SPECIAL BLESSINGS FOR CHILDREN 6th of April, 2007Well let somebody shout halleluiah! I know without any doubt that there is someone her tonight, who will never bury his/her children if you are the one let me hear you shout halleluiah. Before we continue please take care of your children, this auditorium is big and if a child should stray away, it will be difficult to find his/her way back so please keep your children close to you. I have the feeling that the destiny of some children will be changed tonight. And when we are talking about children, I want you to know that we are all children in the hands of God Almighty. The oldest person here tonight that I know very well is less than hundred years old, I know someone is ninety something but the God we are talking about has been before mountain where brought forth, from everlasting to everlasting, He is God. He has no beginning, He has no ending, He is older than our greatest grandfather, I want you to go to Him this evening and say Daddy, I just want to bless your holy name, I want to thank you because I know tonight you are going to change my destiny for the better, I want to praise you, I want to adore you I want to magnify your Holy name. please go ahead praise Him, magnify His name, Praise the kings of kings, praise the Lord of Lords, praise the I am that I am. Praise the ancient of days, praise the unchangeable changer, He is the rock of ages, He has been before the mountain was brought forth, before your problem began, He was God and He knows how to uproot every mountain, praise His Holy name, give Him all glory, give Him all honour, give Him all adoration. Praise Him, praise Him. Oh yes give Him all glory, give Him all honour, give Him all adoration. Let Him know you love Him, that you appreciate Him, give Him all glory, give Him all honour, give Him all adoration. Lord I want to bless your holy name, ancient of days thank you. The I am that I am we thank you, king of glory thank you, the I am that I am thank you. The unchangeable Lord thank you, we bless your Holy name, we bless your Holy name, we bless your Holy name. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you king of Glory, we give you all glory, we give you all the honour, we give you all the adoration, blessed be your Holy name, blessed be your Holy name, blessed be your Holy name. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you king of glory, we praise you Lord, you are worthy, worthy, worthy to be praise. You are worthy to be praise, you are worthy to be adored, you are worthy to be magnified. King of kings, Lord of Lords, the, I am that I am, the ancient of days, the father of fathers. Oh we give you all the glory, you are the everlasting father, other fathers come and go but you remain forever, you never grow old, you are the I am that I am, you are the unchangeable Lord, you live forever, we bless your name, we bless your name, we bless your name, we bless your name, you are the Father with many names, you are the Almighty, your name is wonderful. You are counselor, you are the mighty God, you are the everlasting Father, you are the prince of peace, you are the Alpha and Omega, you are the beginning , you are the ending, you are the one who is, you are the one who was, and the one who is to come, you are the king of glory, you are the Lord of host, we bless your name, you are the holy one of Israel, we bless you lord, you are Jehovah Shalom, you are Jehovah Nissi, you are Jehovah El-shaddai, you are Jehovah Ralpha, we give you all the glory, you are the great provider, you are the great provider, Lord God Almighty we bless your Holy name, we bless you forever and ever and ever. Be thou be glorified, you are the great physician, you are the light of the world, we bless your holy name Lord, thank you, thank you, we give you all the glory, all the honour you deserve it, Lord nobody loves like you, you love the world so much that you give your only begotten son that whosoever will believe in Him, should not perish but has everlasting life, thank you for your love, thank you for your mercy, the mercy that is as high as the heaven is above the earth. Thank you for pitying us as a Father will pity his children; we give you all the glory, thank you for your patience, thank you Lord thank you Lord, thank you Almighty, oh! Glory be to your holy name, we praise you Lord God Almighty for our children. Thank you that we too are your children, once upon a time we were children of devil, but now we are children of the Most High thank you for the opportunity to call ourselves the children of the Most High. Father we bless your name, Father we bless your name, Father we bless your name. Thank you my father, glory be to your Holy name, in Jesus name we have worship. Now lift up your voice to Him and say; Father, please don’t treat my prayers of tonight as empty noises, kindly hear me and answer me tonight. Father please don’t treat my prayers as empty noises tonight, please hear me and answer me. Hear me tonight Lord, hear me tonight, please don’t treat my prayer as empty noises Lord God Almighty, hear me to night and answer me tonight. Don’t treat my prayer as empty noises, please hear me answer me, answer me tonight answer me tonight… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Now lift up your voice to Him and say Father, please don’t let my children to be children of sorrow, Father please, don’t let my children to be children of sorrow, instead let them be children of Joy, let them be children of consolation, don’t let them be children of sorrow, don’t let them be children of sorrow, don’t let them be children of sorrow. I beg you my father and my Lord, let me have no more sorrow over my children, don’t let my children be a child of sorrow, make them children of laughter, children of consolation… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. You will continue your prayer and say Father, don’t let the enemy use my children to torment me, lets open our mouth and talk to the Almighty God, don’t let the enemy to use my children to torment me, please my Lord and my savior, I come to you tonight, to present this children to you, don’t let the enemy use my children to torment me, glory be to your Holy name. Glory be to God… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. We continue in our prayer for the children as you lift your voice to the Almighty God and say Father don’t let my children ever beg for food, let’s talk to the Lord you promise oh Lord that have never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread, don’t let my children ever beg for bread, don’t let my children ever be a beggars. I beg you my Lord and my creator, the situation that will make my children to beg for bread don’t let it ever happen, don’t let it ever happen, don’t let my children ever beg for bread. Thank you Father… in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Lift up your voice to Him and say Father, if there be any curse remaining in my family, because of my children remove them tonight, cancel them Lord, please because of these children any curse that may remain in the family, destroy tonight. Destroy, destroy, destroy any curse that may remaining my family destroy tonight, because of these children Daddy, these children that I know you love, children I know you love to carry, if there be any curse Father destroy now… in Jesus name we have prayed. Lift up your voice to Him and say Father let all my children be exceedingly great, Lord all of them without exemption. Let all my children you have given me be exceedingly great, be exceedingly great , be exceedingly great , be exceedingly great , be exceedingly great … Thank you my God, thank you Jesus thank you Jesus. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Now lift up your voice to Him and say Father, let every members of my family serve you don’t let anyone go to hell, let every member of my family serve you, let every member of my family serve you, let every member of my family serve you, young or old, near and far. Let every member of my family serve you. Don’t let anyone of my children go to hell, don’t let any member of my family serve you. Make my family a family of priest, let’s serve you Lord, help us to serve you, help us to serve you, help us to serve you. All the days of our life, let my family serve you, let my family serve you… Thank you Father. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Let us commit the elections that are coming into the hand of God and say Father, let it be peaceful, let it be successful, let it be free and fair. Let your perfect will be done in Nigeria. Let’s talk to the Almighty God. The elections are near Lord, we cry to you Almighty God let the election be peaceful, successful, free and fair that will bring glory to your Holy name, let your perfect will be done in Nigeria, let Your perfect will be done in Nigeria… Thank you Father. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. And you can go ahead and ask God for something special for this month…. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Lord Almighty, I want to bless your holy name. You are the parent of all parents. You are the source of all things you are the maker, the creator, you are the provider, you are the healer, you are the defender, the Almighty God, your name is wonderful, your name is counselor, you are the everlasting Father, you are the prince of peace, you are the Alpha, you are the omega, you are the beginning, you are the ending, you are the one who is, you are the one who was and the one who is to be. Glory be to your Holy name, Glory be to Your Holy name. We have come to you as your children tonight, please bless us, do something new in our life. Whatever maybe the plan of the enemy concerning us change them today, turn our destiny for good, let it be well with us, let it be well with Nigeria, let the election be successful, let the election be free and fair, have Your way in Nigeria oh Lord, have your way, let all be well at the end of everything tonight, let Your name be glorified. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed, let somebody shout halleluiah! I want you to shake hand with three or two people and say good evening, God will bless you tonight, God will bless you tonight. Please I repeat take good care of your children, this auditorium is big, even an adult could get lost here, so keep your children by your side and please when it is time for laying hands and anointing of children, for the sake of the children, please let there be no rush. We will not leave here until everybody has been attended to. Please whatever we do tonight because of the children, it must be done in a very orderly fashion. Mark 10 v 13 -16 the preacher who preached before me took a text, it was telling the same story that I wanted to speak on. Thank God, he took his text from Matthew, am taking my own from Mark, so maybe we will be able to add little to what the Evangelist had already said. It is always a dangerous thing for a pastor to preach after an Evangelist has spoken. God bless all our Evangelist in the name of Jesus and God bless our pastor in Jesus name. Mark 10 v 13 -16 and they brought young children to Him that He should touched them and His disciple rebuke those that brought them, but when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased and said unto them, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall not enter therein and He took them up in His hand, put His hand upon them and bless them, He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them and bless them. All children are born the same, born naked, dirty, helpless and totally dependent and most of the time very noisy and the noise of the children are very pleasing to the parent. If you are husband and your wife is in the Labor room and suddenly you heard a baby crying, you jump for joy and probably while the bible says we who are the children of God should make a joyful noise to the Lord (amen). When you find a house, where you find no noise, you can be sure there are no children there. In any house where there are children, healthy children, there is noise, the parent may say hey! Shut up, don’t you know I am studying but deep down they are happy, I pray for somebody here today, who have been believing God for the fruit of the womb, very soon in your home, there will be shout of children, children are born the same, there is nobody dressed from the womb. There is nobody born already washes before they are born into the world, there is no baby born that begins to walk on the same day, if there is such a child, the parent will be afraid but things change rapidly for children. Almost immediately after birth, things begin to change, after they’ve washed them and it is time to dress, things begin to change, the dress that the child of the president will put on is not likely to be like the one the son of the messenger will put on, by the time they become adult, the difference will be clear. However in the scriptures as well as among the elders there is prove that the son of a king can become a slave and the son of a slave can become a chief. Esther was a daughter of a slave, but she becomes a queen, what changes the son of a messenger to a president? It is something called the Blessing of God. That is one of the reasons you have brought your children tonight, to change their destinies. Not only that, one of the major reason why we say let us set a April apart for our children, is that not all it is not children that are born who will become adult, now we don’t want our children to die young. Some years ago, I noticed a pattern that when the changes of season comes. As we begin to move from rainy season to dry season, many, many children fall sick and many die, but God knows I love children passionately and I cried to Him, what do we do? That is why He said, set a month apart for them. And I thank God things have changed since then. I pray to tonight that all the children that are brought here, sickness will see them and run. Demon will see them and run. The bible say in Psalm 37 v 22 He said the blessed one will inherit the earth but the curse will be cut off, those that are blessed, they will live long, those who are bless the bible say they will inherit the earth, but those who are cursed shall be cut off. It is my prayer none of your children will die prematurely. When you consider two brothers in the bible; Esau and Jacob, am sure you know they are born of the same parents, they were born the same day, by the same mother, but one got a major blessing, the other got a residual blessing. When Esau came and say Papa I have come for my blessing, the father said someone has picked the blessing. He said don’t you have any blessing left, the father said, I have already made him lord. All the children that are brought here today, they will be master and not servants. By the time the two of them grew up, Esau was still blessed at least, he had 400 body guards. That is another story but at least he got a residual blessing and he prosper so much that wherever he goes, 400 body guard had to look after him, but the brother that got the original blessing became a whole nation. I pray for your children tonight, they will become a nation. Thank you Father, there is a pregnant woman here tonight, the Lord says the forces binding the baby in your womb have been scattered. So why did we bring our children to the Lord? For blessing. Your children are very crucial to your future; if you turn to Psalm 127 v 3 -5 the bible tells us certain things about the children. Psalm 127 v 3 -5 he said lo! Children are heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward and as arrow are in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of the youth. Happy are the man that have his quiver full of them, they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak to the enemy at the gate. What are children? The bible calls them heritage, He calls them fruits, He calls them reward, He calls them arrow, He calls them gate defender in other passages in the bible for example Genesis 22 v 16 -18. You can see that children are referred to as seed and determinant of your future; they are therefore your destiny. Thank you Jesus, The Lord said there is someone here, you are so weak, you can hardly sit down. The Lord asks me to tell you, strength is returning to you now. When you go to Exodus 20 v 4 -5, you find that children are also refer to as your generation, so therefore, a blessing on your children, means a lot to you, it mean a lot to your future, it means a lot to your destiny, so when we now look at the text we read in Mark 10 v13-16 You will see that the parents that brought their children to God are a very wise parent. And a closer examination of that story shows that God has a special interest in those parents because according to John 6 v 44 Jesus Christ said, no man can come unto Me except my Father draws him, even the parents that brought their children to Jesus Christ were drawn by God. Blessed parents, chosen parents, so all parents who brought their children here to the Almighty God, let me hear you shout halleluiah. Because you are blessed parent, and then in that text, we found that the Lord do certain things ,we may not have enough time to deal with them but at least, there are seven major things which the Lord did at that very moment. First, He was angry with those who are trying to prevent children to come unto Him when you go through the scripture, you will find out that there are only three times in the entire life of the Lord Jesus when He was angry. He was angry at the pretenders, those who were saying, why are you healing on Sunday? He was angry with those who were buying and selling at the temple. He was angry with those who were angry with those who were preventing children from coming unto Him Secondly, He gave an open invitation to the children, let them come unto me. Thirdly, He commanded obstruction on these children to give way; fourthly, He gave a big revelation, concerning children and the kingdom of God. He said these people you are trying to hinder are the owner of the kingdom of heaven, unless you become like one of them you are not going to enter. Then fifthly, He took the children up in His arms. Now when you study the bibles always pay attention to each word, He didn’t say He took one of them in His hand. What did it say? He took them in His hand, in other words, He suspended what He was doing and picked them one by one, one by one. Jesus Christ is going to carry me in His hand today. He carried them one by one. He then laid His hands on them, not just one out of them and then He bless them, took up the children in His hands, lay His hands upon them and bless them. We will look at He lays His hands upon them and then we will look at He blessed them. After that we will pray amen. The Lords said there is someone here tonight; He said I will extend my mercy to your children. Daddy says there is somebody here tonight, He said the frequent gathering of sorrow in your family, shall cease. He carried them; do you know that the Almighty God is able to carry you and all your problems and your children? In Isaiah 53 v 4 the bible calls Him the burden bearer. In Isaiah 46 v 3-4 He said I am the one who have been carrying you from the womb even to old age I will carry you. I have been carrying you from the womb, I don’t get tired, I will carry you even to old age. It was in the month of February that a famous evangelist; Dr Umai Epai was given testimony and he told us how a vehicle that contains his wife and his children fell into the river, the wife couldn’t swim, the children couldn’t swim but he could swim, he jumped in and he has to decide who do I rescue and he chose to rescue the wife and the children drown. I can see the pain in his voice; he was face with a choice, a horrible choice. Do I rescue my children and let my wife drown both there is a God, who can rescue wife and rescue children and rescue husband and rescue uncle and rescue aunty. He is God, He carry them all. Every burden in your life and in the life of your family , the Almighty will carry for you tonight. Then He laid hands on them, as we saw in Matthew 8 v 1-3 when he lays hands on people, it could be to reverse the irreversible according to Mark 5 v 35-42 When He touches someone, it could be to strengthen; it could be to banish weakness and illness. 1 king18 v 46, from the moment He touched Elijah, until he went to heaven in chariot of fire, He was never sick again. I prophecy into somebody here today as God touches you and touches your children, you will be heal. The irreversible will be reversed and you will never know sickness again. If I were you, I will say amen loud and clear. Thank you Father, the Lord says there is someone who is completely dry now, everything is completely dry. He asked me to tell you, I will give you rain. When God touches, it could be to impart wisdom. Deuteronomy 34 v 9; the bible says Joshua the son of nun was full of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. God commanded “Moses lay your hands on Joshua” and wisdom was imparted to him. As we bring our children forward tonight as hand are laid on them, during the anointing, the wisdom to excel shall be given unto them in Jesus name. And then He blessed them, this is where I am going to spend some time. He carried them, the burden bearer. He can carry you and carry your children. He lays His hands upon them to heal, to reverse the irreversible, to make sure that they remain forever healthy, to give them divine wisdom and then He blessed them. Let us consider the fact that children are seed in Matthew 3 v 3 - 8 The bible made it clear that not all seeds falls on good soil, not all seeds; that is why you will find out that not all children born of the same parents ends up the same way, some seed fall by the way side, some seeds falls on stormy ground, some seed falls among thorns and some seed fall on good soil. It is my prayer tonight that as your children, are blessed by the special grace of God, they will become seeds that fall on good soil. Every one of you the elders know that some people will dwell in a particular place and prosper there and some people will dwell in another place and die of poverty. I know quite a number of people who relocated because they felt the ground on which there are standing might not be a good soil, when you find yourself on good soil, when the Almighty God guides you to good soil, whatever you do there, you will prosper. I am praying for those of you who are here tonight, parents and children alike. Wherever your good soil maybe, God will take you there, let’s take these stories one by one. What about the children who fall by the way side, do we have example? Oh! Sure, those who fall by the way side always die young. Without achieving their destiny; A good example in the bible is the man called Absalom, you know the story very well, he was rebellious as ever and in 2Samuel 18 v 29 - 33, he died prematurely. I remember very well, as I was preparing for this sermon, I remember a young fellow about my age, some fifty years ago, 1957 in my village, to own a bicycle, is to be a special fellow, there were two kinds of bicycle then, they call one Rodge, they called the other Rally. Rally is the supreme thing. So to own a rally in my village then is like to own a Royce, this young boy was about my age mate and he had already bought a rally. Anything he touched just seems to be blossoming and then there was an elderly man in the village who married a young wife and the young wife was attracted to the man who has a rally and so the young man was having an affair with the new wife, and the elderly man called a family meeting, the meeting of those living in the compound, help me warn this boy, tell him to leave my wife alone; it was an open secret. Tell him to leave my wife alone and he promised, I won’t go near her again. After that warning, the elderly man put something on the wife, those of you who are old among the Yoruba tribe knows what we call “don’t climb”, when they put it on a wife, if you climb her, you won’t come down. That is how the young man went. He has a bright future but his seed feel by the way side. He was rebellious. He was doing those things that were not expected of a young fellow. He died young. I pray tonight, none of your children will die young in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord. Daddy says there is someone here tonight, that by now the fellow should be walking but he is still crawling, he will begin to take the first step tonight. Now that apply to children, it also apply to adult, to children, God is talking about something physical; the child that ought to be walking and he is still crawling he would begin to walk from tonight to, adult He is saying where you are suppose to be you are not there yet, so from tonight you will begin to walk halleluiah! The Lord says just to show you how great I am, the retarded will become a genius. Now let’s talk about the seed that falls on the stony ground, any child who falls on stony ground will grow up having no roots, he will never be able to stay long in any job, he will be going from one school to another, the marriage will never be permanent. In one house today, in another house tomorrow, that is how you know a child that falls on a stony ground. A good example is Cain Genesis 4 v 8 -12 and the Lord curse Cain, He said he will be vagabond, going from one place to another, never be able to settle down, when they are doing a trade it will fail, they try another, it will fail , they try another it will fail. Any of you who may have that kind of problem, you will get solution tonight in Jesus name. But then there is the seeds that fall among the thorns, a seed that fall among the thorns is a seed that will be destroyed by the enemy. There are people who are hated for no just cause, people hate them, in their place of work for nothing and they are hated in the home for nothing. If they ever succeed, to get married there will be one problem after another. Usually the enemies don’t stop until they have truncated their destiny. You will find an example in Act 6v8 Told us that Stephen perform great miracle among the people but they killed him in his youth, they stoned him, he did not offend them. Only God could have tell what Stephen could have become because his colleague; Philip became an evangelist with four daughters, all the four daughters prophecy. They did not even allow Stephen to reach the age of getting married because he fell among thorns. There are some of us who are living among thorns right now. The Almighty God will pull you out. I remember very well the story , I must have told you before, I went to greet a pastor and after I have greet them as I was about to leave, the wife was carrying a baby at her back and the people said the baby will never allow anybody to carry her, but as I was going, the baby stretched herself towards me, she stretched so violently that she was almost falling from the back of the mother, so I had to pick up the child and pray for the child. Not long after, the mother began to confess and said that was the day she was to kill that girl, the girl saw death coming, she saw a servant of God and stretched forward. The girl was born by thorn but the Almighty God rescued her. The mother died but the child is growing more beautiful than ever. Any thorn that wants to choke you to death the fire of the Almighty God will consume them. The Lord said there is someone here, He says the problem that your joy never lasted but from now henceforth, your joy will be permanent. Again we now find the seed that fall on a good soil when a seed falls on a good soil, it doesn’t matter they will continue to blossom. They are the people who Psalm 23 v 5 is talking about; He said thou prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy. David was growing up among thorns, left to his brother; David wouldn’t have been anything in the world. Even his father doesn’t want to present him for kingship. But God grab him and brought him into the midst of their enemy and right there, he anoints him that is why he said thou prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy. The people who fall on good soil are the people who are blessed. Who are anointed? It is my prayer that you and your children will fall on good soil in Jesus name, now children are seeds but they are also called heritage. Because when you a child, because blessing is like a river, it will begin to flow downward. A blessed father will translate to a blessed son; a blessed child will translate to a blessed father. Proverb 13 v 22 says a good man leave an inheritance for his children, children, the moment somebody is blessed in the family, from that time henceforth all those coming after him will receive blessing. Whereas if somebody in the family, just as blessing flow down, so do curses flow down, so if somebody is cursed the children will be curse, the children, children will be curse, unless God intervene. Our fathers know this in the olden days, when you want to marry. Not nowadays that you see somebody in the bus and you become husband and wife. In those days when somebody come into your family and he says he wants to marry your daughter, he will say I have heard, he will say go, I have heard, I will send you a reply. So he will begin to research into his family history, is there leprosy in their family? Has somebody run mad in the family before, elders am I speaking the truth? If the great grandfather is a leper they will say no, they didn’t study science, they didn’t know what we called DNA, but there are no curses upstream. If there is madness somewhere up stream, sooner or later it will show up again and they say sorry o! Our daughter is not for you. You know the story of Ghazi that the leprosy clings on you and your children. I pray to God tonight, if there is any curse remaining in the family, may the Almighty God destroy tonight. When your children are blessed, your heritage is blessed, your future is blessed, I remember one man, who had a mighty mansion in Osun, and we went to witness to him and he said, I am too committed to Satan, he said it is too late for me to accept Jesus. Please! Jesus will cancel every covenant, he said no way. He was a wealthy man, had a big mansion and died in his sin. The children removed the roof, the window one by one and sold them. I pray that your children will not become source of sorrow to you in the name of Jesus. And then we said children are the seed, they are your heritage, they are your destiny. So when you destiny is blessed, when your children are blessed, it means your destiny is blessed. Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone here, He said the enemies are changing tactics, He ask me to tell you, don’t worry, I am still the Lord of host. Ell they can change their tactics any way they want, they will meet the Lord of host waiting for them. A blessing can alter a destiny. An encounter with Jesus can dramatically change the destiny of someone. An encounter with the Almighty God, the unchangeable changer can determine how someone is going to end. A mad man can end up an evangelist as you find in Mark 5 v 1-20, a witch could end up become a divine treasurer, according to Luke 18 v 1-3, if your children are bless, your destiny can change beyond your wildest dreams. One sister was giving a testimony in London, she said years ago, a man prophesy to her and said sister, I see you live in a white man’s country, she laughed, white man’s country? She said maybe some black people bleached themselves. How do I get to a white man’s country? I can’t speak English, even if I can speak English, I don’t have whatever paper they use, where will I get the money for the ticket, but then God bless the children, the children went abroad and brought houses there and they began to have children there, they sent for their mama, come and help us to look after our children. And the one, who never taught she could get to Ikeja, is now living in Britain. It doesn’t matter what your destiny is tonight, it will change for the better and then the bible says children are arrows, arrows in the hand of the Mighty, the Lord say there is someone here tonight, He said, I should tell you , I will cause you to smile again. I will cause you to smile again. When I was studying the bible and I saw children compare to an arrow and I know that arrow are weapon of offence. If you want to fight your enemy, you stand here and send an arrow, that means if your children are blessed, then your enemies are in trouble because they are arrows that is what God calls them, provided they are appointed into the right direction in Genesis 14 ,if you read from 15-16 when Abraham heard that lot had been captured by the enemy, his army consisted of only those that were born in his own house, they are the one he use to rescue his brother. Something happen because I learn lesson from everything around me, something happen on this camp that showed me it is good to have children. All of you who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, my Father will answer you, those of you who have already had children nothing will happen to them in Jesus name. I have a dog, which I called lady white, when she first came to this camp she was very small and whenever I go out she will follow me and the big dog will begin to harass her, usually I will carry it in my hands so that the big ones will not harm her then she began to have children, the first time she had eight and the children began to multiply, now when she is going , surrounded by her children, any dog that is wise will stay away, but earlier this year, I was going out in the night to pray. Lady White out of excitement followed me alone. She forgot to call the children and we got to a place where there were two big dogs, oh! When they pounce on Lady White, before I could wrestle her from them, the nose was bleeding, the ear was bleeding, the head was bleeding. I took Lady white home and treated lady white and then I traveled, by two weeks later, I came back and I was going for my walk again, this time Lady white call all the children and my route took me pass those two big dogs and I saw something interesting, the two dogs taught , well we handle her the other time, so they tried to attack this time and Lady white did something very strange, she sat down and began to wag her tail and the children attacked those two big dogs, I had to rescue those two big dogs from the children. I decree tonight, your children will go out as arrow against the enemy. I think you should say amen to that. I can tell you more stories but let me leave it at that. However if the arrow is pointed in the wrong direction, if the arrow is in the wrong hands, it can have devastating effect. Consider the sons of Eli, they were arrows too, but they were arrows in the hands of the enemy and they destroy the destiny of their father in 1Samuel 2 v 27 - 34 that Almighty God said concerning Eli particularly in verse 30 there, after God have said you prefer your children above ne? Your children are misbehaving and you did not correct them the way you should. God then said in verse 30, He said , I said indeed that you and your father’s house shall stand before me forever, but now I said be it far from me and God went on to say those that I didn’t kill in your family will beg before they eat. The sons of Eli destroy the destiny of their father. I pray for you tonight your children will not destroy your destiny, I have share with you before, years ago, I went to preach in a house, I mean a group was meeting in a house, they invited me to come and preach and I was going to talk about the God of miracles now before they got ready they ask me to go and sit in the sitting room of the one hosting the program. It is in V.I , when I got in and I saw five living rooms in ascending order of splendors, I said I better change my topic, these people don’t need miracle, look at what I am seeing. The Lord spoke to me and said you are mistaken; they need miracle more than you think particularly the owner of this house. I went ahead and did my preaching. Later on I was to learn that in that house, there was one boy, who was on drug, oh there is wealth in the family but this child was symphony the wealth to buy drugs and when the mother refuse to let him have money to buy drugs, he decided to deal with the mother. He discovered the mother was travelling abroad, after the mother had packed, he sneaked some drugs into the bag of the mother so when the mother got abroad, they arrested her for carrying drug. You can imagine the embarrassment, not only the problem abroad, if the news had made the national paper here everybody will have said oh! So this is how they made the money. I pray your children will not become tormentor to you in Jesus name. And then the bible calls children gate defenders. He said blessed is the man whose quiver is full of arrow, they will not be ashamed but they will be able to answer those who are at the gate. Gate defenders; when you children are blessed you can turn the table against those who are mocking you. When your children are bless you can tell those who have been reproaching you to shut their mouths. Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone here those who are waiting for you to die will have to wait a long time. In Proverb 27 v 11 the book of proverb says be wise so that my heart can be glad, that I may answer him that reproach me. My son be wise, be blessed so that those things that I can’t do you will be able to do for me and silence those who are mocking me and reproaching me. I pray for you tonight the height that you cannot reach tonight, your children will go beyond it. I was sharing a story with people at the headquarter early in the year, I said I have a little house in my home town and at the back yard there is a place, a kind of elevated place where, a kind of place whereby when I am in town, I can pray, so when we went home around Christmas time, I went with my sons and we stood on that platform and we survey the compound, the concrete, the light , beautiful. I suddenly I remember the story my father told me several years ago. Because my father died in 1960, my father said that when he was young, all the young boys were cleaning the bush along the compound and one day as they were clearing the bush they began to make some prophesies as it were. One said when I am old I will build my house here, the other said I will build mine next to you and my father said I will build my own here and all of them like one, like thorn gang up against him, they said we are talking of building houses and you are talking, they say you will build a house! It happen before he married my mother. The thing must have pain my father so such that he remember to tell me even when I was old. I told my children see now, they said my father will never build a house by the grace of God my house is one of the most beautiful hose in ife-wara now and one of my son took a step further and said God is wonderful, the one that they say his father cannot build a house is the one God is using to build a city, there is somebody here today, it doesn’t matter what they say concerning you, your children will tell them that they are lying. Let me conclude. I am stopping early so that we have plenty of time to attend to the children so that there will be nourish. Before you begin to think of bringing your children for blessing, where do you stand with God, you see because the word of God is forever settle. Proverbs 10 v 7 says the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked will rot. I don’t have time to show you that another name for your children is memory, but it is easy to know that, it is your children that carry on your memory. The fact that you came into this world is illustrated with by your children. If you are doing the will of God, the bible say your memory will be bless, your children will be bless but the name of the wicked will rot. What do we mean by the name it’s your children, your children will carry on your name. The bible says if you are doing wickedly your children will rot. In other words even if wicked man has children at all it will be so that they can destroy his memory. So that when people see these children they don’t want to remember their parents. Before you bring your children to God, bring yourself first, male sure you are already on the side of God, it is only when you are on His side that your children have a future. When you are on His side that is when your children have a future. When you are on the side of God, the bible say I was young, now I am old, I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging to eat. If you are on the side of God, He will take care of your children, if you are not on the side of God, after you are gone, there will be a lot of trouble for the children, so please if you are a parent and you are not yet born again , for the sake of your children, come and give your life to Jesus and if you are a child remember there are parent who are good but the children themselves fell on stony ground, if you are old enough to know what is salvation, come and give your life to Jesus Christ, so that He can save your soul and the blessing of God can stick on you. If you are old enough to decide for Jesus Christ and you don’t decide for Him, no matter how much anointing that is put on your head, the sin will not allow the anointing to work. So those of you who want to give their life to Jesus come now…. Father I want to thank you because you are the one who said no man can come to you except the Father draws him, thank you because they have not refuse your drawing, please on their behalf accept our thanks in Jesus name, Father you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will never cast away, they have come now please receive them in Jesus name. Forgive them in Jesus name; let your blood wipe away their sin in Jesus name. Almighty God I am committing everyone of them into your hands, as you save their soul today with their names in the book of life, every blessing you have for us today give them their own portion in Jesus name. Let them serve you to the end; don’t let them go back to the world, thank you my Father in Jesus name. Let the serve you to the end, don’t let them go back to the world, thank you my father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Those of you in front let me hear you shout halleluiah. The greatest of all miracles is the salvation of soul, see so many souls save today and you are not even excited, I taught by now we will all be on our feet rejoicing and clapping, praising the Almighty God, putting our hands together for Almighty God, big, big clap to God showing Him that you really love Him, that we thank you for the salvation of soul. Now I want you to lift up your voice to the Almighty God, your children are your future, they are your destiny, lift up your voice to the Almighty God and say Father bless my future, bless my destiny, go ahead and pray. Open your mouth and pray. It is up to you, pray, your future is as stake, your destiny is at stake, Father bless my future, bless my destiny, bless my future, bless my destiny. Pastor E. A. Adeboye