alone now.

You see, the Bible says in Jeremiah 17 from verse 5 to 8, the Bible made it clear that if you put your trust in man, you put yourself under a curse.

O, some of us have put our trust in Doctors (God bless them; wonderful people) but Doctors are not the creator, they are not Almighty.

That is while some of you had been told you can never have a child, but like the testimony you heard of the fellow whose fallopian tube was cut off and the other one was blocked and the Doctors said you can never have a child and now she had four.

There is someone who is greater than  every Doctor.

And in the mighty name of that One, I am speaking to every one of you who have problems with your wombs, problems with your fallopian tube, by this time next year you will come and testify because the Almighty God will do what no human can do.

In Psalm 121 from verse 1 to 2, David said I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Almighty God who made heaven and earth.

From now on, take your eyes off men, focus on the Almighty God and the One who remembered Rachael, because the Bible says in Genesis 30: 22 to 24: the Bible said God remembered Rachael, that same God will remember you today.

I just want to remind you, those of you who know this story and those of you who have never heard it before it will help you.

I have told you the story of a woman who became pregnant as a schoolgirl…

O thank You Father.

Thank You Lord.

The Lord said there is someone listening to me right now and He wants me to tell that after He has open your womb, He will allow you to tell Him when you have heard a enough.

Thank You Almighty God.

I was telling you the story of a girl who became pregnant as a schoolgirl and then try to abort and the went wrong and by the time they took her to the hospital the doctor said there is only one way to save her life and they took out her womb.

But she went ahead, got married and was believing God for the fruit of the womb – always going to the Pastor for prayers.

So, one day, the Pastor asked her, everybody I prayed for had conceived, why is your case so different?

So, she told the Pastor her story.

The Pastor said, you mean you have no womb and you asking me to pray for the fruit of the womb?

But the woman said, you are the one who taught us that with God nothing shall be impossible.

Oh! Okay!

From that day onward, whenever the pastor sees her coming the pastor will dodge.

One day, she saw the Pastor dodging her and she decided I won’t go to any pastors for prayer anymore; I will focus on God.

Every one of you who will put your eye on God today, you will not be disappointed.

That night she had a dream, and, in that dream, she found herself standing stark naked and saw a huge man coming towards her with a skin of animal in his hand,

She was too terrified to move, the man came and rapped the skin of animal round her waist and disappeared.

She woke up sweating, but she also woke up menstruating.

By the time she was sharing her testimony she already had more than one child.

The Almighty God who is no respecter of persons, the creator of heaven and earth, even if there is anything damaged in your reproductive system, that God will give you brand new part in Jesus’ name.

And then, prayer point number three therefore would be: Father, please let there be light, remember me today; just as you remembered Racheal remember me today.

Now, let there be light to Manoah and his wife – and you can read their story in Judges chapter 13, you can read it from beginning to the end – means something entirely different.

They were barren, things were bad in the country and there was the need for a champion to rescue the people from the hands of their enemies and so, God paid the wife of Manoah a visit and said you will be the one who will bring forth the champion and the husband was not there.

So, the woman ran to her husband and told him: an angel appeared to me and told me so and so.

The man said and you did not call me!

And together they cried to the Almighty God and God send the angel the second time, and told Manoah himself: you are going to have a champion for a son.

Let there be light therefore in the life of Manoah and his wife means you need a champion, particularly in my nation and that champion needs a vessel to dwell in so that he can come into the world.

Afterall, in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 5, when the Jesus Christ was to come into the world, the Bible says it is written a body thou hast prepared for me.

So, Manoah and his wife would be saying to God therefore, God, you need a champion, make us the vessel that will provide him with a body to come into this world.

So, I believe somebody over, listening to me, would probably say to the Almighty God: God, You need a champion in the world right now, You a champion in my nation, let me and my wife be the one who will bring that champion to life.

It could be that they were saying Lord God Almighty, don’t just visit my wife, visit me the husband also.

You see, many a times, when a couple is not producing children, the tendency, at least particularly in our part of the world, is to put the blame on the woman, whereas it might be the husband who has a problem.

And so, tonight when it is time to pray don’t pray that God will visit you woman alone, pray that God will visit your husband also.

And husband when you are praying pray that God will not just visit your wife, but He will visit you the husband also.

Because you will remember the story of one man who had a problem, when the Doctor examined him, they discovered that his own case was not the case of low sperm count, his case was a case of zero sperm count.

His sperm was ordinary water, there was no seed in it at all.

If a man has low sperm count, there are drugs that the Doctors could prescribed that could build the count up; but in his own case there was nothing to build on – it was zero.

But the man came to one Holy Ghost service several years ago and the Almighty God spoke, He said that He was giving somebody spare parts

After the Holy Ghost Service, they went home and he sat on his chair in his living room and fell as sleep, Saturday morning, and had a dream.

And according to his testimony, in his dream he was me walking into the sitting room, smiling at him, waving at him, and then walking out.

He woke up, just took it by faith that God has paid him a visit.

The following year, he came testifying with his first child.

I am praying for everybody listening me today, whether the problem is with wife or with husband, may the Almighty God visit both of you and solve the problem tonight so that by this time next year you will be singing for joy.

So, your prayer number four will be: Father, let there be light, and let that light shine on both of us – husband as well as wife; whatever is wrong with the husband, whatever is wrong with the wife, correct both so that at the end of it we will have cause to rejoice.

And then there was something this people did, this Manoah and his wife:

When the angel visited them and told them and told them they are going to have this miracle baby in Judges chapter 13 from verse 15 to 19, they told the angels you cannot go, we will entertain you before you go, we will show our appreciation even before you go.

I am encouraging every one of you listening to me today that you will enter into a covenant with the Almighty God that if He will pay you a visit, if He will touch husband and wife, when He has performed His miracle, you will show Him gratitude.

And you will have something to thank God for tonight.

Now, let there be light in the life of Elkanah and Hannah means something entirely different.

Oh, thank You Father.

Now, the Lord is not talking to just those who are barren now, I think He is talking to someone very special, I hope the fellow will know, but He said the light will shine tonight, your destiny that is consider dead and buried, will resurrect.

Thank You Father.

Praise the Lord.

This one is my own.

I want to say amen to it before I tell those of you who are listening all over.

Because the Almighty God said someone is listening to Me and I am listening to myself, He said before the end of this year you will fill another touch from the most High.

Now, in the case of Elkanah and Hannah, you know the story:

Elkanah have two wives – Peninnah and Hannah, Hannah was barren, the other one  was bringing forth children like rabbits and she kept on provoking Hannah.

So, what do you think was the prayer of Hannah?

What can we learn from the story?

I believe that if we were to see Hannah face-to-face and ask her, what is your option about all the things that happened?

I am sure the first thing she would say is I thank God for the provocations that came from the other woman.

Because if that woman had been kind, gentle, polite, maybe Hannah would have settled done and said well, God doesn’t want me to have children, so what is the need of struggling.

But because this woman kept on tormenting her, she refused to stay barren.

In the name that is above every other name, one day you will thank God for those who are mocking you because they pushed you until you cried to God till you got your breakthrough.

All things work together for good

I want to encourage those of you who are listening to me, that the mockery of these years, the people who had been saying what are you doing, particularly relative of your husband, who had been saying what are you doing in our house, just eating our food and growing fat and not producing children;

You are going to thank God for them because unless you are pushed like this you might not get to that stage where you will say God I am not let You go until You answer me.

I am sure that Hannah must have said to God, thank You for the provocations but let this be my set time.

You know the Bible says in Psalm 102 verse 13, He said thou shall arise and have mercy on Zion, for the time, ye the set time to favour her has come.

I am praying for somebody that all the provocations, all the suffering of the past will push you to God tonight so that your set time will be this very moment.

I think she also probably would say I want to thank God because of all the people who gathered in Shiloh that day, it was for me and me alone that the light shone.

Wherever you are, when it is time to pray, you are going to cry to God that He will single you out for a very special miracle tonight.

Then, you know the rest of the story, she was singled out out of the crowd, the man of God saw her as she was in great bitterness or so, and when she explained to the man of God: I am not drug, if I am drug I am only drug with sorrow.

And the man of God said, listen woman, God will grant your request.

The Bible says from that day onward, she was never sad again.

What does that mean?

It means, according to 2Chronicles chapter 20 verse 20, she believed God and she became established; she believed the prophet of God and she prospered.

I am encouraging you, all of you who are listening to me today, to believe my God so that He can establish you and please with all humility I beg you, believe me His son that He has sent to you to be a prophet to you today

Believe the word that is coming to you, that in the Name that is above every other name, before the end of this month there will be a shout of joy in your family.

So, your prayer number five

Thank You Father.

The Lord says the fellow concerned with this one will understand. He asked me to tell you, you will still produce the heir to the throne.

Whoever that fellow is will understand.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell someone, He said that a child that I AM going to give you this time around, a day will come when everybody will look at him and say, haa, this one is worth waiting for. He is not going to be an ordinary child; He would be somebody that everyone would look at and say no wonder the parent had to wait – it will be very very special.


Now, prayer number five, you will say: Father, let there be light, single me out for a breakthrough.

Now, what does let there be light is in the life of Zachariah and Elizabeth and you can read their story in Luke chapter 1 from verse 1 to the end.

The Bible said, Zachariah was high priest of God; Elizabeth was a very righteous woman; the Bible said both of them were completely blameless, there were living a holy life and yet they were barren.

Oh, it could be very embarrassing for the pastor who is praying for others and they are becoming fruit, but to himself a barren – it could be very embarrassing.

And I have good news for all those ministers who is in that category, your reproach will be over tonight.

Because we found that Zachariah kept on serving God, had no option, where else can he go is the high priest, and the two of them had become old but God pay them a visit.

He visited Zachariah and they gave birth to a very very special son – John the Baptist.

What can we learn from this two as to the meaning of let there be light?

Well, number one: we could say, God you said in Your word in proverbs chapter 13 verse 12 that hope delayed can make the heart sick.

You see when the angels of the Lord came and started talking to Zachariah, you are going to have son, the man of God said, I need a sign; he had waited for a long time.

All of you who had been waiting for a long time, in the Name that is above every other name, your waiting is over.

But then, you could also learn from the case of Zachariah and Elizabeth that the two of them made of their minds, whatever happens we will keep on serving God.

When the angel was going to speak to Zachariah, it was in the temple where he was ministering to God.

And I believe very firmly that everyone of us trusting God for the fruit of the womb, our determination to serve God must be rugged.

Don’t let anybody divert your attentions somewhere else; don’t let anybody tell you, you think God can do this?

How many times have you been attending Holy Ghost service and Shiloh hour?

How many times have you heard prophecies from Pastor Adeboye that you are going to be fruitful, let us try some time else?

Don’t do it.

Remember what Job said in Job chapter 13 verse 15, he said thou He slain me, yet will I trust Him.

I promised you God will not fail you.

Do you know what?

At the end of the day, Matthew chapter 11 verse 11, the Bible gave them the best.

Because the Bible says: of all men, of the old testament, born of a woman, there hath not a risen greater than John the Baptist.

I am believing God that tonight every child that God will give to you will be in the class of the best.

So, your prayer number six will be: Father, please let there be light and because I have waited long, give me the best; I don’t want just any child, I want the best; I want the kind that You prophesied about tonight that people will say this one is worth waiting for.

So, let me conclude so you can have time to pray.

Oh, thank You Father.

This is time God says He is talking to someone special, He asked me to tell you I have decided to womb open the womb of your business, I will move you from surviving to prosperous and then move you unto flourishing.

Please write it down.

I will open the womb of your business; you are barely surviving now, Daddy says you will be prospering and then, He will move you from prospering to flourishing.

I like this one.

Before you say amen to this one think twice.

Because the Lord said there is someone listening to me, He say you are going to give birth three times and each time will be multiple birth – what that means is twins, triplet. He said a day will come when you and your children want to travel, you will need a bus.

I think you need to think twice before you say amen.

God wants to be extra generous to this particular woman; don’t be afraid, if He provide the children, He will provide the means to take care of them.

Glory be to God.


Let there be light simply means God chase away the darkness of barrenness; chase away the darkness of fruitless efforts; chase away the darkness of failure.

Barrenness does not mean the fruit of the womb as children are concern alone.

If you are working hard and there is nothing to show for it, that is a form of barrenness.

If those who meet you in the office are promoted ahead of you, that could mean a form a barrenness.

If you are studying hard and you keep failure your exams, that could be barrenness.

Let there be light simply means chase away the darkness of barrenness in any form whatsoever.

And so, your prayer number seven will simply be: Father, please let there be light and chase away the darkness of barrenness from my life, from my family, from my ministry, from my business.

 Now, in John chapter 8 verse 12, Jesus Christ said, I AM the light of the word, anyone who will follow Me will never walk in darkness.

Meaning what?

If you are following the Lord Jesus Christ, darkness should have no place in your life.

Because you are walking with the one who is the light of the world, all around you, light should shine.

So, when those of us who are children of God are praying, that prayer number seven let us pray it with anger.

Tell darkness you cannot be near me, I belong to Jesus and where Jesus is light must reign supreme and darkness wherever you come from you go back there.

Barrenness you go back to sender, failure you go back to sender; poverty you go back to sender, I am walking with light; darkness should have no place in my life.

But if you are not yet a child of God, if you have yet come to the light, because if you are not His child, there are only two fathers, is either you have Jesus as your father or the devil is your father and the other father is the prince of darkness

But if you make up your mind tonight and I say I don’t want to be in darkness anymore, I want to go to the One who said I am the light of the world

If you say bye bye to the prince of the forces of darkness, and you come to Jesus Christ, He will receive you, He will save your soul and His light will begin to shine in your life.

Wherever you may be, if you want to move out of darkness  into light, if you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, if you would please bow your head wherever you may be and cry to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to please save your soul, forgive your sins, give you a new beginning so that you can now become a member of His family, member of the family of light, I will join my faith with yours and I will pray for you in a moment before we begin to round up.

So, if you want give your life to Jesus Christ, wherever you are, I cannot see you but God can, bow your head, cry to the Almighty God and say please save my soul; O Lord Jesus Christ, receive me into the family of God. Because the Bible says to as many as received Him to them give him power to become sons of God. He can receive you into the family of light tonight. Bow your head and cry to Him and I will pray for you in a moment.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

And so, my Father and my God I want to thank You for Your word; I want to give You all the glory honour because You are the Light of the world and when You decide shine there is no way darkness can resist you. I thank You for all those who are surrendering their lives to You tonight, please receive them, save their souls, let Your blood wash away their sins, give them brand new beginning, please write their names in the book of life, and receive them into to the family God. And Father, I am praying that from now on when they cry unto You for whatsoever, You will answer them by fire. And I pray that every force of darkness will leave them alone. Thank You my Father and my God.

And Lord I am praying for all Your children listening to us all over the world now, that as they go before You presenting these points that we have already listed for them, You will answer them by fire. Father I am praying, King of glory, that every one of them will have a testimony even before the end of this month. Father, I am praying that even as I have decreed in Your name that by this time next year, all of them, at least as many of them that can come to the convention will be coming with their children. And Lord God Almighty, in Your own miraculous way, open the wombs of every one of us, physical wombs, marital wombs, financial wombs, business wombs, ministerial wombs, spiritual wombs. Lord open our wombs, let Your light shine on every one of us and let Your name forever be glorified.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


Praise ye the Lord.





Pastor E. A. Adeboye
© 2025. RCCG Internet Outreach